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2 posters

    Mizushima, Nariko


    Posts : 265
    Join date : 2017-12-15
    Age : 28

    Mizushima, Nariko Empty Mizushima, Nariko

    Post by Nariko Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:07 am

    Name: Mizushima, Nariko
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kumogakure
    Rank: Jounin

    Clan: Mizushima
    Bloodline: N/a
    Element(s): Raiton, Katon
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

    Trading 2 skill points for Stats


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: B
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: B  

    EXP spending:

    Unique Abilities:
    One-handed Seals: A heavily experienced Jounin with much practiced use of jutsu, Nariko has learned how to utilize one handed seals so perfectly that she can utilize them without suffering any sort of debuff. Clanless freebie.

    Vast Experience: Nariko, as a heavily experience Jounin, has a larger amount of starting exp by the amount of 1800. However, as she feels she's plateaued on how far she can go, her training isn't nearly as effective as it used to be. Until she pays off a deficit of 1800 exp, she can no longer gain any more, and 100 % of exp earned goes into that deficit.

    Imparted Wisdom: Due to Nariko's knowledge of the shinobi world, and her own personal experiences, she's able to train her students much more effectively. For anyone she trains as a student, she's able to impart an additional 5 exp per post on top of her sensei exp. However, since she herself has little to learn from her own past knowledge and exp, she suffers a -5 exp gain [to a minimum of 5] for any mission threads she's in.

    Old Habits: Nariko had, in the past, acquired quite a gambling habit, going from place to place, and racking up as much debt as one could possibly be allowed to. Of course, she had her own savings and has spent her time on missions trying to pay off that debt. Nariko has managed to save up 500,000 Ryo, but has vowed to pay off her debts, which amount to 750,000 ryo. All income that comes her way, Nariko sets aside 50% of her earnings to help pay off the massive debt she owes.

    Nariko is what most people would describe as cute, but unremarkable. There's very little that sets her apart from anyone else, and she has no unique or remarkable physical characteristics.

    Her long dark black hair is usually pulled into a ponytail, often times off to the side of her head rather than straight back, but that's purely because it sets her apart from other people and adds a little quirkiness to her look. Her eyes are a very similar shade as her hair, except with a little more grey mixed in.

    She stands around 5'4", and weighs in around 130 pounds, with a bust size around a B cup, although she doesn't really tell people about it. Different people have commented different thoughts on their size, and she doesn't feel like confirming or denying.

    History: Nariko has had a more normal upbringing than most shinobi she knew. While she'd met her own fair share of orphans and prodigies, she herself was not quite any of those. Born into a family of shinobi, her parents were still alive throughout her entire childhood. Her mother, a Special Jounin of Kumogakure, having received that rank due to her skills in sensory jutsu, and her father, a Chuunin who never quite achieved any single great feat, other than being a run of the mill shinobi, had met on a few separate missions where they were assigned to the same squads.

    A few chance meetings, and they had hit it off rather well. It didn't take long, they had natural chemistry, and soon had a child to deal with. Due to their relatively normal ranks, it wasn't difficult for them to raise Nariko, rarely being out long enough for her to miss either of them. When she became of age, it was only natural that she wanted to join into the academy herself, to join her parents in the ranks of the military. Nariko joined the academy at the age of 8, having enjoyed a fun childhood, and graduated right on time at the age of 12.

    She wasn't anything special at any of her given tasks, and received higher than average marks on her skills, but nothing as notable as being the top in any given category. Still, she had some measure of talent, and was a bit above average in most of her skills, landing her in a squad with a nice Jounin. She stayed a genin with her squad until she was around the age of 15, where she had an unfortunate mission encounter.

    On a mission that shouldn't have had any amount of danger, her squad was set upon by an ambushing group of shinobi from the Land of Frost. Despite being outnumbered, they managed to escape the confrontation mostly intact, although the squad mostly fell apart afterwards. The Jounin in charge of the squad had suffered permanent damage, forcing him into early retirement, as he wasn't able to be a combatant any further, although he lived. One of the genin was not so lucky, finding himself dead, the only casualty of the mission. However, Nariko and her surviving teammate both proved themselves in the mission against such adversity, displaying skills that were worthy of the rank Chuunin, and received promotions for having, against all odds, still completed the mission.

    That was largely when Nariko's problems began, her depression starting to manifest even further, and now finding herself alone. Her Chuunin partner no longer talked to her as much, reminded of the loss of their teammate, and with the Jounin having been retired, she was left mostly alone for the most part, he team having fallen apart. Choosing to focus on doing missions more and more, and staying away from home as much as possible, Nariko ended up alienating herself from her family, only occassionally stopping around to say hello to her parents and let them know she was okay.

    Having received the rank of Chuunin, she was allowed to go on more dangerous missions away from the village, and travel quite a bit. Throughout the missions, she received plenty of experience as a shinobi, but also of the world, and its more questionable thrills. It was often that on these missions, Nariko would spend her down time and travel time in bars and gambling dens. People didn't care that she was only around 15 or 16 at the time, and cared even less the older she got. With all the alcohol and gambling and drugs around, and an urge to forget her depression for a time, Nariko did the only thing she could think of. She partook in them in much excess.

    For years, her life consisted of those vices, and she sought missions that would keep her travelling as much as possible, and as far as possible. As the missions got harder, she get stronger. It was at the age of 19 that she was promoted to the rank of Jounin, as her years of dedicated mission taking had soared her through the ranks, although she never took on a squad, her anxiety about what had happened to her own squad kept her from wanting to ever risk that. Instead, she continued on with her missions.

    At the age of 21, she had a bit of a wake-up call to her problems when she found herself assaulted in the night at an inn she was staying at by a bunch of collectors, looking to receive payment for the massive debts she had accrued over many different areas. It didn't go terribly for her, as she managed to fight off her assailants. Luckily enough for her, she was able to strike out a deal that she would start making payments, and the debt collectors would stop as long as she was paying, but that was purely because she'd managed to scare them into agreeing to make a deal.

    For the next year, Nariko saved up money from missions, choosing to take them from small outlying villages and actually managed to pay off quite a deal of her debt, having dropped it from multiple million Ryo to a little less than a million. Having paid off enough, the debt collectors finally decided that she owed enough she could take a break from her payments, and for the first time in a while, she decided to make her way home. Her parents hadn't heard from her in a couple of years at this point, and she needed to stop in and let them know she was fine. While she'd been checking in with the administration, giving them regular updates so they wouldn't think she was deserting for having not been back to the village so long, she hadn't bothered sending any communique to her own parents.

    Little would she know, when she made it into Kumo, her parents would have been 2 of the numerous casualties of the plague that rocked the world. While they werent dead, they were in failling coma's with no signs of improvement.

    Personality: Nariko is a rather nice and fun spirited individual, preferring to have fun and crack jokes more than anything else. She genuinely cares about the well being of most of her colleagues, subordinates, and allies, although she doesn't put up with people who have a disregard for their comrades.

    When she gets serious, something is wrong, and she needs to take care of a situation. As a Jounin, she's aware of when the time for jokes is appropriate, and when she needs to be a leader. She's quite adept at making decisions when she feels the absolute need to, unlike some people who are indecisive and spend asinine amounts of time trying to make a decision, she makes snap judgements that aren't necessarily bad. She's an incredibly smart individual after all.

    In combat, she displays a level of fierceness that is rarely observed, as long as she's fighting for something she truly believes is worth protecting or fighting for. During training and sparring sessions, she is actually more lazy and treats it more like a joke than anything, unless she's really got to train someone.

    Of course, she has a wide range of emotions, as she is a human being, and these aren't her only personality traits. She feels sadness, anger, frustration, love, and joy just as anyone else would. She's met many people who seem to be cold unfeeling and murderous tools, but despite having been a shinobi most of her life, she hasn't lost the ability of empathy.

    A little known fact about Nariko is that she suffers from depression and anxiety, and chooses to mask it with her joking manners, seeking to help put a smile on other people's faces if she can't always feel happy herself. Unfortunately, she's become a thrill seeker due to that. She's suffered from gambling issues, has a bit of an alcohol problem, and is no stranger to the world of drugs and sex, in her efforts to help her feel more normal. Most wouldn't suspect by looking at her, as she seems normal and fun spirited, but she isn't without her flaws.

    Roleplay Sample:
    A sample from the Saga version of Nozomi:
    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

    Posts : 1252
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu | Weapon Crafting
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    Mizushima, Nariko Empty Re: Mizushima, Nariko

    Post by Rin Matoi Sat Dec 16, 2017 6:15 pm

    Nariko wrote:Name: Mizushima, Nariko
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kumogakure
    Rank: Jounin

    Clan: Mizushima
    Bloodline: N/a
    Element(s): Raiton, Katon
    Skill(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

    Trading 2 skill points for Stats


    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: B
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: B  

    EXP spending:

    Unique Abilities:
    One-handed Seals: A heavily experienced Jounin with much practiced use of jutsu, Nariko has learned how to utilize one handed seals so perfectly that she can utilize them without suffering any sort of debuff. Clanless freebie.

    Vast Experience: Nariko, as a heavily experience Jounin, has a larger amount of starting exp by the amount of 1800. However, as she feels she's plateaued on how far she can go, her training isn't nearly as effective as it used to be. Until she pays off a deficit of 1800 exp, she can no longer gain any more, and 100 % of exp earned goes into that deficit.

    Imparted Wisdom: Due to Nariko's knowledge of the shinobi world, and her own personal experiences, she's able to train her students much more effectively. For anyone she trains as a student, she's able to impart an additional 5 exp per post on top of her sensei exp. However, since she herself has little to learn from her own past knowledge and exp, she suffers a -5 exp gain [to a minimum of 5] for any mission threads she's in.

    Old Habits: Nariko had, in the past, acquired quite a gambling habit, going from place to place, and racking up as much debt as one could possibly be allowed to. Of course, she had her own savings and has spent her time on missions trying to pay off that debt. Nariko has managed to save up 500,000 Ryo, but has vowed to pay off her debts, which amount to 750,000 ryo. All income that comes her way, Nariko sets aside 50% of her earnings to help pay off the massive debt she owes.

    Nariko is what most people would describe as cute, but unremarkable. There's very little that sets her apart from anyone else, and she has no unique or remarkable physical characteristics.

    Her long dark black hair is usually pulled into a ponytail, often times off to the side of her head rather than straight back, but that's purely because it sets her apart from other people and adds a little quirkiness to her look. Her eyes are a very similar shade as her hair, except with a little more grey mixed in.

    She stands around 5'4", and weighs in around 130 pounds, with a bust size around a B cup, although she doesn't really tell people about it. Different people have commented different thoughts on their size, and she doesn't feel like confirming or denying.

    History: Nariko has had a more normal upbringing than most shinobi she knew. While she'd met her own fair share of orphans and prodigies, she herself was not quite any of those. Born into a family of shinobi, her parents were still alive throughout her entire childhood. Her mother, a Special Jounin of Kumogakure, having received that rank due to her skills in sensory jutsu, and her father, a Chuunin who never quite achieved any single great feat, other than being a run of the mill shinobi, had met on a few separate missions where they were assigned to the same squads.

    A few chance meetings, and they had hit it off rather well. It didn't take long, they had natural chemistry, and soon had a child to deal with. Due to their relatively normal ranks, it wasn't difficult for them to raise Nariko, rarely being out long enough for her to miss either of them. When she became of age, it was only natural that she wanted to join into the academy herself, to join her parents in the ranks of the military. Nariko joined the academy at the age of 8, having enjoyed a fun childhood, and graduated right on time at the age of 12.

    She wasn't anything special at any of her given tasks, and received higher than average marks on her skills, but nothing as notable as being the top in any given category. Still, she had some measure of talent, and was a bit above average in most of her skills, landing her in a squad with a nice Jounin. She stayed a genin with her squad until she was around the age of 15, where she had an unfortunate mission encounter.

    On a mission that shouldn't have had any amount of danger, her squad was set upon by an ambushing group of shinobi from the Land of Frost. Despite being outnumbered, they managed to escape the confrontation mostly intact, although the squad mostly fell apart afterwards. The Jounin in charge of the squad had suffered permanent damage, forcing him into early retirement, as he wasn't able to be a combatant any further, although he lived. One of the genin was not so lucky, finding himself dead, the only casualty of the mission. However, Nariko and her surviving teammate both proved themselves in the mission against such adversity, displaying skills that were worthy of the rank Chuunin, and received promotions for having, against all odds, still completed the mission.

    That was largely when Nariko's problems began, her depression starting to manifest even further, and now finding herself alone. Her Chuunin partner no longer talked to her as much, reminded of the loss of their teammate, and with the Jounin having been retired, she was left mostly alone for the most part, he team having fallen apart. Choosing to focus on doing missions more and more, and staying away from home as much as possible, Nariko ended up alienating herself from her family, only occassionally stopping around to say hello to her parents and let them know she was okay.

    Having received the rank of Chuunin, she was allowed to go on more dangerous missions away from the village, and travel quite a bit. Throughout the missions, she received plenty of experience as a shinobi, but also of the world, and its more questionable thrills. It was often that on these missions, Nariko would spend her down time and travel time in bars and gambling dens. People didn't care that she was only around 15 or 16 at the time, and cared even less the older she got. With all the alcohol and gambling and drugs around, and an urge to forget her depression for a time, Nariko did the only thing she could think of. She partook in them in much excess.

    For years, her life consisted of those vices, and she sought missions that would keep her travelling as much as possible, and as far as possible. As the missions got harder, she get stronger. It was at the age of 19 that she was promoted to the rank of Jounin, as her years of dedicated mission taking had soared her through the ranks, although she never took on a squad, her anxiety about what had happened to her own squad kept her from wanting to ever risk that. Instead, she continued on with her missions.

    At the age of 21, she had a bit of a wake-up call to her problems when she found herself assaulted in the night at an inn she was staying at by a bunch of collectors, looking to receive payment for the massive debts she had accrued over many different areas. It didn't go terribly for her, as she managed to fight off her assailants. Luckily enough for her, she was able to strike out a deal that she would start making payments, and the debt collectors would stop as long as she was paying, but that was purely because she'd managed to scare them into agreeing to make a deal.

    For the next year, Nariko saved up money from missions, choosing to take them from small outlying villages and actually managed to pay off quite a deal of her debt, having dropped it from multiple million Ryo to a little less than a million. Having paid off enough, the debt collectors finally decided that she owed enough she could take a break from her payments, and for the first time in a while, she decided to make her way home. Her parents hadn't heard from her in a couple of years at this point, and she needed to stop in and let them know she was fine. While she'd been checking in with the administration, giving them regular updates so they wouldn't think she was deserting for having not been back to the village so long, she hadn't bothered sending any communique to her own parents.

    Little would she know, when she made it into Kumo, her parents would have been 2 of the numerous casualties of the plague that rocked the world. While they werent dead, they were in failling coma's with no signs of improvement.

    Personality: Nariko is a rather nice and fun spirited individual, preferring to have fun and crack jokes more than anything else. She genuinely cares about the well being of most of her colleagues, subordinates, and allies, although she doesn't put up with people who have a disregard for their comrades.

    When she gets serious, something is wrong, and she needs to take care of a situation. As a Jounin, she's aware of when the time for jokes is appropriate, and when she needs to be a leader. She's quite adept at making decisions when she feels the absolute need to, unlike some people who are indecisive and spend asinine amounts of time trying to make a decision, she makes snap judgements that aren't necessarily bad. She's an incredibly smart individual after all.

    In combat, she displays a level of fierceness that is rarely observed, as long as she's fighting for something she truly believes is worth protecting or fighting for. During training and sparring sessions, she is actually more lazy and treats it more like a joke than anything, unless she's really got to train someone.

    Of course, she has a wide range of emotions, as she is a human being, and these aren't her only personality traits. She feels sadness, anger, frustration, love, and joy just as anyone else would. She's met many people who seem to be cold unfeeling and murderous tools, but despite having been a shinobi most of her life, she hasn't lost the ability of empathy.

    A little known fact about Nariko is that she suffers from depression and anxiety, and chooses to mask it with her joking manners, seeking to help put a smile on other people's faces if she can't always feel happy herself. Unfortunately, she's become a thrill seeker due to that. She's suffered from gambling issues, has a bit of an alcohol problem, and is no stranger to the world of drugs and sex, in her efforts to help her feel more normal. Most wouldn't suspect by looking at her, as she seems normal and fun spirited, but she isn't without her flaws.

    Roleplay Sample:
    A sample from the Saga version of Nozomi:


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