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    Where the Beach Begins

    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Where the Beach Begins Empty Where the Beach Begins

    Post by Gyokusho Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:31 am

    Today was less than great.

    Gyo sat in Stag tower, spending increasingly more time there as of late working through paperwork and other requests. Between balancing their budget and that of the many nations they owned, he had essentially taken over as CFO in Kiyoshi's absence. Some acts of international piracy seemed to have damaged trade, but it was of no special issue to Stag; whereby nearly everyone was reduced the same, Stag had the advantages of their various stock plans and investors to sustain them. Even attacks on their minor nations tended to mean little by comparison. Thus he was fully kitted out in his normal wear, Black Queen refitted as a crisp white suit, etc.

    The man walked over to the center of the room, half of which was actually a bathhouse, and tapped his foot on a specific tile in a complicated pattern, indicative of his own musical stylings. He'd attempt to summon Okane, even briefly, to give him a report of his findings, as well as a certan... "audit" that seemed to be happening with their stock options. Some unseen force that apparently ruled the entire universe single handedly had deemed that Stag would lose a bunch of money on stocks this year. So strange. Luckily he had a remedy of course, but they'd need to act fast, even if it were only temporary.


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
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    Coord: X
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    Posts : 474
    Join date : 2020-01-24

    Where the Beach Begins Empty Re: Where the Beach Begins

    Post by Okane Thu Jun 27, 2024 2:12 pm

    It was rather surprising for Okane to be invited by Gyo of all people to the tower. It was an unexpected if not pleasant surprise. He had always been rather bored running the accounting of things. It wasn't that he wasn't capable of it after all. The company had started with only him as the only employee. Working from his humble house with a forge built into the back. He remembered those days as simple but uncomfortable. Sand was everywhere and luxuries were purchased personally. It was a reminder though he had begun as a mere man. Sure he was still mortal but for how long? That was a matter of time and research. Already he was worshipped by the world. Sure there were those who feared progress but there were always those who challenged the gods. Besides he had an offer for this man...his current right hand or one might jokingly say head priest. The man running his company and summoning him for a meeting. Someone more similar to him than his other employees up until this point. Not to mention he had a certain strength to him that mirrored the kind of strength known to come from suna.


    Okane would move into the tower with grace and ease. His white robes with gold trim and hanging gold jewelry adorned him with a loose fit around his form. Tall as he was Gyokusho was taller. He didn't mind that at all as he himself was still above average height and had looks to charm the socks off a bat. This thought amused him as bats were both blind and had no socks. His dark hair hung about his shoulders with a circlet with a jewel in the center holding it out of his eyes. Those brilliant emerald eyes noted each person he passed. However his coming and going from this tower had been a daily occurrence as of late. Still he smiled as eyes were drawn to him. Royalty walking around another nation outside his own. The Emporium had begun to move however and as such soon he could return to Suna at will. As he could move to Sky or to Kiri. His FTG seals placed around the world. Only a fool would keep them all centralized. At least for his crafts he could come and go. Still he would take the lift up to the top floor and head for Gyo's office.

    He had a number of things he wished to discuss with the man as well. However troubled his associate may be with this report Okane had already known about these pirates. A bother certainly and one he wanted a solution for but one that did not have a solution at the moment. They were all heathens against his good name though and would suffer for it when he could arrange it. Still he would step up out of the lift as he walked in. He could have teleported there when he heard the musical notes of course but he rather enjoyed the walk. The mist blocked a great deal of the sun and kept it cool in this nation. Yet the summer provided less rain and was actually rather beautiful in the more civilized parts of the country in its own way. Still he would smile as he saw Gyo. Moving forward to place his hands on both the mans arms. Rings adorning his fingers but without actual purpose to them beyond the style and emblem of the stag on one. 

    "Ahh Gyo. Just the man I wished to see. I understand you have something to tell me but I too have an offer for you. Still please...you start."

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
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    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Where the Beach Begins Empty Re: Where the Beach Begins

    Post by Gyokusho Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:12 pm

    A thrill passed Gyo's face as Okane elegantly entered the room; he always loved seeing the man, and had even before they had built a working relationship. The dark-haired ruler of Stag might have found it somewhat strange that Gyo wore mostly normal clothing, impeccably in their design and swagger, of course, but basically plan, save the western flair they held. But, he had become just 1% more serious in his time in Kiri as of late, particularly because of these pirates. Still, he sprung to his feet, hand flailing as he excitedly rose to meet his boss and, if he were very truthful, long-time friend. Okane-sama! Thank you for the visit, and sorry for calling you so suddenly. I hope you were not in the middle of anything terribly important. Might I offer you a drink? He deftly produced a bottle of fine sake, chilled and refreshing, and poured two small cups with it, offering one to this superior. Okane looked as dashing and ravaging as ever; hopefully they could enjoy a small toast as they got into business.

    "I'm sure you are aware, but this pirate nuisance has caused us some serious issues; many of the vassal states have been pillaged, despite our notable security details present. It has, at the end of the day, impacted our bottom line. More importantly some... force seems to have affected the outstanding shares we have. A number of our shareholders have been in comas for some time, though there is no reason this should affect their stake. Yet suddenly, for reasons I couldn't possibly explain but feel nearly divine - or hellish - they no longer carry any value. I propose we take the roughly 57,000 shares now available and find a new investor group before the reports due next month or we'll be even more strapped for cash. And sorry, I know this is less than desirable news. However, I think we're still in a good financial position. The other nations have been hit much harder than we have, as they rely more on raw materials than our monetization of skilled labor, so we are still coming out ahead, all things considered. And, we should be able to drum up investments with relative easy, though we will need to move quickly, as I said."

    He paused for a moment to take another small sip of his drink, nothing excessive, but just a light aperitif more than anything. "I noticed that we are moving the emporium, if my sources are correct. Is everything alright in Sky?." He assumed things were fine: it would require a total lunatic to attack the emporium, but one could never be sure. Plus, there may be new ventures to plunder in foreign lands.


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+

    Posts : 474
    Join date : 2020-01-24

    Where the Beach Begins Empty Re: Where the Beach Begins

    Post by Okane Sat Jun 29, 2024 1:40 am

    Okane would release him after their initial greeting and listen as he moved to find a seat. A simple chair he would settle into as he crossed one knee over the other. His hands folding with interlaced fingers and open palms down on top of his knee as he settled straight backed and poised there. Like a symbol of perfection within his means.  Okane nodded a little as the pirates were brought up. He was aware of the pillaging and had commented to security with far less grace in the beginning something of what were they being paid for. Still the notice that their stocks for those in a coma had been undone was interesting. Some world government at work likely. However it was the same world government that had taken from him that likely was the very same thing giving those stocks a set value. He wouldn't be too miffed about them wanting conscious shareholders to influence his decisions. Not that a single one of them had ever truly given him pause. They enjoyed their income and when the stag prospered so did everyone around them.  That they would move against him now when he had finally claimed hold of true economic power was a pity.

    Still he did not show much of a frown or panic. Okane was poised and ready for parts of this conversation. His riches were lessened significantly but his empire financially was still stronger than the others. Suna may be considered the weakest of the major nations but he could change that. Okane could shift the world on its axis and arm the country in such a manner that invasion would be considered ill advised by anyone. He would take in a breath through his nose as he smelled the clean scents around him a moment. The corners of his lips twitching upwards at the mention of the Emporium moving. Ahh so the world was taking notice. Still that was an excellent segway into the topics he had come here to discuss. He had hoped he could utilize Kiyoshi more by this point but he had lost all contact with the man. A trip to Konoha would answer as to why. Still he would let those green eyes flash with mischief as he lifted his hands as if to say what can you do? Speaking with amusement in his voice.  

    "A pity that we cannot yet protect our assets. We will need to budget in more guards. Our current level is proving insufficient. These nuisances are pillaging a great deal and will need to be dealt with. Otherwise the Stag will become a prime target. I propose a simple solution to this. They have succeeded once and will try again. Mark what coin will be in transit and where those coins pop up the most....that gives an idea of where their base of operations is. At which point we simply need to go in and claim any wealth that is left with a show of force. A couple of recruits from the other nations or even some forces in Suna would do. As for the Emporium I had Ryuko set it to move to Suna. We obtained permission to fly through Konoha's sky and that will offer it protection for most of the journey. Now that I own Suna I have established myself there as the Sultan of the entire nation. The Daimyo long since displaced there left a vacancy. 

    That said it is to be expected that some world government oversees such a large economic system as stocks. Even if they have removed half my income I wonder if we don't have the saved funds to simply...replace it with one investor of our choosing. Instead of relying on those outside the Stag. As such we should be able to have say....you purchase the stocks with our savings. Restoring my income and increasing your own. I even have a specific seed of the world tree I would grant you that undoubtedly would grant the user great power. Riches, power and fame beyond what you currently have my dear man. I ask one thing in return of you. When we are done here in Kiri sever any shinobi contract you have with them. Come with me to Suna and become my Kazekage."

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3005-tomi-okane
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    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Where the Beach Begins Empty Re: Where the Beach Begins

    Post by Gyokusho Sat Jun 29, 2024 11:50 am

    Okane met the mostly negative news with an unsurprising level of grace, composure, and a certain air as though he had already known about all of this. It made sense; the man was a genius, and even though he had less of a direct hand in some of the financial matters of his company, he still ran it and his leadership and control were still felt very directly by employees. He still practiced his original crafts, coming up with designs and plans that staggered even the most accomplished of crafters. As his superior spoke, he Hm... we can certainly increase security detail, though I personally suspect there may be some inside men and women aiding the pirates. They are unusually well informed, and it appears they have taken on the broader global community, targeting smaller nations in particular. What they are funding is yet unclear. Marking our money is an excellent idea however; I shall see to that post-haste. A brilliant idea, in all honesty. If they were centralized and made use of the money, Stag would certainly find it. Gyo had been attempting to do a bit of forensic accounting to locate the source of the leak, but had not  yet had much luck. I shall continue examining the financial reports as well; if any nation becomes unusually wealthy, I will make note.

    Okane continued then, describing the move of the Emporium; he had assumed they would move it eventually, particularly as Okane had for such a long time desired for the prosperity of Suna. Protection from Konoha seemed unusually though; he had assumed Kiyoshi was an anomaly, as the village had always been both self-sufficient and vaguely xenophobic. Not outwardly, of course, but subtly prickling with suspicion. But, if the world's greatest merchant had brokered safe passage, it should be alright. Beyond that, Konoha should have no reason to attack them anyway, even when there were a bit backwards. The assessment of the world government struck him as less accurate though. Hm.... any world government collectively or through agents would be hard pressed to orchestrate something of this nature. It is as if these people suddenly ceased their financial existence all together. I'm personally suspect of something deeper and perhaps more profound in nature. But no matter, you are correct in any event; maintaining a tighter internal of the company. We can always re-sell them secondarily if the need arises. And I would not mind the increased income as well, he laughed slightly, taking another sip of his drink. He mulled over the proposal. He'd make a few changes of their ledgers and shift some funds; nothing difficult really.

    The severance of shinobi ties should be easy; I already have very few obligations technically here. Relationships may prove more challenging, though this is probably a good thing. I've recently met the Princess Kitsuki, who speaks very highly of you. I believe Kiri will remain amenable to Stag, as well as to the budding Suna. Arisu is a less clear case, to be honest, but I think we have a functional alliance. I don't know anything about this seed to be honest, but I'd happily take a look. However, I recently... acquired control of the 2-tailed Bijuu. Still don't know what to make of that to be totally honest. He'd pause again, thinking. I can go to Suna, though I'm not keen for further isolation. I would ask something of you though: where did you go? I don't mean to drum up old wounds, Gyo had noticed the increased distance from the Iron Prince, and his newfound penchant for the Flying Thunder God, But something broader is going on. Your vanishing, stocks disappearing, a coordinated assault from the bijuu, Leaf ninja in Kiri, and now the essential disappearance of Blitz, the former Mizukage. These may not all be related, but something deep is moving. What do you know? He trusted Okane not to be mad; the man had hired him for his public relations and budding crafting skills, but he had likely kept him for his intelligence and read on people and situations. It would do little good to appoint a fool for a Kazekage, after all.

    -5,700,000 ryo from Gyo to purchase the 57,000 outstanding Stag shares


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+

    Posts : 474
    Join date : 2020-01-24

    Where the Beach Begins Empty Re: Where the Beach Begins

    Post by Okane Sat Jun 29, 2024 11:51 pm

    Okane would smile as he tilted his head. He glanced around him as he listened a moment. This room was quiet and restful. However there was a bit too much silence. He preferred the sounds of a string orchestra to relax to personally. There were some softer slow string songs to accompany something such as a hot soak. He let his fingers roll along the surface of the table a moment as questions about a world government rang out. Suspicions of an inside man who knew the times and routes of their shipments made sense. If someone had that kind of information this wasn't just possible...but they were actively being sabotaged from within. So he had figured out how to escape them and stay out of their clutches....he wondered if instead they were attempting to take his empire from him. Unfortunately for them if that was the case this simply would not be enough. They had captured him and held him by force which he was weak at. However when it came to an economy...all they were attempting to do would serve was to delay his goals. His empire was simply too big to fail. He would smile as they struggled however and then he would bury them with the riches they stole from him. 

    The fact that Kitsuki thought highly of him was no real surprise to him. He had met with her and wooed her once or twice with no real intentions. She was too young for his tastes. Too innocent and inexperienced. However it seemed she rather liked Gyo as well. An amusing turn of events. The stag as a whole seemed in her good graces at the moment. The fact that someone was actually going to research the seed was wonderful. Okane wasn't one to attempt to control such powers directly. Though based on the data analyzed from it so far the seed carried the ability to consume chakra at an accelerated rate and showed hints of wood release chakra.  Of course Okane had heard that Gyo held Matabi in his possession. It was dangerous to do so as it made one a target to anyone seeking power. Still if Gyo was certain he had it under control Okane wouldn't suffer him any complaints. Instead he would pause as he was asked where he went. His fingers tapping abruptly stopping as his green eyes shot to Gyo. A slow movement to rise to his feet. 

    "That's right...you weren't at the auction...were you...." He stated before he would slowly shift his upper robes. Letting them fall from his shoulders down to his waist before settling there. A body that was well toned and tanned and yet...it had been marred over and over. Permanent deep scars stretched jaggedly across his body. It was proof that he had been tortured. That they had done things to him that should of killed him but used Ijutsu to keep him alive. "I revealed this to the world leaders after the auction. There is a force of Otsutsuki outside of this dimension. I was dragged there when the emporium fell. They are preparing to conquer earth and made me make terrible things for them. If anyone had the ability to influence bijuu my bets would be on them. However I am building towers to educate and bring forth the best minds in the world....I too have brought up to Arisu an alliance. With more educated minds and a unified human front we will not be made to kneel...and they will regret all they did to me. I will arm anyone with coin and when they come...it will be war."

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
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    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Where the Beach Begins Empty Re: Where the Beach Begins

    Post by Gyokusho Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:26 am

    The portentous shift in conversation did not so much phase the man; at this point he had been a part of enough large-scale discussions and the like to find the machinations of politics quite routine; the people intrigued him, but the shifts that most people believed to be large were... less so. Still, when Okane stood and disrobed, the flash of anticipation and mirth disappeared in a gasp and a wave of horror. He had of course seen terrible things in his time, and had done terrible things in fact, but seeing it affect Okane made it hit a little too close to home.  The scars still seemed fresh, despite his eye easily being able to tell that they were long since healed. And an invasive force of Ootsutsuki members? Truly strange, to say the absolutely least. He moved his hand away from his mouth, where it had almost reflexively shot, before speaking, somewhat cautiously. He was not so concerned with the Iron Prince proving fragile; no, Gyo knew the leader to be strong and mentally resilient. But he had also noted that sharp look shot to him and assumed the man preferred to talk about this as little as possible.

    I see... Gyo steepled his long fingers as he relaxed into a high backed chair. This was troubling news, though he did not see the world ending danger that Okane communicated through his tone alone. Perhaps humanity was outnumbered, though Gyo realized he had not historically cared too much about humanity. Certainly this is deeply troubling, though it seems Kiri is already in the know and... helping? He assumed as much, but it did not sound as clear as he might have liked. It seemed reasonable that the powers of Kiri would aide in this, though Airsu as an enigma; well-loved for the most part, but distant and inhuman. For a fellow non-human, she seemed to embody everything he did not. It felt unlikely that she had a part in this, but xenophobia could be quite difficult to shake when faced with annihilation.

    It also stung slightly that he had somehow missed all of this. All of his rumor mongering, information trading, and impressive intellect seemed to mean quite little in this. He had not considered an extra dimensional threat before. It felt outlandish. but he lacked meaningful data to evaluate their relative powers, or enact the appropriate counter measures. Bothersome. I will ask, then: why Suna? Would it not be better to coalesce a unified front? Why divide further?


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+

    Posts : 474
    Join date : 2020-01-24

    Where the Beach Begins Empty Re: Where the Beach Begins

    Post by Okane Sun Jun 30, 2024 1:39 pm

    Gyo had a reaction that was to be expected. Everyone he had shown thus far had a similar reaction. His once flawless body torn apart and pieced back together. He kept it hidden aside from the single scar going up his jaw vertically rather well. That one had been special to mark a face he was so proud of. He had at first taken makeup to cover it out of shame but he had done away with doing that. What took away from his beauty and made him human also proved his endurance. That he had gone through the worst one could experience. That he had experienced worse than death and now thrived despite it...perhaps more so because of it. He would shift his robes back over his shoulders however as he moved over to a vending machine. He would reach into his sleeve and collect the exact change before slipping it into the machine. Giving Gyo a moment to reflect. He bought a iced mocha coffee in a can and collected it from the dispenser once it was finished. A tasty cold beverage given the temperature given off from the hot baths. He would pop the cap as he returned to the table and settled back into his chair. Sliding one knee back over the other before taking a sip. 

    He would swallow the sweet nectar as he lowered the can. This all seemed to be a little overwhelming for Gyokusho. The man had a sense for parties and wares but when it came to the end of the world on the horizon...who could be prepared for that immediately? Still Okane smiled to the question regarding Kiri. "Yes I believe so. Kitsuki was at the meeting and swore that Kiri would stand united against this force. I also spoke with Arisu and was assured despite what she is, she cares for humans and will fight for us....even if in her mind it is her duty as a potential ruler. She see's herself as a god to humans. I can't fault her for that really though as I see myself as the same. The difference is how we view humans. I myself being one in origin have a connection to them that neither yourself or Arisu has." He blatantly admitted to thinking himself a god before casually taking another drink. After all why shouldn't he? Gods perform miracles and are worshipped. Both of which were true in his case. Okane did perform miracles one after another and was worshipped by a huge amount of people. 

    Gyo would ask about why Suna and explain his reasoning. Okane would tilt his head and swirl his coffee in his can. His eyes watching the man as he smiled before letting his head fall back and closing his eyes. Enjoying just relaxing for a moment. "You see it as division because you are viewing it too directly. Distance is your measurement. I have a number of reasons actually. As of the last few years Kumogakure, Iwagakure and Sunagakure all faced destruction. Only Iwagakure and Kumogakure rebuilt and restarted on their own power. Sunagakure however was left to the desert. I want to show that the human strength is resilience. Whatever is reduced to ash can be rebuilt. That humans will persevere. Aside from that it was Chen who destroyed the village. One of the aliens who I expect to invade within the next few years. I suspect he is connected somehow and if he went out of his way to destroy one particular nation I wish to discover why. Next, I have taken up puppetry and there is no greater place in the world to research the subject and build my puppet. Along with that are we truly unified if we leave the people of Sunagakure abandoned? The final point Gyokusho is that Suna is my birthplace...where I was raised. I take its destruction and the murder of my entire family personally."

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3005-tomi-okane
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 565
    Join date : 2020-09-15

    Where the Beach Begins Empty Re: Where the Beach Begins

    Post by Gyokusho Sun Jun 30, 2024 5:24 pm

    Okane had described some... pretty intense drama. More than drama, a potentially world ending plot. Still, he couldn't help but smirk slightly as Okane noted the vague similarities between himself and Airsu, or at least as he saw them. He supposed the other man was correct: the pair of them lacked a certain appreciation for humanity, in the same way humanity lacked a certain, visceral level of appreciation for dogs. And yet, the two seemed diametrically opposed, to the extent that it mattered. Gyo sought out humans, lived among them, experienced life in a rich and full way. He did not know Airisu, but it seemed she turned instead to total isolation, leaning into her alien heritage and remaining utterly remote. How... lonely. But maybe Ootsu did not need company. In that sense of isolationism, he thought Okane closer to her than himself.

    But now he understood.

    I see. He paused, thinking about the information and how to respond. What this meant for his world. I can go to Suna, but I likely cannot remain there at all times. I do not have the luxury of instant transportation that you do either, though I can fly of course, and my ships are fast. But... He paused once again, weighing his words. I will insist on my ability to come and go, assuming there is no pressing formal business. I'll have one of my people watch over the day to day as well, ensure the administration is kept running as I already have been. Hell, maybe I'll find someone to teach me Fission, now that Ren Uchiha seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. That would make things much simpler at least. Still, Suna is the place for puppetry. I cannot say it does not intrigue me. He threw back the last bit of his sake, placing the empty cup back on the tray.


    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+

    Posts : 474
    Join date : 2020-01-24

    Where the Beach Begins Empty Re: Where the Beach Begins

    Post by Okane Sun Jun 30, 2024 7:39 pm

    Okane would nod as Gyo explained his position. He was a businessman without the support of teleportation. The fission technique would be useful to aquire of course. As would chakra draining metal. A powerful resource that could be used defensively and offensively. He would love to research such a material. Perhaps combining it with his own to make the ultimate armor. Though it would have to be kept from touching the user. A potent enough combination that he was eager to materialize it into his puppetry. A puppet that canceled out chakra and could withstand anything physical. An ideal guardian. Fission was also an interesting jutsu to Okane as he would love to be two places at once and even if the theory of it split his chakra in half...well he would leave those fantasies for another time. For now he understood the mans position and the presented solution. Either way he had his Kazekage now. A man he believed was more capable for the job than that welp in Iwa. Still he would raise a hand to cover his mouth. Stifling a yawn that somehow was cute on him. His eyes would open lazily as his hand dropped and settled on his lap. 

    "Well than I shall try and be quick in Konoha. I have a tower to build there since Kiyoshi fell into his slumber. We no longer have a representative in Konoha. I intend to negotiate an alliance with them, Iwa, Kiri and Kumo. I hope to establish a world alliance in due time. Hopefully before catastrophic level shit hits the proverbial fan. I will make Iwagakure my next step and gain a copy of the Fission technique for us. Ideally allowing both of us to keep a presence in Sunagakure and a closer eye there. For now please consider all your actions as representing Sunagakure as the Kazekage. The position is all yours. Oh and we have three clients with a budget of three million. I have Ryuko making them some armor and would like you to craft them two imperial kunai launchers and one Senbon launcher. You will find the blueprints in the stag files. As for the payment when it is all finished I would like you to meet with them and trade the promised goods. Then split the profits between yourself and Ryuko evenly. Was there anything left to discuss?"

    Okane would smile before lifting the coffee to his lips and taking another drink. There was work beyond the company that needed doing as well. Though he needed to start on the A rank items first. He would finish those before he left Kiri and then set into the mask and contacts as well as the S rank ammo in Konoha. Being sure to teleport back with it before his colleagues would be finished with their own. Just to drop it off. He was very fast at his work after all. Still he would be looking to the future. Always ready for the turning of the tides of peace.

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3005-tomi-okane
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588

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