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2 posters

    Neo Uchiha

    Neopolitan Uchiha
    Neopolitan Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 90
    Join date : 2023-01-12

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fuuton, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu
    Class: B
    Ryo: 167,925

    Neo Uchiha Empty Neo Uchiha

    Post by Neopolitan Uchiha Thu Jan 12, 2023 2:21 pm

    Name: Neo Uchiha
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Jounin
    Title: Neolita Politana, The Hero of The Second Iwagakure War, The Glass Princess

    Clan: Uchiha
    Bloodline: Sharingan (Tomoe 3 Sharingan, -2000 EXP)
    Element(s): Fuuton
    Skill(s): Genjutsu, Ninjutsu (Fuuton), (Traded), (Traded)

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: B
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: C (B with Sharingan active)

    Unique Abilities:

    One-handed Seals: Pretty straightforward. A player may weave hand seals with only one hand. This results in a one tier loss of Coordination for that hand regarding hand seals.

    Experience From Me To You: A player may provide an additional 5 experience bonus when being a sensei or team leader in a thread. However, the player loses that 5 experience when performing missions.

    Experience Advantage: A player may start with more experience that can be applied to their total. This amount may never be enough to advance into the next class and must always fall short by 5 experience. (-1400 EXP Debt)

    Synthetic Aesthetic: Nearly all of Neo's genjutsu or shape-changing techniques have an aesthetic similar to glass, either shattering like glass when one of her genjutsu are broken, or glass-like particulate rippling up her body when she uses transformation or Perfect Copy techniques. (no actual effect, aesthetic only)


    Birth and Childhood:

    Genin Years:

    Chuunin Years:

    Tokubetsu Jounin and beyond:

    Personality: Neo Uchiha is a sassy, smart, sometimes mean or spoiled, but is also eternally loyal to those she considers her friends, chief among them being Hanabi Inuzuka. Despite being a member of the Uchiha, she despises their superiority complex, and similarly dislikes that attitude in any other ninja, finding it obnoxious, annoying, and harmful overall. She's often playful and outgoing, and typically non-confrontational, but she's known for not taking any crap, no matter who that person is. While she's disaffected by Konoha and their seemingly endless wars, she still loves the people of Konoha; her biggest problem is mostly the Uchiha clan and their role in pushing for the war with Iwagakure a second time, a war that they had no business instigating by going back on a promise to honor Iwagakure's independence. While she holds absolutely no love for Iwagakure ninja, having seen their atrocities as well, she holds Konoha to a higher standard.

    Roleplay Sample: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6107-double-boom

    Last edited by Neopolitan Uchiha on Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Airi Ohara
    Airi Ohara
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 2094
    Join date : 2022-10-28

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Ninjutsu | Raiton | Sealing | Summoning | Medical | Taijutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: Check Updates

    Neo Uchiha Empty Re: Neo Uchiha

    Post by Airi Ohara Fri Jan 13, 2023 12:06 am

    Neopolitan Uchiha wrote:Name: Neo Uchiha
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Jounin
    Title: Neolita Politana, The Hero of The Second Iwagakure War, The Glass Princess

    Clan: Uchiha
    Bloodline: Sharingan (Tomoe 3 Sharingan, -2000 EXP)
    Element(s): Fuuton
    Skill(s): Genjutsu, Ninjutsu (Fuuton), (Traded), (Traded)

    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: D
    • Stamina: B
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: B
    • Intelligence: B
    • Perception: C (B with Sharingan active)

    Unique Abilities:

    One-handed Seals: Pretty straightforward. A player may weave hand seals with only one hand. This results in a one tier loss of Coordination for that hand regarding hand seals.

    Experience From Me To You: A player may provide an additional 5 experience bonus when being a sensei or team leader in a thread. However, the player loses that 5 experience when performing missions.

    Experience Advantage: A player may start with more experience that can be applied to their total. This amount may never be enough to advance into the next class and must always fall short by 5 experience. (-1400 EXP Debt)

    Synthetic Aesthetic: Nearly all of Neo's genjutsu or shape-changing techniques have an aesthetic similar to glass, either shattering like glass when one of her genjutsu are broken, or glass-like particulate rippling up her body when she uses transformation or Perfect Copy techniques. (no actual effect, aesthetic only)


    Birth and Childhood:

    Genin Years:

    Chuunin Years:

    Tokubetsu Jounin and beyond:

    Personality: Neo Uchiha is a sassy, smart, sometimes mean or spoiled, but is also eternally loyal to those she considers her friends, chief among them being Hanabi Inuzuka. Despite being a member of the Uchiha, she despises their superiority complex, and similarly dislikes that attitude in any other ninja, finding it obnoxious, annoying, and harmful overall. She's often playful and outgoing, and typically non-confrontational, but she's known for not taking any crap, no matter who that person is. While she's disaffected by Konoha and their seemingly endless wars, she still loves the people of Konoha; her biggest problem is mostly the Uchiha clan and their role in pushing for the war with Iwagakure a second time, a war that they had no business instigating by going back on a promise to honor Iwagakure's independence. While she holds absolutely no love for Iwagakure ninja, having seen their atrocities as well, she holds Konoha to a higher standard.

    Roleplay Sample: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t6107-double-boom
    Neo Uchiha 5CUsWMA

    Village: Konohagakure
    Rank: Hokage
    Class: X
    Recognized by E Tier Intelligence
    Title: The Carmine Hyuga

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 08, 2024 4:52 am