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    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Hanabi Uchiha
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 538
    Join date : 2022-11-01
    Location : Uchiha Compound

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fuuton, Katon, Genjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kenjutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Not Enough

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Hanabi Uchiha Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:40 pm

    Hanabi walked down the streets of the village, a towel on her shoulder and her hair up in a bun. ‘Finally, some nice relaxation.’ Hanabi promised Airi some food beforehand in which they did get some, and now a hot spring to settle down for the night and relax. She was excited as she would be able to loosen her muscles and really be able to sleep at night. She wore her tank top and some shirts with her ninja sandals, very simple, nothing fancy. It was a cool night, the stars were out and shining ever so bright with the moon complimenting them at its side.

    Hanabi opened the Hot Springs door, stepping inside and making her way to the women’s area. There in the locker area, she began to lift her shirt up, her chest falling down, still perky, bouncing ever so lightly. She wrapped herself in the towel she brought, taking her pants off and setting them inside a locker. Swapping the inside items out with her home items, she put the slippers that are provided for customers on and headed towards the hot springs. Hanabi rubbed her neck, eager to get in, feeling the nice warmth of the bath. Sounds amazing.. Upon arriving into the women’s area, she took her slippers off and stepped inside, slowly taking her towel off and sinking lower. Her body exposed for just a mere moment, revealing curves that didn’t show in clothing. Her towel placed on the outside of the hot spring, her body fully submerged now. “Aaah~.. This is nice..” She closed her eyes and put her head back on the corner, finally getting some time to be alone.

    Name: Uchiha, Hanabi
    Uchiha Clan Leader
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Jounin A
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Golden Flower of Konoha, Dragon Queen

    Renown: 9,200

    Total - 4798
    unused exp - 8

    Ryo:  335,000

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D (C)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B+ (A+)
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C (B with Sharingan)

    Current attunement -
    Weaknessless Soaring Short Swords - Active
    Dread Shroud - Active <+1 CON>
    Phantom Steps - Active <+1 SPD>
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Airi Ohara Wed Dec 07, 2022 7:37 pm

    JHRm3Mp.pngUnlock Hanabi, Airi didn't have the same inhibitions when it came to entering the hotsprings. She had followed her after they had eaten some ramen. The warmth and deliciously cheap taste of the ramen filled her with joy and excitement. It was the first time she has had ramen, something her mother would have called 'peasant food'. She would have to keep the fact that she ate such 'lowborne dishes' to herself else she would suffer the wrath of a several-hour-long nagging about the great quality of food she was given on a daily basis. Something like that wasn't on her plate or list of priorities to endure.

    She slipped into the dressing room just a bit after Hanabi, needing a few minutes outside to absorb the cool air before her skin was bombarded by warm steam. After Hanabi was done getting undressed, Airi would follow in pursuit and remove all of her clothing, folding each article rather neatly and properly and placed it within her cubicle. She had a few of her own creations, the spandex top and bottoms that kept everything in place -- as it should be. Standing around completely naked, she turned to look towards the towels and wrapped a rather long and wide towel around her body, wrapping it around her just below her armpit as it barely hung just above her thighs, leaving very little to the imagination. Creating a knot to ensure the towel would stay put, she grabbed a bucket of cleaning materials, the one she left behind when she was here last with Kanara, and made her way into the bath only to be stopped at a three-way entrance.

    She had been here before with the choice of 'female only', 'mixed bath', or 'male only' and poked her head into the mixed bath, seeing older people of both genders there. A little tug of her lips caused her to move back and enter the female only bath. There were some women about their age here, some older, and some much older. It was quite populated. She looked around for Hanabi and quickly spotted her and slowly made her way towards her. No, she wasn't going to run or skip as she has made that mistake before. Once she reached Hanabi, she quickly removed the towel from her body to reveal herself completely naked in front of her. "First time in the hotspring, Hanabi?" she asked as she bent over to place her bucket of cleaning supplies at the edge of the bath and then folded her towel, placing it directly next to Hanabi's before slipping into the warm water, feeling goosebumps rise until she was fully submerged into the warm water.

    "Ah! That feels good," she said before turning to look towards Hanabi with a big smile.

    Post #: 1
    EXP Gained This Post: 15
    EXP Total This Thread: 15

    Last edited by Airi Ohara on Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:50 am; edited 1 time in total

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

    Posts : 885
    Join date : 2018-08-27
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Tai, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Lightning, Earth, Fire
    Class: S
    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Peragus Thu Dec 08, 2022 7:03 am

    Peragus was singing

    Of course he was, Peragus was a fucking weirdo who walked around with a blindfold to make people think he was blind.

    What do you mean those two things don’t correlate? Oh well, Peragus was singing in the men’s changing room as he put the last of his clothing into the basket and wrapped a towel around his waist, ensuring he was decent. His blindfold still covered his eyes as he could not take it off here but otherwise, besides the towel of course, he didn’t have a stitch on. He moved into the hallway, his voice still heralding his arrival to anyone who heard it. He knew where the doors to the various baths were and moved past the mixed baths. He did not feel like soaking with attention seeking old people. Continued on past the woman’s only baths, for obvious reasons relating to his health. More physical than anything else. Before opening the door to the men’s only bath. He listened carefully, and noted that the men’s side of things seemed…curiously empty.

    No chatter, no moving around in the water, no breathing, no nothing.

    He listened closer, but heard nothing. Shrugging he moved toward the spring. Placing his feet carefully until he found the rocks that lined the edge. With that he moved himself into the warm water. Then began to wade his way toward the back where it was hotter. His upper body was still visible and he had a few fairly serious looking bites in his shoulder. Bites involving elongated canines, but the marks did not bother him. He settled into the hot water before leaning his head back and enjoying the sensation of the hot water soaking into his form. He spoke up then, his voice clear. The woman’s bath was next to the men’s bath. “Anyone over there feel like chatting? Or mind hearing me sing ladies? It seems quite boring on this side.” He would say, most didn’t mind him singing. Mostly because he was good at it. As good as he was at dancing and he was extremely good at that. Still, he would rather have the conversation if one would give him one.

    It would be important to note that while in the springs, Peragus would never activate his eyes. It was extremely disrespectful to do so here and he had no intention of doing such a thing. Even if his eyes were totally hidden behind the blindfold and no one could tell he had the byakugan on at any given time. It made things…too easy frankly, even if he was the type to peak. Which he most certainly was not.


    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B++
    • Stamina: B+
    • Speed: S
    • Coordination: S
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Note: My signature stats include my passive buffs. My update page stats are the base values.

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Here
    Link to Known Techniques: Here
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 538
    Join date : 2022-11-01
    Location : Uchiha Compound

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fuuton, Katon, Genjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kenjutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Not Enough

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Hanabi Uchiha Thu Dec 08, 2022 9:30 am

    Hanabi glance to Airi, giving her a wave with a small blush to her face. Airi was pretty busty and she didn’t even realize it until now. “Not really. I try and come every so often when I can..” She lifted her arms, giving a good stretch, back arching, her chest coming up and then lowering her arms back down, watching the other woman step down into the water and melt just like Hanabi did. Her scars were very visible on her back, the snake seemingly less burnt than before but it would definitely leave a lasting scar. Hanabi nodded in agreement with the water feeling nice, it wasn’t too hot nor too cold, a perfect temperature for relieving aches and pains. “You excited for our spar between all three of us? I think it might be a close call. You and Taco have Taijutsu mastery and I have my sword.. We’re all pretty strong but I think I would be the first one out.” She gave a nervous chuckle, thinking clearly about the possibilities of the fight. While talking, she heard some singing in the far distance which peaked her interest. The person singing was not that bad of a singer and with the silence pursing afterwards, she went to clap but heard the voice of a familiar person. Hanabi thought for a moment before her face turned red. “P-Peragus?! Wh-what are you doing here?!” She sunk lower into the water, nose and mouth under while her eye remained above water. She looked to Airi, her face saying it all.

    Matter of fact, Hanabi had a few marks on her self, a few on her neck and shoulders. Hanabi became quite embarrassed about this reunion with him, not knowing he would be coming here of all times. If possible, Hanabi would have made the hot springs a hot pot with how red she was. Hanabi brought herself back up, her chest only exposed from the top, still blushing hard. She cleared her throat, hoping nothing was made awkward about the situation at hand.

    Name: Uchiha, Hanabi
    Uchiha Clan Leader
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Jounin A
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Golden Flower of Konoha, Dragon Queen

    Renown: 9,200

    Total - 4798
    unused exp - 8

    Ryo:  335,000

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D (C)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B+ (A+)
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C (B with Sharingan)

    Current attunement -
    Weaknessless Soaring Short Swords - Active
    Dread Shroud - Active <+1 CON>
    Phantom Steps - Active <+1 SPD>
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:56 am

    Kinda NSFW -- Better Safe Than Sorry, I Guess:

    Airi tilted her head in thought, letting her ponytail dip into the water. With a grumble, she removed the hairband and threaded her fingers through the braid to let her hair fall loose. Her hair went to about the middle of her back and appeared quite silky and shiny. The question about the spar came up and she shrugged her shoulders. "Oh, of course I am. I haven't really fought anything other than a wooden dummy, so I'd like to try out fighting against actual people. Especially since I've been busting my ass learning jutsu in between missions," she said with a long sigh. She did spend a LOT of time learning these jutsu and even developing her own variants. Hanabi thought she was the weakest and Airi simply went 'Pfffft' with an annoyed expression.

    "Oh, you have a considerable amount of reach with your sword. And your fire, well, I assume you have fire since you're an Uchiha, isn't going to feel that great either. And besides, the Sharingan is quite strong. Even stronger than the Byakugan. So have a bit of faith in yourself," she said before she gave out a foxy grin.

    And again:

    "Well, that and I'd have to build you some armor as well," she said releasing herself and settling back into the water, letting the warm water and the steam provide rather convenient censoring for her. "If anything, you and I should team up on Taco. He's probably the strongest out of the three of us, so we should totally join forces," she said before the sound of singing started to flutter into her ears. The voice was smooth and delightful. She has done her share of singing, but she didn't think she was all that great at it. It was then that Hanabi showed her embarrassment by sinking deeper into the water.

    Confusion began to set in as she couldn't put 2 and 2 together. While she might be relatively smart when reading scrolls and learning off of them, social intelligence wasn't something she was very abundant in. The name was spoken and her head tilted once again. "Pera-who?" she asked, not remembering the names of anyone from the Training session the other day. She heard the man's voice for a moment and turned to look towards Hanabi, placing an index finger upon her chin. "Is he a hot guy or something? What's with that reaction? Should we... tease him?" she asked in rather hushed tones, taking a very close seat next to Hanabi, pressing the side of her breast against the side of Hanabi's. "Or is he the kind of guy that tries to have se---" she said with a pause before noticing Hanabi melting into the water. She let out a little sigh and elevated her voice a bit for this Peragus guy to hear.

    "As long as you stay on that side, that's fine. Too many women here. A lot of very naked, big breasted women here that might long for something long and hard to..." she said, cutting herself off. She might be projecting a little bit and turned to look towards the other women of the hotspring. Their eyes were plastered upon Airi. Not for her good looks, but for some of the things she was saying. She grimaced and waved them off, mouthing out 'I'm teasing this guy, relaaaaaaax'. This caused a large majority of the women on this side to simply roll their eyes and go back to what they were doing.

    Post #: 2
    EXP Gained This Post: 15
    EXP Total This Thread: 30

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

    Posts : 885
    Join date : 2018-08-27
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Tai, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Lightning, Earth, Fire
    Class: S
    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Peragus Fri Dec 09, 2022 11:14 am

    As he sank into the water and spoke out, offering to chat or sing if the ladies would allow either. He came to a surprised realization when he heard a familiar voice from the other side. None other than Hanabi would be on the woman’s side of hot springs and he gave a surprised chuckle before speaking. “Well hello Hanabi-chan, I hope you’re enjoying the hot springs.” He would call out as he laid back in the hot water. He still heard no one enter the men’s side and so knew that he was in fact alone there. A second voice however would begin to speak up. He listened to the woman’s voice describing a bunch of naked, big breasted women that might want something to. Well he did not get to finish the thought as she trailed off, leaving it to his imagination.

    Well that wasn’t awkward at all, but at least he was alone over here. Then again if any other guys had been in that part they’d probably be having the same trouble he was at the moment.

    Still, that did not mean the tease had not been funny. As a matter of fact Peragus began to laugh fully at the situation. Intensely amused at the prank. He spoke out, his voice filled with mirth. “My you’re a vicious thing aren’t you? Well done!” He would call out, as he fought to keep his laughter down to a manageable level. “Worry not though, I’ll stay on my side. The blindfold makes it rather pointless to try anything anyway. I wouldn’t even be able to enjoy the view.” He would say in a mock depressed tone, alluding to the cloth wrapping on his eyes that prevented him from seeing. It was a facade of course, he was a Hyuuga and he could see just fine with his eyes normally. Hell, he could see through the cloth with his Byakugan. But he used the blindfold to trick others into thinking he was blind. It was useful to have others underestimate him because of it. Although it did require a certain amount of acting and dealing with things he did not like to deal with.

    “So do I get to know the name of the girl who seems to moonlight as an entire menace?” He would call out, the laughter in his voice betraying the fondness in the words. “Beyond that, how are you doing today ladies? Well I hope?” He would ask, encompassing them as a group for the question.


    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B++
    • Stamina: B+
    • Speed: S
    • Coordination: S
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Note: My signature stats include my passive buffs. My update page stats are the base values.

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Here
    Link to Known Techniques: Here
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 538
    Join date : 2022-11-01
    Location : Uchiha Compound

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fuuton, Katon, Genjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kenjutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Not Enough

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Hanabi Uchiha Fri Dec 09, 2022 12:41 pm

    Seeing Airi stand up, Hanabi blushed, looking away politely. “Th-thanks…” She covered her chest after Airi poking them once more, looking back at Airi again, only seeing her do the same to her own. Back on topic of the duel, she looked to Airi, her face less red now. She nodded to her, thinking about it more, Taco was pretty strong. The comment towards Hanabi though made her look at Airi confused with a nervous chuckle. “A-Airi, I don’t have my sharingan unlocked.. I only have my fire affinity..” She looked to Airi, pointing to her eyes, no sharingan on her eyes whatsoever. Even if she strained, nothing would appear. “I don’t think I would be able to unlock my Sharingan anyway. I’m surprised what happened to me didn’t unlock it..” She smiled softly, looking down at the water, lifting her hand out and letting the water fall off.

    NSFW Response:

    Hanabi glared at Airi, waving her hands in front of her to get her to stop talking. Once she stopped, Hanabi sighed and sunk in the water once more. “P-Peragus.. is cute..” She responded to Airi’s question, before over hearing Peragus ask her how she was. “I-I’m good, Peragus. A-are you okay today? And yeah..! S-stay over there while we’re here.” She gulped starting to slowly float away, with embarrassment. This was supposed to be relaxing, not embarrassing. Her body sunk a little into the water, leaving her face exposed and hair getting wet as it went under. From her same position, she answered Peragus’ question. “Her name is Airi, she’s my teammate, the one I told you about.” Hanabi looked to Airi who seemed to still be in a playful and teasing mood.

    Name: Uchiha, Hanabi
    Uchiha Clan Leader
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Jounin A
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Golden Flower of Konoha, Dragon Queen

    Renown: 9,200

    Total - 4798
    unused exp - 8

    Ryo:  335,000

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D (C)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B+ (A+)
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C (B with Sharingan)

    Current attunement -
    Weaknessless Soaring Short Swords - Active
    Dread Shroud - Active <+1 CON>
    Phantom Steps - Active <+1 SPD>
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:01 pm


    The name rang a bell, but she couldn't quite put her thumb on who the name belonged to. Her brain tried to move at lightspeed only for steam to start billowing from her ears, causing her head to start hurting from all of the thinking and remembering. It was at that moment, she broke out of her 'brain-dead state' when she heard the voice call out and name Hanabi by name. She turned to look towards the portion of the wall the voice was coming from and then back to Hanabi and then back to the wall and then back to Hanabi. It was then that Hanabi mentioned that she had yet to unlock the Sharingan and Airi's eyebrows raised a bit. "Tough breeaaaak," she said, now feeling a bit sad for the Uchiha. "Yeah, you are and I are going to have to totally team up now," she said with a bit of grief in her voice. She reached over behind Hanabi and pat her upon the back. A thought, deep down inside of her, now felt kind of bad for Uchiha. ~Uchihas have it fucking rough, holy shit.~ she had thought to herself.

    The topic went back to Peragus as he continued to speak. Her face turned red when she was called 'vicious', which caused her to step up upon the water before, with a wide and angry stance, started to take heavy steps across the water and up the wall. "I'll show you vicious, you piece of shit" she murmured between her teeth as loud stomping could be heard on the wall of the hotspring. This continued to catch the attention of the other women in the hotsprings with their murmurs now filled with 'Just ignore her, please just ignore her'. She continued to take heavy steps and then scaled the walls, her breast bouncing as she made her way on top of the wall, her legs spread in a confident stance and her hands placed upon her hips. She pointed towards the man and started to shout at him.

    "Who the fuck you calling vicious! I'll have you know I'm cute, adorable, and have a great bo... bo..." she said, pausing before her entire body turned a beat red color. The blindfold, the white hair. He was that guy from the training grounds. She quickly balled herself up into a ball and fell backwards, back into the female bath and fell with a loud and splashing crash into the water. "Oh! That's Peragus," she said, shaking a bit. Blinded by her anger, she completely showed him full-frontal nudity. Nothing was out of sight and EVERYTHING was on display.

    As the water settled, she shot her head above the water, poking only her head up to the nose above the surface of the warm water. Her hair matted to her head and back. It was then that Peragus wanted to know her name and as she was about to say some random bullshit name like 'Jessica' or 'Monica' or 'Becky' or some other non-sensical fantasy name. But it all came to a crashing halt as she went as pale as a sheet when Hanabi actually used her name. Top 10 anime betrayals.

    Post #: 3
    EXP Gained This Post: 15
    EXP Total This Thread: 45

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

    Posts : 885
    Join date : 2018-08-27
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Tai, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Lightning, Earth, Fire
    Class: S
    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Peragus Sat Dec 10, 2022 10:04 pm

    Peragus’ question would seem to send the red haired girl into a frenzy and he could tell by the sound of her voice and the direction that it had come from that she had ended up above the fence. It seemed to him that she would be standing on it, having tree walked the side. That meant that she had probably flashed the entire mens side of the hot springs. Luckily for her of course, he was the only one over here. He heard her words and heard the anger, then he heard her fall back, presumably from the embarrassing situation she found herself in.

    He heard the splash of impact with the water she made and at that point the white haired man lost his fucking mind. He began to laugh uproariously, holding his sides as he cackled. “M-My you’re an act first and ask questions later type of girl if I’ve ever seen one.” He would get through his laughs. It took him a few moments to calm down but when he finally did one could still here the giggles in his voice as he spoke. “To be clear though, I didn’t mean that in a bad way.” He would say chuckling still. Hanabi would answer him, asking how he was and agreeing with the idea that he stay over here. “I’m fine, and I wasn’t going to try to join you Hanabi-chan. Besides, you and the nudist should know there would be no reason for me to.” He would say.

    Any who saw him would know that he was alluding to his blindfold. No point in peaking if one couldn’t see, right? However he knew Airi from the training grounds, where she had learned, along with others, the truth of his eyes. Hanabi knew as well, having been told by him directly even if she hadn’t remembered from the same day. His statement was a silent statement that frankly, if he wanted to look no one could really stop him or even know if he truly had. He wouldn’t of course. Everyone had the expectation of privacy and the Byakugan was the perfect tool to rob someone of that. Something he was not willing to do unless absolutely necessary. Hanabi he hoped knew he wouldn’t peak. This ‘Airi’ girl however probably didn’t and would assume he would. Still, he could comment on her blatant peaking over here. Which hadn’t exactly been what she had been doing when she decided to put herself on full display for anyone that might have been over there on the men's side.. But given she had clearly seen him and remembered him. She had looked over here. “Well Airi, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Do I need to worry about you showing the goods in front of everyone anytime I play a harmless joke by chance? I’d like to make you a sign to give a disclaimer if so.” He would say, cracking another joke at the red haired girl.

    His tone was jovial, and non-offensive, and he hoped that it was clear that he was simply poking fun. Still, if not she would hardly be the first to dislike him. “If I might ask Hanabi, how is your back?” He would ask, his tone showing concern. There was no point being secretive about that. Anyone in her side of the hot springs would be able to see it anyway and he had applied some first aid treatment at his place when he learned of it. Which meant he would of course have a reason to care. If he didn’t already have other reasons to care that he wouldn’t share without Hanabi’s permission.


    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B++
    • Stamina: B+
    • Speed: S
    • Coordination: S
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Note: My signature stats include my passive buffs. My update page stats are the base values.

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Here
    Link to Known Techniques: Here
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 538
    Join date : 2022-11-01
    Location : Uchiha Compound

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fuuton, Katon, Genjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kenjutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Not Enough

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Hanabi Uchiha Sun Dec 11, 2022 9:26 am

    Watching this all go down, Airi became vicious and began walking up the wall, goodies out and everything. “A-AIRI! WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” She called out, somewhat attempting to hold her back, skin to skin contact and everything. With much failure, she fell down and into the water, making a splash. As hanabi began standing up, the water falling off of her, she looked up at Airi who was now at the top of the wall who seemed to have froze when she got there after spouting out why she wasn’t vicious. Airi fell backwards and into the water, making Hanabi turn away from the splash, still getting soaked. She walked over to Airi, hands on her hips and standing over her. Hanabi shook her head and gave a light flick to her forehead. Standing back up, she looked up at the wall, hearing what Peragus had to say.

    Now realizing he wouldn’t say anything about that night, she shook her head and exhaled with relief. “I’d like to fight that statement but nows not the time.” She gave a giggle to Peragus before settling back into the water, her body succumbing under. She closed her eyes but opened one witht he question about her back. Oh yeah.. he had put some ointment on it. “I haven’t been able to see if there’s been a difference…but I guess maybe you did at one point” Hanabi cleared her through after muttering the last part. “It feels fine and actually much better.” She stated as she sat back up, flexing what muscle she had in her back, the snake burn now almost healed with a light pink color to it. She sunk again into the water looking to Airi who may have come back to sit down with her, giving her a glare and a shake of her head, following a small giggle to what Airi had done. Hanabi had the confidence but not that much.. Maybe she just had more wit than Airi… Hanabi pondered for a moment before shaking the thought off and waiting for their responses.

    Name: Uchiha, Hanabi
    Uchiha Clan Leader
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Jounin A
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Golden Flower of Konoha, Dragon Queen

    Renown: 9,200

    Total - 4798
    unused exp - 8

    Ryo:  335,000

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D (C)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B+ (A+)
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C (B with Sharingan)

    Current attunement -
    Weaknessless Soaring Short Swords - Active
    Dread Shroud - Active <+1 CON>
    Phantom Steps - Active <+1 SPD>
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

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    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Airi Ohara Sun Dec 11, 2022 11:58 am

    JHRm3Mp.pngIt was the truth. She didn't think much when she was heated about something. She was headstrong, leaping in before she looked. Well, in this instance, she was more of a climb up first, cannonball later kind of girl. She simply whimpered at the assessment. She knew he was right, but there was only so little one could do to completely alter their nature. She just hoped that this headstrong attitude wouldn't bite her on the ass in the future. It might land her and her team in hot water. She heard what she was called again, wanting to outright deny the nudist comment. Her eyes shifted towards Hanabi for a moment, still seeing the remnants of a deep red blush across her cheek and simply sank into the water until her mouth was submerged, blowing bubbles into the water.

    Her glance towards Hanabi quickly turned into daggers, remembering that she freely gave out her name. If looks would only kill. She stared at her with what appeared to be killing intent. She wasn't able to shoot anything out of her eyes quite yet, but Hanabi could feel a burning upon her face, even if it was metaphorical. Even Hanabi's little giggle wouldn't change Airi's laser-beam focus and dagger-eyed demeanor. Just the very look was enough to say 'traaaaaaitor'. Even when Peragus said something about 'creating a sign' she just blew more bubbles, not going to dignify him with an answer. If only she had a grenade jutsu, she would just lob it over the wall and bonk Peragus with it. Actually, a big grin crept across her face. "I don't know. Do you WANT to see me show my goods?" she said with a bit of a grin. She wasn't very bright and expected that to be a complete 'gotcha' moment.

    The conversation then moved towards Hanabi's back and the weird 'branding' that she saw the other day. She didn't even take notice of it when the two entered the bath. She moved towards the wooden bucket with all of her cleaning supplies and cracked open the shampoo and rubbed it into her hair. She muttered out, "At least Yaki-kun wasn't here to see all that. I probably would've actually died," she said just loud enough for Hanabi to hardly hear.

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    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Peragus Tue Dec 13, 2022 2:31 am

    At Airi’s words he would pause for a moment, blinking beneath his mask. Had…had she not seen the fact that he couldn’t have seen them if she had. Well fuck it, might as well play. “Airi-san, I could not care less if you pranced around in front of me wearing nothing by a bow and proclaimed the show my birthday gift. Unless you missed it, my blindfold would prevent me from enjoying the view.” He stated, his tone laced with a deep chuckle. He had to sell the fact that he could not see to everyone else in the springs. Even if Hanabi and Airi knew already that he could see just fine. Still, perhaps something a bit more..private was in order. If only for the freedom of discussion it would allow.

    “I don’t suppose I could tempt you two into a private spring? I’ll rent one for us if you want. Nothing underhanded involved. It’ll simply allow us to talk with more freedom, and stop more or less shouting over a bamboo wall.” He would state, his tone simply honest. If they didn’t agree he could live with that. So long as neither of them gave away the secret anyway. He went to great pains to maintain that secret and he did not want it ruined by anyone if it could be avoided so simply. “Yaki? You mean the guy I specifically told that you were interested in him? Has he not sealed the deal yet?” He would ask surprised.

    He would listen to Hanabi’s response about her scar and a choked sound would escape his throat at her muttered words. “You know I’m over here trying to keep things on the down low and you go and do that. Would you rather me be more open or discreet?” He would ask, his tone simply being curious. His phrasing wouldn’t give anything away per se but it would imply to anyone listening that there was something to be open or discreet about. He expected Airi to take that revelation and run with it. Who knows maybe she’ll run with it over the other wall while stark naked and give the other side of the springs a show too.

    “I’m glad the scar is doing better though. I’ll need to have a ‘discussion’ with someone about it later.” He would say, the quotes on the word ‘discussion’ obvious to anyone listening. He had yet to see Ren again since he had learned of what he had done and said and he intended there to be a reckoning on that point. Peragus did not like it when shinobi of the village hurt each other with the intent of being cruel. So, he would personally act to see if he could put a stop to it.


    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B++
    • Stamina: B+
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    • Perception: A

    Note: My signature stats include my passive buffs. My update page stats are the base values.

    Link to Character Updates: Here
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    Hanabi Uchiha
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

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    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Hanabi Uchiha Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:09 am

    Hanabi listened to the two bicker about Peragus and vice versa about Airi. She chuckled a bit before sinking back into the water, her hair floating throughout. Hanabi didn’t bring any shampoo just because she didn’t like washing within the public bath. Once a private spring was brought up, Hanabi thought about it for a moment before raising a brow. Let’s see… private hot spring… just Airi, her, and Peragus… Nothing could happen in there but it would be a little awkward since then… She placed her fist on her other hand and nodded in agreement. “Sure thing.” She called out to Peragus. Hanabi began to move towards more of the entrance before practically tripping over the statement Peragus made. Airi was into Taco?! Hanabi remembered liking taco at first but it didn’t seemed to have sparked anything. So she had gotten over it… obviously.. Hanabi emerged from the water after the trip and flung her hair back so it was out of her face. “Airi, you like Taco?!” Her eyes shimmered with anticipation, her hands making fists that covered her chest. “You guys would be so cute together! You both like taijutsu, practically growing up on it yeah? You’re both smart and I think you guys would make a great duo!” Hanabi placed her hands on her face, her body squirming with happiness and joy.

    This squirming was broken and shot down into pieces as she stopped when Peragus said what he did about the two of them. Peragus brought a side out of her, making her ball her fast toward the wall. “Well I wouldn’t say discreet but don’t make it embarrassing!” She yelled over to him, Hanabi crossed her arms and looked to the side, kinda embarrassed about her actions but what she felt was true. The least he could do was act like they were serious. Her eyes moved towards the wall again as Peragus said he needed to have a discussion with me. “No worries.” She made a tight fist again and gave a big smile. “I’ll make sure to return the favor! I’m working on some Jutsu’s myself and maybe I can invite you to our final spar. I plan to beat him down like he did me and make sure he knows he got beaten.” Her smile seemed innocent but deep down a large anger festered among her heart towards Ren. If given the chance she might even debate about putting him in worse condition than she was in. Hanabi looked to Airi for her thoughts on this and waited for Peragus to reply as well. “—but if you insist on… having a discussion with him, go for it.” She said with a slight blush on her face. Embarrassing.

    Name: Uchiha, Hanabi
    Uchiha Clan Leader
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Jounin A
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Golden Flower of Konoha, Dragon Queen

    Renown: 9,200

    Total - 4798
    unused exp - 8

    Ryo:  335,000

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D (C)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B+ (A+)
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C (B with Sharingan)

    Current attunement -
    Weaknessless Soaring Short Swords - Active
    Dread Shroud - Active <+1 CON>
    Phantom Steps - Active <+1 SPD>
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
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    Class: X
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    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Airi Ohara Tue Dec 13, 2022 5:43 pm

    She was addressed once more, once again re-emerging from out of the water until her chest was submerged under water. She ran her hands through her long red hair and squeezed the water out of it so she wouldn't be completely dripping with water. She heard her name once again by the blind-folded man before starting to lose her nerve again. This guy was kind of a douchebag asshole in her opinion. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath to calm herself down. "Relax Airi, he's probably part of your clan. Don't be too angry. Show some decorum," she whispered to herself. She just rolled her eyes at Peragus' comment before turning her gaze towards Hanabi. She tugged the corners of her lips and just flicked a thumb back towards the guy and turned a quick side-eye towards Hanabi.

    She crossed her arms over her chest at the next proposition. A private bath. She shook her head at the thought before turning to look towards Hanabi and her blood ran cold. Her jaw dropped at Hanabi's willingness to enter into a private bath for the three of them. "Whaaaaaaat?" she asked, holding out the word.

    After a few moments to process the approval, she slouched her shoulders forward and grumbles. "Fine. If you go, I'll go too," she said with a grumble. She was rather reluctant, wanting to spend this time with Hanabi, but this outsider wanted to bust in and get into a girl's night out.

    Her demeanor quickly changed when Taco was brought up. Her face turned a bright and radiating shade of red. Turning her eyes downwards and starting to play with the end of her ponytail, she said in a quiet and rather embarrassed voice. "Well, I don't really like him like that. Sure, he's kinda cute and all. But I'd rather he not see me naked since that'lljustmakethingsabitawkwardbetweenusasateamandwe don'tneedthatkindofawkwardnesswhenwegointomissionsand hemightteasemeandallofthat," she said as her words started to blend together the higher pitched her voice got and the faster her words mixed together. She started to curl up into a ball as her burning-hot face mixed with the cool air causing it's own steam. Thankfully it was easily masked by the steam coming from the hotsprings.

    And like a rollercoaster going through dips and hills, she quickly blew up. "How about you shut the," she said, turning her gaze towards Hanabi as she mentioned that the two would make a great couple. Her explosive manner then redirected towards her. "Hey now. Just because we have so much in common doesn't mean we'd make a great couple. Outside of training and what-not, he didn't have the nerve to even say 'hi' to me," she mentioned, her explosive demeanor slowly calming down, flipping and playing with the end of her ponytail. She just realized that nobody really wanted to interact with her outside of training and missions. Or anything not following up training or missions. That was baggage that she just had to carry as she didn't feel that anyone would want to listen to a ramblings of a persistently and chronically lonely girl.

    The conversation between the two began to sound like static to her as she started remembering the loneliness she had felt while living in the back of that cart. For the longest time, only her physical needs were met. Food, 'shelter', clothing. All of those needs were met. But emotional and social needs were still hungry and lacking. Nobody of her own age was ever around and when they were, she was forced to just glance at people from afar. She desired human contact for the longest time. To have friends that cared about her and liked her for her. But all she had since going through the academy and even through being a Genin were people that only interacted with her during training and whatever followed up training. It gave her a rather empty feeling inside, desiring more than that in terms of interactions. She framed the ramen dinner and the hotsprings as 'follow-ups' to training; rewards for training rather than just simple social outings.

    She wanted to go shopping with others, she wants to eventually go drinking with others, she wants to do social things without any other pretense. Something that made her feel like she was valued as a person, as a friend, rather than rewarding a dog for doing tricks and following commands properly. While the two had their discussion, she pressed her back against the wall, turned her eyes away for a moment to play with the tip of her braid, staring off into space as if transporting her own mind to another world.

    Village: Konohagakure
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    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

    Posts : 885
    Join date : 2018-08-27
    Age : 31

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    Class: S
    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Peragus Wed Dec 14, 2022 1:19 am

    It would seem both would agree to the proposition of a private bath instead. He nodded in acknowledge, before realizing they couldn’t see it. “Alright, good. I’ll go get one and we can head to it now.” He would call back. The private springs were attached to the same hot spring set up. Only they were inside, and closed off. One could rent one for their party if they had the money. Which Peragus did, so he stood and began to wade his way back toward to the edge of the water. At his jibe at trying to be discreet she would call back that he did not necessary need to be discreet, but don’t be so embarrassing. That would cause him to perk up and he would call back. “Oh? So it's okay that I proclaim to the world that you're my girlfriend and thst we caused these marks on each other?” He would say, his voice the picture of innocence.

    Airi’s jumble of words when it came to that would take a few moments for him to translate but he’d simply chuckle in response. “Got it, you’re afraid of taking the first step.” He would say back, effectively calling her out on it. She would have her opportunity to get back at him for it in a bit when he got the room paid for. With that he left the spring and moved toward the front desk. A towel wrapped around his waist keeping him decent. It was a normal enough occurrence and his clothing were kept under an arm. He would need to move it to the changing room for the private spring after all. Once he reached the front desk he looked to the attendant on duty. “Can you charge me for a private spring for the day then have ‘Hanabi and ‘Airi’ from the women’s section shown to it please? Also, if an individual named ‘Taco’ arrives, show him to it as well?” He would ask, getting a nod in confirmation.

    He did not need to pay in advance here. They knew he was good for it and knew he wouldn’t try to slip out of paying. He was a regular at the springs and frequently ensured any perverts were taken care of. He had a bit of credibility here for it and so no one had any issue with charging him once all was said and done. With that he would get the number for the changing room number and head back toward it. Entering it, putting his stuff in a basket, and then entering the spring. It was large, and empty of anyone else at the moment. Someone would get sent to inform Hanabi and Airi that the room was paid for and they would use the same changing room. Small drawback but solved by him simply moving through it quickly. He entered the hot water and felt his way down until he found a comfortable spot and sat.

    He considered things quietly as he had. Hanabi and Airi had probably been out enjoying each others company before he had opened his big mouth. He was probably interrupting something because of that. A ‘girls night out’ as it were. He would need to make that up to them and he considered how as he waited for them to arrive.


    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B++
    • Stamina: B+
    • Speed: S
    • Coordination: S
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Note: My signature stats include my passive buffs. My update page stats are the base values.

    Link to Character Updates: Here
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    Hanabi Uchiha
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

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    Ryo: Not Enough

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Hanabi Uchiha Wed Dec 14, 2022 12:33 pm

    Hanabi blinked and was set back from Airi’s explosion, almost feeling bad. She didn’t mean to have upset Airi and so she walked over to her, placing her hand on Airi’s head and smiling innocently at her. “Airi, I’m sorry if I offended you. I meant it with good thoughts.” She gave her an innocent wink and tapped her head onto hers as a mental comfort hug (?). She looked back to the wall, rolling her eyes at the remark Peragus made to Airi. It was very clear she didn’t understand anything and well.. Hanabi wasn’t much far off. As Peragus made his way out, he had called out to Hanabi, teasing her and making everyone in the hot spring tub know that she was in fact his girlfriend. Hanabi’s face grew entirely red and she sunk down into the water, quite possibly on the verge of blowing every air bubble out of her mouth. ‘Not embarrassing…’ she thought to herself before coming back up, her hair soaked and dripping and in the way of her face.

    As Hanabi attempted to calm Airi down, she got real close, chest on Airi’s arm. “Psst. Let’s say we have a girls day one day. Do some shopping and get something to eat. Kay?” She pulled back and tilted her head, smiling with her eyes closed. The attendant came into the mixed bath and called for the two to let them know it’s been settled and they could go over. Hanabi nodded and thanked her while grabbing her towel and lifting herself out, body dripping wet. She wrapped herself with the towel, only covering her chest and just enough of her waist and down. “C’mon.” She ushered Airi to the other side as she walked over to the private room. Seeing Peragus relaxed in the bath, she smiled and headed towards the water, quickly taking her bathrobe off and entering the water. Some water splashed over to Peragus which made Hanabi chuckle. It was cold and quite honestly she was ready to get back into warmth and actually relax. Walking through the water and sitting next to Peragus, she sunk down and hoped that she wouldn’t be moving for quite some time. Thought realizing Peragus was right next to her now, she did have a faint blush. Memories from the night flooded back and she bit her lip, looking away. “H-how’s… you know…” she asked about his physical body from that night. She didn’t know how to ask without really implying a lot.

    Name: Uchiha, Hanabi
    Uchiha Clan Leader
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Jounin A
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Golden Flower of Konoha, Dragon Queen

    Renown: 9,200

    Total - 4798
    unused exp - 8

    Ryo:  335,000

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D (C)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B+ (A+)
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C (B with Sharingan)

    Current attunement -
    Weaknessless Soaring Short Swords - Active
    Dread Shroud - Active <+1 CON>
    Phantom Steps - Active <+1 SPD>
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2089
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    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Airi Ohara Wed Dec 14, 2022 6:43 pm

    She felt a tug at the corner of her lips, causing her to turn her head the moment Hanabi started to pat her on the top of the head. She let out a little grumble as her eyes dart away from her. Her grumbling turned into the same noise dogs would make when they are irritated. The sound wasn't a growl, but it was more of a hrnnnn noise. It was at this moment that she turned to look towards Hanabi in surprise, tilting her head inquisitively. She couldn't discern whether his words were true or not, but she kept an eye on Hanabi to see her reaction to those words. Her reaction, similar to the embarrassing reaction she had earlier, said everything she needed to know. And this actually started to make her angry. No matter what she tried to do, everyone else were in relationships with one another. She tried seduction and it didn't work, she tried actually talking to people, and that didn't work. Perhaps she spent too much time training and going on missions and people just didn't have the time to spend with her.

    Even as she pressed her chest into her arm and declared that the two should have a girl's day out, this didn't do anything to fix her current mindspace. Was it because Airi was just 'too cute' or something? Hanabi was beautiful and with a beautiful body, so she understood why she was in a relationship. What's so different about Airi? It was then that the attendant mentioned that the private bath was ready and Hanabi prepared herself to go over. She started to wrap the towel around herself only to be ushered towards the other room, but Airi swerved a bit, letting Hanabi pass. "Oh, I'm starting to feel a bit light-headed from the hot water. I think I'm going to go home. Thank you for the invitation. But I kinda feel sick right now. Maybe some other time, okay? Have a good time," she mentioned, giving Hanabi a weak smile. She didn't want to hear any of this lovey-dovey non-sense between the two. She just simply waved to Hanabi until she disappeared and left towards the private bath. As soon as Hanabi was nowhere near sight, Airi created a vacuum shell in her hand and threw it directly into the hotsprings, causing a small 'burp' in the water.

    "What does she have that I don't?" she stared into the water with a bit of a pouty face. "It's not fair. I have to kiss up to the fucking Hyuga Clan and get stronger and I get screwed over while everyone else is getting lovey-dovey like that? What bullshit," she said in a whispered tone, a bit annoyed at the injustice of this world. She bent over to pick up the bucket of her cleaning supplies and made her way into the dressing room where she dried off, put her clothes on and took her bucket of cleaning supplies with her. This wasn't a very good feeling for her but it was one she was more than familiar with.


    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

    Posts : 885
    Join date : 2018-08-27
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Tai, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Lightning, Earth, Fire
    Class: S
    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Peragus Fri Dec 16, 2022 12:26 am

    Eventually Hanabi would arrive, and the white haired man would frown at her. Not that he was not happy to see her. He always was, but had he unintentionally caused her friend to leave? “Did Airi decide to leave?” He would ask in mild concern. Once she closed the door behind her he would reach up and remove the blindfold, ice blue eyes taking in her towel covered appearance. In his mind there was no point in them being embarrassed about each other’s bodies anymore. The concern that he had unintentionally caused her friend to leave with his antics and presence was evident in his eyes as he made to look into her golden orbs.

    She would ask of his body and he would point at each of a set of bite marks in his skin. Bite marks that oddly matched up to her teeth if one looked closely enough. “You mean these Hanabi-chan?” He would ask his tone becoming somewhat more jovial. “They’re fine, they don’t even hurt. They’ll fade in time, I just bruise easily.” He would say with a laugh. He honestly did not mind if she marked him. They would heal after all and in his eyes it just meant that he was doing something right. If she came over to him still he would move to take her hand in his. Generally speaking, Peragus was not a fan of public displays of affection. Hand holding, or maybe a hug, were about as far as he himself would initiate. Of course he would deny Hanabi a kiss or anything else she wanted. It was simply that he would not initiate anything beyond holding her hand, or giving her a hug. He would of course freely admit to their relationship. That he had no problems with. He simply did not like displaying his affection quite so..publicly.

    “Will you be staying at my place tonight?” He would ask idly, he avoided using the term ‘home’ because he did not want her to feel like he was trying to push her into considering it that. It could be if she wanted it to be, but he wanted her to come to that decision on her own. She had a room set aside for herself if she ever wanted to stay and not share his. He would never begrudge her that, dating or not. He could…a lot to deal with sometimes, and he knew that.


    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B++
    • Stamina: B+
    • Speed: S
    • Coordination: S
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Note: My signature stats include my passive buffs. My update page stats are the base values.

    Link to Character Updates: Here
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    Link to Known Techniques: Here
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 538
    Join date : 2022-11-01
    Location : Uchiha Compound

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fuuton, Katon, Genjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kenjutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Not Enough

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Hanabi Uchiha Fri Dec 16, 2022 3:24 pm

    Hanabi looked at Peragus as he took his blind fold off, giving him a smile and waving. “Welcome back.” She jokingly said while giving him a wink. She stayed under the water, leaning her head back and closing her eyes but then opening only one to look at Peragus. “Airi? Yeah. She said she was going because she didn’t feel good.” Now thinking about it, she seemed perfectly fine before her outburst. Did she upset Airi? Or did she really not feel good. Regardless of the reason, she would remember to check up on Airi the next time they saw each other. She closed her eye again, letting her body subtly float off the bottom of the spring, her face getting red with the steam coming off of the water. She gave a small nod to Peragus, smiling that they would fade and they did not bother him. However for Hanabi, she was still anxious about what had happened on the inside. The next question that Peragus would ask would make Hanabi’s head pop up immediately. His place again? She gulped and thought about it for a moment. She didn’t have anybody to take care of, no pets, no plants. Her apartment was pretty small and it was quite different spending the night at a hyuuga’s house. Her face turned red and she looked away. “I know you don’t care but… would it cause and issue if I came back over?” She asked shyly. She brought her knees up, covering her chest and everything else and began hugging her knees. This was way different than what she originally thought. It was good… but it was scary. Suddenly her thought process came to a halt and she stared at Peragus once more, amber to ice. “Wait a minute… I thought you looked familiar! You’re the one that went against Ren!” Her eyes lit up and her face got a bit more color with happiness. She nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of her head. “Yknow, I hope I didn’t change your view on Ren when it came to the issue between him and I..

    Name: Uchiha, Hanabi
    Uchiha Clan Leader
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Jounin A
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Golden Flower of Konoha, Dragon Queen

    Renown: 9,200

    Total - 4798
    unused exp - 8

    Ryo:  335,000

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D (C)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B+ (A+)
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C (B with Sharingan)

    Current attunement -
    Weaknessless Soaring Short Swords - Active
    Dread Shroud - Active <+1 CON>
    Phantom Steps - Active <+1 SPD>

    Posts : 885
    Join date : 2018-08-27
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Tai, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Lightning, Earth, Fire
    Class: S
    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Peragus Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:36 am

    Peragus grinned at Hanabi as she jested with him in regards to him removing his blindfold. His sudden, almost boyish grin at her would be his only response to it though. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Only to open one when he asked her about her friend. She confirmed that she had gone. That she didn’t ‘feel good’ apparently. That of course only caused him to frown in disappointment. He had not intended to ruin their time together. He would need to make it up to the redhead at some point. Given that they were both Hyuuga he would certainly have the opportunity to do so. He’d have to consider it a bit and figure it all out.

    At his question of if she wanted to stay at his place again she would think about it for a bit before blushing and looking away. Her question would cause him to bark out a laugh. She hugged her knees to her chest but he would move to turn her head toward his so that amber and blue could meet once more. “No issues there 'Bi-Chan'..hell you could live there permanently if you wanted. I’d welcome you..thoroughly.” He would say, letting the last bit have a pause in it to hopefully send a certain message.

    He would welcome her even if she declined that offer however. His own personal appetite for that act was higher than average. So being told ‘no’ was certainly not something he was not used to. He did however want her to know that she would never cause issues for him by staying. At least not any issues that he wouldn’t deal with happily. She stared at him once more however before exclaiming that she recognized him from the training ground. Against Ren and Airi and Taco. Her last words would turn his jovial, almost boyish grin into a frown as he considered them.

    “How could you not have?..” He would ask quietly initially before continuing. “Hana-Chan, you told me a man belittled and degraded not only you, whom I care for very much, but my own beliefs. Not knowingly mind you. However when he injured you, and belittled and insulted you because you chose to take your mother’s name. He went against the very core of what I believe in. That this village and its people, clan’s included, are meant to work together. To help each other thrive and become powerful together. He eschewed that belief for his own deluded pride in a name. So how could my opinion of Ren not have changed? So far as I’m concerned I’m not going to hunt him down. But if I see him, or if he comes to me to train again. We’re throwing down, whether it’s for the sake of ‘training’ or not. I’ll give him a taste of what he gave you. And get his oath that he’ll take the lesson to heart.” He would say, his frigid blue eyes never leaving her golden ones.


    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B++
    • Stamina: B+
    • Speed: S
    • Coordination: S
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Note: My signature stats include my passive buffs. My update page stats are the base values.

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Here
    Link to Known Techniques: Here
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 538
    Join date : 2022-11-01
    Location : Uchiha Compound

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fuuton, Katon, Genjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kenjutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Not Enough

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Hanabi Uchiha Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:42 pm

    Hanabi looked up to Peragus, turning her head and looking into his eyes. She gave a sigh before her face blushed bright. “I… wouldn’t mind that” she muttered to herself. She cleared her throat before nodding to him. “I guess I can come by tonight. My house isn’t much compared to yours.” She chuckled a bit. Hanabi fixed her posture, extending herself now and stretching her arms up, chest coming slightly out of the water. She put her arms down and looked at Peragus again as he explained to her why he had an issue with Ren now. Her eyes looked into his once more, her heart thumping even faster. Someone fighting for her.. she gave a warm smile to Peragus and nodded to him. “Right.” She smiled to him before placing her hand on his cheek and kissing his other cheek while pressing against him. “Thank you.” She pulled back and fluttered her eyes for a quick second and leaning back once more.

    However within those seconds, a change happened upon her eyes. Almost like a quick flash of red and ring that tried forming something. It went away within a second but Hanabi didn’t notice anything different. After a while, Hanabi noticed that Peragus had called her a few nicknames. “You called me.. Hana… and Bi..?” She said subtly. Hanabi smiled softly to the nicknames and looked back up to him. “What’s a good nickname for you?” Her eyes met with his blue ones, a very common thing they did. For some reason, they weren’t able to look away from one another’s eyes.

    Name: Uchiha, Hanabi
    Uchiha Clan Leader
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Jounin A
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Golden Flower of Konoha, Dragon Queen

    Renown: 9,200

    Total - 4798
    unused exp - 8

    Ryo:  335,000

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D (C)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B+ (A+)
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C (B with Sharingan)

    Current attunement -
    Weaknessless Soaring Short Swords - Active
    Dread Shroud - Active <+1 CON>
    Phantom Steps - Active <+1 SPD>

    Posts : 885
    Join date : 2018-08-27
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Tai, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Lightning, Earth, Fire
    Class: S
    Ryo: You fuckin gold digger

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Peragus Wed Dec 21, 2022 4:03 pm

    She sighed and blushed deeply as she agreed, stating she wouldn’t mind living there, and his ‘welcoming’ of her. She would clear her throat and fully state that she could come by tonight. That her house wasn’t much compared to his and chuckled. As he explained his problem with Ren she would meet his eyes once more and smiling at him warmly. She would press a firm kiss to his cheek and pressing herself against him as she did. Then pulled back and fluttered her eyes at him for a moment.

    His heartbeat skipped at that, his body reacting in the way one might expect. He took a deep breath and worked to control it. He closed his eyes a moment to take a deep breath, missing her eyes color flicker. However when she asked him about nicknames he would open his eyes and smile at her. “That’s for you to decide.” He would say, his eyes locked with hers. Unable to look away. Then he would stand, not worrying about his state of dress and hold out his hand. “Shall we go home then, Bi-chan?” He would ask, his smile warm. He would help her up if allowed and then they could change and head back to his place. A place he had referenced as ‘home’ experimentally, to see how she felt about the thought.



    Character Name: Peragus Hyuuga
    Spendable Experience: 1,310
    Total Experience: 6,000

    Renown: 20,625
    Ryo: 5,913,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B++
    • Stamina: B+
    • Speed: S
    • Coordination: S
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: A

    Note: My signature stats include my passive buffs. My update page stats are the base values.

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Here
    Link to Known Techniques: Here
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Hanabi Uchiha
    Leaf Special Jounin
    Leaf Special Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 538
    Join date : 2022-11-01
    Location : Uchiha Compound

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fuuton, Katon, Genjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kenjutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Not Enough

    Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S] Empty Re: Relaxation After A Long Day [M, O, S]

    Post by Hanabi Uchiha Wed Dec 21, 2022 5:34 pm

    Hanabi looked to Peragus before looking down and then looking away, her face turning more red. “Eheh… sorry.” She looked back at him when he told her it was up to him and she contemplated for a moment, her eyes wavering from his gaze but always meeting back. Lost in thought, Peragus finally got up and out of the water, inviting her to follow by extending his hand in which she took. Once getting out and covered, she followed to get changed and dried up before heading to his place. With a towel around her neck and a cool breeze through the air, she looked up at the sky and stared at the moon. She slowly blinked, placing her hand on Peragus’s arm, trailing her finger down and holding his hand.

    I think I’ll call you Tsuki…


    Name: Uchiha, Hanabi
    Uchiha Clan Leader
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Jounin A
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Golden Flower of Konoha, Dragon Queen

    Renown: 9,200

    Total - 4798
    unused exp - 8

    Ryo:  335,000

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D (C)
    Stamina: B
    Speed: B+ (A+)
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: C (B with Sharingan)

    Current attunement -
    Weaknessless Soaring Short Swords - Active
    Dread Shroud - Active <+1 CON>
    Phantom Steps - Active <+1 SPD>

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