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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:07 am

    Nao chuckled softly with amusement at Hibiki's comment of the best part of the view being him. "Well now, on that we might have to just agree to disagree. I would say I have the best seat in the house, so to speak, the perfect view of the most beautiful woman in the world." He replied, his voice warm and tender, "you make everything around you shine a little brighter, Hibiki. Being here with you, it feels like we're in our own little world, and I wouldn't trade this moment for anything." Nao felt a profound sense of peace, knowing that they were exactly where they were meant to be, together.

    Nao's heart began beating faster as Hibiki nestled into his embrace, his arm wrapped around her, the warmth of her against him made everything seem right in the world. Her candid confession and the love in her eyes made him feel as if he were floating, and not just because they were on the boat. "Well if I'm your prince, then you are my enchanting princess. You're my reason for everything. Your happiness, your safety, your love. That is what I cherish the most." He gently tilted her chin up placing a soft kiss on her lips, "you have my love now and always." The boat drifted lazily on the tranquil water, the fairground lights casting a magical glow around them.

    He took a deep breath, his heart beating in time with the gentle rocking of the boat. "I promise you that no matter what, you will always have my support. You can lean on me when you need, talk to me about anything. You don't need to worry about making an excuse for us to go on a date, I will always be here for you, spending time with you is all I care about. I want to share everything with you," Nao's mind drifted back to the first time they met, and the journey that they had shared along the way. The world outside disappearing from his thoughts as they shared this intimate moment. His future, once filled with uncertainty and doubt, now seemed bright and full of promise, simply because he had her.

    "As for ranking up in my heart," he continued with a playful grin, "you've already reached the highest level possible. You're my top priority, my partner, my love, and I'm never letting you go." Nao knew that they had found something truly special in each other, "you complete me. The missing part of myself that I didn't even know I needed, and now I can't imagine a life without you." With that, Nao kissed her again, this time with more passion, sealing his promise and his love for her. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own perfect moment.

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
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    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:47 am

    Hibiki felt her cheeks flush with warmth at Nao's tender words. His compliments made her heart flutter, and she couldn't help but smile brightly at him. "You always know exactly what to say," she replied, her voice soft and full of emotion. "I feel the same way, Nao. Being with you makes everything better, brighter. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world right now."

    As she nestled into his embrace, Hibiki felt an overwhelming sense of security and love. His heartbeat was a comforting rhythm against her, and she felt a sense of belonging she had never experienced before. When Nao called her his enchanting princess and spoke about cherishing her happiness and safety, she felt a surge of emotion. His words were more than just declarations of love; they were promises that she could rely on.

    Listening to Nao's pledge of support and companionship, Hibiki's heart swelled with gratitude. "Thank you, Nao. Knowing that I can always count on you means everything to me," she said sincerely. "And just so you know, you don't need any excuses to spend time with me either. I want to be with you as much as possible. You're my world."

    Hibiki giggled at his playful remark about ranking up in his heart. "Well, I'm glad to know I've reached the highest level," she said with a grin. "But I'll keep working hard to make sure I stay there." She felt a rush of joy at his words about completing him and being the missing part he didn't know he needed. "You complete me too, Nao. I can't imagine my life without you now."

    When he kissed her again, this time with more passion, Hibiki felt like time stood still. The world around them disappeared, leaving only the two of them in their perfect moment. She poured all her love and gratitude into the kiss, wanting him to feel how much he meant to her.

    As they finally pulled away, Hibiki looked into Nao's eyes, her own filled with tears of happiness. "This is everything I've ever dreamed of," she said softly. "And more. Thank you for loving me, for being my partner, my prince. I promise to always be by your side, through every adventure and challenge. Together, we can face anything."

    With a playful glint in her eye, Hibiki added, "You know, with everything we've said tonight, I think we've skipped straight past being boyfriend and girlfriend. We're practically betrothed now!" She laughed, the sound light and joyful. As she laughed, she thought about how funny it was that she had been afraid when she said something that could have counted as a proposal before during their last "date," since they weren't officially going out yet. But now, that fear was gone, replaced by pure happiness.

    But it was true—they were moving pretty fast. Then again, life as a ninja came at you fast. She had seen too many times people she had talked to one day were gone the next. You had to seize happiness when you found it. With that thought in mind, Hibiki knew that this was exactly where she wanted to be, with the person she wanted to be with.

    "But honestly, Nao, I wouldn't have it any other way. Being with you feels right, like we were always meant to find each other."With a contented sigh, Hibiki rested her head on Nao's shoulder, enjoying the gentle rocking of the boat and the magical glow of the fairground lights. She knew that no matter what the future held, as long as they were together, everything would be alright.

    As Hibiki rested her head on Nao's shoulder, her thoughts turned to what their newfound commitment meant for their future. The peaceful moment on the swan boat seemed like the perfect opportunity to discuss the practicalities of their relationship moving forward.

    She lifted her head slightly to look at Nao, her expression thoughtful. "So, what does this mean for us going forward?" she asked, her voice soft yet filled with curiosity. "Are we going to move in together?" Her apartment was cozy, but it was definitely a bit small for two people.

    Another thought crossed her mind, one that made her a little nervous but also excited. "And what about our families and friends?" she asked. "How are we going to break the news to them?"


    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    Age : 36

    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:06 am

    Nao chuckled softly, a sense of warmth filling his chest as he looked at Hibiki. Her words brought a wide smile to his face. "I'm glad my words mean so much to you," he said, his voice tender. "Hearing you say you feel the same way makes me feel like the luckiest guy in the world." As Hibiki nestled into his embrace, Nao felt an overwhelming sense of peace and contentment. The way she fit perfectly against him, her warmth seeping into him, made him feel more at home than anywhere else. Her gratitude and mutual desire to spend time together made Nao's heart swell with joy. "You don't know how much it means to hear that," he replied softly. "I want to be with you as much as possible too. You're my everything."

    Nao's grin widened at her playful response to his ranking comment. "I'm sure you'll stay there, but I love that you're willing to work for it," he teased lightly. Her words about completing each other resonated deeply within him. When their lips met in a passionate kiss, the intensity of their connection, the love that flowed between them, was palpable. As they pulled away, he gazed into her tear-filled eyes, feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness and fulfillment. Hibiki's playful remark about being practically betrothed made Nao laugh, a deep, joyful sound. "You're right, I suppose I need to get you a ring don't I," he said, amusement dancing in his eyes, not joking about getting her a ring.

    Her laugh, light and joyful, was music to his ears. He remembered the nervousness she had shown before, and the contrast with her current happiness made his heart leap with love. Life as a ninja was unpredictable, and Nao understood the importance of seizing happiness when it came. He felt a profound sense of gratitude for this moment, for the love they had found in each other. "We've definitely skipped a few steps, but I wouldn't have it any other way either. Being with you feels right to me too," he echoed her sentiment, his voice filled with conviction. "I feel as though we were destined to be, as if it was written in the stars that we be together. The cosmos drew us together." As Hibiki rested her head on his shoulder, Nao let out a contented sigh.

    The gentle rocking of the boat and the magical glow of the fairground lights created the perfect backdrop for this moment of serenity. He knew that as long as they were together, they could face anything that came their way. When Hibiki lifted her head and asked about their future, Nao's expression turned thoughtful. "I think moving in together sounds like a great idea," he said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "If that's what you want of course, I promised to go at your pace, but you are more than welcome to move into my house in the clan district." He continued, his smile wide. He hoped she would want to move in with him, but he wouldn't rush it if she wanted to take it slower or something.

    The thought of telling their families and friends made Nao pause, but only for a moment. "We'll figure it out together," he said, his voice reassuring. "I think they'll be happy for us, once they see how much we mean to each other. We can take it one step at a time, starting with our closest friends and family." He knew that they were bound to get a few remarks about them being young and foolish or something else, but those that didn't support them just meant that they didn't truly care about their happiness. He didn't care what the other Hyūga thought about it, they already didn't like him, so they could just continue to ignore him as they did for most of his life.

    He squeezed her gently, a smile playing on his lips. "Whatever challenges come our way, I know we can handle them together. We're stronger as a team." He kissed her forehead softly, feeling a deep sense of contentment and hope for their future. He had lost track of how long they had been on the water, but seeing a light on the shoreline flick on and off as if it was signaling them he would let out a small sigh. "I think they want their boat back," he said with a chuckle looking to Hibiki. Adjusting in the swan boat to begin peddling back to shore with a sense of excitement and anticipation, Nao looked forward to the journey ahead, knowing that with Hibiki by his side, their future was bright and full of promise. Their time in the boat may have been over, but there was still plenty of other things they could do tonight.

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Leaf Genin
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:59 pm

    Hibiki's heart swelled with emotion as Nao spoke, each word filling her with a profound sense of love and security. She nestled closer, savoring the warmth of his embrace and the peace that enveloped them. His tender words, the promise of a future together, and the conviction in his voice made her feel incredibly cherished.

    Looking up at him, her eyes sparkled with joy and a hint of mischief. "You know, Nao," she began softly, her voice tinged with playful warmth, "a ring would be nice, but the real treasure is knowing that you feel the same way I do. I don't need a symbol to know how much you mean to me."

    Hibiki looked up at Nao, curiosity gleaming in her eyes "I've been thinking about something. When a guy gives a girl a ring when they get engaged, what do girls typically give guys? Is there something special I should get for you?" She tilted her head slightly, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on his arm. "I want to make sure you feel as cherished and special as you make me feel."

    She giggled lightly at his comment about working to stay at the top of his list. "And I'll keep working for it, because you’re worth every effort," she said, her tone both teasing and sincere. The shared laughter and the intimacy of their kiss had left her breathless, her heart pounding with happiness.

    When Nao spoke about their future, his thoughtful expression and enthusiastic words made her heart skip a beat. "Moving in together sounds perfect," she said, her voice full of excitement. "I want to be with you as much as possible too.”

    “Your house in the clan district sounds wonderful, but do you think your family will be okay with an outsider living there? I don't want to cause any trouble or make things difficult for you." , she said her voice tinged with a hint of concern.

    She looked up at him, her eyes filled with sincerity and a touch of worry. "I want us to be happy together, and I hope your family can accept me just as much as I accept you." she smiled, feeling a rush of anticipation for the new chapter ahead.

    The idea of telling their families and friends brought a mixture of excitement and apprehension, but Hibiki felt reassured by Nao's confidence. "We’ll handle it together," she agreed, nodding firmly. "One step at a time, and I’m sure they’ll see how happy we make each other." She knew there might be some who wouldn't understand or support their decision, but with Nao by her side, she felt ready to face any challenge.

    Hibiki took a deep breath, her gaze distant for a moment as she gathered her thoughts. "Nao," she began softly, her voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and warmth, "there's something I've been meaning to tell you. When we first met, it was... scary for me. Before you, my emotions were always so faint because of everything I went through. It was like I was living in a world of muted colors."

    She paused, looking up at him with a gentle smile. "But then you came into my life, and suddenly everything changed. My emotions became so intense, especially around you. At first, it was overwhelming, and I didn't know how to handle it. I had never really understood what love between lovers was supposed to feel like until I fell in love with you."

    Her eyes shimmered with tears, but she continued, her voice steady. "You've shown me what it means to truly love and be loved. It's like you've brought color back into my world, and I can't imagine my life without you now." She squeezed his hand gently, her smile growing brighter. "Thank you for being patient with me and for helping me find my way back to my emotions. I love you more than words can express."

    Hibiki chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with a mix of affection and mischief. "You know, Nao," she began, a playful grin spreading across her face, "when you said the cosmos drew us together, I couldn't help but think back to when I was flirting with you and called you a magnificent creature of the cosmos." She giggled, giving him a teasing look. "Seems like I was onto something, huh?"

    She squeezed his hand gently, her smile turning tender. "But in all seriousness, I do believe the universe had a hand in bringing us together. You're my magnificent creature, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

    Hibiki smiled softly, her fingers still tracing gentle patterns on Nao's arm. "You know, there's a part of me that almost wouldn't mind getting married on the spot," she admitted, her voice filled with affection. "Being with you feels so right, and I can't wait to start our lives together."

    She chuckled lightly, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "But I think big sis might have a heart attack if we come back from the Chunin Exams having eloped. She talked a bunch about helping plan my wedding once I found the right person, and I wouldn't want to deny her that joy."

    Hibiki's expression turned thoughtful as she continued. "Plus, it would be more fun if we take the time to plan a proper wedding. I want our special day to be everything it deserves to be – filled with love, surrounded by friends and family, and memorable for both of us." She gazed up at him, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "What do you think, Nao? Do you want to plan an amazing wedding together?"

    As he squeezed her gently and kissed her forehead, Hibiki closed her eyes, letting out a contented sigh. "We’re unstoppable together," she whispered, her voice filled with conviction. "No matter what comes our way, we’ll face it head-on."

    Hibiki made a playful, exaggerated sour face as she noticed the signaling light from the shore. "Spoilsports " she said with a mock pout, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Can't they see we're having a moment here?"

    She chuckled, nudging Nao gently as they began to pedal back to shore. "Maybe we should just tell them the cosmos drew us out here for a romantic evening, and they're interrupting fate." Her laughter was light and infectious, making the moment even more enjoyable as they headed back together.

    "Looks like our boat ride is over," she said, a playful tone in her voice in her voice as they returned to the dock. She was feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for the night ahead. "But our adventure is just beginning," she added with a smile, leaning in to kiss him once more.

    Hibiki's eyes sparkled with excitement as an idea formed in her mind. "If we're going to get engagement trinkets for each other, we should definitely source them from the best. How about we find Okane after all? His work is renowned, and I can't think of anyone better to create something as special as what we need." she said, her voice brimming with enthusiasm,

    She smiled brightly, the prospect of planning their future together filling her with joy. "What do you think? Should we pay him a visit and see what he can craft for us?"


    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:16 am

    Hibiki's playful remark about the ring brought a warm smile to Nao's lips, as well as caused him to tighten his embrace around her as they rocked gently on the boat. “You’re right,” he said softly, his eyes locked with hers. “The real treasure is the love we share. The ring is just a small part of that, a symbol, but what matters the most, is us." Her playful question about what girls typically give guys made him chuckle. “Honestly, I’ve never thought about it,” he admitted, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as she began tracing patterns on his arm lightly with her fingers. "Traditionally, there's not as much emphasis on what the girl gives, but anything you choose would be special me, because it's from you."

    When Hibiki expressed her excitement about moving in together, Nao’s heart soared. “I’m glad you feel that way,” he replied, his voice filled with happiness. Her concern about his family’s acceptance touched him deeply, and he looked at her with reassuring eyes. “I understand your worries, but I promise we’ll handle it together. The Hyūga clan can be traditional, but if they see how much we mean to each other, they’ll come around. And even if they don’t, it won’t change how I feel about you. The only family I had whose opinion truly matter to me was my mom, and I know she would have loved you and be happy for us. I'm sure Airi will be happy for us as well, the rest can take it up with her if they have a problem about it.”

    As she spoke about her past fears and how he had changed her life, Nao felt a lump form in his throat. Her vulnerability and honesty moved him profoundly. He brushed a tear from her cheek, his touch gentle, his voice tender. “Hibiki, you’ve brought so much light into my life. I told you about how I didn't exactly have the greatest childhood, I spent most of it alone, especially after my mother passed. When I met you, you were like the light at the end of a dark tunnel that was my life, and I have been thankful for having met you everyday since. Knowing I’ve helped you feel more, and experience love, is a gift. I love you more than words can express too, and I will continue to ensure that you feel loved every single day and that you will never feel like your world is in muted color again.”

    Her playful reminder of their earlier flirting made him laugh. “You did call me a magnificent creature of the cosmos didn't you,” he teased back, his eyes shining with amusement. “I guess you really were onto something, my bright guiding star. The universe has a funny way of bringing people together." He paused, remembering something that his mother had once told him when he was younger, something that she had also written in the letter that had told him about his mixed background and who his father actually was. He hadn't given it much thought before, but now here in this moment he finally understood what it was that she meant. "What is meant to be will be, and the two of us are definitely meant to be.”

    When Hibiki mentioned the idea of eloping, Nao chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "While the idea of a spontaneous wedding is tempting, I think we might give a few people heart attacks if we did that. Not that I wouldn't of course, if you said you really wanted to get married right now, I would find someone to hold the ceremony,” he replied, a slight mischievous look in his eyes. “I like the idea of planning a proper wedding together, for us to take our time and make everything perfect. Make it be something that everyone there would have to remember forever, and I like the thought of you wearing a beautiful wedding dress.”

    "They’re definitely interrupting fate," he agreed, nudging her back gently as they began peddling back to shore. When they finally made it back to the dock, Nao would jump out of the boat onto the dock, offering out his hand to help Hibiki out of the boat as well. Once back on the dock, and Hibiki leaned in to kiss him, Nao pulled Hibiki into a tight embrace. His arms wrapping around her waist holding her close to him, his heart pounding with happiness in his chest, as he felt like fireworks were exploding in the sky with their kiss. Her enthusiasm for finding Okane to craft their engagement tokens made him smile. “That sounds like a fantastic idea,” he said, his voice filled with excitement. "Let’s go see if we can find him."

    Holding her hand, Nao looked into her eyes, filled with love and determination. "Let’s see what the future holds for us, Hibiki. We’ll visit Okane, we can start planning our wedding as we look, and when we return to the village, I'll help you move your stuff into Our house." He would emphasize the words 'our house' because to him, it wasn't that she was moving into his house, it was theirs now. "We can also discuss how we are going to tell Airi and everyone else about it when we get back, there’s nothing we can’t handle as long as we have each other." Nao added as he lead the way to go find Okane and see what the Grand Merchant had to offer, with Hibiki by his side, Nao knew their future would be bright and full of promise.

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:26 am

    As Nao's warm smile met Hibiki's playful remark about the ring, she couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness wash over her. Wrapped in his embrace, the gentle rocking of the boat beneath them felt like a soothing lullaby, amplifying the intimacy of the moment. His words echoed in her mind, resonating deeply within her heart. The real treasure is the love they shared. Yes, that was it. No material possession could ever compare to the depth of emotion they held for each other.

    His admission about never considering what girls typically give guys drew a giggle from Hibiki. With playful curiosity, she traced patterns on his arm, reveling in the closeness they shared. It was moments like these, simple and sweet, that made their bond even stronger. And his reassurance that anything she chose would be special to him because it was from her filled her with warmth.

    At that moment, as the sun danced on the water around them, Hibiki realized how fortunate she was to have Nao by her side. Their love was a treasure beyond measure, one that no ring or gift could ever fully encapsulate. It was the laughter they shared, the quiet moments of understanding, and the unwavering support they offered each other that truly mattered.

    As Nao's reassuring words enveloped her, Hibiki felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. The thought of moving in together filled her with excitement, but the concern about his family's acceptance lingered in the back of her mind. Yet, the warmth in Nao's eyes and the sincerity in his voice melted away her worries, replacing them with a sense of reassurance and hope.

    With a tender smile, she squeezed his hand gently, feeling the strength of their bond intertwine with every word he spoke. "Thank you, Nao," she murmured softly, her voice filled with emotion. "Knowing that we're in this together gives me courage."

    The mention of his mother tugged at her heartstrings, a reminder of the unconditional love that had shaped Nao into the remarkable person he was today. "Your mother would have been proud of the man you've become," she said, her voice tinged with sincerity “I wish I could have met her.”

    Speaking of family, Hibiki couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for something she could barely remember: her parents. Their faces were blurry in her mind, their voices fading echoes of a past she struggled to grasp. She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her own history pressing against her chest.

    "I wish I could remember my mom and pa," she confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But it's like trying to hold onto a dream that slips away as soon as you wake up."

    Her gaze softened as she looked at Nao, her heart swelling with gratitude for the love and support he had always offered her. "Before Airi came into my life, I didn't have much of a family," she admitted, her words carrying a sense of vulnerability. "But she took me in, accepted me as her own, even though we're not really related by blood."

    A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she recalled the moments they had shared, the laughter and tears that had woven them together as a makeshift family. "It feels like she's always been there for me, through thick and thin," she continued, her voice filled with warmth. "And even though I can't remember my parents, I know they would have wanted me to have someone like her in my life."

    In Air she found a big sister, someone who understood the ache of longing for a connection that seemed just out of reach. And in Nao she found a beacon of light, guiding her through the darkness with unwavering love and support. Together, they formed a tapestry of love and belonging, weaving together the threads of their pasts to create a future filled with hope and possibility.

    As Nao's words sank in, Hibiki felt her heart swell with emotion. His tenderness and sincerity touched her deeply, making her feel cherished and understood in a way she had never experienced before. She took a deep breath, steadying herself as she prepared to respond, her voice trembling slightly with the intensity of her feelings.

    "I was scared to open up, scared to trust, but you changed all of that. I promise to love you with all that I am, to stand by you through every challenge and every joy. Together, we've created something beautiful, something worth fighting for. And I know that as long as we have each other, our world will never be muted or dark again." As Hibiki spoke, it felt almost like they were exchanging wedding vows, even hough they were just getting engaged. But it felt right.

    Hibiki's heart fluttered at Nao's words, her playful reminder having sparked a warmth between them. She couldn't help but smile, feeling a deep connection to him that went beyond their teasing banter.

    "Yes, I did call you a magnificent creature of the cosmos," she replied with a laugh, her eyes sparkling with affection. "And I stand by it. You are my guiding star, the one who lights up my world." As Nao spoke about his mother's words and the concept of destiny, Hibiki felt a profound sense of understanding wash over her. She gently squeezed his hand, her gaze unwavering and filled with love.

    "I believe that too, Nao," she said softly. "Meeting you felt like finding the missing piece of my soul. The universe has a way of bringing the right people together at the right time. Every moment we've shared, every challenge we've faced, has only made me more certain that we're meant to be."

    Though Hibiki had inherited a second bloodline that occasionally granted her glimpses of the future, she didn't need to activate it now to see a future filled with bliss. She knew deep within her that their love would lead them to happiness and fulfillment.

    Hibiki laughed at Nao's response, her heart swelling with love and excitement. The idea of a spontaneous wedding had been a whimsical thought, but hearing his enthusiasm for planning a proper wedding together filled her with joy.

    "I guess eloping might be a bit too shocking for some people," she admitted with a playful grin, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "But it's nice to know you're up for anything if it means being with me."

    She leaned closer, her hand gently caressing his cheek. "I love the idea of planning our wedding together, Nao. Taking our time to make it perfect, something that truly reflects us and our journey. I want it to be a day we both remember forever, surrounded by the people we love."

    Her voice softened, filled with warmth and affection. "And the thought of wearing a beautiful wedding dress, walking down the aisle towards you, makes my heart flutter. It's a dream I've always had, and knowing you'll be there, waiting for me, makes it even more special."

    Hibiki's eyes danced with mischief as she leaned in closer to Nao, a playful grin spreading across her lips. "Alright, Nao, spill the beans. Would you prefer to see me in a glamorous Western-style gown or a stunning Eastern-style dress on our big day?"

    She nudged him gently, her tone filled with playful anticipation. "Come on, don't keep me in suspense! I need to know which one will make your heart skip a beat when you see me walking down the aisle towards you."

    Her playful demeanor softened as she gazed into his eyes, her heart fluttering with excitement at the thought of their future together. "Of course, no matter what you choose, I know you'll think I look absolutely radiant, right?" She punctuated her question with a wink, her love for him shining bright in her eyes.

    Hibiki couldn't help but laugh as Nao agreed with her about them interrupting fate, his playful nudge eliciting a playful swat in return. The warmth of his hand in hers as they paddled back to shore filled her with a sense of contentment, as if they were sailing towards a future filled with endless possibilities.

    As they reached the dock, Nao's graceful leap onto the solid ground made her smile, and she accepted his outstretched hand with a grateful nod. Stepping onto the dock beside him, she felt a rush of excitement, knowing that their journey together was just beginning.

    When Hibiki leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Nao's lips, sealing her words with the depth of her love. In that moment, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them, bound by a promise that went beyond words. Their hearts beat in unison, each pulse a testament to the love and commitment they shared.

    As they pulled back, Hibiki looked into Nao's eyes, feeling the strength of their connection. "It feels like we've already started our journey together," she whispered, her voice filled with awe and reverence. "And I wouldn't want to walk this path with anyone else but you."

    The way Nao emphasized "our house" filled her with a sense of belonging, reinforcing the idea that they were building a life together, as equals. It wasn't just his house or her house anymore—it was theirs, a symbol of their shared commitment and love.

    Breaking away from their embrace, she couldn't help but grin at his enthusiasm for finding Okane to craft their engagement tokens. "Absolutely," she replied, her voice bubbling with excitement.

    "Let's go find Okane and start planning our future together." As they set off towards the village, hand in hand, she felt a sense of anticipation building within her.  With Nao by her side, she knew that their future would be filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities. And she couldn't wait to see where their journey would take them.

    Hibiki couldn't resist a mischievous twinkle in her eye as Nao spoke about breaking the news to Airi and everyone else. With a playful grin, she squeezed his hand gently, her mind already racing with ideas.

    "Well, Nao, we could always go for the classic 'surprise announcement at dinner' approach," she suggested with a chuckle. "I can already picture the look on Airi's face when we drop the bombshell. It'll be priceless!"

    Her laughter echoed across the path as they walked, the thought of breaking the news to their loved ones filling her with excitement. 

    “I’m not sure how my friends Karoi, Sera, Natsuki, or Nakaba will react but at least we know how Innocence will. She'll probably be more sour than a lemon that's been left out in the sun too long!" Hibiki couldn't help but tease about the anticipated reaction of Innocence, knowing her friend's tendency to be a bit of a sourpuss at times.

    Her laughter rang out, imagining the expression of mock indignation that would surely cross Innocence's face at the news. "But hey," she added with a wink, "at least we'll have plenty of entertainment watching her grumble and pout about it!"

    The thought of Innocence's reaction brought a lightness to their steps as they continued on their way, Hibiki feeling grateful for the shared moments of joy and laughter with Nao by her side. With a gentle smile, she added, "But you know, underneath all that grumbling, Innocence is as sweet as a summer breeze. I just hope our news will sprinkle a bit of happiness into her day too."

    Her words carried a genuine warmth, reflecting her desire for her friend to find joy and happiness amidst life's challenges. "Maybe this will be the little spark she needs to find her own slice of happiness," she mused, her heart filled with hope for her friend's well-being.


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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:46 am

    Nao tightened his grip on Hibiki's hand, his thumb gently caressing the back side of her palm. Her mention of his mother brought a bittersweet smile to his face. "Thank you," he said, his eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and pride. "I wish you could have met her too, though in truth she probably would have told you embarrassing stories of when I was younger. Of what a rotten brat I had been at times, or worse. Though, I know she is out there somewhere watching over me, glad that I found the woman I am going to be spending the rest of my life with." He tightened his embrace, feeling the warmth of her against him, as the boat swayed gently beneath them.

    He could see the pain in her eyes, the longing for memories that seemed just out of reach. He wished he could ease that burden for her, to fill in the gaps with warmth and love. "I can't imagine how hard that must be," he said, his voice gentle. "But I know that your parents would be incredibly proud of the person you've become. You're strong, compassionate, and so full of life. I feel they've left their mark on you in ways you might not even realize." When she spoke about Airi, a smile spread across Nao's face. "Airi is a wonderful person," he agreed. "She's given you the love and support you deserve, and I'm grateful to her for that. Family isn't just about blood, it's about the people who stand by you, who lift you up when you need it the most, and you've found that in her."

    He leaned in closer, his eyes locked on hers. "Hibiki, I want to build a future with you where we can create our own memories and our own family. We'll honor the past, but we'll also make new beginnings. Together, we'll fill our lives with love, laughter, and countless moments that we can cherish forever." With a tender smile, Nao lifted her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "Thank you for sharing your heart with me," he whispered. "I promise to always be here for you, to be your partner, your family, your everything." Her playful spirit and deep sincerity had always captivated him, and moments like these reminded him just how lucky he was to have her in his life.

    Her playful question about the wedding dress made him chuckle, and he squeezed her hand affectionately. "You would look stunning in anything, Hibiki," he replied with a grin, pausing a moment to keep her in suspense. "If I have to choose, I think a beautiful eastern-style gown would make my heart skip a beat or two. Seeing you walk down the aisle in that dress, knowing that you're about to become my wife... that's a moment I'll treasure forever." Nao's eyes sparkled with excitement as he imagined their future together. The thought of planning their wedding, of making a home, of creating a life filled with love and laughter, filled him with joy. "But, you're right. No matter what you wear, Hibiki, you'll always be the most radiant woman in the world to me."

    As they began their walk towards the town, Hibiki's playful suggestion about breaking the news to their friends made him laugh, and he could already picture the scene. "A surprise announcement at dinner sounds perfect," he agreed, his grin matching hers. "I can already see Airi's expression, likely a mix of shock and delight. And as for Innocence, well, her reaction will definitely be memorable." He wasn't Innocence's biggest fan considering the way she talked down to Hibiki, but if Hibiki was able to see past that, he hoped that by the day this all happened he would be able to as well.

    "You know, Hibiki, there's also our wedding dance," he began, a playful glint in his eye. "I see dancing as a kind of elegant fighting, without the punching and kicking, of course." He grinned, "think about it. When we dance, we move in harmony, reading each other's movements, anticipating the next step. It's like a sparring match where the goal is to complement each other perfectly rather than defeat one another." He paused for a moment, pulling Hibiki close and gently swaying as if they were already on the dance floor. "Each step, each turn, is like a strike or a block, but instead of causing harm, we're creating something beautiful together. It's a dance of trust and connection, where we rely on each other to make the dance fluid and graceful." Nao continued, his voice warm with affection.

    "Our wedding dance will be a reflection of our relationship, two people moving together in perfect harmony, supporting each other through every twist and turn. And just like in our lives, we'll face it all together, side by side." He spun her gently, laughing as they twirled in an impromptu dance right there on the path. "Let's make a promise," he said, his eyes locked onto hers. "That we'll always find the time to dance, no matter what else is going on, we'll dance through life together, as one." With that promise hanging in the air, Nao would wrap his arm around Hibiki's waist as they continued on down the path towards the town to begin searching for Okane.

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Thu Jun 13, 2024 3:07 am

    Hibiki chuckled softly, leaning closer to him. "I'd love to hear those stories someday," she teased, nudging him playfully. "You can't keep all the juicy details to yourself, you know." Hibiki, feeling a surge of affectionate mischief, decided to share a story of her own.  She didn't have any embarrassing stories of her own childhood to tell. She couldn't remember much on account of being abducted.  So instead she decided to go with a more recent one.

    "You know, the first time I met Natsuki, I mistook him for a girl because of his long hair," she admitted with a laugh, recalling the amusing memory. "I think he still teases me about it sometimes."

    Hibiki felt a pang in her chest as Nao spoke about her family past and present. His words wrapping around her like a comforting embrace. She could see the genuine empathy in his eyes, his desire to understand and soothe the ache that sometimes clouded her thoughts.  Hibiki felt a sense of peace settle over her. In Nao's presence, she found solace and acceptance, a reminder that love transcends all boundaries, even those of memory and time.

    "It's... difficult sometimes, not knowing. But you're right. Airi is my family in every sense of the word." A faint smile touched her lips as she thought of her adoptive sister, the woman who had raised her ever since she had been rescued with unwavering love and support.

    "When I met her, I didn't fully grasp how much my life would change," Hibiki continued, her gaze drifting towards the horizon where the sky met the sea. "She saw something in me that I couldn't see in myself back then. And through her, I've learned that family isn't just about blood ties. It's about the bonds we forge, the love we share, and the strength we draw from each other."

    "You've become a part of that for me, too," she said, turning back to Nao and flashing him a huge smile, her eyes shimmering with affection.

    Hibiki felt her heart swell as Nao's words returning her  washed over her, his earnest gaze holding hers with unwavering sincerity. The tenderness in his touch as he lifted her hand to his lips sent a rush of warmth through her, a silent promise of devotion and commitment.

    "Nao..." Her voice was barely above a whisper, filled with a mixture of joy and emotion. She could feel the weight of his words, the depth of his love resonating deeply within her. The idea of building a future together, of creating new memories while honoring the past, stirred a sense of hope and anticipation in her soul.

    "I want that too," she finally replied, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears of happiness. "To walk hand in hand with you, through all the adventures and challenges life brings. To laugh together, to support each other, and to build a home filled with love and warmth."

    She reached out to cup his cheek, her touch conveying a thousand unspoken words. "Thank you for believing in us, for believing in me," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. "You've already become my everything, Nao."

    Hibiki couldn't help but grin as Nao's eyes sparkled with excitement and his words filled her with warmth. His affectionate squeeze on her hand reassured her of their shared joy and anticipation for the future they were planning together.

    "A beautiful eastern-style gown, huh?" she mused playfully, imagining herself in the intricate designs and flowing fabric. "I can see that. It would be a blend of tradition and elegance, just like our journey together."

    Her heart fluttered at the thought of walking towards Nao in such a gown, knowing he would be waiting with that loving smile that always melted her worries away. "I promise to make your heart skip more than a beat or two," she teased, nudging him gently. "And to cherish every moment, knowing I'm about to become your wife."

    The prospect of planning their wedding, of weaving their dreams into reality, filled Hibiki with a deep sense of excitement and gratitude. She knew they were embarking on a new chapter, one where they would build a home, create lasting memories, and face life's adventures hand in hand.

    "Thank you, Nao," she said softly, her voice tinged with love. "For seeing me as the most radiant woman, no matter what. For loving me so deeply." She leaned in closer, pressing a tender kiss against his cheek, her heart overflowing with happiness at the thought of their shared future.

    Hibiki's heart swelled with affection as Nao spoke, his words painting a vivid picture of their future together. His playful analogy of dancing as elegant combat, filled with harmony and mutual understanding, resonated deeply with her.

    "I love that perspective," Hibiki replied with a soft chuckle, her eyes bright with admiration as she followed his lead in their impromptu dance. She moved gracefully with him, feeling the warmth of his touch and the strength of their connection in each step.

    "To think of dancing as a partnership, where every move is a step towards creating something beautiful together," she mused, her voice filled with awe. "It's like we're crafting our own story with each turn and sway, trusting each other to guide and support."

    As Nao spun her gently, laughter bubbling between them, Hibiki couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the depth of their bond. His promise to always make time for dance, to navigate life's challenges together with grace and unity, resonated deeply within her.

    "I promise," she replied softly, her gaze locking with his as they continued their walk towards the town. "No matter what lies ahead, we'll dance through it all together. Side by side, as one."

    With each step they took, Hibiki felt the weight of Nao's arm around her waist, grounding her in the certainty of their shared future. They were ready to face whatever awaited them, their hearts aligned and their spirits uplifted by the promise of a life filled with love, trust, and endless dances together. She had a feeling that as long as they were together they could could tango, salsa, and waltz our way through anything

    As they walked together, Hibiki turned to Nao with a gentle smile, her curiosity sparking a desire to understand his dreams and aspirations. "Nao," she began, her voice soft but filled with genuine interest, "What are your goals after becoming a Chunin? I want to support you in every way I can."


    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Sat Jun 15, 2024 2:54 am

    Nao's smile grew as Hibiki teased him, her playful spirit always a delight. "Oh, don't worry," he replied with a chuckle. "I'm sure you'll get all the embarrassing stories you want. Just promise not to laugh too hard." Her story about mistaking Natsuki for a girl made him laugh. "I can't blame you," he said, grinning. "With hair like that, anyone would have made the same mistake." Nao chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Alright, Hibiki, since you shared a funny story, it's only fair I share one of my own." Nao took a deep breath, feeling his cheeks heat up as he prepared to share the story. "When I was about twelve or thirteen, I went through a phase where I was really self-conscious about my appearance. I wanted to look cooler and more grown-up, so I decided to try something drastic."

    He paused, already feeling the embarrassment creeping in. "I had seen this ads for a hair growth cream that promised to give you longer hair. For some reason, I thought that if I used it, I'd look more mature, and I swore I had seen it before in my mother's room and I believed that she used it to get her long hair. So, one afternoon when she wasn't home, I decided to give it a try." Nao laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't read the instructions, I just started slathering it in my hair. A few minutes later, I felt this intense burning sensation. I panicked and tried to wash it off, but it was too late." He covered his face with his hand for a moment, then continued.

    "I ended up with red, irritated skin and patches of missing hair in the most awkward places. Turns out what my mother had wasn't a hair growth cream, but hair removal cream. My mom comes home and found me in the bathroom, looking like a complete mess." His face was now fully red as he finished the story. "She couldn't stop laughing, but she also helped me clean up and gave me some aloe vera for the burns. For weeks after that, I had to deal with the aftermath and the teasing from everyone. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life." He looked at Hibiki, a sheepish smile on his face. "So, there you have it. My misguided attempt at looking cooler turned into a painful and humiliating experience. Definitely not one of my proudest moments."

    As she spoke about her family and Airi, Nao felt a deep sense of gratitude for the love Hibiki had found and shared with him. "It's incredible how people come into our lives and change everything," he said, his voice soft. "Airi saw something special in you because it was always there, waiting to be recognized. I see it too, every day that I am with you." He felt a lump in his throat as Hibiki expressed her desire for their future together. The sincerity in her eyes and the warmth of her touch made his heart swell. "We'll make that future together," he whispered, leaning into her hand on his cheek. "I believe in us, in you, more than anything."

    Her playful comment about the wedding dress brought a grin to his face. "I have no doubt you'll take my breath away," he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Every moment with you is a gift." Their impromptu dance was a beautiful metaphor for their relationship, and Nao was moved by how perfectly they complemented each other. As they continued their walk, Nao felt a sense of calm, knowing that Hibiki was by his side. Her question about his goals after becoming a Chunin made him pause momentarily. His original desires for becoming a Chuunin and climbing the ladder of the Shinobi stations seemed like a distant memory compared to his current reasons.

    "I've been thinking a lot about that actually," he admitted. "Originally becoming a Chuunin was my way of proving to the Hyūga that I could be more than what they thought of me, that I could offer more to the village as well as the clan. Now, I want to make a difference, to protect those who can't protect themselves, and to bring peace and stability to our village. But more than that, I want to build a life with you, to be able to protect you, so that we can support each other's dreams and grow together." Nao looked at Hibiki, realizing how condescending that likely seemed, as if she was some damsel that needed to be saved.

    "I know you don't really need my protection, it's just I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you and I wasn't strong enough." He paused again, his expression was serious and filled with determination "I want to become a strong Shinobi, someone others can rely on and I want to be the best partner I can be for you. We'll face our challenges together, and I'll always be there to lift you up, just as you've lifted me." With a gentle squeeze of her hand, he added, "What about you, Hibiki? What are your goals after the exams?"

    Last edited by Nao Hyūga on Mon Jun 17, 2024 3:48 am; edited 1 time in total

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Okane Sat Jun 15, 2024 5:27 pm

    Okane had decided to take the day off from board meetings and such as he was here to observe the up and comers of the exams after all. However day in and day out he had left his hotel room for meetings with investors and inventors and all manner of people who wished for his attention. With wealth often came beggars and hoarders. The greed of this world had turned its focus on him and he had adjusted many lives for the better. Yet he had felt little in return and had found that some did so out of their own need for power. With no interest in helping those less fortunate and often using those same people for their own benefit. Lives were at stake daily and thousands relied on him. He had torn his company from the hands of certain individuals who had tried to insert themselves within its riches and take from him and his employees just to be even richer. He welcomed investigations into his company and often that made investors wish to be bought out. It was a useful tool for weeding out the wicked. However today was a day just to enjoy life and not conduct the corporations business. Maybe just a little of his own crafting is he was lucky. 

    Okane had finished the rebuild of Sunagakure and was generally loved by most of its citizens. The Daimyo had fallen years ago and control of the village was usually given to the Kage at the time. However Okane had little interest in military actions. HIs focus was the economy. So he had taken up a different title as Sultan of the Sands. As such he had adjusted his wardrobe to wear a kaftan instead of a suit. The lining was a simple blue and majority of it was a white silk. His feet were adorned with black slippers and he had slipped on some golden jewelry. A white turban sat on top of his head with his face shaved and his long hair hanging down around his shoulders. He had missed the hot air and longed for the sands of the beach. It was close to home for him. Still he would keep it to two guards with him instead of an entire security team. He knew he would attract attention but he wasn't looking to put a barrier between him and the people. 

    Still Okane would move over to the hotel lobby as the two guards in flak jackets and tanto with half masks would follow him at a distance. Their instructions were to keep an eye out for active threats but not to engage otherwise. In his towers and palaces he would have people disarm but in public outside of his domain he had no right. So he would move to the beach at a brisk pace. Arriving and smiling as he closed his eyes. The sun on his face, the smell of the ocean and the hot sand. All of it was like home to him. So he would settle for a moment before murmuring spread around him. People were surprised to see him and a few were questioning if that was in fact Okane. As if he could not possibly walk among them. However a young lady would nervously approach. She was drawing at the beach and had been a fan of him for some time. She would quietly ask for an autograph and he would smile and nod before signing an art peace she drew once upon a time of the flying Emporium. With that she beamed with a smile and went about her way. Still others were hesitant to approach royalty so readily.

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3005-tomi-okane
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Sun Jun 16, 2024 8:52 pm

    Hibiki's eyes widened slightly as she listened to Nao's story, a mix of sympathy and amusement dancing in her gaze. She could see how embarrassed he felt, and she didn't want to make him feel worse. "Wow, Nao," she said softly, her voice filled with genuine understanding. "That must have been so tough to go through."

    She reached out and gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. "I can't imagine how panicked you must have felt in that moment. But you know, it's actually pretty brave of you to share something like that. It shows a lot of character to be able to laugh at yourself and tell that story now."

    Hibiki smiled warmly, her eyes meeting his. "And hey, we all do silly things when we're trying to figure out who we are. I mean, me mistaking Natsuki for a girl? That’s nothing compared to what you went through. It just shows how much we all want to fit in and sometimes, we make mistakes along the way."

    She tilted her head, her expression turning thoughtful. "But you know what? It's these moments that shape us. They make us more understanding and compassionate. And now you have a story that not only makes people laugh but also reminds them that it's okay to make mistakes."

    With a gentle smile, she added, "So, thank you for sharing that with me, Nao. It makes me feel closer to you, knowing that we've both had our fair share of embarrassing moments. And don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I'll just keep it as a fond memory between us."

    Hibiki smiled warmly at Nao, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of fondness and nostalgia. "You know," she began softly, "Airi was the one who named me. When she took me in, and I didn't have a name. She looked at me with those gentle, wise eyes of hers and said, 'Your name will be Hibiki.'"

    She chuckled lightly, the memory bringing a gentle warmth to her heart. "I asked her why she chose that name, and she told me it means 'echo' or 'resonance.' She said it was because she could see that I had a spirit that would resonate with the world around me, that I would touch the lives of others in a way that would leave a lasting impact. I didn't understand it at the time, but now I’m beginning to see what she meant."

    Her gaze softened as she looked at Nao. "Airi has a way of seeing the best in people, of understanding their true potential even when they couldn't see it themselves. She has good eyes, after all. Just like you."

    Hibiki reached out, gently touching Nao's hand. "You've always seen the best in me, Nao. Even when I've doubted myself, you've been there, believing in me and encouraging me. It’s one of the many things I love about you."

    She paused, her smile growing. "Airi saw something special in me, and now you do too. It feels like everything has come full circle. I'm so grateful for the love and support I've found in you. It makes me feel like Airi's faith in me was justified."

    With a tender squeeze of his hand, she added, "And just like Airi named me and saw my potential, I believe in our potential together. We'll make our own name, our own story, one that resonates with love and strength."

    Hibiki leaned in closer, her forehead resting against his, their breaths mingling in the intimate space between them. "I’ve always dreamed of a future filled with love and happiness, and with you, I can see it so clearly. We’ve both faced our own struggles and insecurities, but together, I know we can overcome anything."

    Hibiki’s playful expression softened into one of genuine curiosity and warmth as she looked up at Nao. She could sense the shift in his demeanor, the way he paused to consider her question seriously. “You know,” she began gently, “it’s okay if your goals have changed. We all grow and evolve, and sometimes the reasons we start out on a path aren’t the reasons we continue down it.”

    She squeezed his hand, offering him a reassuring smile. “When I think about my own journey, I realize how much I’ve changed because of the people I’ve met and the experiences I’ve had. It’s natural for our dreams to adapt as we do.”

    Looking into his eyes, she continued, “So, Nao, what are your goals now? What drives you forward? Whether it’s for our future together, something personal, or a dream you’ve yet to share, I’m here to support you every step of the way.”

    Her voice was filled with sincerity and encouragement. “I believe in you, Nao, and I’m excited to see where your journey takes you. Whatever your goals are, I know you’ll achieve them with the same determination and heart that makes you the incredible person you are.”

    She leaned in, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. “And remember, you don’t have to have all the answers right now. Sometimes, just knowing that we have each other is enough to keep moving forward.”

    Hibiki listened intently, her heart swelling with admiration and love for Nao. His honesty and determination touched her deeply, and she felt a renewed sense of purpose and partnership between them. She squeezed his hand back, her eyes shining with warmth.

    "Nao," she began softly, "your goals are noble, and I know you'll achieve them because of the person you are. Wanting to protect the village, to bring peace and stability, and to build a life together—those are dreams worth fighting for. And I understand your desire to protect me. It's not about seeing me as weak; it's about caring deeply for someone and wanting to ensure their safety. I feel the same way about you."

    She took a deep breath, considering his question about her own goals. "After the exams, I want to continue growing stronger, both as a Shinobi and as a person. I want to be someone the village can rely on, just like you. But more than that, I want to support you and your dreams. I want us to build a future together, where we can look back and be proud of what we've accomplished, side by side."

    Hibiki's expression grew thoughtful. "I've always admired Airi's strength and wisdom, and I aspire to be someone like her—someone who can inspire and guide others. I want to make a positive impact on our village, to help those who feel lost or overlooked.”

    Hibiki's eyes brightened with a hint of determination as she continued, her voice carrying a touch of resolve. "One of my dreams is to open an orphanage here in the village. I want to create a safe haven for children who, like me, have faced uncertainty and danger. I want to protect them from falling into the wrong hands, from being exploited by groups like Hades. It's something I feel deeply about, Nao."

    She paused, her cheeks flushing slightly as she shifted gears, feeling a bit shy about the topic that followed. "And, um, speaking of children..." Hibiki hesitated, her gaze meeting Nao's with a mix of earnestness and bashfulness. "I... I've thought about it, you know. About us... having children someday." She chuckled nervously, her fingers fidgeting with the fabric of her sleeve. "I'm not really sure how it all works, though. The doctor mentioned something about a stork?"

    Her cheeks grew warmer as she glanced away briefly before meeting Nao's gaze again, a soft smile playing on her lips. "But seriously, Nao, I want you to know that I'm not against the idea at all. In fact, the thought of creating a family with you... it makes my heart feel so full. You've shown me so much love and support, and I know you'd be an amazing father."

    She squeezed his hand affectionately. "So, whatever the future holds for us, whether it's protecting our village, helping children in need, or... starting a family, I'm ready to face it all with you.”

    As Hibiki and Nao continued their walk, the peaceful ambiance was gradually interrupted by the murmurs of passing villagers. Snippets of conversation reached their ears, snippets that mentioned a name that made Hibiki's heart skip a beat: Okane. The whispers grew louder and more frequent, suggesting that Okane had been spotted down at the beach.

    Hibiki exchanged a look with Nao, her curiosity piqued and a hint of concern in her eyes. "Do you hear that?" she asked, her voice low but urgent. "It sounds like people are saying Okane is at the beach. We should check it out, see what's going on."

    With a shared sense of determination, they quickened their pace, heading towards the beach. The sound of the waves grew louder as they approached, mingling with the excited and anxious chatter of the villagers. Hibiki's mind raced with possibilities—what could Okane be doing here? Was he in trouble, or was there something more to his sudden appearance?

    As they reached the beach, the crowd thickened. Hibiki gently pushed through, Nao close by her side, until they had a clear view of the shoreline. There, amidst the gathered people, stood Okane

    She noticed the murmurings around them, the way people were surprised and hesitant to approach him. It was clear that his presence had stirred a mixture of awe and curiosity among the beachgoers. When the young lady approached him nervously, Hibiki’s heart warmed at the sight of Okane’s genuine smile as he signed her drawing.

    Hibiki turned to Nao, her eyes reflecting a mix of admiration and curiosity. "It's amazing to see how someone like Okane can be so approachable and kind, despite his status," she said softly. "He's not just some distant figure; he’s someone who genuinely cares about the people around him."

    She took a deep breath, feeling a surge of determination. "We should go talk to him. There’s obviously a lot going on, and maybe we can help somehow."

    As Hibiki and Nao approached Okane, Hibiki felt a flutter of nerves. She knew that Okane was not just a wealthy and influential figure, but also a distant relative. The Tetsudashi clan's bonds ran deep, even if they didn’t always wear their heritage on their sleeves.

    Gathering her courage, she stepped forward and gave a respectful bow. "Okane-sama," she began, her voice steady yet filled with genuine respect, "my name is Hibiki. We’re both members of the Tetsudashi clan, though we don’t often use that name. It's an honor to finally meet you."

    "I’ve come to ask for your guidance in our clan's arts. I've been training hard, but I know there is so much more I can learn. Your expertise and knowledge would be invaluable to me." she continued.

    Taking a deep breath, Hibiki then added with a shy smile, "I also have a special request. Nao here," she gestured to her partner, "means the world to me. I was hoping you might craft an engagement bracelet for him—something powerful that could increase his chakra when worn. I’ve been saving up, and I hope to have it enchanted in the future."

    Her eyes shone with sincerity as she spoke, "I know this is a lot to ask, especially since we’ve just met. But I believe in the strength and unity of our clan, and I hope you might consider helping me with this. It would mean so much to both of us." She waited, heart pounding, hoping that Okane would see the sincerity of her request and the depth of her respect for their shared heritage.


    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Jun 18, 2024 6:45 am

    Nao chuckled, his face flushing as Hibiki reacted to his story with such empathy. Her gentle squeeze on his arm reassured him, and he appreciated her words about the character it took to laugh at oneself. "Thanks, Hibiki," he said softly. "It's comforting to know that we've both had our awkward moments. And you're right, moments like those do shape who we are." When Hibiki shared the story of Airi naming her, Nao listened intently, his heart warming at the thought of such a meaningful name. "It suits you perfectly," he murmured. "You do resonate with everyone around you, Hibiki. Airi was right."

    As she spoke of her dreams and the impact Airi had on her, Nao felt a profound sense of connection and admiration. "You're already making a difference, Hibiki. And I know you'll continue to inspire and guide others, just like Airi does." He held her hand tightly, feeling the sincerity in her words about their future together. "We'll build that future," he said, his voice steady. "We'll face every challenge together, and I'll always be there for you, just as you've been there for me."

    Nao's heart swelled with pride and love as Hibiki shared her dreams of opening an orphanage. "That's a beautiful dream," he said, his voice filled with admiration. "You'll give those children hope and a chance for a better life. And I'll support you every step of the way." Her mention of having children and him being an amazing father brought a bashful smile to Nao's face. "I love that you're thinking about our future and our potential family. And, well, it doesn't involve a stork." He chuckled lightly, trying to ease her embarrassment. "The way we have children," he continued, clearing his throat and choosing his words carefully, "is through a special and intimate connection. When two people love each other like we do, sometime they come together in a very close physical and loving way. It's not just about the physical act, but also about the bond and trust they share."

    He paused, making sure Hibiki was comfortable and following along. "It's a natural and beautiful part of being in love and wanting to build a family together, and apparently there are a lot of different names for it." Nao's eyes softened as he looked at Hibiki, his love for her evident. "The idea of starting a family with you makes me incredibly happy. There is nothing that would make me happier than to start a family with you, because I know you would be the best mother in the world. We can take our time and talk about it more later whenever you're ready. The most important thing is that we’re both comfortable and ready for that step." He gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, his touch tender. "So, whenever you have questions or want to talk more about it, I'm here. We can figure everything out together."

    As they continued their walk, Nao noticed the murmurs around them and the mention of Okane's name. His curiosity piqued, he followed Hibiki towards the beach. Spotting Okane, Hibiki's determination to talk to Okane inspired Nao. He stood by her side as she introduced herself, feeling a sense of pride in her courage. As she made her request for an engagement bracelet, the thought of such a meaningful gesture, crafted by someone as skilled as Okane, made Nao's heart skipped a beat. When Hibiki finished speaking, Nao stepped forward, his voice respectful and earnest. "Okane-sama, my name is Nao Hyūga. I share Hibiki's admiration for you, you are well known for your crafts and ingenuity. It would be an honor if you could make a matching engagement ring for Hibiki." He glanced at Hibiki, his eyes reflecting his love and commitment. "We want to build a future together, and your crafts would be an incredible foundation for that future."

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Okane Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:29 am

    Okane would smile as he signed a couple of items here and there for those who were interested. He was comfortable in his fame and though his security did keep the crowds from getting to close for more than a couple at a time he was happy to oblige. Okane was happy to be universally loved. He needed these people to succeed and he needed them to be bound as one to fight what he knew was coming. The nations were still squabbling and there was a new threat with Raijin and Chen somewhere out there. Diana's death had been a sour stain upon the world he would not have wished for. Still he pressed on and prepared. It was a few minutes of this before out of the crowd his attention was drawn to two particular individuals. These two carried a sense of training between them. They were more capable than the average citizen so his back tensed as he smiled at them all the same. He needed people and so his fear could not rule him. He hadn't always been like this. His traumatic experience with the kidnapping had him always on guard. Years of torture and humiliation left an imprint upon people. 

    Still his bright green eyes would take the two in while he stood tall and smiled with perfect pearly whites. Some dentistry had been needed after they had pulled some of his teeth for fun in the other dimension. Still his smile looked perfect again. He had spent months indoors and away from people but that had not helped his goal. An enemy was coming and he needed this world prepared. So he would listen to the woman first. She was a talkative one who apparently shared his bloodline. It was rare to find someone who did. She lacked some of the clan basics however it would seem. A pity since it allowed for a great deal in both defense and offense. It was a simple enough thing for him to share such abilities with her. The engagement bracelets however were a nice romantic touch. Nao would introduce himself and upon doing so he understood their allegiance was with Konoha. There were no Hyuga elsewhere anymore. He was certain of that much. Still he would step forward and offer to shake their hands a moment before he would step back and fold his hands in front of his person. Gold flakes falling off him whenever he moved like little feathers and fading to nothing before they touched the ground. A constant effect of his steel release. 

    "Well met Hibiki and Nao. Please call me Okane. I only use my title when in the presence of other royalty or if disrespect is shown. Neither of which are the case presently. Ahh but how beautiful young love is. Hibiki I will happily write some scrolls for you in regards to the clan techniques. As for the bracelets or bands, whichever you prefer, that is a business discussion and will cost some ryo. Both are discussions I would rather have in private. If that is fine with the both of you, take my hands and we will be taken to my hotel instead. I have the penthouse reserved so we will have both privacy and a comfortable space." With that he would hold out both hands palm up. Ready to teleport them away from the beach and to a private secure location. It would be a matter of trust from them now too since ideally he was capable of teleporting them anywhere in the world he had placed a seal.

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:54 pm

    Hibiki's heart swelled with warmth as Nao spoke, his voice filled with tenderness and understanding. His empathy and reassurance washed over her like a soothing balm, easing any lingering doubts or uncertainties. She appreciated how he listened intently, responding not just with words but with a depth of emotion that mirrored her own.

    "Nao," she whispered softly, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and admiration. "Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings so openly. It means a lot to me." She squeezed his hand gently, feeling the strength and reassurance in his touch.

    Hibiki's gaze softened as she thought about the future they envisioned together—the dreams of making a difference, of nurturing a family, and of facing life's journey hand in hand. "Opening an orphanage has been a dream of mine for so long," she murmured, her voice tinged with determination. "To give children who need it most a place to call home, to feel loved and supported—it's something I can't wait to pursue with you by my side."

    She chuckled warmly at Nao's attempt to lighten the mood, his gentle teasing bringing a playful smile to her lips. "Yes, I suppose the stork isn't quite accurate," she replied with a soft laugh, her cheeks warming. "But your explanation... it's beautiful, Nao." She looked into his eyes, feeling a deep connection that went beyond words.

    Her eyes met his, filled with love and a touch of hesitation. "Starting a family is a big decision, and I want us to be absolutely sure when the time is right. We have so much time ahead of us, Nao. Let's focus on the Chunin Exam, on our dreams, and on each other right now." She smiled warmly, hoping he would understand her perspective.

    Hibiki couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement mixed with a touch of nervousness as she stood before Okane, her cousin and a renowned figure in their world. His confident demeanor and charismatic smile reassured her in ways she couldn't fully explain. In her eyes, family bonds ran deep, and Okane's offer to share their clan's techniques felt like a gift she couldn't refuse.

    "Well met Okane" she said with a warm smile, her voice carrying a genuine eagerness. "Thank you so much for offering to teach me more about our clan's techniques. It means a lot to me." Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and admiration as she glanced at Nao, silently sharing her excitement with him.

    "I want to learn from you because you seem to understand that there's more to our heritage than tradition," she continued, a note of determination entering her voice. Her feelings of isolation from the rest of the clan weighed heavily despite her excitement.

     Being in Konoha while the majority of their elders resided in Iwa only exacerbated her sense of detachment. The historical tensions between the villages cast a shadow over her, making her keenly aware of the barriers and biases she faced, particularly as a young woman.

     "And the engagement bands," she continued, her tone bright and hopeful. "I would love to discuss them further. It's such a romantic idea, and I think Nao and I would really cherish something like that."

    Hibiki hesitated briefly, knowing that of course such craftsmanship would come with a price. Her clan's traditions valued both the artistry and the exchange of value in their dealings, and asking Okane to create something as significant as engagement bands without compensation would not only be imprudent but disrespectful.

    "Of course," she added with a slight nod, her tone respectful and thoughtful. "I understand there would be a cost for the engagement bands. Your skill and reputation as a crafter are well-known, It would be an honor to compensate you properly for your expertise."

    "Lead the way, Okane" she said softly, placing her hand in his with a mixture of trust and determination. "I'm ready to learn, to prove myself, and to honor our clan's legacy in my own way."


    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:40 pm

    Nao felt a profound warmth from Hibiki’s heartfelt gratitude and her determination to open an orphanage. "I'm honored to be by your side, Hibiki," he said softly. "Your dream of opening an orphanage is truly inspiring, and I have no doubt that we'll make it a reality together. We'll give those children the love and support they deserve." He chuckled warmly at her response to his explanation, relieved that she found it beautiful and comforting. "I'm glad you think so," he replied, his eyes filled with affection. "And you're right, we have so much time ahead of us. Let's focus on the Chunin Exam for now. We have our whole lives ahead of us, and we’ll make every moment count."

    As they stood before Okane, Nao felt a sense of awe and respect for the man. Okane's demeanor was welcoming yet commanding, and Nao could see why he was so admired. When Okane offered to teach Hibiki about their clan's techniques and to discuss the engagement bands in private, Nao felt a mix of excitement and pride. "Thank you, Okane," Nao said sincerely. "Your willingness to share your knowledge with Hibiki means a lot to both of us." He glanced at Hibiki, sharing a moment of silent understanding and excitement. This meeting with Okane felt like a pivotal step in their journey together, both in terms of their personal relationship and their growth as individuals.

    When Okane extended his hands, Nao hesitated for a brief moment, wondering why they needed to take his hand to go to a hotel. Seeing Hibiki place her hand on Okane's, he realized that it didn't matter the reason and he joined with Hibiki. With a nod to Hibiki, Nao placed his hand in Okane's, feeling a mixture of anticipation and resolve. "We're ready to discuss the engagement bands and bracelet, cost will not be an issue." Trusting Okane, he prepared himself for whatever lay ahead. "Lead the way," he said, his voice steady.

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Okane Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:47 pm

    Okane would let the lovers speak amongst each other. Such a romantic scene before him would be touching if he didn't find it so over the top. He had experienced lust plenty before but never had he felt love for anyone outside himself. Everything he had done was for his public name.  Any charity on his part was to gain positive press. Any improvements he made to nations were so his name was synonymous with great. The world loved him and he worked to keep it that way so he could love himself more. He considered himself a god amongst them. Still he looked on with a similar pride to an uncle seeing a distant niece or nephew getting engaged. Still they were respectful and customers. He always loved customers. Wealth was his utmost best lover. Still he would note Nao hesitate a moment. He seemed cautious about taking the hand offered. Wise in most cases but almost a waste of time in this one. However as soon as his would be wife took Okanes hand he would join. Not hesitating as wherever she went he would go too. Convenient in this case but dangerous in the future if she were naive. 

    "Take a breath and hold it kiddos."
    He would wink and take a breath himself. Holding it lightly as if to demonstrate. If they took after him the moment they held their breath the world would seem to shift. One moment they were on the beach and then in the blink of an eye they were standing over a seal carved into a marble surface in a lavish five star penthouse room. The marble seemed to be a small piece that could be moved but looked decorational. Okane would release their hands and give them a moment to get used to being teleported. He however was accustomed to it by now and would casually move over to the long table with fruit in the center on a platter. Freshly delivered that morning and with the colder room temp they had managed to stay cold and crisp. He would pick the grapes before moving to settle at the head of the table. He would pick off a grape and toss it into his mouth while Waiting for them to find their seats before a pair of glasses would be set before each of them with crisp, rounded ice cubes and then a sweet tea was poured by a servant and topped with a umbrella straw and a lemon wedge. 

    "I offer you a cold beverage my friends. The sugar and cold liquid usually take the bite out of the first couple of times your teleported. Now as to the price of these rings...I could design something to interact with the chakra system I believe. However such an impressive feat would be costly. My wares sitting in the S tier levels cost two hundred and fifty thousand ryo a piece. That said how about I sweeten the deal? Buy them from me and I will allow you to have your wedding in Sunagakure at the top of the tower on the flying Heavenly emporium. A view from the clouds over the entire desert above the world. Literally touching the sky. Wouldn't that be fun?"

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Sat Jun 22, 2024 11:56 pm

    As soon as the world around them shifted from the familiar beach to the penthouse, Hibiki's eyes widened in sheer amazement. Her initial surprise quickly transformed into an exuberant reaction as she looked around, taking in the opulence and grandeur of the room. The luxurious furnishings were unlike anything she had ever experienced. She could hardly contain her excitement.

    "Wow! What was that?" Hibiki exclaimed, her voice brimming with wonder and excitement. "Some kind of magic? One blink we're at the beach, and the next we're here!"  She turned to Nao, her eyes sparkling with awe. "Did you feel that? It was like... like being in a dream! This is incredible!"

    When Okane offered them cold beverages, Hibiki gratefully accepted, taking a sip of the sweet tea and feeling the refreshing coolness calm her nerves. She listened intently as Okane outlined the price and the additional offer for their wedding. His words painted a vivid picture of a wedding atop the Heavenly Emporium, the idea of exchanging vows above the world, literally touching the sky, was mesmerizing.

    Hibiki wasn’t the best at math and had only recently grasped the concept of money.  She was still learning to get a sense of the value of things, but the Price Okane was quoting for one ring or bracelet seemed more than reasonable enough to her. 

    Airi had given her 200,000 ryo to spend at the chunnin exams and she had spent roughly 160,000 of it picking up equipment and supplies at Kiyoshi’s store.  With the amount she still had on her from doing a few missions she could easily cover her half and at least some for Nao’s if he was a little short.

    Though it was going to be a long while until she could afford to have it enchanted.  Word on the street was that even an A-rank enchantment could easily cost as much as the Okane was asking for one ring, nevermind what an S-rank one might go for.

    She took a second to consider the practical aspects of Okane's generous proposal. She had once heard someone mention that wedding venues could be expensive, often costing a small fortune for a memorable location.

    The idea of a breathtaking venue like the Heavenly Emporium was beyond her wildest dreams. She knew such a place would usually come with a price tag in the millions, making it an unattainable fantasy for most people. It wouldn’t have been her first pick but only because usually she wouldn’t have the budget to even begin to consider it.  Yes she wanted their wedding to be special but that didn’t mean she wanted to be super selfish about it either and ask Nao to spend beyond his means.

    "Nao, what do you think?" she asked, seeking his input and support. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I believe we can find a way to cover the costs.”  she said fervently.  She was born in the land of earth and lived in the land of fire.  Having her wedding in the land of wind would truly make her an international bride.

    Hibiki's excitement bubbled over as she considered the deeper reasons behind her request for the engagement bracelet for Nao. She turned to Okane, her voice filled with warmth and a touch of nostalgia.

    "Okane" she began, "the reason I asked for an engagement bracelet for Nao is twofold. First, it's because of an old tradition in the Land of Earth. In my homeland, there's a custom where a lady gives her beloved a bracelet that matches her eye color. It's a symbol of their bond and affection, and I wanted to honor that tradition."

    She smiled softly at Nao, her eyes reflecting her deep feelings for him. "And second, I believe a bracelet would be more comfortable for Nao to wear. Since he's primarily a taijutsu fighter, a ring might get in the way during training and battles. A bracelet would be more practical and still hold the same symbolic meaning."

    Hibiki turned back to Okane, her expression earnest. "Your craftsmanship and understanding of our needs make this all the more special. I want Nao to have something that represents our love and commitment, but also something that he can wear comfortably and proudly every day."


    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Jun 25, 2024 4:49 pm

    As the world around them changed from the beach to a lavish penthouse, Nao's initial surprise mirrored Hibiki's. He quickly adapted, appreciating the luxurious surroundings and the seamless transition. When Hibiki expressed her amazement, Nao couldn't help but smile at her excitement. "I've never experienced anything like that." Nao agreed, sharing in her wonder. He had heard of techniques that allowed transportation across a vast distance, but he had never been apart of such a technique. It was truly an amazing experience, though it left a small pit in his stomach from the sudden shift of it. As he took in his surroundings, Nao would move to sit in one of the chairs as he continued to catch his breath.

    He gratefully accepted the cold beverage offered by Okane, the sweet tea helping to settle his nerves as he listened intently to Okane's proposal. The cost of their request was significant, something that Nao half expected going in to this, but the offer of a wedding atop the Heavenly Emporium was tempting beyond measure. He could see the awe and excitement in Hibiki's eyes as she considered the idea, and he knew how much it meant to her. "I think it's an incredible opportunity," Nao said thoughtfully. "A wedding in such a unique place would be unforgettable and I'm sure that we will be able to afford it." He added with a smile, he knew that between the two of them the costs should be more than manageable.

    Hearing Hibiki's explanation about the engagement bracelet touched him deeply. The tradition she spoke of resonated with him, adding another layer of meaning to their bond. Her consideration for his comfort, given his taijutsu training, showed her thoughtfulness and understanding. "I think Hibiki's idea of the bracelet is perfect. It not only honors her tradition but also ensures that I can wear it comfortably every day, and I trust that whatever you create will be exceptional." Nao stated, his voice filled with appreciation. He turned to Hibiki, his eyes filled with affection. "Are you ok with a ring, Hibiki? I want to ensure that you are happy with what I get for you." He knew it was traditional for the man to get a woman a ring, but if she wanted something else he was open to it.

    With a renewed sense of determination and excitement, once Hibiki had answered what she wanted, Nao looked back at Okane. "We accept your proposal. The engagement bracelet and ring will symbolize our commitment, and having our wedding at the Heavenly Emporium will make it truly special. Let's discuss the details and make this dream a reality. I would like the Taijitu to be on the item for Hibiki, though it's a symbol of my clan it is also a symbol for us in my eyes. She is my other half, my balance, the light that holds back the darkness." Nao stated with a small smile to Hibiki, it was also a symbol of something she had said when they had first met about the fact that he wore black and she wore white.

    "As far as the wedding, it will likely be a large spectacle, we want all of our family and friends there of course. We don't have the exact numbers yet, this just happened and you are in fact the first one we have told, but it will have a large party from Konoha and likely even Iwa if Hibiki's family from there joins us. Food and decorations, I will leave for Hibiki to decide, but any costs that are needed I will be more than willing to pay. After all it's not everyday that someone marries the most beautiful woman in the world, I am willing to spare no expense. I want it to be the talk of Kishin, and I want to ensure everyone has a good time, but most of all I want to ensure it is everything that Hibiki wants for her wedding."

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Okane Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:41 pm

    Okane would listen as he crossed one leg over his ankle and sat back with his grapes. He would lean back and pluck another fresh, cool juicy grape and plop it into his mouth. A bite into it would cause an eruption of juice into his mouth. The seeds removed some time ago. He would hum happily as he settled in and listened to their love talk between the two of them. It was such fresh love and so quick to decisions. Kids these days. Next they would be telling him they wanted to start a family. Not that their personal reasons mattered to him. He just found the idea of children unpleasant. Never wanting any of his own despite his infidelity in his youth. He would continue to slowly eat grapes as he listened. Their desire for a bracelet was fine and all along with a ring. However these were such simple requests. He could make a simple band for them on the spot. No the fact was they were his clients who sought him out. A client paying full price deserved some real functionality. He could see a vision in his mind already but first...the other matter. The wedding. 

    "Oh my dear dear young friends. A wedding costing money always seemed a silly thing to me. It is a memory to hold forever. Such a thing shouldn't be stained by capitalism. No no, in fact aside from whatever you chose for travel plans, I would be covering it all. The location, the clothing, the catering. All of it. I do so love parties after all. That aside for now the more immediate request yes? Allow me to demonstrate."

    Okane would toss the remaining grapes over his shoulder to which a skillful servant easily caught them. He would raise to his feet moving to go sit on the side of the table near Nao. His green eyes smiling down at the man before he would wink. His hands raising to slowly form hand seals. Dragon, Tiger, Snake, Dog, Rabbit. Despite how slow it was he was confident Hibiki would be unable to use this one. "A simple bracelet or ring can be utilized so much better given how much more it could serve your profession. I could build a device that increases chakra flow and unfolds into not just a symbol...but a weapon to make each of you that much more effective in battle. That much more likely to survive." He would hold up his palm as what seemed like liquid gold would lift from his palm. Slowly forming a bracelet that unfolded into a katar...then collapsed into a ball and formed a smaller ring now before it unfolded into a punching dagger. The liquid gold returning to a ball hovering above his hand as he shifted his fingers to make it take shape and break down again. Like he was instantly sculpting weapons right before their eyes....because he was.


    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
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    Leaf Genin
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Thu Jun 27, 2024 10:43 pm

    The idea of a wedding in such a unique and breathtaking location was more than Hibiki had ever dreamed. When Nao voiced his support, she felt a surge of gratitude and love for him.

    Hibiki smiled warmly as Nao spoke about the engagement bracelet. The thoughtfulness of his words and his understanding of her tradition touched her deeply. “I would love a ring from you. It's a beautiful symbol, and it means so much to me that you want to make sure I'm happy with it. Your thoughtfulness and love make everything perfect."

    She turned to Okane with a determined expression. "I want my ring to be something that complements Nao's bracelet. It should be elegant but practical, something I can wear every day as a reminder of our commitment. That said It's going to have to be pretty sturdy though since I specialize in hitting stuff with overwhelming force" she said with a sheepish chuckle.

    Hibiki's eyes widened slightly in surprise when Nao mentioned the Taijitu. It was a symbol that held a deeper meaning now, a reminder of their first conversation and the connection they had forged since then. She glanced at him, touched by his thoughtfulness and the way he cherished even the smallest moments they had shared together.

    "It's amazing that you remember that," she said softly, a smile tugging at her lips. "That conversation feels like ages ago, doesn't it? Yet here we are, planning our future together."

    She reached out and gently squeezed his hand, a silent gesture of gratitude and affection for the way he remembered and valued their journey. In that moment, the Taijitu symbolized not just balance and harmony, but also their evolving love and understanding of each other.

    As Nao spoke about the wedding, Hibiki could hardly contain her excitement. She had always dreamed of a wedding surrounded by family and friends, and the idea of it being a grand celebration at the Heavenly Emporium was beyond anything she had imagined. "I want it to be a day that everyone will remember," she said, her voice filled with excitement. "The decorations, the food, everything should reflect our love and our journey together."

    Hibiki's enthusiasm wavered as doubts crept in. The weight of deciding everything about the wedding—especially the food and decorations—on her own felt daunting. She worried about the responsibility and the possibility of making mistakes, especially considering her limited experience with different cuisines and decoration styles. That feeling was quickly forgotten however, When Okane dropped his bomb.

    Hibiki's head spun with Okane's overwhelming generosity. The thought of him covering their entire wedding was beyond her wildest dreams. She nearly fainted from the sheer magnitude of his offer. Was it really alright to accept such a gift? Doubt and uncertainty crept into her mind, reminding her of a time when her autonomy and self-worth were questioned.

    She thought back to her dark days after being rescued. Her mental disability had led some doctors to debate the merits of rehabilitation versus institutionalization. She had been like an emotionless robot then, barely hanging on to her humanity. But in those bleak moments, she had insisted they give her a chance.

    Later, as she started to recover, there had been talks of placing her in a home where she would never have to worry about stuff like money again. It would have provided her with safety and comfort, but it would have also meant never truly standing on her own two feet. It would have been a superficial semblance of the normalcy she longed for.

    Looking at Okane, Hibiki felt a surge of gratitude and determination. His offer was incredible, but was it really alright to accept such a gift?  But then she had a thought, If i was her big sister offering she’d probably simply accept the generosity for what it was.   He was family after all so it would be rude to question him on the subject. 

    Wanting to show her gratitude in her own way, smiled warmly at him. She thought of how she treated her other close family members, like Nao and Airi, and an idea sparked in her mind. Though there wasn't much she could offer to someone as accomplished as Okane, she wanted to express her thanks sincerely and personally.

    "Okane," she began, her voice gentle and filled with sincerity, "I can't thank you enough for everything you're doing for us. Your generosity is incredible, and I want to show my appreciation in a way that feels true to me."

    She paused, gathering her thoughts. "I know it might seem simple, but I'd love to bake some homemade cookies for you. It's something I do for the people I care about, like Nao and Airi. My cookies might not be up to the standards you're used to, especially since I only recently graduated from making charcoal," she added with a light laugh, "but they would be packed with my love and gratitude."

    Hibiki's eyes sparkled with genuine warmth as she continued, "So, I'd like to ask, what is your favorite fruit? I'd love to incorporate it into the cookies. It's a small gesture, but it's the best way I know to show my thanks."

    She looked at Okane expectantly, hoping he would appreciate her heartfelt offer. Despite her modest skills, she was determined to make something special for him, something that symbolized her deep gratitude and the bond of family they now shared.

    Hibiki watched Okane's demonstration with wide-eyed amazement. The fluid transformation of the liquid gold into various forms captivated her, each shift more impressive than the last. Her heart raced with excitement and admiration for Okane's skill and creativity.

    When Okane finished his demonstration, Hibiki couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Wow, That's incredible!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. "The way you can transform the bracelet into different weapons is amazing.”  Considering he was doing that with his bloodline it meant she could do it as well.

    Hibiki was eager to learn and adapt to Okane's teachings. She mimicked the hand signs Okane had shown her.  Dragon, Tiger, Snake, Dog, Rabbit.  A moment later she produced a dull silver metallic sphere that seemed to hover between her hands. She didn't have the same level of imagination Okane had, nor his experience in crafting weapons. Thinking it might be bad to form a bladed weapon in his presence she forged it into the shape of a hammer. She'd always been better at smashing stuff then stabbing things anyhow.

    Examining what she’d made she found it was of surprisingly high quality considering it was her first attempt.  Almost like something Mr. Kiyoshi would sell at his store.  "It kind of feels... like it's almost not real" she said, lacking the proper word to describe it as immaterial.

    As Hibiki held the hammer she had crafted, a sense of pride and accomplishment surged through her. However, the euphoria was short-lived. The metallic sphere suddenly cracked, and without warning, it shattered into pieces, leaving her hands empty and her expression crestfallen.


    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:00 pm

    When Okane mentioned covering all the wedding expenses, Nao's heart swelled with appreciation. He had always believed that weddings were about the union of two souls rather than an extravagant show of wealth. Okane's generous offer allowed them to focus on what truly mattered: their commitment to each other. Seeing Hibiki's enthusiasm and hearing her heartfelt gratitude towards Okane, Nao felt even more assured that they had made the right decision in seeking Okane's help. He gently squeezed Hibiki's hand in silent support, admiring her earnestness in wanting to thank Okane personally with homemade cookies. It was a small, yet sincere gesture that spoke volumes about her character.

    Despite her own belief that her cookies weren't high quality, Nao found them to be extremely delicious and felt that Okane would enjoy them as well if he had any decent taste buds. As Okane demonstrated his incredible crafting abilities, Nao couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and gratitude. Watching Okane’s display, Nao realized just how far-reaching Okane’s skills were, and he felt a deep respect for the man who could turn mere thoughts into tangible, multifunctional items. Nao watched Hibiki attempt the hand seals and create a metallic sphere. His admiration for her grew as she molded it into a hammer. The pride in her eyes was unmistakable, and he couldn’t help but smile at her achievement. However, when the sphere shattered, Nao reached out to comfort her.

    "It was an excellent first attempt," Nao said softly, his voice filled with encouragement. "A technique like that takes time and practice. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it." Turning to Okane, Nao's expression was one of determination. "I’d like to make sure that whatever you craft for us is as practical as it is symbolic. It should be a reflection of our bond and also serve us well in our duties. Your idea of multifunctional items is perfect, and I think an arm guard to protect me from attacks would work best for me since I don't exactly use weapons." With a thoughtful look, he added, "About the wedding, we accept your generous offer with heartfelt gratitude. Your support means the world to us, and we’ll do our best to make it a day to remember."

    Nao turned back to Hibiki, his gaze softening. "We'll figure everything out together, step by step. I know your cookies will be perfect, just like you." He paused, looking around the room that now felt so full of promise and possibility. "Maybe we could even incorporate some of your cookies into the wedding favors. It would be a personal touch, something that represents the care and effort we put into our relationship." In that moment, Nao felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and contentment. Despite the challenges they had faced and the uncertainty that lay ahead in the Chuunin Exams, they were surrounded by people who cared deeply for them.

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Okane Sat Jun 29, 2024 1:34 am

    Okane almost laughed at the idea but instead kept it to an amused smile. This girl was offering him cookies in return for all he offered? It was like a grandmother trying to pay her electric bill with homemade cookies. Only on a much grander scale. Still considering he had expected nothing in return this was simple enough for payment. He would of course be sure to involve some of his own creations at the wedding. A new wine and champagne being introduced at the wedding of the century would be a great selling point for them. As for the rest he could take a personal hand to it. Still without chemistry her food would have flavor but little else. For Okane though culinary arts were just that. Art. He could do things with food that made it seem a sin to eat it. The plating beautiful and the flavors would bring tears to eyes. Some may even weep as if they were mere babes. Yet he would not turn down her offer. Instead he would smile softly.

    "Cookies sound lovely. And you are of course free to add them to your wedding. I will be sure to leave space for it at the event. As for my favorite fruit, we grow artificial peaches at the emporium on the palace grounds. Designed to grow year round in any climate. A unique way to satiate world hunger. Still it hasn't been introduced to the world as of yet so we can do long term testing."

    He would listen to each of them and watch as she tried to mimic his technique. For him he considered heating temps and how malleable steel release was at said temperature. How to shape it and cool it while keeping air pockets from forming and strengthening it. As a crafter this was just knowledge for him. It was no surprise when hers fell apart. Truthfully without a seal his would too after three posts. Though not nearly as quickly. He noted hers had the wrong temperature, cooled too quickly and held air pockets. The technique she had tried to copy was beyond her as she was now. Still he would hold up his hands as if in a shrug. Speaking up once more.

    "Adding functionality to your accessories is the true nature of engineering. Combining it with armor or weapons is nothing new to me or my associates. An arm guard is a simply thing. And what for you young lady? Knuckle dusters perhaps? With steel release you will eventually coat your body in steel. Even form an exoskeleton. However as defensive a bloodline as it is...another offensive option may be beneficial for you. Something to handle that raw strength of yours."

    Character Name: Tomi, Okane
    Spendable Experience: 290
    Total Experience: 5440
    Renown: 4600
    Ryo: 2,064,100
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: D
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3005-tomi-okane
    Link to Known Techniques: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3029-okane-tomi-updates#23588
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Sun Jun 30, 2024 1:46 am

    Hibiki felt Nao gently squeeze her hand, his silent support reassuring her.  Then a mix of relief and gratitude as Okane accepted her offer of cookies. His smile, though amused, reassured her that he appreciated the gesture, however small it might seem compared to his grand contributions.

    She listened with fascination as he described the artificial peaches, marveling at the innovative ways he was working to address world hunger.  That said if they were still in testing  that probably meant that she wouldn’t be able to  incorporate such a unique and meaningful fruit into her cooking.  

    "Alright, I'll be sure to pack the cookies with tons of peaches and tons of love!" said Hibiki her voice filled with heartfelt appreciation. Okane was acting almost like he was her grand… scratch that thought. He was too young for that. Maybe more like he was her Uncle.  Yeah that sounded about right.  Either way it was nice to have another addition to her small but slowly growing family.

    Hibiki could feel the warmth of Nao’s hand in hers, and it only strengthened her resolve to bake the best batch of cookies she had ever made so far so that she could demonstrate her gratitude for everything that Okane was doing for her even though they had only just met.

    Hibiki's eyes sparkled with excitement as she turned to Nao, her gratitude evident in her expression. "Nao, your idea to include some of my cookies as wedding favors is genius!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "It's such a personal touch, and it represents the care and effort we put into our relationship. I love it."

    The sadness Hibiki had exhibited on her face upon her jutsu attempt failing didn’t last long. Honestly it was pretty typical of her to get it wrong on her first attempt.  She couldn’t afford to let it dampen her spirits for long.  She had a tendency to bounce back eventually but this time happened even quicker then usual thanks to Nao’s support.

    She smiled up at Nao, feeling his admiration and pride in her efforts, even though the metallic sphere had shattered. His encouragement meant everything to her. "Thank you, Nao. I'll keep practicing and get better at it," she said softly, determination in her eyes.

    When Okane spoke of bloodline and about what sort of weapon she might like. Hibiki gave a nervous laugh, glancing between Nao and Okane. "About that..." she began, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "I actually just unlocked the third stage of our bloodline before coming to the island. I can already cover my body with steel..."

    She paused, putting a finger to her lips to indicate the need for secrecy. "This next part is top secret," she whispered, her eyes serious. "But I can even go beyond that and have my entire body become living steel. Both inside and out."

    She looked at Okane, her expression a mix of pride and determination. "I know this ability will be a game-changer in my training and in our future missions. With your guidance and support, I believe I can master this new form and use it to protect those I care about."

    Turning to Nao, she added, her eyes shining with excitement, "This new ability makes me so much stronger. I can run faster, react quicker, and I'm tougher than ever when I'm in my steel form. I feel like I can take on anything and protect everyone I care about, especially you."

    Turning back to Okane, Hibiki took out a moth-eaten scroll that described the family techniques. Only the first couple of C-level ones were still fully legible. "This is all I have left to learn from on my own," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration. "Which is one of the major reasons I can't get much further learning the clan techniques on my own."

    She hesitated for a moment, then continued, "The rest is a bit of a long story. And a dark one at that. I don't normally like talking about it, but since your family, I'll make an exception and explain if you'd like.  It’s kind of related to why I’m not sure I need another weapon" Hibiki's expression was serious as she looked at Okane, ready to share the painful parts of her past if it meant receiving the guidance and support she needed to master her clan's abilities.



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