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    Chuunin Exams or Bust

    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 283
    Join date : 2024-03-23

    Chuunin Exams or Bust - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams or Bust

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:01 pm

    Moving with a quickness, Nao would dodge the initial attack from the bear before delivering a series of strong punches and kicks to the large animal. Even with his strikes being reinforced with chakra, they did not seem to affect the bear all that much. Having to retreat back to avoid the slash of the bear's claws, Nao would do his best to assess the situation in front of him. He was not strong enough to deal with the bear head on, so he would have to think of another way to deal with it. Forming hand seals, Nao would release a burst of lightning at the beast, hoping that if nothing else he could scare the beast away.

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 283
    Join date : 2024-03-23

    Chuunin Exams or Bust - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams or Bust

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:01 pm

    The strike from his Raiton seemed to only enrage the beast further, letting out another roar before charging towards him yet again. This time Nao would have to flee from the bear, quickly running up a tree using the supernatural walking practice. He did not do this to simply get away but to try and give himself an advantage against the large beast, leaping off the tree and spinning himself so that his feet were facing towards the ground Nao would release a burst of chakra that would send him flying down towards the ground, but more importantly towards the bear.

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 283
    Join date : 2024-03-23

    Chuunin Exams or Bust - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams or Bust

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:02 pm

    He would hear the snapping of the bears spin as he found the sweet spot right behind the beast's head causing it to crumple to the ground no longer able to move. Wiping the sweat from his face, Nao would put the bear out of its misery slitting it's throat before heading back to his hollow for rest. Tomorrow was to be his last day within the wretched forest, as such he would need his rest to get the most out of the day tomorrow. He just had to hope his training wouldn't be interrupted by another animal. With any luck he will be able to finish his training in peace.

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 283
    Join date : 2024-03-23

    Chuunin Exams or Bust - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams or Bust

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:02 pm

    When he awoke in the morning he wasted little time resuming his training regiment, beginning with the normal warmup before starting the actual workout. Once he was done with that he would move on to the combat training, starting with the log to simulate the chakra points before aiming at the ranged targets and striking them with jutsu while continuing his assault against the log. This was all done so that moving from close quarters combat to range combat would be as casual as walking for him, so that when faced with an opponent in the Chuunin Exams he would not be at any kind of disadvantage. 

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B
    Nao Hyūga
    Nao Hyūga
    Leaf Genin
    Leaf Genin

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 283
    Join date : 2024-03-23

    Chuunin Exams or Bust - Page 5 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams or Bust

    Post by Nao Hyūga Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:12 pm

    Finishing his training, there was still light out, allowing him to make his way back to the village without having to fight through the darkness. Reaching the gates of the village, he would look up to the faces of the Hokage mountain. He remembered sitting up on top of the mountain not but two days before, looking out across the village. He had resolved then that he would one day be listed among the greats in the village, and that he would stop at nothing until his face sat aside those that had come before. He would be Hokage one day, and that journey would begin at the Chuunin Exams.

    Exit Thread

    WC: 10k+ (each post was a little over 100 words so just rounding)

    Techniques Trained in this Thread.

    Haridan B-Rank Custom 250/250
    Attōsuru A-Rank Custom 300/300
    Ōutate B-Rank Custom 250/250
    Dengenami B-Rank Custom 250/250
    Makihige A-Rank Custom 300/300
    Nōshuku Gōri-ka A-Rank Custom 300/300
    Mikadzuki A-Rank Custom 300/300
    Shuriken Shadow Clone A-Rank 250/250
    Clone Great Explosion A-Rank 250/250
    Paralyzing Chakra Field A-Rank 250/250
    Sound Wave Technique A-Rank 250/250
    Inhaling Maw A-Rank 250/250

    Nao Hyūga
    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: A
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A++
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: B

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