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    Homewards bound

    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Homewards bound Empty Homewards bound

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Mon Apr 26, 2021 12:32 pm

    Zenaku was walking down the road of the land of rivers after he had helped the Kazekage to take over the village of the birds, he was wearing a cloak and a Chinese farming hat as he was just trying to look like a normal every day person walking the road. He was not wanting to show his hidden leaf head band right now cause for all he knew there could be some ninja chasing him down from attacking there village so he was going in disguise.

    He could have just went and used a transformation jutsu to hide his look but that would just make him use up his chakra and he was still trying to recover what he had used when he fought in the land of birds. Even tho he was a uchiha using the sharingan for such a long periods of time and his eyes was getting tired from the use he did on them. As he was walking his eyes was getting blurry which was why he was adding some eye drops that should help his eyes to get better, every now and then a Doijutsu user eyes get over used and so they have to use a special eye drop from a rare herb which is supposed to help the eyes recover.

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 

    Zenaku Uchiha
    Zenaku Uchiha
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Village : Konohagakure
    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2019-08-08
    Age : 31

    Homewards bound Empty Re: Homewards bound

    Post by Zenaku Uchiha Wed Apr 28, 2021 10:55 pm

    Zenaku had been walking a good ways down a road which lead back to the land of fire, more so konoha or as some like to call it the village hidden in the leafs. The distance from the land of birds where he was leaving from and that of the land of fire was a pretty good ordeal. As he was walking the young uchiha would start to feel peckish and thought he could go for some lunch but before he could get in to his bag he looked up to see a food cart on the side of the road selling all kinds of food.

    " Good day sir, what can I get you for today. Oh by the way sir just so you know my menu dose not only surve just one type of dishes." Zenaku picked up a menu and started reading what he had and he was able to find a few interesting dishes but he just really wanted some noodles.  " can I just get some soba noodles please."

    Zenaku waited for the guy to make his noodles as he watched the cook place the dish in front of him. Picking up his chop sticks zenaku took the noodles and dipped it in some kind of brown sauce then eat them up. The young uchiha would finish as he stood up and paid his meal, he then continued his way towards the hidden leaf village.

    (Exited thread)

    Land of river>>> land of fire>>>konoha 24 hour travel time.

    Strength: (D)
    Constitution: (C)
    Speed: (A)
    Coordination: (B)
    Perception: (B)

    Name: Zenaku Uchiha
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Jonin 
    Village: Konohagakure( The land of fire)
    Bloodline: Sharingan stage: Eternal mangekiyo sharringan. 


      Current date/time is Sun Oct 06, 2024 2:30 am