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    Sun, Sand and Spiders.


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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Kurenai Thu Jan 23, 2020 11:46 am

    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Medium

    The Miracle Oasis is a large lake in the middle of the Great Sea Sand that once was home to the first civilization who settled this desert. Now covered in the ruins left by these people, it is still home for many fearsome animals who hide beneath and inside these buildings. It is also said to be home to bandits exiled from the northern tribes. Despite its dangerous reputation, it is still very much a life saviour for the thirsty traveller.

    It was quite an adventure, this trek across a sea of sands. Probably an area where few spiders dared to venture, from the looks of it. All she had seen so far were coyotes, vultures, lizards and scorpions. No spiders. At times she had seen larger animals, like the camel or a distant sand wurm. Still no spiders. Kurenai wondered. If they'd ever find a spider, would it be as big as a Tsuchigumo? It'd probably not have the ability to change shape, but certainly they would be just as dangerous? In a place like this, it had to be the case. Weaklings couldn't survive here in this scorching hot environment. That simply was no possibility.

    But things needed a different approach. She had learned that much after a previous encounter with a pack of wild dingos. The bow she had been given in her younger days had snapped in two. Completely dried up under this sun, the wood had proven its lack of resilience in such an arid place. Kurenai still held whatever was left of it in her lap as she looked out towards some ruins from a raised platform. She didn't have much, and what little she had was now lost all the same. In a way, she felt like someone had pulled out a limb - crippled to a degree. Without her bow, she had precious little means to fight in her human form.

    "Mitsuuu~. I see water over there. I think we should get some for the road ahead while we can. Do you think it's true what they said about this place? That it's filled with dangerous animals?"

    She hadn't been travelling alone. Mitsu was another Tsuchigumo from her brood; equally adventurous and eager to discover new things in this unknown world. All that to thread ahead, in search of the fabled Sunagakure in the middle of an endless sea.

    - Sensory Technique: 50m
    - 49.5/50


    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Kopie_10


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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Mitsutaka Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:12 pm

    A never ending sea of sand, as far as the eyes can see. Who would have thought that he would make such an adventure on merely a whim - from hearing whispering of a village reopening after being closed for years? Never would he have thought that he would leave human civilization, something that he had grown accustomed to during his time with his adopted family, and ventured into the lands where humanity seemed to be scared, but the danger ever present.

    Although there was a lack of humans amidst the sea of sand, there were many other dangers that presented themselves. From coyotes, scorpions, dingoes, and the distant sand wurm, there were many creatures who could, or in the case with the coyotes attempted to attack them and cause them great harm. The dangers were somewhat forgotten by Mitsutaka, who had been sheltered by his human family. Now though, having spent a considerable amount of days, or months(?), in the desert, he was slowly going accustoms to the dangers once more.

    The words of another, a Tsuchigumo just like him, reminded him that he was not alone in this venture. He having stumbled over a sibling from his brood, who was almost interest in exploring the unknown lands. Maybe it was the nature of the Tsuchigumo to explore? Eyes looked out towards where his kin was pointing to,I, too, see the water over there.”, he replied, “I would not be surprised if dangerous creatures weren’t lurking there. We have already seen a couple of sand wurms during our adventure, along with the normal wildlife. Who knows what might be lurking there.”
    Ei Kanagawa
    Ei Kanagawa

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Ei Kanagawa Fri Jan 24, 2020 5:58 pm

    A stroke of black would rush down the canvas, and then another after that. They were quick, but nothing new to Ei. She was famous for her incredibly quick brush strokes among the artistic community. Speed was of the essence, and she had more than enough coordination in order to paint as fast as she did. Coming out here to a location like this she might paint through two dozen canvases with the same scene before she settled on one she was satisfied with. The imperfect ones would all have to be disposed of, and then she would be able to take the final copy back to decide on whether or not to publish it. All of it very time consuming. So she had to be fast.

    This was the most color she had seen in a while too. The Land of Wind was much too brown. All of it was just different shades of sand. It got boring after a while. Still, Ei was supposed to portray the world as it was. If the world was brown, all that meant was that she would have to buy an exceptional amount of brown paint.  

    Coming here though did let her use a bit more green and blue. Which was nice.

    Two noisy pests would seem to have had the same idea as Ei had, looking for a bit of green and blue. Life was so drab, and so she couldn’t blame them. She would take a moment to look up at the sky. Her hand would reach up, mocking taking a fistful of the sky above.

    “If only I could take a bucket of you home with me.”

    It was wistful. She would sigh, leaning back on the stool she had set up.

    To the two pests, she would call out in acknowledgement. As they came near she would notice their presence. It was hard not to, when she had previously been in such serenity. Perhaps they had noticed her first? It was irrelevant, but she could only wonder why they would wander into such a place.

    “Children. If you’re going to disturb my scene, at least strike a pose.”
    She was up above, in the ruins that overlooked the oasis’s waters. The woman, clad in an ornate kimoni and sitting behind a half-painted canvas, would seem somewhat out of place here.

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Kurenai Sat Jan 25, 2020 1:47 pm

    "The place looks like old ruins...", she hinted. Ruins sounded like it had to be filled with treasures and relics of civilisations passed. Perhaps corpses remained. Or old bones. Maybe they could learn about human civilisation from it. Or build their personal web in there. It had to be of some use, somewhere. A temporary shelter before they found this Sunagakure. But by the looks of it, some other sentient thing had already positioned itself in the vicinity. That much Kurenai was capable of picking up through her enhanced senses. Something bigger than the petty animals scurrying about. Bigger than the average Tsuchigumo, too. Just... not as big as a sand wurm. And it talked, calling them children.

    Kurenai was of a mind to throw her senses into the distance, if she only could. A form of far sight as she had heard some Tsuchigumo brag about. Though she was capable of enhancing her danger sense to a greater level than most of her kind, she certainly didn't possess that sort of ability just yet, and was therefore obliged to think her next actions through. To strike a pose... or to see where the voice came from.

    "Mitsuuuu~. I think there's a human in the vicinity. Do you think we should eat them? I'm kinda hungry, actually. Raoguai said they taste rather good. Very nourishing, and the big ones could provide food for days.", she threw in Mitsutaka's direction. As if that was an option to begin with. They both probably knew Raoguai only talked big, considering he was hardly out of his spiderling years, but she was serious when she said she was hungry. Answering her own question, she'd continue to talk as if Mitsutaka hadn't even answered, "Perhaps we shouldn't. Maybe this one knows where Sunagakure is. Do you think they'd bring us there if they knew?"

    All the while the young girl wearing nothing but a white dress and crimson red cloak rose to her feet and stretched her arms behind her head. Still holding onto what remained of her bow. Without registering much danger around her, she'd casually walk towards the origins of the voice to find the one who had called them children. Climbing the ruins without breaking a sweat; the spider's nature making look wall-climbing like child's play. When she eventually reached the top of the ruins, a pair of claret eyes spotted a human wearing a rather colourful but odd piece of clothing, who seemed to smear all kinds of colours onto a white square. An odd appearance and activity which called for a puzzled look upon her face.

    "Hey there. Are you human? You certainly look like one, but that doesn't really say much, huh? And what is that odd dress you're wearing? I've never seen one like that. And it's so colourful. Did you get that from the nomads? Because I didn't see them wear anything like that."

    - Sensory Technique: 50m
    - 49/50


    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Kopie_10


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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Mitsutaka Sat Jan 25, 2020 9:15 pm

    At the mere mention of old ruins, there was a shift in Mitsutaka's demeanor. Relatively still calm, there was now an air of excitement around the young spiderling. Exploring old ruins, forgotten caverns, was something which he enjoyed during, and he did not shy away from telling his kin about his love for such activities. Thankfully, she appeared to share his love for adventure. Apart of him ponder if it was a trait all of the Tsuchigumo had, or were they the specials ones? Nevertheless, his attention was now focused on potentially exploring the ruins, and finding something worth interest to him or to humans who, from his experience, fancy old items. 
    His excitement at the thought of adventure caused his form to flickered a moment, revealing two extra pair of legs. oddly spider like, before the limbs disappeared as if they were a mirage; a trick of the eye. Oops! He hoped no one had seen that. . .well at least no human. The two legged creatures tend not to take kindly in seeing something that went against everything they thought. Plus many appear to have arachnophobia, at least that what his human family told him.
    Unfortunately, it appeared that luck might not be in his favor as a voice was heard, and a command(?) was given. Strike a pose? Eyes, with looks of confusion, flickered towards his kin in hopes she would know what the odd phrase meant. Her words were not about the phrase, but, rather, if the potential human would be a food source. The thought was one that Mitsu. toyed with for a few minutes, but it was long enough for his kin to make a decision for them. The human would be spared.
    Sunagakure no Sato. The village was their destination. The once closed place having seemingly opened once more, and it was only that reason why the pair was out here in the first place. "Maybe? However, we should be cautious. Who knows what they might do to us.", Mitsutaka forewarned before following Kurenai's lead.
    Dressed light brown windbreaker pants and a light grey shirt, Mitsutaka followed after Kurenai, scaling the ruins with incredible ease. Reaching the top of the ruins a pair of yellow eyes spotted the owner of the other voice wearing what looked to be. . .a kimono? That is what his human mother had told him what it was when asked one day. . . he thinks. Moreover, the human was. . .painting? He recall the time his human family took them to have a portrait done by a painter, and the man was doing the same thing as this human, but was less skilled than this one. 
    After his kin finished speaking, he gently nudged her with his elbow, "I believe it is rude not to introduce ourselves before asking such questions, kin.", he looked at the human to see if they agreed, "We are all strangers out here"
    Ei Kanagawa
    Ei Kanagawa

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Ei Kanagawa Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:36 pm

    If it hadn’t been for the language that these children had been using, Ei would have likely continued painting as if they didn’t exist. Someone like her didn’t get distracted by the biting of gadflies, and so the pestering of children would have been something she brushed aside. But their words took on a peculiar quality. Looking out beyond from her canvas now in full, she would take in the girl and boy as individuals rather than merely parts of the landscape. Little gnats, the both of them. She would smile, but mauve and thin.

    I was the one who birthed these robes, Dear. No other.” She would beckon the children near, and in the process of reaching out to these two flies her robes of many colors would be further exposed in their silken majesty. The creamy skin of her arm would be further exposed as the silken kimono slid down her arm, adding another color to the painting that was Ei.

    And so, tell me. What can you create?” The question was a judging one, asking for the worth of the duo. Not just asking what value they had, but what the sum of their actions would be. Her eyes, the shade of dull and dried blueberries, would size up the two. Information would be taken in languidly. Psychical cues would be looked at based on just the way the both would idly move. The way they breathed. The heaving of their chests with each breath, and the manner in which their throat moved ever so lightly as the air passed through it. Their skin. The way they blinked. Their eyelashes. Their hair. Their eyes.

    She wanted to see their teeth as well, but perhaps that would come soon.

    [1/2 Posts Analyzing Mitsutaka and Kurenai]

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Kurenai Sun Jan 26, 2020 3:10 pm

    "Oh yeah?", she asked, looking at Mitsu like he had said something completely odd. Unlike her brethren, she was not familiar with etiquette and all that human courtesy. Names were only of matter in rare circumstances, and this moment wasn't one that fell under those moments. Still, Mitsutama did know better than her how to interact with humans and so she diverted by his sage advice. "They call me Kurenai, and this is Mitsutama.". No last name. She didn't have any, and she wasn't sure if Mitsu even carried one. Humans certainly did, mostly, but the arachnid wasn't aware how much Mitsutama had taken on their habits.

    The colourful one didn't confirm much of what Mitsutama had said about rudeness. Perhaps she didn't care, or maybe it were only Mitsu's humans who maintained such trivialities. What did Kurenai know. This one certainly looked the prideful sort. Not the slightest lowering of her chin, a thin smile as she proclaimed to be the created of these clothes. She hadn't named them, but that didn't withheld the perceptive arachnid from likening its texture and quality to that of the Tkalac caste. Silky. Though out of reach yet of the quality brought forward by the best Tkalac weavers she had seen. The rich texture of Tsuchigumo spidersilk was soothing to the touch, like the waves of water shaped into physical perfection. Her cloak was made of that very fabric, though it lacked the masterful touch of the greatest. Kurenai's was the sort of cloak of which thirteen in a dozen had been crafted. Made of Tsuchigumo spidersilk or not, she was still far from being someone of worth to earn anything better than that.

    "Mitsu's a venomancer. Chemist. Or whatever he calls himself these days. As for myself, I'm a weaver by birth. Too bad that doesn't allow me to repair my bow. The sun really burned the life out of that one."

    The girl hardly expressed any physical cues relating to her emotions other than lowering her eyes in a slightly disappointed stare at the snapped bow in her hands. Though everything about Kurenai fell well within the average of human biology, expressing not an inkling of insecurity or hostility for that matter, Kurenai's eyes blinked clearly at a slower rate than those of humans. And there was this unfazed way of looking at things that felt like she was registering far more than what was standing before her. Like she was not simply looking at the woman's skin and clothes the way individuals usually did, but as if she kept track of every strand of hair on her arms and head individually, as well as observing the most subtle of currents created the movements of Ei. All at the same time.

    - Sensory Technique: 50m
    - 48.5/50


    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Kopie_10


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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Mitsutaka Wed Jan 29, 2020 4:21 pm

    Although they had spent time together transverse the desert lands, Mitsutaka had forgotten how little knowledge she had on human etiquette and courtesy compared to him. An expert he was not in the way human society worked, but, what he knew was sufficient for him to scrape by as one, and it would appear his knowledge would be the thing to help his kin to blend in with human society, even if only somewhat. "Tsukimiya Mitsutaka.", he introduced himself with a slight bow of courtesy; the mannerism instilled into him coming into play. 

    There was no introduction from the woman before them. She did not indulge them with her name. Was she rude? Was there a language barrier between them? It could be the former, he could not tell for sure. Alternatively, it could be the latter, for this was his first time interacting with the denizen in the country - at least in a friendly manner. Though the latter opinion was quickly dashed to the side as he memory her speaking in similar tongue as they did. Thus, he wondered why she did not introduce herself. It was the polite thing to do, yes? With no introduce, he could only assume she was a rude human.

    Eyes flickered towards the woman's wares before being brought back to her face. His eyes did not linger for long, less it gave an wrong impression of him likening her form. He did not. As for the robes, he could appreciate them for what they were, nothing more nor less. He was not interested in textile as much as his companion was, thus, he showed disinterested when she spoke about being the creator of such wares.

    An eyebrow was raised and his eyes gazed at Kurenai for a moment. A venomancer? How long had it been since he heard that word? How long had it been since anyone called him such? Since he had left the brood all those years ago? Alternatively, was it before them, for he was never one for the art at the beginning? It will truly be a long time since he had been called such, thus, he wished to correct the statement,  "I'm more of an engineer in recent times."

    A comforting hand was placed on Kurenai's shoulder. A light squeeze of comfort and re-insurance was given. A human action. An action that he was familiar with, and one that Kurenai was not. "Either through repairement or buying a new one. You will have a bow. We just need to find Sunagakure, and hope the rumors of it opening is true.", he spoke. His eyes flickered towards the woman, "Miss,do you know anything about those rumors?", he inquired. 
    Ei Kanagawa
    Ei Kanagawa

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Ei Kanagawa Wed Jan 29, 2020 6:25 pm

    Once the two children introduced themselves Ei would see no other choice than to do so herself, even though doing so displeased her. It was good etiquette to do so, but a poor decision as a shinobi. But the fact that both had come out and said that they were capable of creation, being a weaver and chemist, or engineer, was enough for Ei to be forced to give them the courtesy that they deserved. From one artist to another, that was the minimum amount of respect she would be forced to give to these children. She dropped her brush down into the lip of her easel.

    “Ei Kanagawa.”

    She would wait to see if that name would catch any interest. She was a rather famous artist in this country, but as she went by a variety of pen names it was doubtful that any would be able to attribute anything to her birth name. There was also that these children likely had no appreciation for the finer arts. Still, it was worth probing for. Assuming that they would say nothing in response, Ei would continue her introduction.

    I“A wandering artist. I go wherever beauty lies and capture it. It’s what brought me here, to this place. It’s a rather beautiful sight, isn’t it? All these greens and blues swirling together as an island in this sea of sand. Truly worth of the name ‘Miracle’. Don’t you think so too?’

    She would dance with them for now. Revealing the location of Sunagakure so quickly would be foolish. Perhaps they were spies. Even if they weren’t, they would certainly have to work a bit harder than that if they wanted to squeeze the information out of her.

    [2/2 Posts Analyzing Mitsutaka and Kurenai]

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Kurenai Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:27 pm

    An engineer. That was the new word Mitsu used for himself. She had no clue what that word meant and replied with an 'oooh' of amazement. That word sounded definitely human, revealing exactly how much Mitsu knew more about that strange world than herself. She'd nod sagely, taking in the word as her mind tried to imagine what exactly an 'engineer' did. It was probably, most likely, something with poisons. He was Otrovni; their affinity with poisons was as certain as hers was related to webs and silk.

    She snapped out of her amazement when he rested his hand on her shoulder and assured her that her bow would end up repaired. She'd smile faintly in appreciation, but she wasn't sure if what he said was true. The thing didn't look repairable. The wooden weapon had snapped in two; certainly it wasn't the string which worried her. Had that one snapped, she'd just have replaced it with some of her silk. No matter how short-lived the use of a spidersilk bowstring would be, there was more where it'd come from. But wood...? No, that was a whole different matter. And it didn't help that this sea of sands wasn't exactly rich on trees either.

    "Do you think they'd have bows there? There's a sore lack of trees around here...", she asked pensively, eyes still fixated on Ei without any hint of distraction. Still looking beyond her. The brain of the spider registering more than one form of perception at a time. her question remained unanswered for the moment as Mitsu continued the conversation; asking Ei if she had heard about Sunagakure. From the sound of it, she knew as much about Sunagakure as Kurenai knew about her name or fame - nothing.

    This spider hadn't budge an inkling in response to the name but she seemed pensive about the concept of 'Miracle' the paintress tried to convey. Kurenai wasn't sure if she would call the oasis a miracle, but it was beautiful in its own right. And so she replied in kind to Ei, "The contrast between the sand sea's minimalistic presence of creatures and the concentrated amount of lfieforms within the refreshing waters is a welcome sight. I also found my attention caught between the solemn stillness of the sand carried forward only by the wind and the rippling, ever-moving motion of the waters. Oh, not to forget the play between bright light and shadows dancing under the few trees... but I do wished we could have found more water in this world. If that wish now came true... I'd consider it a miracle."

    She'd pull her red cloak a little closer as if to hide her sudden outburst of interest, only to find her attention pulled away. Her gaze would shift towards the sides, away from the oasis and towards the open sea behind the ruins. A single blink. A slight frown.

    "Something's coming. Something big."

    - Sensory Technique: 50m
    - 48/50


    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Kopie_10


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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Mitsutaka Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:28 am

    The woman gave her name, and for a brief moment he felt as if he should know it, though perhaps that was merely the way that she had spoken it that brought him to the conclusion. Knowing that it was the human thing to do, Mitsutaka gave the woman the respect of listening to her explain her calling in life as a wandering artist who followed beauty where it may be. This was a concept that he could understand, chasing after something you enjoyed, hunting it down, it was as exciting as it was exhilarating. When Ei spoke of the beauty of the landscape being a ‘miracle’ he found himself unsure of whether to agree or not, it was certainly something, yes, but how long before the sand became an irritant, something to despise and become annoyed at? Still, perhaps it was better to agree rather than disagree. “Mm, it certainly is.” It was a polite enough response to give, in his mind at least, until he truly formed his opinion about how he felt about all of this.

    As Kurenai inquired about whether or not they might have bows in Sunagakure his attention shifted over to his companion, and a nod proceeded his reply. “I do indeed. If we’re not able to find someone to exactly repair it, I’m sure we can at the very least buy you a new one. I’d imagine they have all manner of weapons to sell, so a bow shouldn’t be too hard to come by, even in a place with a lack of trees.” Surely, even in a land as tree-less as Suna, there would be bows to find, or at least some kind of projectile weaponry that would do until his companions own could be fixed. He hoped it wasn’t a completely hopeless endeavor, surely replacing a snapped string would be easier to attend to than the shaft of the bow itself, but maybe luck would be on their side in this adventure.

    His companions' response in regards to the miracle of the land around them was a bit more in depth than his own, and it made him ponder about it. He happened to agree that if they could find more water it would indeed make this land a miracle, but he secretly thought it wouldn’t happen. Either way he was torn from his thoughts as his companion alerted to something in the distance, they weren’t as alone as they thought. Was what was approaching friend or foe, though, that was the question.
    Ei Kanagawa
    Ei Kanagawa

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Ei Kanagawa Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:21 pm

    Ei would stop. It was a good thing she had already put down her brush, or else she might have just dropped it, or made some imperfection against her canvas. The way this girl spoke… She had a good eye. Kurenai displayed the capability to give an impressive analysis of the area’s aesthetics, one which had caught Ei off guard. Speech about contrast and minimalism was rare to find in Sunagakure. Sometimes living there Ei felt like she was the only civilized person in the midst of a barbarian stronghold. That was one of disadvantages to being a painter, Ei supposed, but at the same time she longed for someone at times who she might be able to engage with at an equal level regarding art. This girl clearly had potential. Unfortunately, before Ei could press further on Kurenai’s analysis it seemed as though there was something coming to interrupt their pleasant conversation. She would have to switch gears. A plan would slowly shift to the surface of her mind.

    “You want to find Sunagakure no Sato?” With a smile she would shift to the direction where Kurenai was glancing out towards. “Go prove yourself against that beast. If you manage to impress me, I’ll consider blessing you with the knowledge you seek.” It was a simple offer. If they could take care of whatever was coming their way it would mean they were talented enough to perhaps become Sunagakure shinobi. If not? Well, that would be unfortunate. Even if they did pass there would be a certain level of vetting, analysis, and trust building required, but impressing Ei here would be the first step to their plans of finding the village.


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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Kurenai Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:50 pm

    The sand shifted as the floor trembled lightly. Something big, indeed. Kurenai's instincts strongly advised little spiders were better off fleeing this hunter and for a moment she was of a mind to do just that considering she had precious little means to fight without her bow. Until Ei found the amusing opportunity to put that to the test. Caught off-guard and willing to protest against that dirty trick, she looked bewildered at Ei for a moment. Right before the sand suddenly burst open and cascaded down off the chitinous carapace of a massive dune wurm. The decision had already been made before she had the chance to protest. Unfair or not, the time for games was over - the time for nature's good old survival of the fittest had risen.

    "I'm not sure we'll be able to eat all that...", Kurenai shouted to Mitsu, trying to surpass the sound the beast and pouring sand made. Wasting food sounded like such a bad thing to do. "And I doubt I can web a monstrosity like that completely either.", she added pensively as she remained standing; arachnid eyes already analysing the passing wurm in search for a weakness in its defences. "That'd take ages. It'd rot before I'm even done.". Because there was obviously no chance they'd ever fail to take that down in the first place. As if the itty bitty spider was unable to calculate the threat difference between two Tsuchigumo and a grown-up sand wurm. "His carapace doesn't show any cracks from this side. You think we'd have more luck on the other side?", she asked Mitsu so casually, one could easily believe she had no sense for danger either. But the truth was quite different. Kurenai had to fight off the persistent instinct of running away from a threat far greater than herself, and remind herself she had to stay if she wanted the both of them to enter Suna. The nabbing idea she was pretty much useless without a bow didn't help either, leaving her with the choice to either morph and reveal her true arachnid form or maintain a 'useless' human shape. "I think I'll go watch the other side real quick. You come up with some sort of stabbing plan, okay Mitsu?"

    And without a word she'd form a set of three hand seals, strike her legs with acupuncture precision a couple of times and dart off. Pulling her red hood over her head all the while, as if to let others know she was no fan of experiencing a sandy shower. Lithely racing forward, her light weight made it seem as if she glided over the sand. Then she disappeared under the sand shower and within the shadow of the arcing wurm who was about to crash back into the desert.

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Kopie_10


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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Mitsutaka Sat Feb 08, 2020 5:30 pm

    Sunagakure no Sato. It was the first time throughout the entirety of their conversation had the woman mentioned the village by name. His eyes narrowed at the woman's statement; in order to get the information both seek, they must prove themselves to her. Tsk. Mitsutaka resisted the urge to scoff at the woman and her demands. Was this how she treated every traveler who was looking for Sunagakure no Sato? Testing their worth for her amusement? Alternatively, was she just doing that to agonize them? He did not have time to ponder on the situation, for his attention shifted towards the shifting sand coming their way. 

    Sand Wurm. Even through the shower of sand that exploded upward, the distinct shadow  shape of the monstrosity was unmistakable for the spiderling. "True, it is too big to consume in one go, but there would be enough food to last us until we make it to Suna.", he shouted over the sound of the monster's roar, and then added "If our friend keeps true to her words - that is." Anarchid eyes looked over the creature's massive form, trying to find a means to take care of the predator. Kurenai's words were indeed true, the creature was too big to web alone, but. . . "You are forgetting that there are two of us. While one of us webbing it might not work, two of us can at least slow it down somewhat.", he shouted while keeping an eye on descending wurm.

    The hard carapace would definitely be a problem for them to get around. Mitsutaka was not the strongest amongst his brood, with his talents laying elsewhere, thus brute force was out of the option for him. If Kurenai's bow was still viable than they would had a chance to pierce through the tough interior, alas, the sun murder that idea. "Doubtful, but, maybe there is a chance.", he responded back to her comment regarding the idea of there being cracks on the opposite side of the wurm. The casual conversation both were having was simply a farce. His primal instincts were screaming at him to run away from the predator before them. Unfortunately, his need to arrive in Sunagakure no Sato, and to make sure Kurenai arrive there as well, outweighed his own instincts, thus he pushed forward in trying to figure out a means to deal with the creature. 

    Putting some distance between himself and the creature, Mitsutaka took heed of Kurenai's words. Stabbing, he would not be doing much of that to the creature. It is hard carapace was probably stronger than anything he currently had on his person. Thus, he would need to find an alternative means to take down the beast. If only there was an opening.

    The ground shook a little as the beast slammed back on the ground. The beast raising up off the ground, towering over Mitsutaka, and released another intimidating roar. It was the sight of the brownish tissue of the wurm's mouth that gave Mitsutaka an idea on how to injury the creature. "Kurenai, we need to get it to open it's mouth again!", he yelled, dodging to the left to as Sand wurm struck at his location. The mammoth creature creating a small trench in the place where Mitsutaka once stood. "Heavy.", Mitsutaka's mused while eyeing the creature, and allowing chakra to surge through his body.

    Once stiff body became malleable and loose, similar to rubber. "Do you see any way to cause it pain on your side?", he inquired. 

    Analysis - 1/4 
    Soft Body Manipulation(0 Activation Cost/-1 cp upkeep)
    Chakra; 50/50

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    Ito Sayuri
    Ito Sayuri

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Ito Sayuri Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:15 pm

    Excitement and fear went hand in hand for Sayuri as she had made her way to Wind Country and both of those emotions had continued to fester once she had arrived. Things were far different out in the world than they had been while confined to the safety and security that had once been her temple home back in Lightning Country. There were new faces, new sights and smells, new experiences. In a way it was quite overwhelming.

    Despite having some funds available Sayuri had opted not for a normal place to stay such as a hotel or apartment, but rather had made herself a little home in a cave on the outskirts of Sunagakure: being only ten years old it would certainly have proven a difficult challenge to find someone willing to rent a room or space to her and she hadn’t felt up to the hassle. Having traveled slowly with some supplies, she had enough to make a somewhat comfortable bed - blankets over a straw sleeping mat - and a pot for boiling water or cooking food. Nearby her sleeping mat there was a pit she had dug and lined with rocks within which new burnable material resided waiting to be used, the previous from the night before having been mostly cleaned out with only bits and pieces of scraps remaining behind that signaled she had been there longer than a day. On the left side of the small cave, on a little ledge too high for even Sayuri to reach without climbing, stood her small and meager food supplies and several jugs of clean water.

    At the moment Sayuri wasn’t within the cave, but rather near the entrance. As usual, the four foot tall ten year old was dressed in the attire that had been her norm for seven years: a white kimono and red hakama, with white split toe socks and wooden gata. Her hair, brown in coloration, was blowing in the wind as she stared up at a flock of birds circling overhead some distance away. From their cawing she could identify them to be vultures, and was contemplating heading over to see what sort of kill they had discovered. Yet, it was her concern for meeting the more unfriendly types within the desert sands that kept her rooted in place. She hadn’t ventured out much since her arrival except for trips to the nearby village for more supplies, and even some of the brutes wandering through the market were enough to give her pause. She wasn’t harmless, not like a normal child, but they were still much larger than her, and looked as if they could easily break her in half if they decided on such a course of action. “Bleah… I’m bored. I even miss my temple chores..”, Sayuri spoke out loud, assuming no one would hear her or reply.

    However, a reply came in a manner of speaking. Noise reached her ears that caused her head to jerk in the direction of the sound. She had never heard such a thing before, and while the smart choice would have been to shuffle back into her cave and hide until whatever beast was making that noise was gone, her curiosity caused one step forward to turn into multiple, walking to turn into rushing and then running. “Maybe this is the source of evil I’m seeking.”, Sayuri mused out loud, hoping that what she would find would indeed bring her answers. Yet, as the sight of a massive creature and three humanoids reached her gaze she found herself stopping so quickly that she lost her footing and ended up on her rump with an oomph.

    In desperate need not to be seen by the massive beast, Sayuri turned over onto her hands and knees and scuttled behind the nearest dun of sand, peeking out over it and hoping that her brown hair and tanned skin was close enough to her surroundings to keep her from being spotted. For once she was proud that she was only four feet tall, it made hiding so much easier. She had no idea what the three individuals present were going to do about such a large beast, but with the idea in mind that this might be the source of evil she was seeking, she found a rock in her young hand and a determination to help in her heart. Shifting her stance sideways, Sayuri reeled back her arm and then shot it forward, feeling her fingers opening and the rock slipping from her fingertips to soar through the air, hitting the massive creature right in the face. “Stop being bad!”, she called out, hoping that in much the same way a dog would listen and run off, so too would this creature.

    Character Sheet | Ito, Sayuri

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    Ei Kanagawa
    Ei Kanagawa

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Ei Kanagawa Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:55 am

    The shower of sand that exploded outwards from the surfacing of the wurm blew even as far as where Ei had been sitting. Seeing it made her laugh a bit. What interesting timing. It would at least keep these children busy for now, and allow Ei to analyze them further. If they proved themselves capable she would introduce them to the village as Genin. If they didn’t…? Well. Ei would intervene and ensure everything went well. It would be poor manners to allow them to become wurm food. Ei truly didn’t have the heart to watch these children die, even if they were rather strange. It seemed that the both had a history of working together as well, and the capability to strategize.

    “Do your best children.” Ei would say with a smile. “I’ll pat you on the head afterwards no matter your result, so long as you try your hardest and fight with a smile.” The battle would be something that Ei observed from a distance. It seemed that the girl, Kurenai, was capable of medical ninjutsu. Ei had to wonder who taught her. Both of them actually, as Mitsutaka revealed his ability to turn his body more malleable. Interesting. Hopefully though they would find a way to kill this creature without jumping into its mouth. Retrieving them from the wurm would be rather hard if they managed to get stuck inside.

    The sudden presence of another would catch Ei’s eye. A small, adorable little girl who seemed to be dressed in the garb of a miko. The white kimono and red hakama were impossible to not recognize. Her actions though, of revealing herself from behind a dune of sand and pressing her arm out to the wurm, ordering it to ‘Stop being bad’. The sheer audacity of the situation nearly made Ei freeze, although just how incredibly adorable it was would immediately restart her heart. It was impossible not to smile now. She couldn’t help it, and Ei would break out into laughter at how adorable this small child was.

    In a moment she abandoned the easel and her focus on the wurm, gliding across the sands to the small little girl who had just revealed herself. While Kurenai and Mitsutaka seemed capable of protecting themselves, this tiny girl did not. Ei’s instincts required her to protect the small girl as a result of that, and as she came over to the dune where Sayuri was Ei would kneel down, lowering herself to the small child’s level as to not intimidate her.

    “Sweet child.” She would glace down with a warm expression towards Sayuri, her hand resting on top of the girl’s head to gently pat her head. “Tell me, what is someone so young and precious doing out here among these sands? Did you cross these deserts on your own, without any companions?”


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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Kurenai Sun Feb 09, 2020 1:33 pm

    Under the sand wurm bridge and through the sand-fall. She was making her way to the other side, vaguely picking up the words of Mitsutama. The wurm needed to open its mouth. They needed a place where they could bring pain. But was there something like that? Ending on the other side, arachnid eyes analysed the beast to the best of her possibilities as the wurm passed through and back under the sand. She found none. It soon disappeared underground again, leaving a big hole all the while as it dug a new tunnel under ground. It left Kurenai wondering... How deep did this thing go? And if they'd follow a tunnel such as that, would they end up in Sunagakure? Questions without answers, but the sand wurm emerged soon after.

    Getting into the cadence of this rodeo fight, Kurenai's mind slowly slipped from thinking things over to her usual 'go with the flow' way of hunting. All instinct and intuition, no clear thinking. Sometimes the simple way was the best way. Besides, she hated overthinking things the way humans supposedly did as it only ended up jangling up all of her thoughts. Mitsu needed an open maw and no amount of thinking would provide him that. So as the wurm shot back up out of the sands, Kurenai shot a strand of web onto the chitins and used it to anchor herself onto the beast. With an abrupt tear, the light-weight was pulled off the ground and into the air, feet forward to land onto the carapace of the sand wurm. And as the wurm held halt to overlook its possible skittish prey, Kurenai too allowed herself a quick glance to take note of everyone's current position.

    Mitsutaka was still there where she had left him. Next to a trench. Looking up at the colossus they were trying to take down. Ei had moved, but had yet to bother with the beast. Instead, she had picked up another presence in the vicinity. A small girl who, like Kurenai and maybe Mitsu, didn't seem to hold much of a realisation to the threat they were facing. She, too, seemed to look at the sand wurm with an expression that simply didn't seem to match the reality of the situation. But then again, in the eyes of this Tsuchigumo, little humans always had something comical about them.

    "Hey, Mitsu. I can't see an opening so I'll just make one.", she said as she waved one of her hands at him. Putting no thought into the fact the carapace might be stronger than her for that matter, she allowed herself a brief moment of rabid brutality as the huntress took over. With a brief transformation, she'd plunge fangs first into the carapace. The brute force pierced its carapace sufficiently to leave decent cracks, from which she then continued to tear off pieces of chitin to the best of her abilities. What flesh ended up revealed wasn't anything extraordinary, but it wasn't like Mitsu had specified how big the hole had to be to begin with. It'd be up to him now to fill in with his part of whatever plan he had come up with.

    But he'd have to be quick about it, as the sand wurm already took another dive towards its crawling prey.

    Chakra: 28/50
    - 05 : Intuitive Focus, UA
    - 01 : Sillken Weave, E-rank
    - 05 : Ghoulish Devoration, C-rank



    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Kopie_10


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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Mitsutaka Sun Feb 09, 2020 6:06 pm

    Taking a sideways glance towards Ei, seeing her unmoving from her position, and back to the matter at hand, Mitsutaka briefly entertained the idea of leading the beast towards said woman, forcing her to intervene in the battle that was underway. He did toy with the idea, but, he knew not if the woman would not just flee the scene, leaving them along to deal with the wurm, and, if they survive, trying to find their way to Sunagakure no Sato by themselves. Perhaps he could draw the aggression of the beast to another . . . particularly the woman? However, before he could even think about acting, movement caught his attention.

    Another presence had entered the area - a small girl. A child who, either in a moment of bravery or stupidity, threw something at the beast. The objects do nothing to distract the monstrosity from its current prey. "So she isn't useless.", the words were mutter silently to himself as Ei moved over to where the girl was at. He did not dwell on the pair for long, as Kurenai caught his attention. 

    "Be careful.", The words came out naturally to him. To humans it was only naturally to say the words to those who you care about, however, Tsuchigumo were different. They did not particularly share strong feelings for most of their kin. If one got killed, especially when another is presence, then they became a food source. In their world, the cannibalization of others happens frequently. Thus it was rare for them to display concern over the well-being of another. Yet, Mitsutaka did just that right now without much thought. 

    Attention remained on the beast as Kurenai acted to make an opening for him. As the sequence of movements were performed, Mitsutaka prepared himself for his own part of the plan. Sliding to the right of the beast, webs shot forth, and the lithe male was sent airborne as the beast tossed its head back. Another thing of webbing shot forth from the male, latching onto of the nearby fallen buildings, and stuck to the side of it. 

    Patiently, he waited for the beast to feel the effects of its armor being broken away. He did not have to wait long for the beast to roar, exposing it's mouth. "MOVE!", he shouted while chakra built up within him, his cheeks now bulging a little. Knowing time was an enemy, he released a black mist. Blanketing the immediate area in front of him, the poisonous mist would find purpose as It covered the wurm, and enter it system.

    Roars of pain echoed throughout the area as the wurm thrashed wildly as its tissue was being destroyed by the poisonous fumes. There was nothing the wurm could do as it slowly succumb to it's death. Meeting death was not quick for the wurm, but a slow and agonizing process that ultimately had the wurm collapsing on the earth, moving only a little as death approached it. With the wurm nearing death, Mitsutake jumped down from where he was, and looked at the other presence, before landing on Kurenai, and pointing at the wurm, "Are you full or do you want more?"

    01 : Sillken Weave, B-rank
    02 : Art of Venomancy: Ensiferum, C-Rank
    03 : Poison Mist
    04 : Soft Body Manipulation(
    Chakra: 33 / 50

    -Silken Weaven(B) - 250 wc
    -Ensiferum(C) - 200 wc

    Last edited by Mitsutaka on Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Ito Sayuri
    Ito Sayuri

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Ito Sayuri Sun Feb 09, 2020 6:20 pm

    The rock hadn’t done a thing, despite Sayuri having thrown it as hard as she could. This creature, whatever it was, was tougher than some small girl with a single rock in her hand. It was a very defeating feeling, but she quickly put it behind her as she noticed she was being approached by one of the three whom she had spotted - an individual who had been watching the other two as they attempted to tackle the beast. Her gaze shifted over, looking the individual over as one would do if trying to assess whether or not a threat was approaching. Perhaps it was the fact that this was a female, and not one of the big and burly men who had scared the daylights out of her her first time venturing into Sunagakure properly that put her little heart at ease, so instead of fleeing back to her little cave home she instead stood her ground and remained put.

    As her purpose here was inquired upon, as well as how she had come to be here, she found herself warring internally on whether or not to speak the truth or to try and get away with a lie. Yet, as she glanced over to the giant beast once more and the two who were fighting it, she decided that perhaps the truth was the best option overall. ”I live out here, well nearby, in a cave I found empty.” It was a simple enough explanation, but more was certainly due. ”I traveled here from Kumogakure when the temple I was raised in was raided and burned to the ground. A lot of my friends died, including the people who took care of me. I wanted to know what would make people do such a thing, so I started looking everywhere for answers, and ended up in Sunagakure at some point.”

    Death was coming quickly to the massive creature, and the sight of it held her gaze now, leaving the child little option to look away. She had missed the death blow while speaking, and she felt like kicking herself for the lack of information. What if she encountered another one of those and was totally alone? “Are there more of those big things? My cave is small, but I think they could get inside of it if they wanted…”, she questioned, already guessing that the answer was yes while she yearned for it to be no. She didn’t want to find herself having to tangle with such a creature in the middle of the night, or at any point throughout the day really. Perhaps it was time to rethink her living conditions, but really, who would rent an apartment or a hotel room to a child? ”I’ve never seen something like that before… then again, I never saw much of anything. The temple took me in when I was just three years old, and I wasn’t allowed outside of the temple because the monks there claimed it wasn’t safe.”

    Character Sheet | Ito, Sayuri

    Voice Color: #ff99ff
    Ei Kanagawa
    Ei Kanagawa

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Ei Kanagawa Mon Feb 10, 2020 7:30 pm

    She would listen to the cute little girl’s story, completely enraptured with the cutie. The fight was completely irrelevant to her now. Ei would gently pet Sayuri’s head as she spoke, stroking at her hair to comfort her. “Living in a cave? That sounds... You deserve better, Sweet Child.” Ei would frown. The idea of a child living alone in a cave out in the desert… This was unacceptable. “If you have nowhere to go, why not come back home with me? I have a warm home in Sunagakure. Allow me to clean you up and cook you a fresh meal, and give you a soft bed to sleep on. I’d-”

    The wurm fell. Ei truthfully hadn’t been watching the majority of the combat. She had been too focused on the adorable girl set infront of her. The roar of the beast as it had been poisoned would be more than enough to catch her attention, and cause her to turn her head to watch with somewhat beliderment. She honestly hadn’t expected them to succeed. As it collapsed the wurm would whip around, clearly in incredible pain from its impending death. Poisoning wasn’t kind to the body, especially when you had a blast of it directly in the mouth. Ei would watch as it died. Her eyes would track Mitsutaka as he fell, landing down on Kurenai. Consider Ei impressed.

    She would stand, and as she did Ei would scoop up Sayuri. The child was too precious to leave behind, and so she wouldn’t take no for an answer. Sayuri was going to be adopted whether she wanted to or not, especially after Ei heard her story.

    “Both of you. Children.” She would call over to the two spider children, Kurenai and Mitsutaka, both likely exhausted from their fight. “If you wish, you may follow me back to the village. You’ve both done as I’ve asked, and so it would only be fair for me to uphold my end of the bargain.”

    Ei would turn, Sayuri held tight in her arms, and begin a path back to the village.



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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Kurenai Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:23 am

    "Move!". That cue was all she needed to slide down the beast's body like it was a ramp, her hand holding on to the strand of web she had created prior. As she slid down, she watched Mitsu move up direction its maw and spit out a poisonous mist. Eager to chomp down anything that came to close, the sand wurm snapped at the fog and Mitsu, sealing its death as the toxic fumes came in touch with the softer parts of its body and burned that away mercilessly. By the time Kurenai had hit the ground, the mastodon was screeching fiercely in agony and when she sprinted away again, she saw the massive shadow of the falling monster draw closer by the second. Deciding on a different escape route, the thing came down with a heavy thud in the sand, making the ground shake for a brief moment. She thought she was safe now, but then another heavy weight fell on her and smashed her into the ground.

    "Woops, hey!", she shouted out first, shoving Mitsutaka off her. She'd then stand up and dust off her clothes, replying to him all the while. "I'm fine. I'm not eating that thing any longer. It almost broke my teeth and the ensiferum might completely eat it away anyway. I don't want my tummy to rot. Sounds bad.",

    She nonetheless took a good glance at the thing. The tempting thought of trying a piece dancing in her mind. But if Mitsutaka was of the Otrovni caste, then that could be a bad deal. A horribly bad deal considering their notorious affinity with poisons. Deciding it was for the better to leave it as it was, she turned to face Ei. The human had discovered a child in the middle of these ruins. Not one she was willing to share to feed the spiders by the looks of it, but the promise of seeing Sunagakure was being fulfilled. So without much more thought than that, a smiling Kurenai followed Ei.

    [EXIT] to Sunagakure

    70 XP


    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Kopie_10


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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

    Post by Mitsutaka Wed Feb 26, 2020 5:30 pm

    "Must work on landing. . ." Mitsutaka muttered as he untangled himself from Kurenai, who he had accidentally landed on, and stood up while issuing an apology for the mishap. Dusting off his clothing, he turned his attention back to the giant corpse. It was amazing that they managed to take down such a large creature. Some might have called it skilled, for Mitsutaka knew it was luck. Only through luck did they manage to survive this encounter. Will they be lucky next time?

    Chuckling at Kurenai's comment, Mitsutaka shook his head, "Suit yourself." Even though he had said that, and made it appear like he was going to consume some of the worm, he did not take any of the beast's meat. He would allow the scavengers to enjoy this meal - for he had other priorities to attend to. 

    His attention shifted to Ei, who had found a child during the confrontation, and then at said child. Giving her a quick glance over, Mitsutaka did not give her much attention. Instead, he focused on Ei's words, as in showing them where Sunagakure was at. Still skeptic of the woman's claim, he followed after her, if only to make sure Kurenai did not get into too much trouble.

    [70 exp] Exit to Sunagakure no Sato

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    Sun, Sand and Spiders. Empty Re: Sun, Sand and Spiders.

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