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    The same B rank - different genin


    Village : Minor Nation
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    The same B rank - different genin  Empty The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Oda Sun Jan 26, 2020 4:01 pm

    Takeo wrote:Mission Name: Step One: Collect
    Mission Type: Recruitment
    Mission Rank: B
    Mission Goal: Pick up thugs off the streets and properly structure them into respectable shinobi.
    Description: Whether as a one woman army or a group, rally up people off the streets that are participating in crime for the sake of survival, rather than greed (so leave out anyone who's a major issue). Collect up to five and don't roughen them up or kill them -- approach logically and only act out violently to defend yourself.
    Payment: 30,000 Ryo
    Requirements: Be Chuunin or above

    Thug Stats:

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Oda Sun Jan 26, 2020 4:50 pm

    Five was starting to grow impatient with the mission office. He was becoming a glorified baby sitter by now. Rumor was this time he was being assigned a princess of all things. So they were going to give him the most tempting treat possible and see how he reacted? He had scoffed at the assignment at first. However the more he thought on it the more interesting it became. A naive princess... Well now that he could use. He could change himself into a model citizen for a purpose that suited his goals. Still it seemed like such a bother. These missions always took them to the slums. Foul smells and ugly scenery. Of course prime locations for crime would be found in poverty stricken area's. Just once though he would like to fight in a palace. Perfumed flower gardens. Mmm it sounded so wonderful. Instead he was going to go pick a fight with some thugs in sime warehouse with a princess in tone that likely wasn't ready to fight for anything short of her life. Of course she could be like Alice in wonderland and actually make a difference but the real world was rarely so casual. Not like the fiction he liked to read.

    Still he was hardly some hero. More akin to the mad hatter some would say. He knew she was being assigned the mission today around this time. Likely being handed a file suggesting she remain cautious around her Jounin partner. They wouldn't hesitate to tell her of his recent parole from prison or his deadly capabilities he was certain. Always they kept warning the genin to keep their eyes open around the white rabbit. He himself had been warned to prepare and to not allow anything to happen to her. So he had been granted permission to kill before that happened. Of course that wasn't written anywhere so he knew a trap when he heard one. She would get out unscathed and he would be heading back to prison for murder. He would need to play this carefully if he wanted to benefit. For now he hadn't brought any of his weapons. Just the armor. Leather chest piece and shoulder guards with leather shin guards and hip guards. The only thing metal on him were his thigh guards and his arm braces. Of course he hadn't come entirely unarmed. A suspicious umbrella was keeping the rain off of him. It was far too large to be a normal umbrella. Easily large enough to keep three adults dry.

    Five himself was standing across the street from the administration building. He was dressed in black boots. black shinobi pants and even a black turtle neck. Over that though he was wearing a dark blue hooded cloak. On his lower face was a kiri rebreather or rather a gas mask that seemed to have its own air tank. The upper half of his face though was a white rabbit mask with a red string hanging from the right ear with a little bell hanging on it. Purple eyes staring out from within its depths. Waiting for her to come out of the office and seek out someone so obviously the white rabbit.

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
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    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2019-12-18
    Age : 34
    Location : Switzerland

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ice Cream
    Class: D
    Ryo: 180'500

    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Verdandi Sun Jan 26, 2020 5:47 pm

    The world was a constantly changing contrast of different shades and lifestyles. Five had been molded into what he was just as much as the princess. Verdandi would wake in her palace room. Surrounded by dozens of shiny diamond snowflakes. They were fixed by tiny invisible threads to the ceiling. Verd had them since she was a child and added more to her collection each year. Beautiful drawings of royal dancers and famous yuki shinobi would cover her walls, some others had cute cats and bears painted on them. Dandi had grown from a child to a young adult in this place and while many of her teachers would have potentially shrugged with disapproval over the way she still lived as pampered as always. But Verdandi wasn’t quite the helplessly spoiled brat that many judged her to be. Thanks to her elder sister Urd, Verd was well educated and smart for her age. What she lacked in physical training she made up in natural wits on par with many adults and teachers far past her age. Verd was very aware of many things and threads going on around her. Kiri-economics, talk of war and peace, geopolitics between nations and hidden villages. Verd’s mother was one of the most powerful rulers in the water empire. It was only natural that the princess had seen and met with many powerful people. She learned a lot by observing them. Her eyes would follow their every step and take in the experience, molding her into a perfect scholar of the next generation to come.

    After her shower, Verd would slip into her casual kunoichi gear. Despite it being functional mostly it still donned rather beautiful metal hair accessories which could be repurposed into weapons during battle. Diamond earrings, golden regalia to hold onto her coat. If she was going to be the bait today, she could just as well be a good one. While there was clearly danger announced, Verd mission seemed more aimed at her partner than the thugs in the mission report. She was instructed to be wary of him and yet also not to trigger him. Verd guessed that they picked her for a reason. Whenever she was assigned to such duties it was either a political trigger or someone else obsessed with kiri’s royalty. But Verd was a smart kid. She would get through this day alive one way or another. She just had to rely on this yet to be stranger to do the heavy lifting where required. If any or else failed she’d just have to make a run for it.

    “Let’s go, big boy.” Verd smiled as she spotted her trusty companion already waiting at the entrance. He was well fed and groomed by the servants. He probably wouldn’t accompany the princess through the whole mission. Bears tend to be a bit bad for stealthy parts. But she’d be damned if she had to let him completely alone at home. He could serve as mount at least until they reached the target area.

    Verd arrived at the administration building only a few later. Still earlier than needed. She didn’t spot Five yet as the street flooded with civilians getting ready to open their business. She moved into the building to pick up her mission scroll. Once again reminded of the warnings previously mentioned when she was first informed about it. With the scroll tucked in her pockets she left the building, moving to the bear next to the entrance. Usually being forced to tie him up like a horse outside. They didn’t want him breaking the building apart apparently. Verd giggled and stroked his fur. “Let’s see who we’re getting this time. Don’t be scared. I’m sure it’ll work out well.”


    Village : Minor Nation
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    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Oda Sun Jan 26, 2020 6:35 pm

    Five would watch with purple eyes as of all things a woman rode in covered in riches and mounting a bear. A freaking bear of all things. Even he was hesitant for the moment. Certainly this had to be the princess he had heard of. She virtually reaked of beauty and riches. He would frown behind his rebreather at the sight. On one hand a bear carried its weight in intimidation. If it gave Five pause it would likely stretch much further with the riff raff. On the other hand they might be willing to die for the riches on her head alone. She likely was doing this on purpose. Asking for trouble to let some excitement into her life. Still she had some considerable control over the bear itself it seemed which was no easy feat. In the end it would be a gamble to see what happened. He was betting on fear and if not he could handle a few barely trained men. What did she gain out of this though he wondered? Clearly she didn't need any money. Adrenaline junky maybe? God he hoped she wasn't some bleeding heart save everyone living in a dream kind of princess. World peace? Not gonna happen.

    Still when she would exit and pat the bear Five would step forward. The rain seemed to barely pitter against his umbrella. His purple eyes studying the two as he was sure to approach from a visible position. Visible was a considerable understatement. Even rushing around in the rain the people of the market would split like water around a stone. No one wanted to be within two arm lengths of him. Even the children could feel the menace that came with a man like five. Dripping off of him like there might be actual blood there dripping from his pristine pale fingers with their purple and black nail polish. While hers was to a far greater level they had both come from wealth and education. The difference was Five was born a bad seed. A monster that fed his monstrous tendencies. It took a decade in prison for him to learn to quell it and behave some but nothing would wash away all he had done. The bear with her would easily sense that Five was more than a predator in their territory. He was something darker. His soul tainted and his aura that of madness. Still Five would bow his head and speak in a muffled but pleasant tone. Like silk on the ears. Easy to be disarmed and Mesmer might be the word that came to mind. Even his honeyed words were hypnotic.

    "Good morning princess. I will be your mission partner today. I see you also brought some extra muscle....it does understand we are not allowed to kill or maim on this mission right?"

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
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    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2019-12-18
    Age : 34
    Location : Switzerland

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ice Cream
    Class: D
    Ryo: 180'500

    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Verdandi Mon Jan 27, 2020 5:57 am

    Verdandi’s glance moved into the masses. There was something odd about her. Something even she herself couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Maybe a skilled observer like Five would be able to see a certain lust for chaos and destruction in her eyes. Verd was no killer. Violence didn’t really fuel her desires. It was disorder that intrigued her. She wasn’t sure why. Maybe one of her past lives had influenced her to be a bit more on the wild side of things. But as a kunoichi that wasn’t necessarily a negative trait. She had endured many psychological tests by her family members and teachers. She was mentally ready for most things to be thrown her way. She was smart and educated yes, but also had a burning passion for irony and the mind games she had continuously witnessed at the royal court. For a man like Five who had seen all these things himself and more, it’d be probably easy to spot a certain spark of mischief in the princesses’ eyes.

    As Verd spotted him and moved closer, she still had Avalanche’s collar in her grip. She could feel the creature shake and shiver a few times. She had been informed that Five was a monster caged in a man. It was rather obvious now that this was the right person to her. ‘Deep breath. They picked you for a reason. They know you can deal with these types, that’s your specialty in this situation.’ Verd lowered her own body temperature and forcefully removed any and all excitement and angst from her body. She was cold as eyes as she glared into Five’s pupils. The rebreather just added to the creepiness. Dandi would have to analyze him quickly and carefully. Triggering him would most likely lead to her own doom, there was no calming and freezing technique that could really fill the power gap in this case.

    Her eyes showed the power of determination and strength. He could glance the will to dominate and control within her. Obviously seeing now that it was this willpower that would bind the mighty creature next to her to a technically much weaker being such as the young princess. Verd caressed through the fur on Avalanche’s neck and calmed him. “Good Morning Sir.” Verd bowed with respect and raised slowly but with the same determined gaze as before. “HE does understand Sir, but accidents happen. Don’t they?” she smiled a slightly evil grin. She was here to test him without triggering him. But maybe this could still lead to a beautiful friendship of chaos. "I guess we should be off. The designated district is not too far away if I read correctly..."


    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
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    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Oda Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:54 pm

    Five would watch the girl as she bowed and spoke pleasantly. There was something off there. Though her bear was slightly shaken she was not. Her voice and face were pleasant. Even her actions seemed humble. Truth was he was expecting something more of a commanding woman that would hoist the whole mission on him or choose to do something perilous for a quick thrill. Instead she acted as many other genin did. However she was clearly not afraid. It was her eyes. The way she looked through his intimidation tactics. Cold and calculating. He could see intelligence there. Intelligence and experience. He wasn't her first dangerous interaction from the looks of it. Of course not Five would scold himself inwardly for as he studied her for more clues to her personality. Idly letting his purple gaze study hers. He would frown behind his mask slightly. So she thought she could control the situation with sweet honeyed words. Well he supposed she knew how to leash her rabid dogs. For today he could contain his inner nature. Still she spoke in favor of her companion but hinted that accidents happened. Five would take a breath but speak calmly. After all she was a genin.

    "We have specific orders here. If we can't control the situation with some barely talented civilians we have no real business being there. Accidents happen to the unprepared. If one of them is maimed or killed our mission is a failure and that will reflect poorly on our records. Now then, this way."

    Five would turn and begin to walk at a moderate pace to allow both of them to easily keep up. Normally he preferred not to approach via any street but he didn't know if a bear could handle roof tops. It was a rather bulky creature after all. For now they walked towards the slums and some abandoned warehouses there. On the way though Five would speak again. His tone was informative but otherwise emotionless. His voice was still like silk to the ears but he was to teach in situations like this. "For the time being you should consider concealing your identity. If things do go south someones brother or son or even life long friend has just perished. You will have to be wary of retribution. I trust a woman as resourceful as you can manage a mask of some sort yes?"

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
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    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2019-12-18
    Age : 34
    Location : Switzerland

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ice Cream
    Class: D
    Ryo: 180'500

    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Verdandi Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:15 pm

    Verdandi kept her cold expression. Some well times smiles would stab a little blade into Five’s mental walls. Poking at him. She had offered him bait. The chance to let his true nature escape and expose. Just a little bit. Not enough to be dangerous for her. Just enough to show that there was indeed a thirst and hunger within himself that his new life just couldn’t properly feed. But he was vigilant. His answer to her implication of even the smallest glimpse of violence were so text book it actually almost bored her for a second. Either he was already on her case in this little game of minds or he was really good at not showing his inner corruption. Or maybe he actually managed to quell, diminish and completely destroy the darkness within him? While Verd’s lips smiled, her eyes gazed into the abyss of his soul trying to already grab for the very secrets within. He didn’t let pass. She couldn’t grip it. He probably felt her intention, maybe he didn’t? Whenever Verd got nervous she would pump another short surge of cool into her body, eliminating all raising emotions and excitement. She’d rather be the cold fish than be confronted about her worries, fears and potential distrust of actual safety within these moments. He didn’t seem to have her trail yet, but neither did she. However, it was just the very first of many observations and moments the princess would be able to stab her ‘blade’ into his walls, into the membrane of the psyche.

    “But of course, this is going to be all very professional and clean...” She nodded, the seemingly emotionless smile slowly fading from her lips again as broke eye contact with him. Moving a few steps to brush her slightly cool palm over Avalanches head again. The creature feeling calm and collected, as he would feel how calm his own Master was. The otherwise sensitive beast brushing himself against Verd’s palm, not minding the lower temperature, polar bears enjoyed the cool. As Five started to get a move on, Dandi would follow. She could tell that her superior was holding back to suit to her levels, which was as considerate as it was polite. Both of the snow-kin easily following after. While the roofs would have probably worked, Verd usually didn’t try to go out of her way and compensate the townsfolk for potential roof damage… so yeah, it was probably better for now to remain on ground level. Five motioned for her to properly disguise and Verd nodded. She pulled a tiny red string on her seemingly regal robe and turned it around. With it, the royal signet would be hidden and Verd’s face would be covered in a soft, kind of mischievous darkness. Becoming faceless to the ones glaring at her from afar. The rather gray outline of the inside-fabrics was darker too, making her less prominent in the darkness. A second grip would quickly snatch the golden attachments off her dress. She even reached into the hood to remove the hair pins for now. Stashing it all safely in the inside pockets of her dress. She could be a beggar now, a thief, or even just a hired hand like this. Eventually they would get closer to the target area and slow down quite a bit. Verd was wondering if Ava would need to stay behind if they would go any further.


    Village : Minor Nation
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    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Oda Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:30 pm

    Five would actually be rather impressed with the transformation she took on. Such a simple motion and yet so effective. He would nod in approval as his advice was taken. She was much more than she appeared it seemed. Perhaps she had access to training as a princess the lowly average shinobi did not. After all having a polar bear as a companion that obeyed her like a puppy should have hinted to him the very base of her capabilities. He enjoyed this now more than he had been. Oh how they liked to send him the interesting ones. Stealth was his go to and aside from Emiki both Toshiyuki and Verdandi had proven capable. If anything she was just a more confident version of the boy. Not a spoiled little girl as he had feared perhaps. Still they would stop at a corner before a large space between them and a warehouse. Scattered containers would provide decent cover though there were civilians apparently living in them like little homes. So nothing large scale and destructive like blowing down the side of the warehouse would be considered acceptable. He pouted a little behind his mask as he just wished once, just once they would let him rip something apart. Still it was a good fifty meters to the front door. A man with a tattoo of a tiger on his face under his left eye was smoking there. A watch to alert the others most likely. Five would hold up his hand and step back around the corner.

    "Hold here. I will investigate. Information is key."

    He spoke as if he was about to move and leave her there. However instead he would kneel down on one knee and place his hand on the wall. It was a little jarring to use his clan ability and keep ones balance. Almost nauseating. Still she would feel it flood out of him now. Something dark was building up within him. Building at his core like wrath had surfaced from the underworld. Slowly his purple eyes would shift to a glowing crimson. He was no longer looking at the wall but through it. His eyes shifting as if he was studying something. Watching with his clans ability on those within the warehouse. Slowly he would carefully study it all before the sense of unease in the air would fade and the purple in his eyes would take over again. Allowing him to speak.

    "Aside from the guard at the entrance there are four more gathered inside. They are looking through their latest hall by the looks of it. Distracted by meager earnings. How do you want to approach this? Quietly and clean? Aggressive and a show of force? Or do you think direct negotiation is possible?"

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
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    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2019-12-18
    Age : 34
    Location : Switzerland

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ice Cream
    Class: D
    Ryo: 180'500

    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Verdandi Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:25 am

    Verdandi could see a change in her partners expression. Was he impressed? Or just enjoyed himself in his own awkward way? Verd couldn’t fully tell just from the short glimpses. Maybe the people trying to test Five here had a deeper understanding towards his likes and preferences, while Verd had done similar testing requests before they still picked her only if she had certain attributes their target of interest would be greedy for. Was the bait already bitten? She doubted it. But it wasn’t that important to herself, because her goal could be accomplished in many ways, even if he didn’t like her at all. Verd kept a close eye on him, wondering what deeds hat put him in this rather peculiar situation. Why did he do the things that put him at the very edge of shinobi society, living the life between the loyal weapon and the jailbird. But Verd had to contain her own interest.

    The mission was about to move forward. Verd would slow down and stay close behind the man in the mask. He would offer her the choice of practice, as how to proceed. Verd was mostly busy trying to figure out what he just did with shiny eyes and all. Despite her side-mission to monitor him she wasn’t really well informed about his skill. Probably they wanted an objective and un-biased report based solely on Five’s behavior. But since he was so kind to present another chance to test him, Verd smiled an evil grin all across her face. “Mhmm lets bust through this with aggressive force… no need to hold back. Well, safe for the not-killing parts I suppose?”

    Meanwhile Avalanche had planted his butt against the wall and been instructed to make as little noise as possible. But then again, he wasn't made for stealth. Animals like him had a rather loud breathing and occasionally growled softly away. While Ava was keeping quiet as best as he could, there was no way for him to move further without causing trouble to the other two. If they went for the aggressive route however, the bear wouldn't need to try and keep so quiet.


    Village : Minor Nation
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    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Oda Fri Jan 31, 2020 1:41 pm

    Five would listen to her. His raised eye brow hidden behind his mask. Perhaps she was like him? Hidden behind a facade of perfection was another monster. Thirsting for violence by any means. She had likely been educated in the art of negotiation but that didn't eliminate the want to approach from a position of power. He had to admit that these violent fool were likely to not respond well to the two of them simply requesting they surrender. The more aggressive the approach the more the enemy forces would have their morale reduced. Usually he would have begun by throwing a corpse in, proceed to put a couple of them under some genjutsu that left them wailing in fear and then issue threats. However no killing was allowed and he was curious about the princess. Besides that none of these civilians would feel particularly manly with a bear present. He would smile all the same as he nodded. Her plan was to negotiate from a position of authority and power and he would follow her choice. Not because she was a princess but simply because he wanted to see how this played out. He had a couple of deterrent jutsu if this went poorly after all

    "Very well. I will get us inside. After which you will be doing the talking. If you have to refer to me call me Rabbit. Oh and do bring the bear. "

    Five would playfully salute her before slipping around the building. He kept low approaching from behind the cover of containers but staying out of view. His speed was considerably above the average persons but nothing spectacular to the ninja world. He didn't much care if she approached directly. That bear would draw attention and that was what he wanted. Idly he gathered a small amount of chakra. Taking up a running stance from the Arhat school. Once he was within three meters suddenly he would burst forth. Clearing the space in an instant. Before the person there could begin to react to Five the shoulder charge was complete. The contact to his shoulder and to the mans chest wiped the breath out of the man. Sending him careening backwards totally unprepared. The man who had been watching the door was sent crashing through it. Removing the warehouse door from its hinges so violently it ripped a big enough hole in the side of the wall for the bear to fit through easily. Five stepped in and to the side as the man slid on top of the door to the feet of the others. His purple eyes watching them as he waited for the princess. What would she do he wondered. Just in case he idly rose a hand up to ring the tiny bell from his mask before Verdandi could enter so it wouldn't effect her. Soon it would be of use.

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
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    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2019-12-18
    Age : 34
    Location : Switzerland

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ice Cream
    Class: D
    Ryo: 180'500

    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Verdandi Fri Jan 31, 2020 6:49 pm

    Verdandi glared around the corner to seek for Five after he vanished, she could barely still see him ‘entering’ the complex by basically using the doorman as the key. While Dandi approved very much of such extremely efficient techniques, she still had to keep in mind that it was her job to monitor this guy and make sure he was a behaving ninja weapon and not falling back to his old patterns. Thus, it was rather important that Verd would have to keep him within her field of vision. A feat not that easily accomplished considering his superior movement speed and her still immature perception. Verd eventually made it towards the entrance, her companion “Rabbit” was holding onto a bell, which didn’t seem quite as violent as she expected maybe. A quick gaze down would however raise her hopes once again, seeing how the door guy was clearly having a shitty day now.

    Verd giggled, her young voice would echo into the complex, the remaining thugs within would stare at the intruders. Considering the way Rabbit and Verd had entered, they men inside seemed cautious, but thugs live their lives on the street, they aren’t naturally just afraid from a simple fight. They were bulky too. All of them physically stronger than Dandi. But none of them had the psychological and mental warfare ready that the shinobi were capable of. Their lack of intelligence and the ability to judge the situation correctly would eventually be their doom.

    Verd stepped into the hall, passed ‘Rabbit’ and made sure her shoes would hit the ground hard, mixing the noises of her loud steps with her giggle. Dandi had an unusual ability among ninja, something the Yuki were exclusively able to do so. She could completely influence the temperature of any room she entered by simply exhaling her chakra into it. It was the basic concept of her Bloodline, the very core of her power. Just as the freezing started, Avalanche would squeeze himself past the broken door and break through part of the entrance with his mighty shoulders easily. While Verd was physically weak. Her companion was not. The bears presence added to the noises being exhaled into the room. A low, angry and completely vicious growl was added. Verd finalized her very physical illusion by exhaling her louder laughs with a futon infused burst of chakra, causing heavy winds to whirl through the room. A very specific set of skills completely focused on mental intimidation. A move usually referred to as ‘Haki’ or ‘Haka’ in traditional warfare. With the wind and the cold combined, Verdandi’s presence would be exhaled in waves into the room, each wave would send shivers down the spines of her targets. The hooded woman followed by the large bear would eventually come to a halt. Her laughs removed from the room, but the freezing waves of windy torment remained.

    “Kneel you worms. The reaper has come to collect you. Bow now and I might allow you to rebuild yourselves… Fail and die like the trash you are right now…”

    Verdandi was certain that some of them would comply. Probably most, but not all of them. Leaving it up to ‘Rabbit’ to deal with whomever dared to defy the ‘Queens’ command.



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    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Oda Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:27 pm

    Five would watch as the girl entered and shortly after her bear. These men were all ready to fight until the beast had arrived. It's huge moonlight colored frame rising up like a god of death had indeed sent its harbinger. This girl was certainly intimidating. Five would smile as he idly tapped the bell hanging from his mask again. A light noise that could barely be heard over the growling or the demand to kneel and be subjugated. A ruling class indeed. His thoughts were brought back to the ruling class that had him imprisoned. His disdain for them. Perhaps if he were to remain in this ones good graces...or would she try and subjugate him too? He didn't do so well with orders or demands these days. His purple eyes watched her from behind as he waited. She could be a valuable ally or a terrible enemy. If he wanted either. His own power was slowly coming back to him so he would play the misguided but obedient pup. His eyes narrowed slightly as he listened to her all the same. She might consider him a worm like these men. A basic thug. He would need to show her some of his potency. If given the opportunity.

    As smart as bricks these men happened to be. However even a brick avoided the hammer if it could. The bear being the hammer here. Three of the men were smart bricks. Their hands raised and their fingers interlaced behind their heads. However two of them were just plain bricks. Slowly their hands shifted towards the burning barrel as if no one would notice this obvious attempt at rebellion. Foolish. That aside Five loved to show off. It was just something fun to do after all. To make others understand his superiority. As the ring of the bell carried out even Verdandi would see it but wouldn't be effected by the second part. Dozens of illusions of Five now filled the room. Standing almost within touching distance of each one of the men. Red eyes staring them down as they glowed. All five of the men would twitch and slightly convulse as blood seeped from their ears and they would all collapse to the ground. Unable to stand. Their motor functions robbed of them. All it had taken was a small bell chime. Five would smile behind his mask as he let the bell fall silent. Allowing Verd to do her piece if she wished. He was just a silent back up after all. No real damage had been done and this lot was left helpless for a couple of minutes.

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
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    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Verdandi Sun Feb 02, 2020 3:30 pm

    Verdandi was but a large bluff in this situation. Basically, all these thugs could just smack her on the head and she’d be down on the ground, probably crying like a teen girl sometimes does. But psychological warfare was her most favorite one. Especially if she didn’t have to actually fight at all. As expected, Five would deal with the unwilling and unbendable, by using Genjutsu, a more hands-on way of psychological warfare. Verd liked that. Maybe she’d have to learn the knack about how this skill is used properly someday. But for now, her priorities were elsewhere. Since Verd wasn’t affected by the illusion, she couldn’t see the extra ‘Rabbit’ clones either. Only how the rebellious thugs would stutter in their tracks towards Verd and eventually start kneeling as well. Whatever vision he had poured into their poor minds, it was probably an unpleasant one judging by the effect it caused. Verd snickered. A resounding success.

    One of the kneeling guys before her however pulled out his knife and in a seemingly commendable and even praise-worthy endurance he raised for another attack, even if slow and weak. Verd nodded once and her furry companion slowly trotted two steps forward and head-butted the man back. His knife didn’t even find its way into the bears skin as the man stumbled and fell on his ass. Verd clapped, that annoying slow clap thing people liked to do to underline a failed attempt or effort.

    “Very well. Looks like some of you dogs have a little promise in you. There is your last chance… submit or become food for my hungry friend…”

    They one with the knife seemed slightly bruised from the headbutt. Nothing major. But it was important to break the alpha in front of the betas. If the alpha dog submits, the others will follow him. If the strongest gives up, the weak won’t feel bad for following his example. Simple. Logic. Verdandi’s “Haki” was still active, putting pressure on her targets. Cold and shivery, windy and intimidating. She held up her palm as if offering her hand to the one on the ground.

    “Come, don’t waste yourself for nothing, you can still find a better purpose than being trash.”


    Village : Minor Nation
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    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Oda Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:04 pm

    Five would watch one of them struggle. Besides the cold and wind in the air mixing with the malice and overwhelming odds he was going to be the fool. A hand that hadn't steadied the bell twitched next to his trench knife. Put him down for his arrogance. Put him down for his willingness to defy Five. That was the thought that passed his mind. Filth should know their place is essentially what the princess had said and now he felt it. This must be the difference. How he felt to them must be the difference between her and him. She could be strong he supposed. Still the bear stepped up and handled it instead. A single crack as the two heads connected and the big man went down. Five would smile slightly before any murmurs of discontent were silenced. A bunch of followers and one potential leader. They would make fine fodder for the academy. Still they all surrendered and with two of them aiding their knocked out comrade and the rest walking with their fingers interlaced behind their head the group walked to the recruitment center and ushered them inside. One of them still a little hazy about where he was.

    Still once they were gone Five would turn and begin walking in silence towards the mission board. Ready to turn in a short days work. However once they were three blocks away five would remove his two part mask and hang it from his belt. It might have seemed shocking for verdandi when she would see his face. For such a wretched and dangerous man Five had a face that looked like it was designed to lure people in. He was nothing short of beautiful. His purple eyes had a slight amount of eye liner darkening them which made the eyes pop all the more. His pale lips glistened slightly pink with lip gloss against his pale skin. His purple hair loosely falling about his face and contrasting everything but his eyes perfectly. He would speak now without being muffled and in doing so his true voice came out. Like a melody to the ears. Every part of him was easily designed to lure his prey in.

    "You did well today. Very intimidating. One might think you had a dark enough heart for this sort of work."

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
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    Posts : 58
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    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Verdandi Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:30 pm

    Verdandi watched them go. If she wasn’t a master at cooling herself and her own temper one would have noticed how frickin nervous she had been and probably still was right now. The genjutsu chakra within them was eventually removed, the leader tugged along. Five and Verd leading them to their new home just a few corners about. The two shinobi ahead. The scared thugs in between. The huge bear behind them to make sure none of them had second thoughts while moving. The drop off was rather unspectacular. Maybe some of them had promise. Maybe none. Verd didn’t know, it wasn’t her goal to be a recruiter. She had been tasked with her own, special command during this mission anyway and despite all efforts to tease the ‘rabbit’ Verd didn’t see his bloodthirst cross the borders. However, she did feel its existence. Maybe occasionally follow his behavior to be a bit shivery. Maybe he was thinking of slaughtering them after all? Maybe he just got cold as Verd used her freezing winds. Dandi had made her own observations and they would all be written down in her report. Since the result was sort of inconclusive, she knew already that they would send her again. Probably on a mission where killing wasn’t out of question. Verd shuddered. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to be around when this guy let himself loose.

    Verdandi’s trail of thoughts was interrupted. Five removed his mask and revealed a rather unexpected sight. While having a sort of feminine touch, it was a rather inviting appearance. Safe for these eyes that gave Verd the shivers. As if pupils could tell her that they wish to murder or consume her. He obviously knew that his looks were appealing, he used it as another tool to bait his targets. A smile that would let you lower your guard just so he could stab you in the back. Beautiful and terrifying.

    Dandi’s eyes met his. He obviously scanned her face for a reaction to his sudden reveal. Verd felt her emotions in chaos, rumble upwards and threaten to surface. The frost exhaled. Cooling her again. Keeping her calm. Her facial expression didn’t even budge a single hair. Her pupils remained, unfocused, scanning him and then moving on. He probably could tell that this wasn’t her true reaction, but a skill.

    “Thank you, kind Sir. It was a pleasure; quick work is my preferred way of finishing my tasks. I’m sure I still can learn a lot by observing you, Master Rabbit.”

    Verd planted her cue, she already knew this wasn’t going to be their last mission. This way her higher ups could make it appear like Verd asked for this pairing, to train her. One had to always think a step ahead.


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    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Oda Mon Feb 03, 2020 10:58 am

    Five would walk with her as she spoke. Listening for a moment as she continued the charade. Surely she was finding this as exhausting as he was. Keeping up appearances. His skin still felt numb from the cold from before. Likely she could go even colder if she wished. Some harmful jutsu. He should be careful not to bring her wrath upon himself or the wrath of others but this was just being foolish. And it was beginning to bore him. He rounded the corner down an alley barely big enough for her bear but certainly a faster route to the admin building to turn in their mission. He wanted to see if she would blindly follow him into the alley. His chakra was partially spent but in tight quarters she was taking a risk. Her bear wouldn't be able to move as well which eliminated most of its threat to him. There would be very little space to run and with his taijutsu he had demonstrated early he would be clearly positioned at an advantage. If she didn't follow him he would salute her and be on his way. If she did follow him though, well that was a different story.

    As soon as they were to the center of the alley suddenly he would whirl around and slam his hand next to her as he towered over her. Pushing her back against a wall and smiling down at her. Unconcerned with any threatening behavior from the bear. He would deal with that if need be and be prepared to dodge whatever limited movements it had. However his free hand would reach down to tip up her chin under his knuckle to get her to look into his eyes. Her skin freezing to his. Those eyes of his held no compassion, no sense of friendship. No humanity. Just a monster blocking her up against a wall and invading her personal space. His voice would barely be a whisper as he leaned down to talk. So close his breath was hot against her ear. "If you want to continue playing this game with me, feel free to seek me out again. We will see how long the princess can play with the monster. Like they want you to, or you can embrace your own monster and enjoy the time with me. For now, I hope you enjoy your day. Successful mission and a successful observation."

    With that suddenly he was gone. She would be able to follow his ascent up the roofs. He would turn his report in later and get paid but for now he wanted time to enjoy the moment. Someone who knew instinctively just how dangerous he was. Her scent still remaining on his finger. A sweet girl but there was easily a darkness there. Even if she was just pretending one only faked wickedness for so long before it truly began to infect them truly.

    Exit thread
    post 8

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates

    Posts : 58
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    Age : 34
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    The same B rank - different genin  Empty Re: The same B rank - different genin

    Post by Verdandi Mon Feb 03, 2020 12:56 pm

    Verdandi moved into the alley he led on; she could tell that it was an odd way but didn’t really think much of it. After all her mission was finished, both the actual mission and her observations. There was no actual calculated chance that he’d still burst through his character and persona anymore, seeing as how he did so well to keep up his more harmless character. Feeding the wolf that was going to write a positive report maybe even? No, he already knew that she had seen past the smile of lip gloss and bloody teeth. He was aware that she had long since pin-pointed out the disaster within his core. He knew she was going to confirm the higher-up’s suspicions that he was a monster that should never have left his confined space behind walls and iron bars. He could smell the false charade that was Verdandi’s calm and cooling appearance.

    But he did indeed catch her off-guard when he suddenly pinned her to the wall. Avalanche was probably quicker in feeling his intent than herself. The bear would claw his palm forth and maybe even manage to grab a short hold before ‘Rabbit’ dashed forward pinning Verd to the wall. Dandi coughed, her strength was in no comparison to his. He could have killed her now if he wished. Verd was already counting on it. But she was a Yuki. She was born into a family that died in the service of their nation. He was so consumed by his own speech that he didn’t even notice the ice that was forming around them and even on his own clothes and skin. Verd was ready to blow her entire chakra pool into one large ice stake that would impale both of them together in a final bloodbath. She was already pouring her energy into it as he suddenly disappeared. It would have taken much longer till Ava, despite the narrow street, would have crushed his heavy form through to attack him as well. Was it even a close call? Verd couldn’t tell. The ice below her slowly melted again. His presence was finally gone. He had left without saying properly goodbye. But Verdandi’s gift to him would remain for a while. A large snowflake shaped ice patters would still linger to his chest even as he had left. A gift from her to him to remember her by?

    Verd would eventually get home. Able to recover from this. It still turned out unexpected and scarier than planned. But she had done her job as perfectly as always. Her report would be precise and clear. His words? She didn't know what to make of them yet. But she knew. Despite the eventually hostile feeling at the end. She'd see him again...



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