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    Airi's Ninja Scroll

    Mist Chuunin
    Mist Chuunin
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    Airi's Ninja Scroll - Page 4 Empty Re: Airi's Ninja Scroll

    Post by Gyokusho Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:42 pm

    Airi Ohara wrote:

    Solar Gentle Fist

    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: --
    Upkeep Cost: 20 CP/Post
    Element: Scorch
    Skill: Nintaijutsu Style
    Classification: Personal Secret
    Requirement: Scorch Release unlocked
    Parent Technique: Scorch Release, Gentle Fist

    Range: Self
    Speed: --
    Handseals:  --

      Derived from a combination of Gentle Fist style of the Hyuuga and Scorch Release from the Fujio. This style is meant for only 1 purpose -- to kill. Airi infuses her hands with Scorch Chakra, turning all of her Gentle Fist techniques into the Scorch Element. The user still maintains True Damage from Gentle Fist (and all of Gentle Fist's effects) with the lethality of Scorch Release (+1 Tier difference is fatal instead of +2). This stance looks no different to Gentle Fist. The user gains the following stats: +2 Tiers to Strength. Taijutsu Strikes with the user's body will deal Scorch Damage equal to the user's Current Modified Strength.

      Same Weaknesses as Gentle Fist and Scorch. If Airi is hit by enough water to dowse out a Scorch Release Technique, the stance would also be extinguished. If a technique doesn't cause any damage without Scorch Release, it still won't cause any damage even with Scorch Release. Users capable of visualizing chakra and those with Sensory can see scorch chakra pulsating all over the place within the user's body.

    Solar Handshake

    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30 CP
    Upkeep Cost: --
    Element: Scorch
    Skill: Nintaijutsu
    Classification: Personal Secret
    Requirement: Solar Gentle Fist active
    Parent Technique: Solar Gentle Fist

    Range: Melee Contact
    Speed: --
    Handseals:  --

      The user may only use this technique while in the Solar Gentle Fist style. The user simply gives a handshake and, at the user's choosing, forcefully injects Scorch Chakra directly into the target's palm. This technique will deal S Rank Scorch Damage. This is considered True Damage.

      Same weakness Scorched Gentle Fist.

    Solar Ejector

    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30 CP
    Upkeep Cost: --
    Element: Scorch
    Skill: Nintaijutsu
    Classification: Personal Secret
    Requirement: Solar Gentle Fist active
    Parent Technique: Scorch Release: Extremely Steaming Murder, Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm

    Range: 0-100m (Solar Wall Ejector)
    Speed: S
    Handseals: 0 (Nintaijutsu) 

      The user may only use this in Solar Gentle Fist style. Using the same principles as Vacuum Wall Palm, the user combines both of their hands and ejects their hands forward, projecting a Scorch Release laced Vacuum Shell. This Vacuum Shell is 1 meter in diameter and is ejected towards the target at S Rank speed. This will deal S Rank Scorch Damage to the target. If the target lives, they will get knocked back 10 meters from where they were hit. This attack, like all other attacks from Solar Gentle Fist, is considered True Damage. This technique has the lethality of Scorch Release.

      Unlike Vacuum Palm/Vacuum Wall Palm, this technique is quite visible. Contact with water of big enough size to envelope the Vacuum Shell will instantly dowse this technique. Targets with S+ Strength can ignore the knockback.

    Solar Winds

    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30 CP
    Upkeep Cost: --
    Element: Scorch
    Skill: Nintaijutsu
    Classification: Personal Secret
    Requirement: Must be in Solar Gentle Fist
    Parent Technique: Scorch Release: Great Steaming Explosive Blast, Mountain Crusher

    Range: 0-5m
    Speed: S
    Handseals: 0 (Nintaijutsu) 

      The user may only use this in Solar Gentle Fist style. Using a similar principle to Hyuuga's Mountain Crusher, the user thrusts out a single hand and releasing a wall of Scorch Chakra that collapsed the Vacuum Shell of the Mountain Crusher. This causes the Vacuum Shell to take on the shape of a 3 meter tall, 5 meter wide vacuum shell. This Vacuum Shell then charges forward up to 5 meters at S Rank Speed. This deals S Rank Scorch Damage to the target. This attack, like all other attacks from Solar Gentle Fist, is considered True Damage. This technique has the lethality of Scorch Release.

      Contact with water of big enough size to envelope the Vacuum shell will instantly dowse this technique.

    Solar Armor

    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30 CP
    Upkeep Cost: 20 CP/Post
    Element: Scorch Release
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Personal Secret
    Requirement: Fujio's Heat Resistance
    Parent Technique: --

    Range: A layer of 1 Meter completely surrounding the user
    Speed: --
    Handseals: Tiger | Dragon | Monkey | Boar | Dragon 

      After performing the handseals, the user's body ignites with Scorch Chakra. In order to perform this technique, the user MUST have the Fujio's Heat Resistance skill. While covered in this layer of Scorch Chakra, if the target comes into contact with the user, they will take S Rank Scorch Damage.

      Cannot be used in conjunction with Solar Gentle Step. If the user's entire body is dowsed in water, this technique will stop. Cannot deal more than 1 instance of damage per post.



    Hyakkiako, Gyokusho

    Strength: E++
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A
    Speed: D
    Coord: X
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: A+
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
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    Airi's Ninja Scroll - Page 4 Empty Re: Airi's Ninja Scroll

    Post by Airi Ohara Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:44 pm

    Solar Oppression

    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30 CP
    Upkeep Cost: 20 CP (Only if delaying the fall of the scorch orb)
    Element: Scorch
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Airi Personal Secret
    Requirement: Heat Resistance, Scorch Release: Great Steaming Explosive Blast active, One-Handed Seals
    Parent Technique: Scorch Release: Great Steaming Explosive Blast

      + Thrown: Can be thrown 0-200m
      + Size of Ball: Double the size of the ball created through Great Steaming Explosive Blast
      + Explosion Radius: Double the size of the Explosion Radius of Great Steaming Explosive Blast

    Speed: B
    Handseals: Half Dragon | Half Dog | Half Monkey | (hold) Half Tiger 

      This is considered an upgrade to Scorch Release: Great Steaming Explosive Blast. The user holds up the orb that they created with a single hand while performing half handseals using One-Handed Seals. Upon the creation of the seals, the orb, itself, doubles in size as well as the explosive radius doubles in size. The user will then lower throw their hand causing the orb to slowly move in the direction. This orb has mass and will eventually fall to the ground, causing the orb to explode upon impacting the ground and vaporizing anything bearing moisture in a much larger scale than Great Steaming Explosive Blast.

      The user MUST have Heat Resistance. Due to the orb moving slowly, this orb could easily dissipate into pure heat and vaporize the user. This technique is VERY slow moving due to how devastating it is. An S Rank water technique capable of fully enveloping the orb can completely douse it out. This technique's sphere size and explosion radius also depends on how many orbs the user used to create the Great Steaming Explosive Blast ball.

    Solar Lion's Pride

    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30 CP
    Upkeep Cost: 20 CP/Post
    Element: Scorch
    Skill: Nintaijutsu
    Classification: Airi Personal Secret
    Requirement: Fujio Heat Resistance, Solar Gentle Fist active
    Parent Technique: Twin Lions Crumbling Attack, Solar Gentle Fist

    Range: Self
    Speed: --
    Handseals: -- 

      This is activated and works exactly like Eight Trigrams Twin Lions Crumbling Attack except that the hue of the lions is more of a scorch color, taking on a similar color scheme. This technique works exactly like Eight Trigrams Twin Lions Crumbling Attack, but with the added addition to touching the Twin Lions will also deal damage equal to the user's modified strength as Scorch Release damage.

      This has the same weaknesses as Eight Trigrams Twin Lions Crumbling Attack and Scorch at the same time.

    Flying Thunder God: Distant Thunder

    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 50 CP
    Upkeep Cost: --
    Element: --
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Airi Personal Secret
    Requirement: A flying Thunder God tag placed somewhere
    Parent Technique: Flying Thunder God

    Range: Touch (to active), Global (Flying Thunder God Range)
    Speed: Instant
    Handseals: Half Tiger with one hand 

      Unlike Flying Thunder God, Airi can touch one or more target with one hand while holding the Half Tiger with the other hand. She can then send the target to one of her Flying Thunder God Tags without taking herself with them. This can be used to thwart attacks.

      - Cannot be used on Bijuu or Bijuu sized creatures.
      - Can only teleport people she would normally be able to bring with her through Flying Thunder God.
      - Expensive, chakra-wise
      - Same Weaknesses as Flying Thunder God

    Village: Konohagakure
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    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

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    Airi's Ninja Scroll - Page 4 Empty Re: Airi's Ninja Scroll

    Post by Nozomi Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:04 am

    Airi Ohara wrote:

    Solar Oppression

    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30 CP
    Upkeep Cost: 20 CP (Only if delaying the fall of the scorch orb)
    Element: Scorch
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Airi Personal Secret
    Requirement: Heat Resistance, Scorch Release: Great Steaming Explosive Blast active, One-Handed Seals
    Parent Technique: Scorch Release: Great Steaming Explosive Blast

      + Thrown: Can be thrown 0-200m
      + Size of Ball: Double the size of the ball created through Great Steaming Explosive Blast
      + Explosion Radius: Double the size of the Explosion Radius of Great Steaming Explosive Blast

    Speed: B
    Handseals: Half Dragon | Half Dog | Half Monkey | (hold) Half Tiger 

      This is considered an upgrade to Scorch Release: Great Steaming Explosive Blast. The user holds up the orb that they created with a single hand while performing half handseals using One-Handed Seals. Upon the creation of the seals, the orb, itself, doubles in size as well as the explosive radius doubles in size. The user will then lower throw their hand causing the orb to slowly move in the direction. This orb has mass and will eventually fall to the ground, causing the orb to explode upon impacting the ground and vaporizing anything bearing moisture in a much larger scale than Great Steaming Explosive Blast.

      The user MUST have Heat Resistance. Due to the orb moving slowly, this orb could easily dissipate into pure heat and vaporize the user. This technique is VERY slow moving due to how devastating it is. An S Rank water technique capable of fully enveloping the orb can completely douse it out. This technique's sphere size and explosion radius also depends on how many orbs the user used to create the Great Steaming Explosive Blast ball.

    Solar Lion's Pride

    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30 CP
    Upkeep Cost: 20 CP/Post
    Element: Scorch
    Skill: Nintaijutsu
    Classification: Airi Personal Secret
    Requirement: Fujio Heat Resistance, Solar Gentle Fist active
    Parent Technique: Twin Lions Crumbling Attack, Solar Gentle Fist

    Range: Self
    Speed: --
    Handseals: -- 

      This is activated and works exactly like Eight Trigrams Twin Lions Crumbling Attack except that the hue of the lions is more of a scorch color, taking on a similar color scheme. This technique works exactly like Eight Trigrams Twin Lions Crumbling Attack, but with the added addition to touching the Twin Lions will also deal damage equal to the user's modified strength as Scorch Release damage.

      This has the same weaknesses as Eight Trigrams Twin Lions Crumbling Attack and Scorch at the same time.

    Flying Thunder God: Distant Thunder

    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 50 CP
    Upkeep Cost: --
    Element: --
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Airi Personal Secret
    Requirement: A flying Thunder God tag placed somewhere
    Parent Technique: Flying Thunder God

    Range: Touch (to active), Global (Flying Thunder God Range)
    Speed: Instant
    Handseals: Half Tiger with one hand 

      Unlike Flying Thunder God, Airi can touch one or more target with one hand while holding the Half Tiger with the other hand. She can then send the target to one of her Flying Thunder God Tags without taking herself with them. This can be used to thwart attacks.

      - Cannot be used on Bijuu or Bijuu sized creatures.
      - Can only teleport people she would normally be able to bring with her through Flying Thunder God.
      - Expensive, chakra-wise
      - Same Weaknesses as Flying Thunder God
    Solar oppression and Solar Lion's Pride are approved.

    Ftg distant thunder is approvable but you can already do that with base ftg, so its redundant but approved i suppose

    Users can choose to teleport to a different location than the objects/people, or they can teleport objects/people without teleporting themselves. If the user teleports an object/person and not themselves, the added cost is 15CP. If the user teleports itself and an object to different places, the added 10CP is always paid regardless of who owns the object.


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