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    The Ashur's Zen Garden


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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:43 am

    Mort's Speaking Color: #dfd728
    Nova's Speaking Color: #9966ff
    ???: #ffa31a

    Table of contents:
    Basic Overview:
    More Info:
    Important Items:
    Important Locations:
    Important Events/Achievements
    Relationships/People of Interest:
    Thread 'Sagas':
    Facts, Trivia, and Other BS:
    The OOC Plan:

    Links to other Important Things:
    Update Page: Link
    Complete Tech List: Link
    Custom Techs: Link
    Custom Chemistry: Link
    Custom Crafting:Link
    Kurama Clan: Link
    Kumo Mission Report:
    Idea Pit: Link

    Last edited by Mort on Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:15 pm; edited 17 times in total

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:02 pm

    Basic Overview

    -Name: Mōtimā Midori-Okō Kurama
    -Aliases: Mort; Illusionheir
    -Age: 17
    -Birthday: Unregistered (IRL Updates Febuary/August 1st)
    -Gender: Male ♂
    -Home Village: Kumogakure
    -Current Rank: Genin
    -Clan: Kurama

    -Skills: Genjutsu, Kenjutsu
    -Elements: Fuuton

    -Missions Completed:
    ➤E: _00 ➤D: _00 ➤C: _00 ➤B: _00
    ➤A: _00 ➤S: _00 ➤X: _00 ➤Z: _00

    Religion: Will of Lightning; AKA the Path of Determination


    Mōtimā's Personality:

    Nova's Personality:

    Last edited by Data_Sora on Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:16 am; edited 7 times in total

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:16 pm

    More Info

    Lifetime Stats
    PCs Met: 0
    Techniques Created:
    Chakra Drained: 0 CP
    Bears Punched: 0
    Angel Letters Known: _ _ _ D E _ _ H I J _ _ _ N O _ _ _ S T U _ _ _ _ _

    Last edited by Mort on Tue Sep 15, 2020 11:00 am; edited 3 times in total

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    Age : 26

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:18 pm

    Important Items

    Mōti's starting weapon, given to him by Nova during one of the few times she'd taken over his unconscious body...at least he things that's what happened. In actuality he has no idea how the sword came into his possession, but hey, as long as the weapon is solid, he isn't complaining.

    The Mighty Warrior's Secret Technique Stash
    Yes, Mōti actually bought a large scroll that contains a bunch of techniques he wanted to learn...that he keeps at home. (For site reasons this isn't actually a proper item yet, but it will be eventually!)

    Last edited by Data_Sora on Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:05 am; edited 1 time in total

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:19 pm

    Important Locations

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:19 pm

    Important Events/Achievements

    Last edited by Data_Sora on Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:00 am; edited 1 time in total

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:20 pm

    Relationships/People of Interest

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:22 pm

    The Kurama Clan (As Mōti sees it)

    Last edited by Data_Sora on Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:00 am; edited 10 times in total

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:23 pm

    Thread 'Sagas'

    The 'Road to Destiny' Training Threads
    Where Mōti tries to become a better Ninja

    Chapter 1: Where Mortimer tries to learn some basic techniques with an ever promoting rock.

    The 'Road to Legend' Mission Threads
    Where Mōti cleans up other people's dirty work

    The 'Road to Enlightenment' Dualist Threads
    Where Mōti keeps challenging people to swordfights

    The 'Road to Excalibair' Craft Threads
    Where Mōti attempts to obtain the Strongest Sword

    The 'Road to Ursidae' Bear Threads
    Where Mōti punches bears. Thats it. Look out Bear Summons.

    Last edited by Data_Sora on Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:59 am; edited 2 times in total

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:23 pm

    Facts, Trivia, and other BS

    Last edited by Data_Sora on Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:58 am; edited 1 time in total

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:56 am

    The OOC Plan

    Wait, this isn't Plot related!
    Technically no, but having an area dedicated to what I hope Mort will become is always nice to have. Plus it also gives me a place to put down ideas in a quick and easy fashion while still being transparent to eveyone.

    Mort color: dfd728
    Nova color: 9966ff

    -Superego Entity Level - needs more fleshing out
    -Techs based off of Ushiwakamaru - write it up
    -UA or Seal that lets the user use wind jutsu instead of seals?

    The Plan
    2➤STR: C (A)
    2➤CON: C
    3➤STA: B
    3➤SPD: B
    3➤CRD: B (S)
    6➤INT: S
    3➤PRS: B
    Stat XP: 7,750

    ES Stats:
    6➤STR: S
    6➤CON: S
    3➤STA: B
    1➤SPD: D
    4➤CRD: A
    1➤INT: D
    3➤PRS: B
    Stat XP: 9,750

    4➤D: KKG, GEN, KEN, AIR
    1➤C: SEAL
    1➤B: MED
    1➤A: NIN
    1➤S: CHM
    2➤X: +2

    Bloodline Implants to aim for; 2 max:
    ➤Uchiha; Konoha
    ➤Chinoike; Kumo
    ➤Sasaki; Kumo*
    ➤Yurei; Kiri

    Techniques Desired:
    Charge Signal - Open Custom (Need to claim next update)
    Dynamic Entry (Its just so dumb that it'd fit Mort so well! WHY IS IT LOCKED BEHIND A VILLAGE???)
    Rasingan (fits samurai ideal in no handseals, need B CRD, Sack Med or C STR?)
    Fission Technique (possibly an IC tech reason for entity level creation?)
    Iwa Kinjutsu (gotta complete the look!)

    Technique Ideas:
    Porcupine Technique - like cat claw, but with hair, would allow for other techs
    Rasingan Sword - It just sounds dope
    Body swap with seal-stored explosive bear logs
    Ushi's NP - 2, 4, 6, and 8 Step at C, B, A and S respectively?
    Reality Swap Series: Basically make a 1v1 mental arena.

    Other ideas:
    UA that lets me use fans 1 handed for Fuuton techs?

    Clan Ideas

    ➤Ink paint blood clan - card specialists?
    ➤Summoner clan - allows up to 3 contracts by the end
    ➤Candle release
    ➤cyborg-puppet clan
    ➤info guild - seal masters

    Last edited by Mort on Sun Jan 31, 2021 2:11 pm; edited 9 times in total

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:44 am

    The SuperEgo Entity Idea

    Requirements for Creation:

    ➤Learn the Fission Technique
    ➤Kurama KKG Ressha unlocked
    ➤350 total Chakra absorbed from people, willingly or not.
    ➤Absorbed Chakra from 5 different element users.
    ➤Mission chain to find lost Kurama scrolls.
    ➤Threads learning the 5 philosophies of the 5 major nations
    ➤3 different bijuu seals known

    Once all requirements are met, user must use the tech learned (created) just for the creation of the entity.

    Tōi shōri no yume, Noboru no Ōgami

    {add image}


    Unique Ability - Dark/Yin-Yang Release
    NOTE: while the user can make dark techs, they cannot make Yin-yang techs just by this entity alone.

    Innate Dark Techs:

    Inate Yin-Yang Techs:

    Chakra Access
    User's Max CP will increase to match Entity at 5 CP per IRL week.
    Note: Max CP starts at 1/2 user's original CP and can only increase through dark absorb.
     70 CP - 1st Level {100 Exp]
    140 CP - 2nd Level {200 Exp}
    210 CP - 3rd Level  {300 Exp}
    280 CP - 4th Level {Contest of Ideals}
    350 CP - 5th Level {Ur-Ideal}

    Can recover through Dark, always recovers SuperEgo before User until control
    the usual 10% per post of CP hits 0.

    Ability 1 - Ideal Body & Mind
    350 XP Unlock
    25% CP - Heal non-fatal wounds over 1 post
    10% CP - Protects CON and INT from debuffs and the other 5 stats cannot go below E for 3 posts.
    60% CP - Heal fatal wounds over 1 post
    15% CP - Protects CON and INT from debuffs and the other 5 stats cannot go below D for 5 posts.

    Ability 2 - Angrvaðall & Shrivatsa - Unlock: 500 XP
    Initial: Weapon or Armor of user's class
    -500 XP Unlock: Can boost to X-Rank for 1 post.
    Level 1: Weapon & Armor
    CoI: 2 weapons & armor
    Ur-Ideal: 2 weapons, armor & cool cape

    Ability 3 - Voidheart Affinity
    When dark released is used, can store charges of element for use.
    Initial: Absorbing only
    Level 1: Can send back original tech. 1 charge
    CoI: Can learn techs for basic elements if absorbed; +1 rank cost. 1 charge to learn, 5 to use
    Level 2: Can learn techs for basic elements if absorbed; +0 rank cost. 1 learn, 3 use
    Ur-Ideal: Can learn techs for advanced elements if absorbed; +1 rank cost. triple cost for every element needed.
    Level 3: Can learn techs for advanced elements if absorbed; +1 rank cost. double cost for every element needed.
    NOTE: this is not sharingan, and user must take time & x2 wordcount to learn techs with elements they do not have on their sheet.

    Ability 4 - Manifestation
    Manifests Noboru within 5m. Noboru cannot go farther then 25m from user.
    Initial: -3 Stats
    Level 1: -2 Stats
    CoI: -1 Stats
    Ur-Ideal: Full stats
    Level 2: Full Stats, can change size

    Ability 5 - Contest of Ideals (CoI)

    Unlock by beating it up. treat it as Lv. 2 Manifest, starting out at the same size as the user.
    It's stats are as follows:
    Strength: S
    Constitution: S++
    Stamina: S++
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A

    The alternate way instead of having to fight the SuperEgo is:
    ➤1: Using absorbed CP and/or paying XP, reach a total of 20,000.
    ➤2: Defeat an S-Class PC in a 1v1 battle to the death and win. Can be lowered to 1 A-Class for 7,500 XP and having a strong bond between them, such as a rival, sensei, or family member. While any techniques can be used during the battle, attempting to use underhanded tricks before the battle, such as poisoning the target to weaken them beforehand is not allowed.
    ➤Use Fission and kill the other by your own hand.

    By doing any of these alternate paths, the Superego will allow

    Ability 6 - Ur-Ideal
    3,000 xp total spent
    Remove Mental Stability costs reduced
    User doesn't pass out when at 0 CP

    Mental/Chakra Stability
    250 points at start, can be recovered by 5 by absorbing a technique. Max 500 at any time.

    Dark Release: 1 / 0
    Yin-Yang Release: 50 / 10
    Chakra Access: 5 / 0
    Healing: 10
    Debuff Immune: 10
    Version One: 15
    Version Two: 25
    Tailed Beast Mode: 30
    Chakra Mode: 15

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:56 pm


    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:56 pm


    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:57 pm


    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:57 pm

    Holder of a place

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:57 pm


    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:57 pm


    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:58 pm

    2nd place same as the space

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:58 pm

    Place 3; the final hold

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:59 pm


    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:00 am


    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:00 am


    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:00 am


    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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    The Ashur's Zen Garden Empty Re: The Ashur's Zen Garden

    Post by Mort Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:00 am

    Okay this should be the final placeholder

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

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