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    Takoyami Custom


    Takoyami Custom Empty Takoyami Custom

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 03, 2021 9:22 pm

    Takoyami 2 Arms:
    Takoyami 6 Arms:
    Takoyami Blend:
    Takoyami Poison Squirt:
    Takoyami Suckers:

    Last edited by Miaka Takoyami on Fri Apr 09, 2021 10:32 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 212
    Join date : 2021-01-17

    Takoyami Custom Empty Re: Takoyami Custom

    Post by Esen Wed Apr 07, 2021 3:52 pm

    These notes apply to Takoyami Arm techniques.
    Classification needs to be clarified. If you want to tie it to a rank, you need to tie the technique to a village.
    Requirements would need to include Hydrification.

    Miaka Takoyami wrote:
    Takoyami 2 Arms:

    Hydrification would be required under the parent jutsu. This would need the inclusion of taijutsu, as you have detailed that it would aid hand-to-hand combat. At C-Rank, at most, you are limited to 1 Tier of boosts as per the Stat Boosting and Debuffing Rules. As per the skill info section of the guidelines, the Speed increase you are requesting is a secondary buff of ninjutsu, thus requiring a narrow description and strength buffs are not possible from ninjutsu, unless this technique had the inclusion taijutsu. Just note if you do not have the taijutsu skill, you are unable to have taijutsu techniques.

    Miaka Takoyami wrote:
    Takoyami 6 Arms:

    Refer to the Takoyami 2 Arms feedback in regards to the boosts and taijutsu aspect.

    Miaka Takoyami wrote:
    Takoyami Blend:

    The power for this would need to be reduced to D, or the rank increased to C. The activation cost should match the power of the technique. Please clarify the part of the perception of this technique. For the perception requirement; I believe it should be worded like this 'The user is not visible unless the observer has Perception 1 or more ranks higher than the techniques Power' . In that case, I would recommend increasing the rank of the technique to C.

    Miaka Takoyami wrote:
    Takoyami Poison Squirt:

    Poison cannot be created out of nothing. I recommend reading up on the Chemistry Guidelines as there are guidelines in regards to poisons. Jutsus can be used as delivery methods for items, but chemistry items need to be created outside of techniques. Skills don't have ranks, so C-Rank Iryojutsu can just be changed to Iryojutsu under requirements.

    Miaka Takoyami wrote:
    Takoyami Suckers:

    Refer to the Stat Boosting and Debuffing Rules. In regards to this technique, you'll need to include the taijutsu, bukijutsu, and kenjutsu skills if you wish to use boosts specific to them.

    Takoyami Custom 1Qxad8E

    Takoyami Custom Empty Re: Takoyami Custom

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 09, 2021 10:34 pm

    I edited the arms techniques to include hydrification and taijutsu
    I changed the power and edited the perception comment you wanted me to add in for the blend technique

    For the poison technique I was informed that there were poison based attacks that could be jutsu... I am having a hard time understanding the chemistry poison guidelines. If there is no way at all to include poison as part of this technique without having to buy a poison and somehow dump it into the water of the technique first... Might as well just get rid of this technique all together. I was looking for a light poison jutsu based on my other octopus based techniques. I am willing to work with someone if they think they can help me put my idea together.

    For the last technique I don't understand the buff or debuff rules. I have no idea what + or ++ is supposed to mean. Why isn't it just... +1 rank which already has an established table of changes. I am sorry I have never been on a forum site that used stats before so this is all blowing my mind and confusing me a ton. If you or someone can just tell me what it is supposed to say based on what you can tell I am trying to do with this jutsu, then I will abide all the rules and edits. T.T

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 212
    Join date : 2021-01-17

    Takoyami Custom Empty Re: Takoyami Custom

    Post by Esen Tue May 04, 2021 8:25 pm

    Miaka Takoyami wrote:I edited the arms techniques to include hydrification and taijutsu
    I changed the power and edited the perception comment you wanted me to add in for the blend technique

    For the poison technique I was informed that there were poison based attacks that could be jutsu... I am having a hard time understanding the chemistry poison guidelines. If there is no way at all to include poison as part of this technique without having to buy a poison and somehow dump it into the water of the technique first... Might as well just get rid of this technique all together. I was looking for a light poison jutsu based on my other octopus based techniques. I am willing to work with someone if they think they can help me put my idea together.

    For the last technique I don't understand the buff or debuff rules. I have no idea what + or ++ is supposed to mean. Why isn't it just... +1 rank which already has an established table of changes. I am sorry I have never been on a forum site that used stats before so this is all blowing my mind and confusing me a ton. If you or someone can just tell me what it is supposed to say based on what you can tell I am trying to do with this jutsu, then I will abide all the rules and edits. T.T

    I'll go ahead and provide an example of the poison based technique that is within the Technique library. This is a general example as to how poison-based techniques are to apped on the site.

    Poison Mist:

    Here's an example of how you would app a poison here. To use other player's poisons that have been apped, you need their permission and an IC interaction attaining the poison knowledge. The Chemistry Guidelines have base examples of what poisons can do at various ranks.

    As far as the buff/debuff rules go, a + slightly better than base, while a ++ improves upon the +. Three +'s are a tier/rank. I'd suggest taking a look at the Character Stats as it shows how buffs work, particularly in regards to Speed and Stamina. The other stats would function in the same regard. What you are attempting to do is get 2 tiers of boosts from a C-Rank technique, where C-Rank techniques are limited to only providing a 1 tier boost. This post in the Stat Boosting and Debuffing guidelines shows the boosts allowed by techniques of each rank.

    The way the Takoyami are jutsu's are written, currently, would require the skill of taijutsu. I know you included the skill in the app itself, however the character would also require taijutsu to be able to utilize it. The way the skills are currently written (with the inclusion of hand to hand combat), taijutsu is required. You are unable to make custom techniques for skills that you do not have. You have two options here, one would be the removal of anything related to taijutsu so you can app the techniques as is. The second option would be to hold off on the techniques until you are able to acquire taijutsu, and then register the techniques with the way you have them currently written.

    Takoyami Custom 1Qxad8E

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