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Kim Chang-Min
Rin Matoi
6 posters

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Rin Matoi
    Rin Matoi

    Posts : 1252
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu | Weapon Crafting
    Class: D
    Ryo: 0

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Rin Matoi Fri May 31, 2019 8:35 pm

    More stuff!

    1.) Bases and Dwelling now have NPC Population Caps. These caps can be found in the General Organization and Village Rules.

    2.) NPC can now be defeated if you are equal to or below the NPC's class. In short, being higher class than the NPC lets you 1-shot them as normal. But now, being equal in class lets you defeat them after 3 rounds of combat. Being one class lower lets you defeat them after 5 rounds of combat. Any lower and you must defeat normally.

    Note that this only applies to a single ground of NPC. So encountering 10 A-Class groups and waiting 3 rounds of combat doesn't allow you to 1-shot all 10 A-Class groups. Just 1 group.

    3.) Lastly, and the biggest update, is the Hand Sign Guide. Technique must now be required to use hand signs and a set number of them depending on how the technique is written. No longer are hand signs used for "flavor", but instead a balancing mechanic. Below is a representation of what rubric we will be using the judge hand signs for technique.

    E-rank Technique: 1 - 4 hand signs
    D-rank Technique: 1 - 4 hand signs
    C-rank Technique: 3 - 8 hand signs
    B-rank Technique: 6 - 12 hand signs
    A-rank Technique: 3 - 8 hand signs
    S-rank Technique: 1 - 4 hand signs

    Weaknesses/Power/Range/Speed/Cost determine whether the hand signs are closer to the minimum than maximum.

    To follow this we will also be releasing a guide which helps you calculate how many hand signs you can perform per post. Notice that each tier is separated by 3 hand signs. This is to help calculate Advantages to Coordination.

    Hand sign guide

    E-tier Coor = 1 hand sign/2s
    D-tier Coor = 1 hand sign/s
    C-tier Coor = 4 hand signs/s
    B-tier Coor = 7 hand signs/s
    A-tier Coor = 10 hand signs/s
    S-tier Coor = 13 hand signs/s
    X-tier Coor = 16 hand signs/s

    These have been added to the Character Stat and Limit Break Point topic.

    In conclusion to this update, everybody will be given a grace period of one month to edit all personal technique to have the appropriate hand signs listed. After this one month deadline all technique which do not have the appropriate hand signs will be considered void until edited.

    Note that these technique do NOT need to be re-submitted for approval. We trust that each of you can implement the correct number of seals in accordance to the technique's rank. Canon Technique will reflect this change shortly.
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Jul 06, 2019 12:08 am

    Two new updates:

    1. The Chunin Exams are being pushed back until September 1st. Signups will be conducted then.

    2. In order to encourage you all to train more in anticipation of Exams, we are temporarily removing all restrictions on solo training. You may now solo train as many posts as you want per day at the standard rate. This is a temporarily lifting of the restrictions so take advantage of it while you still can!

    Keep in mind, because there is no word count all we ask is that the individual post meet a minimum good-faith threshold. We'd rather not have people spamming five liners. A decent amount of effort in each post is all that is required.

    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:56 pm

    We have decided to lift restrictions on registering Jounin characters:

    1. You may now register Jounin (assuming their is an available spot) without necessarily having to pass an activity check.

    2. You may register as Jounin even if you already have one character that started as a Jounin.
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sun Aug 18, 2019 9:21 pm

    E-Rank Techniques can require as little as 0 handseals now. Thank you, that is all.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Thu Aug 22, 2019 3:02 pm

    "-Every player has the option of retiring a character and having their Rollover Experience apply to an existing character. However, this option may only be exercised once per player. As in someone on Gladius may do this once and only once during their time on the site."

    *^ The following has been added to the Rollover Experience Rules

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:41 pm

    - Those receiving an non-Doujutsu implant must pay the necessary experience requirements to achieve advancement in the bloodline as normal although this may be done with pre-existing experience. If it is a Doujutsu based implant then the recipient starts with whatever stage was unlocked by the donor.

    *^ Implant Rules have been changed to do this.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:14 am

    We have added a new Skill Specialization Rule for the purpose of boosting stats! Make sure that your techniques conform to these rules which can be found here.

    NOTE: Restricteds are not beholden to these rules and are evaluated separately.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:49 pm

    The following rule has been added and LRA has been edited to be consisted with it:

    Restricteds may not provide Generic boosts to stats. They can only provide unique boosts.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Tue Sep 24, 2019 1:22 am

    Gladius 2019  Rule Changes

    Hello everyone! We are approaching our second year anniversary so we decided that now was a good time to change several rules. Similar to last year's update which saw an overhaul of several systems, we will be adjusting several rules to make the gameplay more fun and exciting!

    Tier Boosting

    We have officially changed the rules regarding stat tiers. There will now be two tiers between A-Rank and S-Rank. While you may still each A++ in a stat in order to get to S you must boost a tier and a plus one. The descriptive difference between the stat remains the same but it is now harder to actually reach S-Rank in a given stat via boosting.

    So if I have a technique that grants a generic 1 tier boost to Strength and I have base A-Rank Strength then at most I have A++. In order for me to get to A-Rank Strength, I have to use another booster that grants a + and 1 tier to Strength. The only exception to this is if I have a unique boost which is granted by a Restricted technique or ability. This boost can take me from A to S even though its a single tier. This is because Unique boosts are qualitatively different and are considered far more powerful and rare.

    We have also decided to buff those with natural S-Tier stats. Those with natural S-Tier can now boost up to X without using an LBP or Restricted. However, boosting to X from a natural S-Tier stat requires two tiers.

    Boosting Order

    We have yet to formally define the order in which boosts are applied and if there are any limits with respect to using two boosts of a similar type. This is the official order in which boosts stack with the top of the list indicating the first boost applied. Next to the type of boosts is the number of type of boosts that can be stacked.

    Note: This list does NOT apply to each individual stat but rather all stats as a whole. This means that when we say "Auras" have a maximum of one we do NOT mean you can have one Aura technique/ability for perception and a separate technique/ability for coordination active at the same time. You must have ONE Aura that does either/or perhaps its a single technique and ability that boosts both, but they cannot be two separate auras active at once. This list is all encompassing and is not limited to boosting a particular stat.

    1st. Unique Abilities - Maximum of two applied at once.
    2nd. KKG/Clan -  Varies. Generally, Doujutsu based KKG stat buffs may be applied at the same time as passive physical buffs (For example, Senju) however be sure to ask a staff member before assuming.
    3rd. Enchantments/chem/items/living expenses/etc. Varies. Enchantments/Items have their own restrictions as to what can be applied, these can be found [url=here]here[/url]. You can only have one Chemistry stat buff active at one time and living expenses can be passively active with anything.
    4th. Auras - "Auras" are a catch-all phrase for all those boosts that apply continuously and do not derive from a fighting style. They include techniques/abilities like LRA, Bijuu buffs, and Chakra Enhanced Strength.
    Physical Styles - These refer to those physical fighting styles (Tai/Buki/Ken) which passively provide boosts. As the rules currently state, you may only have one physical style active at once.  
    5th. Maneuver specific techniques - Those Tai/Buki/Ken Techs which are not physical styles but are often derivative of them. These boosts are tacked onto the physical style and are often limited to a specific attack or sequence of attacks, the boosts end upon interruption or completion of this specific attack. For example, Leaf Whirlwind. You can only have one of these active at once.


    We have also made a change to clone rules. Clone techniques now have a max base Constitution of C (or lower if the user's base constitution is lower). If someone has natural S-Tier Constitution then it can be improved to B. If a clone has lower than 30 chakra, they will also be subject to the exhaustion penalty as per the Stamina rules.

    Sealing Live Jutsu

    We have made a site-wide rule for all Fuuinjutsu that seals live techniques. This means jutsu that has been cast by an opponent usually in the context of combat. Such sealing techniques will have a five post cool down before they can seal another technique. One must also pay the base cost of the rank of the jutsu (regardless of what the caster pays). The Fire Sealing Method when registered will follow this rule.

    Bijuu Control Fight Rules

    We have adopted and clarified the rules and penalties associated with fighting a Bijuu for Control. Initiating a fight for control will inflict damage upon the seal and it will deteriorate at a rate of 1 point per round. The fight for control can be interrupted by an outside third party through a variety of means some canon and others custom. Interruption is defined as ending the match between the Bijuu and its host before one of them wins. Essentially, this requires that the jinchurikki be forcibly pulled from the inner world.

    Every time the fight is interrupted the seal is deteriorates by 50 points. After the fight has been interrupted, the host must wait four weeks IRL before they can access Bijuu chakra again in any shape or form. This also means they cannot initiate another fight for control until that timer is up. It is possible to bring other people with you to assist in a Bijuu fight either by custom or through the current rule allowing Jinchurikki to assist. Helpers can assist for a maximum of 7 posts before they are forced outside of the inner realm. If the helpers die during the course of the battle, their mind is erased and they die in the real world instantly.

    Restricted Progression Rules

    The Restricted Progression System has been altered:

    1. Every Restricted now has a finite number of slots. This means that only a certain number of characters can obtain that Restricted either through the progression system OR acquiring it by other means.

    2. If one creates a custom Restricted based on a canon jutsu or ability then staff may force this custom Restricted to be open to others who may wish to use it in the future.

    3. We have created a Restricted ownership list for your convenience.

    Elemental Perks

    Elemental perks have been removed.

    Enchantments & Provisions Boosting

    We are eliminating the possibility of boosting stats via Enchantments.

    Provisions may only boost up to 1 Tier.

    Skill Boosting

    Ijutsu now specializes in boosting Intelligence.

    Earth Release now specializes in boosting Constitution.

    Fuuin boosts Intelligence as a secondary

    Bijuu Boosts

    All Stamina buffs have been removed from Bijuu/Jinchurikki. Bijuu will now have Perception as a potential Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary stat.

    Chakra Mode will continue to grant a flat 2 tiers to several stats but will no longer increase the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary stats. The time that you have to use Chakra Mode is no longer percentage based. Instead, it will now take 30 CP per post to use.

    It has been specified that the Genjutsu: Kai option available to Jinchurikki does not remove nor prevent psychological damage that has been inflicted as a result of a Genjutsu which has connected.

    Bijuu Transformations now cost a flat amount of experience points.

    New Jury

    The Conflict Resolution Rules have been updated to include a new jury:

    1. Naisu
    2. Tsuyo
    3. Colt
    4. Zach
    5. Dread

    Congratulations to our new jurors!

    Clanless Characters

    We have decided to give clanless characters an extra trade! They may trade a stat raise for a skill to end up with a maximum of 14 skills or they may trade a skill for a stat raise for a total of 24 maximum stat raises.

    Criminal Underworld

    Criminals at the lower level may now increase their level of Trust by completing low rank missions for local gangs.

    You can only remove 1 level of crime per mission.

    Cities of Metropolis size should generate one level of crime every two months. This is because the bigger the city the easier it becomes for crime to start forming.

    Miscellaneous Notes & Comments

    Here are some misc. notes and things you should generally be aware of

    Naraka Path cannot self-heal

    WARNING: Handseals & Skill Boosting Rules apply to all customs!  Make sure your customs comply! If they do not they may be voided mid-thread!

    Because many of these changes affect builds deeply we are allowing 1 FREE character reset which will end on October 23rd, 2019 at 11:59 PM

    We have clarified rules on analysis for the purpose of using precogs. When you analyze someone to charge your precogs, you MUST note it at the bottom of your post OOC-wise.

    Certain UAs are clanless only, for example, the Sealess Combat UA.

    For the purpose of the Bijuu rules, the phrase "free" means that the Bijuu is outside of a host's body.

    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Kitsuki Kurahasa
    Mist Jounin
    Mist Jounin

    Posts : 1126
    Join date : 2017-09-14

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Kitsuki Kurahasa Wed Oct 09, 2019 7:58 pm

    We are officially returning to regular solo posting rules with respect to experience. You may no longer ignore the maximum solo posting per day rules.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Oct 12, 2019 11:36 pm

    Based on the suggestion we received by Xurious, we are going ahead and implementing the following adjustment to Provisions in the Chemistry Guidelines:


    [*]D - You can put together a snack for you and your friends and make your own homemade lemonade. Your talent is recognized among your friends.
    [b]Requires D Tier Intelligence to craft.[/b]
    [b]Price:[/b] 5,000 ryo - 10,000 ryo
    [b]Advantages:[/b] +1
    [b]Countdown:[/b] 3 posts (Drink) | 5 posts (Food)
    [b]Duration:[/b] 3 - 5 post | 6 - 9 posts
    [b]Yield:[/b] 4 servings

    [*]C - You have been observing professionals work and decided to improvise on your own. Lucky for you, Chemistry ties into your skills as a chef. Your cooking is known on your block or apartment complex.
    [b]Requires D Tier Intelligence to craft.[/b]
    [b]Price:[/b] 15,000 ryo - 30,000 ryo
    [b]Advantages:[/b] +1
    [b]Countdown:[/b] 1 post | 3 posts
    [b]Duration:[/b] 3 - 6 post | 8 - 12 posts
    [b]Yield:[/b] 4 servings

    [*]B - Your cooking is on par with commonly known brands. Popular beers, wines, and food chains that are sold and established all over the continent are competition to you and your work.[b]Requires C Tier Intelligence to craft.[/b]
    [b]Price:[/b] 35,000 ryo - 50,000 ryo
    [b]Advantages:[/b] +2
    [b]Countdown:[/b] 3 posts | 5 posts
    [b]Duration:[/b] 6 - 8 posts | 10 - 12 posts
    [b]Yield:[/b] 6 servings

    [*]A - Your cooking is as delicious as Ichiraku Ramen. You have been cooking as a child and had a special knack for it as well as the opportunities and supplies to succeed. Whatever your secret is you are valuable enough to succeed with your own enterprise.
    [b]Requires B tier Intelligence to craft.[/b]
    [b]Price:[/b] 50,000 ryo - 75,000 ryo
    [b]Advantages:[/b] +2
    [b]Countdown:[/b] 2 posts | 3 posts
    [b]Duration:[/b] 7 - 10 posts | 12 - 15 posts
    [b]Yield:[/b] 6 servings

    [*]S - A legendary chef by all means you can always make the best out of what you have. Studying the right combinations and chemistry of your ingredients have made you one of the best cooks to ever live. Despite only having invested your career into food and drink, you are most likely a valuable asset to your village's military.
    [b]Requires A Tier Intelligence to craft.[/b]
    [b]Price:[/b] 100,000 ryo - 150,000 ryo
    [b]Advantages:[/b] +3
    [b]Countdown:[/b] 3 posts | 6 posts
    [b]Duration:[/b] 10 - 15 posts | 20 posts
    [b]Yield:[/b] 6 servings


    Posts : 1494
    Join date : 2017-10-09
    Age : 28

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Nozomi Sat Nov 02, 2019 4:52 pm

    E class is being removed.

    D class now begins at 0 Exp and awards 4 skill points total.
    Starting Exp to spend is 1650 instead of 1050 to represent the training done in E class.
    C Class through A class are reduced by 500 exp to reach. (1000, 2000, and 3500 now)
    S and X class remain at 6k and 8k respectively.

    Additionally, all characters that are currently approved (D class or higher) will gain 500 spendable experience, to compensate the work put in to reaching D class.
    All currently approved E class characters can claim the 600 spendable difference instead, as they havent yet received the 200 D class bonus, and this puts them on par with new D classes.

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:01 pm

    1. Precogs can be used fro defensive manuevers only
    2. We decrease the number of precogs each tier of intel gets
    - b gets 1
    - a gets 2
    - s gets 3
    - x gets 5
    3. Increase charging times
    - charging times doubled across the board.
    - S and X will remain at 0

    Bijuu Healling

    - Bijuu healing is no longer instant but will occur over the course of a single post. Stabilizing the damage and then repairing it over that timeframe.


    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2017-12-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Tatsuya Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:30 pm

    Greetings to all of Gladius! This is a formal announcement that the gritty grind of D grade items no longer exists! Any crafter may now start with C grade items provided you have the required stat. Additionally, any crafter may craft D grade items.

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    2019 Site Updates/Tweaks - Page 2 Empty Re: 2019 Site Updates/Tweaks

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Dec 20, 2019 10:40 pm

    Hello Gladius! Two new updates:

    1. There is a 2 Tier Cap on debuffs. No individual stat may be debuffed more than 2 Tiers.


    - Failing an activity check would lose you a starting Restricted
    - If you lose a starting Restricted can't get another until staff gives you the okay


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