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    Meeting the local Talent

    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 541
    Join date : 2023-01-19

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kugutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Enjinia | Kagaku | Kajiya | Nyūsatsu | Ijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: More than You

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Kiyoshi Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:57 pm

    Kiyoshi's time within Kirigakure was going to be limited at best, his entire time worked out on a schedule. Which is why he ensured that he would have time each day that he would be here, set aside to meet with the Shinobi that served Kirigakure as well as crafters within the village. Today he was to meet with Gyokusho, he didn't know much about him beyond the man's name on the emporium's paperwork and the fact that the man was a crafter. More than that, he was a fellow puppeteer, considering he was the only puppet user in Konoha, the though of meeting another puppet user made Kiyoshi slightly excited. The message to Gyokusho was sent out the day he had arrived within Kirigakure, set for a week later in the office of his finished shop.

    Like with his other shops, Kiyoshi spared no expense, making it identical to the one in Konoha and the Emporium. Six massive ornate pillars sculpted from granite hold a roof of clay shingles with gold trim thirty feet above the front entrance of the Cosmic Menagerie, even from outside one can feel the mystery calling from inside the double doors. The doors, double pane frosted glass that holds the image of a galaxy within it, if one looks closely at the galaxy they would see that the stars make the words "The Cosmic Menagerie" within it. The shop itself is two stories tall, though only certain customers are allowed to enter the upper level where Kiyoshi's Office sits, the stairs located behind the counter at the back of the shop behind the forge area to dissuade customers from trying to enter without permission. The First floor is an open space with a counter that travels along three of the walls with space for the employees to wall behind the counter, the counter is Glass Casing holding small simple items and other wares that the shop has to offer.

    Akimitsu and Enmei would both be downstairs in the open shop, watching for any troublemakers that might try to cause problems while Zamasu was upstairs with Kiyoshi in his office. Both Akimitsu and Enmei knew to expect Gyokusho and that when they arrived they were to send them up, just as if Oda were to arrive. The samurai knew of Kiyoshi's planned meeting, as well as everything else on his itinerary considering he was head of the Kiyoshi's security. Though that position came with delegation and if Oda felt that the three would be sufficient then Kiyoshi believed they would, and if Oda thought they wouldn't be then he would arrive, Kiyoshi didn't doubt it for a minute.

    Unlike the lobby the floor within the office was polished marble which surprisingly made the footsteps silent, leading to a large open lounge area where 2 comfortable chairs, a couch, and a small table sat upon a rug that held the Cosmic Menagerie's design. There would be a small area to the left of the stairs which held bookshelves that were full of books, mostly written by Kiyoshi himself. On the right of the stairs stood a liquor cabinet with every bottle of Liquor Kiyoshi personally owned inside it, as well as some other items that weren't for the guests. On the wall next to the bookshelves hung several blueprints and designs of Kiyoshi's, mostly the ones he his most proud of. On the wall next to the liquor cabinet would be a large fireplace, on the mantle of the fireplace would sit clay figurines each one different sculpted in the likeness of those he had met since he had became crafter. Those with sharp eyes would likely notice that the wall of the fireplace is actually closer than the wall downstairs, this is due to the fact the Kiyoshi's private workshop is hidden behind it. Two pillars stood in the far end of the office on either side of a desk, in front of large floor to ceiling windows that looked out on Kirigakure. Rather than regular stone pillars these were large fish tanks full of all kinds of rare fish that Kiyoshi had purchased.

    Surroundings the lounge area, in a semi-circle between the lounge area and the desk, would be ten puppets, though only nine were currently operational as he was still working on the tenth one. It would still be mostly covered with a cloth as to hide it's incompleteness, off to the far side next to Goliath. Mini-Mi would be directly in front of the desk, with Bumi and Knives on either side of it. The twin wolf puppets would flank them, one next to Bumi and the other next to Knives. Ending with Kenro and Goliath on one side, Yami and Chitora on the other. Kiyoshi would not be in his puppet armor, as he felt safe within his own building, and it would be stationed against a wall on the left side of the desk idle as with his other puppets as he wasn't currently using his chakra strings. Kiyoshi would be seated in a chair behind the desk, while Zamasu would be standing off to the right of the desk partially obscured from view by the fish tank on that side looking out the window.

    Kiyoshi would have his attention towards documents on his desk, his brow knitted as he reviewed the information contained on them, though he would be aware if someone came up the stairs. His spikey red hair held back by a cloth rather than his typical Hitai-ate as he did not wear it while working for not wanting to soak it in sweat.





    Character Name: Kiyoshi
    Rank: Chuunin
    Class: X
    Experience: 3580/8720
    Renown: 15500
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D -> A (Puppet Armor)
    • Stamina: S -> S++ (Jade Pendant)
    • Speed: E -> C (Puppet Armor)
    • Coordination: S -> S++ (Puppet Master Gloves)
    • Intelligence: S -> S+ (Lifestyle)
    • Perception: B

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Oda Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:42 am

    Oda would yawn as he walked down the street. The tower and its construction crew were setting about the foundations and shell of the massive building. A huge work crew righting the project that cost more than he would likely see in a lifetime in his own pocket. At least since his pay for now was going towards a new armor set. Still his pale eyes would shift over the towering structure. The future sure did look like hubris trying to touch the sky. Still he would smile and nod to each of the construction crew he passed. He was shorter than most of them. Barely taller than his Odachi in truth. As per his usual wear he had on sandals with white socks and a black uniform with buttons running up the center of the long sleeved shirt and black pants to match. Over his shins, forearms and breast however was armor made of ebony. Though his forearms were mostly hidden by a long white coat with the Hinode clan head in kanji on the back. He had no headband but instead a wild main of white hair with fire red underneath. His thick black eyebrows framing a warm smiling face.

    In his right hand was a sheathed Odachi. His pride and joy for a sword. As he was the left hand of the Shogun he had been granted a weapon to show his status by one of the worlds master crafters. The sword Fumetsu. Fumetsu was a 36 inch odachi of superior craftsmanship. The metal is stamped with the name of the sword inlaid in gold and the emerald green sharkskin tsukaito wraps around an inlaid iron symbol for the iron nation. The Tsuba is carved from bone, reinforced by the maker to be neigh indestructible. The weapon itself made out of Adamantine. An ultra rare material that few things could not be cut by. Still he cherished it and polished it as his only cherished possession. His armor though dented and scratched had been repaired and polished to a satisfying level. For he did not wane on his responsibilities as a samurai. Still he carried it in his right hand sheathed for now. Entering a high end establishment nearby he was there to work. Kiyoshi had finished his shop already on a smaller scale. Efficiency over dramatics. Even if the man was callous he wouldn't hold it against him.

    Oda would enter as the door swung open before him. A smile granted to the two guards downstairs. It was true he wasn't needed in most cases. The two of them individually were reasonably capable. Together they could even pose a challenge to Oda. Still if they directed him he would move up the stairs to the office. The moment he entered it would feel like the fireplace had either lit or spread through out the whole room. Where ever Oda went his katon connection would heat up the area around him like a bon fire. It was part of why he had been called Ifrit at one point. That and once he drew his sword his flames would smite all before him. Dozens of incinerate enemies could attest to that. Still he would look around clearly impressed by the office after he knocked and entered. The marble under his foot looked as if he may slip easier but held his foot all the same. Still his eyes would drift to the last guard. With his sensory active he could feel the chakra levels and similarities to his own. The man was on his own a challenge for Oda. Perhaps stronger than him even.

    Still Oda would smile and nod to them before moving over to the books. One story he had been read to as a boy was where his nickname back home had originated. It was a story about a demon who had been the spirit of fire. His original purpose was to provide warmth and comfort to those who were tormented by the spirit of winter. A child of the greater spirit of summer. However humans had misused the spirits gift. Turning it into a weapon and corrupting it. Burning each other and their cities until the spirt had become a demon. This demon of fire sought out those who did injustice upon others. Dealing judgement to sinners and burning them to cinders. He felt some comfort in the memory as he moved to a chair. Careful not to touch the fish pillars. Incase he heated the water up too much. Settling without a word and letting his Odachi lean against his shoulder as he folded his hands in his lap. This Gyo individual had little known about them. A wild card should have the head of security present. Though Oda wondered how much Gyo could possibly know about his employers current occupation. An amusing thought. One that brought a warm smile to his face.

    Meeting the local Talent Images10

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 471
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Gyokusho Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:19 pm

    Oh oh oh, what have we here?
    Thus far, his day had passed like most others since coming to Kiri and, in spite of its namesake mist, today the sun had braved the horizon and burned away the low cover of fog. You could not call it “sunny,” per se, nor had the temperature risen above brisk, but all in all it was beautiful outside today. The esteemed Osho ran to and fro conducting business of this sort and that, though he’d fallen on some hard times as of late. His burgeoning emporium had not been incredibly prominent nor well-to-do in Kumo, but the people of Kiri simply didn’t buy, well, anything to be honest. With the exception of a singular sword for the temporarily misplaced Blitz and a banger of a job reforging some legendary weaponry, he’d come by few buyers. Worse, Kiri had attempted to blockade the black market. Foolish and obnoxious all in one. The drug market here paled in comparison.

    On the bright side, he’d managed to broker approval to build a shop here as well and had found and purchased some land. Well, he’d found and asked Kiri to give him the land, to be fair, but what’s ryo among friends anyway? All the while, he’d noted that a construction crew seemed to have finally decided to begin work upon the new Stag Tower, privileges obtained by none other than the blond merchant. The actual construction himself did not rise to the top of his priority list – he was not the operations manager of it – but he did note that it would finally begin. He had not heard of specific plans for the space, but if he knew Okane-sama, it would be truly massive. He’d returned home, mid-morning, to drop off some errands and dress himself more appropriately for his meeting today.

    Near the construction grounds of the forthcoming tower, Gyo sauntered around to a new shop: Kiyoshi’s “Cosmic Menagerie.” The building had sprung up rather quickly, truth be told, which could be good or bad. Kiyoshi was, by all accounts, a serious business person and this demonstrated that. However, Kiri didn’t seem to thrive, at least in Gyo’s estimation, so the full-throated investment might not pan out. He shrugged as he approached and found two possible shopkeepers in the building, both of whom seemed to have expected him. Perhaps mere keepers of shop, but likely people a touch more important than that. As the pair sent him up to his meeting he gave a cursory glance through the wares in the glass cases, having already taken in the almost absurdly ostentatious foyer and entry to the entire affair. Not that Osho, of all people, had any room to talk about opulence.  

    He entered the upper floor via the staircase, the last as per his style. The rainbow swirl of his eyes raked through the ridiculous but lovely appointments of this clearly more private space, lingering first upon the absolutely divine fish tanks. The puppets quickly caught his attention thereafter though he refrained from gawking for too long; he had company after all. Well, technically he was the company. Beyond the semi-circle of puppetry, one conspicuously covered, sat Kiyoshi across the expanse of the room. Osho looked up from the dolls, to him, then to the window and the lovely view off to his right. He would likely recognize Kiyoshi anywhere as the man held quite some high renown. Whether or not the two locked eyes in that moment would depend on how engrossed the red-head was in whatever document he held.

    He exhaled, noting that the temperature seemed to have suddenly increased a number of degrees since ascending the stairs, and when he turned back, those colorful eyes of his clocked another man in the garb of a samarai, or at least garb which closely matched it. Finally, he turned once more to the one who had summoned him.

    Before those gathered stood Gyokusho, of more renown for music in a foreign land than much of anything else. He wore a stiff, dark-as-night leather jacket in the style almost of a biker. It hung open nearly down to his navel, the zipper edge and collar artificially stiffened and standing up and out from him. The collar had been altered such that the top edge rested nearly up to his cheekbones. Leather, skin-tight pants of the same fabric complimented the outfit. The cuffs, shoulders, and zipper linings, fly-zipper, and entire front of the jacket and top of the collar had been fitted with a small lighting array that emitted soft, expertly diffused alternations of lavender and ice blue. The lighting of his outfit looks almost like the cold, distance of foreign galaxies. He wore no apparent shirt beneath the jacket but instead had a half-dozen or so silver chains of varying length and thickness, as well as a pencil thin black tie which had come undone. The 4 inch platforms of his thigh-high boots gave off the same coloration, and made him a towering presence of punk-rock.

    He smiled, swept his arms to the side, and bowed far more deeply than the atmosphere likely warranted. His fingers looked as if they had been dipped in molten silver and tapered to points almost like claws. Body still bent in half, he spoke in his cool, low tenor. Kiyoshi-san, it’s an absolute pleasure. Even had the man not been effectively famous, he also happened to be the man who signed Osho’s checks. Well, most of them. Righting himself, he let his gaze drift to the multi-haired short stack at the bookshelf. A fellow reader?! I don’t believe we have had the pleasure. Gyokusho, at your service. He flashed a flirtatious grin to the other man before his curiosity forced him to cast a gaze back to the wall which had some fascinating sketches and blueprints, presumably those items and contraptions which Kiyoshi himself had created.

    It’s a beautiful place you’ve got here, I must say, but I assume we’re not here to have a tea party. He winked, but felt a slight pang as, to be honest, a friendly chat would not be at all amiss. So to what do I owe the pleasure? He felt he might know the purpose of the meeting, but the kanji pupils of his eyes sharpened slightly in anticipation.


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 541
    Join date : 2023-01-19

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kugutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Enjinia | Kagaku | Kajiya | Nyūsatsu | Ijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: More than You

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Kiyoshi Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:52 am

    As he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, Kiyoshi would glance up from his documents to see Oda arriving at the top of the stairs. The heat that Kiyoshi had enjoyed during the trip emanating from Oda would fill the room mixing with the heat from the fireplace, Kiyoshi preferred this temperature opposed to the usual bleak weather from the village they were currently in. Today however was a pleasant day, sunnier than usual, but nothing compared to the hidden leaf village. Giving Oda a brief smile and a curt nod, Kiyoshi would return to his documents as Oda moved to the bookshelf. "Thank you for coming Lord Hinode, Zamasu can make you a drink if you like." As he heard more footsteps, Kiyoshi would look up but keep his head down as if he was still reading as Gyokusho arrived. Observing the man unnoticed as he tried to get his first impression of him, Kiyoshi wasn't sure what to think of the man, other than the fact that he had a flare. Kiyoshi would smile to himself as he watched Gyokusho's brief gawking of his puppets, Kiyoshi enjoyed seeing people appreciate his art after all it was why he had them out in the first place, to be seen.

    As Gyokusho would begin to look at the rest of the room, Kiyoshi would pick his head up getting his first full view of the other man. His initial thought that the man had a flare about him was made even more accurate within Kiyoshi's mind as he took in the full outfit that the man wore as well as when the man introduced himself. "Thank you for finding the time to come in, please have a seat." Kiyoshi would start as he motioned to the lounge area before raising his left hand towards Zamasu, the well-dressed man by the window would swiftly move to his boss. Zamasu would grip Kiyoshi's chair, wheeling it around the desk to get closer to the lounge area. Kiyoshi could have easily moved the chair on his own with his puppet strings, but Zamasu liked feeling useful when he was in the office and so Kiyoshi let him be useful. With Kiyoshi now sitting in front of the puppets in the lounge area, Zamasu would move towards the liquor cabinet and grab glasses. "While I don't have tea, I would be happy to offer you some liquor if you like." Kiyoshi would state with a small smile, "as to the reason I called you here. As you may or may not know, I was recently given the position of CFO as well as head of Research and Development within the Stag Emporium, as such I have been looking into the many ventures that Okane has set out both recently as well as in the past. Under my direction, the Emporium profits are growing exponentially, and we have many new products out in circulation."

    Kiyoshi would pause for a moment as though he was considering something before continuing, "you will have to forgive me I have been told I have a direct personality, so if this comes off as harsh or personal, please know that is not what this is. This is merely a meeting for us to touch base on things that I need to take care of" Kiyoshi would state with another smile, he wasn't much of a people person, much more preferring his puppets and other work to keep him company. "I am here within Kirigakure for a number of reasons, but a few things take priority over the others, which is why we are here, the tower for example. It is my understanding that Kirigakure had given a promise that they were to pay towards the cost of the building of the tower, yet according to my report we have paid for everything and have not received anything from Kirigakure. As the Stag liaison within the village, I was hoping you could help me in clearing up this matter." Kiyoshi would pause, giving Gyokusho time to process this information, "the second matter I would like to discuss is you opening a shop within the tower here. The Stag Emporium has a division that invests in the growth of other businesses, both for the profit of the company as well as the profit of the store owner, as such I am here to inform you that Okane would like to invest in your shop. This investment will hopefully help to bring in more customers, as my projection shows a 50k Ryo increase in your monthly profits from the store." While he was sure this was good news, as everyone enjoys more money, Kiyoshi hoped that it did not come off as though he was saying the shop wasn't making enough. "Third, I would like to know if you have made any headway on the Drill thing, as I am interested in seeing what it is capable of." The list seemed to get longer and longer the more Kiyoshi thought about it, but he would leave it with just the three things, at least for now.

    Analyzing Gyokusho Complete
    3 precogs

    Character Name: Kiyoshi
    Rank: Chuunin
    Class: X
    Experience: 3580/8720
    Renown: 15500
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D -> A (Puppet Armor)
    • Stamina: S -> S++ (Jade Pendant)
    • Speed: E -> C (Puppet Armor)
    • Coordination: S -> S++ (Puppet Master Gloves)
    • Intelligence: S -> S+ (Lifestyle)
    • Perception: B

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Oda Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:32 am

    Oda would smile warmly as he was addressed before nodding softly. Before addressing Zamasu. "Please if you could provide a large bottle of water and some tea cups I would appreciate it. " he would state simply to the man. Soon after Gyo would enter and his pale gaze would shift to the man. His first thought was the man was extravagant. He seemed to need to draw every eye to himself. However Oda did not mind being in the background so much. His pride could allow for another to take the stage before him every time. He had no dreams of grandeur and was content as a clan head and hand of the Shogun. The body guard position suited him well enough as well. It allowed him to travel without many questions rising of his intentions. Though seeing a clan member present in the village had surprised him. He was still comfortable even among the lavish. However Zamasu would return as Gyo introduced himself. Oda would nod his head respectfully but not submissively. His eyes never dropping contact. His warm smile met his eyes however and it was almost comforting to make Oda's acquaintance. Like an old friend who is happy to see you.

    Noting that both of them had brought up tea and the lack of Oda would smile with joy. Zamasu would likely be returning with his request as he piped up when it was appropriate to do so. "I actually have a hobby involving tea. If you wish I will do my best to make some though it is an amateur hobby." From under his coat he would pull out what looked like a plate with layers to it. Pulling on the top it would unfold into a portable tea kettle. He would take the water and fill the tea kettle before pulling out a satchel from his belt. Collecting a small bowl and a crushing rod. He would place four different colored leaves one smelling of peppermint before setting about crushing them. Listening to the side at the lounge table as he worked to make hand made tea. He would put the crushed leaves into a netting before settling it into the cold water. Finally he would place his hands on either side of the kettle. The metal gradually turning red under his touch. He was careful not to burn the tea as he heated it. Years of studying tea at work. Odd as that may be for a samurai.

    Still Oda would collect the cups and pour some tea for Kiyoshi first and then Gyo and then finally himself. He hadn't asked if Kiyoshi wanted any. Simply assumed anyone would want tea as it was a comforting drink. He would excuse himself with the tea mostly gone now with three cups poured. It was hot but not burned with the peppermint tea having more of a sweet flavor and scent than the bitterness of tea. His practiced art was good enough to be given out at a high end tea shop even. Yet he was humble. He would settle back into a lounge seat and sit back. Enjoying his own tea with a light hum of approval. Their business was their own. He was simply there to make sure nothing got out of hand. His sensory stretching to the floor below. If someone wasn't hidden he was observing what happened within the shop. All while enjoying himself.

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 471
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Gyokusho Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:52 pm

    At Kiyoshi’s request, Gyo crossed the room to have a seat across from his benefactor, whereupon he was quickly offered both liquor from Kiyoshi and tea from this unnamed samurai fellow. He clapped his hands lightly together in excitement, eyes constantly flickering to the huge pillars full of fish, which had completely entranced him. Splendid! I think an occasion like this calls for sake, at the very least! Regardless of whether the request went fulfilled, he would watch keenly as Oda prepared some tea for the group, using nothing other than his hands on a small, collapsible tea set. His eyes lit up slightly and the genius of the contraption, but he found himself amazed at the preparation. Katon perhaps? Accepting the tea, he would dip his head low in gratitude, take a sip, and explain Delicious! Thank you so much Hinode-sama. He’d smile winningly before turning back to Kiyoshi. He did not quite know why this Hinode denoted such honor from Kiyoshi, but chose to follow his lead in this.

    He nodded as he listened, the love and bullet of his eyes intently studying Kiyoshi, but also the room and those around him. The shop really was quite splendid. Yes, Kiyoshi-san, I do know who signs the checks. He winked before continuing, And I’m pleased to hear that our endeavors succeed to such a splendid degree under your watch! He’d take another sip of his tea, waiting for the punch to come around; Osho was no fool and realized there would, invariably, be some kind of ask. Even praise for securing the relationship between Stag and Kiri would not warrant a meeting of this kind, or at least he assumed as much. He did not know much about Kiyoshi on a personal level, so perhaps he simply enjoyed the social nature of his role.

    The finances of the tower, a natural next point of conversation. Gyo’s eyes lit up playfully at the question.

    Of course, of course. As you well know, there have been some issues with local leadership as of late, which has contributed to some slowness in these matters. I intend, now that construction is underway, to send them the invoice. They had agreed to front half of the costs, which I believe we now have a clearer understanding of. Valen, prior to his untimely demise, saw the benefit of such a partnership; I have confidence that new leadership will likewise see the value in this as well. Please consider it done, though you are more than welcome to come with if you like. His eyes wandered slightly to some of the surrounding puppets, his curiosity getting the better of him before his attention returned to Kiyoshi as the other continued on. Truly direct, he had not lied about that.

    At the second line of inquiry, Osho’s face lit up – quite subtly, but noticeably to someone of Kiyoshi’s intelligence – with a touch of shock. He had in no way expected an offering of investment, and to be honest he did not fully realize what that would do. Money was always welcome of course, but he had a functioning shop already, though he did wish to relocate to something more… ostentatious. You are too kind, Kiyoshi-san! I appreciate any investments into my meager businesses, though I must say that Okane-sama has been far too kind to me thus far. I don’t want to be rude and decline, but I also don’t know I could possibly accept this. I am curious though, what sort of arrangement had you in mind for this venture?

    He finished his tea, savoring the last bits as it slowly cooled in the nearly uncomfortable heat of the room. He glanced about, looking to see if the sake – or whatever Kiyoshi may have requested instead – was prepared. Business dealings always warranted at least a quick toast. He’d even gotten Okane’s messenger to agree to such! Yes, the drill… He looked down, slightly bashful or a touch ashamed. It is an incredibly potent and hard item and appears to have great destructive power and practical uses. I have not had as much time as I would have liked yet to fully test it, though I have made some small progress. It seems uniquely attuned to earth chakra, for starters

    Sure I’ll analyze everyone, ½
    This is a flashback for Gyo now


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 541
    Join date : 2023-01-19

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kugutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Enjinia | Kagaku | Kajiya | Nyūsatsu | Ijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: More than You

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Kiyoshi Sat Nov 18, 2023 12:38 am

    Zamasu would nod to Okane as the latter asked for a bottle of water and tea cups, moving quickly to bring them to him, before returning to the edge of the room. Kiyoshi would chuckle slightly as Gyokusho mentioned Sake as that was his preferred drink, however he had come to enjoy Oda's tea as well since he met the man. He wasn't much of a tea drinker, but after accepting the first cup so not to be rude to the other man, he discovered that Oda's tea was unlike any other that he had tried before. It may have been the way he heated the water or it may have been something else, Kiyoshi didn't truly care about the reason why, he just knew that he enjoyed it. Watching as Oda began making the tea after offering some to Gyokusho, Kiyoshi would nod slightly. "We will save the Sake for now, enjoy the tea and we can celebrate after our talk has finished," Kiyoshi stated with a smile as Oda set a cup of tea on the table in front of him. Picking up the cup, Kiyoshi would take a small sip. "Delicious as always Lord Hinode, thank you." Kiyoshi would add with another nod of his head before turning his attention to Gyokusho and why he had called the man to meet him.

    As Gyokusho would answer his questions, Kiyoshi would be making small notations within a small black notebook that was setting in his lap. Documentation wasn't really necessary with his eidetic memory, as he would be able to recall this conversation word for word fifty years from now, but this wasn't for him. The notations were merely for show, to the company and it's investors that things were handled the way they wanted them handled. It was a lot of bureaucracy, more than Kiyoshi cared for, but it came with the territory and so he did what he needed to do. "No, no. I trust that you can take care of it," Kiyoshi would reply to Gyokusho's answer about Kiri paying for the tower. "Just ensure that they know, as of the agreement they are currently indebted to the emporium to the tune of seven hundred and fifteen thousand ryo. That ryo once paid will remain at the tower to cover costs and expenses that may present in the future, however I need an invoice of the transaction sent to the main office in the land of sky as soon as you receive it."

    As the conversation would shift to that of the emporium's investment into Gyokusho's shop, it was no surprise to Kiyoshi that the man would be curious to the reasoning behind it. Setting down his pen from taking notes Kiyoshi would begin to explain, lifting his arms slightly as though motioning for the man to look around the room. "This is what the investment brings you, all the money that the emporium invests into your shop goes to the equipment, furnishings, and other things that will help draw attention to your shop. You do not think that I could do all of this by myself do you? No, no, it was with the help of the emporium that my shops look as impressive as they are. Now as for what the emporium gets out of it, you could think of it as a tax right off. As long as your shop is making money, the emporium earns money through their investment in the shop. It requires no action on your part and will not effect your own income other than helping increase it, I have done the same not only with this shop, but my shop in Konohagakure as well as the one in the Heavenly Emporium in the Land of Sky. It's what you could call a win-win for both parties involved."

    As Gyokusho explained what he had discovered so far with the drill, Kiyoshi would be once again making notations within his book. Nodding occasionally as it was, at least by the description Gyokusho gave, a unique treasure. "Very good, I would like to look over it myself at some point during my stay here. Perhaps I can even offer some insight into its functionality and operation. But for now, let us move on to other matters." Kiyoshi would motion a hand to Zamasu once more and the man would disappear behind the fireplace, returning shortly afterwards with a large metallic object that in its current form looked like a surfboard with a small slit in the middle. Zamasu would move to the lounge area, sitting the object on the table there before stepping away again. "This is a device that Okane discovered within the Land of Sky, one of Five in fact. My team and I have worked it out and with a small application of chakra, the device can allow flight. However, it requires a separate means of launching off the ground. Okane has asked that I give you one as a reward for your services so far." Kiyoshi would finish giving Gyokusho time to look over the Winged Mechanical Device, though in its current state the wings were folded inward so it didn't take up too much space.

    "There is one final thing that I wish to discuss, though it's more of a personal request, afterwards we can enjoy a nice cup of Sake and speak more casually. Though my shop here is new, I have already received a number of requests for weapons and armor from those within the village, while normally that would not be a problem my plate as of late is rather full. My question is, would you be willing to help me with some of the requests to clear my plate?" Kiyoshi would eye Gyokusho carefully, he could usually judge how a person would answer a question just by their body language after the question was asked. "I already have the blueprints drawn up, I merely need an extra pair of hands to help with the workload." In addition to getting help on some of his projects, this would also give Kiyoshi the opportunity to see Gyokusho's work for himself and to see if the man was up to his standards.

    Giving Gyokusho 1 Winged Mechanical Device

    Character Name: Kiyoshi
    Rank: Chuunin
    Class: X
    Experience: 3580/8720
    Renown: 15500
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D -> A (Puppet Armor)
    • Stamina: S -> S++ (Jade Pendant)
    • Speed: E -> C (Puppet Armor)
    • Coordination: S -> S++ (Puppet Master Gloves)
    • Intelligence: S -> S+ (Lifestyle)
    • Perception: B

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Oda Sun Nov 19, 2023 7:03 pm

    Oda was pleased that they both enjoyed the tea he hand brewed for them. He had been pursuing the art with as much diligence as his sword which meant total commitment. Even that morning as the sun rose he had been practicing his weighted swings. However this was more for muscle memory than muscle training. His muscles healed when torn immediately. His soreness faded in seconds. Oda could continue training for days on end before growing tired. As he could studying local herbs. He would take his own cup of tea and step away from the table. Careful to avoid the fish pillars as his temperature might adversely effect them. Instead he would move over to the books. Finding a coaster he would sip his tea once before setting it down. Fishing out a pair of leather gloves he would put them on. It was unlikely his touch would actually harm paper if he focused on it. However to ease his mind for study and not having to keep track of his temperature he had turned to these gloves instead. Truly his name of Ifrit was apt to his person. Though he was gentle fire coursed through him as part of his blood. 

    Still he would keep his sensory up as he monitored through out the shop and kept track. Another reason for the gloves was one less thing to focus on. He was doing his job as security after all. Still he would pull down a book about local herbs and their uses and idly pull it down. Settling into a seat once more. He moved as if he was more educated than savage. A polite man with a cheerful smile and a warm heart. Even as he smiled while looking over some local tea herbs. If someone said it wasn't genuine they were paranoid. He was such a happy and gentle looking man. Excitement over something like new tea leaves he could acquire and experiment with for flavor. He had some from both Iwa and Sky now. Adding Kirigakure to this may be a real treat. Especially given the moist levels in the air. Likely something more sweet than bitter. However his attention would turn to the lower floor. A kiri nin (Random harmless npc) had entered. His sensory picked up their water attuned chakra levels. They appeared to be simply shopping for the moment. However Oda would keep partial attention on them. 

    sensory still active

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
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    Mist Chuunin
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    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Gyokusho Thu Nov 23, 2023 10:50 am


    Gyo presented a small, polite bow of his head as Oda moved to further explore the room it would seem, examining the fish pillars with perhaps as much intrigue as Gyo himself. A fellow learned man in this den of puppeteers, perhaps? But back to matters at hand. 750, excellent; I needed to check what the final expenses were. Truth be told, he no longer had a clear idea of who controlled the purse strings of Kiri at present. He had heard that two of the three princesses had resumed control, though had heard very little else regarding their activities. He did not worry though; these sorts of connections tended to present themselves to him in his experience.

    Osho nodded along as Kiyoshi further explained the Emporium’s investment scheme regarding employee and partner businesses, nodding along and smiling idly, looking around the space as Kiyoshi gestured. He did not fully understand even yet how it would bring in more money, but he did understand the power of good advertising and could certainly make use of some extra capitol. Well, when you say it like that it’s quite difficult to say no. I must express my continued thankfulness towards the Stag, Okane-sama, and yourself of course; I greatly appreciate all of the support I have received. The investment excited him and his eyes lit up with a bit of mischievous glee at the prospect.

    Naturally, naturally, I’d be more than happy to get a second pair of eyes on it and your insights would doubtlessly prove invaluable. He accepted the strange goldenish surfboard item, sliding it over and fingering it lightly. Another homework project is it? He winked, though Kiyoshi proceeded to explain this one’s functionality. Fascinating, I shall have to tinker with this no doubt. Thank you again/ If nothing else this would be great for making shipments between villages! And then the final ask, which warmed Gyo’s heart just a touch. He did not know Kiyoshi well of course, despite knowing at least a bit of him through second hand gossip, but helping out a fellow crafter and employee of the Stag was something he would be more than happy to do, despite his otherwise strong penchant for asking for money for this sort of request.

    Oh you honor me, Kiyoshi; you are a master and I a journeyman. But! I would be more that delighted to help you with your work here! Many hands make light work as they say, and I must confess that your blueprints, he gestured to the room around are more than impressive. It will be wonderful to help you work. How long are you remaining, by chance? I know of a few great spas and such you simply must attend. He’d pause for a second; something told him Kiyoshi was not the relaxing type, but one could never be certain and Gyo had many swanky places he could take the other man. Oh, I do have a small question you might know the answer to. Does anyone at the Emporium make these casting molds? He produced an old mold for senbon, worn nearly to smoothness from years of repeated use. I could use another set or two as mine are quite old.


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

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    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kugutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Enjinia | Kagaku | Kajiya | Nyūsatsu | Ijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: More than You

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Kiyoshi Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:22 am

    Hearing that Gyokusho was willing to help him in his work, Kiyoshi would form a single hand seal with one hand while touching the arm of his chair with the other allowing his chakra to form into ink as it created a small fuuinjutsu seal. The seal had been created by Okane, but he had been kind enough to share it with Kiyoshi. The seal would make their conversation more private, encase anyone tried to listen in on them. With it done, Kiyoshi would remove another notebook from behind the wheelchair he was sitting in. A small smile having formed on his face as Gyokusho called his work impressive, it was always nice to have his work appreciated. When asked how long his stay was to be, Kiyoshi would think over everything that needed to be done. "Shouldn't be more than a couple of weeks, once I ensure everything is operational with the tower and my other work concludes I will need to be on my way. That said I am sure I can work a day of relaxation or two into my schedule for you to show me these spas." Kiyoshi would reply as he handed Gyokusho the notebook he had withdrawn from his chair, "this contains a copy of my work, you are free to use any of them for your own work. Build off of them, use them for yourself, or however you see fit." Kiyoshi would explain as he gave Gyokusho time to look it over if the man wished, within the notebook would hold a copy of every blueprint Kiyoshi owned, save for the ones that he would hold proprietary knowledge of. Those that he withheld from the notebook were only the ones that were special requests from people, the arrows he had made for Tengoku, the swords he had made for Hanabi, and the armor he had made for Raila. Gyokusho would now have access almost everything that Kiyoshi could do, he was a big believer in sharing knowledge, but the specialty items would remain his own.

    As the question was asked about the casting molds, a faint chuckle would escape Kiyoshi's lips. "Yes, well I do hold designs for such molds, they are included in the book so that you can sell them at your shop if you wish. However, if you like I can have Jomei whip some up for you before you leave today. Free of charge of course, as a thank you for helping me in my work." Kiyoshi would then motion for Zamasu to bring the glasses over, to which the man would happily oblige. Three small crystal glasses would be sat on the small table, one for each of the other men in the room. Though Oda was technically working, he was still Kiyoshi's guest and it would have been rude not to offer him one. Kiyoshi could only imagine how boring it must be to simply listen to others talk while they sat there, but at least he had things that could occupy him like the books. Holding up his own glass Kiyoshi would wait for Gyokusho to pick up his, and Oda if he was participating, "to new friends, and new ventures." Clinking the other glasses before downing the small glass of Sake, Kiyoshi would motion to Zamasu again who would move to fill the empty glasses. "While we are here Gyokusho-sama, I was hoping I might get your opinion on my puppet creations." Kiyoshi would motion around them to his puppets that surrounded them in a semi-circle, using his chakra strings to remove the cloth of the one he had covered. "This is my newest creation, I call it Strider. It uses water as a weapon as well as a defense, but my pride in joy is Goliath there in the center. A literal walking Tank, he is my greatest creation yet."

    OoC: Gyokusho has permission to craft things approved in Kiyoshi's Menagerie


    Character Name: Kiyoshi
    Rank: Chuunin
    Class: X
    Experience: 3580/8720
    Renown: 15500
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D -> A (Puppet Armor)
    • Stamina: S -> S++ (Jade Pendant)
    • Speed: E -> C (Puppet Armor)
    • Coordination: S -> S++ (Puppet Master Gloves)
    • Intelligence: S -> S+ (Lifestyle)
    • Perception: B

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Oda Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:15 pm

    Oda would watch the customer come in and purchase some smaller items. Taking his leave peacefully. Oda was a little on edge in Kiri of all places but he didn't seem to mind people much. Instead he would flip the page in his book. Idly looking over a few things as the two crafters spoke. He himself held no skill in crafting anything. His talents were more geared towards direct combat. If anything one of those puppets was likely just as effective as himself in the field. Still he would note the use of chakra from Kiyoshi. His eyes falling on the seal as the chakra ink spread. It was unique but he really wouldn't be able to recreate it from memory alone. Nor did he know anyone in Iron talented in seals anyway. Still he was mostly just there to observe and be prepared should anything else come up. He would sip his tea lightly as the two men spoke. This Gyo character was flashy but seemed intelligent. Oda himself had found an interesting article about crossbreeding strands of tea leaves and thought it interesting how their effects differed from simply combining the flavors. It would be worth exploring in his down time. For now there was no threat and no conversation directed to him so he would settle into reading quietly.

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
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    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Gyokusho Sat Dec 02, 2023 2:04 pm


    Gyo toasted and drank of the sake with exuberance, his verve and lust for life so often infections that others could not help feel the same level of joy. He did not overstep himself or make a fool however, and likely both men would notice that despite his flashy nature and overall loudness, he was a person of great manners and a delicate sense of space. Oda seemed a bit more introverted, for example, and so while Gyo made sure to sit in such a way that Oda could reengage at any moment, he did not force him into the circle of drink, nor did he box him out. Kanpai! And he downed one of the sake cups quickly before settling into a more metered pace of drink. As Kiyoshi would form a seal and touch the table though, Gyo’s curiosity would spike and his eyes would swirl unnaturally for but a brief second, the chakra vision granting him the ability to see the seal, though briefly. Not enough to learn it, but to note what had been written and activated there. Kiyo possessed great knowledge and perceptual abilities; he’d doubtlessly notice this harmless gesture, though it was unclear if the man knew of the Devil’s eye itself.

    Hearing that he would be able to get a new set of molds thrilled him so and he smiled broadly; they really did save so much time in crafting munitions, and to a regular ninja this may not matter, but a puppeteer could simply never overprepare, particularly when that puppeteer was Gyo. He found himself completely taken aback though when Kiyoshi offered him a copy of his notebook, filled with his crafts and blueprints. Oh Kiyoshi-san, this is too great a gift. I do not deserve such an honor. Gyo found outright refusal of gifts quite rude and would not do so, but he truly could hardly believe the level of generosity on display here. He toasted once more and sipped soberly as Kiyoshi flicked a cloth away from one of his magnificent creations.

    Magnificent! Goliath truly is a terror, and a beauty! I’d never really thought to work on such a large puppet, but this gets my creative juices flowing. He stood and paced around the puppets, looking carefully here and there but refraining from touching for now. Water as a weapon you say… intriguing. I assume these holes in the feet have something to do with this, yes? And how does it work as a defense as well? Or do you combine it with Suiton to accomplish this? He did not intend to pry, but the idea of a water based puppet of some sort or another had been rattling in his head a bit, though he did not know precisely how to conceptualize it, particularly  as he himself did not have any proficiency in the water release skill. Perhaps this would get him over the small black he’d had.


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

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    Posts : 541
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    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kugutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Enjinia | Kagaku | Kajiya | Nyūsatsu | Ijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: More than You

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Kiyoshi Sun Dec 03, 2023 2:17 am

    "I cannot use Suiton, in all honesty the ninja arts themselves escape me. My body is in no condition for the physical confrontations, and while I am smart enough to see through most illusions, I have no ability with Genjutsu. My creations are how I compensate for that, and my skill with my puppets are above everyone else." Kiyoshi replied when asked about Strider's function, pulling out the blueprints of strider so that Gyo could see the inner workings of the puppet. "The entire Torso is a reservoir for water, with a connection on its feet so I can position it over a body of water to gather more if I use what is inside of it. The hoses in the arms condense the water as it is released from it capable of firing out a straight powerful stream of water, or small bullet sized pellets of water. Now on the defensive, the small pinholes are connected to the tank as well, but they are made to superheat the water as it flows through them so that it creates a veil of steam around the puppet, which in addition to providing some trouble seeing the puppet is also so hot that it would burn flesh if it was touched by it." Kiyoshi would explain with a wide grin, if there was one thing that Kiyoshi enjoyed more than making things it was explaining how they worked, especially when the other person was someone who could actually understand it.

    "Each of my puppets are designed with a unique function, to help compensate my lack of general abilities as a ninja. Kenro for example, has similar vents in his arms but instead of water releases pressurized air as a weapon, as well as sound to help disorientate the opponent. Yami is purely assault in overwhelm, while Chitora is for containing a target or two depending on their strength. The two wolf models work together to attack and overwhelm, and then the trio of small puppets were actually my first designs. It started with Mini-mi, and then Bumi and Knives came after, but they are simple design each with a specific function so that together they would make a good team and cover a large area. Of course, recently I have made more modifications to Mini-mi so he can be used by himself if I wanted, though eventually I will likely need to update the other two as well. Goliath is the piece of resistance, every inch of him is a weapon, my trump card as it were." It would be easy to tell from the way he was talking fast and his excited tone that Kiyoshi loved talking about his creations, and he likely would have continued to talk Gyo's ear off about them had Zamasu not stepped forward and whispered into his ear causing Kiyoshi to look at the clock hanging on the wall. "My apologies Gyokusho-sama, but I am afraid I will have to cut this meeting now. We have gotten a lot discussed and out of the way, which is good, but I have another meeting that I must get ready for. Okane should be arriving tomorrow, once the tower is finished. We will both need to meet with him within his office at the top of the tower tomorrow afternoon, I will send word for you when he arrives, if you are not already there that is." Kiyoshi would state with a small bow of his head as Zamasu began moving Kiyoshi within the wheelchair back towards his desk, ending the privacy seal Kiyoshi would add. "I will see you tomorrow Gyokusho-sama, and don't forget to talk with Jomei about the molds if you wish."

    Character Name: Kiyoshi
    Rank: Chuunin
    Class: X
    Experience: 3580/8720
    Renown: 15500
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D -> A (Puppet Armor)
    • Stamina: S -> S++ (Jade Pendant)
    • Speed: E -> C (Puppet Armor)
    • Coordination: S -> S++ (Puppet Master Gloves)
    • Intelligence: S -> S+ (Lifestyle)
    • Perception: B

    Village : Minor Nation
    Posts : 226
    Join date : 2017-11-21
    Location : Iron

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Oda Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:34 am

    Oda would close his book as the two began their technical talk. There were some herbs he wished to purchase and would need to go to one of the local shops. Nothing imported was required as he had several of what was available on the market. His tea wasn't medicinal but it certainly tasted amazing. However his attention would shift to the conversation as he moved to put the book away. They were excited discussing their crafts. Truthfully it was a concerning sound. That people were matching the shinobi with technology. It felt like the Samurai way may fall quickly. He hoped their way of life could be left in peace. Though he would write home soon. He was an educated man enough to piece together some of what was said. Still he would figure Gyo was a kind individual. Though his sensory told him the man wasn't all that potent chakra wise. The crafter was excited for this work. So he wasn't much of a threat. The tea however was cooling. He would move to touch the pot and raise the temperature once more. The tea still fresh enough not to develop a bitter taste. He would refill their cups on the desk before his own. Collapsing the pot and sliding it into his belt pouch.  

    Oda would stand next to his sword leaning against his seat and sip his tea. He could be a quiet man at times when he wished. When it came to his role as a body guard one was taught to be seen not heard. His presence was a threat to the enemy...not to profit. Still he would note that more was to come. It seemed tomorrow was a big day for the both of them. Unfortunately Oda had the next day off and truthfully had his fill of crafter speak for now. Besides that it appeared he would have plans to go shopping. Tea was truly his guilty pleasure. Still the meeting was drawing to a close and Kiyoshi's chakra would fade from the room. Oda would smile and finish his tea. The hot tea singing his lips red before the red would rapidly fade. As if the light burns never happened. Oda not even wincing at the pain. Instead he would set the cup down. He knew the other 'staff' would handle it. 

    "Well. I will excuse myself if this meeting is concluded. Please call on me for anything you need. I am off to write home."

    Oda would lightly bow his head with a little more respect despite his concern for this technology. They weren't shinobi however so they got a leg up there. Still he would leave shortly before Gyo. The man was not likely a threat to anyone in that room. His chakra felt kind. Oda would proceed next to the aviary. Having written a message home about his findings. Iwa was focusing on its own walls but some of them were trained, willing and able to help others outside of Iwa. Sky and the Emporium were frightening advances in technology. Kiri itself seemed to be on the edge of a knife but friendly enough to outsiders. He would have to wait about a month for a reply. Though when that month passed he would be furious to find shinobi had robbed them yet again. 

    Exit thread

    Character Name: Hinode Oda
    Spendable Experience: 455
    Total Experience: 3655
    Ryo: 670,000
    • Strength: C
      Constitution: B
      Stamina: S
      Speed: C
      Coordination: B
      Intelligence: D
      Perception:  B

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3726-hinode-oda-updates
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3725-hinode-oda
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    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Gyokusho Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:59 pm


    Gyo would watch in rapt appreciation as his compatriot explained some of the inner workings of his various puppet designs, taking mental notes and looking here and there as Kiyoshi explained their various functions and apparatus. The water based weaponry contained within Strider did give him some interesting ideas regarding how to construct additional armaments going forward, and he poured over the proffered blueprints. He did find it quite shocking to learn, however, that the other man had no proficiencies in any form of basic ninja combat; had he not been forced to pass the academy of Konoha? How strange if so.

    How fantastic, and what a marvel this glorious tank is. I hope to see her in action some time, though I would prefer to not be on the receiving end of such a demonstration. His face fell slightly as the other man pointed out the lateness of the day, the time having entirely escaped Gyo’s notice. Ah you’re quite right, I’d lost track of time completely myself. But thank you for your glorious hospitality, and Lord Oda, it was my absolute pleasure to get to meet you; I hope our paths can cross once more.

    Before heading down to pick up a few of the molds and after making a mental note to remember the time and place of their meeting with Okane, he would pause to turn. Oh, before leaving my friend, please allow me to leave you with a small gift. A bit of Monarch Providence, which has become quite rare in recent times it seem. And a bit of a personal crafting materials I’ve been dabbling with. I love fabrics and clothing, as you may have noticed, and this has some unique properties to toy with. I hope that you can make interesting use of them you future crafts! With that small gift presented, he would make his leave, having wished them well. Ultimately he would stop downstairs to purchase a new set of the molds to keep up with his munitions manufacturing.

    Giving 1 Monarch’s Providence
    Crafting a set of Silk3, giving Kiyoshi 2 units
    Potential exit


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

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    Join date : 2023-01-19

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kugutsu | Fuuinjutsu | Enjinia | Kagaku | Kajiya | Nyūsatsu | Ijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: More than You

    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

    Post by Kiyoshi Sun Dec 10, 2023 6:35 pm

    Kiyoshi would look over the material that Gyokusho presented him, he had worked with monarch's providence before having some in his armor, but he had never seen the silk. The other man was right, the monarch's providence was in short supply considering he could no longer find the material in the shops, and he unfortunately had not been able to recreate its effect. The silk however was particularly interesting, he had seen cloaks made of materials similar to it, but this seemed to be of better quality than that. "Thank you, Gyokusho-sama. I am sure I can make use of this material." Kiyoshi would reply as thoughts already began formulating within his mind of the possibilities, though in truth he wished he had stocked up on more of the monarch providences when he had the chance.

    Jomei would greet Gyokusho and quickly provide him with four of each set of molds at no charge to the man, packaging them all up and sealing them away in a scroll to make it easier for the man to carry them before wishing the man to have a good day. Kiyoshi would seal his different puppets away before climbing into his puppet armor to head to his temporary place of residence, he had one other meeting but first he needed to grab something. Akimitsu and Enmei would remain at the store with Jomei, while Zamasu left with Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi knew that if Oda or Zamasu was with him he did not need to have the others with him, and since he was still new to the village, it would be unwise for him to leave his shop unprotected considering the sheer amount of value that was within it until he was sure there were not theives hiding in the shadows.

    {Exit Thread}

    Shop instantly crafting:
    4 Shuriken Casting Molds (used 16 units of clay)
    4 Kunai Casting Molds (used 16 units of clay)
    4 Senbon Casting Molds (used 16 units of clay)
    4 Arrow Casting Molds (used 16 units of clay)

    Total amount of Clay used from inventory: 64

    Character Name: Kiyoshi
    Rank: Chuunin
    Class: X
    Experience: 3580/8720
    Renown: 15500
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D -> A (Puppet Armor)
    • Stamina: S -> S++ (Jade Pendant)
    • Speed: E -> C (Puppet Armor)
    • Coordination: S -> S++ (Puppet Master Gloves)
    • Intelligence: S -> S+ (Lifestyle)
    • Perception: B

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    Meeting the local Talent Empty Re: Meeting the local Talent

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