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    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Hozuki Empty Hozuki

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:38 pm

    Clan Name: Hōzuki
    Clan Location: Kirigakure
    Bloodline Name & Type: Hydrification
    Current Clan Leader: Tetsuya Hōzuki

    Current Clan Members:

    Clan History/Description: The Hōzuki can trace their lineage back as far as 800 years, an impressive claim. However, their history goes back even further than that. As far back as the time of the Sage himself, Hagoromo. The first of the Hōzuki was one of his greatest disciples, a man by the name of Joki Indra. Though he did not bear the name of the clan as it is now, he possessed their unique ability. Before meeting and learning from the Sage, he was known as a master swordsman with a particular specialty in the katana. He was unmatched in skill by all but one man, who would come to be a fellow disciple of the Sage and later one of the five chosen to lead after his death.

    Joki met the Sage when he was twenty years old and stayed with him for many years, learning the art of Ninshu and having the chakra within him awakened. He immediately came to be a master at controlling water, bringing aid to drought stricken areas of the land throughout his life. It was only when he was in his seventies, still only two-thirds of the way through his life, that he would have an illegitimate child by a woman who bore the surname Hōzuki.

    This child grew separate from his father yet possessing his unique ability to turn into water, never coming to know the Sage of the Land of Water in person. He grew into a very intelligent man who worked his way into a position of relative power in a coastal town in the archipelago. The town which was his home was transformed under his leadership into a bustling port, and his large family of eleven children were all blessed with his same abilities. Most shared in his intelligence as well, and after the death of the Sage of Water's only child, his descendants would carry on the financial legacy that began with him.

    For centuries, the Hōzuki traded their way into a position of power over their entire island. Other dominate families on the other islands took note of the growing clan and most openly worked together to quash them before they could get too powerful. None of them would succeed, though many tried, in unseating the Hōzuki from their authority. In 464 A.S, their dream of becoming a major clan in the archipelago would come to fruition as the clans on their home island swore fealty to the Hōzuki clan. In exchange for this fealty, the Hōzuki agreed to begin electing their clan heads instead of allowing the position to be inherited to ensure the best man for the job was always in power. This helped greatly in placating the concerns of the minor clan heads, and once the deal was complete the stage would be set for the Hōzuki to begin formulating the conquest of the rest of what they considered "their islands".

    In 500 A.S, the most famous of Hōzuki leaders for many generations was elected to the position of clan head. He held this position for an astonishing thirty-seven years, being elected eighteen times in a row, before his untimely death from old age at eighty-three years old. His name was Yutaka Hōzuki, and he was a man with a keen eye for opportunities of advancement.

    When he came to power, the Hōzuki were the eighth richest family in the archipelago. They had a minor trading fleet in comparison to the larger and more established trading families that had been there since before the coming of the Sage. He had placed his own network of spies throughout the archipelago over the course of the decade leading to his election, and once he got into power he used this network to give himself leverage against other clans. Three years after coming to power, he discovered that the head of the Yakka clan was planning on assassinating the head of the Terumi by hiring the Yuki clan. Yutaka sent a message and a hefty sum of money to instead kill the entire main family of the Yakka clan when they met to discuss payment.

    This event created a vacuum of power in the isle nearest the Hōzuki that they jumped at. The Yakka clan was split, its fleets competing against one another. The Hōzuki fleet moved in and decimated the Yakka fleet bits and pieces at a time, taking the occasional ship to bolster their own forces, over the course of the next two years. Soon, the Hōzuki dominated the trade channels they had been maintaining for centuries as well as those that had been possessed by the Yakka clan and increased their revenue by half of what they had made in  the years before this minor war.

    Yutaka took every opportunity he had, every glimmer of light that he saw he chased after, and during his three decades of leadership the Hōzuki grew to become the richest and most powerful individual clan in the entire archipelago of the Land of Water. It was his final act that brought about their wealth which gave them this power, a well timed assassination of the Yuki clan head to grind their plans to conquer the Terumi to a halt. Simultaneously to this, he fooled the Terumi into believing the Hōzuki to be allies to their clan and this apparent friendship culminated in the destruction of the Terumi fleet by Hōzuki clan members under the trustful watch of the Terumi. The members who did this deed were killed, but the damage had been done. The Terumi would never again achieve the same level of power they held before this, but the Hōzuki moved in with a practiced hand to fill the void.

    The death of Yukata ground the Hōzuki train to a halt, with the old man's heart just giving out in the night despite having good health for his age. The clan managed to retain most of their power after the sudden loss, though their outermost tendrils receded somewhat and delayed the inevitable for a while longer. The next clan head was too cautious, with the next few after him serving for various terms and expanding trade slowly and cautiously. Yukata's escapades had soured relations with many of the clans, something that would take decades to repair fully and something that had to be done if they ever wanted to truly expand again.

    Near the end of the century, the clan elected a new clan head who wished to try his hand at expanding as Yukata had before. His term lasted into the new century by twenty years. It was not he who was so remarkable, though he did manage to expand the Hōzuki name and influence substantially while in power, but rather one of his successors that would lay the foundation for the Hozuki's true rise to power.

    Eiko Hōzuki came to power at the age of twenty-nine in the year 620 A.S. She was the first female clan head in the clan's history, and would also come to hold the honor of being the longest serving clan head in its history. Upon her ascendance, Eiko declared that all clan vessels were to immediately lay waste to any pirate fleets they saw in the waters of the archipelago. This was met with some blow back at first which continued for over two decades as the only thing rivals for the clan leadership could hold against her. She negotiated lucrative trade deals with various smaller clans that essentially bound them to the Hōzuki and then used their power as leverage to get what they wanted from other clans in the archipelago who otherwise would have declined. It was with this superb negotiating and shows of force that allowed the Hōzuki to grow and expand their territory onto other islands within the archipelago.

    Eiko also used the clan's extensive funds to bribe and influence events in the mainland. The heads of many clans were taken care of in secret by her shrewd and calculating mind and by the hands of those backed by her coin. Clans started wars and made ridiculous claims, fanning the flames of war and increasing demand for weapons and provisions. The Hōzuki were more than happy to oblige, and only the head and former heads of the Hōzuki truly know just how many events in the world were guided by their hand during the past few centuries.

    In the sixty first year of her term as clan head, putting the old lady at the age of ninety, she oversaw the formation of the largest fleet the islands had ever seen and smashed the largest pirate fleet in the waters of the archipelago. The remnants of this fleet scattered and joined other fleets, warning them of the centralized power the Hōzuki had demonstrated. From this point on, the clan would not see a single decline in its wealth or power and would continue an upwards climb towards greatness, being the founders of the first ninja village. Eiko died three years after this major turning point, finally passing the torch to another who could not fill her shoes anywhere near as well.

    The beginning of the eighth century saw the Hozuki directly controlling one-quarter of the archipelago with tendrils of influence in all the rest. They made enough money through their trade empire that they could afford to simply bribe smaller pirate fleets into obedience rather than crushing them with force. During the famine of that century, the Hozuki traded food and water at extortionate prices to the afflicted nations and made an obscene amount of money from it. This event catapulted their rise to power, and slowed the unification of the lands on the mainland.

    The clan continued to expand, even coming to possess a small portion of the coast of the Land of Fire before being driven out by native clans. Clan leaders between that point and the current clan head were relatively mediocre, riding the power behind their money and fleet as well as the council that had been established to check the clan head's power into successful tenures. They grew to occupy one-third of the archipelago, then half, then two-thirds, and eventually all of it. This lackluster leadership is what cost them their victory in the war with the Inazuma, leading to a humiliating loss as well as the loss of much of their fleet.

    The current clan head decided that the model of leadership in the Land of Stone would be a beneficial one, providing more occupations and opportunities for ordinary people to believe they could become something one day. That was exactly what one needed for a successful empire, and so twenty years before the start of the current timeline, the Hōzuki would finish construction on their new Hidden Village: Kirigakure.

    Much of the funding came directly from the Hōzuki, nearly bankrupting the clan behind their veil of portrayed power. A majority of the clan's previous profits were redirected to the village to fund national interests rather than clan interests. Control of the fleet remained with the clan, but with the daimyo being the leader of the Land of Water it is essentially the navy of the entire country. The clan is still rich and still makes money, but nowhere near as much as it did before the foundation of Kirigakure. Still, clan members hold many of the high ranking positions in the village and are considered to be a step above the other clans in the village. People want to be a Hōzuki, and much of the populace treats them like royalty even with this new system of governing. Recent events with the First Mizukage have put a stain on the clan's honor, but it is not something that cannot be recovered from in time.

    Clan/Bloodline Traits & Characteristics: The Hōzuki clan is a clan of merchants, men and women born to create wealth. Almost the entirety of the clan is well versed in economics as well as sales. Besides this general knowledge, members possess more specific skillsets such as production or distribution within the clan itself. Clan leaders are not chosen by birth, but are elected every two years by the clan members to determine the leader best suited to the current situation. Often, this leads to a leader being elected multiple times, though there has never once been a struggle for power once it exchanged hands since the clan began to do things this way.

    Most clan members feel they're above everybody else, and others would say they have every right to. Since the Hōzuki are almost solely responsible for the formation of Kirigakure and the Land of Water in its current state, they are praised by most within that land. On top of this, they're the richest and most powerful clan in the Land of Water due to their massive trade empire (which they got to keep during the formation of Kirigakure). Besides this general feeling of superiority, the clan dresses more richly in public than most other clans and usually has decorative armor or flak jackets for battle to show off the wealth of the family. Individuals within the clan have varying degrees of skill and personality, leading to a very diverse and powerful clan overall.

    Due to their trade empire, each Hōzuki begins with an extra 10,000 ryo at character registration. Upon successfully reaching a higher class, they receive an additional 10,000 ryo. Every IRL month, the success of the clan brings each Player Character Hōzuki 5,000 ryo in flat income. Their incredible network of associates also gives clan members a 50% discount on all buildings and structures built within an organization in the Land of Water.

    The clan itself holds a personal wealth of 2,000,000 ryo in cash with the rest of their massive fortune in assets. They had more, but used a majority of it on building and funding Kirigakure in the early years of its life. This money can be accessed by the clan head for things needed to benefit the clan, but CANNOT be used for personal gain as that is corrupt and the members will not stand for that. Numerous Hōzuki keep tabs on the clan balance. The clan receives an income of 30,000 ryo of profit every IRL month. All of this is subject to change based on In Character circumstances and events, and can even exceed the numbers listed here should the clan somehow become even stronger. Should the clan fall from power, these abilities are likely to also change negatively or be gotten rid of altogether.

    The clan head also gains access to the Hōzuki web, the remains of a string spies set up from before the time of the shinobi villages. This provides the clan head, and whoever he wishes to tell, with information regarding the greater happenings in the other lands. As such, the Hōzuki clan head will always know of what is happening in the world on a grand degree such as wars and leadership changes before the other shinobi villages. Currently, the head of the Hōzuki is the daimyo of the Land of Water.

    Bloodline Description & Abilities: The members of this clan possess the ability to turn their bodies into liquid state using the Hydrification Technique. Please refer to that technique for a more in depth description. Every member of the Hozuki Clan automatically starts with knowledge of Hydrification upon approval. Clan techniques of one rank higher than their intelligence would may be learned as well.

    Bloodline Limits & Drawbacks: All clan members MUST begin with Suiton, no matter what else they may wish to do with their characters. All other drawbacks lie within the Hydrification technique.

    No Hozuki may every possess the Raiton element, as producing that in their body would result in them paralyzing themselves with their own chakra.

    This clan is considered a kekkei genkai and as a result it costs a skill point.

    Unlocking Hydrification costs 1,000 Experience.

    Clan Techniques:

    Name: Hydrification
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Cost: N/A
    Range: User
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Element: Suiton
    Classification: Hozuki Exclusive
    Handseals: N/A
    Requirements: Hōzuki bloodline
    Description: The Hydrification Technique is a protean, whole-body technique whereby the user can liquefy their body at will. They are able to maintain their appearance and even fight while doing this. This technique makes it impossible to receive damage from physical attacks and most ninjutsu. From a single hair, to the skin and muscles, everything can be liquefied and solidified at will. Be it to evade an enemy's attack during a short range battle, to infiltrate a structure, or to launch a surprise attack in a liquefied state, this technique boasts a high strategic value. Applying this technique, the user can also modify their body parts for suitable situations or even use the liquid as projectiles. This technique, once learned, is constantly active so that its abilities may be used on very short notice.

    Drawbacks: Intense heat will evaporate rather than burn a Hozuki, though the end result is the same: Death. Those who use this technique become highly vulnerable to Raiton element attacks, with any attack from that element temporarily paralyzing them the post it hits. If it's a constant load of Raiton, it can incapacitate the Hōzuki in question indefinitely. All Raiton techniques also count as two tiers higher for damage (Max of X). When knocked unconscious, such as by a raiton technique, the user will turn into a jelly like blob. Raiton of two ranks higher than a Hozuki's constitution will knock them unconscious.Also, they need to drink more water than normal humans to stay hydrated. If they don't take a drink of something at least once every two threads IC, they turn jellyish and get a penalty of one minus to physical stats.

    Name: Drowning Water Blob Technique
    Rank: C
    Power: C
    Cost: 5
    Range: 3 meters
    Element: Suiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Hozuki Exclusive
    Handseals: N/A
    Requirements: Hydrification
    Description: After liquefying a portion of their body, the user manipulates the resulting water to surround their target's head, preventing them from breathing in order to either: render the victim unconscious or ultimately kill them if the suffocation is sustained. It takes 2 posts for unconsciousness per tier of Constitution, with a flat 2 posts after that resulting in death by drowning. This results in a minimum of 4 posts to kill, and a maximum of 14 posts within the normal range of Constitution that can be achieved IC. Since this shape manipulation is only a one time thing, despite its long time to kill, it does not have an upkeep as it's still just the user's body.
    Drawbacks: Who's going to just let someone drown them to death? The uses for this technique are fairly restricted, mostly because of that reason.

    Name: Water Gun Technique
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Cost: 20
    Range: 50 meters
    Speed: S
    Element: Suiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification:  Hozuki Exclusive
    Handseals: N/A
    Requirements: Hydrification
    Description: The user mimics a gun with his hand and, through the Hydrification Technique, compresses a drop of water in their index finger, firing it with tremendous force and speed similar to a gunshot, enough to easily pierce through a sand clone. Its small size is why this technique does not cost the usual amount for an A rank. Is capable of puncturing defenses up to S rank in durability, except for Doton related defenses.
    Drawbacks: Fairly small wounds are inflicted with each bullet, and the action of making the gun is a fairly good tip off that something is coming your way.

    Name: Water Gun: Two Guns
    Rank: A
    Power: S
    Cost: 30
    Range: 50 meters
    Speed: S
    Element: Suiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification:  Hozuki Exclusive
    Handseals: N/A
    Requirements: Hydrification
    Description: A more lethal version of the Water Gun Technique, where, instead of using one hand, the user uses both hands and fires two powerful shots of water simultaneously. This technique was powerful enough to destroy part of Zetsu's face.
    Drawbacks: Same as the Water Gun technique, though the overall power is increased.

    Name: Water Release: Great Water Arm Technique
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Cost: 8
    Upkeep: 3
    Range: User
    Element: Suiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Ninjutsu
    Handseals: N/A
    Requirements: Hydrification
    Description: By putting the Hydrification Technique into practical use, the muscles of the arm are temporarily enlarged and strengthened. Moisture is gathered from the whole body and compressed into the entire arm, like an instant pump-up. However, because it is essential to properly control the moisture balance inside the body, this technique's degree of difficulty is very high. This technique grants the user a boost to strength of one tier and one plus to Strength.
    Drawbacks: The bonus applies only to one arm. The arm also grows noticeably, a huge tip off that the user is enhancing their abilities. The slightly reduced cost is because of this technique only applying to one arm, though upkeep remains the same.

    Name: Water Release: Tate Eboshi
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Cost: 15
    Upkeep: 10
    Range: Body of water
    Element: Suiton
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification:  Hozuki Exclusive
    Handseals: N/A
    Requirements: Hydrification, large body of water
    Description: After utilizing the Hydrification technique to merge with a large body of water such as a large pond or small lake, the user takes over a large portion of the existing water to form something resembling a giant demon fish. While the power of this technique is S rank, the cost is lower because it utilizes an already existing source of water instead of creating a large amount from chakra alone. The technique allows the user to exchange blows with even bijuu, but an explosive type attack like a bijuu bomb or S rank Bakuton will knock the user unconscious. Otherwise, it is only ended when the user wishes. The user is highly resistant to most other ninjutsu, as they have plenty of water to draw upon to replace that which is destroyed or evaporated. Due to their immense size and noted ability to battle bijuu for a time in this form, Strength for the duration of this technique is boosted to S if it isn't there already. S rank receives one plus.

    Drawbacks: Requires a preexisting source of water, something that is hard to be found when not in the Land of Water and impossible in other places. Raiton, uniquely, can knock the user out with an A rank level Raiton due to Hydirifcation's unique weakness to that element. There is simply too much Hozuki while using this for a smaller and weaker technique to have the same effect, however.

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 12:42 pm