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    Waves Expeditionary Force

    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Waves Expeditionary Force Empty Waves Expeditionary Force

    Post by Airi Ohara Mon Jun 17, 2024 6:37 pm

    This one, she needed to use as training. For this, she sent out ANBU to recruit a few people for this expedition. Kimiko will be the leader of this expedition and she will take with her a small contingent of shinobi to go and find the dwelling within the Land of the Waves. Kimiko would be assisted by Hibiki, Nao, and Nakaba. Each one with keen eyes or a keen mind and one with the ability to see from far up in the air. Now all she does is wait.

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    Waves Expeditionary Force Empty Re: Waves Expeditionary Force

    Post by Hibiki Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:23 am

    Hibiki arrived dressed in her full ninja attire, ready for whatever mission lay ahead. She stood confidently in her unique ninja attire as she entered the Hokage's office, her outfit a blend of practicality and distinctive style. Her white jacket, adorned with intricate black and gold accents, resembled a Chunin flak vest but with elongated sleeves that added a touch of elegance to its functionality. Underneath, she wore plain white overalls, ensuring ease of movement during missions.

    The traditional ninja headband, a symbol of her allegiance, was securely fastened to her belt, while her head was adorned with a sleek robotic headset that covered her ears, hinting at her proficiency with advanced technology. Long black gloves extended from her hands up her arms, disappearing beneath the sleeves of her jacket. Around her neck, a lengthy white scarf flowed gracefully, its length trailing almost to the ground.

    Her attire was completed by white boots with a robotic appearance, accented with vibrant red on the soles, ensuring both style and functionality in any terrain.  As she entered, she greeted the Hokage with a warm smile. "Big sis, I'm here as requested." As Hibiki greeted the Hokage, she radiated a sense of readiness and determination, embodying the spirit of a ninja poised for whatever challenges lay ahead.

    Hibiki's curiosity piqued as she remembered something she overheard. "I heard something about heading out on an expedition? I brought my pegasus as requested," she added, motioning subtly to the winged creature tethered outside the window.


    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Waves Expeditionary Force Empty Re: Waves Expeditionary Force

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:18 am

    Nao took a deep breath and adjusted his headband as he prepared to enter the administration building, leaving Amarok to wait outside as he entered and headed to the Hokage's office. Dressed in his all black gi with purple obi, a tanto within a sheath strapped to his back so that just the hilt of the blade could be seen over his right shoulder. Attached to his obi were small hip pouches that held most of his gear, a thigh holster on is right thigh that held a small amount of kunai. His short white hair combed and slicked back to look more kept, his headband adjusted to cover his forehead and the mark up on it.

    He stepped into the Hokage's office, his eyes immediately scanning the room, a smile forming on his face as he saw Hibiki standing there. She always had a way of brightening the room, and as much as he wanted to simply run up to her and give her a hug, he would maintain a modicum of decorum for the professional setting that they were in. Moving to stand next to Hibiki, Nao would give her a small nod before returning his attention to Airi. Keeping his arms at his side, his fingers would reach out and lightly touch the back of Hibiki's hand. "Lady Hokage," Nao stated with a small head bow, his voice calm and measured. "Reporting for duty, as requested."

    Nao Hyūga
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    Waves Expeditionary Force Empty Re: Waves Expeditionary Force

    Post by Nakaba Tue Jun 18, 2024 8:15 pm

    Of all the missions Nakaba had been on, this was the first where he was summoned first before hearing the mission's contents. He spent more than his normal amount of time getting ready. He looked at his puppets deciding between them which to bring. Going for the sleek form of a swordsman, a few quick pulls of cloth and it'd be wrapped tight. Nakaba wore a bright orange jumpsuit with a black, muscle t-shirt under it. At his sides he wore five average quality swords and a slightly nicer sixth. Out the door and a few flashes across the village later, Nakaba would make it to the Admin Building. He imagined a world where he appeared at the Hokages window and received orders, but that would be how an Anbu would receive their orders.

    Nakaba would calmly and coolly step into the Hokage's office. He'd hold back, but he almost smiled warmly at Hibiki and Nao. As the two love bird tapped hands, he had to clear his head as his heart warmed. Nakaba would bow deeply. "Lady Hokage." Nakaba wouldn't address the Hokage again. He would wait for her to speak to avoid accidentally interrupting her.

    Ninja Info Card:
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Waves Expeditionary Force Empty Re: Waves Expeditionary Force

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri Jun 21, 2024 4:01 am

    The shinobi poured in and she straightened her posture. The three junior shinobi showed up and she perks up when the first one to show up was her adorable 'little sister' Hibiki. She gave Hibiki a radiant smile. Hibiki's outfit was different and her eyes lit up. "Oooo! Your new outfit fits you quite well, Little Hibiki," she said with a higher pitched voice, one that exuded joy. She nodded her head at Hibiki. Nao walked in shortly after and she raised a brow at his slicked back hair.

    "Someone's looking suave, Nao~~~~," she said in a teasing manner. And briefly after that, Nakaba came by and her smile became a bit more neutral. It was still a motherly smile to Nakaba.

    "The three of you, please have a seat," she said. It wasn't really the right time to tell Nakaba about the assassins he had sent to deal with Chen. No, this wasn't the time. If she told him about the assassins, he would change his mind about this mission and find the Assassins and follow them. No, she had other work for him.

    "Kimiko will be here shortly and she will be your Squad Leader. I would've sent the three of you by yourselves to scout out the Land of Wave's stronghold. However, since Chen Kimyonokama has been unpredictable with his movements and since we don't know where he is, Kimiko will be sent as your escort," she turned her eyes towards Nakaba.

    "I have a question for you, Nakaba. If you do encounter Chen Kimoyonokama, would you want to assist Kimiko to take his life? I'll permit you to assist her in killing him if you really want," she said, her voice lowering a bit as if talking to him and him only. She knew of Nakaba's desire for Chen's death and she was going to offer him the opportunity if they encounter Chen.

    And then a lightbulb went off in her head, causing her to pinch the bridge of her nose. "Actually, you three can leave. I forgot about the Chuunin Exams. Wouldn't be a good idea to have you all travel before the Chuunin Exams, ughhh," she said, finally remembering.

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    Waves Expeditionary Force Empty Re: Waves Expeditionary Force

    Post by Hibiki Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:10 am

    Hibiki's heart skipped a beat when she saw Nao enter the office.  He was looking particularly suave with his slicked-back hair.  Despite the seriousness of their surroundings, his presence always brought her a sense of calm and joy. She watched him closely as he scanned the room, his sharp eyes taking in every detail. When he smiled at her, she felt a warmth spread through her, her own lips curving up in response.

    She stood straight, maintaining her professional posture, but the small nod he gave her made her feel acknowledged and appreciated. When his fingers brushed the back of her hand, it was a small gesture, but it meant the world to her. It was a silent promise, a reassurance that they were in this together, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

    Turning her attention back to Airi, Hibiki stood ready, her expression focused and determined. Nao's calm, measured tone as he addressed the Hokage was a reminder of why she admired him so much. His dedication and composure in any situation were qualities she deeply respected.

    She kept her eyes forward, but she couldn't help the slight smile that lingered on her face. Standing next to Nao, she felt stronger, more capable. Together, they were ready to take on whatever mission was set before them.

    Beneath the surface, however, Hibiki's emotions were a swirling tempest. She and Nao were more than friends but less than lovers, and that ambiguous space between them was both thrilling and terrifying. 

    She longed to take the next step, to cross the line and officially become boyfriend and girlfriend, but at the same time, she was afraid. Not of Nao rejecting her—she was confident in his feelings for her—but of the intensity of her own emotions. After barely feeling anything for so long, she was only recently starting to get her emotions back, and the depth of what she felt for Nao sometimes overwhelmed her.

    As they awaited their assignment. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and she couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves mixed with excitement.

    When Nakaba entered, she noticed his composed demeanor, the way he held himself with a sense of readiness and confidence. His outfit and weaponry spoke volumes about his preparedness for whatever mission lay ahead. 

    As he almost smiled warmly at her and Nao, Hibiki felt a pang of familiarity and camaraderie. Nakaba was both a friend and a skilled shinobi she respected, and his presence added a layer of reassurance to the room.

    Hibiki nodded subtly in Nakaba's direction, acknowledging his presence with a silent greeting. Her mind briefly wandered to the mission at hand, wondering how their skills would complement each other. 

    Hibiki felt a surge of pride as Lady Hokage Airi acknowledged her arrival alongside Nao and Nakaba. She stood tall and attentive, the compliment about her new outfit from Airi making her cheeks flush slightly. The joy in Airi's voice was infectious, and Hibiki couldn't help but smile warmly in return.

    "Thank you, Big sis." Hibiki responded with genuine appreciation, her voice steady despite the underlying excitement. She had gotten it from the store Airi had recommended after all.  “And I must say, your looking as radiant as ever.”  she said, returning the compliment. 

    Airi's teasing remark to Nao drew a soft chuckle from Hibiki. She admired how Airi could balance authority with a light-hearted demeanor, making everyone in the room feel at ease despite the seriousness of their impending mission.

    Taking a seat as instructed Hibiki listened attentively as Airi explained Kimiko's role as their squad leader and the revised mission details. Her mind raced with thoughts of the impending journey and the responsibilities that lay ahead. 

    Kimiko, that name was familiar for some reason, but Hibiki couldn’t quite place it from her memory banks.  Well given how she sometimes had trouble remembering stuff that wasn’t too big of a surprise.  She was sure something would jog her memory once she heard more or perhaps once she saw this woman’s face.  At least she assumed it was a woman since the word Kimiko didn’t exactly sound the most boyish. 

    As Airi directed her question to Nakaba, Hibiki observed him closely, curious about his response. Considering the topic, she had some advice to share with him that she hoped would help ease his burden if only just a little. 

    "Nakaba," Hibiki began softly, her eyes reflecting a depth of understanding and empathy. She shifted slightly, her stance conveying both strength and compassion as she spoke. "I don't know if I'm the right person to be saying this, but there's someone out there who hurt me deeply too. And I've grappled with what I would do if I ever had the chance to confront them."

    She glanced briefly at Nao, sharing a meaningful glance that spoke of shared experiences and unspoken support. Drawing a breath, Hibiki continued, her voice steady yet tinged with vulnerability.

    "But I've come to realize that the best revenge isn't always about retaliation," she explained gently. "It's about finding peace within yourself, about choosing to live a good life despite everything.  If I had let myself be consumed by thoughts of revenge, I wouldn't have found the happiness I have now."

    Her words carried a weight of personal growth and resilience, reflecting her own journey towards healing. She hoped Nakaba would understand the sincerity behind her words, offering them as a source of comfort and guidance.

    "I know it's not easy," she admitted, her voice softening with empathy. "But we're here for you,. Whatever you decide, we'll support you. Together." Hibiki stood with unwavering resolve, her expression a blend of compassion and determination, ready to stand by Nakaba's side as he navigated the complexities of his emotions.

    When Airi suddenly realized her oversight regarding the Chuunin Exams, Hibiki couldn't help but suppress a small smile. These occasional moments of forgetfulness though rare, humanized her in a way that made Hibiki feel even closer to her, almost like they were real blood related sisters rather than simply found family. 

    It was in these moments that Hibiki glimpsed a side of Airi beyond the formidable leader—a side that was relatable and endearing. Hibiki admired Airi greatly, not just for her strength and wisdom, but also for her ability to balance the demands of leadership with moments of genuine humanity.

    "I take it that means we aren't going on a mission then." Said Hibiki. She wasn't the brightest bulb in the shed but even she could put 2 and 2 together. Looking at the boys she asked them "What now? Since we're together, do you want to hang out and train together?"

    Hibiki's remark brought a touch of lightheartedness to the moment, her words carrying a hint of playful humor as she pieced together the situation. She glanced at Nao and Nakaba, a small smile playing on her lips as she awaited their response.


    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    Waves Expeditionary Force Empty Re: Waves Expeditionary Force

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:59 am

    As Nao took in the room and his companions, he felt a sense of pride and responsibility settle over him. Hibiki's presence beside him was a comforting reminder of their bond. Lady Hokage's lighthearted teasing about his appearance made him smile, but he quickly refocused on the mission as another arrived. When Nakaba entered and Airi began explaining the mission details, Nao noticed the weight of the moment. The mention of Chen, and Airi offering Nakaba to assist in dealing with him only adding to the weight of it all. Hibiki's heartfelt advice to Nakaba resonated deeply with him. Nao had always admired Hibiki's strength and wisdom, and hearing her speak so candidly about her own struggles and healing journey reminded him why he cherished her.

    As Airi pinched the bridge of her nose and called off the mission due to the Chuunin Exams, Nao couldn't help but chuckle softly. These moments of human error, even from their esteemed leader, brought a sense of normalcy to their lives. He nodded at Hibiki's suggestion. "Training sounds like a great idea," Nao agreed, his voice steady and warm. "We can use this time to sharpen our skills and prepare for the Chuunin Exams. Plus, it's always good to spend some time together outside of missions." He turned to Nakaba, offering a supportive smile. "What do you say, Nakaba? Why don't we all head over to the grand training facility and put in a good workout before the Chuunin Exams."

    Nao's fingers brushed lightly against Hibiki's once more as he moved towards the door of the office. The anticipation of the mission had given way to an opportunity for growth, and Nao intended to make the most of any time he could spend with Hibiki.

    Exit thread

    Nao Hyūga
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    Waves Expeditionary Force Empty Re: Waves Expeditionary Force

    Post by Nakaba Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:44 pm

    Swelling like a balloon and then, pop. The pressure from his emotions would push the smile out as he sat down for just a moment. The warm, sincere emotions in his heart were generating images of thrown rice, and shared dinners, and news papers/aprons, and bab- have a seat. Snapping him back to reality a bit, Nakaba obeyed the command without a second thought.. He'd take a seat opposite of Nao and beside of Hibiki. He'd not had an opportunity to get to know the genin deeper. He'd never prepared his ninja tool. He'd never shared another meal with him. He had a lot he wanted to know about the man whose Hyuuga lineage didn't reflect on his facade. He'd never seen that smile on his face before. The ninja who Nakaba assumed was dark and brooding seemed happier than he was.

    Lady Hokage continued, introducing them to the mission parameters. Nakaba had trouble processing the rest. If someone was strong enough to level the entirety of Suna, they'd need a certain level of power to be stopped. Kage-level power. For a monster like him, who slaughtered so many innocent people, there will be no reparations. Just a painless, swift death. In this moment, though he didn't know it, the words that formed in Nakaba's mouth were a lie.

    He start to open his mouth and hesitate, long enough for Hibiki to begin speaking. As she called his name he flinched a little. 'Nakaba', she must be serious. With a nod and a smile, Nakaba would process Hibiki's words. He agreed with them. He should agree with them. They will demand lives. The lie wrenched its way deeper.

    "You're right. Of course. I don't want to be the one who kills him. I mean I don't want him to die. I don't want anyone else to have to die. I just want- You know for him to fess up. Let people have someone to be angry at, so we can start to heal. If he's assess as a threat, I'll do whatever it takes to promote the village's safety. I would like permission from you Lady Hokage, so I can act at Lady Kimiko's discretion, should the need arise. There it was. The lie. Was it because Hibiki was here. Was it because he was afraid. Did he want to seem in control of his emotions in front of Lady Hokage?

    Whatever his reasons a lie was a lie. Nakaba did want the man dead. Laying cold on the table of a diner booth rotting with his unfinished regular order of coffee and pancakes. Nakaba would activate chakra suppression manually cycling his chakra. Pop. As the opportunity vanished, for a moment his teeth grit and his eyebrows started to clench. He'd lightly shake it off with a small motion of his head. That was not an acceptable reaction to Lady Hokage's statement. Get your shit together bud. Whatever that emotion was would fade as fast as it came.

    "I'd like that. I think it'd be great to move my muscles a bit." He'd stand waiting for Hibiki and Nao while looking for a good window to say, "My apologies Lady Hokage. I appreciate your guidance and openness. Forgive me for stepping out of place, I would like to ask you for the chance to prioritize, speaking with him if I ever have the opportunity? Of course not at the cost of a mission, my comrades, or the village." If she made a decision on the matter in the moment, Nakaba would radically accept it.

    Ninja Info Card:
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Waves Expeditionary Force Empty Re: Waves Expeditionary Force

    Post by Airi Ohara Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:40 am

    Airi simply smiled at Hibiki's response. Hibiki was so adorable and she must be protected at all costs. Her demeanor quickly changed as the things she had to explain had changed. The outright brain failure of hers to assign this mission to genin that would be participating in the Chuunin Exams left her a bit embarrassed but she quickly regained her composure.

    She said her peace but then left it up to Hibiki and Nakaba to talk to one another. Certainly, retaliation wasn't the only form of vengeance, but in the shinobi world, it was a regular occurrence. One shouldn't suffer a monster to live lest they wish to be hunted by those monsters. Once there was a brief gap in words between Hibiki and Nakaba, Airi mentioned to Nao. "Yes, you and I will have a training session before you reach the tournament. So make sure you make it that far, got it?" she asked, waiting for Nakaba and Hibiki to finish their speech.

    She did find Hibiki's desire to not exact revenge somewhat naïve, but that did make her who she is and the little sister she loved and cared about. After Nakaba mentioned he wanted to talk to Chen, the corner of her lips tugged into a slight grimace. Another naïve notion. While she did offer him to watch Chen die, she really doubt there would be any spoken word.

    She let out a sigh and arched her back a bit, stretching her back. "Perhaps if the Assassins take too long and will still be searching after the end of the Chuunin Exams. Then perhaps I'll send you to their side. Sadly I can't let you go with Lady Kimiko. You will have the Chuunin exams to worry about," She turned her eyes back towards Nakaba and tapped her fingers upon the table. The gritting and grinding of teeth. "You are fine," she responded to his apology.

    "Sadly, there will be no words spoken to Chen. I have ordered assassins to kill him and bring me his head. If you let a monster live, it will only do more monstrous acts. Kill more people," she said turning her eyes towards Hibiki. Airi doesn't like the idea of killing people but she knows it comes with the territory of being a shinobi. And this assassination was made on behalf of the shinobi of Konohagakure and the rest of the world. That was why the bounty was so high.

    "I also don't know how manipulative Chen can be, so I will eventually send you and another assassin to follow-up on the two assassins I sent out. Just get through the Chuunin Exams and I'll let you accompany and keep the assassins true to their contract," she mentioned. Her demeanor was a serious one, leaving no room for funsies or jokes. She wanted Chen dead and she didn't completely trust the assassins she entrusted the mission to. She did what she could to ensure they'd remain loyal and get the job done, but who knows if they were motivated enough to remain loyal to Konoha and towards the rewards she promised. Someone like Burittsu wouldn't give up the chance to have a good fight. Whether or not Chen would actually pose a good fight is something she has no idea about.

    Airi turned her head towards Hibiki and grimaced a bit with a nod. "Yes, I apologize for wasting your time, Hibiki. Hopefully next time we meet it'll be for some tasty pastries and some tea and not official business," she said, continuing with the grimaced expression. She did want to have some nice times with Hibiki but she was always just so busy that she couldn't make any time to spend with her.

    "But I'm going to have to ask you two to clear out while I wait on the Commander to appear," she said, giving a weak smile to the two of them.  [/color]

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    Waves Expeditionary Force Empty Re: Waves Expeditionary Force

    Post by Hibiki Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:54 pm

    Hibiki listened quietly as Nakaba spoke, sensing the conflict and intensity in his words. His struggle with his emotions was palpable, yet she admired his resolve to prioritize the village's safety above personal vendettas.  

    Hibiki felt a mix of emotions as  Airi addressed their concerns and clarified the situation. The shift from the prospect of a mission to the reality of the Chuunin Exams left her feeling a bit disoriented, but she quickly adapted to the change in plans.

    When Airi mentioned the assassins and the grim reality of Chen's fate, Hibiki's expression remained composed. She understood the necessity of eliminating threats in their world, even if the harshness of it all weighed on her. Her response was measured and direct, her tone taking on a darker, more solemn edge when she addressed the elephant in the room.

    "Don't get me wrong" she began, her voice devoid of its usual warmth, "I'm not saying to make friends with the guy. Anyone who goes around destroying entire villages is basically like a…” She paused. She had been about to say bijuu but that might be poor wording given her present company. “A natural disaster in human skin. Too dangerous to be kept around. Frankly, I don't care if you kill him Toru."

    She paused briefly, letting her words sink in before continuing, her voice softening slightly with genuine concern.

    "I just don't want you doing it for the wrong reasons," Hibiki added, her tone still serious. "I've seen people do some pretty stupid stuff in the name of revenge. Sacrifice things they later regretted. You're my friend, Toru, so I don't want to see you suffer in the same way."

    Her words hung in the air, a reflection of her empathy and understanding of Nakaba's inner conflict. Hibiki respected his strength as a shinobi but also wanted to remind him of the importance of clarity and purpose in their dangerous line of work. She hoped her words would resonate with Nakaba, guiding him toward a path that prioritized justice without losing sight of his own well-being.

    "You're right, though," she said, her voice steady and supportive. "We all want justice and closure. It's about making things right, giving people a chance to heal."

    Hibiki smiled warmly at Nao's agreement to her suggestion of training together. His steady and supportive demeanor always reassured her, especially in moments like these when their plans shifted unexpectedly.

    "This will give us a chance to refine our techniques and maybe even learn a few new ones before the Chuunin Exams. Plus It’ll be great to have you with us Toru. We can work on some team strategies too for when we go on an actual mission together." Hibiki chimed in, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

    Feeling Nao's fingers lightly brushing against hers, Hibiki felt a flutter of warmth in her chest. His presence beside her was comforting, grounding her in their shared commitment to growth and preparation. As Nao moved towards the door, Hibiki followed closely, ready to embark on their impromptu training session.

    As Airi apologized to her, Hibiki's smile grew warmer. "It's okay, Big sis. I understand how busy things can get. I'll look forward to that tea and pastries next time. Take care, and thank you for your guidance. We'll be ready for whatever comes next."  she said before turning to leave. she said before turning to leave."

    With each step, she looked forward to the camaraderie and shared efforts that would strengthen their bond as a team. The anticipation of the Chuunin Exams added an extra layer of excitement, fueling her determination to excel alongside her comrades.

    As they made their way to the training grounds, Hibiki's thoughts were focused on the challenges ahead and the opportunities for growth that lay before them.  


    [attempted exit]


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