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    War is Hell

    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

    Posts : 218
    Join date : 2018-07-27

    War is Hell Empty War is Hell

    Post by Kureji Toukei Wed Jun 17, 2020 5:03 pm

    That's what they all say, war is hell. Kureji played the role of a doctor at the Emporium, he had his reasons but he certainly wasn't prepared for the mass of bodies and victims that he had to help heal everyday. Some of them were proud to get their injuries on the basis of honour and pride, others wanted nothing to do with war and wanted to go back home to their families. There were people from all parts of life that he conversed and helped with. It wasn't quite getting to him yet, but even he had to admit that it's all quite depressing to deal with. The real reason he came here to act as a doctor is in the hopes of coming across kekkei genkai users, those who couldn't help themselves but this pragmatic attitude towards this was replaced by empathy towards the victims of war.

    "Take a break." a fellow medical ninja said, the idea did cross his mind a few times but it felt inappropriate to take one. "It's not as busy today, just take some time off." he persisted. He wasn't wrong and with his earlier thoughts in mind, he caved in and decided to take that break. Kureji was no longer wearing the mask that identified him as a member of Mockingbird, instead, his face is plain, his golden eyes are still notable, blood is rampant across his clothing, hair messy, it's quite clear to anybody that he's overworked himself. He still isn't far from the hospital district, more so on the sidelines where there isn't the sight of mass bodies or people that needed his help... he lost purpose of why he's even here, ever since Akihiro had gone off somewhere, he wasn't quite sure what his goal is anymore.

    What is he even doing here?

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

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    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:09 am


    The young boy moaned weakly as he was rushed to the emergency room. He was a genin from Kirigakure who had just come back from a particularly nasty battle. Poison gas of a variety never before seen or cataloged amongst the shinobi in his squad. The child was barely older than 13 and his body was a pincushion of needles each of them leaking a black substance that spread throughout his body. Black veins and red splotches covered him from head to toe and he was dying faster than the Ijutsu Specialists could heal him. His only hope was the doctors at the Heavenly Emporium and Kitsuki as his Squad Commander had been tasked with escorting him there. He was rushed carefully and quickly on a stretcher to the Hospital wing. He was crying tears of bile and gripping Kitsuki's wrist as she told him everything was going to be okay. She told him that he was a brave solider of Mizu no Kuni. That he was going to make it through this and that his family would be proud of him. There'd be medals and ceremonies and he'd live to see the next generation of shinobi. A generation that would grow up in free and peaceful lands without the scourge of war. All because of his heroic actions on the battlefield.

    Months ago, she'd have been unable to hold it together after seeing how badly the enemy had massacred him. She'd be unable to lie to his face telling him that she knew he was going to make it. But war had a way of changing you. She had seen countless die and countless suffer. Helping them meet their end with dignity and courage was as natural to her as playing the piano at this point. Her group made it to the Hospital District and she explained the situation to the attending physicians. They saw the state the young man was in and his age.

    "WE HAVE A CODE BLUE" the man screamed.

    The procedure for treating patients was relatively complex. There were so many wounded and many with injuries that required careful attention to detail. The World War had a way of bringing out the most destructive creativity in shinobi. Poisons that had never been thought of. Techniques that were so ingenious they'd win a Nobel Prize. Puppets and weapons that could only have been crafted by a depraved mind. The doctors of the Heavenly Emporium had devised a careful triage system to determine who got treated and when. Age, Village, presence of KKG, the severity of injuries, and the Theater of War were just some of the many points of analysis doctors used when they determined who would get treatment and who would wait. On the battlefield, ninja like Kit were the judge, jury, and executioner. In the Hospital District, doctors like Kureji were the Gods and Goddesses. They truly determined who lived and who died.

    Kitsuki sighed a breath of relief when the doctors converged on the boy and took him further into the facility for intensive care. She and the rest of her attending squad almost collapsed out of exhaustion and joy. If there was any place that could save him, it was here. Kitsuki recognized her posture and stiffened up. No crying. There was no violence in this place but eyes were always watching. Who was the weak point in Kiri's military? Who could be targeted? She spoke to her squad and instructed them to wait by his side or as close as the doctors would allow. She wasn't sure if the poison was infectious but she'd take care of herself later. That and she had Zizz to help her if anything went awry in her own body. For now, she'd collect herself a far a bit aways.

    Kitsuki practically marched out of the area and found herself nearby a certain Kotoshura-enfused doctor. She barely noticed the blood stained man when she began hyperventilating. She closed her eyes and tried to process what was happening She had never had a panic attack before. She had seen so much and she was certain that by now she had digested it all. This was the way things were now she had told herself. But after seeing her squadmate suffer like that, she had learned a new form of psychological terror. She realized the presence of the stranger next to her and fought through it by taking deep slow breaths. She opened back up her eyes and turned to him.

    "Do you *deep sigh* have a *pant* cigarette by any chance?" she said with labored breathing.

    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

    Posts : 218
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    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Kureji Toukei Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:37 am

    Kureji wasn't even taking a break to eat or do something else, he's just... sitting there. His thoughts entertained him for most of his break, thinking to what ninjas are capable of doing. The idea that if he stayed with Konohagakure, he could've been involved on the battlefield right now, fighting against enemies for a nation that never did anything for him. He saw it as a blessing that Akihiro came along when he did, to join Mockingbird. Although he's technically a missing ninja, his prowess as a medical ninja is undeniable and that's why the Emporium wouldn't turn him away. They were cautious at first, which is natural but as the months went by, they accepted him as one of their own. It made him think if there's ever going to be an end to the conflict and if so, what he can do next.

    Any other thoughts were gone when a girl came along, young-looking, her eyes were something that he saw too much of the past few months; suffering, in all the victims. It seems even on his break, he can't stop being reminded of what he goes through everyday now. "I don't indulge so I wouldn't have any on me, sorry." he politely said. He took note of the laboured breathing and could take a guess as to why she needed that smoke. "Keep doing deep breaths." he said, his golden eyes were now focused on hers. "Focus on a object if you have to or keep your eyes closed... give it a minute or two, I'm not leaving anytime soon... and remember, you're safe, you're not on a battlefield anymore." he didn't mind helping her, since it's a lot better than what he has to deal with back in the medical facility.

    "If you really need that smoke, I can get it for you." she's not in a stressful environment anymore since she's outside of the patient area, and he's here to assure that her panic attack doesn't get any worse. He wouldn't normally go get a smoke for a patient, but in these times, he doesn't blame them for it.

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:40 pm

    Kitsuki shut her eyes in frustration as the stranger said he didn't smoke. She couldn't blame him for not partaking. Quite frankly, a less than a year ago she'd probably have thought highly of him for it. She had quit smoking after graduating from the WASP and had taken up chewing gum. Sugar was a pitiful replacement for nicotine though and with nerves going haywire, it was the only thing she could think of to stop the psychological terror. It was bad enough he didn't have a cigarette, he had to lecture her on her breathing as well. She was normally a nice girl but the way this man was trying to counsel her was only making her more stressed out. He was highlighting the fact that he could tell she was deeply troubled. She was projecting weakness and that could get her squad killed in future encounters.

    She continued her breathing even as he spoke but eventually she couldn't take it anymore.

    "Stop talking" she said in response to his breathing suggestions. She followed them anyways but she didn't want him holding her hand through the exercise. After awhile, she began to calm down. Once the panic attack had subsided she responded: "A cigarette would be lovely thank you" her voice was shaky but she did her best to see untroubled. A Lady of the WASP was courteous and respectful even under pressure.

    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

    Posts : 218
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    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Kureji Toukei Fri Jun 19, 2020 7:04 pm

    Kureji wasn't offended by her words, he's dealt with all sorts of people at the Emporium. Prideful ninjas, honourable ones, even some who wanted to refuse their help. He's half-expecting to deal with some form of resistance at this point with those he tries to help, with a clone seal formed with one hand, a cloud of smoke popped up and in it, a shadow clone of Kureji. "Get that smoke." he said to the clone, who nodded and walked off, ensuring that Kureji stayed to help her calm down. "It's not easy, I know that, but stay strong for whoever you're waiting for. Whatever happened, we have some of the best medical ninja at work." from Kureji's glance, he could see that she isn't hurt that much... which meant someone else, a friend of hers is probably in the medical facility.

    The clone eventually came back, both with a cigarette and a lighter. He passed both along to the girl and afterwards, the clone disappeared into a cloud of smoke. He'd give her a few moments to have her smoke and once she did, he'd have another go to talk. "Does smoking help? being in there sometimes gets to me, it'd be nice to know some ways to keep it together." that's something he didn't want to admit, it's something he shouldn't have to admit rather... but he could tell that this war is getting to her, just like it's getting to him. He needed to vent, normally he had mockingbird to rely on but they're not around anymore... and now, the only one he can really talk to is a random girl he's met... it made him question his choices up to this point.

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sat Jun 20, 2020 11:43 am

    The stranger wasn't offended by her command which was good. Kit wasn't in the mood to argue or fight. She noticed him make a shadow clone and wondered whether he was an active duty combatant like she was or just a doctor. He told her to stay strong for her genin and she nodded genuinely appreciative of his kind words. Despite how he snapped at her, he didn't lose his cool. The way he talked also seemed to indicate that he worked at the hospital. It made sense given his attempts to counsel her. The clone returned with a cigarette and lighter which it proceeded to hand to her.

    Kit stared at the clone for a second before accepting the items. He hadn't even offered to light it for her. Chivalry truly was dead. It occurred to her that might be unable to light it for her due to the Hippocratic Oath but somehow she doubted that was the case. It was more likely the case that he, like many other men in the world, had no sense of gentlemanlyness. Kit was still clinging to a tradition that had been murdered by the War.


    She placed the cigarette between her lips and began to light it. She noticed her hands were shaking and in her haste to light the cigarette she almost dropped it. Fuck! she thought to herself as the tremors refused to subside. She realized she was making a fool of herself trying to light the cancer stick. She gave it a few more goes and when the object nearly dropped from her grip once more, she decided to give up. She'd look weaker if she kept trying. At this point, it was better to just swallow her pride and ask for help. None of this would have happened if he hadn't just lit it for her like a real man. She gripped the cigarette between her lips and handed him the lighter.

    "Do you mind?" she asked with a hint of impatience.
    Fuck your Oath! A very out-of-character thought for a kunoichi who was once the most well-mannered girl in Kiri.

    Hopefully the doctor would get her meaning and light the cigarette for her. Once that was done, she'd answer his question in the affirmative.

    "Yes..." she said. Part of her didn't want to talk to him. Conversing with strangers even in the neutral zone could have disastrous consequences on the battlefield. Loose lips sink ships and all that good stuff. She took a few deep drags from the cigarette and the tremors started to die down. She blew a cloud of smoke into the air and sighed. Another part of her couldn't stand the silence. She needed someone to talk to and Zizz knew that now was not the time. The two were inseparable but that didn't mean their relationship didn't have its ups and downs. Zizz blamed herself for the boy's suffering. Any and all limitations of her power was taken as a personal failure. This irritated Kitsuki and made her angry at Zizz, not because the Angel had done anything wrong per se, but because she couldn't accept that they weren't able to save everyone. There had been radio silence between them for the past day or so. Kureji was someone to talk to and she couldn't resist the urge of getting something off her chest. "It helps...a lot actually. I quit some time ago but I took it back up again because of well you know.....I guess I could recommend it. Opium makes you a useless junkie, alcohol dulls your senses, weed affects your memory....I could go on but I don't need to tell you that...Doctor...?" her voice wasn't trembling but there was a clear ache to its tenor.

    Haruko Kaguya
    Haruko Kaguya

    Village : Kirigakure
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    Age : 23

    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Haruko Kaguya Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:47 pm

    Hues of frozen azure held a look in them just as cold as the icy hue, a short woman stepped with determination towards the hospital district of The Heavenly Emporium, gaze raised towards her destination. This was a far cry from the young woman whom returned to Kirigakure years ago, the once reserved, timid, and confidence lacking Kaguya-Yuki hybrid had grown into a fine warrior since her return, and it shown. The Haruko of old would've stepped timidly, gaze down at the ground. Now she had a confident stride, determination in her soft features, and her gaze sharp. The sound of radio chatter would buzz from a transmitter she carried, a pale hand bringing it to where she could respond. "I'm arriving now." is all she'd respond with before her hands both was set in front of her, shoving a pair of double doors open and stepping through the threshold, entering the hospital. She was about to be greeted by a receptionist at the desk but was very quick to cut her off. "I need details on the condition for the Kiri Genin that arrived a bit ago, boy who'd been affected by poison. Now." Haruko's voice could be described as sweet, had it not been for the sharpness in her delivery. Voice of an angel one could say, soft, kind, but there was an undertone of ice, a lack of warmth in her tone, to the point and with authority.

    "Y-yes ma'am" the desk worker responded, standing from her position and rushing off towards where the boy was being treated.

    Haruko watched with nearly a cold glare as they rushed off, but in doing so, caught sight of a familiar face. Kit. It didn't surprise Haruko at all though, in fact she'd been surprised if Kit wasn't here at this point. The young woman would make her way towards Kit and Kureji, a hand reaching up to swipe her hood back and reveal long snow white locks, Haruko wearing an outfit akin to a dress and cloak mixed together, a short tight skirt left a fair bit of her legs show, and the low cut neckline would show she was not as flat-chested as she was when she was younger. Likely something to do with being properly fed for the first time in years, no longer stunting her growth. Her features softened as she approached, she was quick to read the stress on Kitsuki's face, and while Haruko had become hardened over the years--especially during this war--she still held her kind heart within...a Golden Heart, flanked by ice. There was no point asking what was wrong--it surely was the same reason she was here. Haruko stopped a bit away from the two of them, hearing Kit explain how she'd quit smoking, but had taken back to the habit with the stress of war...As she listened, the desk worker from before returned, speaking to Haruko briefly, before the Kaguya-Yuki hybrid nodded in response. With a sigh, she would approach fully, coming up to stand only a couple meters away from the Kiri Shinobi--and the Konoha Doctor.

    "...The boy is going to be in excruciating pain until the morning--but he'll survive...thanks to you helping get him here as quick as you did, Kitsuki-san." Haruko would deliver the bittersweet news, voice flat, lacking of emotion. Haruko's life until the war had prepared her much better for the horrors she'd face, the young woman was much more stable, able to cut off her emotions--even if behind the thick walls of ice and bone--she was a very emotional person. Very passionate one. Still...Haruko would keep her icy hues focused on Kit, only giving the unknown doctor a glance and small nod of acknowledgement.

    Data Book Entry: Haruko Kaguya:
    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

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    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Kureji Toukei Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:27 am

    Kureji hadn't considered that aspect, the fact she's shaking so badly to the point she can't even light her own cigarette. "Oh, sorry." he quickly apologised. He went on over and picked up the lighter from her hands, with a click of the pad, the flame lit up and he placed it against the cigarette's tip. It finally caught flame and she could start smoking. He placed the lighter on the side, in-case she wanted to pick it back up. "Fair enough... not sure if I'll really get into smoking, but you make it sound appealing." there would be a time he'd think from a logical mindset of outright refusing to smoke, purely because of what it can do to a body, now he's considering it as a way to de-stress himself. "You don't have to, but small talk like this distracts me from thinking about going back to work." he jested to himself, it's not that he hated it, but it's certainly not fun.

    A white-haired woman introduced herself to the duo sitting, passing off the news that their mutual friend is going to make it through the morning, albeit in pain. It was good news, but the part about the pain made him already think of what the genin is going through. "You ever think that with each generation, more and more destructive fighting styles will develop to the point that entire nations can get destroyed easily?" he wouldn't be surprised if there's people in the world who can do that already, but he more so referred to the general public having more access to dangerous arsenals. "A part of me wants it to happen, to let the fear run deep into the population that such a possibility exists and let the fear deter those from warring again... but that might be too harsh." at this point, it was like he's talking more to himself than the other two.

    "You both know each other it seems, I'll move over then." he wasn't sitting far off from Kitsuki but he maintained a respectable distance, after he scooted over a fair bit, a seat was warmed and offered to the white-haired woman. His bloodstained clothes might be a indicator to her that he's a doctor of the medical facility. "Not many have survived in there, so that's really good, for your friend." the past few months have been a series of close calls, there were lives he could've saved, there were others that were dead the moment they entered the facility... but he didn't want to think on that, not now. He'd keep to himself as the two would further converse and pay attention to that.

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
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    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:21 pm

    Kitsuki was releived that Kureji had realized her meaning and lighted the cigarette. She was partially releieved because that meant she could have her smoke, she was also relieved that it meant she didn't have to badger him for his refusal. His comment afterward was strange and as she took a few puff from her cigarette she gave him a quizzical look. He had answered her question quite literally and had not given his name. Maybe he misunderstood what she was asking. That was rather likely given her tone was off due to recent events. She shrugged and continued to smoke her cigarette in peace. Moments later, Haruko Kaguya left the hospital.

    Kitsuki's first urge was to run over to the kunoichi but that desire quickly died. She wasn't sure if she could take bad news and having it come any faster wouldn't make the pain go away. She couldn't tell what the verdict was just by looking at Haruko. The Kaguya-Yuki was not that easy to read. The War had affected everyone differently and Kit had noticed that over the past few months her friend had become more confident. She cared for her Nin but she had an aura of professionalism and detachment that one might mistake for aloofness. Kit herself had been often accused of the same. Maybe it was a self-defense mechanism that all Kiri-Nin were born with. Today, however, Kit's self-defense mechanism was malfunctioning and when Haruko arrived the worry was clear on her face.

    "....How is he?" she'd ask desperate to keep her panic at bay.

    Haruko reported that while he would suffer until morning, he would ultimately survive his injuries. Kits gasped as though she had resurfaced after almost being drowned. It was a good thing they were outside where there was fresh air otherwise she might have retched. Kit doubled over and gasped before standing back up straight. There were tears flowing down her cheeks. She couldn't hold them back. She wasn't the religious type but she thanked whatever God dwelt above in the Heavens for allowing her subordinate to live. She wiped away the tears as quickly as they came. Haruko was rising through the ranks of Kiri's military at a fast pace and this was one of the reasons. She had delivered the news without emotion. Her personality had solidified into a stable rock surrounded by a sea of violence and chaos. Kitsuki had done well herself but she wished she could be as unaffected by the day's events as Haruko. Perhaps it was because she had had lofty expectations for the shinobi world. Expectations that were soon shattered once the War broke out.

    "Thank god...thank god" she repeated. Haruko praised her for getting him to the hospital just in the nick of time but she barely heard it. "It was nothing...I should have done more, should have been able to protect him. I-I should have..." she was going to say more but grief was making her lose her train of thought. Then out of nowhere, the strange doctor began talking about the development of shinobi. She looked over to him with a mixture of confusion and annoyance. Her expression was similar to the face you made when that one weird kid in your class started talking about skinning his pets.

    She considered his words before giving a straight-forward answer:

    "Yes...I do think about that and yes I do think that's too harsh. Part of my job is to make sure that those catastrophes don't happen. The world doesn't run on fear, it runs on valor. I won't let this world come apart and not just for Kiri's sake...for everyone's"

    When Kitsuki had accepted Zizz into her life she had made a pact. A solemn promise to use the Angel's power to counter the forces of evil and darkness. To uphold truth, justice, and peace for all sentient beings. Any entity or person that sought to destroy that peace was her enemy and she'd move Heaven and Earth to stop them. She wasn't perfect, she'd lose, make mistakes, and suffer for her efforts. However, every day she'd get back up and keep fighting that good fight. It was always in her nature to be like that but the WASP, Zizz, her own friends and family in Kiri had all brought out that aspect of her spirit and she intended to keep following the path they had laid out for her.

    She wasn't especially angry at the doctor. He was probably so jaded at this point that he couldn't see much hope for humanity. There was a spirit of war-weariness among the physicians here and she couldn't blame him for being so cynical. She wouldn't let his opinion affect her duty though. Kitsuki took a deep drag from her cigarette and exhaled. A cloud of smoke drifted upwards as she considered what he had to say next.

    The kid was lucky to be alive but she didn't need a doctor to tell her that much. She had seen his wounds and so had Zizz. She sighed not really seeing fit to respond to his comment. Instead, she turned to Haruko and said:

    "I'll notify his kin. He'll survive but I expect he will be at the hospital for awhile. Once the doctors give the greenlight, we'll try to transfer him back to Kiri"

    Kit turned to the doctor deciding she might as well make use of his knowledge. She was back in information-gathering mode. She could only grieve and be upset for so long before the call of the job pulled her back to her senses. It wasn't entirely healthy but she'd manage.

    "How much do you know about poisons?"

    Haruko Kaguya
    Haruko Kaguya

    Village : Kirigakure
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    Age : 23

    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Haruko Kaguya Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:19 am

    After having come back outside and finding the two, Haruko would be the one to relay the information to Kit. Not to anyone's surprise, she seemed worried, and anxious to hear the news. Even asking her before she was able to answer. But the answer was given to Kitsuki and the dark haired woman had a very animated reaction, a silent sigh escaping Haruko's nostrils as her fellow Kiri Shinobi broke down, unable to contain the emotions she'd been trying to hold at bay, thanking the heavens for the news that the boy would survive. The war was clearly getting to Kit, and Haruko wasn't blind to it. The two of them had very different upbringings, Haruko had spent three years of her life effectively a slave, a prisoner, used--abused--all for fun and pleasure. She'd seen horrors at a young age no one should see, she'd experienced the true harsh cold world they lived in first hand. This helped prepare her, helped shape Haruko from the insecure, timid, even stunted emotionally and mentally girl who returned to Kiri years ago, into the cold and solid as ice woman today. The day she had found out the truth of her parents was the day the last bit of innocence was stripped away from the Kaguya-Yuki hybrid.

    Kit was seemingly coming to the realization of how bitter the world truly was. How cold. Heartless. A child to an enemy is just another target, as such is the cruel world of war. Haruko had been that child whom no one gave any mercy too simply because of her age...she'd been just about the same age as the boy whom now lay in a hospital bed poisoned, when she watched her entire squad burned to ashes in front of her eyes, just to be captured and tortured for years to come. Now...the war, the horrors it brought, it simply made the woman have to disconnect even more.

    But still. Beneath the Ice was the kind sweet woman she'd always been. To say this didn't affect Haruko would be a lie...she simply refused to allow herself to show the pain.

    Haruko's hand reached out and would gently rest on Kit's shoulder...possibly a strange feeling for those not akin to feeling the cold touch of a Yuki, Haruko's hand cold as ice. "Kit, if you take on all the blame you'll be to weighed down by the burden to protect the rest...you did what you could and it was enough, the boy will live..." she'd do what she could to calm Kitsuki, Haruko's eyes glossed over and distant as she almost looked through and past them.

    Her ears would burn, it was Kureji, Haruko's focus shifting for a moment to the doctor and what he was saying. While his want for what he was saying to happen wasn't agreeable, Haruko did feel they was heading towards such a future--if not already in a reality where that could be a possibility. The power of individuals was great, and the possibility of one person being a threat to an entire village, or even nation, was high. She'd glance back to Kit as she responded, Haruko's hand returning to her side as the fellow Kiri-Nin seemed a hint annoyed at the doctors words.

    She'd remain quiet for now, letting Kit respond, noting that Kit was being more her normal self as she went on to mention transferring the boy back to Kiri. Haruko nodded in agreement, before taking a couple steps to come and sit where Kureji had made room for her, giving him a silent nod in thanks for scooting over.

    Data Book Entry: Haruko Kaguya:
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

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    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:53 pm

    Kitsuki felt Haruko's icy cold hand on her shoulder. The woman's words were warm but her voice, touch, and countenance was like a glacier. Haruko Kaguya was a shinobi whose stock was rapidly rising in the village. The Yuki-Kaguya's prowess in combat was on an upper level but even more striking was the fact that she seemed unperturbed by the barbarity of the conflict. The way she approached the profession was with the detachment and skill of a renown surgeon operating on someone who they did not know. Kit looked at Haruko and in that moment she envied her. How can she be so calm? So untroubled? Kitsuki wished she could just turn off her emotions as Haruko appeared to be doing. It wasn't exactly graceful to be crying and smoking in the aftermath of a major battle and yet here she was doing it. She nodded absentmindedly as she accepted Haruko's praise. If she hadn't gotten him here in time, he'd have died. That was true but it didn't make her feel any better. But Haruko was right, she couldn't keep blaming herself. If she let herself be weighed down by his injuries then how could she save the next subordinate? They were counting on her just as much as this young genin had.

    She took a deep breath, collected herself, and did her best to move forward. It was done. He would live, she would go back to the front, and the world would continue fighting. She had tried to get information out of Kureji but that was likely to go nowhere. The lack of response was telling. She remembered that the doctors who worked here were strictly bound by the laws of neutrality. They had to be super careful with what they said and did. Technically, giving an foreign nation information about poisons could constitute giving "technical military assistance" to another nation. It would jeopardize the sacredness of the Heavenly Emporium's neutrality and thus she understood why he might want to keep mum about the subject. It still pissed her off though. She finished her cigarette, smoldered it, and then tossed it.

    "Nevermind...you probably can't speak on it anyways. Thanks for the cigarette and.....keep doing what you're doing. You're saving lives and that means something, especially now."

    He wasn't her cup of tea and his prediction about the future of shinobi warfare was rather dark. Nevertheless, he was doing the work of an Angel in this hospital. It was because of shinobi like him that her subordinate was going to make it. She couldn't be mad at him if he was a bit "off." Seeing what he saw and making the decisions that he had to, she'd probably be a little mad too if she was in his shoes. She got up from the bench and gestured for Haruko to follow. That way the pair could talk freely about Kiri business without needing to be interrupted.

    "The hospital probably won't give us any information on the poison used. I know there is a form you can fill out requesting information but the approval process for releasing that intelligence will take so long that the war will be over by then. We can't let one of our Nin get hit by an attack like that again..." she said. The memory still haunted her but she had fought off the pain and trauma. She was back in go-mode.

    Haruko Kaguya
    Haruko Kaguya

    Village : Kirigakure
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    Age : 23

    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Haruko Kaguya Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:49 pm

    Haruko was no mind reader, she couldn't know what ran through Kitsuki's head as she made an attempt to calm her comrade. But when Kit's dark green orbs shifted to look to Haruko, the young woman blinked--the 'gloss of ice' over her eyes taken with the blink, and she'd focus her glacier blue hues to meet Kit's eyes. She could see it in Kitsuki's face, eyes. Enough to get the gist of how Kit might be feeling. When she'd see Kit nod Haruko would give a reassuring smile, trying to lighten up the mood, even if that was an impossible task.

    Haruko watched her friend collect herself, taking in a breath and such. Haruko may not have been able to soothe any of the emotional stress Kit was under, but she'd at least helped the young woman calm down a little. If Kit couldn't be strong all the time that was fine, Haruko would be there for her. Haruko had felt what it'd been like to be abandoned, no one there for her--she had to get herself out of her situation, with her own strength. She wanted to be there for others, because she'd felt what it was like to have no one there for her. She'd wait for Kit to finish her smoke, while she herself wasn't a smoker--she figured it helped relieve stress...or so she'd heard at least.

    She was about to say something, but Kitsuki was quick to say her piece towards the doctor. While she thanked the man for his work, Haruko could almost feel the frustration in her voice. With that, Kit stood from the bench and requested Haruko to follow--the Kaguya-Yuki hyrbid nodding and standing up, turning and giving Kureji a small wave before following after Kitsuki, catching up with her quickly and walking beside the young woman. Haruko's ear burned with the thoughts of her fellow Kiri nin, nodding in response. "While the hospital and entire Emporium are helpful to be an agree'd neutral zone, it comes with its negatives..." she'd agree with Kit about them loosing out on that information. She'd take in a deep breath and sigh it out, coming to a stop once she figured they was far enough away from anyone else and focusing her ice blue hues on Kitsuki--contrasted by a thin line of crimson eyeliner under her eyes.

    "Kit, maybe you should take a break away from the front lines...I know its putting a lot of stress on you, and has me worried..." she'd go on to say, and for the first time since arriving her features had softened, the concern was visible in her expression and eyes as she looked towards the taller girl. Haruko really was short...

    Data Book Entry: Haruko Kaguya:
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    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:57 pm

    When Kit heard her comrade she stopped walking and turned to face her. Kitsuki saw the look of expression and concern in Haruko's eyes. It was rare for Haruko to show that degree of emotion and so it caught her off-guard. She swallowed as she racked her brain for a way to respond. She stared at the woman blankly for a few seconds.

    "I- no, I uh..."

    Kitsuki didn't want to be on the frontlines. It pained her. She didn't enjoy fighting but she was good at it and she felt obligated to serve her country. She knew that the War wasn't about right or wrong but she knew that on the frontlines she could save lives. She never aimed to kill, only incapacitate and with her abilities she was in a far better position to save Kiri-Nin than most other shinobi. Kitsuki's role was about minimizing the harm on both sides even as she fought for the Empire. It was a unique mission that transcended national allegiances. It was mission given to her by Zizz and one that she had accepted wholeheartedly so that she could embody the ideals of Headmaster Sukimori. She had insisted that she wanted this life and yet it was slowly tearing her to pieces. Kitsuki had logged more time on the frontlines than any shinobi with the exception of a select few. One of them was now standing in front of her and telling her to rotate out. The words caught in her throat and she felt the tears welling her eyes. This time it wasn't for the young boy she had saved, it was for herself. Was it that apparent that she was falling apart? Kit fought them back but the redness was still prominent.

    "....I can't Haruko. You know that. The other ninja, they aren't like us...they can't do the things we do"

    Kitsuki was referring to the sea of shinobi that had been conscripted in the Empire. Ninja from not just the Isles but from the colonies as well. They were strong, occasionally strong enough to make a difference but there wasn't enough of them. It was shinobi like Kit and Haruko who really decided whether a battle was won or lost. The presence or absence of kunoichi like them would dictate the number of casualties on their side.

    "I can't step away from the frontlines Haruko, we can't afford it....I can't afford it! I can handle the stress I know I can. This was a one-off thing I promise, you don't have to be concerned"

    Kitsuki was pleading now. There was a hint of desperation in her voice and it wasn't necessarily helping her case. She knew that Haruko had more pull in the military than she did. Even as a member of the Royal House, Kitsuki was not from a noble clan and the generals in this war valued coldness. It was a trait that had helped Haruko's career and stunted Kitsuki's. She had been chastized for saving her comrades when she should have pressed the offensive. She had been reprimanded for not going all out against children who could barely fight her. If Haruko sent word to the right people, she'd be taken off the frontlines indefinitely. They couldn't afford to bench her for the entirety of the war, Kit was far too valuable for that, but she wouldn't be where she felt she was needed most. Kit once more looked into Haruko's icy blue eyes. She pleaded with her peer. She knew she was worried but right now Kit couldn't handle being taken off the field of combat.

    Please....Haruko...I need this...I need to help...No matter the cost.

    Haruko Kaguya
    Haruko Kaguya

    Village : Kirigakure
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    Age : 23

    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Haruko Kaguya Tue Jul 28, 2020 9:10 pm

    The young woman remained with the same concerned look on her features as she watched Kitsuki stumble for words. The war was breaking the younger Kunoichi down, and Haruko confronting Kit about it would only draw it out of her. Her look of concern only worsened as Kitsuki racked her mind for a response, and the tears barely held back when she finally did speak. She felt she couldn't leave the front lines of war, it came out slowly at first but by the end of it, Kitsuki almost begged Haruko to stay. The Kaguya-Yuki hybrid took in a deep breath and her frozen ocean hues would shift off to the side and down--something she used to do when she lacked condifence--but now because of something else, weighing her thoughts with Kitsuki's desires for a moment, Haruko was visibly in thought.

    Almost as if ice had metaphorically flashed across Haruko's face, her features of concern softened back into a neutral stoic look, and she'd raise her view back to meet Kitsuki's, Haruko's eyes showing the coldness that had brought her up so quickly in Kirigakure's military, the hints of seriousness in them. "Than show me that you are ready to stay on the frontlines. Because right now your lips say one thing, but your body language says another. Your eyes are pleading, but they're still red from crying...Kitsuki, you're my friend, I don't want to see you torn apart by the brutal realities of war..." by now, her features was softening again, less harsh, more fading back into concern for her friend, yet still the face of a hardened warrior. One who could encase her heart in ice if need be...even if the flames of passion did burn from within to melt that ice every now and than.

    "You said it yourself...we're not like the others...they don't have the training we do, the abilities we do...But if we don't have the mental and emotional fortitude...we're weak too...If you want to remain here, stand by my side in battle, than I need to feel like you mean it...because I don't feel like you mean what you say...part of you wants to go home, am I right? You can...I'm saying you should...but if you want to stand and fight, make a difference, be by my side, than you better mean it." she'd go on to say, one could maybe call this tough love, she was giving Kitsuki the full range of her thoughts...while Kitsuki obviously wanted to be there for her country, this war, seeing her comrades injured--die--in front of her. It could change someone. It could make anyone wish to get away from it. Haruko understood this, but felt Kitsuki was riding the middle line--when she needed to pick a lane and stay firm.

    Data Book Entry: Haruko Kaguya:
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    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Tue Jul 28, 2020 9:43 pm

    Haruko didn't bend to Kit's begging. The woman was too rigid for that, too cold. There was genuine concern in her eyes and in her voice but she wouldn't be moved by mere statements. She had a responsibility to Kit to ensure that the girl was not a liability on the battlefield. As one of the ranking field shinobi, Haruko couldn't allow for an emotionally compromised ninja to jeopardize their own safety or that of the squad's. Kitsuki understood Haruko's predicament. She was concerned about her as a friend but she also had to consider the state of the war as well. It wasn't a situation that she envied, in fact, it was one that she hoped to avoid all her life. She had no ambitions of becoming Kage but even if she did, the ability to detach herself from the bonds of friendship and to make tough decisions like that of a Emporium Surgeon was not something she could see herself doing. Haruko on the other hand appeared to be doing it effortlessly.

    I have to match her....Not because I want to surpass her....but so that I can stand beside her. Fight beside her.

    Kitsuki nodded and took in the Kaguya-Yuki's words. She shut her eyes and re-centered herself. Interally, she called on Zizz to hold her up. Haruko was right. Even as she asked not to be taken off the frontlines she was an emotional wreck. If she kept it up she'd only hurt those she cared about. She didn't have it in her to shove those feelings aside. That was Haruko's blessing or curse. However, she did have one thing Haruko did not have. An entity to hold her up when she falling. An entity that would turn her mourning and sorrows into a determination that none could break.

    ⵉⵜⵙ oⴽⴰⵢ. ⵡⴻ'ⵍⵍ ⴷo ⵉⵜ ⵜoⴳⴻⵜⵀⴻⵔ.

    When Kit reopened her eyes there was a flash of gold in her brown pupils. The honey color settled and melded back into its usual color. The redness, tears, and fear were all gone now. Kitsuki had not pushed aside her emotional weight, she had not buried it, she had converted it into hope. It was as if an entirely different persona had taken over. She straightened up and exuded none of the desperation that she had felt moments earlier.

    ".....You're right. Part of me does want to go home. To say with my family. To make music. To leave all of this behind.....but that part of me isn't why I became a shinobi in the first place. There'll be time to do those things after this war is won but that can't happen unless I'm on the frontlines fighting by your side. I'm sorry that I.....lost it for a moment there. It won't happen again Haruko, you have my word"

    Kitsuki meant every word. She looked Haruko into her cold blue eyes and spoke the truth. She wasn't going to beg or plead any longer. She'd make a firm commitment to seeing this thing through and if that wasn't enough for her friend then she'd accept whatever decision she saw fit to make.
    Haruko Kaguya
    Haruko Kaguya

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    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Haruko Kaguya Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:36 pm

    Those ice blue hues could stare a hole through someone, something Haruko was bad for--she'd look at you...but it was like she looked through you, a distance in her eyes as if the ones standing before her was made of ice. Transparent. Even if she wasn't the best at reading others, she wasn't bad at it either. It was made easier when someone would wear their emotions on their sleeve, and today Kitsuki was one to do this. A tough Shinobi, but one still fully in connection with her emotions. Haruko could see a bit of herself in that aspect, her emotions ran her decisions and actions, it was a dangerous time for Haruko...the line blurred further by her ability to bottle up the emotions. This would lead to breaks...such as the time she attacked her father only moments after finding out who he was to her. Now, the woman had her emotions much more in check, it propelled her from a mediocre shinobi into one of Kiri's finest. While cold to some...Haruko's mindset made her an effective killer.

    But she wasn't completely cut off. She still harbored a warm heart despite her, literal, cold exterior. She could flip between cold hardened warrior, and caring friend well. This is but a part of the progress shes made. She watched as Kitsuki shut her eyes and gathered herself, giving the girl a moment to focus, before watching her eyes open--a golden hint in the brown of her hues. This brought a slight, almost unnoticeable smile to Haruko's lips. She'd listen to what her fellow Kiri nin had to say, and after would give a slight nod to Kit.

    "You got this. Now if you mean what you say, than lets get back out there. We're not helping anything standing around here. Come on." she'd say, towards the end turning away from Kitsuki, but looking back and giving her a smile before beckoning her, the Kaguya-Yuki hybrid starting off towards the current active battlefront.

    [Exit thread]

    Data Book Entry: Haruko Kaguya:
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    War is Hell Empty Re: War is Hell

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Sat Aug 29, 2020 6:53 pm

    Kit caught the smile that crossed Haruko's face. She was sold. Kit would have breathed a sigh of relief but that would have been improper. Instead, she returned her friend's smile and readily agreed with her statement. The War was still raging and they were needed on the battlefield. Kitsuki followed Haruko out of the Hospital District and back towards the frontlines. "Right, let's go!"


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