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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Leaf Genin
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Sat May 25, 2024 3:10 am

    Hibiki's heart fluttered with nerves as she approached Nao, who was waiting for her at their designated meeting spot on O'uzu Island. She had been contemplating how to ask him out on a proper date for days, and now, with the bustling excitement of the Chunin Exams surrounding them, she knew she had to seize the moment.

    "Well, well, well! Look who's here!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling mischievously as she approached him. she greeted him with a warm smile, her cheeks tinged with a hint of blush. "If it isn't my favorite ninja in the whole village! Ready to embark on an adventure with yours truly?  a playful grin tugging at the corners of her lips. She wanted to infuse their meeting with a sense of lighthearted fun

    "I was thinking.Since we're already here on O'uzu Island for the Chunin Exams, maybe we could take a little break.  Do you remember our talk about the grand merchant Okane? Rumour has it he's making an appearance at the fair tonight, offering rare treasures and exotic goods. I thought it might be fun to see what he has to offer...together.”

    She watched him closely, hoping her invitation didn't sound too forward. She wanted to spend time with him outside of the intense training and competition, to share a moment of relaxation and enjoyment amidst the chaos of the exams.


    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Sat May 25, 2024 6:00 pm

    Nao stood leaned against the railing of the boardwalk that overlooked the beach as he waited for Hibiki to arrive, lost in his own thoughts as he looked out across the various beach goers enjoying their time in the sun before it set while others were already making their way to the nights fair. The stress of the exams seemingly washing away with the tide of the ocean that he was overlooking. Having decided to dress more casually for today than he had been for the exams, Nao would be wearing a simple black shirt and black pants with his black and purple leather jacket that he had been wearing when he had first met Hibiki, his blueish-green pendant necklace hanging around his neck.

    He wasn't waiting long before he heard the familiar voice of Hibiki and his heart leapt in his chest, turning to face her with a wide smile. Seeing her, Nao felt like his heart stopped, she was a radiant beauty as she ever was. The setting sun in the distance creating a glow around her that only added to her beauty, as if she was an angel coming to brighten his day. His expression brightening at her playful demeanor, feeling a warmth spread through him at her words. "If it isn't my favorite kunoichi in the whole village," he replied, mirroring her lighthearted tone. "There's nothing I would rather do more, Lady Hibiki." he added to answer her question of embarking on an adventure with her.

    He noticed the blush on her cheeks and felt his own face heat up a bit, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, he had been so focused on the exams that it was nice to have time to just be with her. When she mentioned the grand merchant Okane, Nao nodded, remembering their conversation about her seeking help in her clan techniques from her distant cousin. The idea of exploring the fair together, away from the pressures of the exams, sounded perfect. "That sounds amazing," he said, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "I'm interested to see what he has to offer, and I would never pass up the chance to spend time with you." He added with a wink before offering his arm to her, "shall we head that way?"


    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Sun May 26, 2024 12:21 am

    Hibiki had approached the boardwalk with a lightness in her step, her sundress swaying gently with the rhythm of her movements. The soft fabric brushed against her skin, a comforting reminder of the carefree atmosphere of the beach. She couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling inside her as she had spotted Nao waiting for her, his familiar silhouette framed against the backdrop of the sun.

    As she drew closer, her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him leaning against the railing, the golden hues of the sunset casting a warm glow around him. His casual attire, a simple black shirt and pants paired with his signature leather jacket, accentuated his rugged charm, and Hibiki couldn't help but admire the effortless confidence he exuded. the blush on her cheeks deepening at the sight of his wide smile. He looked handsome as ever, and Hibiki felt a rush of affection wash over her.

    As Nao turned to face her, his expression mirroring her own excitement, Hibiki felt her heart swell with happiness. The way he looked at her, as if she were the only thing that mattered in that moment, made her feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

    "Ah, my favorite kunoichi has arrived!"
    Nao's playful response brought a giggle to Hibiki's lips, her cheeks flushing with a mix of bashfulness and joy. "Well, I'm glad to hear that!" she replied with a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Because I've got an adventure planned, and I couldn't think of anyone better to share it with than you, Nao."

    Hibiki nodded eagerly, recalling their previous conversation about her clan techniques from her cousin. At this point looking for him was more of an excuse for them to explore the fair together than anything else.

    "That sounds fantastic," she agreed, her eyes alight with excitement. "I'm eager to see what treasures Okane has in store for us, but more importantly, I'm looking forward to spending time with you." With a playful wink, Nao offered his arm to her, and Hibiki couldn't resist the urge to loop her arm through his.

    "Lead the way, Nao," she said with a smile, her heart fluttering with anticipation. "I'm ready for our adventure." Together, they set off towards the fairgrounds, the promise of a magical evening stretching out before them.

    As they walked towards the fairgrounds, Hibiki couldn't shake the warmth that spread through her at Nao's side. The gentle breeze carried their laughter, mingling with the distant sounds of the bustling fair. Yet, amidst the joy, a small thought tugged at her heartstrings.

    "Nao," she began softly, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. "I was thinking... maybe we could drop the 'Lady' from now on?" She turned to him, meeting his gaze with a mixture of sincerity and affection. "I mean, we're more than just friends now, right? We're partners."

    She paused, searching his eyes for understanding. "And I don't know about you, but I feel like 'partners' should be on a first-name basis, don't you think?" A shy smile played on her lips as she awaited his response, hoping he would understand the sentiment behind her request.



    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Sun May 26, 2024 9:05 am

    As Hibiki's giggle reached his ears, Nao felt a wave of warmth and satisfaction, it was almost like music. Her excitement was palpable, and Nao couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation himself. When she looped her arm into his and smiled at him, he felt his heart skip a beat. He was the luckiest man at the fair, no more than that, he was the luckiest man in the world perhaps the entire universe. The bustling of others around them seemed to fade into the background, leaving just the two of them as they walked down the boardwalk. The setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink casting a warm glow over their surroundings, but in Nao's eyes there was no one else around as they strolled towards the fairgrounds.

    As they strolled towards the fairgrounds, Nao couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of contentment with Hibiki by his side. He was his happiest when Hibiki was around, but today with their arms entwined in each other's, it was something more, as if it was simply meant to be. Yet, as they neared the fair, he noticed a contemplative look in her eyes. Nao’s mind buzzed with thoughts as Hibiki spoke about dropping the formalities, when called them partners he felt as though his heart was doing backflips in his chest. The word "partners" held a deeper meaning for him, Hibiki calling them partners meant that they were taking the next step in their relationship and Nao felt as though he was over the moon with joy.

    Nao stopped walking, gently pulling her to a halt beside him as he turned to face her more fully. With his eyes locked onto hers, he reached out, brushing a strand of hair away from her face with a tenderness that conveyed more than words ever could. "You’re right, Hibiki," he said, his voice warm and sincere. "We are more than friends," his hand lingered near her cheek for a moment before he let it drop to his side. Nao took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his words as he spoke. "I do want you to know though. The reason I call you 'Lady' is because of the respect I have of you and the kind of person you are, a testament of my esteem as well as my affection for you."

    He paused, searching her eyes for a moment, wanting her to feel the depth of his sincerity. “So yes Hibiki, we are partners, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” The affection in his voice was unmistakable, "you mean the world to me, Hibiki." Nao would look away for a moment, feeling his face redden as the thought of kissing her popped into his mind. He wanted nothing more than to do it, but he didn't know if it was the right time for it. He had promised her that they could take it one step at a time and it already felt as though they had taken a large leap towards that, he didn't want to overwhelm her or push too far.

    After a few seconds he would look back towards her, his usual cool demeanor giving way to a playful grin, Nao bumped his shoulder lightly against hers of their entwined arms. "Now, let's see what kind of trouble we can get into at the fair," he said, his tone lightening. As they continued walking towards the fairgrounds, sound of the fair's music grew louder with each step, mingling with the crashing of the waves on the beach shore. The lights of the fair twinkled in the distance, promising a night of fun and adventure. Nao felt a sense of excitement bubbling up inside him, and not just for the evening ahead. This was just the beginning of their story, and he couldn't wait to see where it would take them.

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Sun May 26, 2024 10:46 pm

    Hibiki's heart fluttered as Nao spoke, his sincere words resonating deeply within her. She felt a warmth spread through her chest, her earlier excitement now tinged with a profound sense of connection. As he brushed the strand of hair from her face, she felt a spark that made her pulse quicken.

    "Nao," she began, her voice soft yet filled with emotion, "I've never felt this way before. When you call me 'Lady,' it makes me feel special, and now I understand why it means so much to you. I respect you just as deeply."

    Her eyes locked onto his, and for a moment, everything else faded away—the fair, the people, the noise. It was just the two of them, wrapped in a moment of raw, unfiltered emotion. "Partners," she echoed, a smile spreading across her face. "I really do like the sound of that. It feels right, like we've been heading towards this moment for a long time."

    Hibiki squeezed his arm gently, feeling the strength and warmth in his embrace. She could see the hint of a blush on his cheeks, and it made her heart melt. The thought of him feeling the same nervous excitement she did made her feel closer to him than ever.

    When he bumped his shoulder against hers, she let out a soft laugh, her playful spirit returning. "Alright, partner," she said with a grin, "let's see what kind of trouble we can stir up tonight!"

    As they continued their walk toward the fairgrounds, Hibiki couldn't help but reflect on the intense emotions swirling within her. Every word Nao spoke, every touch, every look—it all felt so genuine, so real. And that scared her a little.

    For so long, Hibiki had felt like an emotional shell, a robot navigating through life after her time in Hades. The darkness of that place had stripped her of her feelings, leaving her numb and detached. Even after her rehabilitation, emotions had felt shallow, like a distant echo she had to amplify to make others comfortable around her.

    But with Nao, everything was different. The laughter, the excitement, the warmth—none of it was an act. She wasn't exaggerating to fit in or to reassure others. It was all real, and it was intense.

    Hibiki glanced at Nao, her arm still entwined with his. The sincerity in his eyes, the way he spoke to her with such respect and affection, stirred something deep within her. She felt alive in a way she hadn't in a long time, and that vitality was both exhilarating and terrifying.

    What if she lost this feeling? What if it overwhelmed her? The intensity of it was almost too much to bear, yet she didn't want it to stop. For the first time in a long while, she wasn't just pretending to feel—she was truly living, experiencing, and connecting.

    Hibiki took a deep breath, trying to steady the whirlwind inside her. She knew she had to embrace this, even if it scared her. Nao made her feel like she was more than just a survivor of her past—he made her feel human again.

    With a soft smile, she squeezed his arm a little tighter. "Nao," she said, her voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and strength, "thank you for being here with me. This... it means more than I can put into words."

    As they walked toward the fairgrounds, the vibrant lights and sounds of the fair grew more intense, filling the air with excitement. Hibiki's eyes sparkled as she scanned the various attractions, each one promising a new adventure. Suddenly, something caught her eye—a large, colorful booth with an array of whimsical prizes hanging above it and a row of water guns lined up in front.

    "Nao, look!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with genuine enthusiasm as she pointed toward the booth. "A water gun shooting game! We have to try it!" Her excitement was palpable, and she felt a rush of joy that was entirely new and unforced. She tugged Nao gently toward the booth, her heart pounding with the thrill of the moment. The booth's bright colors and the laughter of people playing the game added to the fair's lively atmosphere.

    "Come on, partner," she said with a playful grin, glancing up at him. "Let's see if we can win one of those huge stuffed animals!" As they approached the booth, Hibiki felt a surge of happiness, her earlier fears momentarily forgotten. The simple joy of sharing this experience with Nao made her feel more alive than she had in a long time. She picked up one of the water guns, her competitive spirit kicking in.

    "Ready to show off your skills?" she teased, aiming her water gun at the target. "Let's see who can hit the most targets! " Hibiki's laughter mingled with the sounds of the fair, her worries melting away in the warmth of the moment. She felt truly present, ready to enjoy every second of this adventure with Nao by her side.


    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Mon May 27, 2024 4:54 pm

    When Hibiki squeezed his arm, Nao felt a jolt of electricity, a reflection of the sincerity in her eyes as she spoke with both vulnerability and strength. He couldn't help but grin, she looked so happy, so alive, and he felt pure joy at being the cause of it. "I will always be here for you, Hibiki," he replied softly. Her laughter was like music, and he found himself chuckling along, feeling lighter than he had in years. When Hibiki pointed out the water gun shooting game, her enthusiasm was infectious. He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Alright, let's do it," he said, letting himself be pulled along by her excitement. He could feel the anticipation in the air, the promise of a fun challenge.

    At the booth, Nao picked up a water gun, glancing at Hibiki with a playful smirk. "You think you can beat me, huh?" He teased, his competitive side awakening as she suggested they see who could hit the most targets. "We'll see about that, you might be surprised at my skills," he continued, giving Hibiki a confident look and a wink. He could feel her excitement, and it only fueled his desire to impress her. As they started the game, he found himself lost in the moment, focused on hitting the targets but more so on the joy that radiated from Hibiki. It was a side of her he cherished, the part of her that made him fall for her. He knew it was just a game at the fair, but he felt a need to show off a little, to win her the prize stuffed animals.

    With a precision and grace of an experienced shooter, despite having never done it before. His eyes tracked the targets with unerring accuracy, his hands steady as he aimed and fired. Each shot hit its mark, the water jets striking the bullseyes with satisfying splashes. As the targets kept spinning, Nao maintained his rhythm, adjusting his aim with each pass. His movements were fluid, almost effortless. When the game finally ended, Nao stood with a triumphant smile on his face. The operator handed him the biggest stuffed animal at the booth, a giant fluffy bear that looked almost as big as Hibiki. Nao handed it to Hibiki, his eyes softening as a smile spread across his face. "There you go," he said, his voice gentle. "A prize for the best partner anyone could ask for."

    As they continued their walk through the fairgrounds, Nao couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction. Winning the game had been fun, but the real victory was in the connection he felt with Hibiki. Every laugh, every smile, they were moments he would treasure forever. With the giant stuffed bear in tow, they wandered through the vibrant lights and bustling crowds, sharing in the excitement of the fair. Nao felt more alive than ever, his earlier fears and insecurities melting away in Hibiki's presence. "Hey, Hibiki," he said, nudging her gently. "How about we grab a snack?" He asked as he scanned the fairgrounds, looking for something that would match the festive atmosphere.

    His gaze landed on a brightly lit concession stand, its sign advertising all sorts of fair treats. Directing Hibiki through the crowd, Nao would lead the way to the concession stand and get in line. "So what do you think, cotton candy or funnel cake?"

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Mon May 27, 2024 8:33 pm

    As Nao picked up his water gun, Hibiki couldn't suppress her excitement. She aimed her water gun at the targets, determined to match Nao's skill and win something impressive. The game started, and she immediately focused, her competitive spirit kicking in.

    She squeezed the trigger, watching as the water jet hit the first target, then the second. Hibiki laughed, the thrill of the game making her heart race. She glanced over at Nao, who was hitting every target with an impressive precision. His concentration and skill were evident, and she found herself admiring him even more.

    "You're really good at this, Nao!" she called out between laughs, trying to steady her aim. She managed to hit a few more targets, but it was clear she wasn't quite at his level. Still, she was having the time of her life, and that was what mattered most.

    Despite not hitting every target, Hibiki's enthusiasm didn't wane. She kept her focus, enjoying every moment. Each successful hit brought a cheer from her, and even the misses were met with laughter.

    When the game ended, and Nao was handed the giant stuffed bear, Hibiki clapped her hands in delight. "Wow, you did it! That was amazing!" she exclaimed, genuinely thrilled by his success. “I can't believe you won this for me! You're full of surprises. Thank you, Nao. This is the best prize ever," she said, her voice full of warmth.

    Hibiki’s heart raced with joy as she held the giant stuffed bear Nao had won for her, hugging it tightly.  His words, calling her the best partner, echoed in her mind, filling her with warmth and a sense of belonging. She looked up at him, her eyes shining with genuine happiness.

    As they walked away from the booth, Hibiki looked back at the water gun game, her heart still racing from the fun they had. She couldn't wait to see what other adventures the fair had in store for them. Holding the bear close, she felt a deep sense of contentment.

    As they wandered through the fairgrounds, Hibiki couldn't stop smiling. Each laugh, each shared glance, felt like a precious moment she wanted to capture and hold onto forever. She glanced at Nao, feeling a mix of excitement and something deeper, something that both thrilled and frightened her.

    When he suggested getting a snack, Hibiki’s eyes lit up even more. “Oh, definitely funnel cake!” she said, her enthusiasm bubbling over. “There’s something magical about sharing a warm, sugary treat under the fair lights, don’t you think?”

    As they reached the stand, she looked at Nao with a playful smile. “Alright, let’s get one big funnel cake to share. And maybe some extra powdered sugar, just for fun!” She laughed, the sound light and free.

    As they waited in line for their snack, Hibiki couldn't help but think about how she could reciprocate Nao's gesture. The giant stuffed bear was a wonderful prize, and she felt grateful and touched by his efforts to win it for her. She wanted to find something special for him, something that would show how much she appreciated him.

    Hibiki scanned the fairgrounds, her eyes darting from booth to booth. There were games, food stalls, and various attractions, each one offering different prizes. She wondered what would make Nao as happy as the bear had made her.

    Something personal, something that shows I know him well, she thought, considering her options. Her gaze landed on a ring toss game, with a display of small but intricately designed trinkets. One item caught her eye: a keychain with a tiny, detailed compass. Perfect, she thought, a smile spreading across her face.  A compass, to symbolize our journey together and how he helps me find my way.

    Hibiki tugged gently on Nao’s arm, pointing towards the ring toss booth. “Hey, Nao, how about we try that one next?” she suggested, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “I’ve got a good feeling about it.”


    Innocence Uchiha
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Tue May 28, 2024 12:04 am

    “I’ve got a good feeling about it.”
    "Ith that tho? Well, I have a rotten feeling about it"

    The voice came from right near the happy couple. Nao may have seen her coming for awhile off, or perhaps he was too fixated on his darling Hibiki. Either way, Innocence made no effort to hide her arrival or the fact that she had been eaves dropping. They seemed so happy together. So carefree and totally devoted to one another. It made her sick.

    Innocence's previous barbs towards Hibiki had caused a rather intense stand-off in the office. The situation was so grave that it had caused the Hokage to declare a unilateral truce between the Rookie 7 until the Exams. There would be no fighting amongst them but that didn't mean all was well. Innocence still harbored a deep sense of jealousy towards the idyllic redhead. Ever since Nao had stuck up for her, she couldn't help but wonder if Natsuki or Yuichi or anyone would do the same for her in a similar situation. Probably not. Hibiki may be dumb but at least you can understand the vapid nonsense she spouts. I basically need a translator. Innocence's sharp tongue had a rather offensive insult siloed and ready to fire, but she thought better of it. The Hokage made her promise to be nice to her idiot sister as a condition for the power she had received. She wasn't scared of Nao or his airhead girlfriend but she knew who was buttering her bread. She'd be kind to the cherry and the plum for the time being, or rather, she wouldn't be as hostile as she normally was. Innocence's scowl shifted into something approximating a smirk-smile. A kind of 'I don't really like you but I'm going to try and play nice' Cheshire grin. Oddly enough, this would be the pair's first time seeing Innocence in something other than a surgeon's lab coat. Today, she wore an oversized T-shirt with two syringes on it forming an "X," shorts and a pair of flipflops. Her hair was in a pony tail but rather than secured by two large bows, it was one oversized red one that looked more akin to a backpack then a hair tie. It was a shockingly casual state of affairs for someone who preferred the mad scientist aesthetic.  In her right hand, she held a large candy apple on a stick which she pointed at Nao a few times as if chastising him.

    "You two thhould be buthy training rather than doing all thith muthhy thtuff. You know the examth in a few dayth right?" Innocence said. Regardless of their reply, she'd call out "Koharu, C'mere!" as she waved over her friend whom she had dragged to the fairgrounds. She had temporarily abandoned the artist just to torment talk to the happy couple. Once her roommate arrived, she'd nudge him with her elbow and point at Nao and Hibiki.

    "That'th who I wath telling you about." Innocence said rudely. It was done in the sort of way that might imply she had spoken ill of them behind their backs. She then turned to Hibiki directly. "Hey Hibiki. That'th a really cute bear. Where'd you get it?" The question was fairly innocuous but Innocence's foul mood had gotten the better of her. She wasn't asking to make light conversation. She was hoping that Hibiki would say something silly that she could laugh about later. Or even better, something that would prove to Koharu that her assessment of the girl's intelligence was accurate. "I heard that if you bring a thtuffed bear back to the Leaf. It turnth into a real one during a full moon." She said. Her tone was patronizingly kind and simple. At this point, she knew her actions would probably not anger Hibiki but instead her date. Getting Nao flustered and nasty over a harmless question is the exact sort of thing that might scare off Hibiki. If not, it'd certainly ruin their date. Innocence could barely contain her amusement so she bit into her candy apple to keep from laughing.

    Sorry Hokage-sama....she's practically asking for it...

    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  7uImUHM
    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue May 28, 2024 6:11 am

    Nao nodded, his smile broadening. “Sounds perfect. Let’s do it,” he replied to Hibiki about the funnel cake, there was something about the idea of sharing the treat with her that simply made him happier than he already was. The lively atmosphere of the fair buzzed around them, filled with the sounds of laughter and carnival music. The aroma of fried dough and sweet confections wafted through the air, mingling with the distant scent of popcorn and cotton candy. The line moved quickly, and soon they were standing in front of the counter, the vendor ready to take their order. Brightly colored lights framed the booth, casting a warm glow over the array of treats on display. Nao looked to Hibiki, his smile still evident before he looked to the concession worker.

    “One large funnel cake, please,” Nao said confidently, turning back to the vendor. “With extra powdered sugar.” He emphasized the last part with a grin, imagining the sweet treat covered in a snowy layer of sugar. The vendor, a cheerful older man with a bushy mustache, nodded and got to work. Nao watched as the batter was poured into the hot oil, the dough swirling into intricate patterns. The golden-brown cake was then generously dusted with powdered sugar, just as requested. As the vendor handed over the plate, Nao looked at Hibiki, holding out the funnel cake between them. “Ready to dig in?” he asked, his voice filled with eagerness as they moved to find a place to eat it.

    Nao’s grin faded slightly at the sound of Innocence’s voice, the woman speaking before Nao could answer Hibiki about the ring toss game. Seeing Innocence approach, candy apple in hand and dressed unusually casual, her presence felt like a dark cloud over the bright fairgrounds. Innocence's smirk and condescending tone made his blood boil, but he knew better than to give her the satisfaction of a reaction. He wasn't going to let Innocence ruin their day, looking back to Hibiki. “Just ignore her, Hibiki. She's just jealous that you have someone and she doesn't.” He told her before taking a piece of the funnel cake and eating it, enjoying the sugary goodness of the treat.

    When Innocence called over Koharu, Nao’s jaw tightened. Turning back to face her, "You know, Innothenthe,” he said, deliberately exaggerating her lisp as he had before. The Hokage wasn't around to chastise him for doing it this time, “if you thpent leth time trying to bring otherth down, you might find thome joy yourthelf. Hell, you might even find thomeone that athtual liketh you, jutht a thought, but you might thonthider it.” The jab was petty, it's true but it was worth it if it made Innocence's face contort in anger or made her shut up.

    Turning back to Hibiki, his smile returning. "Come on Hibiki, let's head to the ring toss, the air over here is rotten with jealousy." he said, leading the way towards the game booth. As they walked towards the ring toss booth, Nao felt a surge of adrenaline. He knew mocking Innocence was risky, but standing up to her felt good. He was tired of her constant negativity and the way she tried to make fun of Hibiki. He would silently activate his byakugan, just in case Innocence tried anything with their back turned. He wasn't scared of the woman, but he'd be damned if he would let her ruin Hibiki's night.

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Koharu Tue May 28, 2024 7:08 am

    Koharu just wanted to spend his days in O'uzu on the beach. His roommate, on the other hand, was always busy with something. The talented young woman scared him. She was angry and could be mean. Koharu was never one hundred percent sober, and she really harshed his buzz if she wanted. It was easier just to go along with whatever she asked him to do, basically. It was like having a mean little sister, except they were both paying rent. He mostly just followed her, hunched over and awaiting a time he could go back home and continue to do basically nothing.

    He was dressed festively, with bright colors and all sorts of fancy trinkets. He thought it would fit the situation, but he really just stood out like a sore thumb. He looked like he was a clown. He was carrying a grocery bag that was filled with all kinds of nonsense. None of it was even the least bit useful in most situations. He was just obsessed with always having certain art supplies on him.

    Koharu was enjoying the vibes two young lovers gave off, momentarily regretting being the laziest man in konoha, before Innocence interrupted them. She called Koharu over to her. He meandered over, swaying slightly to the left before recovering and standing basically at attention. "Oh, yeah, sorry I guess I was kind of in space for a second... what - what's up?"

    This was the girl she told him about? Who? Sometimes, Koharu only pretended to listen to what she was saying. He tried to recall. He vaguely remembered her calling a girl dumb and complaining about her boyfriend. His gaze moved from person to person as his intoxicated brain tried to make sense of things. He had to agree with the guy though. His statement at least seemed accurate. "It's true, Innocence, you invite a lot of negativity into your life," was all he had to say about that.

    He smiled at this Hibiki girl. She was cute and seemed nice, so it seemed natural to be nice as well. "She's just jealous of your hot boyfriend. I can't blame her. I'm jealous of both of you."

    Love was one department Koharu had never had any luck with. It was easier just to live vicariously anyway.

    "I apologize on her behalf. One day, my roommate will mature, and come to see how silly she is," he said, giving the girl a sort of wave or casual salute.
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Wed May 29, 2024 2:31 am

    Hibiki’s eyes sparkled with excitement as Nao placed the order for the funnel cake. The vibrant energy of the fair seemed to amplify the warmth she felt being by his side. As they waited, she couldn’t help but watch the vendor with fascination, her mouth already watering at the thought of the sweet, crispy treat.

    When the vendor handed over the plate, Hibiki’s gaze shifted to Nao, who looked at her with such eagerness that it made her heart flutter. “Absolutely,” she responded, her voice filled with joy. She took a small piece of the funnel cake, the powdered sugar dusting her fingertips. As she took a bite, the delightful combination of crunch and sweetness melted in her mouth. “This is amazing,” she murmured, savouring the taste.

    However, the moment of bliss was interrupted by the sight of Innocence approaching. Hibiki’s face lit up even more, mistaking Innocence for a friend coming to join their fun. She waved enthusiastically “Innocence! I’m so glad you’re here!” she called out cheerfully.

    Hibiki, oblivious to the underlying tension, smiled warmly at Innocence. “Would you like to share some funnel cake with us?” she offered, holding the plate out. The powdered sugar sparkled under the brightly colored lights framing the booth, casting a warm glow over their small gathering.

    Nao shot Hibiki a glance, silently pleading with her to understand, but her innocent enthusiasm was unwavering. When Nao told her to ignore innocence Hibiki’s smile faltered for a moment, confusion crossing her features, but she quickly brushed it aside, focusing on the positive.

    Hibiki’s smile remained bright despite Innocence’s rude interruption. She knew Nao was tense, but she was determined to keep the mood light. When Innocence mentioned the exams, Hibiki nodded earnestly. “We’ve been training hard, Innocence. Sometimes taking a break helps us recharge so we can do our best.”

    When Innocence called over Koharu and nudged him rudely, Hibiki felt a pang of discomfort. She sensed the unkind undertone in Innocence's actions, but she chose to stay positive. As Koharu approached, swaying slightly, Hibiki couldn't help but notice his disoriented demeanor. Despite his festive attire, he seemed out of place, like he'd rather be somewhere else entirely. Hibiki offered a friendly wave. “Hi, Koharu! Nice to meet you.”

    Koharu's words were a bit muddled, indicating his state of mind. Hibiki felt a twinge of sympathy for him, sensing his desire for simplicity amidst the chaos.  Despite his apparent disorientation, there was a genuine kindness in his demeanour that she found endearing.

    Innocence’s comment about the stuffed bear made Hibiki glance down at the bear Nao had won for her. Her heart swelled with affection as she remembered the game. “Oh, this?” She held the bear up, smiling warmly. “Nao won it for me at the water gun game. He’s really good at it!”

    Then Innocence mentioned the bear turning real under a full moon, and Hibiki’s eyes widened with amazement. “Really?” she said, her voice filled with childlike wonder. “That’s incredible! I had no idea it could do that!” She hugged the bear closer, looking genuinely thrilled at the prospect.  She almost couldn’t wait to take him on a stroll through the woods.

    Hibiki giggled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement.  “Thanks for telling me, Innocence! I love how caring you are.” Hibiki’s genuine and kind response was unintentionally aimed to deflate Innocence’s attempts to provoke. She turned to Nao, who looked ready to defend her. “Nao, don’t worry about it. We’re here to have fun, remember?” She took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

    Hibiki watched with a mixture of surprise and discomfort as Nao deliberately exaggerated Innocence's lisp. Her heart sank at the exchange, feeling torn between understanding Nao's frustration and wishing he had chosen a different approach.

    "Nao," she said softly, reaching out to touch his arm gently, "I know you're upset, but mocking her like that isn't the right way to handle things.” She offered him a small, reassuring smile, hoping to convey her support without dismissing his feelings. 

    "Let's focus on enjoying our time here together. We can't control how others behave, but we can choose how we react. And I choose to spread positivity, even in the face of ad...adversity." Her words hung in the air, a gentle reminder of the values they shared.

    When Koharu remarked about Innocence inviting a  lot of negativity, his words were tinged with a hint of resignation. Hibiki nodded in agreement, silently acknowledging the truth in his observation.

    As Koharu made the comment about Innocence being jealous of Nao, Hibiki's cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment, and she let out a nervous giggle, feeling a bit shy about the sudden attention on their relationship. She glanced shyly at Nao, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and self-consciousness.

    "Oh, my goodness, Koharu! You're too much!" she exclaimed between nervous laughs, her voice slightly shaky. She shot a quick glance at Nao, hoping he wouldn't mind the sudden spotlight on their relationship. "Did you hear that, Nao? Looks like I've got myself a hot commodity!"

    The playful banter brought a sense of warmth to Hibiki's cheeks, and she couldn't help but feel grateful for Nao's understanding and support. With a shy smile and a soft laugh, she leaned into him slightly, feeling a surge of affection for the man who always knew how to make her feel comfortable.

    When Koharu offered an apology on Innocence’s behalf with a casual wave. Hibiki returned the gesture with a nod, grateful for his kindness amidst the turmoil. "Thank you, Koharu. Your support means a lot," Hibiki replied sincerely, offering him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “I have a feeling you’ll find someone soon too. In fact I’m sure you will.” she said.  She didn’t need her ability to see the future to tell that much.

    Hibiki's attention then turned to Innocence, who stood nearby with a less-than-amused expression. Feeling a surge of empathy, Hibiki mustered her courage and approached her, a hopeful smile on her face.

    "Innocence, maybe if you were a little nicer to Koharu, you could be as happy as Nao and I are," she suggested naively, her voice tinged with genuine concern. "I know he's a great guy, and I'm sure he'd appreciate your kindness."

    Hibiki's heart swelled with optimism as she made this exchange, hopeful that her words had planted a seed of kindness in Innocence's heart. With a smile and a silent prayer for brighter days ahead, she rejoined Nao, feeling grateful for the chance to spread a little love and positivity in the world.

    Determined not to let Innocence ruin their day, Hibiki addressed both Innocence and Koharu with a bright smile. “Why don’t you both join us for a while? There’s plenty of fun to be had at the fair, and the more, the merrier!”

    Her cheerful invitation left Innocence little room to continue her taunts without appearing overtly malicious. Hibiki’s kind-hearted nature and unwavering positivity created a bubble of warmth and light that even Innocence’s negativity would struggle to penetrate.

    Turning back to Nao, Hibiki took another bite of the funnel cake, savoring the sweetness. “Isn’t this delicious? I’m so glad we got to share it.” She leaned in closer, whispering so only he could hear, “Let’s keep making great memories today, no matter what.”  She was focused on enjoying the fair with Nao, her heart full of hope and happiness.

    Regardless if Innocence and Koharu joined them or not, they continued.  As they approached the booth, Hibiki felt a mix of anticipation and determination. She wanted to win the compass for Nao, to show him that she was thinking of him just as much as he was thinking of her. She picked up a few rings, feeling the weight of them in her hands.

    “Alright, let’s see if I can match your skills,” she said with a playful grin, her competitive spirit shining through. She took a deep breath and focused, aiming carefully before tossing the first ring. It missed, but she laughed it off, undeterred.

    With each throw, she adjusted her aim, determined to win. On her third try, the ring landed perfectly around the peg, and she let out a cheer of triumph. The booth operator handed her the compass keychain, and Hibiki turned to Nao with a bright smile.

    “This is for you,” she said, holding out the keychain. “A little something to remind you that no matter where we go, we’ll always find our way together.”

    Her eyes met his, and she felt a rush of warmth and connection. Winning the game and giving him the prize was a small gesture, but it carried a deep meaning. It was her way of showing him that she valued their bond, and that she wanted to be there for him, just as he was for her.


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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Innocence Uchiha Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:33 am

    Hibiki was so sweet that every time she opened her mouth, Innocence felt her insulin spike. The girl had responded to her venom with such kindness that it actually gave Innocence pause. She's so goddamn stupid that she takes all the fun right out of it. The fact that Hibiki was inadvertently making Inno feel guilty and ruining her fun incensed the surgeon further.

    "I don't want that junk" Innocence said waving the candy apple at Hibiki. She wasn't a fan of funnel cakes. They tasted funny to her and she found them to be an offensive re-creation of the more elegant beignet. Fortunately, Nao was not nearly as naive. He immediately understood what Innocence was doing and responded to her meanness in kind. The surgeon thrived off the negativity and though it angered  her, it felt good to be acknowledged and challenged. He could make fun of her lisp all he wanted, but when she stood over him victorious, he'd have no choice but to eat his words.

    However her face twisted into a frown when he mentioned "finding someone who likes her." It was a sore spot for the loveless and sassy nerd of a genin. She had never had a boyfriend and her sister had often teased her that was pretty much doomed to live the life of an incel if she didn't wisen up socially. When Koharu joined them, she expected her roommate and temporary companion to back her up. But rather than defend her, he threw gasoline on the heat that Nao had served. That really pissed her off. She looked at him incredulously as he agreed with Nao and chastized her for her behavior. Even worse, he actually apologized on her behalf and complimented the dunce and her Hyuuga boyfriend. Innocence's face contorted with rage and humiliation.

    Innocence braced for a fight. She expected Nao to blow up but he was still acting calm. Mean, but relatively calm. Her comedic audience had also turned against her and it wasn't as much fun laughing at the idiot's gullibility when she was the only one doing it. The humorous jab was ruined and Hibiki was making it worse by trying to stick up for her. Any guilt Innocence felt was neutralized by the redhead's happy-go-lucky and cringy nature.

    "Ath if I give a damn about kiththing up on thome dumb boyfriend. I'm a thcientitht I have better thingth to do anyway!" Innocence defiantly took another bite out of her candy apple and continued to talk while chewing making her even harder to understand. "Don't patronize me Hibiki, you're tho dumb you probably tried to kill a fithh by drowning it. Nao you're tho ugly, your mother maketh you look in the mirror ath a punithhment. Koharu you drunk traitor, you're tho wathted I uthe your blood ath dithinfectant for my patientth." The insults were garbled with her lisp and apple chewing. By the time she was finished, Nao and Hibiki might be walking away which made her even angrier. She swallowed her food and called out to them in rising frustration.

    "You thhouldn't be dating thomeone with a room temperature IQ anywayth Nao! I'm pretty thure there are lawth againtht dating the handicapped. Friggin creep!"

    Innocence threw her candy apple in their direction. It fell far short of either of them and instead hit the ground. Innocence looked at the wasted half-eaten treat and suddenly a well of bad memories bubbled up inside her. People making fun of her and refusing to take her seriously. She had responded the only way she knew how. With juvenile jokes aimed at whatever insecurities she could surmise, but it never seemed to cut as deep as their words did against her. Innocence turned ire on her sole "friend."

    "Whothe thide are you on?!" Innocence shouted. "I didn't expect you to take the thide of a random over your own roommate. Cmon you're buying me a new candy apple!" Innocence would grab Koharu's arm and tug him in the opposite direction: towards the candy apple stand. Maybe a sweet treat would help her forget her woes for an hour or two.


    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  7uImUHM
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:21 pm

    Nao heard Hibiki's words about them being there to have fun and felt her squeeze his hand, something that had become a way of them silently communicating with each other about them being there for each other, but he couldn't stop himself from mocking Innocence's lisp. When Hibiki admonished him for mocking Innocence and he saw the look on her face, Nao felt a pang of guilt, she was right of course. There were better ways to handle things, and he admired how Hibiki managed to stay true to her values, even when provoked, he should focus more on just enjoying their time together than letting himself be lowered to Innocence's level.

    As Koharu agreed with Nao about Innocence's negativity and went on to agree about the jealousy and how he was also jealous of them both, Nao couldn't help but notice Hibiki's shy giggle and the blush that spread across her cheeks. It was little moments like these that reminded him how much he adored her, when Hibiki stated she had a hot commodity Nao would chuckle. "Yeah, me too," he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as she leaned into him, "looks like we're pretty lucky, huh?" When Hibiki thanked Koharu for apologizing on Innocence's behalf and offered him words of encouragement, Nao nodded in agreement.

    "Koharu, I have to agree with Hibiki, you'll find someone amazing that's perfect for you just like I did. We're both rooting for you," he added, appreciating Koharu's attempt to smooth things over. As Hibiki approached Innocence with a hopeful smile and sincere advice, Nao watched with a mixture of pride and apprehension. He knew Hibiki's heart was in the right place, but he didn't think Innocence was the right person for Koharu. The two of them may be friends, but even though they just met him, Koharu seemed too kind hearted for a witch like Innocence in Nao's opinion. Of course, it might have been because the man was drunk, either way Nao would keep his thoughts on the subject to himself.

    When Hibiki invited the other two to join them, he would do his best to hide the hope that they didn't. As they returned to enjoying the funnel cake, savoring the sweet treat together the rest of the fair melted away for him. Her whispered words filled him with the determination to make the day special, no matter what. He heard Innocence talking, but her words didn't quite reach his ears. Whether he tuned her out or not he just didn't care and the two of them would move on to the next stop on their date. At the ring toss booth, Nao held the large stuffed bear as he watched Hibiki's playful determination with admiration. Her competitive spirit was endearing, and he couldn't help but cheer her on.

    When she finally succeeded and presented him with the compass keychain, his heart swelled with joy. No one had ever given something to him like this before, at least not without expecting something in return. He knew that technically he had already given her something with the bear, but it wasn't as if they were exchanging things. "Thank you, Hibiki," he said, taking the keychain and holding it close. "This means a lot to me," he pulled her into a gentle hug to show his gratitude and affection. Spotting a photo booth adorned with lights and decorated with whimsical props, Nao would motion towards it. "Let's take some pictures, to commemorate today." He suggested, leading the way over towards it with a smile.

    At the photo booth Nao picked up a pair of oversized sunglasses and placed them on before looking at her "What do you think? They're just my size, right?" He asked with a light laugh, giving Hibiki the chance to pick out a prop or two for herself before they entered the booth.

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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Koharu Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:52 am

    The girl offered some funnel cake. He put his hand up as a gesture that he did not want any. "I am weird about other people's food. Thank you for the offer, though."

    The truth was that he was drunk, and didn't want to throw up. He was somewhat skilled at hiding it, so he wouldn't appear very drunk aside from his eyes drooping a bit and a bit of red to his face.

    The red haired girl greeted him in a cheerful manner. He naturally smiled back as he responded. He did a goofy bow. If he had a hat on, he would have taken it off. "A pleasure to meet you too, Hibiki."

    There was an exchange that Koharu mostly just ignored. It was background noise as he enjoyed the scenery mostly. He really wasn't the sort to argue with people, and that seemed like the only reason they were even here. He sighed. Why was his roommate so immature? All Koharu wanted was to enjoy the scenery. Instead he was being caught up in her petty drama. Maybe he would just make a subtle escape.

    A thirithith? Koharu accidentally giggled at Innocence attempting to speak. He normally tried to avoid it, because innocence made him afraid for his life. At the moment he was a bit too drunk to hide much of anything.

    The attention they were getting understandably made them a bit embarrassed, and they both tried to tell him he would find love one day. Koharu laughed it off. "Don't worry about that! I am quite happy with the way things are now."

    Well, except for his evil roommate, who was demanding that he buy her a candy apple. He considered telling her no, so his response took a moment. It would probably start another fight, though, which would totally ruin his buzz. Besides, it might get her to stop harassing these two. She was literally dragging him away. He put no effort into resisting. "Sure, whatever. I have a bit of cash to spare. You don't need to be so mean about it, though."

    They would approach the stand, where Koharu would buy her pretty much whatever she wanted just to avoid an argument.
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:06 am

    Hibiki's eyes widened slightly as both Innocence and Koharu rejected her offer of funnel cake. She felt a pang of disappointment but quickly brushed it aside. She wasn't going to let this ruin her day or her spirit.

    Hibiki felt a warmth spread through her as Nao squeezed her hand and chuckled at her words. His support meant everything to her. She glanced at him, smiling shyly when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Nao's presence was a comfort, a reminder that no matter how difficult things got, they were in this together.

    Nao echoed her sentiment about their luck. His arm around her felt reassuring, and Hibiki leaned into him, feeling a blush creep across her cheeks.

    Hibiki felt a warm smile spread across her face as Koharu laughed off their attempts to reassure him about finding love. His contentment was evident, and she admired his confidence in his current situation.

    "That's the spirit, Koharu!" Hibiki chimed in, her voice laced with admiration. "Being happy with where you are right now is so important. Who knows what the future holds, but as long as you're happy, that's what matters."

    She glanced at Nao, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Isn't that right, Nao?" she asked, nudging him gently with her elbow. "We're both lucky to have each other, but we're also happy with where we are."

    Hibiki's gaze returned to Koharu, her smile genuine. "You're an amazing person, Koharu, and I know that whoever ends up with you will be incredibly lucky. But until then, let's just enjoy the present and all the wonderful moments it brings." With a reassuring nod, Hibiki hoped her words would convey her genuine happiness for Koharu and reassure him that he was exactly where he needed to be.

    Hibiki felt a pang of sadness as she listened to Innocence's hurtful words. She knew the surgeon was lashing out because of her own pain, but that didn't make it any easier to hear. Taking a deep breath, Hibiki glanced at Nao, hoping he was okay.

    "Innocence, I understand that you're upset, but there's no need for insults," Hibiki said gently, her voice calm despite the rising frustration. "We're all here together, and I believe we can find a way to get along."

    She turned to Nao, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze once again. "Let's not let her words get to us, Nao. We know who we are, and we know we're better than this."

    Hibiki's heart ached for Innocence, knowing that her anger was only masking deeper feelings of insecurity and loneliness. "Innocence, if you ever want to talk or need someone to listen, I'm here for you," she said softly, her gaze filled with empathy.
    With a hopeful smile, Hibiki gestured towards the rest of the fair. "Let's try to enjoy the rest of our time here, okay? We don't have to let this ruin our day."

    As they walked away, Hibiki hoped her words had reached Innocence, even if just a little. She knew it wouldn't be easy to break through her tough exterior, but she was determined to keep trying. After all, kindness and understanding were powerful tools, and Hibiki believed in their ability to make a difference.

    Hibiki felt a mix of pride and apprehension as she saw Nao's support. She knew his heart was in the right place, even if he was more skeptical about Innocence. Together, they made their way to the ring toss booth, leaving the tension behind.

    When she finally succeeded and presented Nao with the compass keychain, his reaction filled her with joy. His gratitude and affection made her heart swell, and she returned his gentle hug, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

    As Nao suggested they take some pictures, Hibiki's eyes widened with curiosity. "A photo booth?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder. "I've never been in one before!"

    Her excitement bubbled over as she followed Nao towards the booth, her heart racing with anticipation. She glanced at the decorated booth with its twinkling lights and whimsical props, feeling a sense of adventure wash over her.

    Inside the booth, Hibiki's eyes sparkled as she took in the colorful backdrop and the array of props. "Wow, this is amazing!" she exclaimed, reaching out to touch the props with a sense of awe.

    When Nao picked up a pair of oversized sunglasses and put them on, Hibiki giggled with delight. "Those look great on you!" she said, her laughter contagious.

    As she looked around, Hibiki spotted a flower crown and picked it up, placing it gently on her head. "How about this?" she asked, turning to Nao with a smile.

    Together, they stepped into the booth, the camera flashing as they struck poses and goofed around with the props. Hibiki's laughter filled the air, her heart racing with excitement.

    As they stepped out of the booth, Hibiki looked at the printed photos with a sense of wonder. "These are amazing!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with happiness.

    Turning to Nao, she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. As Hibiki embraced Nao, she could feel the warmth of his presence enveloping her. Taking a moment to cherish the closeness they shared, she gently pulled back from the hug, her hands still resting on his shoulders.

    With a tender smile, Hibiki reached up and brushed a stray lock of hair away from Nao's forehead, her touch feather-light against his skin. ""Thank you for showing me something new and exciting" she said softly, her voice filled with sincerity.

    Leaning in, she pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, her lips lingering for a moment before she pulled back, her gaze meeting his with a warmth that reflected the depth of her feelings.

    In that fleeting moment, Hibiki hoped Nao could see just how much he meant to her, not just in words, but in the silent language of touch and gesture.


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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Fri Jun 07, 2024 12:29 am

    Nao watched Hibiki's eyes light up with joy and curiosity as they approached the photo booth. Her excitement was infectious, making his own heart race with anticipation. Inside the booth, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of her wearing the flower crown. "You look like a lovely princess," he said, his voice warm with admiration. They struck silly poses, laughed, and shared playful moments that the camera captured in flashes of light. As they stepped out and Hibiki examined the printed photos, Nao felt a rush of happiness at seeing her so delighted. Her spontaneous hug caught him off guard, but he quickly wrapped his arms around her, relishing the closeness.

    When Hibiki gently pulled back, her hands still resting on his shoulders, he felt a deep sense of contentment. Her touch was light and tender as she brushed a lock of hair from his forehead. When Hibiki leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, Nao's heart skipped a beat. The warmth of her lips against his skin sent a pleasant shiver down his spine, making his breath catch. He felt his cheeks flush, a rare vulnerability surfacing. Her touch lingered, and when she pulled back, their eyes met. In her gaze, he saw the depth of her feelings, and it made his own emotions surge with intensity. That kiss, so simple yet profound, made him feel cherished in a way he had never experienced before.

    "You're welcome, Hibiki," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth and a newfound tenderness. "I'm glad we could share this moment together." Taking her hand in his, he gave it a gentle squeeze. "Let's keep making memories like this," he suggested, his smile reflecting the happiness he felt. "There's so much more to explore and enjoy together." He glanced around the bustling fairground and spotted the ferris wheel illuminated against the evening sky. "How about we go on the ferris wheel next?" Nao suggested, a playful glint in his eyes. "The view from up there is bound to be incredible." With their hands intertwined, Nao led Hibiki towards the Ferris wheel, ready to share yet another special moment with her.

    As they approached, the operator greeted them with a friendly smile, opening the door to one of the gondolas. They stepped inside, the seat gently swaying as they settled in. As the wheel began to turn, lifting them higher and higher, Nao felt a sense of awe at the panoramic view unfolding before them. The island, bathed in the soft hues of twilight, looked magical from their elevated perch. Nao glanced at Hibiki, her face illuminated by the glow of the ferris wheel's lights. "The most beautiful sight I've ever seen," he murmured, looking more at her than the scenery around them. As they reached the top, the gondola paused, giving them a moment to savor the view.

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Fri Jun 07, 2024 3:07 am

    Hibiki's eyes widened in surprise and delight. "Nao, are you reading my mind?" she asked with a playful grin. "Part of my plan for today was to go on the ferris wheel! I heard that couples who ride it during sunset will be blessed with happiness." She giggled, her excitement bubbling over. "It's like you knew exactly what I was thinking!" With their hands intertwined, Nao led Hibiki towards the ferris wheel, ready to share yet another special moment with her.

    As they approached the towering ferris wheel, Hibiki's heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She glanced up at the massive structure, feeling a thrill shoot through her veins. This was her first time riding a ferris wheel, and the anticipation made her pulse quicken.

    Nao's hand in hers provided a reassuring anchor as they approached the operator. With a warm smile, the operator greeted them and opened the door to one of the gondolas. As Hibiki stepped inside, she marveled at the cozy space, the seats padded and comfortable. She looked out the window, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in the bustling fairground below.

    "This is amazing," she breathed, her voice tinged with awe. She glanced at Nao, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "I've never been on a ferris wheel before. It's so much bigger up close!"

    As the operator closed the door and the wheel began to turn, lifting them higher and higher into the sky, Hibiki's excitement grew with each passing moment. She clutched Nao's hand tightly, her gaze fixed on the breathtaking view unfolding before them.

    When Nao said she was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen, Hibiki's cheeks turned a rosy pink, and she giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. "Nao, you're so sweet!" she said, her voice filled with genuine happiness. "But look at this view! It's like we're on top of the world!"

    She leaned closer to the window, her breath fogging up the glass as she pointed out different spots below. "Look! There's the photo booth where we just were! And over there, the water gun game.”

    Turning back to Nao, she saw the warm look in his eyes and felt a rush of affection. She squeezed his hand, her fingers lacing through his. "Thank you for bringing me here, Nao. I never thought I'd get to experience something like this." Her voice softened, a hint of her past pain lingering in her words. "After everything... it's just really special to be here with you."

    As the ferris wheel slowly began its descent, Hibiki scooted closer to Nao, resting her head on his shoulder. "Let's make a promise, okay?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "No matter what happens, let's always find time to make memories like these. Happy ones. Together."

    She looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of hope and determination. "Because you're special to me, Nao. Really special." she wished she had a better way to put it but it was beyond her Vocabulary. Her lips curved into a tender smile, and she added playfully, "And besides, who else would make me look like a princess with a flower crown?"

    The ferris wheel came to a stop, and the operator opened the door, breaking the spell of their private moment. Hibiki stood up, taking Nao's hand as they stepped out. The world seemed a little brighter, a little more magical, as they walked hand-in-hand back into the bustling fairground.

    "So, cotton candy next?" she asked with a grin, her eyes shining with excitement. "Or do you want to try the roller coaster? I heard it's really fun!"


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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:17 pm

    Nao couldn't suppress his grin at Hibiki's playful accusation, "maybe I am reading your mind," he teased with a playful wink. "Honestly, it just seemed like the perfect way to get a good look around at everything at the fair. As long as you're by my side, I will always be blessed with happiness." As they walked towards the ferris wheel, he felt a surge of happiness just from seeing her so excited. The warmth of her hand in his was a comforting reminder of how special these moments were. "It looks even better up close, doesn't it?" he said as they approached the massive structure, glancing over at Hibiki, noticing the look in her eyes. "Don't worry, Hibiki," he said, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "We'll be just fine. I won't let anything happen to you and the view will be worth it."

    As they settled into the gondola, and Hibiki's eyes sparkled with excitement, Nao couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm happy to be able to share another first time experience with her. As the wheel lifted them higher, Nao felt a sense of peace wash over him. Being here with Hibiki, sharing this experience, was more than he could have hoped for. Her reaction to his compliment made him smile even wider. "You really are, you know," he said softly, his eyes meeting hers. "But yeah, the view is amazing too." He followed her gaze as she pointed out various spots below, feeling a thrill at seeing the fairground from this new perspective.

    Nao wrapped his arm around her shoulders as she leaned her head against his shoulder, pulling her closer. Nao felt a lump in his throat as her whispered promise filled him with warmth and determination. "I promise," he said, his voice equally soft. "We'll always find time for moments like these, together. Making these memories with you means everything to me." As she looked up towards him and told him how he was special to her, Nao would look towards her and locking eyes with her. "You're incredibly special to me, too," he replied, his voice sincere. He chuckled at her playful comment, adding, "I promise that I'll always do my best to make you feel like the Princess that you are."

    When the ferris wheel came to a stop, and the operator opened the door, breaking the spell of their private moment. Hibiki stood up, taking Nao's hand as they stepped out. The world seemed a little brighter, a little more magical, as they walked hand-in-hand back into the bustling fairground. Nao chuckled as Hibiki asked what was next, his heart light with happiness. "How about we get some cotton candy first? We can enjoy it while we walk to the roller coaster," he suggested. "It's a perfect mix of sweet and thrilling, just like this evening." He added, he knew the line for the coaster was likely to be long, so they would have plenty of time to enjoy the cotton candy.

    He led her to the cotton candy stand, where they watched as the vendor spun the sugary treat into a fluffy, pink cloud. As they shared the cotton candy, Nao couldn't help but marvel at how everything seemed more vibrant and joyful with Hibiki by his side. With their cotton candy in hand, they headed towards the roller coaster. The thrill of the ride awaited, but Nao knew that the real adventure was the journey he was sharing with Hibiki. As they approached the roller coaster, he felt a surge of excitement and anticipation, ready to create another unforgettable memory with the girl who had stolen his heart.

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:32 pm

    Hibiki laughed at Nao's playful teasing, feeling a warmth in her chest that mirrored the summer evening around them. "Well, if you are reading my mind, you should know I'm thinking about how perfect this evening is," she replied, her eyes sparkling with affection. His words about happiness touched her deeply, and she squeezed his hand in return, feeling the comfort and security his presence always brought her.

    When the ferris wheel ride ended, and they stepped back onto the fairground, Hibiki felt a renewed sense of joy. The world around them seemed more vibrant, as if their shared happiness had painted everything in brighter colors. "Cotton candy first it is then." she exclaimed, her enthusiasm matching the festive atmosphere. "And then the roller coaster—it’s going to be amazing!"

    Watching the vendor spin the cotton candy, Hibiki giggled at the sight of the fluffy pink treat. Sharing it with Nao was another simple joy that made the evening even more special. Every bite was sweeter because it was shared, and as they walked towards the roller coaster, she felt a thrill of excitement.

    Standing in line, Hibiki couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. She glanced at Nao, her heart swelling with affection and happiness. "You know, even if this were my 10th or 100th time visiting the fair, I'd still be just as excited," she said, her eyes shining with sincerity. "Because I'm here with you. Every moment with you is an adventure, and I'm so grateful for it."

    As they approached the roller coaster, Hibiki's excitement reached a fever pitch. She bounced on her toes, her eyes wide with anticipation. "Oh my gosh, Nao! Look at those loops and twists! This is going to be epic!" she squealed, practically vibrating with energy. "I've been dreaming about this ride all week, and now we're finally here! I can't wait to feel the wind in my hair and scream at the top of my lungs!"

    When it was their turn, Hibiki practically dragged Nao into their seats, her excitement palpable. As the coaster started its climb, she turned to Nao, her eyes bright with exhilaration. "This is it! Here we go! Hold on tight!" she shouted, her laughter mixing with the mechanical clatter of the ascending train.

    As they crested the first hill and plunged down the first drop, Hibiki's joyous screams echoed through the night. Each twist, turn, and loop brought peals of laughter and exhilarated yells. By the time the ride slowed to a stop, Hibiki was breathless and glowing with happiness. "That was incredible!" she gasped, her face flushed with excitement. "Let's do it again!"

    Stepping off the ride, Hibiki's hand found Nao's once more. "This is the best night ever," she declared, her eyes still shining with the thrill of the ride.


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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:36 pm

    Nao couldn't help but be swept up in Hibiki's infectious excitement as they made their way to the cotton candy stand. The air was alive with the sounds of laughter and the aroma of sweet treats, but nothing compared to the joy radiating from Hibiki. Her laughter was like music to his ears, and he found himself grinning from ear to ear as they watched the vendor work his magic, spinning the sugary confection into a fluffy pink cloud. Sharing the cotton candy with Hibiki felt like a small slice of paradise in the midst of the bustling fairground. Each bite was sweeter because it was shared, and Nao couldn't shake the feeling that this simple moment would be etched into his memory forever.

    As they walked towards the roller coaster, Nao's heart swelled with affection at Hibiki's words. Her sincerity never failed to touch him deeply, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for having her in his life. "I'm grateful for every moment we spend together too," he replied, his voice soft with emotion. "I wouldn't want to experience this with anyone else but you," he said, his gaze fixed on her. "You make everything feel extraordinary." Approaching the towering structure of the roller coaster, Nao couldn't help but share in Hibiki's excitement. The sight of the loops and twists filled him with a mixture of exhilaration and anticipation. Standing in line, he found himself stealing glances at Hibiki, her eyes shining with excitement.

    When it was finally their turn, Nao let himself be pulled into the seat by Hibiki, her energy practically buzzing around them. As they settled into their seats on the roller coaster for the ride, Nao couldn't shake the thrill coursing through his veins. The anticipation was almost palpable as they waited for the coaster to start its ascent. Beside him, Hibiki's excitement was contagious, her eyes wide with anticipation. As the coaster began its climb, Nao felt his heart racing in tandem with the clicking of the tracks beneath them. The world around them seemed to blur as they ascended higher and higher, the wind whipping through their hair and the distant sounds of the fairground fading into the background.

    And then, suddenly, they were plummeting down the first drop, the rush of wind and adrenaline leaving Nao breathless and exhilarated. He couldn't help but let out a whoop of excitement, his laughter mingling with Hibiki's as they soared through twists and turns, loops and corkscrews. With each twist and turn, Nao felt a sense of freedom unlike anything he had ever experienced before. It was as if for those fleeting moments, nothing else mattered except the exhilarating rush of the ride and the warmth of Hibiki's hand in his. As the coaster finally came to a stop, Nao couldn't wipe the grin off his face even if he tried. The adrenaline was still coursing through his veins, leaving him feeling alive and invigorated in a way he hadn't felt in a long time.

    Stepping off the ride, Nao's hand found Hibiki's once more, their fingers intertwining as they made their way back onto the bustling fairground. Nao chuckled at her enthusiasm to go on the ride again, feeling his own excitement reignite at the thought of experiencing the thrill of the roller coaster once more with her by his side. "Of course, my princess," he replied, a playful glint in his eyes. "Anything for you." With that, he led her back to the line for the roller coaster, knowing that this night was far from over and that every moment spent with Hibiki was a precious gift he never wanted to end. "Tonight truly has been the best," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "And it's all thanks to you."

    As they stood in line for the rollercoaster again, amidst the colorful lights and cheerful chatter, a sudden surge of impulse overtook Nao. With every second that passed, his heart beat faster. Unable to resist any longer, Nao's gaze locked with Hibiki's, and in that moment, he knew he had to do something. With a steadying breath, Nao reached out, his hand coming to rest against Hibiki's waist. His touch was gentle yet firm, a silent declaration of his affection as he slowly drew her closer to him. Hesitant at first, then with a surge of courage he didn't know he possessed, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. In that fleeting moment, Nao poured his heart into the kiss, conveying everything he couldn't find the words to say.

    He had been thinking about it since they were on the ferris wheel, he wanted to do it then but his fear had gotten the better of him. Now, after the rollercoaster, it felt like there was nothing standing in his way and so he took the chance. For Nao, this kiss was more than just a simple gesture, it was a promise. A promise to always cherish Hibiki, to hold her close and never let her go.  They had given each other the occasional kiss on the cheek before, but this was their very first kiss, and Nao only hoped that it was the first of many more to come. Breaking the kiss, Nao would look into Hibiki's eyes, his own eyes showing the depth of his emotions as he looked for a sign that he hadn't overstepped. "I.. I love you, Hibiki"

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:19 pm

    As Nao's hand found Hibiki's once more, intertwining their fingers amidst the bustling fairground, a rush of warmth flooded through her. His chuckle at her eagerness to ride again brought a playful smile to her lips, his words filling her with a sense of joy and belonging. Knowing that every moment spent with him was a treasure made her heart swell with gratitude.

    Standing in line for the roller coaster again, surrounded by the vibrant lights and cheerful chatter, Hibiki could feel Nao's presence beside her, steady and reassuring. But as his gaze met hers, a flicker of something unfamiliar danced in his eyes, sending a thrill of anticipation coursing through her.

    Suddenly, his hand found its place at her waist, his touch gentle yet firm, sending butterflies fluttering in her stomach. And then, in a bold move that took her by surprise, he leaned in and kissed her. The world around them seemed to fade away as his lips met hers, a rush of emotion flooding through her.

    Breaking the kiss, Hibiki looked into Nao's eyes, seeing the depth of his feelings reflected back at her. And as he whispered those three words her heart skipped a beat. It was a moment she had dreamed of, a moment she had known deep down was coming, but she had never been able to put it into proper words until now.

    Her mind raced as she searched for the right words to respond. She had always felt a special connection with Nao, a bond that went beyond friendship. They had shared countless moments of affection, laughter, and understanding, knowing deep down that their feelings for each other were more than platonic. There were times when his touch sent shivers down her spine, when his laughter was the sweetest sound she had ever heard, and when his presence made her feel complete. She knew he felt the same, but expressing it had always seemed so daunting.

    Finally, with a smile that mirrored the love shining in Nao's eyes, she reached out and gently cupped his cheek. "I know, I love you too, Nao," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity. As she said the words, a sense of clarity and certainty washed over her. This was the moment that made their relationship official, a confirmation of the love they both felt but had yet to fully articulate.

    At that moment, Hibiki knew their bond was something truly special. It was a connection built on mutual understanding, shared experiences, and a deep affection that had only grown stronger over time. This was more than just a new beginning; it was a natural progression of their already deep and meaningful relationship. She felt a surge of excitement as she thought about their future together. She couldn't wait to see where their journey would lead them, knowing that whatever came their way, they would face it together.

    With a renewed sense of joy and anticipation, Hibiki leaned in and kissed Nao once more, this time with the confidence and assurance that their love was real and enduring. The bustling fairground around them faded into the background as they stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, ready to take on the world together. This kiss solidified what they both had known for so long: they were meant to be together, and now, their hearts had finally spoken the words that had been in their hearts all along.

    Pulling back slightly, Hibiki's eyes sparkled with mischief as she looked up at Nao. "You know," she said with a playful grin, "you're like my dashing prince. The only thing you're missing is a horse." She giggled, the lightness in her voice reflecting the joy she felt in this perfect moment. "But I think I'll keep you anyway."


    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Sun Jun 09, 2024 11:08 pm

    Nao's heart was racing at Hibiki's response, her gentle touch, the way she cupped his cheek and smiled at him, it filled him with a warmth that seemed to radiate from his very soul. Hearing her say, she loved him too, felt like everything in the world had aligned perfectly, confirming the connection they both had known was there but hadn't yet voiced. When she leaned in for another kiss, filled with confidence and certainty, it was unlike any other. It was a promise, a declaration, and a beginning all rolled into one. As they pulled away, the fairground sounds seemed distant, their significance diminished compared to the overwhelming joy and love he felt in that moment.

    Hibiki's playful remark about him being her dashing prince brought a laugh to his lips, and he couldn’t help but smile at her infectious joy. Her teasing, the sparkle in her eyes, and her giggle made him fall for her even more. "Well, I might not have a horse, but I do have something better," he said with a grin. "Amarok, he's strong, loyal, and much more fun than any horse." He continued with a wink, his trusty dire wolf was far better than a horse in his opinion, and he knew Amarok would be just as protective of Hibiki as he was. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, his heart swelling with the realization that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship.

    As they finally boarded the roller coaster again, Nao felt a thrill course through him, but it wasn’t just the ride, it was the presence of Hibiki beside him. Their hands still intertwined, he leaned in close, whispering in her ear, "I promise to always be by your side, no matter what adventures or challenges come our way." The roller coaster plunged and soared, and with every twist and turn, Nao's grip on Hibiki's hand tightened, not out of fear, but out of sheer joy. The ride mirrored the highs and lows of life, but with Hibiki by his side, he knew he could face anything. He knew that she would always be right there beside him no matter what came their way, and he couldn't ask for anything better.

    When they finally stepped off the ride, adrenaline still pumping through their veins, Nao couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. The fairground's vibrant lights and cheerful chatter seemed to fade into the background as he looked at Hibiki, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he ignored everyone and everything else. "So, where would you like to go next?" He asked with a smile, it didn't really make a difference to him what they were doing, as long as she was there with him, Nao felt up for anything.

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:03 am

    Hibiki’s heart fluttered at Nao’s words and his radiant smile. The way he looked at her made her feel like the most cherished person in the world. The warmth of his hand in hers was a comforting reassurance, and his response about Amarok brought a bright laugh to her lips. She loved how effortlessly he could make her smile.

    Her playful remark about him being her dashing prince was met with the perfect reply. "Amarok is definitely better than any horse," she said with a giggle, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "A horse might be traditional, but Amarok is unique and amazing, just like you." She squeezed his hand back, feeling a surge of affection and excitement. It was incredible how they could share such a lighthearted moment right after something so profoundly emotional.

    As they boarded the roller coaster again, Hibiki felt a mix of exhilaration and pure happiness. Nao’s whisper in her ear, his promise to always be by her side, sent a thrill through her. She turned to him, her eyes shining with gratitude and love. "I’ll always be by your side too, Nao," she whispered back, her voice filled with sincerity.

    The roller coaster ride was a blur of excitement and joy, each twist and turn amplifying the connection between them. Hibiki’s grip on Nao’s hand was firm, not out of fear, but out of an overwhelming sense of togetherness. She felt invincible with him by her side, ready to face whatever the future held.

    Stepping off the ride, still buzzing with adrenaline, Hibiki glanced around the fairground. The vibrant lights and cheerful chatter seemed like a backdrop to their own little world. Nao’s question brought her focus back to him, his eyes sparkling with excitement and love.

    "How about a swan boat ride?" she suggested, her smile widening. "It’ll be a perfect way to wind down and enjoy the evening together." The idea of a gentle boat ride on the serene water felt like the perfect contrast to the thrill of the roller coaster.

    As they made their way to the swan boats, Hibiki couldn’t help but feel a sense of profound contentment. Everything felt right in the world with Nao by her side. She leaned into him slightly as they walked, their hands still intertwined, feeling the warmth of his presence.

    Once they were seated in the swan boat, Hibiki’s curiosity piqued as she noticed the pedals at their feet. "I’ve never been in something like this before," she said, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "How do these pedals work?" She leaned forward, examining the setup with keen interest.


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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Nao Hyūga Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:55 am

    Nao watched Hibiki's eyes light up with curiosity as they settled into the swan boat. Her excitement was infectious, and he couldn’t help but smile. "It's pretty simple," he said, leaning forward to demonstrate. "You just put your feet on those and I put mine on the one's over here, and as we move our legs the boat moves. With both of us pedaling, it’ll glide smoothly over the water." He placed his feet on the pedals on his side, giving them a gentle push to set the boat in motion. The swan boat began to glide over the tranquil water, the fairground lights reflecting off the surface and creating a mesmerizing display. Nao kept a steady rhythm, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. "See? It's pretty easy," he said with a grin. "And the best part is, we get to enjoy the view together."

    As they pedaled around the small lake, Nao felt the adrenaline from the roller coaster ride give way to a calm. The slow, smooth glide of the boat on the water a stark contrast to the fast moving coaster that they had just come from. He glanced at Hibiki, his only thought being how happy she made him and how he didn't want it to end. "Today has been perfect," he said softly, breaking the comfortable silence. "I'm glad we decided to come here, and I'm glad I finally put how I felt into words. It's like everything just fell into place." Gently squeezing her hand again, "I can't imagine a more perfect way to unwind from the day than being here relaxing with you."

    As they continued to pedal, the boat moving in gentle circles on the water, Nao felt a sense of peace he hadn’t known was possible. The world outside the fairground seemed distant, even the Chuunin Exams seemed unimportant compared to the connection he felt with Hibiki in this moment. He knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead with the exams, as long as they faced them together, everything would be alright. The serenity of the lake enveloped them, creating a world where only they existed, simply enjoying each other's presence and the tranquility of the water. The future felt bright and full of promise. Once they were out near the middle of the lake, Nao would stop pedaling, looking to Hibiki to do the same and allow the boat to just drift lazily on the water.

    Nao leaned back, gently pulling Hibiki against him as he wrapped an arm around her and holding her close to him. "I could stay like this forever," he said, reaching over with his other hand, gently brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. "This has been one of the best days of my life, Hibiki. Being with you just makes everything feel right." The fairground lights twinkled around them, casting playful shadows that danced on the water's surface. It was as if the world itself was celebrating their love.

    Nao Hyūga
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    The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny  Empty Re: The Search for Okane: A Date with Destiny

    Post by Hibiki Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:21 pm

    Hibiki's eyes widened with curiosity as they settled into the swan boat. The idea of pedaling to move the boat fascinated her, and she eagerly leaned forward to listen to Nao’s explanation as he demonstrated how to use the pedals.

    Hibiki nodded eagerly as she placed her feet on the pedals, feeling the gentle resistance as she pushed. As they started pedaling together, The boat began to glide over the tranquil water, the rhythmic motion soothing yet invigorating. The fairground lights reflecting off the surface and creating a mesmerizing display. Hibiki let out a delighted laugh.  “This is so much fun!" she exclaimed, her laughter echoing across the calm surface of the pond.

    Nao kept a steady rhythm, and Hibiki matched his pace, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. She glanced around at the twinkling lights and their reflections on the water, then turned her gaze back to Nao. With a playful smile, she said, "Actually, I think the best part of the view is you."

    As they pedaled around the small lake, Hibiki felt the excitement of the roller coaster ride give way to a serene calm. The smooth glide of the boat was a perfect contrast to the adrenaline rush they had just experienced. She glanced at Nao, feeling a deep sense of contentment and joy. Hibiki squeezed his hand, her heart swelling with affection. "I’m glad too, Nao. This day has been magical. It feels like a dream."

    Reflecting on the past, Hibiki felt a pang of disbelief. She never thought she'd be able to find this level of happiness after the nightmares she had gone through. The struggles, the fear, and the loneliness she had experienced seemed like a distant memory now, overshadowed by the joy she felt in Nao's presence. It was almost surreal to think that she could feel this happy, this loved.

    As they continued to pedal, the boat moved in gentle circles on the water. Hibiki felt a sense of peace she hadn’t known was possible. The world outside the fairground seemed distant, even the Chuunin Exams felt unimportant compared to the connection she felt with Nao in this moment. She knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they faced them together, everything would be alright. The serenity of the lake enveloped them, creating a world where only they existed, simply enjoying each other's presence and the tranquility of the water.

    Once they were out near the middle of the lake, Nao stopped pedaling, looking to Hibiki to do the same. The boat drifted lazily on the water, the gentle rocking adding to the sense of calm. Nao leaned back, gently pulling Hibiki against him as he wrapped an arm around her. She nestled into his embrace, feeling safe and cherished.

    Hibiki smiled, feeling tears of happiness prick at the corners of her eyes. "It’s been one of the best days of my life too, Nao," she said softly. "You make everything feel extraordinary." She looked up at him, her eyes shining with love. "You really are my dashing prince, This whole day has been like a fairytale come true."

    The fairground lights twinkled around them, casting playful shadows that danced on the water's surface. It was as if the world itself was celebrating their love. Hibiki closed her eyes, savoring the moment, knowing that whatever came next, they would face it together, hand in hand, heart to heart.

    Hibiki then looked into Nao's eyes, her expression growing more serious. "To be honest, looking for Okane was mostly an excuse for us to go out on a date. But there's something I do need," she continued, her voice growing softer as she spoke. "I need... I need you, Nao. I need your support, your companionship... your love."

    She paused, her serious expression giving way to a playful smile. "Forget wealth, fame, or ranking up. I mean, what's the point of being rich and famous if I can't share it with you? And as for ranking up... well, it might be cool, but I think I'd rather rank up in your heart. So, in a nutshell, the only thing I really need to be happy is you, Nao. You're my ultimate mission and reward."



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