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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]


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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Sakata Sat May 26, 2018 3:01 am

    With a good portion of Simon's time recently being spent on mostly social outings, he'd never really bothered to get anything on a more official basis sorted out. With his interest in his typical daily interests waning as time went on, the Kageyama opted to see if he could get some means of a training session squeezed into the temporary Raikage's presumably busy schedule. Naturally, since Simon found himself too occupied with preparing, under the assumption that he did get this opportunity sealed in the bag, he had a shadow clone handle it.

    So... basically he had no idea what her schedule was looking like. Or at least he wouldn't until it disperses.

    In the meantime, Simon adjusts the collar of his clothing. He's opted to switch from his usual casual wear into a white jacket with a black trim along the ends of each arm sleeve and the bottom of the jacket, as well as the collar. The trim is dark gray in color, matching the color of the sweater he wears beneath it, and the outline of one half of Kumogakure's symbol on each side of the jacket between the zipper.

    He keeps it zipped up for the time being, primarily because he'd hidden the Kumogakure Chuunin flak jacket that he put on over the sweater. No chances walking through the streets with the possibility of someone noticing it... though there were probably already people that knew what his status was.

    None the less, Simon wears white pants to go along with the jacket, with a hip pouch upon his left leg and white gauze there to tighten it in place. Simple, black sandals are worn on his feet to match the baldric that secures his Super Vibrato Sword in place for the sake of potentially using it later on.

    "Welp. Time to either see if she ends up being a no show or if I get to do some nice training for a change." He murmurs, stretching his arms over his head and folding them there as he stands in the center of the training field patiently.

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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Nariko Sat Jun 09, 2018 3:02 pm

    Finally caught up on all the paperwork that she'd received for the moment, Nariko thumbed through her schedule to see what she'd got planned for later in the day. It was a very convenient thing for her, having her scheduled meetings all written out and pre-planned, even if they were only tentative. It gave her the option to turn them down if she wanted, or just go and do something fun. A lot of them were just basic sorts of meetings that could be pushed back to the next day, budgeting things or random little issues that she didn't even need to personally oversee.

    There were a couple of promising little tentative things though, but nothing she really felt like doing. There were some proposals to scout and increase land available, using some of the minor countries as outposts, providing them with protection while acting as a first line of defense against other villages. Of course, it would mainly be used as a show of might, to show that Kumogakure's military alliances and might wasn't something to mess with, but that didn't mean she intended on using it for anything.

    Nariko figured that a good deterrent for war was to create alliances and have a show of force. She was fairly certain that Kumo's spending in military forces was probably the highest, so expansion was the next obvious thing to do.

    It was while she was musing that one of her receptionists knocked on the door. "It's me Lady Raikage." she heard the voice of the receptionist call out.

    "C'mon in." she replied back, putting down the schedule as the door opened up. The door opened up to reveal a somewhat overweight middle aged man she'd employed who'd practically begged her for the job.

    "A chuunin named Simon Kageyama has requested a spar with you at the training grounds. He understands you might be too busy to meet with him, so no worries if you can't." Having delivered the message, he took his leave to go back to the reception hall of the administration building.

    Nariko thought about the request for a little bit, before deciding it sounded like just the thing she needed right now. She didn't have any pressing matters to deal with just now, so a spar with one of her chuunin sounded wonderful. Besides, Simon's name kept popping up in reports on up and coming shinobi. She expected him to make Jounin soon enough, although his intake of missions was rather low. Still, this would be a good way to evaluate his skill level without a bunch of missions to go off of.

    Picking up her Raikage hat and placing it on her head, Nariko stood up, dressed in the standard Jounin outfit of Kumogakure with only the addition of the hat to distinguish herself as anything other than a Jounin, and headed out towards the training grounds.


    It didn't take her long to make it there while she jogged at a brisk pace. Rather, what she considered a brisk jog was basically a full sprint for her, as her stamina reserves were large enough to sustain a full sprint indefinitely. Upon reaching the grounds, she located Simon rather quickly, making her way towards him.

    Her jog had actually served as a decent warm up for her anyhow, so she was ready and raring to go for a fight, but she figured he might need to stretch or something, so she made pleasant small talk as she stretched a bit herself. "So, Simon. What makes you want to spar with me particularly? There's bunches of Jounin around that I'm sure could give you the thrashing you want." She joked around a little. "Or was it that you were mad that I paid for half of Shimiko's medical expenses and ruined some sort of plans you had with her?" Another small little jab, but this one was to see why he'd even been paying her bills in the first place. It wasn't often someone picked up someone's medical expenses for no reason.


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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Sakata Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:45 pm

    The blonde keeps his hands over his head as he waits, whistling idly for the time being and staring upwards. Over the course of a few minutes he'd kind of spaced out, up until the sudden voice spurred some reaction from him. He lowers his arms from behind his head and turns upon his heel in the direction of the female's voice, hooking his index finger within his pocket and hovering the other four digits for the time being. "Eh--oh, hey." He remarks after recognizing her.

    "Heh, well to say in the least I just wanted to see where I stood in terms of skill. Test myself against the presumed best. Besides, not all Jounin are that good--Akuma was a good example." Simon comments, positively responding to the jab. "Figured you'd be the best person to test myself against, considering the officials approved you as the leader, but I didn't actually expect you to show up. Raikage's a busy job, but I'm guessing from the looks of it you managed to keep up with all those duties?"

    He adjusts the sleeves of his jacket, starting off by pushing them to his elbows so they wouldn't get in the way. Part of him ponders why he didn't bother to just wear something sleeveless, but then again he prided himself on looking fashionable most of the time. Especially in the face of people he wanted to impress professionally.

    Simon chuckles a little bit at the comment on Shimiko's medical bills, before shaking his head. "No, no. It was actually helpful. I would've been flat out broke trying to pay the entirety of the fee on my own. Besides, I figured that she might be next in line at some point because of Seigi---and he's kinda the reason I'm a Chuunin. I felt like it'd be responsible to have her stay around, especially if it may have not been her time yet. Just a way to pay him back for seeing something in me years back, and do something he probably would've done for her."

    "I'd rather that not be disclosed to her, though. Or her squad. I've kinda kept my rank a secret from them, especially since I'd rather be treated as an equal than a higher-up. Me and them are in the same age group after all."

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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Nariko Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:52 pm

    Nariko snorted slightly as Simon mentioned Akuma. "Don't remind me. I don't know who he had to blow to get his position, but he certainly hadn't earned it." In honesty, it was probably Seigi or Calypso who had promoted him, but she didn't want to say anything bad about either of them for obvious reasons. It was still too soon to bad mouth their decisions, deserved or not. She had to speak with some level of tact about her predecessors.

    "Eh, yeah. It's a lot of paperwork being the Raikage, but I use clones to help me get it all done in a timely manner. Plus my assistants who have clearance and authority to act on some lesser matters. I actually made time though, because I get bored and I thought this could be fun." A mention of Seigi as well from Simon, in terms of endearment. Yes, it was best she didn't bad mouth Seigi right now. "Honestly, I would have fronted the entire bill myself, I was more surprised that someone else had taken the initiative, but she's my student, so I wasn't about to let her die before the first squad meeting. Sets a poor example in proving I'm a capable leader."

    Nodding and taking up a generic fighting stance, looking more like a boxer than anything else, Nariko agreed. "I'll keep your rank a secret, but I won't lie to her if she asks me directly. I don't think it's too much of an issue though, none of my students are likely to be genin long, so you'll all be equal. But enough of that, lets see what you're made of. Want me to go all out, or what?"

    The thought intrigued her a little bit, but she doubted that he would be able to hold his own against her if she was going all out. She had access to some incredibly powerful jutsu, although she couldn't use a lot of them without heavy collateral damage. Her fire jutsu were quite destructive to say the least. Besides that, she had Black Raiton and her LRA, but those were what she used to keep her on the level of the other Kage, not particularly something she felt would be necessary against Simon. Maybe she'd use the first level of the LRA, it was less of a boost, but she also didn't want to necessarily rely on it too much either. She was a master of the basics.


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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Sakata Thu Jun 21, 2018 1:25 pm

    "Eh. Maybe Calypso? Doubt it was Seigi." He remarks, slipping his hand on into his backpouch for a moment. After searching it, he removes a hair band from it, clenching it between his teeth. He brings his hands up, one of them clenching a bundle of his hair while the other retrieves the band, widening it between his fingers. Simon brings the band on towards the focal point of the bundle of hair he's holding onto, letting go at that point briefly.

    "Shadow clones? That's pretty efficient---glad it could get you here." The Kageyama admits, twisting the band and grasping on his hair to run it through again. Once he's tightly secured the band in place, he slips both of his hands away. One of them lowers itself to his side, while the other removes his Supervibrato Sword from its sheath. He stabs it into the ground for the time being, resting his palm atop the end of the hilt for the time being. He curls his fingers upon it a little.

    "Speaking of rank, have you managed to find any new Jounin to get on top of being their sensei since Akashi? It should still be looked into--even if you can kinda shave off the stuff you have to do as Raikage. Just to lighten your load a bit. I'd do it myself, but I'm still a Chuunin and all. And it's like you said, they probably won't stay Genin."

    Simon uses his grasp on the weapon to fling it up into the air, briefly, whilst moving his hand to his backpouch. He extends his dominant hand up, his right, catching the weapon while it's horizontal, and swinging it out to his side as he removes a kunai with a seal upon it. "Aaand, all out. You can make the first move, if you wanna." Simon spins the kunai out with his index finger tucked through the pommel, having already elaborated on his purpose in requesting her presence earlier. Now it was to put himself to the test.

    He brings the kunai to his mouth, keeping his hand open just in case he needed to use any Lightning Release right from the get-go. With the hilt of the small dagger-like tool between his teeth, he waits for now, holding onto his other weapon tightly.

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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Nariko Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:04 pm

    "No, I haven't found anyone else. I haven't really been looking. I'm their sensei, so there isn't much reason to shift that responsibility to someone else unless someone else wants to do the job and presents a good case for why that would be a good idea. I got plenty of time for them." Nariko said, answering his question about Akashi. She hadn't really thought of him in a while, and she still had plenty of questions as to what had happened there. Nobody had heard a word from him since that mission that nearly killed the 3 genin. "Maybe I'll assign a temporary sensei in place of me for when I'm too busy, but I have Natsuru in charge of the squad for the moment."

    But for now, she would digress. The spar was about to be on. Taking a quick glance at his armaments and weaponry, Nariko noted the Supervibrato sword that was stuck in the ground, and drawn up in a toss. Then the draw of the kunai in his hand, to his mouth. She made quick note of the seal on it as he held it in his mouth, although she wasn't sure what the seal was intended for. More than likely it wasn't an explosive seal, as the mouth was not a smart place to hold it, but then again, people had done weirder things.

    It was then that she realized she was more than a little under armed for a shinobi. She hadn't stocked up on even the most basic of gear in a while. Of course, she was a ninjutsu specialist primarily, and had stamina reserves large enough that she generally didn't require any use of weapons, but still, it would be smart for her to resupply soon. At least for some basic gear for moments when she couldn't do jutsu.

    Still, she was given the opening move if she so chose, and she had to weigh the options she had. He wanted her to go all out, to test himself against her, but she also needed to make sure that she wouldn't accidently hospitalize him for any significant length of time. Her all out would absolutely destroy their immediate surroundings, let alone Simon himself, and that was something she wanted to avoid doing.  "Alright, I got this." she said, figuring out what it was she wanted to do to start with. She'd start at a capable level of difficulty and would move up from there.

    Leaping back and then bounding up into the air, Nariko started to use both of her hands individually to do single handed signs. They both mirrored each other as she was basically dual casting. One of her claims to fame as a jounin was a highly skilled degree of single handed hand signs, above and beyond even the ordinary. From above, she launched the dual cast of her Phoenix Sage Fire, launching 32 small fireballs over the area towards and around Simon. She wanted to see how he'd deal with some of her weaker jutsu first before ramping it up to a higher level.

    -5 Phoenix Sage Fire
    -5 Phoenix Sage Fire
    Stamina: 150/160

    Tech/ Ua's:


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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Sakata Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:09 pm

    Lightning chakra bursts to life, rapidly circulating his frame and channeling into his feet. The chakra layers his feet in a dense aura of sorts, serving as a film between himself and the ground. Employing the use of the technique as a result of the many fireballs advancing towards him, the Kageyama leans down and aligns his feet along the ground. "Step." He mutters, then skids his left foot back and his right foot forward, breaking off in a full advance towards Nariko personally. Due to the lack of friction between his feet and the ground thanks to the layering of chakra, he's forced to make his approach while simulating skating.

    Employing both his perceptive capabilities and his high-speeds, he essentially skates his way on past the plethora of fireballs using his acceleration alone. As soon as he's out of the flurry of fireballs, the male reaches up with his free hand, yanking the kunai from his mouth for a moment.

    Simon's path of direction changes midway through---and he finds himself darting off to his left and her right while he darts along. It's at that moment that he attempts to capitalize, intent on briefly blindsiding her so that he can fling the kunai from his free hand. As soon as it's flung free from his grasp, the seal upon the weaponry shines white, engulfing it in a plume of smoke that's soon duplicated to five, all lined up.

    Out from them not even a moment later emerges four more kunai, revealing the secret behind the seal that was attached to it. The total of five kunai zoom on toward Nariko, while the Kageyama stays on the move, trailing behind them at a far slower pace than what he demonstrated prior.

    Speed: B -> A (Lightning Step)
    Perception: B

    Five-Set Kunai: C++ Speed, 5 Kunai

    Technique(s) Used:
    77/80 Chakra remaining

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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Nariko Sun Jun 24, 2018 7:16 pm

    He was quite fast, she had to admit that much. A deal faster than she'd anticipated for a Chuunin. She wasn't able to do that without a technique, but that meant that with his use of a technique, he was either at her level of speed, or just a little bit slower than her. Either way, he was at a decent level, comparable to what she'd expect of an adequate jounin level fighter. Easily dodging her fireball barrage, he proved at least capable of keeping up with her top speeds, so she figured she'd take it up a notch.

    As he skirted around to her left side, launching the kunai at Nariko, who was still mid-air, he might have assumed that she was a sitting duck. The kunai traveled towards her, and as it split into 5 different Kunai, Nariko flooded her body with Raiton chakra, activating the Lightning Release Chakra Mode in the 1st stage. It wasn't something she'd ever used in combat before, so this was the perfect time for her to test it out. Still, it wasn't serious enough for her to use the higher levels of the technique, which would place her on top tier levels of speed and durability. The speed feat she could do with the Body flicker technique, but the added benefit of the armor and the strength boost as well were too great to simply use a Body Flicker. Besides, she could pair the Body Flicker with the Lightning Release Chakra Mode to attain the speed she wanted if she wanted higher levels.

    An aura of blue lightning shimmered around her, some of her hair slightly standing on end, although her ponytail kept them mostly in check and not standing up. The kunai traveled towards her but didn't make contact with her, the chakra around her protecting her from the measly amount of force that was put behind them. Without being chakra enhanced, they stood little chance of penetrating even the first stage of her cloak.

    As she landed, Nariko switched into Arhat Fist style, launching herself towards Simon with the increased defense, speed, and strength of the style and cloak. She launched two open palmed strikes, one towards his face and one towards his gut, to knock him backwards and knock the wind out of him. She didn't really want to put too much more force behind her attacks just yet, cause she wasn't sure how much damage he could take. It was a little much to assume that he was as tanky as he was fast, so she held herself at a level that she wouldn't cripple him.

    That was always the risk shinobi ran with sparring, and using their actual weapons and jutsu. Sometimes things didn't go as planned. As far as she knew, there weren't many people in Kumo who could really hold up against her at full strength. The village exclusive jutsu that the Raikage had access to were a power buff that had launched her past where she had been as a Jounin and made her viable as a kage all on their own. Part of her didn't think she should use it in a spar, but on the other hand, she also knew that she needed practice with all her stuff to master them.

    -15 LRA Stage 1
    -3 Arhat Fist
    Stamina: 132/160




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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Sakata Mon Jun 25, 2018 5:11 am

    As the female's ultimately caked in a layering of her own chakra in order to leave the kunai essentially useless in the face of the technique she just demonstrated, Simon finds himself fairly surprised. He ultimately maintains the flow of lightning-natured chakra to his feet, for the purpose of being able to keep up if he has to. Upon her landing, Simon stops his path of motion, halting himself momentarily to focus more on her and less on his own movement unless he needs to promptly shift himself.

    In a burst of motion comparable to the one that that he demonstrated with his own technique. Nariko's upon him in mere moments, much to his surprise. His gaze snaps to the movement of her arms, more specifically where they're aimed. His own hand lifts itself up to his face as her palm shoots for it--though he's forced to take the second blow outright. As her palm slams into his stomach, Simon promptly disperses the lightning chakra flowing to his feet, keeping it concentrated but not active for the time being.

    He's forced to be knocked back by the strike that she lands, but not outright sent flying back. '... Quick..!' Simon finally thinks to himself, stumbling back but catching himself from falling down. A prominent stinging sensation is left prominent along his gut, and in spite of that Simon allows the lightning chakra channeled to his feet to engage again. The electricity layers itself along his soles once more, and in a burst of leg movement he finds himself accelerating right back at her.

    Chakra starts to outline his Supervibrato Sword in a layer of it, visibly putting another skill of his to good use. Once he's closed the distance, the blonde opts to reverse his grip upon the weaponry, twisting it so that the dull side of it is facing Nariko as he attempts to lash the weapon across her torso in a diagonal arc, putting her reactionary capabilities to the test.

    Speed: B -> A (Lightning Step)
    Coordination: B

    71/80 remaining
    Technique(s) Used:

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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Nariko Fri Jul 06, 2018 5:35 pm

    Her strike moved in, and while he was able to block her first strike to his face, he took the gut shot and skidded backwards. Her strike didn't drop him, so that was good, it meant he had some level of constitution, and was able to take hits at least as strong as she could deliver without breaking him. He continued on with his own re-engagement, using his impressive speed to step back to her in a moment.

    The second stage of her LRA was much faster, much stronger than the first stage, and she doubted he'd be able to take any of the hits she could deliver at that rate, but she was considering using it later to show him the differences between their level. Right now though, she wanted to feel out his level of skill before she schooled him. His speed was Jounin level for sure. His coordination and the speed of his strikes were impressive as well, on par with her base.

    He slashed with the blunt edge of his sword, which even though it was coated in Chakra Flow, she wasn't sure it would pierce her armor. Still, she didn't want to just rely on tanking through every hit, and should dodge as much as possible so she didn't just get used to blocking things and make a mistake and take something she shouldn't.

    To that end, she bent backwards, lending a small jump, her entire body going upside down in mere moments, the diagonal slash missing her while she was horizontal, and as she caught herself doing a handstand, her foot had lashed towards Simon's sword hand, aiming to knock the blade out of his grip, while she used her hands to help turn her body and build momentum for a sweeping kick that would place her back on her own feet while hooking his legs out from behind him and knocking him down in one motion.

    -5 Upkeep LRA
    -3 Arhat Fist
    Stamina: 124/160

    ~~Same as above



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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Sakata Sat Jul 07, 2018 3:02 pm

    The blonde-haired male follows her movements steadily, making sure to keep up the pace and not be distracted considering the gap between them. He maintains the flow of lightning-natured chakra to his feet in the midst of that, opting to dismiss the flow of chakra that's channeling along the entirety of his blade at the moment. As she avoids the attack with acrobats, the Kageyama is on the move. Or that's what he intends to do, until her next move.


    She manages to catch him by surprise with that prompt hit upon his wielding hand. The weapon is knocked from his grip, but he still intends to advance upon her, blitzing on forward. As the sweeping kick is sent on towards him, Simon is forced to try and respond in a small timespan. With his eyes mostly settled upon the lower half of her frame thanks to the previous kick, the sweep comes with less of a surprise than it would've if she'd done something with her upper half.

    It's still extremely quick, though. He's forced to dismiss the flow of lightning-natured chakra, springing up off of the ground from his positioning at that point. Simon twists the entirety of his frame, rotating it promptly in a countermeasure. His left leg thrusts out as he shifts his frame to the right, intent on slamming it into her side or at least her arm. Assuming she does give him the opportunity to actually land it, he follows up.

    The male arches his leg while his foot is against her, turning his leg so that his sole is against her. As expected, the Kageyama intends to kick off of her promptly, to disengage briefly. Or see if she would follow in pursuit. Likewise, he has to rely on her reaction to see if he can even enact something like this, though. Sparks start to flicker about his frame as he gathers some lightning-natured chakra about him, in preparation.

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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Nariko Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:09 pm

    Successfully disarming him with her deft movements, her follow up with the sweep was avoided by Simon's own. He could at least see and react to her in some manner, which was absolutely good. This was the type of person she would consider to be Jounin material, not someone like Akuma.

    Still, she found her footing again, in time to raise her arm to block the return strike to her. The armor mitigated the force she received from the strike herself, but not the momentum, and she skidded over a few feet. There was no form, no style, no jutsu buffing his strike, that was just pure strength, which was above even her baseline, something she achieved using her knowledge of taijutsu and body movements. It showed he was impressive physically, at least enough to move her, although not enough to break even the base of the armor, nor deal significant damage to her without it.

    Still. With speed like his, precision and comfortability in a fight, the ability to take a hit and dish one out as well, and keep up with the speed she was displaying, he was by combat ability alone at least on par with some of the Jounin. Besides, they were down a Jounin because of Akuma, so maybe she'd just promote Simon up. He filled out paperwork and took responsibility like a Jounin would. Definitely deserved at least Special Jounin, he was jounin level in a few ways.

    As he springboarded away from her, Nariko decided to kick it up a notch. She wasn't about to pump up to the second stage just yet, but she could follow up with greater speed without increasing her power. As he bounded off her and she skidded away, Nariko's left hand shifted to the body flicker sign, combining the speed of LRA and Body Flicker to close the gap between them that he made, using a right shoulder charge with the Arhat Fist style to bash him down.

    It was time to see what he was really made of.

    -5 Upkeep LRA
    -3 Arhat Fist
    -5 Body Flicker
    -3 Shoulder Charge
    Stamina: 108/160



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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Sakata Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:29 am

    Through decent-timing as he considers it, Simon manages to land the blow. Despite it just being one hit in itself, he's somewhat relieved that he can manage even that much up against the technique she's using. He's still uncertain on how to exactly gauge her full output, though. She could very well be holding back, and part of him feels like that's the case. In any event, even if she was, he's appreciative, since this is still valuable training.

    Simon spins his frame in the air in the midst of his progression away from her. In one fell swoop, though, once she's managed to halt her motion back from the kick, he keeps his cat-like gaze watchfully upon her. The Ram hand seal's readily acknowledged, but the speed on the other hand... takes him by surprise. In one instant, the female's managed to close the distance between himself and her, and is immediately attacking for that matter.

    The Kageyama's outright incapable of following what she does in this moment. She feasibly blitzes him right before his very eyes, and while he was able to follow her path of motion, and sort of expected that she was approaching him, he couldn't readily figure out what she's actually doing when she's right upon him. Couldn't read her attack, or a valuable way to counter it. He's also too slow to get out of the way, especially in the air.

    Since he cannot see her attack, or well, what part of his body she's attacking, he instinctively goes on the full defensive, bringing his legs to an arch and blocking his chest, as well as his lower torso with his intersecting arms. Assuming he does actually manage to do this in time, her attack still slams into him, forcing him to go shooting back much faster than he did when he kicked off of her frame only a moment or two prior.

    Thanks to the block, though, his arms take the brunt of the attack as opposed to his torso directly. With an audible wince, Simon amasses lightning-natured chakra to his maw, attacking in rebuttal. The chakra's contorted into the makeshift shape of a spear, and in a sudden burst, it's propelled forward. The lightning-composed spear-like projectile thrusts through the air, intended to pierce one of her legs to limit her movement potential. He knows good and well he can't do much with it, though, considering the lightning chakra around her is practically a sheath, only if her body was a sword.

    'Shit!' Assuming she doesn't come to pummel him more, Simon hits the ground seconds after, rolling uncontrollably at that point, with a terrible aching in both of his forearms.

    61/80 remaining

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: C
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B

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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Nariko Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:31 pm

    His arms took the brunt of the force as her shoulder smashed into him, barreling him down to the dirt. She wasn't expecting the instant counter attack, the spear aiming towards her leg. It collided with the lightning chakra, starting to try and pierce through the barrier. Doing a small skip to the side, the spear continued onward, her chakra cloak closing up as it did so. Prolonged contact could probably pierce through it, but keeping her still long enough to break into it would be difficult.

    She could still get nailed by him, if she got too arrogant. That meant she was still vulnerable. And even she was noticing the drain that this chakra mode had. She could have ended the fight a lot earlier if she'd wanted to, but it wasn't something she could play around in for very long.

    "Alright Simon, keep your eyes on the prize." she said, shifting her stance from Arhat fist to the more unorthodox stance of Kumo's Disturbance Taijutsu. Her movements would be faster but weaker, more precise but more erratic. Harder to track for sure.

    She started to do a complicated dance, jumping, weaving, rolling and moving around the training grounds in a circle around Simon. She wanted to see how well he could track her movements, but wouldn't take any aggressive actions herself.

    -5 LRA
    -5 Disturbance Taijutsu


    Strength: D -> D++ [LRA:S1]
    Constitution: B -> B++ [LRA:S1]
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B -> A [LRA:S1] -> A++ [Disturbance Taijutsu]
    Coordination: B -> A [LRA:S1] -> A++ [Disturbance Taijutsu]
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B

    New techniques


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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Sakata Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:54 pm

    Simon eventually breaks his roll, managing to pull himself into somewhat of a kneel. He presses his palms firmly against the ground, pushing himself up, whilst trying to ignore the aching in his arms. With fortitude comes the pain tolerance to keep going on---and he affirms that as soon as he positions his arms in a makeshift boxing stance. Yeah, he can't actually box for shit, but at least he was blocking his torso and face a little bit.

    Instead of barreling forward for a follow-up, though, Nariko seems to start demonstrating crazy feats of momentum and acrobats. Strangely enough, these movements start becoming more and more hazy, and all the more difficult for him to follow as time goes on. Her words are seemingly noted, right as lightning-natured chakra flickers to life. It embraces his hand in a dense aura, one that's similar to the Lightning Release Chakra Mode's aura around the Raikage at the moment.

    ".. Right." He answers.

    Simon outstretches his arm above his head, then gradually cranes it. He curls his hand into a fist. 'Lightning..! The male readies himself. He eyes the rapid movements of Nariko, only managing to discern her blurring, flickering figure as she blitzes around his frame. He attempts to access a pattern in her motion, if there's any, and if given the chance, once he does try to catch on, Simon enacts his next movement.

    "Shiver!" He shouts, thrusting his arm down before him and spreading his legs apart. He smashes his fist into the ground, sending the lightning-natured chakra engulfing his forearm ripping through the terrain. A series of bolts dart along the area, fissures and cracks alike darting along in a twenty-meter radius, with the Chuunin as the epicenter. Whether Nariko's been thrown off or not, he intends to capitalize on whatever he can get out of this, and forms half of the Boar handseal.

    Chakra swarms to life throughout his person, and he uses this brief boost in speed in order to thrust on towards her, intent on closing the distance between the two of them. If he does reach her, he thrusts one arm while raising the other, sending lightning-natured chakra thrusting through his frame in a full-body discharge, as he tries to line up two attacks at once!

    41/80 remaining

    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: C
    Speed: B -> A (Body Flicker)
    Coordination: B
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: B

    Technique(s) used:

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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Nariko Wed Jul 11, 2018 3:45 pm

    He's pretty smart.

    Rather than attempt to try and hit her, obviously no longer able to fully keep track of her movements, he attacked the ground, to disrupt the environment and her movements. It was quite the intelligent thing to do, and quite effective as well.

    Forced to leap into the air, so she didn't trip on the distended ground, she knew she was now a sitting duck.

    He demonstrated his speed again, this time with the familiar Body Flicker technique. He bullrushed her mid air, raising a hand to use Lightning Rod, another attack that she had some knowledge of, so his body movements gave it away. Although even knowing that, there wasn't much she could do about it.

    It didn't really matter, her cloak could take the hit. Most people, however, didn't have a defense against that active during a match. It was a good combination for sure.

    She didn't make any counter attack, instead letting him hit her, and the momentum would shove her back in the air away from him. Landing carefully on the ground, Nariko relaxed her form and dropped the LRA, with the intent to end their spar. "You're pretty good at this. I wasn't necessarily taking it to my highest limit, but I was fighting with a Jounin level skill. How would you feel about a small promotion?"


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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Sakata Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:40 pm

    He finds his initial attack landing--and sure enough, the two following through manage to line up. Upon the completion of the combination of attacks, the blonde lowers the arm he's lifted, and retracts the one he's extended out before himself.

    Simon's relieved that he at least hadn't overdone it in his efforts, since the cloak of lightning chakra's seemingly defended her from most of the potential damage he could've inflicted. That's good. The male's left to careen back down toward the ground, flowing chakra to his feet in a thick layer along each sole. By the time he lands, he uses it to stifle his fall--at least a little bit, at which point he peers back up. Upon seeing that she's dismissed the cloak of chakra, he quirks a single brow upright, before listening. He's visibly sweating, having used up lots of chakra. That little combo of his alone affirmed that. Luckily, it seemed to be enough of a tactile pair of movements to impress her.

    "Ah, thank you. I figured it was something useful." He interjects briefly, pausing as she tosses in that question.

    "..A promotion?" He asks, looking genuinely shocked. The blonde certainly didn't think he'd done that good, but he's not one to say that out loud. A promotion would be much in line with what he's been thinking of trying out for awhile. "---Of course. I'd be more than happy about one. It'd actually help with what I was thinking of trying to do to strengthen Shimiko's, Natsuru's and Ryuko's bond as a squad." He admits, bringing up a side-thing he's had in mind.

    "Well, their bond and a bit of a smaller problem concerning the missions I wrote up awhile back."

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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Nariko Wed Jul 11, 2018 7:29 pm

    Nariko nodded and looked up to the sky, holding a hand in front of her face to shield her gaze from the sun. "Yeah, a promotion. I was thinking of a small temporary promotion to Tokubetsu Jounin, with a permanent promotion to full Jounin after you prove capable of training a squad. You're a fantastic tactician, and quite skilled with your own personal level, but I don't know anything about how well you work with others as a leader."

    "Let's be honest, we're down on people who are actually worthy of being a Jounin. Since Akuma, I've been down one that I can actually trust to get a job done. Morikawa is smart, and he's a healer and Fuuinjutsu user, but his combat skills are lacking. I've got a couple others, but they all have generally the same skill sets. But we've been rebuilding since the wave of deaths, and I'm in need of a combat oriented Jounin. One I can send on missions and expect them to get shit done"

    She lowered her gaze to him to see his reactions. She was doing the best she could at the job, but she hadn't been prepared for it. It wasn't something she'd expected herself to ever be. Being a Kage was a lot of work, and she was sure she'd make plenty of mistakes, but she was trying her best with what she was given to work with. "What sort of thing were you thinking of doing? You wrote up a couple mission reports if I recall."


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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Sakata Wed Jul 11, 2018 7:48 pm

    The male tucks his hands into his pockets, allowing his quickened breathes to slowly relax from that quick bout. He listens intently to her reasoning behind the promotion--more specifically the possibility of becoming a full-time Jounin if he does good as Special Jounin. It sounded like a trial to give his all in, since he's been growing more and more eager to try and make a commitment to the village's well-being over the course of these past few months.

    Furthermore, there's the issue of Akuma's discharge that she mentions. Yeah, while he was a useless sack of shit, he was still a Jounin (surprisingly) in the military force. So they definitely were lacking in people to fill that slot. He's somewhat surprised to hear that they are, though, but as she elaborates on what the other Jounin are currently capable of, and her intention behind promoting him, he feels more than prepared. Honored at that, too.

    So Simon bobs his head understandingly, offering a small grin.
    "I'd be more than happy to do just that, then."

    "I was thinking of investigating what looks to be somewhat of a scandal going on in the market district." The Kageyama states. "Exploitation of shinobi aid, if you will--from what looks to be the 'Board of Marketing' as they call themselves. Most of the more well-off vendors. I spoke to them awhile before I put up those reports and they had tons of complaints--between store quality and the suppliers they've purchased their goods from."

    "I'd like to take Ryuko, Natsuru and Shimiko along to take care of the aid they've requested, and also see if I can catch anything suspicious happening on the side. Since I still want to keep my ranking a secret, though, I'll be disguising myself--as a typical Jounin and new teacher of theirs, if that's alright. I've already established a decent relationship with the team as a whole, so I want to see what they'll act like around someone new and different."

    "That and their cooperative abilities and teamwork overall. I can dabble in some chemical use to give myself a disguise that isn't faulty, so they don't figure it out. It could serve as a test to my leadership, and a test to their team as a whole."

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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Nariko Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:28 pm

    "Sure. Make sure to tell them that I haven't just pawned them off on you though, and that you're only a stand in jounin in charge of the team while I'm bogged down with my work. As far as I'm concerned they'll always be my squad, but I don't want them falling behind because I'm so busy."

    She wasn't about to tell them that Simon was their Jounin, he was about as old as most of them, and had some personal investment in them as well. Besides, he wanted a secret kept, and it wasn't really hurting anyone not to say anything about it, so she was completely fine with saying nothing.

    "Just send me all the information about your missions and stuff. I have ways of helping out if anything gets too dicey, okay? I don't want any of you getting hurt permanently." Besides, I really want to try out one of these techniques. Probably should only be used in emergencies anyhow, so we'll see how it goes she thought, but didn't voice it out loud.

    She had a surprisingly good work out and warm up during this spar. It had given her some insight into her techniques as a whole. She couldn't rely on LRA unless she wanted to end a fight fast, and if she was going to use it, she might as well go all out. There was not really a reason to only use the first stage of it unless she was trying to match someone superior to her but not best them. Or in specific circumstances. But by and large, she'd probably just go all out and take out her enemies in one go if possible.


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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Sakata Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:44 pm

    "Yeah, of course." He remarks understandingly, removing one hand from his pocket to rub the nape of his neck. He shifts his head to the side a little bit, cracking his neck for a moment.

    As she instructs him to make sure to relay information on the missions and that she can lend a helping hand if its needed, he offers another nod. "Got it. I'll give it a bit before I actually start it off, so I can practice a little bit. I'm going to need to extend my reserves a little bit if I don't want to burn out as fast as I did in this training session." The Kageyama remarks, offering a casual laugh.

    "Plus, I think that experience with facing that technique of yours helped me with one of my own. I'm pretty sure I've got an idea of how I'm going to pull it off now, but I need to work on it first. I'll be doing that before we get started on the missions, since this Board of Marketing thing could be much more serious than it looks like on the outside. If they've gotten away with stuff like this for a long time without a brow being raised, I'm sure they've got some strings being pulled."

    "If all goes well with the training I'm going to do on my own, though, then there won't be a need to worry. It'll be my trump card, and the strongest thing I've made if I succeed. Something that'll help me snatch one of Akuma's titles right from under his nose." He remarks passionately, grinning a moment. Once he notices he's been kinda rambling, he blinks.

    "--My bad. We're done here, right? I'm sure you've got Kage stuff to do."

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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Nariko Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:35 pm

    "Yeah. I'll probably have more paperwork in within the next bit. Gotta stay on top of that stuff. It was nice sparring with you."

    She had to admit, she was feeling pumped to see what he could do with the squad and new promotion. Perhaps it was only a matter of time before Kumo gained another Elite Jounin, capable of doing tasks no ordinary Jounin could. "Feel free to request a spar any time, show me what it is you're developing. I might teach you some of Kumo's secret techniques eventually, if you prove your worth."

    Fixing her hat, Nariko body flickered out of the Training grounds, leaving Simon alone with his thoughts, to continue with whatever it was he needed to do.



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    It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko] Empty Re: It's All in the Training [Simon/Nariko]

    Post by Sakata Fri Jul 13, 2018 8:56 pm

    Simon offers an understanding nod, adjusting his bangs for a moment. After he's adjusted them, Simon proceeds to tuck his hand back into his pocket. "--Ah, thanks. It was a nice learning experience for me." He admits adamantly. It felt rewarding to no longer be a Chuunin--and certainly incentive to continue trying to do a good job.

    'Can't afford to let my predecessors down.' The Kageyama thinks, smiling to himself for a moment. Once more, the male nods his head. "Will do. I'll show you it if I can manage to pull it off soon. No guarantees, though." The blonde assures at that point. With Nariko's departure, Simon decides to exit, too. He channels lightning-natured chakra to his feet, and in a layering of it along his soles, the Kageyama skates out of the training grounds for now.


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