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    Kidnapping? Yeah, No.


    Posts : 885
    Join date : 2018-08-27
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Tai, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Lightning, Earth, Fire
    Class: S
    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    Kidnapping? Yeah, No. Empty Kidnapping? Yeah, No.

    Post by Peragus Sat Mar 21, 2020 3:25 pm

    Mission Name: Kidnapping? Yeah, No.
    Mission Type: Rescue
    Mission Rank: B
    Mission Goal: Rescue the Kidnapped Children
    Description: A group of notorious kidnappers has made their way to Konoha and are trying to ‘one up’ the shinobi by kidnapping civilian children from out from under their noses and getting away with it. Find the three children they’ve kidnapped, and rescue them.
    Payment: 25,000
    Requirements: C-Class or 2 D-Class

    Another mission, this time it was a group of kidnappers who were apparently inside of the village itself. They had apparently decided to slip into the village, probably posing as merchants or something else and begin to kidnap children to prove to the shinobi of the village that ‘they could’. Of course, Akari was now involved so that self imposed illusion of theirs wouldn’t be lasting for very long. How could she say she was a daughter of the Uchiha Clan and let such vile scum continue? She couldn’t, that’s how. So Akari found herself in the shadier part of the city, full shinobi gear on. That being her hip pouches and sword, along with her normal attire of a red blouse with black skirt and black stockings. Her hair still had the black ribbons in it and her black eyes kept a wary eye on her surroundings. She figured anyone who might kidnap children would probably be somewhere where the patrols weren’t as frequent or strong. Konoha was not crime free after all.

    The evening was warm as it always was in the land of fire and as she strode through the district a grungy, confident looking man walked up to her, obviously wanting to try to ‘score’. The moment he got close though she’d turn to look at him as a polite person should, but her sharingan eyes would be active. The tomoe swirling around the center as she met his eyes. Immediately he would stop and stare blankly as she compelled him to tell her everything she wanted to know about the potential kidnappers. “I don’t know anything about any kidnappers.” The man would say, causing her to frown before he continued on. “But I do know that there are a couple of new guys in town who don’t like to be bothered. They got a building in the far end of the district. Red brick number, little grungy.” He would say, to her satisfaction as she utilized the genjutsu to knock him out. The man would fall over onto the sidewalk, unconscious, but otherwise unharmed. Unless some other criminal element wanted to get involved.

    With that Akari would move down the district, looking for the house described she found it and knocked politely. I mean what were the odds someone would answer? She kept her sharingan on as she waited and before long..Someone actually did. The door opened to a reveal a man in his mid twenties, good looking but not overly so. He had dark hair that fell to his shoulders, a bit of scruff on his chin, and unlike others in the district was clean enough to give off the impression that he wasn’t naturally from this part of town. “Whaddya want?” He’d ask before meeting her gaze and falling into the genjutsu as well. When she asked about the kidnappings she got a much more satisfactory answer. “I’m not one of the kidnappers, but I think I know them. They came to me looking to know where property in the area was free to take up. Asked about how secluded things were, how nosey the neighbors were, all kinds of shit. I thought it odd at the time, but no one pays me to take this shit to the cops. It’s down by the east wall, backs right up to it. They seemed confident that they could handle shinobi.” He would say, causing her to nod before she knocked him out too and closing the door politely. What? It was rude to leave his door open, she was a lady, not a boar.

    At this point she would head to the described building and find it in short order. If these kidnappers were confident that they could handle shinobi then it probably meant they had training themselves. So she would forego the knocking on the door and instead survey the place from a nearby roof. The hood rat wasn’t kidding, the building really backed up against the wall, it didn’t even have a back way in. The curtains were drawn and it was possible any kidnapped children were inside. Which meant she couldn’t try to attack outright with anything flashy. Not that she had anything flashy anyway. She quickly decided it would be better to try to do things similarly to how she did it before. So she went down to the door and knocked politely. She kept her arms straight at her side and stood close enough to the door that the peephole would show her facial features and a bit of her top, but not the sword at her hip. A moment later the door opened to show a well dressed man who definitely didn’t belong and the moment he met her gaze her sharingan would pick the information about the children from his thoughts.

    They were in the basement in genjutsu that made them think they were in fact safe and sound at home. Neat trick, but useless against an Uchiha. This man however needed to be punished, his partner too. As he began to realize what she’d done she’d raise a pointed finger at the man and say “I’m going to kill you..” Within a moment the man believed he was about to die, that he was completely alone, and utterly helpless. The man began to try to form the seal to escape a genjutsu but before her could Akari herself performed that same seal, but not to dispel the illusion, but to complete it. Suddenly the man would fall over, unconscious. The thud of his form hitting the ground causing someone downstairs to exclaim. “What the?!” She would hear before the door opened and a woman in her mid twenties came out and looked at her and her unconscious partner. The woman would roll her eyes before turning to the teen and smirk before flipping through some hand seals of her own. Akari’s Sharingan eyes were still on though and she looked at both the hand seals used, as well as the chakra put into the jutsu. She copied the technique immediately and utilized the sharingan to not only break it on herself but recast it upon her fellow genjutsu user. The woman would begin to see images of her loved ones burned at the stake and the woman would begin to scream. Akari had used the Ephemeral technique upon the man who opened the door. However she’d used the Sharingan’s Copy technique and a technique called the Mirror Heaven and Earth Change to break that genjutsu and reflect back upon the target. It would only take a moment for the woman to realize what had happened.

    Sure enough, seconds later the woman would form the ram seal and be out of the genjutsu. An annoyed look upon her now sweat streaked features. “Reflecting mine back at me huh? That’s new.” She’d say prompting a smirk from Akari who would simply say. “My turn.” Before her eyes met the woman’s once more. Immediately the woman would begin to scream as she felt the illusory pain of shackling stakes piercing her body in place. The pain was excruciating to the mind even if the body was actually unaffected. This was the type of pain that made someone go absolutely mad. She screamed, over and over again, the sound piercing through the more or less quiet din of the area around them. The kids wouldn’t be traumatized by it at all due to the genjutsu they themselves were in but the screaming would in fact call attention to the place. Eventually the woman’s screaming took on a different pitch and it was clear she’d lost her mind. Akari broke the genjutsu then and knocked her out, giving her the bliss that was unconsciousness and turned toward the door.

    Sure enough a man from the road came in with a pocket knife drawn, another hood rat, or potentially a third member who was supposed to back them up if necessary? It didn’t matter. Akari would utilize another genjutsu. This time it would be the ‘Coercion’ technique of the sharingan and as he met her eyes he’d go into a tremendous fear. His world would be overtaken by swirling red and black as his body fell into a gibbering mess. “Pl-Please don’t kill me!” He begged, dropping her knife and holding his hands in front of him. The genjutsu was already over, but he’d potentially fear her for the rest of his natural life. “Go, before I do.” She said, prompting him to get up and run. As far as she could tell this was a two man operation, and her might’ve been a good person trying to help. But it was stupid to run into a building with people screaming with just a pocket knife. She didn’t regret putting the fear of god into him over it. Afterwards she went downstairs and the children, happy as can be while tied up. She cut them loose and broke their genjutsu. Afterwards ensuring that they got home safely. The authorities arrived to take the genjutsu’d criminals to the hospital.

    Sharingan Copy
    Sharingan Genjutsu
    Mirror Heaven and Earth Change
    Shackling Stakes
    Sharingan Coercion.


    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B++
    • Stamina: B+
    • Speed: S
    • Coordination: S
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Note: My signature stats include my passive buffs. My update page stats are the base values.

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Here
    Link to Known Techniques: Here

      Current date/time is Sun Jul 07, 2024 7:17 am