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    Michiko Uchiha

    Michiko Uchiha
    Michiko Uchiha

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 54
    Join date : 2016-12-08

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu/Kenjutsu- Katon
    Class: B
    Ryo: 30,000

    Michiko Uchiha Empty Michiko Uchiha

    Post by Michiko Uchiha Sun Sep 25, 2022 6:34 pm

    Name: Uchiha, Michiko
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Village: Konohagakure no Sato
    Rank: Jounin (B)
    Title: None

    Clan: Uchiha
    Bloodline: Sharingan
    Element(s): *Katon
    Skill(s): *Kenjutsu. *Ninjutsu

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: B
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: C

    EXP Dole Out & Skills config:


    Unique Abilities:

    *Hand Seal Focus: The extra practice with hand signs has paid off by giving Michiko a one tier boost in coordination and a loss in Intel, symbolic of her focus being directed toward her coordination. This can be activated by paying 5 chakra points.  

    *Eyes of the Tormented- During her captivity, Michiko was subjected to many forms of mental and physical trauma. Anguish and rage from these terrible experiences caused her to mature her eyes to three tomoe Used EXP for it. (1400 points Heavy EXP debt.)

    *Stolen Sharingan- Michiko has lost her left eye. She may not re-obtain her left eye, and if she wants another Sharingan, she must get it from another player's character somehow. This ability is nullified if and when Michiko recovers a second Sharingan.

    ** Another character may obtain her missing eye by posting in an event mission to acquire it. It's currently circulating around the Land of Fire. The mission will be an A Rank mission and can be made by anyone but myself, just show me the registered mission to let me know you're going after it. The mission has to be OPEN so others can have a chance too. Michiko cannot be in this topic.

    *Slave- She received a tattoo on her lower back, above her left butt cheek of the number 669. It was engraved by use of a Fuuinjutsu and is permanent. Even if the skin is cut off, it'll re-appear when she heals back. The number marks her as a piece of black market property. She's recorded in the bingo books in the underworld as this number and will keep a bounty on her head because of this. **B Rank Bingo Book Target.

    *Resilient Combatant- Having been physically and mentally abused on a regular basis while she was in captivity has given her the ability to ignore most pain inflicted upon her body.  +1 Tier Constitution, -1 Tier Strength. Can be activated for 5 CP.


    A tall Japanese girl, standing five foot, seven inches. She's athletically built like a track star with a slender frame, but you can tell she also gets in her fair amount of strength training, as her muscles are all around toned and her feminine features are attractive, even with a small chest. She has a fair almond complexion like much of her prestigious lineage before her. Her face is lovely to behold, though there's not much expression there most of the time. She may smile delicately at you, or frown with disapproval or disdain. It takes a lot to get her to show any deeper facial expressions. Most of the time, she looks stoic, but those who have suffered can tell the hidden pain in her countenance.  Her right eye is her bloodline's, dark as a midnight pool when passive, and blood red with black tomoe on a thin ring around a black pupil when active. Her left eye is not hers nor an Uchiha's and is deepest brown-black. The hospital did their best to match her eyes,  much to her relief, but she's ashamed of it, and brushes her hair down to cover it in public. She has very long, thick blue-black hair, a mark of her pedigree. No matter if she tried to straighten it, it always fluffs out wild and choppy. She enjoys her long hair, rarely pulling it back. She just keeps her bangs relatively short, so she doesn't have to deal with too much of it blowing in her face, so her vision isn't obstructed.

    Michiko Uchiha D9mm0ev-cf801618-e8c0-4c6b-923e-40ffaa92a521

    Michiko is modest in her clothing choices. If it's functional for combat, and comfortable fitting, that's what matters. She wore nothing but a plain white robe and wooden sandals for four years, pent up in a cage inside a criminal laboratory. She doesn't care, therefore,  about fashion. Girls who care too much about the latest trends are silly to her. Her choice combat uniform is an athletic tight fitting jumper that's simple black, like a gymnast's uniform, but made for a Kunoichi, with a high collar that fits snuggly just below her head if it's zipped all the way up. On her arms she wears long compression sleeves with attached gloves, exposing her fingers. Matching black thigh-highs give her legs a touch of resistance to the elements. Black heeled shinobi shoes adorn her feet, giving her an elegant but fully functional foot gear. Her suit is often accompanied by  a long slate colored, zippered haori with an inner white layer and has her Clan's family crest on the back of it, as is tradition. The coat is thick and heavy and provides some level of light deflection to debris and projectile weapons (not past D Rank users). A white belt secures her coat tightly around her waist and supplies a holster for a long bladed weapon.


    It all started in Konohagakure’s Uchiha Clan District, when a young man named Tadashi married a beautiful girl from outside of the clan named Kaede. This was a normal practice to keep the bloodline strong. Tadashi’s family within the clan were highly prestigious purists, never mixing blood with other Kekkei Genkei Clans, in order to preserve their prowess throughout the generations. They were also leaders within the clan. If they weren’t direct leaders, than they were just below those leaders, as members of the high council, not only within the clan, but some also official council members of Konohagakure itself, dealing directly with it’s inner government workings, and thus, the family upheld the strict rules and laws of Clan and Village, and also held many dark secrets.

    Tadashi was Jounin Rank and an Elite ANBU at the time that Michiko was born. Kaede had had three other children before Michiko, all boys, and all had mysteriously died before they reached the age in which they could attend the Academy. There had been no logical medical reason as to why their sons died. All of them had been healthy. The only explanation that the Elders of the clan had for the family, was that their marriage was cursed, thus because they had not received the true blessing of the Sage of Six Paths, they would continue to suffer the loss of children. The Elders wouldn’t look farther into the deaths of the children because of this prophecy, but they emphasized sympathy for the family and told them their suffering would only make their bond stronger, for the good of the Clan. It was a curse, truly, but Tadashi had no choice but to accept this and grow stronger he did, as his pain persisted. Michiko’s birth was a final challenge against the God of the Uchiha’s curse that seemed to successfully break it and turn the curse into a blessing. It had taken eleven years of miscarriages and the deaths of three boys to produce a girl. It was then revealed by Tadashi’s own older brother, Ryudan, who had become a member of the Council and appointed record and shrine keeper, that the family’s curse had been lifted and had blossomed into true blessing. Only an Uchiha’s blessings always came with a price. When Michiko was only a toddler of two years old, her mother Kaede suddenly died in her sleep.

    Tadashi was bitter and filled with grief. He studied the body of his wife along with the forensic team in the ANBU, and it took uncovering a clever invisible seal on her neck to find the reason she’d died. It was murder by the hands of a masterful user of Fuuinjutsu. But why?! Who would dare go out of their way to murder his beloved wife? Kaede had only wished to be happy with Tadashi and raise a family. She endured so much suffering losing her three boys, and had been so joyful when Michiko was born and the Council stated that the curse on their children was broken. But now Kaede would never see her little girl grow up, and little Michiko would be without a Mother. For all of this, Tadashi swore he’d find his wife’s killer and make them suffer the most horrible death possible. That was when he unlocked the fabled Mangekyou Sharingan and became one of the Uchiha Clan’s most fearsome and powerful warriors, in which very few attained the status of. This was also part of the Elders’ prophecy. Everything that happened was for the betterment of the Clan. Tadashi was destined to become this warrior, and so, the Elders offered him a place in their inner circle of the Uchiha High Council. Tadashi, grieving the loss of Kaede, and knowing he'd have to raise his Daughter on his own, declined to join them, and said he was honored, but that his Daughter's well-being and education were more important than government, secrets, and mysticism. With cold heaviness, the Council of Elders accepted Tadashi’s decision to decline, saying to him, “So be it. Your choice is made.”

    The Early Years-

    Michiko grew up being doted on and highly protected and forced into early education. She loved her Father and her Uncle very much, she had friends inside and outside of the Clan, and she seemed to be smart, as she learned her lessons easily and found learning fun and exciting. Since Dad was an ANBU, he often was gone away from home for days or even weeks at a time, but whenever he could stay home for a while, Michiko lit up like the happiest little girl in the world. It was during those times that they’d play together, and her Dad would bring her gifts from his travels or teach her a little easy to learn kunai technique or two. When it was time for Dad to go back to work, or when she’d wake up at night and not be able to find him, she got sad. Luckily, Uncle Ryudan was always there to comfort her. He meditated a lot and had to go to meetings and such for the Konoha's Central Government as well as the Uchiha Clan Council, but he seemed to have more time for her than her Father did. It was from Ryudan that Michiko learned how to cook and make tea, and she took these up as hobbies. Ryudan was also the one who’d teach Michiko about the history of their Country, their Village, and their Clan, and he always told Michiko how precious she was.

    As the little girl grew, she showed more and more promise to become a Kunoichi. Truly she was blessed, her Uncle thought, just like the Council had said. Before Michiko had even joined the Academy, she showed adept prowess at using kunai and shuriken, and she had begun to ask about learning how to better channel her chakra, so that she too could breathe fire like the rest of her Clan. She was also quick on her feet and enjoyed racing other kids in the village, sometimes gettting into trouble with street vendors for upsetting their chickens or ruining their tarps, etc, "Good times...", Tadashi would chuckle in reminisence of his own years when he had been just a boy. That seemed like a whole different world compared to the now, but seeing his Daughter training and enjoying her life brought him happiness. He could see his wife's gentleness and his determination in her, and he felt like Kaede was still here somehow, and she was watching over both of them with great joy. That thought was very comforting, and so, Tadashi had decided that instead of continuing to grieve over Kaede's death, he would be joyous for her and for Michiko.

    When Michiko was nine years old, she was accepted into the Academy and placed in the Honors class, due to the skills she was able to show during the initial testing procedure. Hearing about her placement, The Hokage had decided to finally award Tadashi with retirement from ANBU so that he could spend most of his time with his Family and Daughter, and so Tadashi took the rank Elite Jounin and would only have to take the most dangerous of missions and protect the village if invaders were discovered, or if there was a war. He didn't have to train a cell of Genin if he didn't want to. Very pleased, Uchiha Tadashi dedicated his time to Michiko's training and catching up with her and the rest of his Family. Michiko was absolutely thrilled.

    Time went by, and Michiko had performed excellently for the first year of school, but after that, she seemed to start slacking off and causing trouble instead. She was getting it into her head that she was too good for this and that the lessons were boring and beneath her. She tested perfectly, but that wasn't the problem. Her Sensei had to explain to her Father and Uncle that Michiko was very smart and passed all her tests so far, but that she was taking naps during lessons and bullying her classmates. Tadashi was dissapointed to hear about his child's misconduct, and he promised her Sensei that he would correct her right away and he'd make sure her behavior was improved.

    Michiko was punished for her bad conduct in school by being grounded. She wasn't allowed to leave the house. If she so much had looked like she wanted to go past the backyard fence, she'd get scolded. This punishment was to be for three weeks straight, in which Tadashi was to teach his Daughter how to fight and defend herself as if she were already a Genin, since she thought she was so much better than her classmates.

    "You need to learn to respect your peers and especally your Sensei. If you don't work together, you could be the one who causes your team to fail the mission, or worse...to get killed. Do you want that, Michiko?"

    "No Daddy, of course I don't.", Michiko replied, sliding into a defensive stance. Her Father huffed under his breath, and unleashed a lightning fast flurry of shuriken against the girl. Michiko responded by utilizing the Substitution technique, and she had body-flickered behild her father, trying to kick him in the back, but Tadashi turned into a giant shuriken, and appeared upside down in a tree several meters away. The girl moaned in pain as the shuriken scraped at her skin before it clattered to the ground. Blood dripped from a gash on her arm that she'd brought up infront of herself to shield the rest of her body.

    "Next time, make sure you have a kunai in your hand at least, to deflect the blow instead of letting yourself get shredded. Never assume you can sneak up on someone just after using a substitution. That's just about the oldest trick in the book. So, Daughter, still think you're hot stuff?"

    Michiko fought her Father until she was weak and dizzy. Her Father, smiling softly, crouched down and offered her a helping hand. He told her,

    "Good job. You fought like a real Genin, but you're definitely not a Chuunin yet. Guess that means you need to go back to school and learn all the ettiquite your Sensei teaches you. You better pay attention closely, and be nice to your classmates, okay? Don't be arrogant and mean. That's not becoming of you. It's dishonorable and will get you in nothing but trouble."

    Michiko took her Daddy's hand and let him lift her up. He took her to bed afterwards and tucked her in to sleep, kissing her lightly on the forehead and told her she was a brave young Kunoichi. Michiko after that, dedicated herself again to just simply being the best student she could be, even if the classes were boring and her classmates were too envious of her. She followed instructions, and even decided to impress her Sensei by reciting the entire Will of Fire and proper ettiquete of taking and completing a mission, including how to behave on the battlefield. In the end, Michiko would graduate from the Academy at the age of twelve. To celebrate, their family went out for dango and strawberry ice cream, and Tadashi passed down his very first sword to Michiko, so that it could be her first as well. Now, she was a real Shinobi in the making, shiny new headband and all.

    The Hell Prison-

    It wasn't too long after Michiko's graduation from the Academy that things turned sour. She was waiting on a list to be assigned to a Jounin for mentoring in a three man cell. First though, the young Uchiha was to attend her first ever Clan Hall Meeting. She knew that her Uncle had to attend because he was Shrine Keeper and on the Council, but her Father was also asked to go, and so they thought it would be good experience for Michiko to begin participating in Clan Affairs. To be honest, Michiko was bored and was having trouble payingg atttention to the discussion. Whether it was important or not, it didn't impact her directly, at least that's what her naive mind thought. She did make friends with another girl though, a distant cousin. Michiko pointed out her Father and Uncle to the girl, and soon after they had to be quiet, because the Clan Leader started addressing issues. This is when Michiko's mind began to wander, amidst the boring talk of adults and their adult problems. Yawn.

    The two girls started chewing bubble gum and playing with their shuriken like fidget spinners. It wasn't until her Father stood up and started protesting about something that Michiko's bubble popped and she was alert and focused on her Father and Uncle, activating her Sharingan to get a better "bird's eye view" from her spot near the rafters of the ceiling. Father said something about he wasn't going to do something because it was a bad idea. He looked very angry, and body flickered out of the building. Her Uncle immeditely looked up in the direction of his Neice, knowing all too well what she would do in response, but it was too late for him to stop her, and the business of the Clan had to be finished here tonight before he could leave and atttend to his sibling and Michiko. The girl had copied her Father's body flicker and chased after him, trying desperately to catch up with an Elite Jounin as a fledgling Genin. A Chuunin was sent from the meeting by the Clan Leader and her Uncle to fetch her before she got herself into trouble, but for some odd reason, the girl couldn't be found.

    After the meeting, Ryudan went and found his Brother in his brooding place in the forest, and he explained to him that Michiko had followed him and asked if she had found him. This shocked her Father, as fear crept over him with this news. He explained that no, she hadn't been this way. They both went home to see if that's where she went, but she wasn't home either. A search party was quickly formed. Tadashi had asked some of his old ANBU team members to join him to find his Daughter and bring her home safely. Hours passed into days, days passed into weeks, and two months had passed after that before the search parties were ordered to be ended by upper authority on the grounds that more important needs must be met. It was tragic, but Tadashi and Ryudan had no choice but to comply. However, they wouldn't give up on the young girl's fighting spirit, hoping and praying she was alive and would soon return home.

    What happened to Uchiha Michiko? On the way through the forest just outside the village walls, she was searching for where her Father had gone. She had to find him and ask him what was wrong, not knowing that there were rogues who had caught her trail and were now tracking her, ready for the moment to bag their catch. These rogue ninja had been well educated about the various noble clans of the shinobi villages, having studied texts that told of their common traits, what emblems represented their clans, etc, and today seemed to be very fortunate for these men, because they had found a surely easy to catch Uchiha. As soon as she landed on a large tree branch and stood still there for a moment to catch her breath, they surrounded her and bound her tightly in chakra absorbing rope. Michiko screamed for help, insulted these men, and demanded to be let go, but they didn't comply or even respond to her. She was gagged, blindfolded, and knocked out.

    When the girl woke up, she found herself locked up like prisoner in a foul smelling place reeking of blood,medical supplies, and other gross odors. She was disgusted and on the verge of vomiting. A gnarled old man in a white cloak and kimono came up to her to appraise her like a brand new diamond ring. Michiko hated him instantly, knowing he was behind these horrors because of how he held himself with authority here. She grabbed his neck, pulled him against the bars of her cell, and attempted to strangle him, but she was immediately stunned by the prison guards and found herself immobile on the ground. She learned from the evil elderly man that she was here to be experimented on, played with, and ultimately to have her Doujutsu taken from her pretty face and sold at a high price.

    Michiko was processed and branded with a number like an animal meant for the slaughter. Everything she had on her person was taken from her, oddly save for her headband, and she was dressed in a simple white kimono and wooden sandals. Her room had no windows. It was cold and hard, and her sleeping cot was uncomfortable. The food she was served, strangely, was high quality, but she refused to touch it for two weeks, and eventually she had to be force-fed, but only after she fought the guards and was restrained. Here, she, and no one else stuck in a cell was treated humanely. She soon learned to pretend to not care anymore about getting out, while secretly,  every time she was escorted out of her cell, she was studying the place, where things were, what time the guards came, etc. She was determined to get out of here no matter what, and take as many other captives with her as she could. Only first, she needed to bond with some of the other prisoners. Soon after coming up with this idea, she met her "next door neighbor", Yin-Tao.

    Yin was from the Kaguya Clan of Kirigakure. He introduced himself one night, being interested in the girl who had fights in her cell all the time with the guards (partly because he loved violence, secondly because he thought she was cute). Michiko didn't much care for him. She found him to be obnoxious, but she had to admit that he didn't seem like a complete idiot, and so she listened to what he had to say.

    "Hey, you know the food isn't poisoned right? If that was the case, you'd see people eat it and hear them dying soon after. I've heard of your Clan, your folk are really famous, you know.
    Anyway, you should stop fighting those jerks and just eat your dinner. You're gonna go to the Arena soon.", he explained.

    "Arena?", Michiko asked him. She couldn't see him because he was in the cell right next to hers and there was a solid wall between them, but she could clearly hear him.'

    "Yah. You heard the old Doc right? By the way that's Doctor Ro. You've probably guessed it, be he runs this freak show. I want to kill him with my bare hands."

    "I want to kill him too. So, do you know how we might be able to escape from here?", Michiko asked her new ally.''She soon heard him laugh heartily, and then he said with a humorous tone, "You think I haven't tried? Once, I got all the way down a few hallways, but this place is like a maze. If you could use those weird eyes of yours, maybe you could map it out or something. But yah anyways, I think that's the dumb way to go about it. I'm thinking somewhere, there's a switch to turn off all these dumb chakra inhibitors in this place. Then we can REALLY get revenge. That is....if we get out before they decide to end us. But you know...the Arena, as I was saying, I've just started going. Soon you'll go to. You have to fight. Sometimes you fight animals, but most of the time you'll be fighting someone else in here. You might even fight me, but don't think I'll be soft on you. It seems the better you are, the longer they want to keep you around. Just try not to lose."

    "Lose?", Michiko laughed back at him. It was the first time in weeks that she had felt anything like her old self. "No Kaguya-Chan, you better not try to lose." There was a dark edge to her voice. She was thrilled at the prospect to get out of this dreary cell and into a fighting ring, and in response, Yin-Tao chuckled. He really liked this girl.

    Death ever loomed, pain was inflicted so often that she rarely felt it anymore, the happiness she had once felt was no more than a distant dream and was instead replaced with anger and hatred. She didn't fear death, in fact oftentimes, she welcomed it, wanting an escape. Number 669 proved to be quite the interesting specimen. Her body was quite resilient to many of the tests she underwent, and it took a great dose of damage to get any reaction out of her. She was quiet most of the time, staring only witth malice at her captors. When she couldn't kick or punch them, she dug her nails deep into them and bit them so hard it broke the skin of anyone stupid enough to try to molest her.

    The girl grew into a beautiful but tormented young woman, whose soul knew only the darkness of hate and sadness. Her only source of any sort of compassion and kindness came from the young man who occupied the cell next to hers, the Kaguya boy. He had ended up losing a few toes and some bone grafts here and there, but he was able to regrow them. Michiko so far, had had her eyes examined, but thankfully they hadn't been plucked yet. The two prisoners became close over the years, both of them trying new ways to make an escape, but each time they were caught after making their diversions. It seemed however, they were getting close to a breakthrough. Every time Michiko got further away, even though she couldn't use her Sharingan anywhhere but in the arena or when the doctor's had her strapped down on a lab table, she had gotten better at memorizing things. Such a brutal place made you think, because if you didn't use everythng you could to survive, you would be killed.

    In the battle arena, Michiko faced off against so many other prisoners in the last four years, she lost count. Hardly anyone could escape her vision's powers of perception. She had also gotten much faster, and her chakra stores were quite impressive. She only had a few close ones, but even then she was able to overcome even the toughest of opponents, using her small body and quick reflexes to overtake much larger and stronger foes. The battles seemed endless, and many spectators offered a price for her doujutsu, but the Doctor declined each time so far to sell her. He had something he wanted to try on her first, to make her even more interesting. So, one day in the laboratory, she was cut open and her stomach was replaced with someone else's. It was absolutely horrible. She had screamed and cried, and that evil bastard, Dr. Ro just laughed in delight. What a sicko!! She would kill him and raze this place to the ground if it was the last thing she did.

    When she had recovered from the surgery, she noticed the firey nature of her chakra in her solar plexus had amplified. She was hot, sweating even when it was cold, and it took some time for her body to adjust and feel normal again, but when it was time to fight, she was a raging inferno. Even more....now, she faced off against the one man she was hoping she'd never have to fight, Yin-Tao. It was very exciting, and the crowd cheered, wonering which of the talented fighters would live, and which one would die. However to their displeasure, it was a tie. Both of the Shinobi were disqualified afterwards and would not continue their arena battles.

    Uchiha and Kaguya were taken to the medbay to receive healing and bandages, and placed back in their cells.

    "I'm sorry, Michiko. It looks like this is it.", Yin-Tao said from his side of the wall.''Michiko sighed deeply and replied, "No reason to be sorry. I tried to kill you too. But...you know what I noticed down by the medbay?"

    Yin's curiousity peaked and he asked, "What?"

    Michiko snickered and chuckled, and she jingled something metal in her hands, replying, "The guard who controls the stupid chakra inhibitors. I have the remote here, and the door keys! That guy must be like....the captain or something. I have no idea, but let's get the hell out of here right now!!"

    In the next second, yelling was coming from the distance in the hall, and the alarm was sounded as red lights blinked, signaling that the guard's keys were stolen and they were coming for them.

    "Shit! Come on!!", Yin shouted. Michiko pushed all the key buttons on the large ring until the fields were down and the doors opeened! Chakra could flow freely through her veins, and she activated "Sharingan!" Yin sprouted extra bones across his body, ready to give these jerks the porcupine treatment with an extra helping of serial killer with a knife (err....bone), and they went to work, as everyone else also busted out of their cells, seeing the two of them get out. All of the prisoners yelled with fury and attacked the guards, heading for wherever the exit was.

    "Yin!!", Michiko yelled, targettting most accurately the guards and the monsters they had set loose on them, large brutes that were half human, half beast and extremely ugly.

    "What?! I'm busy!!", Yin replied.

    "Go. You know where the exit is. You have to, because you've searched more than I have! I'll stay back and keep them busy, just get yourself and the others out!!", she said bravely, willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of everyone else's lives. She didn't know it, but that was the mark of someone who was worthy of being called Kage.

    "No way, MA'AM!", Yin protested, and just then a giant three headed dog with the tail of a snake's head slammed through the wall, growling, and leapt at him, the snake striking for his face. He dodged and stuck it through the chest, and spun mid-jump, cleaving the creature's snake tail. "Ok, damn. I'll go! Don't die, okay! You bettter get out!!", he yelled, leaving the beast writing. It still atttempted to bite at him, but he left, and the others followed the Kaguya.

    Personality: "Once upon a time, there was a fresh out of the Academy Genin who was a headstrong, outspoken little brat. She was relatively kind, but rude, and was very rambunctious.  She loved her Father and her Uncle with all her heart, and she wanted them to be a happy family. The little girl talked a lot, and asked a lot of questions. She was a fast learner, but always overly eager to do anything her heart was set on. Then, one day, that sweet and innocent girl who knew nothing about the workings of the real world died, and her family wept. That girl went to hell and came back as me."

    Though Michiko is a sixteen year old girl, she is very mature minded. She knows very well that ultimately she is a soldier and that was what she was born and bred to be. She learned at a very young age what true cruelty and evil is in the world, and that you have to be very careful about who you can trust, and what decisions you make, because you're just one player on the game board. You're a toy, a plaything to be ordered by those higher up than you, and it's foolish to resist your Master when you have no way to overtake them and win. When you are out of options and in the corner and alone, there is no one to save you. If then, you can't outwit them, you surrender or you die. That by no means makes Michiko a coward. It just means she knows her place, and how and when to act, because one false move means Game Over. If you can defeat the boss, then by all means don't hold back, but if you can't, feign defeat and regroup until the right time. If you do face death....don't fear. Death is only another phase in the circle of life. Stare death down, and laugh in it's facce, knowing you did everything, and embrace your destiny.

    "It doesn't matter who you are, where you came from, or what powers you have, you're not invincible. You can be the most powerful one in the room, but a giant can still be fell by the smallest of the small. Think, calculate, and plan your next move carefully. Study the enemy to find out his secrets. Reveal his patterns, his motives, figure out his goals, and you can have a supreme advantage, bu even then, do you have the means to carry out your plans? Do your best, and never give in. Even if you've been down and defeated, there's still a way out. It may seem hopeless. It may seem impossible, but NOTHING is impossible. Therefore if you're defeated and you don't die, learn from your mistake and don't make the same mistake again. Be sly as a fox, quick as a hare, and strike like a serpeant. If you have an opening, take it. Don't hesitate and miss your oppurtunity, because it's kill or be killed in the real game of Shinobi Warrior."

    Michiko knows the whole Shinobi codex of conduct inside and out. She is loyal to her Clan, her Village, and follows orders as given. If she dissagrees with an order or means to deviate from her assignment (if it's wrong and goes against her morals. i.e- She's asked to kill someone innocent, like a child.), she gives no sign of betrayal and will act on her will in secrecy. In a spar, she does her best to always come out on top, and will only submit to defeat when she knows she can't win. That being said, she's not hot-headed and impulsive, but rather cold and calculating. In a real fight, she will not hesitate to kill an enemy. If the opponent she's fighting for real is a friend or ally, she will try to subdue them and make them come to their senses or disable them instead of killing them.  If she faces an evil enemy, then all Hell breaks lose, and she will be dedicated to mutilating that person in the most destructive way she can provide for them. That said, she has no remorse for he wicked. The Devil must pay his dues.

    Besides being the epitome of what a Shinobi should be, Michiko is a tragic figure who's been broken like a bronco is broken into a show horse. She's mostly introverted and prefers quite spaces versus bustling crowds (in fact, she will try to get out of busy places as quickly as possible because she starts to feel overwhelmed by so much noise and thus, she's irritable in such crowded places). She trusts very few people outside of her immediate family, and it takes time for her to trust anyone else. If she can truly trust someone, only then will she begin to open up to them and allow herself to be comfortable enough to smile, as she smiles very rarely outside of the presence of her family. Most of the time, she's seen as stoic, showing no emotion on her face whatsoever. It's perfect for Shinobi work, but makes strangers feel uncomfortable being around her. If her Sharingan is activated, then it's oftentimes strangers find her terrifying. Oddly enough, sometimes she gets a rise out of that.

    A trusted family member or a true friend is the only kind of person who will know the kind and gentle person she is at heart. Though she's socially awkward at times and doesn't really know how to spark up most conversations, she can be pleasant to talk to, and definitely pleasant company. She enjoys very simple things in life that most people take for granted such as relaxing on cozy furniture, drinking honey sweetened tea, the warmth and brightness of the sunshine, and the feeling of cold crisp water on her lips. She could sit in a garden for hours without speaking one word,  and be in a blissful state of Zen, just enjoying the natural beauty around her and the sound of rustling leaves and a softly babbling brook. Those who have become close to her even may find her company to be quite soothing.

    She's not per say a cruel person, but she can be seen as mean as she's pretty straight-forward and doesn't care to sugar-coat things to make them sound better. She hates liars, flattery, greed, and cruelty. She'll stomp on a money hungry market salesman's toe to stop them from fetching back stolen apples from a poor kid, for example, and tell that merchant he should be ashamed of himself. if someone compliments on her features or coos over her beauty, she mostly ignores them and keeps on moving, but if she does respond, it's always a simple "Thank you.", with no emotion in her delicate tone of voice.

    When speaking ninety-eight percent of the time, she's soft spoken but stern. She expresses anger usually in a more bitter tone, but very rarely can she be pushed to yell at someone. For her to get seriously angry, that person would have to nearly constantly pressure her. Other times she gets excited in a negative way, it's only in the raw heat of battle. Battle, whether it's a spar or an actual fight is when she seems to smile the most, but only when it's a truly exciting battle, or she's inflicted with damage. This sadistic side of her seems to sneak out into the open during a dangerous fight, begging for more violence that turns into bloodlust agains her opponents. If she kills someone, she often looks over their body with a somber expression, before walking away from the corpse.

    In solitude and loneliness, Michiko is often haunted by the screams and crying of the less fortunate. Sometimes the crying voice is her inner child screaming for help. It's sad thinking back on what life used to be, before all her innocense was taken away from her. She wonders what it would be like, had she listened to her Uncle and didn't chase after her Father on that night she was stolen from her own village.

    Favorite Color: Pastel Pink

    Favorite Food: Strawberries, Dango, Fish cakes, sweet sticky rice

    Favorite Smell: Cherry Blossoms

    Favorite Place to be: A quiet corner at a hot spring

    Favorite Weapon: her sword her Father gave her after graduation

    Favorite Season: Autumn

    Unimportant Secret: Michiko can't sleep well unless she has a pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal to cuddle with. At her house, her bed has six stuffed animals on it and she sometimes wakes up holding a different one than she remembered going to bed with.

    Roleplay Sample:

    "Fufufu, foolish child.", a familiar voice said, cold and calm. The old man with his cane, Dr. Ro, stepped out of the busted wall. He bent down and pet his Cerberus-like dog as it whined and strugggled as it died.

    "Look what a mess you've made, Uchiha! How dare you. I'm afraid it's time I take those pretty eyes of yours.", he said very calmly.

    Michiko clenched her teeth, huffing, sliding back one leg and one knee forward. She took from inside her kimono, a long pointed bone "sword" that Yin-Tao had given to her a few years back to practice her sword skills. Her Sharingan was focused maliciously on the man, but he didn't flinch, nor did he seem to care.

    "Your eyes...I don't want to sell them at all. They'll be added to my collection.", he said, pulling bandages off of one arm, he revealed at least a dozen activated Sharingan, and they all swiveled to look at her, all meeting her own Sharingan.

    She was shocked and disgusted, losing her composure. In the next instant, she had rushed at him to try to take his head, but she found herself frozen in time, and then there was nothing.''


    She had had no chance against such an advanced jutsu. Ro was an absolute horror, and if she couldn't put an end to him, she prayed someone would. This man was no doubt a high ranking criminal, and he had done so many crimes against each of the Shinobi Villages for abducting their Shinobi and taking their body parts.

    Not able to move an inch, the young woman had been padlocked down onto the surgical table. A bright light was cast over her, and she couldn't even move her neck, as it was also clamped down with a metal restraint. Her head was between some sort of vice-like contraption, and the medical staff were preparing their equipment. The girl was extremely angry, but now for the first time in a long while, fear crept over her. She wasn't sure if it was because she was helpless in this state, unable to raise her chakra and being bound on this table, or if it was because she knew she couldn't defeat the Doctor, but her heart was beating like a drum in her ribcage, and she was shaking with terror as she saw the "Good Doctor" come into view, smiling at her as if he were sweet and gentle.

    "Ah yes, did you think you could defeat me? No one has, much as they have tried. You put up a good fight my dear, but now it's time for you to say goodnight, because this will be the last light you'll ever see."

    He bent his face down and kissed her cheek, and Michiko screamed with rage, her Sharingan activating. In that moment, her eyes upgraded to the next level, the third tomoe.

    "Hatred is the key to your power. Hatred and PAIN. It's a shame though, they'll have to level up outside of your body, you pittiful thing, you.", he said, and spit on her. He then turned his back on her and he brought back his tools to extract her eyes. Michiko wished with all her heart she could somehow break out of these bonds right now and kill this evil MONSTER of a man. How she wanted to kill him, all of his followers, and burn this damned place to ashes. However, it was just a fairy tale.

    Michiko screamed in terror as surgical metal dug into her skin and into her skull, gently pulling out her eyeballs from their sockets until they popped free, and he severed her optic nerves. There was no more horrrible pain than this! Blood welled from her face in the end, and her precious eyes plopped into preservative liquid. She heard the Doctor tighten the lid on the jar, but all she could do was cry and wail in pain and sickness. She wanted to die.

    "Nighty night, Sleeping Beauty.", Dr. Ro said, leaving the room with his prize in his hands. He went to store them in the nearby organ storage area on one of the shelves, and he left, satisfied with his accomplishment, and said to the guards,

    "Do what you want with her. She's of no more use to me."

    The Doctor gone, the two guards approached the bleeding and blind girl, but before anything else could happen, the wall exploded as a drill of bone destroyed it, and Yin Kaguya appeared out of the cloud of brick dust.

    "Oh no.", was all he could say as he beheld her. He killed the guards in a cold and angry instant as his spine shot out from his back and speared them, then wound back into place and his skin re-sealed. Yin approached the table and made sure to say as he unbuckled her from the table, "Hush, Michiko. It's  Me, Yin. I'm getting you out of here. I'm not gonna let you die."

    Michiko was shaking and unable to speak, but she wrapped her arms around his powerfully muscled body as he picked her up in his arms. He went quickly to find some clean bandages to wrap around her face after pouring disinfectant over her wounds. She cried in pain again, hugging him closer. He pet her hair, and said, "It's okay. I mean...IT ISN'T but, damnit!! Why!", he said in frustration.  Luckily, he noticed the room marked "Kekkei Genkai Organ Storage", and he angrily rushed it. He located the jar and said, "Got them! But...", howls were heard in the outside corridor. "Hold on tight!", Yin told Michiko, and he body flickered and was running as fast as he could. They left out of a ruined wall, and Yin didn't stop running or bother to look back, in case those freaks were coming. They left the  area surrounding the building that was half smoking and ruined, and entered the enormous Sea of Trees that was Hi no Kuni.

    (Will be continued on the forum)[/u]

    Last edited by Michiko Uchiha on Sun Oct 02, 2022 8:05 pm; edited 6 times in total

    Michiko Uchiha Michida-Uchiha-2017

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Genjutsu
    Class: A

    Michiko Uchiha Empty Re: Michiko Uchiha

    Post by Yuichi Sat Oct 01, 2022 11:23 pm

    Michiko Uchiha wrote:Name: Uchiha, Michiko
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Village: Konohagakure no Sato
    Rank: Jounin
    Title: None

    Clan: Uchiha
    Bloodline: Sharingan
    Element(s): *Katon
    Skill(s): *Ninjutsu *Kenjutsu

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: **B
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: C

    (I have a debt to make up of 1200 exp. I had 100 exp left over after normal calculations. I took 300 exp for my birthday present, and 1000 exp debt for claiming Sharingan Tomoe 3. So 1200 debt.)

    **Trading away 1 Skill Point to raise her Coordination to B at creation. Her Coordination cannot reach past A rank.

    Unique Abilities:

    *Hand Seal Focus: The extra practice with hand signs has paid off by giving Michiko a one tier boost in coordination and a loss in Intel, symbolic of her focus being directed toward her coordination. This can be activated by paying 5 chakra points.  

    *Eyes of the Tormented- During her captivity, Michiko was subjected to many forms of mental and physical trauma. Anguish and rage from these terrible experiences caused her to mature her eyes to three tomoe. An EXP debt of 1000 must be repaid before any more experience can be used on anything else.

    *Stolen Sharingan- Michiko has lost her left eye. She may not re-obtain her left eye, and if she wants another Sharingan, she must get it from another player's character somehow. The Stat result is -1 Tier Coordination when using the Sharingan due to uneven vision, causing her to rely heavily on her one eye's Perception (+1 additional tier when Sharingan is activated on top of the usual Sharingan's boosting power).  This ability is nullified if and when Michiko recovers a second Sharingan.

    ** Another character may obtain her missing eye by posting in an event mission to acquire it. It's currently circulating around the Land of Fire. The mission will be an A Rank mission and can be made by anyone but myself, just show me the registered mission to let me know you're going after it. The mission has to be OPEN so others can have a chance too. Michiko cannot be in this topic.

    *Slave- She received a tattoo on her lower back, above her left butt cheek of the number 669. It was engraved by use of a Fuuinjutsu and is permanent. Even if the skin is cut off, it'll re-appear when she heals back. The number marks her as a piece of black market property. She's recorded in the bingo books in the underworld as this number and will keep a bounty on her head because of this. **B Rank Bingo Book Target.

    *Resilient Combatant- Having been physically and mentally abused on a regular basis while she was in captivity has given her the ability to ignore most pain inflicted upon her body.  +1 Tier Constitution, -1 Tier Strength. Can be activated for 5 CP.


    A tall Japanese girl, standing five foot, seven inches. She's athletically built like a track star with a slender frame, but you can tell she also gets in her fair amount of strength training, as her muscles are all around toned and her feminine features are attractive, even with a small chest. She has a fair almond complexion like much of her prestigious lineage before her. Her face is lovely to behold, though there's not much expression there most of the time. She may smile delicately at you, or frown with disapproval or disdain. It takes a lot to get her to show any deeper facial expressions. Most of the time, she looks stoic, but those who have suffered can tell the hidden pain in her countenance.  Her right eye is her bloodline's, dark as a midnight pool when passive, and blood red with black tomoe on a thin ring around a black pupil when active. Her left eye is not hers nor an Uchiha's and is deepest brown-black. The hospital did their best to match her eyes,  much to her relief, but she's ashamed of it, and brushes her hair down to cover it in public. She has very long, thick blue-black hair, a mark of her pedigree. No matter if she tried to straighten it, it always fluffs out wild and choppy. She enjoys her long hair, rarely pulling it back. She just keeps her bangs relatively short, so she doesn't have to deal with too much of it blowing in her face, so her vision isn't obstructed.

    Michiko Uchiha D9mm0ev-cf801618-e8c0-4c6b-923e-40ffaa92a521

    Michiko is modest in her clothing choices. If it's functional for combat, and comfortable fitting, that's what matters. She wore nothing but a plain white robe and wooden sandals for four years, pent up in a cage inside a criminal laboratory. She doesn't care, therefore,  about fashion. Girls who care too much about the latest trends are silly to her. Her choice combat uniform is an athletic tight fitting jumper that's simple black, like a gymnast's uniform, but made for a Kunoichi, with a high collar that fits snuggly just below her head if it's zipped all the way up. On her arms she wears long compression sleeves with attached gloves, exposing her fingers. Matching black thigh-highs give her legs a touch of resistance to the elements. Black heeled shinobi shoes adorn her feet, giving her an elegant but fully functional foot gear. Her suit is often accompanied by  a long slate colored, zippered haori with an inner white layer and has her Clan's family crest on the back of it, as is tradition. The coat is thick and heavy and provides some level of light deflection to debris and projectile weapons (not past D Rank users). A white belt secures her coat tightly around her waist and supplies a holster for a long bladed weapon.


    It all started in Konohagakure’s Uchiha Clan District, when a young man named Tadashi married a beautiful girl from outside of the clan named Kaede. This was a normal practice to keep the bloodline strong. Tadashi’s family within the clan were highly prestigious purists, never mixing blood with other Kekkei Genkei Clans, in order to preserve their prowess throughout the generations. They were also leaders within the clan. If they weren’t direct leaders, than they were just below those leaders, as members of the high council, not only within the clan, but some also official council members of Konohagakure itself, dealing directly with it’s inner government workings, and thus, the family upheld the strict rules and laws of Clan and Village, and also held many dark secrets.

    Tadashi was Jounin Rank and an Elite ANBU at the time that Michiko was born. Kaede had had three other children before Michiko, all boys, and all had mysteriously died before they reached the age in which they could attend the Academy. There had been no logical medical reason as to why their sons died. All of them had been healthy. The only explanation that the Elders of the clan had for the family, was that their marriage was cursed, thus because they had not received the true blessing of the Sage of Six Paths, they would continue to suffer the loss of children. The Elders wouldn’t look farther into the deaths of the children because of this prophecy, but they emphasized sympathy for the family and told them their suffering would only make their bond stronger, for the good of the Clan. It was a curse, truly, but Tadashi had no choice but to accept this and grow stronger he did, as his pain persisted. Michiko’s birth was a final challenge against the God of the Uchiha’s curse that seemed to successfully break it and turn the curse into a blessing. It had taken eleven years of miscarriages and the deaths of three boys to produce a girl. It was then revealed by Tadashi’s own older brother, Ryudan, who had become a member of the Council and appointed record and shrine keeper, that the family’s curse had been lifted and had blossomed into true blessing. Only an Uchiha’s blessings always came with a price. When Michiko was only a toddler of two years old, her mother Kaede suddenly died in her sleep.

    Tadashi was bitter and filled with grief. He studied the body of his wife along with the forensic team in the ANBU, and it took uncovering a clever invisible seal on her neck to find the reason she’d died. It was murder by the hands of a masterful user of Fuuinjutsu. But why?! Who would dare go out of their way to murder his beloved wife? Kaede had only wished to be happy with Tadashi and raise a family. She endured so much suffering losing her three boys, and had been so joyful when Michiko was born and the Council stated that the curse on their children was broken. But now Kaede would never see her little girl grow up, and little Michiko would be without a Mother. For all of this, Tadashi swore he’d find his wife’s killer and make them suffer the most horrible death possible. That was when he unlocked the fabled Mangekyou Sharingan and became one of the Uchiha Clan’s most fearsome and powerful warriors, in which very few attained the status of. This was also part of the Elders’ prophecy. Everything that happened was for the betterment of the Clan. Tadashi was destined to become this warrior, and so, the Elders offered him a place in their inner circle of the Uchiha High Council. Tadashi, grieving the loss of Kaede, and knowing he'd have to raise his Daughter on his own, declined to join them, and said he was honored, but that his Daughter's well-being and education were more important than government, secrets, and mysticism. With cold heaviness, the Council of Elders accepted Tadashi’s decision to decline, saying to him, “So be it. Your choice is made.”

    The Early Years-

    Michiko grew up being doted on and highly protected and forced into early education. She loved her Father and her Uncle very much, she had friends inside and outside of the Clan, and she seemed to be smart, as she learned her lessons easily and found learning fun and exciting. Since Dad was an ANBU, he often was gone away from home for days or even weeks at a time, but whenever he could stay home for a while, Michiko lit up like the happiest little girl in the world. It was during those times that they’d play together, and her Dad would bring her gifts from his travels or teach her a little easy to learn kunai technique or two. When it was time for Dad to go back to work, or when she’d wake up at night and not be able to find him, she got sad. Luckily, Uncle Ryudan was always there to comfort her. He meditated a lot and had to go to meetings and such for the Konoha's Central Government as well as the Uchiha Clan Council, but he seemed to have more time for her than her Father did. It was from Ryudan that Michiko learned how to cook and make tea, and she took these up as hobbies. Ryudan was also the one who’d teach Michiko about the history of their Country, their Village, and their Clan, and he always told Michiko how precious she was.

    As the little girl grew, she showed more and more promise to become a Kunoichi. Truly she was blessed, her Uncle thought, just like the Council had said. Before Michiko had even joined the Academy, she showed adept prowess at using kunai and shuriken, and she had begun to ask about learning how to better channel her chakra, so that she too could breathe fire like the rest of her Clan. She was also quick on her feet and enjoyed racing other kids in the village, sometimes gettting into trouble with street vendors for upsetting their chickens or ruining their tarps, etc, "Good times...", Tadashi would chuckle in reminisence of his own years when he had been just a boy. That seemed like a whole different world compared to the now, but seeing his Daughter training and enjoying her life brought him happiness. He could see his wife's gentleness and his determination in her, and he felt like Kaede was still here somehow, and she was watching over both of them with great joy. That thought was very comforting, and so, Tadashi had decided that instead of continuing to grieve over Kaede's death, he would be joyous for her and for Michiko.

    When Michiko was nine years old, she was accepted into the Academy and placed in the Honors class, due to the skills she was able to show during the initial testing procedure. Hearing about her placement, The Hokage had decided to finally award Tadashi with retirement from ANBU so that he could spend most of his time with his Family and Daughter, and so Tadashi took the rank Elite Jounin and would only have to take the most dangerous of missions and protect the village if invaders were discovered, or if there was a war. He didn't have to train a cell of Genin if he didn't want to. Very pleased, Uchiha Tadashi dedicated his time to Michiko's training and catching up with her and the rest of his Family. Michiko was absolutely thrilled.

    Time went by, and Michiko had performed excellently for the first year of school, but after that, she seemed to start slacking off and causing trouble instead. She was getting it into her head that she was too good for this and that the lessons were boring and beneath her. She tested perfectly, but that wasn't the problem. Her Sensei had to explain to her Father and Uncle that Michiko was very smart and passed all her tests so far, but that she was taking naps during lessons and bullying her classmates. Tadashi was dissapointed to hear about his child's misconduct, and he promised her Sensei that he would correct her right away and he'd make sure her behavior was improved.

    Michiko was punished for her bad conduct in school by being grounded. She wasn't allowed to leave the house. If she so much had looked like she wanted to go past the backyard fence, she'd get scolded. This punishment was to be for three weeks straight, in which Tadashi was to teach his Daughter how to fight and defend herself as if she were already a Genin, since she thought she was so much better than her classmates.

    "You need to learn to respect your peers and especally your Sensei. If you don't work together, you could be the one who causes your team to fail the mission, or worse...to get killed. Do you want that, Michiko?"

    "No Daddy, of course I don't.", Michiko replied, sliding into a defensive stance. Her Father huffed under his breath, and unleashed a lightning fast flurry of shuriken against the girl. Michiko responded by utilizing the Substitution technique, and she had body-flickered behild her father, trying to kick him in the back, but Tadashi turned into a giant shuriken, and appeared upside down in a tree several meters away. The girl moaned in pain as the shuriken scraped at her skin before it clattered to the ground. Blood dripped from a gash on her arm that she'd brought up infront of herself to shield the rest of her body.

    "Next time, make sure you have a kunai in your hand at least, to deflect the blow instead of letting yourself get shredded. Never assume you can sneak up on someone just after using a substitution. That's just about the oldest trick in the book. So, Daughter, still think you're hot stuff?"

    Michiko fought her Father until she was weak and dizzy. Her Father, smiling softly, crouched down and offered her a helping hand. He told her,

    "Good job. You fought like a real Genin, but you're definitely not a Chuunin yet. Guess that means you need to go back to school and learn all the ettiquite your Sensei teaches you. You better pay attention closely, and be nice to your classmates, okay? Don't be arrogant and mean. That's not becoming of you. It's dishonorable and will get you in nothing but trouble."

    Michiko took her Daddy's hand and let him lift her up. He took her to bed afterwards and tucked her in to sleep, kissing her lightly on the forehead and told her she was a brave young Kunoichi. Michiko after that, dedicated herself again to just simply being the best student she could be, even if the classes were boring and her classmates were too envious of her. She followed instructions, and even decided to impress her Sensei by reciting the entire Will of Fire and proper ettiquete of taking and completing a mission, including how to behave on the battlefield. In the end, Michiko would graduate from the Academy at the age of twelve. To celebrate, their family went out for dango and strawberry ice cream, and Tadashi passed down his very first sword to Michiko, so that it could be her first as well. Now, she was a real Shinobi in the making, shiny new headband and all.

    The Hell Prison-

    It wasn't too long after Michiko's graduation from the Academy that things turned sour. She was waiting on a list to be assigned to a Jounin for mentoring in a three man cell. First though, the young Uchiha was to attend her first ever Clan Hall Meeting. She knew that her Uncle had to attend because he was Shrine Keeper and on the Council, but her Father was also asked to go, and so they thought it would be good experience for Michiko to begin participating in Clan Affairs. To be honest, Michiko was bored and was having trouble payingg atttention to the discussion. Whether it was important or not, it didn't impact her directly, at least that's what her naive mind thought. She did make friends with another girl though, a distant cousin. Michiko pointed out her Father and Uncle to the girl, and soon after they had to be quiet, because the Clan Leader started addressing issues. This is when Michiko's mind began to wander, amidst the boring talk of adults and their adult problems. Yawn.

    The two girls started chewing bubble gum and playing with their shuriken like fidget spinners. It wasn't until her Father stood up and started protesting about something that Michiko's bubble popped and she was alert and focused on her Father and Uncle, activating her Sharingan to get a better "bird's eye view" from her spot near the rafters of the ceiling. Father said something about he wasn't going to do something because it was a bad idea. He looked very angry, and body flickered out of the building. Her Uncle immeditely looked up in the direction of his Neice, knowing all too well what she would do in response, but it was too late for him to stop her, and the business of the Clan had to be finished here tonight before he could leave and atttend to his sibling and Michiko. The girl had copied her Father's body flicker and chased after him, trying desperately to catch up with an Elite Jounin as a fledgling Genin. A Chuunin was sent from the meeting by the Clan Leader and her Uncle to fetch her before she got herself into trouble, but for some odd reason, the girl couldn't be found.

    After the meeting, Ryudan went and found his Brother in his brooding place in the forest, and he explained to him that Michiko had followed him and asked if she had found him. This shocked her Father, as fear crept over him with this news. He explained that no, she hadn't been this way. They both went home to see if that's where she went, but she wasn't home either. A search party was quickly formed. Tadashi had asked some of his old ANBU team members to join him to find his Daughter and bring her home safely. Hours passed into days, days passed into weeks, and two months had passed after that before the search parties were ordered to be ended by upper authority on the grounds that more important needs must be met. It was tragic, but Tadashi and Ryudan had no choice but to comply. However, they wouldn't give up on the young girl's fighting spirit, hoping and praying she was alive and would soon return home.

    What happened to Uchiha Michiko? On the way through the forest just outside the village walls, she was searching for where her Father had gone. She had to find him and ask him what was wrong, not knowing that there were rogues who had caught her trail and were now tracking her, ready for the moment to bag their catch. These rogue ninja had been well educated about the various noble clans of the shinobi villages, having studied texts that told of their common traits, what emblems represented their clans, etc, and today seemed to be very fortunate for these men, because they had found a surely easy to catch Uchiha. As soon as she landed on a large tree branch and stood still there for a moment to catch her breath, they surrounded her and bound her tightly in chakra absorbing rope. Michiko screamed for help, insulted these men, and demanded to be let go, but they didn't comply or even respond to her. She was gagged, blindfolded, and knocked out.

    When the girl woke up, she found herself locked up like prisoner in a foul smelling place reeking of blood,medical supplies, and other gross odors. She was disgusted and on the verge of vomiting. A gnarled old man in a white cloak and kimono came up to her to appraise her like a brand new diamond ring. Michiko hated him instantly, knowing he was behind these horrors because of how he held himself with authority here. She grabbed his neck, pulled him against the bars of her cell, and attempted to strangle him, but she was immediately stunned by the prison guards and found herself immobile on the ground. She learned from the evil elderly man that she was here to be experimented on, played with, and ultimately to have her Doujutsu taken from her pretty face and sold at a high price.

    Michiko was processed and branded with a number like an animal meant for the slaughter. Everything she had on her person was taken from her, oddly save for her headband, and she was dressed in a simple white kimono and wooden sandals. Her room had no windows. It was cold and hard, and her sleeping cot was uncomfortable. The food she was served, strangely, was high quality, but she refused to touch it for two weeks, and eventually she had to be force-fed, but only after she fought the guards and was restrained. Here, she, and no one else stuck in a cell was treated humanely. She soon learned to pretend to not care anymore about getting out, while secretly,  every time she was escorted out of her cell, she was studying the place, where things were, what time the guards came, etc. She was determined to get out of here no matter what, and take as many other captives with her as she could. Only first, she needed to bond with some of the other prisoners. Soon after coming up with this idea, she met her "next door neighbor", Yin-Tao.

    Yin was from the Kaguya Clan of Kirigakure. He introduced himself one night, being interested in the girl who had fights in her cell all the time with the guards (partly because he loved violence, secondly because he thought she was cute). Michiko didn't much care for him. She found him to be obnoxious, but she had to admit that he didn't seem like a complete idiot, and so she listened to what he had to say.

    "Hey, you know the food isn't poisoned right? If that was the case, you'd see people eat it and hear them dying soon after. I've heard of your Clan, your folk are really famous, you know.
    Anyway, you should stop fighting those jerks and just eat your dinner. You're gonna go to the Arena soon.", he explained.

    "Arena?", Michiko asked him. She couldn't see him because he was in the cell right next to hers and there was a solid wall between them, but she could clearly hear him.'

    "Yah. You heard the old Doc right? By the way that's Doctor Ro. You've probably guessed it, be he runs this freak show. I want to kill him with my bare hands."

    "I want to kill him too. So, do you know how we might be able to escape from here?", Michiko asked her new ally.''She soon heard him laugh heartily, and then he said with a humorous tone, "You think I haven't tried? Once, I got all the way down a few hallways, but this place is like a maze. If you could use those weird eyes of yours, maybe you could map it out or something. But yah anyways, I think that's the dumb way to go about it. I'm thinking somewhere, there's a switch to turn off all these dumb chakra inhibitors in this place. Then we can REALLY get revenge. That is....if we get out before they decide to end us. But you know...the Arena, as I was saying, I've just started going. Soon you'll go to. You have to fight. Sometimes you fight animals, but most of the time you'll be fighting someone else in here. You might even fight me, but don't think I'll be soft on you. It seems the better you are, the longer they want to keep you around. Just try not to lose."

    "Lose?", Michiko laughed back at him. It was the first time in weeks that she had felt anything like her old self. "No Kaguya-Chan, you better not try to lose." There was a dark edge to her voice. She was thrilled at the prospect to get out of this dreary cell and into a fighting ring, and in response, Yin-Tao chuckled. He really liked this girl.

    Death ever loomed, pain was inflicted so often that she rarely felt it anymore, the happiness she had once felt was no more than a distant dream and was instead replaced with anger and hatred. She didn't fear death, in fact oftentimes, she welcomed it, wanting an escape. Number 669 proved to be quite the interesting specimen. Her body was quite resilient to many of the tests she underwent, and it took a great dose of damage to get any reaction out of her. She was quiet most of the time, staring only witth malice at her captors. When she couldn't kick or punch them, she dug her nails deep into them and bit them so hard it broke the skin of anyone stupid enough to try to molest her.

    The girl grew into a beautiful but tormented young woman, whose soul knew only the darkness of hate and sadness. Her only source of any sort of compassion and kindness came from the young man who occupied the cell next to hers, the Kaguya boy. He had ended up losing a few toes and some bone grafts here and there, but he was able to regrow them. Michiko so far, had had her eyes examined, but thankfully they hadn't been plucked yet. The two prisoners became close over the years, both of them trying new ways to make an escape, but each time they were caught after making their diversions. It seemed however, they were getting close to a breakthrough. Every time Michiko got further away, even though she couldn't use her Sharingan anywhhere but in the arena or when the doctor's had her strapped down on a lab table, she had gotten better at memorizing things. Such a brutal place made you think, because if you didn't use everythng you could to survive, you would be killed.

    In the battle arena, Michiko faced off against so many other prisoners in the last four years, she lost count. Hardly anyone could escape her vision's powers of perception. She had also gotten much faster, and her chakra stores were quite impressive. She only had a few close ones, but even then she was able to overcome even the toughest of opponents, using her small body and quick reflexes to overtake much larger and stronger foes. The battles seemed endless, and many spectators offered a price for her doujutsu, but the Doctor declined each time so far to sell her. He had something he wanted to try on her first, to make her even more interesting. So, one day in the laboratory, she was cut open and her stomach was replaced with someone else's. It was absolutely horrible. She had screamed and cried, and that evil bastard, Dr. Ro just laughed in delight. What a sicko!! She would kill him and raze this place to the ground if it was the last thing she did.

    When she had recovered from the surgery, she noticed the firey nature of her chakra in her solar plexus had amplified. She was hot, sweating even when it was cold, and it took some time for her body to adjust and feel normal again, but when it was time to fight, she was a raging inferno. Even more....now, she faced off against the one man she was hoping she'd never have to fight, Yin-Tao. It was very exciting, and the crowd cheered, wonering which of the talented fighters would live, and which one would die. However to their displeasure, it was a tie. Both of the Shinobi were disqualified afterwards and would not continue their arena battles.

    Uchiha and Kaguya were taken to the medbay to receive healing and bandages, and placed back in their cells.

    "I'm sorry, Michiko. It looks like this is it.", Yin-Tao said from his side of the wall.''Michiko sighed deeply and replied, "No reason to be sorry. I tried to kill you too. But...you know what I noticed down by the medbay?"

    Yin's curiousity peaked and he asked, "What?"

    Michiko snickered and chuckled, and she jingled something metal in her hands, replying, "The guard who controls the stupid chakra inhibitors. I have the remote here, and the door keys! That guy must be like....the captain or something. I have no idea, but let's get the hell out of here right now!!"

    In the next second, yelling was coming from the distance in the hall, and the alarm was sounded as red lights blinked, signaling that the guard's keys were stolen and they were coming for them.

    "Shit! Come on!!", Yin shouted. Michiko pushed all the key buttons on the large ring until the fields were down and the doors opeened! Chakra could flow freely through her veins, and she activated "Sharingan!" Yin sprouted extra bones across his body, ready to give these jerks the porcupine treatment with an extra helping of serial killer with a knife (err....bone), and they went to work, as everyone else also busted out of their cells, seeing the two of them get out. All of the prisoners yelled with fury and attacked the guards, heading for wherever the exit was.

    "Yin!!", Michiko yelled, targettting most accurately the guards and the monsters they had set loose on them, large brutes that were half human, half beast and extremely ugly.

    "What?! I'm busy!!", Yin replied.

    "Go. You know where the exit is. You have to, because you've searched more than I have! I'll stay back and keep them busy, just get yourself and the others out!!", she said bravely, willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of everyone else's lives. She didn't know it, but that was the mark of someone who was worthy of being called Kage.

    "No way, MA'AM!", Yin protested, and just then a giant three headed dog with the tail of a snake's head slammed through the wall, growling, and leapt at him, the snake striking for his face. He dodged and stuck it through the chest, and spun mid-jump, cleaving the creature's snake tail. "Ok, damn. I'll go! Don't die, okay! You bettter get out!!", he yelled, leaving the beast writing. It still atttempted to bite at him, but he left, and the others followed the Kaguya.

    Personality: "Once upon a time, there was a fresh out of the Academy Genin who was a headstrong, outspoken little brat. She was relatively kind, but rude, and was very rambunctious.  She loved her Father and her Uncle with all her heart, and she wanted them to be a happy family. The little girl talked a lot, and asked a lot of questions. She was a fast learner, but always overly eager to do anything her heart was set on. Then, one day, that sweet and innocent girl who knew nothing about the workings of the real world died, and her family wept. That girl went to hell and came back as me."

    Though Michiko is a sixteen year old girl, she is very mature minded. She knows very well that ultimately she is a soldier and that was what she was born and bred to be. She learned at a very young age what true cruelty and evil is in the world, and that you have to be very careful about who you can trust, and what decisions you make, because you're just one player on the game board. You're a toy, a plaything to be ordered by those higher up than you, and it's foolish to resist your Master when you have no way to overtake them and win. When you are out of options and in the corner and alone, there is no one to save you. If then, you can't outwit them, you surrender or you die. That by no means makes Michiko a coward. It just means she knows her place, and how and when to act, because one false move means Game Over. If you can defeat the boss, then by all means don't hold back, but if you can't, feign defeat and regroup until the right time. If you do face death....don't fear. Death is only another phase in the circle of life. Stare death down, and laugh in it's facce, knowing you did everything, and embrace your destiny.

    "It doesn't matter who you are, where you came from, or what powers you have, you're not invincible. You can be the most powerful one in the room, but a giant can still be fell by the smallest of the small. Think, calculate, and plan your next move carefully. Study the enemy to find out his secrets. Reveal his patterns, his motives, figure out his goals, and you can have a supreme advantage, bu even then, do you have the means to carry out your plans? Do your best, and never give in. Even if you've been down and defeated, there's still a way out. It may seem hopeless. It may seem impossible, but NOTHING is impossible. Therefore if you're defeated and you don't die, learn from your mistake and don't make the same mistake again. Be sly as a fox, quick as a hare, and strike like a serpeant. If you have an opening, take it. Don't hesitate and miss your oppurtunity, because it's kill or be killed in the real game of Shinobi Warrior."

    Michiko knows the whole Shinobi codex of conduct inside and out. She is loyal to her Clan, her Village, and follows orders as given. If she dissagrees with an order or means to deviate from her assignment (if it's wrong and goes against her morals. i.e- She's asked to kill someone innocent, like a child.), she gives no sign of betrayal and will act on her will in secrecy. In a spar, she does her best to always come out on top, and will only submit to defeat when she knows she can't win. That being said, she's not hot-headed and impulsive, but rather cold and calculating. In a real fight, she will not hesitate to kill an enemy. If the opponent she's fighting for real is a friend or ally, she will try to subdue them and make them come to their senses or disable them instead of killing them.  If she faces an evil enemy, then all Hell breaks lose, and she will be dedicated to mutilating that person in the most destructive way she can provide for them. That said, she has no remorse for he wicked. The Devil must pay his dues.

    Besides being the epitome of what a Shinobi should be, Michiko is a tragic figure who's been broken like a bronco is broken into a show horse. She's mostly introverted and prefers quite spaces versus bustling crowds (in fact, she will try to get out of busy places as quickly as possible because she starts to feel overwhelmed by so much noise and thus, she's irritable in such crowded places). She trusts very few people outside of her immediate family, and it takes time for her to trust anyone else. If she can truly trust someone, only then will she begin to open up to them and allow herself to be comfortable enough to smile, as she smiles very rarely outside of the presence of her family. Most of the time, she's seen as stoic, showing no emotion on her face whatsoever. It's perfect for Shinobi work, but makes strangers feel uncomfortable being around her. If her Sharingan is activated, then it's oftentimes strangers find her terrifying. Oddly enough, sometimes she gets a rise out of that.

    A trusted family member or a true friend is the only kind of person who will know the kind and gentle person she is at heart. Though she's socially awkward at times and doesn't really know how to spark up most conversations, she can be pleasant to talk to, and definitely pleasant company. She enjoys very simple things in life that most people take for granted such as relaxing on cozy furniture, drinking honey sweetened tea, the warmth and brightness of the sunshine, and the feeling of cold crisp water on her lips. She could sit in a garden for hours without speaking one word,  and be in a blissful state of Zen, just enjoying the natural beauty around her and the sound of rustling leaves and a softly babbling brook. Those who have become close to her even may find her company to be quite soothing.

    She's not per say a cruel person, but she can be seen as mean as she's pretty straight-forward and doesn't care to sugar-coat things to make them sound better. She hates liars, flattery, greed, and cruelty. She'll stomp on a money hungry market salesman's toe to stop them from fetching back stolen apples from a poor kid, for example, and tell that merchant he should be ashamed of himself. if someone compliments on her features or coos over her beauty, she mostly ignores them and keeps on moving, but if she does respond, it's always a simple "Thank you.", with no emotion in her delicate tone of voice.

    When speaking ninety-eight percent of the time, she's soft spoken but stern. She expresses anger usually in a more bitter tone, but very rarely can she be pushed to yell at someone. For her to get seriously angry, that person would have to nearly constantly pressure her. Other times she gets excited in a negative way, it's only in the raw heat of battle. Battle, whether it's a spar or an actual fight is when she seems to smile the most, but only when it's a truly exciting battle, or she's inflicted with damage. This sadistic side of her seems to sneak out into the open during a dangerous fight, begging for more violence that turns into bloodlust agains her opponents. If she kills someone, she often looks over their body with a somber expression, before walking away from the corpse.

    In solitude and loneliness, Michiko is often haunted by the screams and crying of the less fortunate. Sometimes the crying voice is her inner child screaming for help. It's sad thinking back on what life used to be, before all her innocense was taken away from her. She wonders what it would be like, had she listened to her Uncle and didn't chase after her Father on that night she was stolen from her own village.

    Favorite Color: Pastel Pink

    Favorite Food: Strawberries, Dango, Fish cakes, sweet sticky rice

    Favorite Smell: Cherry Blossoms

    Favorite Place to be: A quiet corner at a hot spring

    Favorite Weapon: her sword her Father gave her after graduation

    Favorite Season: Autumn

    Unimportant Secret: Michiko can't sleep well unless she has a pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal to cuddle with. At her house, her bed has six stuffed animals on it and she sometimes wakes up holding a different one than she remembered going to bed with.

    Roleplay Sample:

    "Fufufu, foolish child.", a familiar voice said, cold and calm. The old man with his cane, Dr. Ro, stepped out of the busted wall. He bent down and pet his Cerberus-like dog as it whined and strugggled as it died.

    "Look what a mess you've made, Uchiha! How dare you. I'm afraid it's time I take those pretty eyes of yours.", he said very calmly.

    Michiko clenched her teeth, huffing, sliding back one leg and one knee forward. She took from inside her kimono, a long pointed bone "sword" that Yin-Tao had given to her a few years back to practice her sword skills. Her Sharingan was focused maliciously on the man, but he didn't flinch, nor did he seem to care.

    "Your eyes...I don't want to sell them at all. They'll be added to my collection.", he said, pulling bandages off of one arm, he revealed at least a dozen activated Sharingan, and they all swiveled to look at her, all meeting her own Sharingan.

    She was shocked and disgusted, losing her composure. In the next instant, she had rushed at him to try to take his head, but she found herself frozen in time, and then there was nothing.''


    She had had no chance against such an advanced jutsu. Ro was an absolute horror, and if she couldn't put an end to him, she prayed someone would. This man was no doubt a high ranking criminal, and he had done so many crimes against each of the Shinobi Villages for abducting their Shinobi and taking their body parts.

    Not able to move an inch, the young woman had been padlocked down onto the surgical table. A bright light was cast over her, and she couldn't even move her neck, as it was also clamped down with a metal restraint. Her head was between some sort of vice-like contraption, and the medical staff were preparing their equipment. The girl was extremely angry, but now for the first time in a long while, fear crept over her. She wasn't sure if it was because she was helpless in this state, unable to raise her chakra and being bound on this table, or if it was because she knew she couldn't defeat the Doctor, but her heart was beating like a drum in her ribcage, and she was shaking with terror as she saw the "Good Doctor" come into view, smiling at her as if he were sweet and gentle.

    "Ah yes, did you think you could defeat me? No one has, much as they have tried. You put up a good fight my dear, but now it's time for you to say goodnight, because this will be the last light you'll ever see."

    He bent his face down and kissed her cheek, and Michiko screamed with rage, her Sharingan activating. In that moment, her eyes upgraded to the next level, the third tomoe.

    "Hatred is the key to your power. Hatred and PAIN. It's a shame though, they'll have to level up outside of your body, you pittiful thing, you.", he said, and spit on her. He then turned his back on her and he brought back his tools to extract her eyes. Michiko wished with all her heart she could somehow break out of these bonds right now and kill this evil MONSTER of a man. How she wanted to kill him, all of his followers, and burn this damned place to ashes. However, it was just a fairy tale.

    Michiko screamed in terror as surgical metal dug into her skin and into her skull, gently pulling out her eyeballs from their sockets until they popped free, and he severed her optic nerves. There was no more horrrible pain than this! Blood welled from her face in the end, and her precious eyes plopped into preservative liquid. She heard the Doctor tighten the lid on the jar, but all she could do was cry and wail in pain and sickness. She wanted to die.

    "Nighty night, Sleeping Beauty.", Dr. Ro said, leaving the room with his prize in his hands. He went to store them in the nearby organ storage area on one of the shelves, and he left, satisfied with his accomplishment, and said to the guards,

    "Do what you want with her. She's of no more use to me."

    The Doctor gone, the two guards approached the bleeding and blind girl, but before anything else could happen, the wall exploded as a drill of bone destroyed it, and Yin Kaguya appeared out of the cloud of brick dust.

    "Oh no.", was all he could say as he beheld her. He killed the guards in a cold and angry instant as his spine shot out from his back and speared them, then wound back into place and his skin re-sealed. Yin approached the table and made sure to say as he unbuckled her from the table, "Hush, Michiko. It's  Me, Yin. I'm getting you out of here. I'm not gonna let you die."

    Michiko was shaking and unable to speak, but she wrapped her arms around his powerfully muscled body as he picked her up in his arms. He went quickly to find some clean bandages to wrap around her face after pouring disinfectant over her wounds. She cried in pain again, hugging him closer. He pet her hair, and said, "It's okay. I mean...IT ISN'T but, damnit!! Why!", he said in frustration.  Luckily, he noticed the room marked "Kekkei Genkai Organ Storage", and he angrily rushed it. He located the jar and said, "Got them! But...", howls were heard in the outside corridor. "Hold on tight!", Yin told Michiko, and he body flickered and was running as fast as he could. They left out of a ruined wall, and Yin didn't stop running or bother to look back, in case those freaks were coming. They left the  area surrounding the building that was half smoking and ruined, and entered the enormous Sea of Trees that was Hi no Kuni.

    (Will be continued on the forum)[/u]

    Modded via discord.

    Michiko Uchiha
    Michiko Uchiha

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 54
    Join date : 2016-12-08

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu/Kenjutsu- Katon
    Class: B
    Ryo: 30,000

    Michiko Uchiha Empty Re: Michiko Uchiha

    Post by Michiko Uchiha Sun Oct 02, 2022 4:29 am


    Modded via discord.


    Michiko Uchiha Michida-Uchiha-2017

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 279
    Join date : 2021-08-05
    Age : 28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Genjutsu
    Class: A

    Michiko Uchiha Empty Re: Michiko Uchiha

    Post by Yuichi Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:03 pm

    Michiko Uchiha wrote:Name: Uchiha, Michiko
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Village: Konohagakure no Sato
    Rank: Jounin (B)
    Title: None

    Clan: Uchiha
    Bloodline: Sharingan
    Element(s): *Katon
    Skill(s): *Kenjutsu. *Ninjutsu

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: B
    • Coordination: B
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: C

    EXP Dole Out & Skills config:


    Unique Abilities:

    *Hand Seal Focus: The extra practice with hand signs has paid off by giving Michiko a one tier boost in coordination and a loss in Intel, symbolic of her focus being directed toward her coordination. This can be activated by paying 5 chakra points.  

    *Eyes of the Tormented- During her captivity, Michiko was subjected to many forms of mental and physical trauma. Anguish and rage from these terrible experiences caused her to mature her eyes to three tomoe Used EXP for it.

    *Stolen Sharingan- Michiko has lost her left eye. She may not re-obtain her left eye, and if she wants another Sharingan, she must get it from another player's character somehow. This ability is nullified if and when Michiko recovers a second Sharingan.

    ** Another character may obtain her missing eye by posting in an event mission to acquire it. It's currently circulating around the Land of Fire. The mission will be an A Rank mission and can be made by anyone but myself, just show me the registered mission to let me know you're going after it. The mission has to be OPEN so others can have a chance too. Michiko cannot be in this topic.

    *Slave- She received a tattoo on her lower back, above her left butt cheek of the number 669. It was engraved by use of a Fuuinjutsu and is permanent. Even if the skin is cut off, it'll re-appear when she heals back. The number marks her as a piece of black market property. She's recorded in the bingo books in the underworld as this number and will keep a bounty on her head because of this. **B Rank Bingo Book Target.

    *Resilient Combatant- Having been physically and mentally abused on a regular basis while she was in captivity has given her the ability to ignore most pain inflicted upon her body.  +1 Tier Constitution, -1 Tier Strength. Can be activated for 5 CP.


    A tall Japanese girl, standing five foot, seven inches. She's athletically built like a track star with a slender frame, but you can tell she also gets in her fair amount of strength training, as her muscles are all around toned and her feminine features are attractive, even with a small chest. She has a fair almond complexion like much of her prestigious lineage before her. Her face is lovely to behold, though there's not much expression there most of the time. She may smile delicately at you, or frown with disapproval or disdain. It takes a lot to get her to show any deeper facial expressions. Most of the time, she looks stoic, but those who have suffered can tell the hidden pain in her countenance.  Her right eye is her bloodline's, dark as a midnight pool when passive, and blood red with black tomoe on a thin ring around a black pupil when active. Her left eye is not hers nor an Uchiha's and is deepest brown-black. The hospital did their best to match her eyes,  much to her relief, but she's ashamed of it, and brushes her hair down to cover it in public. She has very long, thick blue-black hair, a mark of her pedigree. No matter if she tried to straighten it, it always fluffs out wild and choppy. She enjoys her long hair, rarely pulling it back. She just keeps her bangs relatively short, so she doesn't have to deal with too much of it blowing in her face, so her vision isn't obstructed.

    Michiko Uchiha D9mm0ev-cf801618-e8c0-4c6b-923e-40ffaa92a521

    Michiko is modest in her clothing choices. If it's functional for combat, and comfortable fitting, that's what matters. She wore nothing but a plain white robe and wooden sandals for four years, pent up in a cage inside a criminal laboratory. She doesn't care, therefore,  about fashion. Girls who care too much about the latest trends are silly to her. Her choice combat uniform is an athletic tight fitting jumper that's simple black, like a gymnast's uniform, but made for a Kunoichi, with a high collar that fits snuggly just below her head if it's zipped all the way up. On her arms she wears long compression sleeves with attached gloves, exposing her fingers. Matching black thigh-highs give her legs a touch of resistance to the elements. Black heeled shinobi shoes adorn her feet, giving her an elegant but fully functional foot gear. Her suit is often accompanied by  a long slate colored, zippered haori with an inner white layer and has her Clan's family crest on the back of it, as is tradition. The coat is thick and heavy and provides some level of light deflection to debris and projectile weapons (not past D Rank users). A white belt secures her coat tightly around her waist and supplies a holster for a long bladed weapon.


    It all started in Konohagakure’s Uchiha Clan District, when a young man named Tadashi married a beautiful girl from outside of the clan named Kaede. This was a normal practice to keep the bloodline strong. Tadashi’s family within the clan were highly prestigious purists, never mixing blood with other Kekkei Genkei Clans, in order to preserve their prowess throughout the generations. They were also leaders within the clan. If they weren’t direct leaders, than they were just below those leaders, as members of the high council, not only within the clan, but some also official council members of Konohagakure itself, dealing directly with it’s inner government workings, and thus, the family upheld the strict rules and laws of Clan and Village, and also held many dark secrets.

    Tadashi was Jounin Rank and an Elite ANBU at the time that Michiko was born. Kaede had had three other children before Michiko, all boys, and all had mysteriously died before they reached the age in which they could attend the Academy. There had been no logical medical reason as to why their sons died. All of them had been healthy. The only explanation that the Elders of the clan had for the family, was that their marriage was cursed, thus because they had not received the true blessing of the Sage of Six Paths, they would continue to suffer the loss of children. The Elders wouldn’t look farther into the deaths of the children because of this prophecy, but they emphasized sympathy for the family and told them their suffering would only make their bond stronger, for the good of the Clan. It was a curse, truly, but Tadashi had no choice but to accept this and grow stronger he did, as his pain persisted. Michiko’s birth was a final challenge against the God of the Uchiha’s curse that seemed to successfully break it and turn the curse into a blessing. It had taken eleven years of miscarriages and the deaths of three boys to produce a girl. It was then revealed by Tadashi’s own older brother, Ryudan, who had become a member of the Council and appointed record and shrine keeper, that the family’s curse had been lifted and had blossomed into true blessing. Only an Uchiha’s blessings always came with a price. When Michiko was only a toddler of two years old, her mother Kaede suddenly died in her sleep.

    Tadashi was bitter and filled with grief. He studied the body of his wife along with the forensic team in the ANBU, and it took uncovering a clever invisible seal on her neck to find the reason she’d died. It was murder by the hands of a masterful user of Fuuinjutsu. But why?! Who would dare go out of their way to murder his beloved wife? Kaede had only wished to be happy with Tadashi and raise a family. She endured so much suffering losing her three boys, and had been so joyful when Michiko was born and the Council stated that the curse on their children was broken. But now Kaede would never see her little girl grow up, and little Michiko would be without a Mother. For all of this, Tadashi swore he’d find his wife’s killer and make them suffer the most horrible death possible. That was when he unlocked the fabled Mangekyou Sharingan and became one of the Uchiha Clan’s most fearsome and powerful warriors, in which very few attained the status of. This was also part of the Elders’ prophecy. Everything that happened was for the betterment of the Clan. Tadashi was destined to become this warrior, and so, the Elders offered him a place in their inner circle of the Uchiha High Council. Tadashi, grieving the loss of Kaede, and knowing he'd have to raise his Daughter on his own, declined to join them, and said he was honored, but that his Daughter's well-being and education were more important than government, secrets, and mysticism. With cold heaviness, the Council of Elders accepted Tadashi’s decision to decline, saying to him, “So be it. Your choice is made.”

    The Early Years-

    Michiko grew up being doted on and highly protected and forced into early education. She loved her Father and her Uncle very much, she had friends inside and outside of the Clan, and she seemed to be smart, as she learned her lessons easily and found learning fun and exciting. Since Dad was an ANBU, he often was gone away from home for days or even weeks at a time, but whenever he could stay home for a while, Michiko lit up like the happiest little girl in the world. It was during those times that they’d play together, and her Dad would bring her gifts from his travels or teach her a little easy to learn kunai technique or two. When it was time for Dad to go back to work, or when she’d wake up at night and not be able to find him, she got sad. Luckily, Uncle Ryudan was always there to comfort her. He meditated a lot and had to go to meetings and such for the Konoha's Central Government as well as the Uchiha Clan Council, but he seemed to have more time for her than her Father did. It was from Ryudan that Michiko learned how to cook and make tea, and she took these up as hobbies. Ryudan was also the one who’d teach Michiko about the history of their Country, their Village, and their Clan, and he always told Michiko how precious she was.

    As the little girl grew, she showed more and more promise to become a Kunoichi. Truly she was blessed, her Uncle thought, just like the Council had said. Before Michiko had even joined the Academy, she showed adept prowess at using kunai and shuriken, and she had begun to ask about learning how to better channel her chakra, so that she too could breathe fire like the rest of her Clan. She was also quick on her feet and enjoyed racing other kids in the village, sometimes gettting into trouble with street vendors for upsetting their chickens or ruining their tarps, etc, "Good times...", Tadashi would chuckle in reminisence of his own years when he had been just a boy. That seemed like a whole different world compared to the now, but seeing his Daughter training and enjoying her life brought him happiness. He could see his wife's gentleness and his determination in her, and he felt like Kaede was still here somehow, and she was watching over both of them with great joy. That thought was very comforting, and so, Tadashi had decided that instead of continuing to grieve over Kaede's death, he would be joyous for her and for Michiko.

    When Michiko was nine years old, she was accepted into the Academy and placed in the Honors class, due to the skills she was able to show during the initial testing procedure. Hearing about her placement, The Hokage had decided to finally award Tadashi with retirement from ANBU so that he could spend most of his time with his Family and Daughter, and so Tadashi took the rank Elite Jounin and would only have to take the most dangerous of missions and protect the village if invaders were discovered, or if there was a war. He didn't have to train a cell of Genin if he didn't want to. Very pleased, Uchiha Tadashi dedicated his time to Michiko's training and catching up with her and the rest of his Family. Michiko was absolutely thrilled.

    Time went by, and Michiko had performed excellently for the first year of school, but after that, she seemed to start slacking off and causing trouble instead. She was getting it into her head that she was too good for this and that the lessons were boring and beneath her. She tested perfectly, but that wasn't the problem. Her Sensei had to explain to her Father and Uncle that Michiko was very smart and passed all her tests so far, but that she was taking naps during lessons and bullying her classmates. Tadashi was dissapointed to hear about his child's misconduct, and he promised her Sensei that he would correct her right away and he'd make sure her behavior was improved.

    Michiko was punished for her bad conduct in school by being grounded. She wasn't allowed to leave the house. If she so much had looked like she wanted to go past the backyard fence, she'd get scolded. This punishment was to be for three weeks straight, in which Tadashi was to teach his Daughter how to fight and defend herself as if she were already a Genin, since she thought she was so much better than her classmates.

    "You need to learn to respect your peers and especally your Sensei. If you don't work together, you could be the one who causes your team to fail the mission, or worse...to get killed. Do you want that, Michiko?"

    "No Daddy, of course I don't.", Michiko replied, sliding into a defensive stance. Her Father huffed under his breath, and unleashed a lightning fast flurry of shuriken against the girl. Michiko responded by utilizing the Substitution technique, and she had body-flickered behild her father, trying to kick him in the back, but Tadashi turned into a giant shuriken, and appeared upside down in a tree several meters away. The girl moaned in pain as the shuriken scraped at her skin before it clattered to the ground. Blood dripped from a gash on her arm that she'd brought up infront of herself to shield the rest of her body.

    "Next time, make sure you have a kunai in your hand at least, to deflect the blow instead of letting yourself get shredded. Never assume you can sneak up on someone just after using a substitution. That's just about the oldest trick in the book. So, Daughter, still think you're hot stuff?"

    Michiko fought her Father until she was weak and dizzy. Her Father, smiling softly, crouched down and offered her a helping hand. He told her,

    "Good job. You fought like a real Genin, but you're definitely not a Chuunin yet. Guess that means you need to go back to school and learn all the ettiquite your Sensei teaches you. You better pay attention closely, and be nice to your classmates, okay? Don't be arrogant and mean. That's not becoming of you. It's dishonorable and will get you in nothing but trouble."

    Michiko took her Daddy's hand and let him lift her up. He took her to bed afterwards and tucked her in to sleep, kissing her lightly on the forehead and told her she was a brave young Kunoichi. Michiko after that, dedicated herself again to just simply being the best student she could be, even if the classes were boring and her classmates were too envious of her. She followed instructions, and even decided to impress her Sensei by reciting the entire Will of Fire and proper ettiquete of taking and completing a mission, including how to behave on the battlefield. In the end, Michiko would graduate from the Academy at the age of twelve. To celebrate, their family went out for dango and strawberry ice cream, and Tadashi passed down his very first sword to Michiko, so that it could be her first as well. Now, she was a real Shinobi in the making, shiny new headband and all.

    The Hell Prison-

    It wasn't too long after Michiko's graduation from the Academy that things turned sour. She was waiting on a list to be assigned to a Jounin for mentoring in a three man cell. First though, the young Uchiha was to attend her first ever Clan Hall Meeting. She knew that her Uncle had to attend because he was Shrine Keeper and on the Council, but her Father was also asked to go, and so they thought it would be good experience for Michiko to begin participating in Clan Affairs. To be honest, Michiko was bored and was having trouble payingg atttention to the discussion. Whether it was important or not, it didn't impact her directly, at least that's what her naive mind thought. She did make friends with another girl though, a distant cousin. Michiko pointed out her Father and Uncle to the girl, and soon after they had to be quiet, because the Clan Leader started addressing issues. This is when Michiko's mind began to wander, amidst the boring talk of adults and their adult problems. Yawn.

    The two girls started chewing bubble gum and playing with their shuriken like fidget spinners. It wasn't until her Father stood up and started protesting about something that Michiko's bubble popped and she was alert and focused on her Father and Uncle, activating her Sharingan to get a better "bird's eye view" from her spot near the rafters of the ceiling. Father said something about he wasn't going to do something because it was a bad idea. He looked very angry, and body flickered out of the building. Her Uncle immeditely looked up in the direction of his Neice, knowing all too well what she would do in response, but it was too late for him to stop her, and the business of the Clan had to be finished here tonight before he could leave and atttend to his sibling and Michiko. The girl had copied her Father's body flicker and chased after him, trying desperately to catch up with an Elite Jounin as a fledgling Genin. A Chuunin was sent from the meeting by the Clan Leader and her Uncle to fetch her before she got herself into trouble, but for some odd reason, the girl couldn't be found.

    After the meeting, Ryudan went and found his Brother in his brooding place in the forest, and he explained to him that Michiko had followed him and asked if she had found him. This shocked her Father, as fear crept over him with this news. He explained that no, she hadn't been this way. They both went home to see if that's where she went, but she wasn't home either. A search party was quickly formed. Tadashi had asked some of his old ANBU team members to join him to find his Daughter and bring her home safely. Hours passed into days, days passed into weeks, and two months had passed after that before the search parties were ordered to be ended by upper authority on the grounds that more important needs must be met. It was tragic, but Tadashi and Ryudan had no choice but to comply. However, they wouldn't give up on the young girl's fighting spirit, hoping and praying she was alive and would soon return home.

    What happened to Uchiha Michiko? On the way through the forest just outside the village walls, she was searching for where her Father had gone. She had to find him and ask him what was wrong, not knowing that there were rogues who had caught her trail and were now tracking her, ready for the moment to bag their catch. These rogue ninja had been well educated about the various noble clans of the shinobi villages, having studied texts that told of their common traits, what emblems represented their clans, etc, and today seemed to be very fortunate for these men, because they had found a surely easy to catch Uchiha. As soon as she landed on a large tree branch and stood still there for a moment to catch her breath, they surrounded her and bound her tightly in chakra absorbing rope. Michiko screamed for help, insulted these men, and demanded to be let go, but they didn't comply or even respond to her. She was gagged, blindfolded, and knocked out.

    When the girl woke up, she found herself locked up like prisoner in a foul smelling place reeking of blood,medical supplies, and other gross odors. She was disgusted and on the verge of vomiting. A gnarled old man in a white cloak and kimono came up to her to appraise her like a brand new diamond ring. Michiko hated him instantly, knowing he was behind these horrors because of how he held himself with authority here. She grabbed his neck, pulled him against the bars of her cell, and attempted to strangle him, but she was immediately stunned by the prison guards and found herself immobile on the ground. She learned from the evil elderly man that she was here to be experimented on, played with, and ultimately to have her Doujutsu taken from her pretty face and sold at a high price.

    Michiko was processed and branded with a number like an animal meant for the slaughter. Everything she had on her person was taken from her, oddly save for her headband, and she was dressed in a simple white kimono and wooden sandals. Her room had no windows. It was cold and hard, and her sleeping cot was uncomfortable. The food she was served, strangely, was high quality, but she refused to touch it for two weeks, and eventually she had to be force-fed, but only after she fought the guards and was restrained. Here, she, and no one else stuck in a cell was treated humanely. She soon learned to pretend to not care anymore about getting out, while secretly,  every time she was escorted out of her cell, she was studying the place, where things were, what time the guards came, etc. She was determined to get out of here no matter what, and take as many other captives with her as she could. Only first, she needed to bond with some of the other prisoners. Soon after coming up with this idea, she met her "next door neighbor", Yin-Tao.

    Yin was from the Kaguya Clan of Kirigakure. He introduced himself one night, being interested in the girl who had fights in her cell all the time with the guards (partly because he loved violence, secondly because he thought she was cute). Michiko didn't much care for him. She found him to be obnoxious, but she had to admit that he didn't seem like a complete idiot, and so she listened to what he had to say.

    "Hey, you know the food isn't poisoned right? If that was the case, you'd see people eat it and hear them dying soon after. I've heard of your Clan, your folk are really famous, you know.
    Anyway, you should stop fighting those jerks and just eat your dinner. You're gonna go to the Arena soon.", he explained.

    "Arena?", Michiko asked him. She couldn't see him because he was in the cell right next to hers and there was a solid wall between them, but she could clearly hear him.'

    "Yah. You heard the old Doc right? By the way that's Doctor Ro. You've probably guessed it, be he runs this freak show. I want to kill him with my bare hands."

    "I want to kill him too. So, do you know how we might be able to escape from here?", Michiko asked her new ally.''She soon heard him laugh heartily, and then he said with a humorous tone, "You think I haven't tried? Once, I got all the way down a few hallways, but this place is like a maze. If you could use those weird eyes of yours, maybe you could map it out or something. But yah anyways, I think that's the dumb way to go about it. I'm thinking somewhere, there's a switch to turn off all these dumb chakra inhibitors in this place. Then we can REALLY get revenge. That is....if we get out before they decide to end us. But you know...the Arena, as I was saying, I've just started going. Soon you'll go to. You have to fight. Sometimes you fight animals, but most of the time you'll be fighting someone else in here. You might even fight me, but don't think I'll be soft on you. It seems the better you are, the longer they want to keep you around. Just try not to lose."

    "Lose?", Michiko laughed back at him. It was the first time in weeks that she had felt anything like her old self. "No Kaguya-Chan, you better not try to lose." There was a dark edge to her voice. She was thrilled at the prospect to get out of this dreary cell and into a fighting ring, and in response, Yin-Tao chuckled. He really liked this girl.

    Death ever loomed, pain was inflicted so often that she rarely felt it anymore, the happiness she had once felt was no more than a distant dream and was instead replaced with anger and hatred. She didn't fear death, in fact oftentimes, she welcomed it, wanting an escape. Number 669 proved to be quite the interesting specimen. Her body was quite resilient to many of the tests she underwent, and it took a great dose of damage to get any reaction out of her. She was quiet most of the time, staring only witth malice at her captors. When she couldn't kick or punch them, she dug her nails deep into them and bit them so hard it broke the skin of anyone stupid enough to try to molest her.

    The girl grew into a beautiful but tormented young woman, whose soul knew only the darkness of hate and sadness. Her only source of any sort of compassion and kindness came from the young man who occupied the cell next to hers, the Kaguya boy. He had ended up losing a few toes and some bone grafts here and there, but he was able to regrow them. Michiko so far, had had her eyes examined, but thankfully they hadn't been plucked yet. The two prisoners became close over the years, both of them trying new ways to make an escape, but each time they were caught after making their diversions. It seemed however, they were getting close to a breakthrough. Every time Michiko got further away, even though she couldn't use her Sharingan anywhhere but in the arena or when the doctor's had her strapped down on a lab table, she had gotten better at memorizing things. Such a brutal place made you think, because if you didn't use everythng you could to survive, you would be killed.

    In the battle arena, Michiko faced off against so many other prisoners in the last four years, she lost count. Hardly anyone could escape her vision's powers of perception. She had also gotten much faster, and her chakra stores were quite impressive. She only had a few close ones, but even then she was able to overcome even the toughest of opponents, using her small body and quick reflexes to overtake much larger and stronger foes. The battles seemed endless, and many spectators offered a price for her doujutsu, but the Doctor declined each time so far to sell her. He had something he wanted to try on her first, to make her even more interesting. So, one day in the laboratory, she was cut open and her stomach was replaced with someone else's. It was absolutely horrible. She had screamed and cried, and that evil bastard, Dr. Ro just laughed in delight. What a sicko!! She would kill him and raze this place to the ground if it was the last thing she did.

    When she had recovered from the surgery, she noticed the firey nature of her chakra in her solar plexus had amplified. She was hot, sweating even when it was cold, and it took some time for her body to adjust and feel normal again, but when it was time to fight, she was a raging inferno. Even more....now, she faced off against the one man she was hoping she'd never have to fight, Yin-Tao. It was very exciting, and the crowd cheered, wonering which of the talented fighters would live, and which one would die. However to their displeasure, it was a tie. Both of the Shinobi were disqualified afterwards and would not continue their arena battles.

    Uchiha and Kaguya were taken to the medbay to receive healing and bandages, and placed back in their cells.

    "I'm sorry, Michiko. It looks like this is it.", Yin-Tao said from his side of the wall.''Michiko sighed deeply and replied, "No reason to be sorry. I tried to kill you too. But...you know what I noticed down by the medbay?"

    Yin's curiousity peaked and he asked, "What?"

    Michiko snickered and chuckled, and she jingled something metal in her hands, replying, "The guard who controls the stupid chakra inhibitors. I have the remote here, and the door keys! That guy must be like....the captain or something. I have no idea, but let's get the hell out of here right now!!"

    In the next second, yelling was coming from the distance in the hall, and the alarm was sounded as red lights blinked, signaling that the guard's keys were stolen and they were coming for them.

    "Shit! Come on!!", Yin shouted. Michiko pushed all the key buttons on the large ring until the fields were down and the doors opeened! Chakra could flow freely through her veins, and she activated "Sharingan!" Yin sprouted extra bones across his body, ready to give these jerks the porcupine treatment with an extra helping of serial killer with a knife (err....bone), and they went to work, as everyone else also busted out of their cells, seeing the two of them get out. All of the prisoners yelled with fury and attacked the guards, heading for wherever the exit was.

    "Yin!!", Michiko yelled, targettting most accurately the guards and the monsters they had set loose on them, large brutes that were half human, half beast and extremely ugly.

    "What?! I'm busy!!", Yin replied.

    "Go. You know where the exit is. You have to, because you've searched more than I have! I'll stay back and keep them busy, just get yourself and the others out!!", she said bravely, willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of everyone else's lives. She didn't know it, but that was the mark of someone who was worthy of being called Kage.

    "No way, MA'AM!", Yin protested, and just then a giant three headed dog with the tail of a snake's head slammed through the wall, growling, and leapt at him, the snake striking for his face. He dodged and stuck it through the chest, and spun mid-jump, cleaving the creature's snake tail. "Ok, damn. I'll go! Don't die, okay! You bettter get out!!", he yelled, leaving the beast writing. It still atttempted to bite at him, but he left, and the others followed the Kaguya.

    Personality: "Once upon a time, there was a fresh out of the Academy Genin who was a headstrong, outspoken little brat. She was relatively kind, but rude, and was very rambunctious.  She loved her Father and her Uncle with all her heart, and she wanted them to be a happy family. The little girl talked a lot, and asked a lot of questions. She was a fast learner, but always overly eager to do anything her heart was set on. Then, one day, that sweet and innocent girl who knew nothing about the workings of the real world died, and her family wept. That girl went to hell and came back as me."

    Though Michiko is a sixteen year old girl, she is very mature minded. She knows very well that ultimately she is a soldier and that was what she was born and bred to be. She learned at a very young age what true cruelty and evil is in the world, and that you have to be very careful about who you can trust, and what decisions you make, because you're just one player on the game board. You're a toy, a plaything to be ordered by those higher up than you, and it's foolish to resist your Master when you have no way to overtake them and win. When you are out of options and in the corner and alone, there is no one to save you. If then, you can't outwit them, you surrender or you die. That by no means makes Michiko a coward. It just means she knows her place, and how and when to act, because one false move means Game Over. If you can defeat the boss, then by all means don't hold back, but if you can't, feign defeat and regroup until the right time. If you do face death....don't fear. Death is only another phase in the circle of life. Stare death down, and laugh in it's facce, knowing you did everything, and embrace your destiny.

    "It doesn't matter who you are, where you came from, or what powers you have, you're not invincible. You can be the most powerful one in the room, but a giant can still be fell by the smallest of the small. Think, calculate, and plan your next move carefully. Study the enemy to find out his secrets. Reveal his patterns, his motives, figure out his goals, and you can have a supreme advantage, bu even then, do you have the means to carry out your plans? Do your best, and never give in. Even if you've been down and defeated, there's still a way out. It may seem hopeless. It may seem impossible, but NOTHING is impossible. Therefore if you're defeated and you don't die, learn from your mistake and don't make the same mistake again. Be sly as a fox, quick as a hare, and strike like a serpeant. If you have an opening, take it. Don't hesitate and miss your oppurtunity, because it's kill or be killed in the real game of Shinobi Warrior."

    Michiko knows the whole Shinobi codex of conduct inside and out. She is loyal to her Clan, her Village, and follows orders as given. If she dissagrees with an order or means to deviate from her assignment (if it's wrong and goes against her morals. i.e- She's asked to kill someone innocent, like a child.), she gives no sign of betrayal and will act on her will in secrecy. In a spar, she does her best to always come out on top, and will only submit to defeat when she knows she can't win. That being said, she's not hot-headed and impulsive, but rather cold and calculating. In a real fight, she will not hesitate to kill an enemy. If the opponent she's fighting for real is a friend or ally, she will try to subdue them and make them come to their senses or disable them instead of killing them.  If she faces an evil enemy, then all Hell breaks lose, and she will be dedicated to mutilating that person in the most destructive way she can provide for them. That said, she has no remorse for he wicked. The Devil must pay his dues.

    Besides being the epitome of what a Shinobi should be, Michiko is a tragic figure who's been broken like a bronco is broken into a show horse. She's mostly introverted and prefers quite spaces versus bustling crowds (in fact, she will try to get out of busy places as quickly as possible because she starts to feel overwhelmed by so much noise and thus, she's irritable in such crowded places). She trusts very few people outside of her immediate family, and it takes time for her to trust anyone else. If she can truly trust someone, only then will she begin to open up to them and allow herself to be comfortable enough to smile, as she smiles very rarely outside of the presence of her family. Most of the time, she's seen as stoic, showing no emotion on her face whatsoever. It's perfect for Shinobi work, but makes strangers feel uncomfortable being around her. If her Sharingan is activated, then it's oftentimes strangers find her terrifying. Oddly enough, sometimes she gets a rise out of that.

    A trusted family member or a true friend is the only kind of person who will know the kind and gentle person she is at heart. Though she's socially awkward at times and doesn't really know how to spark up most conversations, she can be pleasant to talk to, and definitely pleasant company. She enjoys very simple things in life that most people take for granted such as relaxing on cozy furniture, drinking honey sweetened tea, the warmth and brightness of the sunshine, and the feeling of cold crisp water on her lips. She could sit in a garden for hours without speaking one word,  and be in a blissful state of Zen, just enjoying the natural beauty around her and the sound of rustling leaves and a softly babbling brook. Those who have become close to her even may find her company to be quite soothing.

    She's not per say a cruel person, but she can be seen as mean as she's pretty straight-forward and doesn't care to sugar-coat things to make them sound better. She hates liars, flattery, greed, and cruelty. She'll stomp on a money hungry market salesman's toe to stop them from fetching back stolen apples from a poor kid, for example, and tell that merchant he should be ashamed of himself. if someone compliments on her features or coos over her beauty, she mostly ignores them and keeps on moving, but if she does respond, it's always a simple "Thank you.", with no emotion in her delicate tone of voice.

    When speaking ninety-eight percent of the time, she's soft spoken but stern. She expresses anger usually in a more bitter tone, but very rarely can she be pushed to yell at someone. For her to get seriously angry, that person would have to nearly constantly pressure her. Other times she gets excited in a negative way, it's only in the raw heat of battle. Battle, whether it's a spar or an actual fight is when she seems to smile the most, but only when it's a truly exciting battle, or she's inflicted with damage. This sadistic side of her seems to sneak out into the open during a dangerous fight, begging for more violence that turns into bloodlust agains her opponents. If she kills someone, she often looks over their body with a somber expression, before walking away from the corpse.

    In solitude and loneliness, Michiko is often haunted by the screams and crying of the less fortunate. Sometimes the crying voice is her inner child screaming for help. It's sad thinking back on what life used to be, before all her innocense was taken away from her. She wonders what it would be like, had she listened to her Uncle and didn't chase after her Father on that night she was stolen from her own village.

    Favorite Color: Pastel Pink

    Favorite Food: Strawberries, Dango, Fish cakes, sweet sticky rice

    Favorite Smell: Cherry Blossoms

    Favorite Place to be: A quiet corner at a hot spring

    Favorite Weapon: her sword her Father gave her after graduation

    Favorite Season: Autumn

    Unimportant Secret: Michiko can't sleep well unless she has a pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal to cuddle with. At her house, her bed has six stuffed animals on it and she sometimes wakes up holding a different one than she remembered going to bed with.

    Roleplay Sample:

    "Fufufu, foolish child.", a familiar voice said, cold and calm. The old man with his cane, Dr. Ro, stepped out of the busted wall. He bent down and pet his Cerberus-like dog as it whined and strugggled as it died.

    "Look what a mess you've made, Uchiha! How dare you. I'm afraid it's time I take those pretty eyes of yours.", he said very calmly.

    Michiko clenched her teeth, huffing, sliding back one leg and one knee forward. She took from inside her kimono, a long pointed bone "sword" that Yin-Tao had given to her a few years back to practice her sword skills. Her Sharingan was focused maliciously on the man, but he didn't flinch, nor did he seem to care.

    "Your eyes...I don't want to sell them at all. They'll be added to my collection.", he said, pulling bandages off of one arm, he revealed at least a dozen activated Sharingan, and they all swiveled to look at her, all meeting her own Sharingan.

    She was shocked and disgusted, losing her composure. In the next instant, she had rushed at him to try to take his head, but she found herself frozen in time, and then there was nothing.''


    She had had no chance against such an advanced jutsu. Ro was an absolute horror, and if she couldn't put an end to him, she prayed someone would. This man was no doubt a high ranking criminal, and he had done so many crimes against each of the Shinobi Villages for abducting their Shinobi and taking their body parts.

    Not able to move an inch, the young woman had been padlocked down onto the surgical table. A bright light was cast over her, and she couldn't even move her neck, as it was also clamped down with a metal restraint. Her head was between some sort of vice-like contraption, and the medical staff were preparing their equipment. The girl was extremely angry, but now for the first time in a long while, fear crept over her. She wasn't sure if it was because she was helpless in this state, unable to raise her chakra and being bound on this table, or if it was because she knew she couldn't defeat the Doctor, but her heart was beating like a drum in her ribcage, and she was shaking with terror as she saw the "Good Doctor" come into view, smiling at her as if he were sweet and gentle.

    "Ah yes, did you think you could defeat me? No one has, much as they have tried. You put up a good fight my dear, but now it's time for you to say goodnight, because this will be the last light you'll ever see."

    He bent his face down and kissed her cheek, and Michiko screamed with rage, her Sharingan activating. In that moment, her eyes upgraded to the next level, the third tomoe.

    "Hatred is the key to your power. Hatred and PAIN. It's a shame though, they'll have to level up outside of your body, you pittiful thing, you.", he said, and spit on her. He then turned his back on her and he brought back his tools to extract her eyes. Michiko wished with all her heart she could somehow break out of these bonds right now and kill this evil MONSTER of a man. How she wanted to kill him, all of his followers, and burn this damned place to ashes. However, it was just a fairy tale.

    Michiko screamed in terror as surgical metal dug into her skin and into her skull, gently pulling out her eyeballs from their sockets until they popped free, and he severed her optic nerves. There was no more horrrible pain than this! Blood welled from her face in the end, and her precious eyes plopped into preservative liquid. She heard the Doctor tighten the lid on the jar, but all she could do was cry and wail in pain and sickness. She wanted to die.

    "Nighty night, Sleeping Beauty.", Dr. Ro said, leaving the room with his prize in his hands. He went to store them in the nearby organ storage area on one of the shelves, and he left, satisfied with his accomplishment, and said to the guards,

    "Do what you want with her. She's of no more use to me."

    The Doctor gone, the two guards approached the bleeding and blind girl, but before anything else could happen, the wall exploded as a drill of bone destroyed it, and Yin Kaguya appeared out of the cloud of brick dust.

    "Oh no.", was all he could say as he beheld her. He killed the guards in a cold and angry instant as his spine shot out from his back and speared them, then wound back into place and his skin re-sealed. Yin approached the table and made sure to say as he unbuckled her from the table, "Hush, Michiko. It's  Me, Yin. I'm getting you out of here. I'm not gonna let you die."

    Michiko was shaking and unable to speak, but she wrapped her arms around his powerfully muscled body as he picked her up in his arms. He went quickly to find some clean bandages to wrap around her face after pouring disinfectant over her wounds. She cried in pain again, hugging him closer. He pet her hair, and said, "It's okay. I mean...IT ISN'T but, damnit!! Why!", he said in frustration.  Luckily, he noticed the room marked "Kekkei Genkai Organ Storage", and he angrily rushed it. He located the jar and said, "Got them! But...", howls were heard in the outside corridor. "Hold on tight!", Yin told Michiko, and he body flickered and was running as fast as he could. They left out of a ruined wall, and Yin didn't stop running or bother to look back, in case those freaks were coming. They left the  area surrounding the building that was half smoking and ruined, and entered the enormous Sea of Trees that was Hi no Kuni.

    (Will be continued on the forum)[/u]

    Approved. One last note, it's just about how your exp debt UA is written, it's a little unclear. You have 1400 exp debt.


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