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    Party and Party and Yeah

    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 583
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Party and Party and Yeah Empty Party and Party and Yeah

    Post by Gyokusho Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:31 pm

    What an exciting day. Osho strode confidently into the Thunder Labs, a public works laboratory that he had only recently recalled, given that in his previously life the central business district held very little of interest for him: it closed very early, at close of business, and possessed no concert hall of which he was aware. Even the bars were few and took final call at an unreasonable hour. So while it did not surprise him that he had forgotten about this, it did elate him when a short article in the paper drew his attention back to the place as he had for some time mused over the chemical arts but had very little ability to practice.

    He had found, even in his own lavish home, that while the various reactions proved more or less straight forward, putting them into practice required much more than mastering a ninjutsu, for unlike the ninja arts, the chemical arts required a good deal of precise equipment, the sort of which he did not possess and which cost a small fortune. Thus enter: The Thunder Labs.

    A quick demonstration of his personal identity acquired him access, a perk of his new forced profession, and soon he began work. Luckily, he arrived in full surgeon garb, clad head to toe in protective clothing. He had even brought his own box of gloves, though quickly learned that they provided those. For a monarchy this village was something of a socialist paradise. Originally he had thought to produce  a new varietal of party drug, but then the idea of a dastardly poison crossed his mind and he switched tasks. Once had completed it and allowed a few test insects to perish, he gathered up his vials and took his leave. He had drained most of his personal funds, but this great harvest would do him well in the financial department.

    Crafted Nerve Rot, x3 for Chem Lab = 9 vials


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 583
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Party and Party and Yeah Empty Re: Party and Party and Yeah

    Post by Gyokusho Sat Oct 31, 2020 9:17 pm

    Another day, another dollar. Or at least so to speak. There were some rather unsettling rumors milling about the village and the assault on Moonspire had deeply shaken some people's thoughts of safety. Plus, the village powers and the monarchy had thus far failed to issue any sort of information or statement, and while Gyo understood that he would likely be passed over for anything which could be considered secret information, he could plainly read between the lines in this case: a war was brewing, that much was inevitable. The public would demand retribution or a display of force, and Gyo more or less assumed that the Kumo intelligence must have some lead on the perpetrator; regardless of the population's will, the crown itself would need retribution, and having slaughtered one of the single most genius tech giants on earth, as well as a huge portion of his company town, would be very difficult to solve through diplomacy. He would like to know something about what would be expected of him, even though he would likely not have much to provide.

    Still, he toiled on, today crafting some more poisons. Though the crown was currently preoccupied, understandably, he had plans to set up a shop in the city for some poisons and provisions. He'd gotten it in his head to attempt to move towards a governmental contract for some poisons and, moreover, for some provisions that he had been working on. Considering some of the compounds he had been working on, these could have massive benefits to a military assault and he could turn a nice profit as well with the government subsidizing his sales. For now, though, he had some poisons to make and a drop to make as well.

    He finished up in the lab, slotting a small collection of vials into a parcel and the rest into a satchel for him to take elsewhere. His time at the Heavenly Emporium should prove much, much more fruitful than he had initially anticipated. He left the lovely building and crossed the street, continuing out of the business district, but he stopped at a small bank and placed the small parcel into a drop box to which he had been given the code, replacing the stack of cash the collection of vials.

    Crafted 2 sets of Nerve Rot (18 vials), -80,000 ryo
    Sold 4 vials of Nerve Rot, 160,000 ryo


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 583
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Party and Party and Yeah Empty Re: Party and Party and Yeah

    Post by Gyokusho Wed Jun 30, 2021 10:38 pm

    So many lost connections, so much lost time. Still trying to piece together what exactly had happened, what exactly he had missed, Osho returned somewhat to his old ways. While so much doubtlessly differed, while his body failed him in so many ways, a few days of normal wakefulness had replenished his mind to a degree, allowing him yet to scheme. He had realized the extent to which his previous methods of sales were inefficient in the long run, but for now they would suffice for some quick spending money. Buyers, sellers, and movers changed, but the king pins rarely did. Those who needed poisons and drugs and medications never did. New faces, same stories.

    He found that his hands still remembered the old processes and got to work quickly distilling the base chemicals into something dangerous, if crude. He had always assumed that this was used mainly for intimidation, as to properly overdoes on something like this would be insanely expensive, and it lacked any mood or mind altering properties, but he also realized that it would help in capturing less chakra-enhanced individuals and probably carved out a useful niche there. Regardless, he made a large batch before scoping out a few old haunts and eventually finding someone in need of the particular services the light brown liquid.

    Crafted 2 sets of Nerve Rot (18 vials), -80,000 ryo
    Sold 13 vials of Nerve Rot, 500,00 ryo (round down Jul Cap)


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 583
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Party and Party and Yeah Empty Re: Party and Party and Yeah

    Post by Gyokusho Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:15 pm

    Throwing a few bars in the oven to bake, Gyo stepped out for a quick minute to make a couple sales. He didn't have a lot of time to distil any super complicated poisons or anything because of all the activity from the festival, as well as some of his personal matters. However, he did have time to sell some of the final dregs of random stuff he had with him, and bake a couple bars either to eat as meal replacements or to sell. He had a store now, after all, and he wanted to keep it stocked up with some easy grab and go provisions. Plus, it just so happened that his provisions were both tasty and powerful. So he went out to his fence, made his sale, and came back to cool and cut the bars before packaging them up. He made two in each flavor, except for chocolate coconut, which he made only one of because it was his least favorite flavor.

    Made 9x Wonderbar
    Sold 6x Nerve Rot
    Sold 9x Psylla
    Net sales = 510,000 (500k rounded for Aug)
    Spent 100,000 ryo
    Total: +400,000


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 583
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Party and Party and Yeah Empty Re: Party and Party and Yeah

    Post by Gyokusho Sat Mar 04, 2023 6:48 pm

    What a mess.

    Spirited away to the realm of the Tengu, so much had changed in such a short time period. For him, merely a few days, perhaps a week; for the world of materialism and the living, time incalculable. Most notably, Kumo had undergone a number of increasingly devastating changes, ultimately resulting, so it would appear, in the destruction of the administration buildings and the palace by the looks of it. Strange, and worth investigating, but the culprit was, at this point, highly public knowledge, though his motives remained shrouded in mystery. It would due for some investigation, but not for the time being. He drug his fingers across the benches and stations of the labs; the building was off in a separate sector, and while the village still existed in the sense that it was notoriously difficult to kill a city, the hierarchy used to rule had crumbled rapidly. While many places had been looted, the Thunder Labs generally did not have much that was easily convertible to cash, meaning they had been largely ignored. Also, with the lack of general enforcement, Kumo may no longer be the best place to remain, but his myriad black market contacts had likely made themselves more prominent. That was at least good for a certain kind of business.

    Uncharacteristically, he brought a claw-bearing copy of Momo with him for this. No sense in risking things in a time of crisis. Also no sense in allowing a crisis to go to waste.

    The ministry of medicine returned to him with almost no effort; as a foremost expert in all things chemical and a semi-renowned purveyor of designer drugs, this should surprise no one. He had plans for many, many more chemical concoctions, but for now he fell back into old habits: a few poisons here, a few pills there. Something to give an insurance policy to the bandits, something to turn the minds of the downtrodden to a better time. 36 vials of a volatile, spore-like liquid should suffice, for now.

    And a thought occurred to him. He wouldn't have time right away for the full plan, but he could get a start.

    He'd head out to see if some of his brokers were around; regardless of their individual presence, he'd find a tradesman sooner or later. Bartering was the easy part. Giving up 5 of his crafted vials, he'd exchange some for a collection of silks, steel, and gold. He really needed to amp up some of these blueprints come to think of it. He also asked for some information on where to acquire a horse and carriage.

    Though it slightly pained him to do so for aesthetic purposes, he purchased an ox and a carriage to go with it. He returned then to the labs for a bit of elbow grease. First, some refashioning of the steel blades he'd bought and a large amount of sewing to create an absolutely fabulous cape, which could fairly easily double as a traveling cloak. He fit the panels into choice locations, tried it on, then went for final cuts and alterations. With the cape completed, he went to retrofitting the carriage. Mostly, he moved the seating around to bench style seating that he could pull out into a bed and replaced one of the external walls with a fold-out panel to serve as a vending window. He then... borrowed a large amount of equipment from the lab, setting up what amounted to a functional kitchenette and on-the-go drug brewing station. It was hodgepodge and extremely cramped, but it should work for now. He grabbed a few cloaks, some large straw hats, and a few ANBU masks to provide as much cover and stealth as he could to the twin Momo's, looked wistfully at his old stomping ground, and set off, hitching the ox to the wagon and making his way.

    Made 36x Dandelion
    Sold 5x Dandelion
    Net sales = 500,000 (March cap)
    Spent: 600,000 ryo (100k * 1.5 * 4 due to UA)
    Spent: 114,000 ryo on VIP Cape (puppet) and also created it
    Spent: 10,000 + 30,000 on an ox and carriage
    Total Spend: 754,000 ryo
    Stole enough equipment from Thunder Labs to make an ramshackle mobile-lab
    Total: -254,000


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+

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