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    Unleash the Prisoners

    Chen Kimyōnakama
    Chen Kimyōnakama

    Posts : 1190
    Join date : 2012-05-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: All
    Class: X
    Ryo: All of It

    Unleash the Prisoners  Empty Unleash the Prisoners

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Mon Jul 03, 2023 6:32 pm

    Omicron Ethereum arrived at the Prison building and repeated his actions. He used the Sea Change technique to collapse the building and render it entirely unuseable. The mudslide, earthquake and quicksand combination felled the structure and left nothing but a pile of rubble. Some of the prisoners would be able to make it out but most wouldn't. The summon then sprinted away on its tentacles to its final target.

    Used: Sea Change


    Strength: C
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: B
    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: S

      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 9:41 pm