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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium.


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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Okane Sun May 26, 2024 5:01 pm

    Okane was standing on one of the booths overlooking the class teaching musical instruments. Like an opera house with its seating spread and the balconies overlooking the stage for the VIP's. Here he listened as the string orchestra class continued it's most recent production. There were smaller classrooms for the less advanced players on the board but this was the advanced class. Each note was in unison and the movements through a custom piece were nearing perfection. He had taken a break from his usual work to watch this class today and was not disappointed. He could of course listen to the already well known and popular pieces over and over on the radio or some other recorded version. However for Okane there was a difference. What this hall provided was perfect acoustics....what the in person provided was the heart behind each note. Each touch of the string a pure sound. His emerald eyes watched the group of people unaware of their entertained host. Okane simply enjoyed as they played through each piece with precision and effort. Each ascension and fall of the notes playing to his ears and spreading a smile across his face. His glass of champagne with a hint of citrus in it held to the side half finished. An attendant nearby behind him with the bottle. Remaining observant but silent. 

    It was a little after mid day of course so a little early to drink perhaps. However he set his schedule and let the board handle the day to day mostly. He could afford himself time to enjoy. After all his wealth dominated most others. His land ownership competing with the major world powers and all the while people sought him out. Even those who thought themselves above humanity. Still his time here in Kirigakure was drawing to a close. He would need to return to his own home soon. A kingdom in the desert that needed his knowledge. His ingenuity. He had made it a paradise once before that bastard Chen burned it all down. He would do so again. Still the man would lean on the railing with his free hand and tuck one foot behind his other ankle as he looked over his shoulder at the music below. Such a peaceful thing....music. He would miss the particularly haunting sounds Kirigakure produced. They were known for their swordsman of course. He had even handled one or two of their artifacts before. Still he would finish his drink and hold out his glass for a refill. 

    The servant was quick to their task and poured calmly without spilling a drop. Okane himself was in black vest over a white shirt and black tie. No coat adorned him this time as he was more comfortable than not. His shirt was tucked into a pair of sheer black slacks with a pair of suspenders over his shoulders and under his vest. Shined black dress shoes adorned his feet and a pair of thin black gloves coated his hands. His scars mostly hidden aside from the one running up his neck to his jawline. His forked beard matching his lions mane style slicked back hair. The wrist cuffs on each cuff were golden Stag symbols and every bit of it was pressed and fitted. This was a man who took pride in his appearance. If anyone however came to the tower looking for him...they would be directed to this balcony where he was known to watch these pieces.

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
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    Ryu Uzumaki
    Ryu Uzumaki
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 72
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    Age : 36

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    Class: D
    Ryo: About that much

    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Ryu Uzumaki Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:33 am

    Ryu moved with a quiet grace as he ascended the stairs to the balcony. Each step was measured, his soft-soled shoes barely making a sound against the marble flooring. His upper echelon lifestyle had given him opportunities to attend events such as this, though he didn't really care for the music, it was usually the women that garnered his attention. Tonight however he was here for a reason, and he knew the value of first impressions. His sensei, Kitsuki, had informed him and the rest of his team of Okane's whereabouts, emphasizing the importance of respect and patience when dealing with the famous crafter, and a servant would direct him to the balcony. Ryu took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the encounter.

    His blonde hair was neatly styled, a stark contrast to the dark blue suit he wore, tailor fit to perfection. Ryu’s attire was sharp, designed for functionality yet exuding an understated elegance. His blue eyes scanned the room as he reached the top of the stairs, taking in the scene before him. The string orchestra's harmonious performance filled the hall, each note resonant with passion and precision. Ryu observed Okane for a moment, noting the slight smile on the man's face, the relaxed posture, and the glass of champagne in his hand. Okane's attire was immaculate, exuding a sense of both power and refinement. Ryu admired the man's ability to command presence even in a moment of quiet reflection.

    With a slight nod to the attendant who had indicated Okane’s position, Ryu stepped forward, ensuring his approach was unobtrusive. He stopped a respectful distance behind Okane, waiting to be acknowledged. It was only proper to afford Okane the space he desired, even as he brought with him the inevitable reminder of the outside world. "Lord Okane," Ryu said softly, his voice barely above a whisper, so as not to disturb the music. "I hope I am not intruding. My name is Ryu Uzumaki, and I was informed by my sensei, Kitsuki Kurahasa, that you might be able to assist me in procuring some armor and other gear."

    He kept his tone respectful, his demeanor composed. He knew the importance of timing and tact when dealing with Okane. The man was not just a benefactor but a figure of immense influence and power, whose time was more valuable than most. Ryu had learned to navigate these interactions with a careful balance of deference and clarity, ensuring he conveyed the necessary information without overstepping his bounds. Ryu remained patient, his hands clasped lightly in front of him, ready to provide the details Okane might request.

    Ryu Uzumaki
    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: C -> B
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C

    Posts : 474
    Join date : 2020-01-24

    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Okane Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:27 pm

    There was beauty in music. And there was music to everything. A beat of the heart...the way the breeze passed through the tree's and grass. A rhythm to life all around them. Certainly at times it appeared as chaos as all the Rhythm would mix and mingle. Nothing to put it in order and see the individual parts as a whole. Nature itself could not be contained. The world outside of nature however belonged to the people. People who advanced by working together. A new Rhythm which each newborn child and finding those who worked well as an orchestra was a talent of Okane's. He found talented people and often hired them either directly under him or to work alongside him. His own Orchestra by the name of the Stag Emporium. Economically Okane was the strongest man in the world. His status as a merchants son long since put behind him. Broken off from his father's company by his father's heavy hand. Having spent his youth squandering his talents and laying with men and women at parties. His father had all but cut him off from what he had believed at the time was a vast wealth. Something that could not compare to what he had achieved. 

    The last time he and his father had spoken Okane had harsh words for the man. Believing the prudish merchant to be abandoning him to his fates in the wilds of Sunagakure. Part of his growth had been to prove himself as some form of superior to his father. His company rose to new heights with some questionable investments and purchases. Perhaps it was due to this arrogance he had been captured by members of the society and dragged to another world. He hadn't known how to fight or how to escape at the time. He had not known true suffering or humiliation. The way they tortured and tormented him saw to a change in him. A different way to view the world and in doing so despite being almost broken he was stronger now. However upon his escape and glorious return he had learned that Suna had been burned. His father and mother...his entire family line torched. From the ashes of his family tree he mourned alone. Yet there was work to be done. The enemy had revealed themselves to him and he would be sure that they met a dire fate. For now though company would catch his interest. 

    Okane would hear the steps of the servant approaching with much quieter steps behind them. A shinobi trained and yet the pattern of those steps, His fingers would idly tap as he recognized the formal training one might have for high society. Shinobi were usually more abrupt and either entirely silent at higher tiers like Jounin or blatant in their ways. As Ryu would enter the large balcony a guard would seem to move out of the shadows. Seemingly having just appeared there to pat the young man down. If allowed he would remove any obvious weapons and move to set them in a seat nearby before returning to the shadows. Okane himself did not appear to have a single item on his person. Still as Ryu would speak and announce himself, his purpose and who sent him Okane would turn as the string orchestra would finish it's practice for the day. The dim lights of the hall would turn back on and bask Okane in light as he appeared almost to be surrounded by a golden hue. Then it would become obvious. Little flecks of gold were actually falling off of him and fading before they hit the floor. Those emerald eyes seemed to glow with light as that perfect white toothed smile took in the young man. His voice would spill forth as a practiced tone that felt like silk on the ears. If Okane commanded anything it was majesty.

    "Well met Ryu Uzumaki. You have good timing as this show was just wrapping up. And sent by her highness no less. You easily are the most interesting person I have had the pleasure of meeting today. We will get to your gear of course but first....how is Lady Kitsuki?" 

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3005-tomi-okane
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Kaguya Mamoru
    Kaguya Mamoru
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 75
    Join date : 2024-05-02
    Age : 34

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: D
    Ryo: 1,035,000

    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Kaguya Mamoru Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:27 pm

    The music was unlike anything he had ever heard before. Mamoru stood just off to the side, nearest to the first few rows of seats, watching and listening to the orchestra perform. Once he entered the hall, the beautiful harmony of the instruments captivated him. He was mesmerized, moving towards the stage, inch by inch. Mamoru had obviously heard music before, but mostly over a radio. He had never had the luxury of watching an orchestra live. Especially this...perfect. His was ajar and his mind completely forgot to send signals to his body to breath, let alone blink. His eye watched each of the musicians' fingers move fluently along the strings or keys or whatever the other instruments use for notes. It was like they were making dozens of handsigns with each note or chord they played

    Once the music reached it's crescendo and began to soften to a more mellow tune, before the hall was silent, Mamoru shook himself free from the strange state he was in. He was taken aback by how close he was, having no recollection of ever moving in the first place. His head spun around, before his body could follow. He felt more alert now, so he looked around, remembering that he was here to find a craftsman by the name of Okane. The name was familiar, but he did not have a face to correlate. Although, Kitsuki did mention that he would definitely know if he seen him.

    As he scanned the orchestra hall, Mamoru noticed neatly styled blonde hair on the head of a familiar posh form, ascending the stairs. Ryu looked like he definitely belonged here, with the grace he always moved. While Mamoru just tried to fit in. He tried at least, wearing his most formal, ceremonial white and black robes robes. He took extra care to make sure they were as pristine as ever, but along the way, he may have been careless and ran here. Running was what his body was accustomed to. It was only natural. So when he arrived, looked down, and seen that a layer of dust had accumulated on his robes, he tried his best to beat the devil out his robes and pants. Causing bystanders to eye him curiously. He still gave himself a once-over, just to be sure, before casually making his way up the stairs.
    Once he reached the peak of the balcony, Mamoru stood there, awe struck as he seen Okane. He always thought Ryu had enough charm to sway anyone, but this man radiated charisma and power. Mamoru had never been intimidated by anyone before, until he met his sensei, Katsuki, for the first time. Just like with her, Okane's presence was nothing to take lightly.

    The servant addressed him and it took Mamoru a moment to mentally shake the shock and respond. He led the young Kaguya through the room to meet Okane. As he did so, Mamoru swept his finger through his white hair, ensuring that it was neatly styled. As he approached, he politely waited for Ryu and Okane to finish their conversation. He gave Ryu a hint of smile, acknowledging him, before he paused next to him, his mouth feeling suddenly completely dry. He collected himself for a moment, before giving a polite and formal bow. Remembering not to go overboard like he did with Kitsuki. That was just embarrassing. "It's a pleasure, Lord Okane." Mamoru said, straitening his posture, using ever ounce of his mental strength to calm his shaken nerves, but thank the heavens he was taught how to be polite and formal. He felt too stiff, though. Too ridged. So he relaxed a little, his posture still straight, but more...relaxed  "Apologies if I'm interrupting. My name is Kaguya Mamoru. Like Ryu, I was also informed by Kitsuki Kurahasa to seek you out for assistance in acquiring some gear." He said, trying to keep his voice even and tone polite. Of course, in his mind, the possibility of Okane declining would have stung a little. But the thought of him being able to purchase some amazing armor or gear was very motivating to stand here before Okane. He really tried to cling more to that positive thought, which was what calmed him the most. And more importantly, he had a friend here. He wasn't alone

    Character Name: Kaguya Mamoru
       Spendable Experience:
       Total Experience: 0
       Renown: 0
       Ryo: 1,050,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

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    Ryu Uzumaki
    Ryu Uzumaki
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 72
    Join date : 2024-04-05
    Age : 36

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Suiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: About that much

    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Ryu Uzumaki Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:51 pm

    Ryu allowed the guard to perform the pat-down, offering no resistance, though he carried no weapons. He understood that someone with Okane's prestige would have rigorous security measures, and he had come prepared for such scrutiny. As the dim lights illuminated Okane, the ethereal sight of the gold flecks falling from his person caught Ryu's attention for a moment. The man's presence was even more commanding up close, his emerald eyes and perfect smile exuding an almost otherworldly aura. Ryu felt a sense of awe, but he quickly reminded himself of his purpose and the importance of this interaction. He had anticipated this encounter to be a mix of formality and finesse, and it was clear that Okane embodied both in abundance.

    Ryu inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment of Okane's words, appreciating the deliberate cadence and elegance in his voice. "Lady Kitsuki is well, my lord," Ryu replied, keeping his tone respectful and his posture relaxed yet attentive. "She speaks highly of you, Lord Okane, and values your craftsmanship deeply. It was at her insistence that I seek your expertise for the equipment I require. She sent her regards and apologies for not being able to be here, but matters of the village since the attack of the two tails has kept her rather busy." Ryu paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Lady Kitsuki believes that the quality of one's gear can significantly influence the outcome of any mission, and she trusts your creations implicitly."

    Ryu’s eyes met Okane’s, the sincerity in his words evident. He knew that conveying the respect and admiration Kitsuki held for Okane would establish a foundation of mutual regard. "I am here to request your assistance in procuring armor that not only offers superior protection but also aligns with the agility and precision required for my missions. Specifically, lightweight yet durable armor that allows for maximum mobility, any enhancements that could improve stealth would be highly beneficial." He remained still, hands still lightly clasped in front of him, awaiting Okane’s response. This interaction was as much about the subtle dance of words as it was about the request itself, and Ryu was prepared to navigate it with the same precision he applied to his missions.

    Mamoru would arrive shortly after Ryu had finished, introducing himself and explaining that he was there for the same reason. Ryu would nod towards the man, but say nothing else. Realizing that he likely should have told Okane that the other members of his team were likely to arrive as well, but it was to late to change the past in that matter. Instead, the only option was onward. He had no doubt that Okane was as good as a crafter as Kitsuki had proclaimed, he was well known throughout the world. Fulfilling multiple requests such as theirs should not be a problem at all for the man, and with Kitsuki paying for it, Ryu intended to get the best that the man had to offer.

    Ryu Uzumaki
    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: C -> B
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 19
    Join date : 2024-05-02

    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Tenshi Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:14 pm

    Tenshi walked into the music hall slowly, an anger apparent in his eyes, his hands in his pockets. He hadn't bothered to dress up all fancy for this meeting. No, instead, he wore a half kimono that seemed a couple sizes too big for him. He had sworn to himself that he wouldn't wear it until he felt he'd earned it, but this meeting, one that had been insisted upon by his sensei, had called for a change in that ideology. The Kimono was a dark green, and in orange on it's back, the Fujio clan insignia shone.

    Tenshi didn't necessisarily blame Okane for the death of his family, the destruction of his home, the fact he'd had to flee, but as the person running things, there was a certain degree of fault to be shared. Tenshi had promised not to lash out, or be abruptly disrespectful, but this meeting was one of necessity, not desire.

    As the servant approached him, Tenshi's gaze met theirs, and he spoke first. "I'm here to see Okane. The rest of my team should already be here." The servant simply nodded, and led the way. He rolled his eyes a bit at the guard who patted him down, but complied wordlessly. He didn't see why it was necessary. It's not like any of them could them could take these guards down to get to Okane, even if they wanted to. They were a bunch of genin after all.

    Upon entering the room, Tenshi nodded first to Mamoru, then to Ryu. He then turned his attention to Okane. "Lord Okane," he said, bowing slightly, though not as much as he normally would. "My name is Tenshi. Tenshi Fujio, also a member of squad One, training under Kitsuki-sensei. I'm sure my team mates have already informed you, but we were sent to inquire about your assistance in procuring gear and weapons that only someone of your level could provide."

    Character Name: Tenshi Fujio
    Spendable EXP: -100
    Total EXP: 2250
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: D

    Character Sheet

    Posts : 474
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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Okane Sat Jun 15, 2024 4:22 pm

    Okane would glance passed the man before him as another would enter the booth. A slight twitch of his fingers was all that indicated his anxiety at more arriving. He had been working on keeping his post traumatic stress disorder in check. Still the guard if not prevented from doing so would also stop Mamoru and pat him down as well. The young man would introduce himself as another one of Kitsuki's protege. Okane would smile and nod to him as well in way of greeting. Ryu would continue to answer his questions and indicate what he was after before another would arrive. Okane was unfamiliar with him as well and his eyes would drift from Ryu as the third member would be patted down for weapons as well. If any weapons were found on them they would be confiscated unless there was resistance to be returned to them when they left. Okane had beefed up his security since his kidnapping. Though he had no way of knowing this individual from Suna was frustrated with him. After all when Suna burned it was under Iwas control and he had taken it over after the fact and rebuilt it only recently. 

    Ryu would finish describing what he was looking for in armor. Lightweight, flexible and durable were all easy enough to do. Okane had the materials to make some of the best light armor in the world. As he had done for Nozomi. Still he would raise his cup to his lips and finish it before holding it out to the side. A servant collecting it without him saying a word. His attention would turn to the latest arrival however as he stated his name. The slight tension in his body seeming to relax as he moved forward quickly to grasp Tenshi's hands in his own. A bright smile on his face as he let his eyes water slightly. 

    "Did you say Fujio? You must be from Sunagakure then. I grew up there and still consider it my home to this day.  My family however was lost to Chen's madness when Iwagakure was incapable of stopping him. I am so glad to see another survivor....it has been a lonely...anger filled series of months. I have not since met another suna native like myself. I have been busy since Iwagakure handed the land back to me. We are rebuilding the city and providing stability to the region even as we speak. Likely you three will be my last customers before I return home and check on the progress. For you my dear brother from the sands I will provide you a weapon free of charge. So that one day when we find Chen....we will take his head yes?"

    He would smile before he would step back and clear his throat. Releasing Tenshi's hands if he had managed to grasp them. He would collect a handkerchief from his shirt pocket and dab it at his eyes. Before with one hand he seemed to fold it with a flourish of his fingers and tuck it back away into a perfect triangle again. He would smile a moment before he would address all three. His emerald eyes filled with happiness now as he would speak warmly. 

    "Her highness Kitsuki is correct. The level of gear I provide will not only offer you the utmost in protection but utility as well. Lightweight armor is a simple thing for me though it will take time to produce multiple sets. Might I suggest a long coat for each of you? A single piece of gear that will guard you from the neck to the knee's and still offer very little weight and high flexibility. Out of curiosity if lady Kitsuki is footing this bill...did she provide any of you with a total budget?"

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3005-tomi-okane
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Ryuko Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:17 pm

    Ryuko slipped into the room, her footsteps silent on the polished floor as she assessed the scene before her. Okane, the seasoned grand merchant, held court with three Genin from the Hidden Mist, their presence a blend of youthful energy and disciplined reserve. As she positioned herself discreetly at the edge of the room, her gaze swept over the trio of young shinobi, noting their confident stances.

    Dressed in her white warden attire, a testament to both her role as a protector, Ryuko's attention was divided. While her primary duty was to safeguard Okane, her thoughts also turned to the broader horizon of threats looming on the horizon—the impending possibility of an Otsutsuki invasion.

    Her eyes flickered with a keen assessment as she observed the Genin. She noted subtle differences in their approaches—a testament to their individual training and clan traditions. Ryuko considered the potential of imparting the Cloud Sword Style to these promising warriors from another village. The thought of strengthening potential allies against the looming shadow of the Otsutsuki brought a renewed sense of purpose to her vigil.

    As Okane navigated the negotiations with his characteristic finesse, Ryuko remained watchful, her mind calculating contingencies and evaluating the Genin's aptitude beyond mere combat skills. She sought qualities of discipline, adaptability, and an underlying dedication to protecting their own—a trifecta essential for mastering the intricate techniques of the Cloud Sword Style.

    The room hummed with the undercurrents of diplomacy and unspoken alliances, yet Ryuko's focus remained unwavering. Each movement, each word exchanged between Okane and the Genin, carried weight in the delicate dance of power and trust. Her role extended beyond physical defense; it encompassed the strategic foresight to empower those who could stand against the encroaching darkness.

    Amidst the exchange, Ryuko's resolve deepened. Whether in the shadows of negotiation rooms or on the battlefield against otherworldly threats, she understood that strength forged in unity and shared knowledge could tip the scales in their favor. And as she stood sentinel, her shield at the ready and her spear concealed yet poised for action, Ryuko remained committed to preparing allies for the storm on the horizon—a storm that threatened not only their villages but the very fabric of their world.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Kaguya Mamoru
    Kaguya Mamoru
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 75
    Join date : 2024-05-02
    Age : 34

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: D
    Ryo: 1,035,000

    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Kaguya Mamoru Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:03 pm

    With Okane's attention on Ryu and Tenshi, for the time being, Mamoru remained politely silent. He didn't mind either. Being in the spotlight, so to speak, was not for him. Plus, being in this room, there was too many eyes on him already, his awareness of the room on overdrive. He tried to ignore it, but he could feel someone was completely focused on him, studying him. The uneasy feeling would gradually decrease, assuming their gaze left him, returning in waves. He hoped he wasn't just being paranoid. Mamoru would place hand on the back of his neck, where the tingling sensation was most prominent and try his best to look around indiscreetly, without raising too much alarm. Sure enough, there was people behind him. Of course he couldn't see everyone, but from people he could see, from gazing over his shoulder, were watching the trio of Genin. Their gazes darting between them. Was it just that? Was he just feeling the unease feeling because he had security watching him?

    Pulling his awareness back, his attention refocused on Okane, Ryu, and Tenshi. He had to mentally repeat a mantra to himself, but Mamoru seemed to physically relax, exhaling a heavy breath. It seemed as though they're brief exchange was over, as Okane addressed the three of them again, mentioning the lightweight armor. The idea long coat sent a surge of excitement through him. Maybe he could get a Kimono made instead, since he preferred his normal attire. The possibilities were now endless.

    "Oh." Mamoru paused for a brief moment before continuing, ensuring that he wasn't about to cut off Ryu or Tenshi from answering, as well. That would have just been rude of him. "Lady Kitsuki said she would provide three million ryo towards your services" Mamoru bowed slightly, but deep down he was still astonished by the amount. He had no clue what high quality equipment that could get them.

    Character Name: Kaguya Mamoru
       Spendable Experience:
       Total Experience: 0
       Renown: 0
       Ryo: 1,050,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

       Link to Kaguya Mamoru Updates
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    Ryu Uzumaki
    Ryu Uzumaki
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 72
    Join date : 2024-04-05
    Age : 36

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Suiton
    Class: D
    Ryo: About that much

    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Ryu Uzumaki Tue Jun 18, 2024 9:51 pm

    Ryu listened attentively as Okane spoke, noting the subtle shifts in his demeanor and the warmth in his tone when addressing Tenshi. The connection Okane felt to his past in Sunagakure and the shared pain of loss added a layer of personal depth to this interaction. Ryu acknowledged Okane's generosity with a nod, appreciating the emotional resonance it brought to their request. As Okane proposed the idea of a long coat, Ryu considered its practicality. The suggestion aligned well with his need for protection without sacrificing mobility. The prospect of a single, versatile piece of gear was appealing, especially given the high-quality craftsmanship Okane was renowned for.

    Before Ryu could respond, Mamoru mentioned the budget provided by Lady Kitsuki. Three million ryo was a substantial amount, reflecting her trust in Okane's expertise and her commitment to ensuring their equipment was top-tier. Ryu spoke up, his tone measured and respectful. "A long coat sounds like an excellent solution, Lord Okane. Flexibility and protection are paramount for our missions, and a single piece of gear that covers us extensively would be ideal. Given the budget Lady Kitsuki has provided, we trust in your ability to craft something that meets our needs perfectly." He glanced at Tenshi and Mamoru, ensuring they were in agreement, before continuing.

    "We are also open to any additional enhancements you might suggest, particularly those that could provide other tactical advantages. Your expertise in this matter is highly valued." Ryu's eyes moved to mret Okane's once more, conveying both gratitude and anticipation. The success of their missions depended heavily on the quality of their gear, and he was confident that Okane would deliver equipment that would significantly enhance their capabilities. The room seemed to hum with a quiet intensity, the weight of their request and the potential of the gear they would receive hanging in the air. Ryu maintained his relaxed yet attentive posture, ready to listen to Okane's recommendations and discuss the specifics further.

    Ryu Uzumaki
    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: C -> B
    Speed: C
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    Perception: C
    Mist Genin
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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Tenshi Thu Jun 20, 2024 1:28 pm

    Tenshi's eyes widened as Okane moved towards him. Not sure what to do, the young Fujio allowed the man to grab his hands. He listened to Okane's speech, the anger in his eyes softening, and eventually fading, as he maintained eye contact, seeing tears forming at the edges of Okane's eyes. Once the merchant had finished speaking, Tenshi's eyes shifted to the side for a moment. "Shit..." he thought. He had never gotten all the details about the attack on Sunagakure, and had only heard stories. Perhaps through his own teenage angst, he had taken a small amount of distrust of the Stag Emporium and run with it, convincing himself that they had failed somehow to protect the village. Instead, it seemed, they didn't have control of the village at the time, and it was instead Iwagakure that had failed to protect them from Chen. And then they'd simply handed the village to Okane and basically told him to fix it himself.

    Tenshi turned his eyes back to Okane's now, a resolve shining in them. Brothers of the Sand indeed they were. "I would be honored to receive a blade from you, Lord Okane, and I swear on our home, I will hand deliver Chen's head to you myself. Severed with the sword that will form our bond." He continued to watch Okane as the man stepped back, his mind moving rapidly to process the events that had just unfolded. He'd been shown the truth about the situation that had lead to the death of his family, allowing him to shift the blame appropriately. "Iwagakure failed us..." A voice in the back of his mind whispered. He ignored it, as well as the feeling that he was being watched from the shadows. All he was concerned with was his new found 'brotherhood' with Okane.

    When Okane offered them the long coats, he would nod in agreement, allowing Mamoru and Ryu to do the talking as he pondered his next move in the shinobi world, as well as what kind of weapon Okane would craft for him. He knew that if he were to make a difference, it was time to shift gears on his training, and finally start learning his family's Kekkei Genkai. He hoped that the sword would be one that could handle the heat of Scorch Release, and compliment it nicely. He'd be more than happy to carry Okane's blessing with him as he cut through his enemies, leaving a husk in his wake.

    Character Name: Tenshi Fujio
    Spendable EXP: -100
    Total EXP: 2250
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Okane Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:08 pm

    Okane would quietly nod before raising an eyebrow slightly at the budget of three million. Kitsuki was truly going to spoil these three. For that much ryo they could get a fairly good S tier fit. Not a full set perhaps as it was three million split three ways. A million ryo a piece was still considerable though. As for their tactical advantage. He had some considerable contributions that could be made for a shinobis capabilities. The long coats were a hit so he was pleased with that bit of information. He could make cute little matching coats for her team. Kitsuki would like that. Still he would glance passed the boys a moment. His head tilting as his head of security had made her presence known subtly. A queen from the lands to the north. Kumogakure. Said to be the shield of the north. Legends had it she held the very winter at bay once. He knew more impressive feats like the ability to withstand a bijuu behind that shield. Few could better fill the position of his guardian. Her fame rivaling his own almost as she was without a doubt one of the strongest people alive and previously the Raikage. 

    Still the young man from Suna would recollect his attention as he promised Chen's head on a plate. Those emerald eyes would snap to the young man. If such a thing were only so easy. He would hope this genin would train considerably first. He wasn't certain if even Ryuko would win a fight with the man one on one. Still a smile crept across his face a little wider. Continuing to speak with a voice like caroling. 

    "Oh? What a brave young man. I do wish to warn you the man is a power to be reckoned with. Do not try and kill him alone. Should he perish though, I have already announced a three million ryo bounty on him to the world. Bring me his head one day and it's yours. Now onto business. Three million even split three ways is a considerable amount. Let's go up a couple floors to the crafting rooms. The laboratory to be exact. I will go over my suggestions with you there. Come along everyone. It's too beautiful a day to waste. Come come."

    He would say jovially the last part before he would walk out the door abruptly. Clearly expecting to be followed. Few wouldn't in his experience submit to his whimsical ways on the off chance he may impress them...and he always did. Still his very stride was beautiful. Long elegant legs and crisp, clean outfits. The tiny gold feathers shedding off his back as he walked. Like an angel shedding its wings and the feathers constantly fading to nothing before hitting the floor. Perhaps it was a misuse of his clans steel release but the gold falling off him was a side effect he enjoyed of mastering the release. Still he would move to the stairs and move up them with a gorgeous sounding hum to his voice. Everything he did seduced...every word he spoke like singing. Still they would finally enter the laboratory which had no classes today luckily. Still he would settle into a chair as it was quieter here. Speaking up plainly. 

    "Let's see. For each of you I have a series of items I would like to make. However each of you will make a choice. The first is the coats. I will make these out of up to two materials. You have three options. Midnight ore thread...which will temporarily lower the durability of anything in contact with it. Immortal silk, which can stop any blade but offers no resistance to blunt damage, and finally mountain fur. Which keeps the wearer at the constant ideal temperature whatever environment they may be in and reduces the capabilities of both fire and ice jutsu against it. Next up is the night vision contacts. I can keep these items as either contacts, goggles or a mask. These lenses are created with the only functionality of keeping perfect vision. No matter the situation. No matter how dark or how bright and sudden a flash these lenses will always allow you to see as if its mid summer day. An added benefit is they block direct eye contact. So no more pesky eye contact triggered jutsu. That will supplement you nicely.

     As an added touch I have created a pair of different motion detecting sticky mines. You simply throw them at a surface and they activate on impact. Blowing up and filling a small space with A tier damage. You can choose these in either fire or electric types. Finally I offer your choice of my finest ranged creation. I call them imperial launchers. These are either designed to fire Kunai or Senbon at frightening speeds. Ammo sold separately and unfortunately outside of your budget by about two hundred and fifty thousand each. However you are still capable of loading them with...run of the mill ammunition. 

    Should you acquire enough ryo however for the ammunition the senbon launcher ammo sports an explosive core. Dealing considerable damage. After the senbon pierces into the target it then explodes inside. Generally annihilating whatever muscle and bone happens to be near the tip. Easily killing or removing entire limbs. For those who prefer soft targets. For those expecting to come across more resistance the kunai launcher versions ammunition we have come up with are called Bunker Buster Kunai. These particular Kunai pack enough punch to pierce clean through steel objects. Most armors will fail against it and cover? A worry of the past for a trigger happy customer. They could hide behind a building. Now, what are each of your preferences?"

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Ryuko Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:07 am

    Despite his ostentatious manner, Okane navigated the room with a charisma that few could match. Ryuko admired him for that. His panache was not just for show; it was a weapon in its own right, wielded with precision and style. Few people had the ability to pull off such a display without seeming frivolous or insincere, but Okane was one of those rare individuals who could do it with an effortless grace.

    Ryuko remained in the shadows—at least figuratively speaking. She was standing in plain sight for anyone who looked in her direction, just not really doing anything to draw attention to herself. Her job here wasn't to interfere with the negotiations. It wasn't her place to put her two cents in there.

    When it came to armor, she was a craftswoman of some merit in her own right. Most of her armor had been made by herself personally, but she still wasn't up to Okane's level and thus wouldn't offer any insights on the topic unless specifically asked. For now, her role was to observe and protect.

    As Ryuko stood in the meeting room, her attention focused on Mamoru as he delivered Lady Kitsuki's stunning offer. Three million ryo. The number echoed in her mind like a distant thunderclap, reverberating with the weight of its magnitude.

    She was already deep in contemplation about allocating a significant sum from her personal funds to aid Iwa in their reconstruction efforts—a noble cause close to her heart. And here, in the same breath, Lady Kitsuki pledged that very amount to three seemingly ordinary Genin.

    Her hand absently played with a coin, flipping it between her fingers as she processed the information. Then, in a rare moment of shock, the coin slipped from her grasp, clattering softly on the table. "Holy Hakkin," Ryuko breathed, her voice betraying genuine astonishment. She couldn't help but marvel at the sheer generosity and foresight behind Lady Kitsuki's decision.

    She glanced briefly at Ryu and Tenshi,  Mamorus companions in this unexpected windfall to see that it wasn’t so unexpected to them.  Despite the initial shock, Ryuko quickly regained her composure, understanding the implications of such a substantial investment.

    This wasn't just about them acquiring equipment; it was a testament to their mission's importance and the faith placed in their abilities. That amount... it was more than just a gesture. It was a statement of trust and commitment. Lady Kitsuki believed in them, in their potential to make a difference.

    The coin lay forgotten on the table as her mind raced with possibilities.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Kaguya Mamoru
    Kaguya Mamoru
    Mist Genin
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    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 75
    Join date : 2024-05-02
    Age : 34

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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Kaguya Mamoru Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:31 pm

    As Okane called out for them to follow him, without even thinking about it, his body moved towards the man on it's own volition. His mind was completely else where, thinking about the possible things Okane had to offer for the generous amount they were offered. He tried to be cool about it, but deep down, Mamoru was still very astonished at the amount. Sure, he had roughly half of that, so he was well off, but Lady Kit had given them the amount with any hesitation. She must be so rich!

    The sound of a coin clanging against a table caught his attention. Still walking towards Okane, Mamoru craned his head passed several people, he assumed were the security, to the table. The coin spinning for a moment before it fell flat on the table. Mamoru looked up, following the trajectory of the fall, and seen a woman looking as equally astonished as he still felt. This all still felt like a dream, to him. He gave her a kind smile and a wave, before stepping through the threshold of the doorway.
    Turning his his head forward, Mamoru caught sight of shimmering gold fluttering passed him, coming from Okane? This man was really full of surprises. Mamoru reached a hand out and was trying to catch the little golden feathers, but they would just dissolve as they would touch his hand.

    Entering the lab, slightly ahead of everyone else, except Okane. Excitement carrying him at a much faster pace, Mamoru's head was all over the place in amazement. His eyes were damn near bulging from their sockets. He suddenly had to halt as he realized Okane was now seated in a chair and began speaking to them. Mamoru really had to fight the urge to stay focused on Okane and ignore the lab surrounding them.

    After explaining everything all of their options, Mamoru piecing everything together, his mind working overtime. Multiple ideas forming in his head all at one time, until his thoughts locked into place on a decision. With excitement in his voice, Mamoru lost his composure. Bluting "I would like the Immortal Silk and the Mountain Fur, for the long coat. And a mask. And..." He paused for a moment, a sudden question bringing itself forth. "For this Imperial Launcher. Would...um...bones work as ammunition?" Mamoru asked, knowing how silly the question was, but if his idea was accurate, the Imperial Launcher would be perfect addition to his arsenal

    Character Name: Kaguya Mamoru
       Spendable Experience:
       Total Experience: 0
       Renown: 0
       Ryo: 1,050,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

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    Ryu Uzumaki
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    Posts : 72
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    Age : 36

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    Ryo: About that much

    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Ryu Uzumaki Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:37 pm

    Ryu listened intently to Okane's explanations, carefully considering the options. The idea of a long coat made from a combination of Midnight Ore and Immortal Silk intrigued him. The temporary reduction in durability for anything in contact with the Midnight Ore, combined with the blade-stopping capability of Immortal Silk, seemed like a potent mix of offense and defense. After Mamoru spoke, Ryu cleared his throat and added his thoughts. "I would like my long coat to be made from Midnight Ore and Immortal Silk. The balance between reducing the durability of what we touch and protecting us from bladed attacks would suit my needs perfectly. For the night vision lenses, I prefer them as contacts, ensuring maximum convenience and utility."

    Ryu appreciated the practicality of having such a versatile piece of equipment. He glanced at Tenshi and Mamoru to make sure they were on the same page before continuing. "The sticky mines and the Imperial Launcher are excellent choices for tactical advantages. I would prefer the electric sticky mines, as they would be highly effective in incapacitating enemies and would work well with my water element. Additionally, I have enough of my own ryo left over from my work with my clan to cover the cost of ammunition for at least one of the launchers, as well as enough to help with the covering of cost for Mamoru or Tenshi if they need it." With Mamoru's question of using bones however, it was doubtful that he would need help with ammunition if bones worked for it.

    Ryu's eyes shone with determination. "Your craftsmanship is unparalleled, and we trust your judgment in creating the most efficient and effective gear for us. We are deeply grateful for your generosity and support. These enhancements will undoubtedly augment our effectiveness in the field." The room's atmosphere buzzed with a blend of anticipation and respect, each of them eager to see what Okane's expertise would yield. Ryu maintained his relaxed yet attentive posture, ready to listen to Okane's recommendations and discuss the specifics further. The success of their missions depended heavily on the quality of their gear, and he was confident that Okane would deliver equipment that would significantly enhance their capabilities.

    Ryu Uzumaki
    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: C -> B
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Tenshi Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:02 pm

    Tenshi nodded to Okane as he warned him of Chen's power. A sane person might heed such advice, and move towards making enough allies to hunt down Chen one day. He even had two allies already who both seemed to have a very strong sense of justice, much like himself. Unfortunately, all this did for one such as Tenshi was harden his resolve to get stronger and bring the man down himself. Of course, this was a long way off, and he would have to push himself harder than ever moving forward to reach that level. For now, he would go along with the wishes of his teammates and sensei, and even Okane. But one day, and hopefully one day soon, he would seek out Chen, and make him pay, not only for the destruction of Sunagakure, but for all of the pain and suffering he had caused to this world. "Don't forget the others..."

    Tenshi again ignored the voice in his head, focusing on Okane's words and following him through the doorway. As the Master Craftsman explained the gear he'd be providing, Tenshi had to conciously keep his jaw from dropping open. He waited for his teammates to answer, still stunned by the options before him. Okane did not play when it came to business. He was snapped back to reality when Ryu offered to pay for any balance they were short. Turning towards his teammate, he bowed low. "Thank you for your generousity, Ryu. Truly, it is so wonderful to be on a team with the two of you." Tenshi stood now, a genuine smile on his face, the twinkle of a single tear resting in the corner of his eye.

    Turning back to Okane now, he stood erect, back to business. "As for myself, I was fortunate enough that my mother has been saving up since we arrived, and was able to give me a little bit of money as a gift, to congratulate me for becoming a full fledged ninja. Hopefully it is enough to cover the difference in what I need." The young Fujio took another moment to consider his options again. "I will take the Immortal Silk and Mountain Fur for my coat. I'd also like to take the contacts, the fire mines, and for the launcher, I think I'll take the Bunker Buster Kunai."

    He bowed to Okane again, stepping back. It was at that moment, that something he had heard clicked in his head. Cocking an eyebrow and smirking, he turned his head slightly to Mamoru. "Mam, did you really ask if your bones will work for the launcher? I don't know if that's genius or insane, but I like it." He then turned his attention forward once more, chuckling softly to himself. He wasn't sure what he'd done to get so lucky, but but things were looking really good for Squad One.

    Character Name: Tenshi Fujio
    Spendable EXP: -100
    Total EXP: 2250
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
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    Intelligence: C
    Perception: D

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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Okane Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:37 pm

    Okane would smile as he settled back. Each of them eagerly putting in their orders. Some details forgotten but the pitch had been rather large and he didn't exactly have brochures to choose from. The armor and lenses were settled on however. Only one of them deviated from his expectations with the want for midnight ore threads. And only one of them had deviated from the normal contacts in favor of a mask. Oh how wonderful that was for them. Two of them had selected their mines as well though the big quiet one...Mamoru had not as of yet. His question hanging in the air amidst the flattery. Could he use bones? Ahh yes the Kaguya and their desire to utilize their bones above all else. It was amusing to him that this one would prefer this as well over the power of a bunker buster kunai or explosive senbon. The two extremes he had created for hard and soft targets. Ideally he would like a mixture between them as only one of them as of yet had selected his preference for the launcher. Going for the Kunai launcher and the bunker buster Kunai. He would nod a little at that. 

    "Very well. The armor is decided for all three of you. Ryuko? Would you mind aiding me with those? I will of course design them if you do not wish to but you are in your own right a legendary armor crafter. I will have Gyo put in work on the launchers and ammo while I attend to the night vision sets and the mines. Speaking of the imperial launchers come in either Kunai or senbon so Mamoru and Ryu, you will still have to decide on those. As Mamoru will also need to decide on his mine preference. That said Mamoru in answer to your question...if you can shape it correctly the launcher can fire any material."

    As if to demonstrate he would form some rapid hand seals before holding out his palm. From there a glob of molten gold would begin to form before Shifting to take on the shape of a kunai and then shifting back into a ball before elongating to a senbon and then fading away as he released the ninjutsu. His fingers had moved to form the shape as he molded the weapon examples. His Tetsudashi steel taking on the appearance of gold. With that his eyes would shift to Tenshi. His focus on him now.

    "Now you on the other hand seem like the type to wield a sword. For those there are many choices. A straight sword, a claymore, A katana or Wakizashi. The list goes on. That said I think a one handed sword would work best in conjunction with your imperial launcher. So what style would you prefer?"

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3005-tomi-okane
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Ryuko Fri Jun 28, 2024 2:50 am

    Ryuko leaned back, her mind processing Okane's detailed instructions and the choices laid out before the gennin crew. She admired Okane's versatility in crafting and his ability to demonstrate the capabilities of their weapons with such fluidity. When he turned to her, acknowledging her own skill as an armor crafter, she couldn't help but feel a surge of pride.

    "Thank you, Okane," Ryuko replied with a respectful nod, her expression a blend of focus and determination. "I'd be more than happy to assist. Let's ensure these armors are not only functional but exceed expectations." she’d been so focused on other things that she hadn’t crafted anything in years, it would be good to shake off the rust and return to her forge. 

    Hearing Mamoru request bones to be used for ammo for his imperial launcher Ryuko realized that he must be a Kaguya. She'd seen how effective that bloodline could be having witnessed the very formidable Sero in action. No wonder her friend and fellow royal Kitsuki was so invested in these gennin, they were way more interesting then the former Raikage had first expected.

    "If I might be so bold," Ryuko interjected, as a rare mischievous smile graced her lips, "would the three of you be interested in learning the Hidden Cloud style of swordsmanship? Consider it a bonus, something to enhance your skills beyond what we're crafting here." she asked. 


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Kaguya Mamoru
    Kaguya Mamoru
    Mist Genin
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    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 75
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    Age : 34

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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Kaguya Mamoru Fri Jun 28, 2024 5:46 am

    Mamoru listened to Ryu and Tenshi give their own requests. He turned, his lips extended and molded in a playful smile, then chuckled softly. But then Okane stated speaking, his face fell neutral, and his attention was back on him.
    "Oh right. Apologies. I forgot about the mines." Mamoru said after intently watching Okane's demonstration of the molten gold. It would take some time for him to work on shaping his bones, but he would surely work on that. It may be some revelation he needs to improve his Kaguya Bloodline skills. He had to choose between Two mines. One Fire and One Electric. After a brief moment of contemplation, Mamoru spoke up, when there was a moment of silence, so he wasn't interrupting anyone. "I'll take the Electric Mine and a senbon launcher, since it'll be easier for my bones" He said, his mind drifting to other ideas, trying to mentally work out how to shape his bones, while Okane spoke with Tenshi

    A new voice piped in and Mamoru was pulled from his thoughts to listen. It was the woman with the coin. So that's who Okane was referring to for assistance with the armors. Her armorsmith skills must be impeccable, then. Mamoru thought as she spoke. It wasn't until she addressed the three of them about learning a sword style, that Mamoru visibly brightened. His eyes bulged and his smile was wide. His body lurched forward, his arms at his side, but his forearms extended outward. He stomped his foot a little too hard, the excitement of the entire evening finally tipping the scales and bursting out from him. He caught himself, realizing that to to others that may come off as rude or threatening. So he reeled his excite back in and stood straight "Apologies. I lost my composure. I would be honored to learn the Sword Style from another country' He said more calm, but a little hint of embarrassment

    Character Name: Kaguya Mamoru
       Spendable Experience:
       Total Experience: 0
       Renown: 0
       Ryo: 1,050,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

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    Posts : 72
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    Age : 36

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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Ryu Uzumaki Fri Jun 28, 2024 5:29 pm

    As Okane prompted Mamoru and himself to finalize their launcher choices, Ryu took a moment to consider, he forgot to tell the man which type of launcher he wanted. Turning back to Okane, Ryu's decision was resolute. "For the launcher, I think I'll choose the Kunai launcher. The versatility and power of the Bunker Buster Kunai you described will align perfectly with my combat strategy." His gaze shifted to Ryuko as she offered to teach them the Hidden Cloud style of swordsmanship, a renowned art known for its speed and precision in combat. The opportunity to learn from such a seasoned warrior was too valuable to pass up. "I would be honored to learn the Hidden Cloud style as well, Lady Ryuko," Ryu said with a deep bow of respect. "Count me in."

    With their choices made clear, Ryu glanced around at his teammates, feeling a strong sense of camaraderie and readiness. They were gearing up not just with equipment, but with new skills and bonds that promised to make them an even stronger team. "This gear and new techniques will undoubtedly bolster our effectiveness in the field." Ryu felt a strong sense of unity and purpose with Tenshi and Mamoru, knowing they were all committed to strengthening themselves as a cohesive unit. The anticipation of mastering new techniques and wielding upgraded gear filled him with determination and excitement for their upcoming missions.

    Ryu Uzumaki
    Strength: C
    Constitution: C
    Stamina: C -> B
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 19
    Join date : 2024-05-02

    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Tenshi Yesterday at 8:09 pm

    Tenshi had been focusing on Okane to the point the feeling of being watched had been only an itch in the back of his mind. Because of this, he was slightly caught off guard when the man addressed someone off to the side of their group. Turning his attention to the new person, he bowed slightly to the woman. He was mid bow when she made her offer to teach them a sword style from the Hidden Cloud. Stopping, stunned, his eyes widened for a moment. "Holy..." he thought. What the hell was going on today? What made them so special? None the less, he would not be passing up any of the oppurtunities presented to him today.

    Returning to full height, Tenshi jumped slightly in surprise at Mamoru's fooot stamp. He looked towards the Kaguya with a cocked eyebrow, but a grin on his face. Truly, he was a character. But he was a strong one. His head swiveled to Ryu as the Uzumaki spoke next, affirming that he too was in. Tenshi then locked eyes with the woman, Ryuko she had been called,  and nodded to her. "I can't wait to train under you."

    With that established, Tenshi again returned his attention to Okane, a small 'hmmm' escaping his lips as he pondered the man's question. "I agree that a one handed sword would be best, but perhaps something with a little weight to it? Maybe something I can use with two hands if I need to? Something like..." he trailed off for a moment before producing a small scroll and a pen from his pocket, something he often carried to write himself notes in. Opening to a blank page, Tenshi began several crude drawings, scratching through some, drawing X's over others, turning to new pages as he attempted to draw something Okane could draw inspiration from.

    After several minutes of nodding, stopping for a second, several 'ah-ha!'s and 'uh huh's, Tenshi tore the page from the notebook and handed the rough drawing of a sword to Okane. The sword had a long curved blade that seemed to grow larger towards the tip, with a single blade, and several rings lined the back. It wasn't a great drawing, but he hoped Okane, in all his skill, could produce something similar. "If you can produce something like this, with more weight towards the head of the blade, I think that would serve me well. And, if it's not too much, it would be much appreciated if the blade were able to handle my clan's fire. I'm sure you know of Scorch release, and how hot it can be. I can't use it now, but I plan to begin working on that soon."

    With that, Tenshi bowed again. "And Thank you, Lord Okane. I don't want to repeat myself too much, but with these gifts, no, these blessings we've been granted today, I swear to you. Chen will pay." He held his bow now, staring towards the earth, green and orange strands hanging in his face and obscuring it from view. A sinister grin stretched across his face, his eyes wild, as a darkness swirled around his mind. Those responsible for his family's deaths would pay.


    Character Name: Tenshi Fujio
    Spendable EXP: -100
    Total EXP: 2250
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 25,000

    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: C
    Perception: D

    Character Sheet

    Posts : 474
    Join date : 2020-01-24

    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Okane Today at 12:08 am

    This was to be expected. The youth were excited for this new bolster to their abilities. No doubt they would proceed to show significant bursts of ability with this gear. Truthfully Okane was happy to have work to do outside of just watching his nation make money. He had greased this machine with the right people in the right places. Shifting around staff as he could when they would falter. The Stag was a world known symbol now. A common household name and the spirit of ingenuity. It was a symbol for progress. A crafter of the worlds finest gear. On top this symbol, this monument Okane stood. The man who no man woman or child that could speak did not know. He smiled as the one boy stomped in his joy. Though Ryuko's offer to take on the armors and teach them a hidden style from another nation brought a tilt of his head and a toothy grin. He would very much like to add a copy of this technique to his collection as well. Even if he had no intention to use these techniques he was after all an avid collector of precious and rare things. Perhaps he could ask her later for a copy. 

    Ryu would speak of how bright their future was in not so many words. Their selections were made and so were the notes. He would set about divvying up the work for now. He would inform Gyokusho of his need for the launchers while Ryuko would set to the armors. The mines, ammo and masks he would work on. Truthfully they would be frighteningly kitted out for their ranks and age. Still he would wait patiently while some rough sketches were attempted. Not an artist this one but in due time...he had a reckless fire in him that shouldn't be pushed down. Chen may burn yet. Still the best sketch was finally introduced to him. He was finding the design interesting. There were things he could do for such a weapon. His second attempt at combining engineering and weapons crafting. Hell...this blade was meant to take down that man. He would do much more than was expected of some simple gift. A weapon with purpose. Still there was one requirement for his goals. For him to touch scorch release someone with it would have to be present. So he would touch the scroll as chakra ink spread forth drawing a much more detailed image of the same sword as Okane spoke.

    "Very well. I have your orders and must set to work. When it is all ready a man named Gyo will summon you to the tower. He will settle the matter of payment then. For all of this the price we can round down as a favor to Kit to 3,500,000 Ryo. As for you, Tenshi was it? I will call on you separately when it is time for your sword. To make this weapon suitable for your cause...it will need to be bonded to you. Aside from all that, was there anything else? If not I have a great deal of work to begin."

    The sword:

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3005-tomi-okane
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Ryuko Today at 12:35 am

    Ryuko watched as the group eagerly absorbed Okane's words, their enthusiasm palpable. The mention of the Hidden Cloud sword style had clearly struck a chord with them, their eyes lighting up with excitement and determination. She felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that her offer had been received with such fervor.

    Mamoru's initial outburst and subsequent composure were endearing, a testament to his passion and respect. Ryu's resolute decision and respectful bow reflected his commitment, while Tenshi's detailed sketch and fierce determination showed a deep-seated resolve. Each of them, in their unique way, displayed qualities that made them promising warriors.

    As Okane spoke about the logistics and payment, Ryuko took a step forward, her presence commanding yet reassuring. "Your excitement is understandable, and your enthusiasm is commendable. The path of the sword is not an easy one, but tis a rewarding journey. I am honored to have the opportunity to guide you."

    She paused, her gaze sweeping over the trio. "Training in the Hidden Cloud style will demand discipline, focus, and a willingness to push beyond your limits.  Tis not just about mastering a weapon but about honing your mind and spirit. I expect nothing less than your best efforts."

    Turning to Okane, she nodded. "Thank you for relying on me. I’ll get to work on the armor immediately”  She then addressed the group once more. "Prepare yourselves. When the time comes, I will teach you everything you need to know.”  With that, Ryuko gave a final nod, her eyes reflecting a mixture of amusement and anticipation. "I look forward to seeing what you are capable of.”


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B
    Kaguya Mamoru
    Kaguya Mamoru
    Mist Genin
    Mist Genin

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 75
    Join date : 2024-05-02
    Age : 34

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: D
    Ryo: 1,035,000

    The CEO of The Stag Emporium. Empty Re: The CEO of The Stag Emporium.

    Post by Kaguya Mamoru Today at 6:51 am

    Ryoku's words resonated within him like a bell. 'Discipline, focus, and a willingness to push beyond your limits. He had those qualities. He always fought to push past his limits. "I won't let you down, Ryoko. I train myself to be stronger than I was the day before. And the day before that." With everything out of the way, Mamoru thought it would be best not to linger any longer and let them get to work. He tried so hard to keep his body still, but he felt he was bursting through the seams with the immense amount of dopamine his brain was producing, at the moment. He felt as though he could run laps through the whole village. But this time he remained composed, bowing to both Okane and Ryuko. He was highly grateful for their assistance they were all getting. Lady Kitsuki really was a blessing, leading them towards greatness. "It was really a pleasure meeting both of you today. Thank you for your services. Mamoru turned and fought the urge to sprint from the building. Once he was out of sight, though, he leapt from the balcony, landing as nimbly as he could not to disturb the current orchestra playing. The music filling him for a moment, Mamoru RAN
    Attempted exit thread

    Character Name: Kaguya Mamoru
       Spendable Experience:
       Total Experience: 0
       Renown: 0
       Ryo: 1,050,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: D
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: D
    • Perception: D

       Link to Kaguya Mamoru Updates
       Link to Kaguya Mamoru Application
       Link to Known Techniques:

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