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    A Message to a Crow


    Posts : 461
    Join date : 2017-10-29

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    A Message to a Crow Empty A Message to a Crow

    Post by Copycat Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:27 pm

    Following her findings at the hospital within Konohagakure, Kanna sends a messenger pigeon on its way to none other than Kazuya, under the assumption that he'd potentially be occupied with business of his own. It holds a scroll containing the newfound information, and mostly updates on the kinjutsu under her belt:



    "Not everyone's perfect... but sometimes the world seems like it'd be better off if they were."
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    Kazuya Uchiha
    Kazuya Uchiha

    Posts : 165
    Join date : 2016-12-07
    Location : Konohagakure

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    Class: X
    Ryo: 18,475

    A Message to a Crow Empty Re: A Message to a Crow

    Post by Kazuya Uchiha Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:11 pm

    The Hokage motioned for the pigeon to enter through the open window. It obediently flew in and landed on his desk, waiting for him to remove the note before flying off and leaving him with the two others in the room. "My apologies, Juuro. I will see about getting help for your son, but for now, I must speak with Hanako alone." Kazuya spoke as he read thru the scroll. The man bowed with a swift thanks and departed from the office. The woman in Anbu garb stepped forward to the desk, awaiting orders.

    "I'll be inducting four shinobi into the Anbu Black Ops. They'll be an independent squad assigned to a series of missions relating to this religious zealot business," he began, referring to the woman that had attacked the Land of Lightning. "Notify your superiors and have a set of gear delivered here. As for your mission, there's word of an individual roaming the..."

    Kazuya finished detailing the specifics before Hanako dutifully departed, leaving the Hokage to wrap up some paperwork and work out more details on what he hoped would be Team Satomi's next few missions. There was still much to be seen and events unfolding that bode unwell for the village and likely the rest of the continent.


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