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    Yoru does mostly nothing [Mission]

    Yoru Slim
    Yoru Slim

    Posts : 72
    Join date : 2019-12-24

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kugutsu, Genjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Yoru does mostly nothing [Mission] Empty Yoru does mostly nothing [Mission]

    Post by Yoru Slim Tue Dec 31, 2019 4:17 pm

    Mission Info:

    Yoru held the mission posting in his hand, reading it over again as he stood in front of the Kirigakure ninja academy. He'd never gone through the traditional shinobi system of starting as a child and training upward. Sure he'd been given an education from the Uzumaki growing up, but that had mostly been the rudiments- plus, he'd been shoved with plenty of crap that really didn't interest him whatsoever. He wasn't good at ninjutsu for instance, nor had he ever found an element, much to the chagrin of his family. They'd promised him he'd grow into a natural Fuuinjutsu user, but that 'growing' part still felt a world away. By and large, he'd received a tutoring education from his sensei whilst working for the circus. He liked it more that way.

    When Yoru walked in to the nurse's office of the Ninja Academy, he found the vice principal of the school waiting for him. They talked a short while, mostly just the small talk that came along with the novelty of growing up outside of Kirigakure and learning the shinobi arts. Thankfully, their introductions were cut short by the chiming of the morning class bell. The vice principal disappeared then, leaving Yoru to get to work.

    It was quiet art first, but around noon he met his first patient. It was a girl, escorted by a teacher's assistant, who had gotten a bad scrape after failing an attempt at Tree Walking. Yoru would sigh, grabbing some disinfectant and spraying it onto a gauze pad. With that done, the teen would wrap it over the minor wound, keeping it there with some medical tape. Lastly, to cap things off, he focused on using his chakra to heal the child (as well as to get her to stop crying). The trifecta of medical care was enough to get the job done, leaving only a small lolipop for the budding kunoichi to receive before being discharged from the infirmary.

    The second patient was closer to Yoru's age, no doubt a Chunin that had decided to make a career out of teaching the next generations of shinobi. She had some burn marks over her back, apparently from using herself as a shield to prevent a stray fireball jutsu from hitting another student. Yoru felt a pang of sympathy, using his calming hands to gradually take the edge off the wounds, let alone outright heal them. The kunoichi was thankful, leaving after giving him her contact info in case he got off work and wanted company. It was a surprising outcome, but one that was a nice morale boost.

    That was the last of it, the rest of the day would pass without incident. Yoru would return to the Mizukage's office and report a successful mission before heading home to crash in bed!

    +20 EXP (Mission post and completion)
    +10k Ryo

    Yoru Information:

      Current date/time is Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:45 am