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    Yuna Arashi
    Yuna Arashi

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2021-09-05

    Ratatouille Empty Ratatouille

    Post by Yuna Arashi Tue Sep 07, 2021 7:02 pm

    It would not be the best look if she had arrived late to the mission; she could already imagine the irksome look upon the owner of the pub at dillydallying. Yuna might be energetic, but she did care about people's expectations of her and especially that of a kunoichi, even for a gross job of rat issues. She donned her usual garments and her hairs are braided as usual. She made her way to the establishment, giving a bow and an apology for her apparent "lateness", to which the owner had waved off. "You're not even late... it's fine." and with that, a look of accomplishment dawned on her face. Not being late to a mission? a-okay. She's had incidents where some people were punctual, and looked down on those for not reaching the right time.

    "Do you have any ideas on how you'll deal with the rat problem?" well... shoot. she was so focused on getting here on time that she didn't bother to think about the actual job itself; getting rid of the rat problem. "Uh... jutsu?" she somewhat tilted her head, as if she was asking the man how she could do her job. There was a hint of judgement in his eyes, which he might've made abundantly clear if Yuna wasn't... well, Yuna. "Maybe wait for your partner until you try anything." at that mention, she looked even more puzzled than before. A partner? she was confused, but then she had put two and two together, realising that in her rush to accept the mission, she didn't listen to the clerk! She felt like a jerk, especially to a person who had to do a desk job of all things.

    With that in passing, she decided it was best to wait until her partner came along. She had no idea who they were, or if it was going to be someone even younger than her, but the owner made a good point of simply waiting until they came along.

    Mission Details:

    Last edited by Yuna Arashi on Mon Sep 20, 2021 5:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 43
    Join date : 2021-08-07
    Age : 34

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    Skills & Elements: Summoning, Ninjutsu, Lightning Release
    Class: D
    Ryo: 350 (on hand), 100k (banked)

    Ratatouille Empty Re: Ratatouille

    Post by Arthur Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:54 am

    it had been some time since Arthur had met a certain "Yamada Taro" at the Kumo rehab center and since then, he had gone back to the daily grind of his Genin life which involved constant training, regular study of all the basics of the ninja arts in his repertoire and of course, working on his Tsuchigumo KKG-related arts as well, specifically of the Otrovni caste. Of course, along with this, he was also starting to make a name for himself solving small cases and so on for his clients. Thus, time had marched on in this relatively peaceful but not exactly quiet manner for him, but before too long his daily routine had been interrupted...again by a summons from the Kage office building regarding a task they wanted him to take on. So, when the day arrived, he readied himself in his usual Kumo shinobi outfit and double checking the orderliness of his residence as was his usual routine, he headed off to the Raikage's office building.

    The summons had directed him to go to the mission distribution office, so that's what he did and upon arrival, he gave his usual intro to the clerk therein

    "Greetings, Herlock Solmes reporting for duty as ordered, ma'am. What will it be this time, if I may ask?"

    Arthur asked in his naturally rich, baritone and melodious voice and then fell silent for the clerk to respond with whatever instructions she would give him.

    "Seriously, Arthur? Are we really going through this...again? Ugh, whatever, I don't have the patience or energy for this right now. So, here, take this mission scroll and skedaddle already...oh and next time, you had better use your real name...Do I make myself clear?"

    The clerk said with a rather ominous oni-like aura floating around her all the while having an ear to ear smile on her face and piercing, narrowed eyes which caused Arthur to chuckle nervously for a brief moment, but he had work to do so he refocused his attention, pocketed the scroll she gave him, and headed out of the Raikage's office building in more of a hurry than was his usual manner. Once he was several paces away from the scary clerk lady and walking the streets of Kumo, he perused the scroll and the details therein

    Local pub...Okinawa Promenade...rat problem? How strange, they need a ninja for mere rats...ah, I see, these particular rats are thought to have consumed chakra pills...that makes more sense now...

    He mused thus silently as he made his way to Okinawa Promenade and the pub in question and on the way there, he concocted a handful of simple strategies, each of which could handle the rats effectively, at least based on what data he had gathered from the mission scroll anyway. Once there, he noticed a young woman conversing with the pub owner about said rats, so that told him that she was on site to do the same mission.

    "Greetings, I am Herlock Solmes, and I am also here to handle the rat problem about which you had submitted that mission request, sir."

    Then, he turned to the young woman beside him and inquired about the possibility of them being partners for this mission

    "Am I perhaps correct in presuming that you are going to be my partner for this impending mission, mademoiselle?"

    Then, he fell silent and waited for both the owner and the young woman to respond to his inquiries and reporting in that he had just done. Meanwhile, he swept his gaze quickly over the pub, analyzing and memorizing all the details he could as he waited for both their responses.



    Arthur's Appearance (Kumo ninja outfit not shown in picture):

    Ratatouille L-Death-Note2

    Arthur Edogawa:
    Yuna Arashi
    Yuna Arashi

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2021-09-05

    Ratatouille Empty Re: Ratatouille

    Post by Yuna Arashi Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:55 am

    Yuna had looked at the young man with a rather hollow expression. It almost looked sad in a way, and Yuna felt like giving him a good, tight hug to cheer him up. She would've actually done that, if the professionalism of a kunoichi wasn't needed in-front of the pub owner. His particular word choice was pretty full-on, but she understood it nonetheless. "You are correct monsieur, Yuna is the name!" she had said excitedly, names were needed between partners and she had hoped he would return the simple gesture. The owner then spoke up. "Right, the rats are in the back of the pub. They're hiding in holes pretty well. We've already tried to poison them with food and smoke them out, but they're pretty resilient, probably because of those chakra pills." a worry expressed itself on Yuna's face... rats... on chakra pills? how did that even happen in the first place? just that statement alone gave Yuna a million curious questions to ask the owner, but that same line of thought from earlier came to keep herself in line, act like a kunoichi should.

    "If we could handle it ourselves, we could, but rats with chakra pills is clearly more than we bargained for. I hope you two can do something about it." he didn't sound as confident in his trust prior to Yuna revealing her lack of preparation for a mission like this. It did make her a little sad and a little anxious she might've stuffed the mission for herself and her partner already. As soon as the owner went back inside, with a light clap of her hands together, Yuna turned on her heel and towards her partner for the day. "So! I think we need a plan before we go in there. Rats hiding in holes... do we have some kind of jutsu to smoke them out and kill 'em?" she has Raiton, but she doesn't know how shooting a bunch of electricity into a hole would work out.

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 43
    Join date : 2021-08-07
    Age : 34

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Summoning, Ninjutsu, Lightning Release
    Class: D
    Ryo: 350 (on hand), 100k (banked)

    Ratatouille Empty Re: Ratatouille

    Post by Arthur Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:21 am

    Arthur chuckled as he heard Yuna's excited voice as she introduced herself and then he introduced himself to her in return as per the usual human societal customs he had picked up during his time in the minor nations

    "Yuna, eh? If my memory serves me, that means "kindness" or "the kind one", nice name indeed. In return for that, Herlock Solmes is my name, Mademoiselle Yuna and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

    He finished with a brief bow to her after which the owner had intervened to give them further details on what had already been done in an attempt to deal with the pub's rat problem. These attempts apparently just involved smoking the rats out or trying to poison them to get them out of their hiding holes, so Arthur remarked with a confident smirk

    "Ah, I see now...so the situation is well within my expectations and the ten different main and back up plans I had made to deal with the situation while I was on my way here...That is certainly reassuring to hear, indeed, sir."

    Of course, the other thing that had jumped to Arthur's mind was the question of how the rats had come into contact with the chakra pills in the first place, but that was neither here nor there, so he did not bother asking the owner about it, but since the owner seemed so worried about it and because he seemed somewhat unsure when he was responding to them, especially when he was talking to Yuna; Arthur reassured the man

    "You need not worry, sir. My partner and I will most certainly get rid of your rat problem successfully as per your request to the missions office."

    With that, the owner seemed convinced and then he headed back inside, so Arthur turned to Yuna as she was addressing him and after she finished, he replied with a perfectly practiced cordial smile to her

    "Indeed we do, Mademoiselle Yuna. Now then, perhaps we should exchange data on our respective skillsets before we go any further in planning? That way, we know exactly what we have at our disposal to work with for the resolution of this pest problem and can deploy our resources with adequate efficiency."

    Then, Arthur fell silent and waited for Yuna to react and/or respond to his remarks and while he was waiting, he silently toggled one of his abilities that he called, "Spidey Sense" so that he could be ready to preemptively react to anything that could end up happening later thanks to the prescience it granted him.



    Mission Log:
    1) After conversing with the pub owner and Yuna, Arthur activates his "Spidey Sense" UA and its effects are as follows and remain active until Arthur turns it off:

    • +1 full tier to Arthur's Intelligence for precognition (Gain +1 precog save for this thread since Intelligence boosted from C to B-rank) as long as this UA is active

    • -1 full tier to Arthur's Perception, debuffing it from C to D-rank as long as this UA is active

    Precog Saves Left: 1

    Chakra Expenditure: 110 CP - 5 CP (for "Spidey Sense" UA) = 105 CP/110 CP remaining

    Arthur Edogawa:

    Village : Kumogakure
    Posts : 43
    Join date : 2021-08-07
    Age : 34

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Summoning, Ninjutsu, Lightning Release
    Class: D
    Ryo: 350 (on hand), 100k (banked)

    Ratatouille Empty Re: Ratatouille

    Post by Arthur Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:59 am


    (Arthur's Exit)

    Arthur Edogawa:

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