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    Conflict Of Interest

    Dahlia Fedcon
    Dahlia Fedcon

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 128
    Join date : 2021-09-27

    Conflict Of Interest Empty Conflict Of Interest

    Post by Dahlia Fedcon Sat Dec 04, 2021 9:33 am

    A little after her run in with the old outsider friend she had made Dahlia in the form of Dove was approached by some teens. Who wore their intentions like a mask of truth. They had something devious planned.

    “See it is her. That weirdo who was making an issue over in the market, but that was all for something shady right?” The leader of the group asked with a grin. “Nothing wrong with that but I was wondering if you take requests for Ryo?”

    Dove slowly raised a brow with a growing smile as she heard his intentions. This led to the boy to continue.

    “There’s some brat kids over in the forest who have been causing us a bunch of issues…. Make their night hell and I’ll pay you. You in?”

    ‘This is not okay, we shouldn't be taking on things like this.’ Yasu said sternly.

    ‘Hush.’ Dove replied back in her mind

    ‘Dove I’m serious don’t-’ Yasu started before Dove blocked her out into silence.

    “You got it boss… Meet you back here in let's say an hour or so?” Dove offered with a devious smile.

    “Sounds good to me.” The boy said, giving her directions and descriptions of the kids and their location.

    Dove then with a silent mind went to the forest while she saw Dahlia’s form following her silently. Dahlia could be there; it was her job to give her a fun time. Yasu would just stop her from doing her thing so she couldn’t be there. Soon enough she arrived and saw the kids roaming about confused trying to figure out where exactly they were. Dove smirked and made her way into the trees. She then focused her chakra before emitting it outwards into a field that spread out all around her from 25 meters.

    The children slowly eased up their wandering as they saw ninja made of shadows slowly traveling through the forest around them. Rightfully so they fell backwards and over each other trying to move away from the figures in fear. Dove’s expression turned a bit more twisted as she saw the kids growing scared. Unlike Dahlia she didn’t care if she showed the delight that came from seeing others scared of her actions. The power that came with it and feeling others so scared of her actions rather than acting as if she was lesser.

    Besides.. It was oddy fun… And Dahlia’s image showed the fact that she was having fun even if she was trying to hide it. As the kids started to panic and got up to run in the one opening Dove had given them she used the ninja to separate them all from each other. She then one by one tracked them down and emitted her chakra at each one leading them all to be surrounded in their minds by leaves before seeing their greatest fears. Their screams of horror terrifying each one as they were sharply cut off by Dove knowing each one out with swift strikes.

    By the last one he was trembling in fear and crying. She let this one run from his fear leading him right to her as he fled. He looked back to try and see where his fear was only to slow down when he didn’t see it. He slowly backed up as he looked about trying to see where it had gone. Only to bump into Dove. He moved away from her looking up to her terrified as she smiled a wide demented smile down to him. Her icy blue eyes peered through the shadows on her face as she tilted her head to one side.

    He then screamed and ran off once more. This time she let him go. She needed one of them to know it all hadn’t been just a nightmare. She then pursed her lips with a slight smile looking over to Dahlia. She knew she was feeling the same thrilled excitement that she was but she couldn’t say anything about it. It was alright however. She accomplished her job and what she needed to do. She then left, returning to the spot where the boys all laughed at her explanation of what she had done and passed ehr the ryo they promised.

    When they were out of sight Dove then clenched her head as she fell to her knees as Yasu forced her way out using the guilt inside Dahlias heart to make her way back out from where Dove and shoved her.

    ‘This went far enough, don't you think Dove…? This is the second time now that you’ve done this…’ Yasu said firmly as her form appeared in her mind in front of her.

    “Dahlia had fun… I did what was needed. I even got us money.” Dove said simply.

    ‘Our happiness shouldn’t put others at risk Dove. Right Dahlia?’ Yasu insisted on looking to Dahlia who looked a bit shameful.

    ‘....’ Dahlia had no words to say she sided with both girls; after all they both came from her feelings and subconscious.

    [color=#8B43FF]‘.... Your job is important but it's getting too risky Dove… you being out… you being around…’ dly stated which made Dove’s and Dahlia’s face sink a bit. [color=#8B43FF]‘Just for now maybe you should stay back… not forever but just for now…’

    Dove’s face scrunched up a bit upset but looked off as the transformation was released leaving Dahlia on her knees on the ground frowning a bit.

    ‘It’s just for now… but… just like I’ve become more than just the actor I think she’s becoming more than the fun carefree role… and we all know it. We can’t have that right now… I’m sorry.’ Yasu said before leaving as well

    Dahlia looked from the vanishing Yasu to the ground again before closing her eyes with a scrunched up nose.


    OOC: [Job Link]
    Jutsu’s used
    1 Activation of Hidden Faces - 10 CP
    1 Activation of Mist Servant Technique - 3 CP
    3 Activations of Demonic Illusion: Hell's Viewing - 3 CP

    94 / 110 CP

    Post 1


    Job Details:

    Immediate Information:

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