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    Delinquents of Graffiti

    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

    Posts : 218
    Join date : 2018-07-27

    Delinquents of Graffiti Empty Delinquents of Graffiti

    Post by Kureji Toukei Sat Mar 14, 2020 4:13 pm

    Mission Details:

    Another mission this time, with Kureji handling the grafitti that hit the walls of stores among Kirigakure. He already grabbed the essentials of cleaning the walls, sponge, water, some clean spray. It was apart of his service for his little... accident at the academy, an embarrassing mistake but one he'd have to live with. He couldn't imagine the embarrassment Akihiro had for him as well, that he chose to take on Kureji and the next thing he's hearing is flashing in the academy. He can only hope to avoid that conversation with Akihiro, otherwise... well, he doesn't want to think about that.

    At the moment, the only thing he should focus on is the cleaning of these shop walls. He's trying to think of which one is worse, a flasher or a graffiti artist... considering the morality that society follows up to this point, they might consider the first one worst but the damage costs for graffiti is higher, so technically, the damage of graffiti is higher than somebody flashing their balls in an academy. It was funny to him, but these were thoughts running rampant throughout his head as he awaited his partner for the mission, he could only hope that this time, it's not Ikomiki... but a certain part of him is certain that it's going to be Ikomiki anyway...


    Posts : 373
    Join date : 2020-01-02

    Delinquents of Graffiti Empty Re: Delinquents of Graffiti

    Post by Ikomiki Sat Mar 14, 2020 4:52 pm

    It was Ikomiki that was partnered with him. It seemed that Kureji had some of the worst luck. It had been a long time since their last mission, but at the same time not too long after the surgery where they had last seen each other. Although that even hadn’t been much of a meeting. Just her half conscious in a hospital gown, and Kureji helping to poke around at her insides.

    Her hair was clean, for the first time since she had come to this country. Silvery-white locks, freshly bathed following her surgery, were almost glistening compared to how ratty they had looked in the past. She was clean. The outfit she wore was a far cry from the elegant, yet beat up dress she had previously had been seen in. She wore a pair of black boots, raising up to just under her knees, while the rests of her legs remained bare. A pair of shorts, perhaps a bit too short, would be around her hips, but the similarly black hoodie she wore traveled down a bit past her waist, giving the illusion that she wore no pants. Her tail stuck out behind her, through a hole punctured in the shorts to let them out, snaking below the draping hoodie to reach air. Much more casual than before. The movements of her tail were idle, swaying gently back and forth behind her with just enough energy to confirm to all onlookers that it was real rather than some prop.

    She came up behind him. While she was no master of Silent Killing like these Kirigakure shinobi, Ikomiki was trained enough in the arts of being a cat to walk with near silence. Maybe he wouldn’t notice her until it was too late, and she was already behind him, tugging with a single hand at the back of his shirt.

    “Kureji. Hey.”

    Character Sheet:
    Kureji Toukei
    Kureji Toukei

    Posts : 218
    Join date : 2018-07-27

    Delinquents of Graffiti Empty Re: Delinquents of Graffiti

    Post by Kureji Toukei Sun Mar 15, 2020 2:28 am

    Kureji felt the tug on his shirt, getting his attention and it made him turn around, the cat ears, the wagging tail, it was clear as day who it was, and who's going to be his partner for this mission... "Ikomiki..." he quietly said, almost as if his hopes had been crushed completely. "I'm surprised they assigned you with me after the whole... case at the academy." he can already tell she's going to hold him over that one. There was no winning with Ikomiki, she would find something to tease him about. He learned the hard way after the whole flashing scenario to just tolerate her, he considered getting ear-cancelling blockers for when she got too rowdy...

    "Either way, we got a job to do but knowing you... you're just going to sit back and do nothing, while I do all the work? is that about the gist of it?" he had a plan with that in mind, he highly doubt that she's going to change her ways and suddenly decide that she is going to help Kureji, but he's awaiting her response to be surprised on that front.


    Posts : 373
    Join date : 2020-01-02

    Delinquents of Graffiti Empty Re: Delinquents of Graffiti

    Post by Ikomiki Sun Mar 15, 2020 11:46 am

    “No. They didn’t assign me. I asked specifically to be on this mission with you.” It was the same as before, with the hospital. Not just blind dumb luck, but intentional sabotoge by Ikomiki. She seemed intent to follow him around, and the fact that she was able to intentionally insert herself into any missions involving Kureji implied that she had either been watching his actions or had some sort of contact who was helping her in the Kirigakure mission selection department.

    Her eyes would turn down from him, staring at her feet for a moment. They would brush up after that, with Ikomiki avoiding eye contact and looking off over to the side while still facing him. “I’m sorry about what happened at the academy.” Her expression was mostly neutral, with the exception of her insistence on avoiding looking at him while saying this. “... and for making fun of your testicles. Akihiro told me the truth about what happened.”

    Her eyes would shift, turning over to where the cleaning supplies were. Sponges, buckets of water, cleaning spray. She still had her hand holding onto his shirt, but she would let go of him now. “I’ll help you. For just today, with this mission.” With that said she would turn away from him, getting one of the sponges for herself.

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    Posts : 373
    Join date : 2020-01-02

    Delinquents of Graffiti Empty Re: Delinquents of Graffiti

    Post by Ikomiki Sun Mar 22, 2020 6:26 pm

    The mission had gone on long enough. This time it seemed like a reversal of fates. This time Ikomiki was the one who did all the work while Kureji did nothing at all, just staring at her in dumbfounded shock. It was a bit annoying, but the catgirl still did it all without any complaints. It was just some hard scrubbing with soap, water, and cleaning supplies. Nothing too intensive for her to do on her own. This would be her payback to Kureji for making fun of him so much and teasing him. Hopefully this would set them as both even in his eyes as well.

    The remaining supplies would be collected nearly, and Ikomiki would prepare to haul them off. She would look over to Kureji, watching him in his silence for a moment. Curious. She hadn’t expected her apology to provoke this sort of reaction in him. Maybe it would have been better if she didn’t say anything at all?

    “I’ll bring everything back, so you don’t have to worry.” She would say. No response would come, but she would wait for a few seconds just in case. After it was confirmed that he would say and do nothing, Ikomiki would be off to return.

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