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    Cleaning up the graffiti


    Posts : 292
    Join date : 2019-12-30
    Location : Kumogakure

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    Skills & Elements: Medic | Fuuin | Tender | Blacksmith | Engineer | Chemisty
    Class: B
    Ryo: A Lot

    Cleaning up the graffiti Empty Cleaning up the graffiti

    Post by DamienDarhk Fri Jan 17, 2020 2:46 am

    Mission Details:

    Lending his services to the village hidden in the mist seemed to Zen to be the best way to waste some time, it wasn't as if he was betraying his village or anything. Zen was a human, and as such expenses arose that needed to be met. In this case the young genin found himself in need of some income for some food, so volunteering his services to clean up some graffiti seemed to Zen like a fair trade.

    Arriving in the market district it was clear which three shops requested the cleaning, the large graffiti obvious on the outside walls. Walking to the first shop the boy was met with the shopkeeper staying outside holding cleaning supplies, without a word the man thrusted the cleaning supplies on the boy and went inside his shop. Zen just let out a sigh as he sat the supplies down before grabbing what he needed and beginning to clean, after all this was what he signed up for.

    The graffiti looked as through it was some kind of gang tag, though Zen did not care what the tag was only how much of a pain it was going to be to take off. Starting with a scrub brush Zen would dip the brush into the soap bucket and begin to scrub the graffiti. While he scrubbed he did take the time to look at the tag, seeing the uses of different colors to add dimensions to it and the artists own style. It took him nearly an hour to finish the first shop, only due to having to change the soap and water out serval times, taking no more than a few minutes to rest before moving on to the next shop to repeat the process. Repetition was not something that the boy was fond of, however he knew what he was signing up for when he took the job.

    Posts : 292
    Join date : 2019-12-30
    Location : Kumogakure

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    Skills & Elements: Medic | Fuuin | Tender | Blacksmith | Engineer | Chemisty
    Class: B
    Ryo: A Lot

    Cleaning up the graffiti Empty Re: Cleaning up the graffiti

    Post by DamienDarhk Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:12 am

    The second shop's owner was not waiting outside like the first shop's was, causing Zen to have to enter the shop to find the man he was looking for. "Ah yes you must be here to clean that mess outside," the shop owner stated as he saw Zen enter the shop. "Supplies are in the back, and you can use the back door to get outside" the shop owner stated as he motioned towards the back of the store. Zen would waste no time as he wished to complete this building so that he could move on to the next one to finish off this task. Grabbing a similar scrub brush and bucket of soapy water to the one he used for the first shop, Zen would head out the back door eager to get the task done.

    Zen's heart would sink as he stepped outside and took a look at the graffiti, this building was larger than the first building as it held a second story something that Zen did not pay attention too at first. Unfortunately for him the graffiti was spread out that the boy didn't even understand how the deliquents had even managed to get that high, unless they used a ladder or if they had any sort of ninja training the tree climbing skill. Either way there was no time to waste whining about the amount of cleaning he was going to have to do to this wall. Starting at the bottom of the tag which he could reach from the ground Zen would begin scrubbing as hard as he can watching as the artwork smeared beneath his brush before fading after scrubbing the same area for a few minutes. It was obvious that this tag was more intricate than the first tag he had cleaned, not just in size but in the respect of the work itself as this tag required more effort in order to remove.

    Posts : 292
    Join date : 2019-12-30
    Location : Kumogakure

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Medic | Fuuin | Tender | Blacksmith | Engineer | Chemisty
    Class: B
    Ryo: A Lot

    Cleaning up the graffiti Empty Re: Cleaning up the graffiti

    Post by DamienDarhk Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:40 am

    Zen would wipe the sweat from his forehead as he finally finished cleaning the graffiti off of the second shop, looking down to the ground from his position standing on the wall. It was still hard for him to believe he had to go as far as using the tree climbing skill in order to get all the graffiti off, as he had done with the first store Zen would take the water hose spraying clean water over the entire area he had scrub to ensure that any left over residue was washed away. After double checking to ensure that he got all of the graffiti off the wall he returned the supplies to the back room before leaving through the front door, thanking the shop owner on his way out heading for the third and final shop.

    Zen was rather relieved when he approached the shop and saw that this tag was by far the smallest of the three, it was as if the person doing it was in a hurry or maybe they didn't bring enough paint for this one, of course if the tags were by the same person it is understandable that he ran out of paint if he did that huge one first. Zen would shake his head to clear his thoughts, he didn't have time for this. Finding the cleaning supplies outside the shop in front of the tag was a nice treat in Zen's eyes, as it mean he didn't have to talk to anyone, he could just do the job and leave.

    Scrubbing away the tag Zen could feel the aching in his arms growing, having already spent so much time doing the same thing over and over again. It had been nearly four hours since he had started on the first shop to when he finished the third shop, his arms sore as he dropped the water hose he had used like he did on the other buildings when he got done scrubbing. Satisfied with his work the young genin turned and headed for the administration office to receive his payment.

    {Exit Thread}

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