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    Back in the Heat of Things (Higure/Nariko)

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

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    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Back in the Heat of Things (Higure/Nariko) Empty Back in the Heat of Things (Higure/Nariko)

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:51 pm


    The Big Twins were finally back in Kumogakure. This was there third time in the city and while it wasn't exactly Konami's cup of tea, Toon was having a ball. The pair had made an appointment with the Raikage at the local hot springs. They had business to discuss and so rather than doing it in a boring office, they decided to hold court in a steamy sauna. The Twins and Higure had checked into the infamous Tamaki Hot Springs. It was the same place that they had met then soon-to-be Third Hokage Masuyo Kaede. Their deal with that Kage had fallen through but this new one with Nariko was proving to be more fruitful. However, there were still some things that needed to be ironed out.

    Konami was wearing an elegant white robe with her signature officer's cap on her head. Toonami wore a black robe and had a single gold chain around her neck. The sauna room was private and luxurious. Several coals had been placed in the center and the room was providing a steady supply of hot steam. Konami made herself comfortable on a bench. She closed her eyes and waited for Nariko to arrive. Meanwhile, Toonami and Higure sat opposite from her. Toon was kissing on her girlfriend as she often did. She had her arm around Higure and was peppering her neck and cheek with affectionate love bites. The blueberry twin's free hand roamed across her body. She slipped her fingers underneath her student's robe and caressed her naked breasts, thighs and sex. Toon didn't really care if Konami or Nariko saw them fooling around. She had been put on prohibition with respect to drugs by her sister (no getting high before important meetings) so the least she could do was have some fun with Higure.

    The Tatsuda-Kazehana hapa was of course brought to this meeting so that she could learn from the very best. Toonami and Konami agreed that in order for her to be their eyes and ears in the criminal underworld she needed to have powerful connections. What better place to form those connections than with the Raikage herself? Sure, the Twins were a bit unorthodox in the way that they did things (such as engaging in foreplay right before a meeting) but ultimately they were bringing in tons of money and they planned to use that fact to their advantage.

    Konami's brows furrowed as the giggling and sweet-talking started to annoy her.

    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2019-05-13

    Back in the Heat of Things (Higure/Nariko) Empty Re: Back in the Heat of Things (Higure/Nariko)

    Post by ShimmyToTheLeft Fri Nov 22, 2019 9:59 pm

    Higure had chosen to opt to wear a Ying-Yang robe, the mix of white and black visibly marking her as the student of both Toon and Koon. As well as on her neck a necklace of the Tatsuda family crest. While she didn't think that someone in Kumo would be familiar with an Iwagakure and now recently, a Konoha noble family. She had been raised on meetings with the well-to-do and important people. The rules of Noblesse Oblige and the manners of High Society being drilled into her at a young age.

    After all This was a huge meeting, something that would profit the barathon and put them in good standing. One of the important lessons she learned from Koonami was the importance of the illusion of legitimacy. It's why they were meeting as former Kage and Higure wearing something to bind her visually to them, as well as the symbol her family name. Even if she was a runaway, this far out, word likely wouldn't have spread, and more importantly, it made her feel more ready for the role she was playing.

    But what all those debriefings, lessons, and prep never taught her was how to keep that cool, reserved calm when getting felt up and peppered with kisses from her lover before said meeting. Like usual she was pulled into the hurricane of passion and life that was Toonami.

    Answering Toonami's affection with her own of equal fervor, the only intelligible words out of her mouth were, "We need to finish before the Raikage gets here."


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    Back in the Heat of Things (Higure/Nariko) Empty Re: Back in the Heat of Things (Higure/Nariko)

    Post by Nariko Sun Dec 08, 2019 2:37 am

    It had taken some time for the Twins to make it to Kumogakure, but Nariko had expected that. Travel could take a lot of time, after all, so it made sense to her. Besides, they scheduled a meeting with her as soon as they got to the vilalge, already having been given their allowance into the village. Nariko, not one to refuse a meeting with virtually anyone, let alone someone willing to run her factories and help increase Kumo's revenue, agreed to meet them at the hot springs.

    Besides that, it was an excuse for her to leave her office, which she didn't often get to do, especially for business meetings. Nariko enjoyed relaxing quite a bit. Nariko had arrived at the Hot Springs in her Jounin attire, but swapped into a plain white robe when she arrived and headed to the Sauna that was reserved for the group.

    Entering, the Raikage appraised the 3 of them with a smile. "Sorry for keeping you waiting." she said, eyes looking around. Konami was the serious one, a blonde who seemed to be more the brains of the operation. Toonami's reputation proceeded her, a blue haired and mischievous woman. The third wasn't someone Nariko knew of, but seemed to be quite close to Toonami. Perhaps a secretary or bodyguard or... plaything.

    Nariko didn't particularly care either way. Taking a seat, she leveled her eyes off at the group before leaning her head back and gazing at the ceiling for a bit. "So, how do you wanna do this? Business first? Or pleasantries first? I could go either way, honestly." Nariko's attitude was a bit of a mix of Toonami's and Konami's. While she wasn't quite as carefree as Toonami was, she wasn't quite as serious and down to business as Konami was. In what seemed like another life, Nariko had been more like Toonami, but circumstances had forced her to become more like Konami when she became the Raikage.

    Nariko's manner of speaking was less than the formal tone she usually used during her usual meetings, more relaxed and casual. It conveyed a level of comfortability, as well as let them know she wasn't intimidated to be in a Sauna with a former pair of Kage. Nariko understood psychology enough to know how to act in certain situations, and didn't tend to let people treat her like a pushover. Everyone she spoke to required a little bit of a different approach when it came to how she dealt with them.

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Back in the Heat of Things (Higure/Nariko) Empty Re: Back in the Heat of Things (Higure/Nariko)

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Thu Dec 19, 2019 7:37 pm

    "We'll finish when we finish.....hmmmm" Toonami whispered in her girlfriend's ear. As if on cue, the sound of footsteps could be heard. Nariko was arriving. Toonami kept her hands right where they were as she nibbled on Higure's neck and ear. Konami gave her sister a look that said "Can you not?" and Toonmi laughed as she withrdrew her hand from underneath Higure's robe just before the door opened.

    The Raikage was a beautiful young woman with a gentle smile. She didn't seem overtly formal which was good. It would give her the much needed flexibility of dealing with the two opposing personalities that were Toonami and Konami.

    Toonami smirked and licked her fingers as Nariko apologized. She had a look on her face that made it seem as though the late arrival were some joke only she was privied too.

    "Please don't apologize, Raikage-sama. Its good to meet your acquaintance...officially. That's my sister Toonami and our protege Higure"

    Nariko asked how business was to be done but she'd receive two different answers.

    "Let's fucking get on with it"
    "How was your day?"

    The two interrupted each other. This was a rare event. Normally, the twins didn't trip over each other's words like this. Maybe it was because they each wanted to impress this new business partner. For once, Konami gestured and allowed Toonami to start off. With the floor yielded to the blueberry twin, the woman would speak while keeping her arm around Higure.

    "You're making us money, we're making you money. Good shit. Let's take this a step further. How you feel about expansion"

    Posts : 89
    Join date : 2019-05-13

    Back in the Heat of Things (Higure/Nariko) Empty Re: Back in the Heat of Things (Higure/Nariko)

    Post by ShimmyToTheLeft Thu Jan 23, 2020 9:47 pm

    At placement of Toonami's hand Higure nearly melted at the touch, of course when it came to Toon it was hard for Higure to say no. Toonami was in many ways a force of nature, a nearly unstoppable force that blew by, initiated anarchy, then passed on by. Everyone else, other than her sister, either could come along for the ride, or get the hell out of the way. Higure? Not quite as worldwise as one would expect from a runaway, and many ways, a maiden at heart. Was easy to get swept away in the furious passion and intense emotions that were Toonami.

    Very, very few times had she ever said no to her. Of course, she made it a point to make saying no, more than worth Toonami's while. As the hand withdrew after Konomi's admonishment, Higure didn't know whether to pout or compose herself for company so her body decided on sexually frustrated and extremely flustered as Nariko entered the sauna.

    At the two in a rare case of running over each other's words, Higure decided to speak up, still blushing from before, she turned an even brighter shade at the thought of a Kage walking in on them, "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Sandaime Raikage-Sama, can I get you anything while you three convene?"

    She didn't know what they wanted to settle on. But from the mix of pleasantries and getting straight to business she decided to play the middle ground and act as hostess to their guest (pleasantries), and hopefully get her more comfortable in the business proceedings (business). Hopefully she wouldn't get admonished later if she over-stepped her boundaries. The mission was too big to waste on her making a fool of herself.

    She'd wait to hear Nariko's response while leaning in slightly into Toonami whispering a soft 'I love you Toon' as she soaked up the embrace.


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