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2 posters

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya

    Haruko Kaguya
    Haruko Kaguya

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 80
    Join date : 2020-03-13
    Age : 23

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya Empty Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya

    Post by Haruko Kaguya Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:55 am

    --Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya--
    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya ScyUkjb

    Name: Haruko Kaguya ('Spring Child')
    Nicknames: 'Haru' (Friends/Acquaintances--'Spring'), 'Ruko-chan' (Extremely close friends only--'Precious Gem Child')
    Age: 18 (May 13th)
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kirigakure no Sato
    Rank: Genin | D-Class
    Title: None

    Clan: Kaguya
    Bloodline: Kekkei Genkai: Shikotsumyaku (-1 Skill Point)

    All clan members are born with a naturally incredible skeletal structure being comprised of the densest bones in the universe. These bones are of A-grade hardness. On top of their naturally robust frame, being descendants of Kaguya Otsutsuki they are greater durability than the standard human giving all clan members a passive +2 advantage to their Constitution regarding Physical Damage

    Level One--500 EXP (Unlocked)
    After investing 500 experience in the clan the user will unlock the most basic feature of the clan which is the ability to produce bone from their body which can be used as weaponry or in some instances tools. This ability is basic item creation, however, and cannot be used offensively. This is because the user many only create the beginning of the item (whether it be a sword hilt or handle of a club.) The user must then grab the item and pull it from their body to complete the process. The object has a hardness of A-grade and the quality of A-rank until the user unlocks Level Three, which then makes the quality S-rank. This ability costs the user 1 CP per item.

    Skills: Kyujutsu, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu (-1 SP for Bloodline)


    • Strength: D (150)
    • Constitution: D/++ (150)*
    • Stamina: C (450)
    • Speed: D (150)
    • Coordination: C (450)
    • Intelligence: D (150)
    • Perception: C (450)

    Note: ++ Advantages counts towards only Physical Damage.

    Unique Abilities
    --Warriors Fury: If enraged enough, or determined enough, she can enter a nearly primal rage, increasing her strength, but making her overall slower as she focused more on raw power then speed. Haruko can raise her Strength by 1 tier, but this will lower her Speed by 1 tier.

    --Armor Clad: Conditioning herself to be able to take a stronger hit, she is able to form a thin layer of bone under her skin in an instant, increasing her durability, but making her movements more sluggish. This raises her Constitution by 1 tier, but lowers Coordination by 1 tier.

    --Icy Veins: Owing to the fact she is half Yuki, she seemed to pick up a little trait unique to her from the icy blood that ran through her. She is naturally cold blooded, and resistant to fire, all Katon jutsu hit for 1 tier less in power against her, her cold blood being a natural resistant to burns, similar to how Ice resists Fire. But this has a cost, as she takes 1 tier more damage from Doton jutsu.

    --Second Wind: By taking in a deep and controlled breath, and letting it out smoothly, she is able to revitalize her body to a degree, and give herself a small recovery to her Stamina. This restores 25% of Haruko's chakra reserves, but only may be used once per battle. If she uses her Second Wind, the effects of exhaustion are doubled. If she reaches the point she no longer would be effected by exhaustion (A in Stamina) she will only suffer normal exhaustion effects instead if this is used and she falls under 30CP.

    --Spring of Youth: A natural gift, or maybe a curse, Haruko is extremely youthful in appearance, and will always look young even into old age. While she still will have a normal lifespan, her looks seem to last seemingly forever, or at least age at a much slower rate. Because this started as a young teen, this has sadly stunted her height. (Cosmetic)

    --Experience Advantage: Haruko has been training for years, and conditioned herself to be stronger then average. She starts off with 800 more spendable experience, but must pay it all back before gaining any more. (500 Spent on Bloodline, 300 Spent on stats)

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya RnV2O9p

    Haruko is a very short young woman, only standing 4’10” in height, very unlike most the members of her clan who typically would be over 5’6” as far as females went. She’s pretty thin too, only about 100 lbs soaking wet, this makes her not seem like much of a physical type upon first glance, the girl’s body petite. She remains very youthful in appearance, some easily mistaking her for a young teen, despite being 18. The girl has fair skin, and bright blue eyes, them typically being the only pop of color to her overall appearance. The Kaguya does share a trait seen on basically every member of the clan, she has hair white as pure snow, fairly short in length with only slightly longer side bangs even reaching past her shoulders. She typically keeps the side-bang to her left side pinned with 2 thin black hair clips.

    Her outfits are simple, almost always made up of a white top and black bottoms, be it a white hoodie or tank top, and black short skirt or even basically booty shorts. She doesn’t have much of a bust, but her cute booty could make up for it. She keeps her kunai holster tied about her left thigh, being ambidextrous but claiming to be left handed. Her headband has black cloth and typically is hung around her neck somewhat loosely. Overall her outfits are typically cute, albeit a bit suggestive at times. She can actually dress up nicely, fitting into a Kimono beautifully. While almost a perfect specimen, she does have one flaw to her nearly blemish-less pale skin. If one was to ever see her back, it is heavily scarred, marked by what could only be described as pure torture, cuts and burns mostly focused around her shoulder blades.

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya GUorXSP

    'Haru' has been through a lot in her life, and her personality reflects this. She used to be a much more cheery kid, but now is cold, distant, and jaded with the world around her. This isn't to say she is mean, she is extremely kind, and polite to others, but she typically speaks with a flat distant tone. She's a bit timid and has major self esteem issues, understandable with her past. She views herself as nothing but dirt, as this reflects how she'd been treated for three years of her life. She is usually seemingly in a daze, eyes half lidded, keeping to herself and always lost in her mind. Some see her as emotionless...but this couldn't be further from the truth. She is a well of emotions, having bottled up everything she lived through within, and barely able to keep a cap on it. Sometimes this extreme emotion will spill out, resulting in her breaking down in sorrow or anger, or even both. She's very all over the place with her emotions, and it makes being her friend sometimes difficult...but if someone was to get close to her, she loves deeply, and will do anything for those she cares about--up too and including sacrifice herself to save someone she cares for.

    She treats everyone generally kindly, a gentle soul who loves nature. She also loves the rain, which is good seeing as where she is from--a rather wet Island Nation. Haruko is fairly easily flustered, and most can tell has low self esteem, not very confident at all. In battle, there are two sides to her...a young woman lacking confidence in herself, hesitant, reminded by her past and how she was used for years--or--she enters the state that allowed her to escape that nasty situation. This is a cold and enraged fury. She enters a blind fury and will not relent until she has her enemy’s blood on her hands, an almost primal anger coming over her. This makes her a bit of a ticking time bomb in any stressful situation, and could be a symptom of PTSD.

    Chapter 1 | The Community's Daughter
    Haruko has no idea of her past, all she knows is she was found at only a couple months shy from a year old on a Winter's night just outside the walls of the Kaguya district. What no one knew is she was born from an affair from a Kaguya and Yuki mother and father, and wishing for her to be a secret, her mother gave her up. She was found by one of the guards and taken in to get her out of the cold. All that was left with her was a note saying her name. 'Haruko'. Brought before the Elders, they determined the baby to be a Kaguya, matching their unique biology. With no parents, Haruko would be raised as sort of the 'clan's kid', having other clan members to look up to as potential parental figures, but never anyone claiming her to be theirs--no one adopted her. She was given a home and provided what she needed once she was old enough to, for the most part, take care of herself.

    She would live like this for her younger years, and at the age of 6 begun training with some of the Kaguya clan members who would help her learn to put her gifts the the test. It wouldn't take long for her to show promise, able to access the beginning stages of the clan's bloodline limit by age 9. Haruko would be put into the Academy in Kirigakure at 10, but after a couple years of classes, she struggled. She couldn't pass the graduation exam...she frankly failed at Genjutsu and couldn't do it well enough to pass. It really made her feel like she was a horrible shinobi, and wouldn't help her already poor self esteem. But she kept at it, and finally would pass, becoming a Genin by 12. This would be the first stepping stones of her long journey ahead, a fundamental in her life moving forward.

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya BwIkTYh

    Chapter 2 | A Burning Image
    As a Genin she'd be placed in a squad, your typical 3 person team. She'd train under her sensei, and developed skills for using Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. The team would complete missions, and grow together. The three Genin was slowly becoming friends, although she clearly always seemed timid around them, and could never truly befriend the other two as much as she'd like to have. Their sensei was strict and not too friendly, not someone to get close to. Still, she'd develop her skills and condition herself, mastering the first stage of her ability to manipulate bones. Once she had better control over the bones within, she'd begin making bows and arrows from these bones. Soon enough she was becoming quite the ace shot with a Bow, able to hit targets far down range with relative ease, and never worrying too much about the cost of arrows, making her own from bone. This is when he became a Kyujutsu user, liking the long distance her arrows could reach, while close range was covered by her natural skill in Taijutsu--something shared by most Kaguya.

    At age 14 Haru's team was sent on a mission to aid a small village who'd been being threatened by a group of bandits. They thought it'd be a simple gang of thugs, nothing a Jounin and three Genin couldn't handle with ease. Sadly, this wouldn't be the case. They arrived in the village and Haruko's sensei begun asking around, gathering info. Haruko was watching the main road into the village when she spotted a large group of men heading towards the village gates...they was not here to spread the word of Jashin. Or hell, maybe they where. Who knows. All Haruko knows is they was attacked with zero warning, the moment they entered the village was the moment all of them begun burning the place down. Their team sprung into action, but was quickly overpowered by sheer numbers alone. Haruko and her team was unable to fend off so many, and at some point Haruko was separated from her team. She hid in a house not yet lit on fire, and watched through a crack in the door as she saw her two teammates and Sensei all get backed into a corner by a large group of the enemy.

    Her eyes lit ablaze in horror as she would see no less then seven of these attacking bandits, or whoever the hell they were, bear down on them, all wielding Fire jutsu. She watched in despair as the flames would seemingly move in slow motion, licking the flesh of her sensei first, before engulfing them all. All she could do is watch and cry, forever unable to get the image out of her mind, the last breathes of her teammates--screaming a blood curdling tune as their lives was snuffed out way to early before her. She was frozen, until she felt a pair of the enemies eyes fall on her--the girl ducking down in hopes of not being seen. But it was too late...the door was suddenly kicked in and she fell back, looking up in terror as three men stood above her, before snagging the teenager. She was knocked nearly out cold by one of them, tied up, and tossed over another's shoulder as they walked out of the village with her...Haruko could see the village burning behind them as she was carried away for a life she never in her worst nightmares had thought she'd live through.

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya V438lzv

    Chapter 3 | Thrown to the Wolves, the Sole Survivor
    Haruko would be taken back to the bandit's camp, a set of huts surrounding a cave deep in the woods. She was placed in a cell in the Cave, the girl tossed in and locked away. She didn't know it yet...but this was to be her home for the next three years. Almost daily the teen would be tormented, and was simply too weak to do anything about it. She would be starved to keep her energy too low to fight back. She'd be dehydrated nearly to the brink of death, some days spent just laying on the floor, flirting with the reaper's grasp until finally given enough water to last a few more days. She'd routinely find herself used as a literal whipping girl for when the bandits were angry and wished to take out their aggression...and this wasn't even the worse of it.

    For the first year of this new life she lived every day almost wishing for death to take her, haunted by the image that would play through her head daily and wake her in cold sweats at night. She was abused at the hands of her kidnappers, first for fun, eventually for sport. They would fight her, the only time she could get out and even attempt to fight back. But she was always unable to do much, and just took beatings, a half-time show while they sparred and battled for 'winners rights'...the right to pay a visit to Haruko's cell that night with the guards turning a blind eye. This would go on for a number of years...thought dead by Kirigakure--she was even given a gravestone in her home village. No one was looking for her...no one would save her from this life. She only had herself...and she had to get out of this.

    On a cold dark night, a new moon making the night even more dark, she'd await for the 'winner' of their last round of battles to show up. She knew it was coming and would be prepared. Once her target entered her cell, locked in and left by the guards, thinking he was in for a good time, the man would find himself at the end of a blade made of bone. When the guards returned, they was shocked to see the man in a pool of his own blood, and the prisoner no where to be seen. Unlocking the cage the two thugs rushed in, standing side-by-side as they looked around for Haru. In a silent movement, she dropped from the ceiling--body a porky pine of bones--and quickly painted the walls in their blood. She entered what would eventually be called her Warriors rage for the first time, and with the boost to her strength by the adrenaline she would go on a rampage through the bandit camp. One by one she took out every single one of her captors, some in their sleep, some while eating a late night dinner, others towards the end in straight open combat in the middle of the amp.

    When Haruko walked away from her prison for the past 3 years of her life, the 17 year old was covered in blood, as was nearly every surface in the camp she left behind in a mess. She'd trek her way back to Kirigakure...shocked to see her alive, she simply stepped through the village gates with a distant chill in her eyes...forever scarred by her experiences over the past three years...a year in hell for each teammate's soul she had watched snuffed out. She returned to her home in the Kaguya district, welcomed back with opened arms...but she had changed, no longer the girl she was when she left that dreadful day for the cursed mission. It'd take about a year for her to actually begin trying to start again as a Shinobi. Only recently has she even been seen outside of her home...spending most of her time alone and in a daze.

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya 0EU1YxE

    Posts : 602
    Join date : 2019-11-30

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya Empty Re: Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya

    Post by Chigetsu Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:10 pm

    Haruko Kaguya wrote:
    --Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya--
    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya ScyUkjb

    Name: Haruko Kaguya ('Spring Child')
    Nicknames: 'Haru' (Friends/Acquaintances--'Spring'), 'Ruko-chan' (Extremely close friends only--'Precious Gem Child')
    Age: 18 (May 13th)
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kirigakure no Sato
    Rank: Genin | D-Class
    Title: None

    Clan: Kaguya
    Bloodline: Kekkei Genkai: Shikotsumyaku (-1 Skill Point)

    All clan members are born with a naturally incredible skeletal structure being comprised of the densest bones in the universe. These bones are of A-grade hardness. On top of their naturally robust frame, being descendants of Kaguya Otsutsuki they are greater durability than the standard human giving all clan members a passive +2 advantage to their Constitution regarding Physical Damage

    Level One--500 EXP (Unlocked)
    After investing 500 experience in the clan the user will unlock the most basic feature of the clan which is the ability to produce bone from their body which can be used as weaponry or in some instances tools. This ability is basic item creation, however, and cannot be used offensively. This is because the user many only create the beginning of the item (whether it be a sword hilt or handle of a club.) The user must then grab the item and pull it from their body to complete the process. The object has a hardness of A-grade and the quality of A-rank until the user unlocks Level Three, which then makes the quality S-rank. This ability costs the user 1 CP per item.

    Skills: Kyujutsu, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu (-1 SP for Bloodline)


    • Strength: D (150)
    • Constitution: D/++ (150)*
    • Stamina: C (450)
    • Speed: D (150)
    • Coordination: C (450)
    • Intelligence: D (150)
    • Perception: C (450)

    Note: ++ Advantages counts towards only Physical Damage.

    Unique Abilities
    --Warriors Fury: If enraged enough, or determined enough, she can enter a nearly primal rage, increasing her strength, but making her overall slower as she focused more on raw power then speed. Haruko can raise her Strength by 1 tier, but this will lower her Speed by 1 tier.

    --Armor Clad: Conditioning herself to be able to take a stronger hit, she is able to form a thin layer of bone under her skin in an instant, increasing her durability, but making her movements more sluggish. This raises her Constitution by 1 tier, but lowers Coordination by 1 tier.

    --Icy Veins: Owing to the fact she is half Yuki, she seemed to pick up a little trait unique to her from the icy blood that ran through her. She is naturally cold blooded, and resistant to fire, all Katon jutsu hit for 1 tier less in power against her, her cold blood being a natural resistant to burns, similar to how Ice resists Fire. But this has a cost, as she takes 1 tier more damage from Doton jutsu.

    --Second Wind: By taking in a deep and controlled breath, and letting it out smoothly, she is able to revitalize her body to a degree, and give herself a small recovery to her Stamina. This restores 25% of Haruko's chakra reserves, but only may be used once per battle. If she uses her Second Wind, the effects of exhaustion are doubled. If she reaches the point she no longer would be effected by exhaustion (A in Stamina) she will only suffer normal exhaustion effects instead if this is used and she falls under 30CP.

    --Spring of Youth: A natural gift, or maybe a curse, Haruko is extremely youthful in appearance, and will always look young even into old age. While she still will have a normal lifespan, her looks seem to last seemingly forever, or at least age at a much slower rate. Because this started as a young teen, this has sadly stunted her height. (Cosmetic)

    --Experience Advantage: Haruko has been training for years, and conditioned herself to be stronger then average. She starts off with 800 more spendable experience, but must pay it all back before gaining any more. (500 Spent on Bloodline, 300 Spent on stats)

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya RnV2O9p

    Haruko is a very short young woman, only standing 4’10” in height, very unlike most the members of her clan who typically would be over 5’6” as far as females went. She’s pretty thin too, only about 100 lbs soaking wet, this makes her not seem like much of a physical type upon first glance, the girl’s body petite. She remains very youthful in appearance, some easily mistaking her for a young teen, despite being 18. The girl has fair skin, and bright blue eyes, them typically being the only pop of color to her overall appearance. The Kaguya does share a trait seen on basically every member of the clan, she has hair white as pure snow, fairly short in length with only slightly longer side bangs even reaching past her shoulders. She typically keeps the side-bang to her left side pinned with 2 thin black hair clips.

    Her outfits are simple, almost always made up of a white top and black bottoms, be it a white hoodie or tank top, and black short skirt or even basically booty shorts. She doesn’t have much of a bust, but her cute booty could make up for it. She keeps her kunai holster tied about her left thigh, being ambidextrous but claiming to be left handed. Her headband has black cloth and typically is hung around her neck somewhat loosely. Overall her outfits are typically cute, albeit a bit suggestive at times. She can actually dress up nicely, fitting into a Kimono beautifully. While almost a perfect specimen, she does have one flaw to her nearly blemish-less pale skin. If one was to ever see her back, it is heavily scarred, marked by what could only be described as pure torture, cuts and burns mostly focused around her shoulder blades.

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya GUorXSP

    'Haru' has been through a lot in her life, and her personality reflects this. She used to be a much more cheery kid, but now is cold, distant, and jaded with the world around her. This isn't to say she is mean, she is extremely kind, and polite to others, but she typically speaks with a flat distant tone. She's a bit timid and has major self esteem issues, understandable with her past. She views herself as nothing but dirt, as this reflects how she'd been treated for three years of her life. She is usually seemingly in a daze, eyes half lidded, keeping to herself and always lost in her mind. Some see her as emotionless...but this couldn't be further from the truth. She is a well of emotions, having bottled up everything she lived through within, and barely able to keep a cap on it. Sometimes this extreme emotion will spill out, resulting in her breaking down in sorrow or anger, or even both. She's very all over the place with her emotions, and it makes being her friend sometimes difficult...but if someone was to get close to her, she loves deeply, and will do anything for those she cares about--up too and including sacrifice herself to save someone she cares for.

    She treats everyone generally kindly, a gentle soul who loves nature. She also loves the rain, which is good seeing as where she is from--a rather wet Island Nation. Haruko is fairly easily flustered, and most can tell has low self esteem, not very confident at all. In battle, there are two sides to her...a young woman lacking confidence in herself, hesitant, reminded by her past and how she was used for years--or--she enters the state that allowed her to escape that nasty situation. This is a cold and enraged fury. She enters a blind fury and will not relent until she has her enemy’s blood on her hands, an almost primal anger coming over her. This makes her a bit of a ticking time bomb in any stressful situation, and could be a symptom of PTSD.

    Chapter 1 | The Community's Daughter
    Haruko has no idea of her past, all she knows is she was found at only a couple months shy from a year old on a Winter's night just outside the walls of the Kaguya district. What no one knew is she was born from an affair from a Kaguya and Yuki mother and father, and wishing for her to be a secret, her mother gave her up. She was found by one of the guards and taken in to get her out of the cold. All that was left with her was a note saying her name. 'Haruko'. Brought before the Elders, they determined the baby to be a Kaguya, matching their unique biology. With no parents, Haruko would be raised as sort of the 'clan's kid', having other clan members to look up to as potential parental figures, but never anyone claiming her to be theirs--no one adopted her. She was given a home and provided what she needed once she was old enough to, for the most part, take care of herself.

    She would live like this for her younger years, and at the age of 6 begun training with some of the Kaguya clan members who would help her learn to put her gifts the the test. It wouldn't take long for her to show promise, able to access the beginning stages of the clan's bloodline limit by age 9. Haruko would be put into the Academy in Kirigakure at 10, but after a couple years of classes, she struggled. She couldn't pass the graduation exam...she frankly failed at Genjutsu and couldn't do it well enough to pass. It really made her feel like she was a horrible shinobi, and wouldn't help her already poor self esteem. But she kept at it, and finally would pass, becoming a Genin by 12. This would be the first stepping stones of her long journey ahead, a fundamental in her life moving forward.

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya BwIkTYh

    Chapter 2 | A Burning Image
    As a Genin she'd be placed in a squad, your typical 3 person team. She'd train under her sensei, and developed skills for using Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. The team would complete missions, and grow together. The three Genin was slowly becoming friends, although she clearly always seemed timid around them, and could never truly befriend the other two as much as she'd like to have. Their sensei was strict and not too friendly, not someone to get close to. Still, she'd develop her skills and condition herself, mastering the first stage of her ability to manipulate bones. Once she had better control over the bones within, she'd begin making bows and arrows from these bones. Soon enough she was becoming quite the ace shot with a Bow, able to hit targets far down range with relative ease, and never worrying too much about the cost of arrows, making her own from bone. This is when he became a Kyujutsu user, liking the long distance her arrows could reach, while close range was covered by her natural skill in Taijutsu--something shared by most Kaguya.

    At age 14 Haru's team was sent on a mission to aid a small village who'd been being threatened by a group of bandits. They thought it'd be a simple gang of thugs, nothing a Jounin and three Genin couldn't handle with ease. Sadly, this wouldn't be the case. They arrived in the village and Haruko's sensei begun asking around, gathering info. Haruko was watching the main road into the village when she spotted a large group of men heading towards the village gates...they was not here to spread the word of Jashin. Or hell, maybe they where. Who knows. All Haruko knows is they was attacked with zero warning, the moment they entered the village was the moment all of them begun burning the place down. Their team sprung into action, but was quickly overpowered by sheer numbers alone. Haruko and her team was unable to fend off so many, and at some point Haruko was separated from her team. She hid in a house not yet lit on fire, and watched through a crack in the door as she saw her two teammates and Sensei all get backed into a corner by a large group of the enemy.

    Her eyes lit ablaze in horror as she would see no less then seven of these attacking bandits, or whoever the hell they were, bear down on them, all wielding Fire jutsu. She watched in despair as the flames would seemingly move in slow motion, licking the flesh of her sensei first, before engulfing them all. All she could do is watch and cry, forever unable to get the image out of her mind, the last breathes of her teammates--screaming a blood curdling tune as their lives was snuffed out way to early before her. She was frozen, until she felt a pair of the enemies eyes fall on her--the girl ducking down in hopes of not being seen. But it was too late...the door was suddenly kicked in and she fell back, looking up in terror as three men stood above her, before snagging the teenager. She was knocked nearly out cold by one of them, tied up, and tossed over another's shoulder as they walked out of the village with her...Haruko could see the village burning behind them as she was carried away for a life she never in her worst nightmares had thought she'd live through.

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya V438lzv

    Chapter 3 | Thrown to the Wolves, the Sole Survivor
    Haruko would be taken back to the bandit's camp, a set of huts surrounding a cave deep in the woods. She was placed in a cell in the Cave, the girl tossed in and locked away. She didn't know it yet...but this was to be her home for the next three years. Almost daily the teen would be tormented, and was simply too weak to do anything about it. She would be starved to keep her energy too low to fight back. She'd be dehydrated nearly to the brink of death, some days spent just laying on the floor, flirting with the reaper's grasp until finally given enough water to last a few more days. She'd routinely find herself used as a literal whipping girl for when the bandits were angry and wished to take out their aggression...and this wasn't even the worse of it.

    For the first year of this new life she lived every day almost wishing for death to take her, haunted by the image that would play through her head daily and wake her in cold sweats at night. She was abused at the hands of her kidnappers, first for fun, eventually for sport. They would fight her, the only time she could get out and even attempt to fight back. But she was always unable to do much, and just took beatings, a half-time show while they sparred and battled for 'winners rights'...the right to pay a visit to Haruko's cell that night with the guards turning a blind eye. This would go on for a number of years...thought dead by Kirigakure--she was even given a gravestone in her home village. No one was looking for her...no one would save her from this life. She only had herself...and she had to get out of this.

    On a cold dark night, a new moon making the night even more dark, she'd await for the 'winner' of their last round of battles to show up. She knew it was coming and would be prepared. Once her target entered her cell, locked in and left by the guards, thinking he was in for a good time, the man would find himself at the end of a blade made of bone. When the guards returned, they was shocked to see the man in a pool of his own blood, and the prisoner no where to be seen. Unlocking the cage the two thugs rushed in, standing side-by-side as they looked around for Haru. In a silent movement, she dropped from the ceiling--body a porky pine of bones--and quickly painted the walls in their blood. She entered what would eventually be called her Warriors rage for the first time, and with the boost to her strength by the adrenaline she would go on a rampage through the bandit camp. One by one she took out every single one of her captors, some in their sleep, some while eating a late night dinner, others towards the end in straight open combat in the middle of the amp.

    When Haruko walked away from her prison for the past 3 years of her life, the 17 year old was covered in blood, as was nearly every surface in the camp she left behind in a mess. She'd trek her way back to Kirigakure...shocked to see her alive, she simply stepped through the village gates with a distant chill in her eyes...forever scarred by her experiences over the past three years...a year in hell for each teammate's soul she had watched snuffed out. She returned to her home in the Kaguya district, welcomed back with opened arms...but she had changed, no longer the girl she was when she left that dreadful day for the cursed mission. It'd take about a year for her to actually begin trying to start again as a Shinobi. Only recently has she even been seen outside of her home...spending most of her time alone and in a daze.

    Haruko 'Haru' Kaguya 0EU1YxE


    Character Sheet:

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 2:10 pm