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    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons]

    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
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    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons] Empty Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons]

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:38 pm

    The Arena

    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons] 4dd5bcece5228f360c6786547852298a3342ff55_hq

    The Modoroki Arena was built for the specific purpose of hosting the Battle of the Icons, where competitors will fight each other to determine the fate of the Todoroki and Modoroki Shrines. After the success of the First Shinobi World Tournaments, the engineers constructed this arena as an exact model of the Four Champions Arena used for the Tournament. The arena is on the outskirts of the shrine and was built into the rocky infrastructure of the surrounding land. It is a circular arena, the fighting stage is a a 300 meters diameter circle composed of sand, dirt, sweat and the pride of defeated opponents.  The spectators' area is composed of three levels, each one higher than the one below it. It has a capacity for tens of thousands of people. Very complex Fuuinjutsu has been applied to protect the spectator's area, with three invisible barriers of X-rank strength preventing jutsus and other attacks from harming the audience and allowing the fighters the opportunity to go all out. The barrier is circular, placed on the limits of the arena and rises up to 10,000 meters above it. Because this barrier is extremely expensive and taxing (requiring several shinobi to maintain) it is only active during the duration of the event.


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    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons] Empty Re: Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons]

    Post by Tatsuya Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:40 pm

    Hagoromo has been getting a lot of public attention in the most recent events, or so Rin has gathered. With the war against Kumogakure going at full tilt, Rin knew it was only a matter of time before he must become directly involved with the war itself. One way or another, Rin knew that a war was inevitable, and yet even so he must find some way to turn the tides. The kind of tides that Rin could bring Kumogakure into the fold and increase everyone's chance for survival in the process. Unfortunately that was easier said than done.

    In this case, Rin found himself as Konoha's chosen fighter and perhaps consequently be judged by Hagoromo himself. Granted he doesn't like to be judged by some dead sage, but Rin was in no position to complain as in the end his only goal was to prevent Kumogakure from obtaining another source of power. The arena thundered with, surprisingly, numerous of boo's coming from the spectators. Whether they were priests, shamans, or even faithful shinobi from other nations. One thing was clear, hardly anyone watching the fight was pleased to see Rin still breathing let alone being chosen to fight for a nation.

    Rin was garbed in a white shirt with short sleeves, and over the shirt is a steel mail shirt. Protecting his waist and hips is a steel faulds. Covering his forearms up to the back of his hands was a pair of steel arm guards. Around his waist is a leather belt that has a sheathed chokuto on his right side. A hip pouch located on his right flank contains his tools. Attached to his left side is a folded fuuma shuriken. Covering his legs is a pair of dark blue baggy pants with a steel cuisse that protects from his thighs to just above the knee. Lastly, his feet are protected by a pair of normal brown sandals.

    His blood red eyes shift to the one person Rin honestly didn't expect to encounter in this place. Yui Kotoshura in the flesh who is both his beloved and best friend. Rin found no joy in this match, and frankly he actually liked to fight. But not against Yui. Even so people were cheering on Yui more than him and frankly they had every right to do so. Unfortunately, this is what war does as there was no good guy or bad guy. Just people fighting for their beliefs and what they think is right.

    Frankly, Rin knew from past experience of how Yui tended to fight. Though his hand rested on his chokuto, Rin's judgment kept the jade sword sheathed as his hand dropped to his side. Getting close was dangerous as Rin knew that much, and from his experience with her clay dragon that range wasn't a problem either. Sad part of it all was that Rin was doing this not for himself, but ensure their victory in not the war. But against the Sages. Right now Rin was faced with the decision to go up against his beloved, or to retreat and lose the faith he's been trying to piece back together for the final assault.

    "Fate has a twisted sense of humor, but unfortunately I cannot lose here Yui." Rin spoke up to her as he started to approach her direction.

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
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    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

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    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
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    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons] Empty Re: Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:59 am

    Yui had promised to fight for Kumo's side as she owed them big time for their help in the war, she was unsure who she would be fighting as she waited underneath the coliseum she could hear a chorus of boos. Clearly, they did not like whoever had entered the arena, the smell of blood was strong as she wrapped her fists tightly before sliding on her gauntlets locking them in place. She would make sure her armor was secure and she was ready to go as she hyped herself up before she would begin to make her way outside. The dirt appeared to be rather soft and allowed for feet to slide easily, she had a good idea of the surface she would be fighting on but the shock came when she saw who she was fighting. She was known to have fought in the Kiri pits and likely some knew of her from that with her locking eyes with Rin. Inside an area like this her using her full power would not be safe for anyone around.

    "Rin I never expected you would be the opponent but I must do what I must do for my village, Kumo helped save my people and I owe them so no matter how much I love you I must fight you. I know what you are and you know what I am in fights so I won't go easy or hold back, I can't afford to make my people's suffering so small to let my own emotions control what I must do in order to help them."

    She did not want to use this technique but she knew she stood no chance unless she did, an aura would begin to grow around her as she would suddenly explode in chakra with the red surrounding her body. Her gates were open and she had just activated the 5th gate, this would not be a long battle, no this had to end quickly as she knew the monster lurking inside of Rin.

    She would suddenly appear to vanish as her speed has become almost impossible for someone to easily track before she appeared directly in front of Rin her foot aiming above his head with such thunderous power the ground itself buckled from the pressure her leg had put into the ground. Despite not hitting the power was aimed to start knocking him into the air, with her body also using her blast tai style it made her movements appear so random and her direction could change in a flash mid-air. Once mid air she would instantaneously follow up with a brutal series of kicks and punches at hyper speeds, very few people could keep track of all her attacks with the gates on she was one of the fastest and strongest shinobi alive.

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    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons] Empty Re: Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons]

    Post by Tatsuya Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:25 am

    Both came to this arena not knowing who the other opponent would be. Even so their will did not falter as Yui's body began to shift. Her skin turned red as an aura cloaked her body, and frankly Rin knew what that meant. The Eight Inner Gates, and frankly from what he remembered from the fight with Kurama. Rin knew it would be unwise to take her on recklessly. In a single bound, Yui crossed the gap like a speed demon towards Rin. Fortunately for him, Rin had excellent reaction time.

    He couldn't stop her from approaching him, but as Rin's eyes tracked her movement. Rin timed it just right to suddenly move at high speed in a spinning motion. As the maneuver was to spin around Yui's kick that would have sent him flying. At the same time, Rin left physical energy, an illusion of himself that Yui would strike. It's through the illusion that Rin used as cover. Even as Yui turned to unleash her barrage of brutal attacks. Rin continued to evade leaving behind physical energy. Even getting creative in misleading where Rin was actually going, but he always made sure to spin around Yui's attacks. It almost looks like he's dancing around her with his uncanny sense of coordination and reflexes.

    Rin minds the gauntlets and makes certain to not deflect them as Yui's gauntlets had blades along the wrist and forearm. However, Rin knows that he has to at least hinder her arsenal in some way, and frankly hurting Yui was out of the question unless he used his strongest techniques. So Rin decides to take it down a notch as Rin evades one of the brutal kicks from Yui, and in that motion Rin brought his left leg skyward as it was coated in Fuuton chakra before just as quickly bringing down his leg on Yui's right gauntlet. The wind chakra, capable of cutting through puppets and steel, would attempt to cut through the gauntlet or at least cut into it.


    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
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    Posts : 576
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    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons] Empty Re: Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons]

    Post by Tatsuya Sun Dec 13, 2020 12:37 am

    [48hr Yui Kotoshura]

    Almost like the sound of metal colliding against something large, the air nearly screeched as the fuuton chakra sliced through Yui’s right gauntlet. The gauntlet practically fell apart as the result from Yui’s arm, but the skin of her arm remains unscathed due to the intense effort within her body. Pushing it to the maximum that both gave Yui a significant boost and ultimately would bite her in the near future.

    Following up with that, Rin changed his fighting style to the point where he becomes faster. The whispers of war fueled his motivation to keep going as his resolve strengthens his body. Suddenly Rin began to throw a flurry of strong punches and kicks that appeared to be wild at first. Since Rin still moved around Yui’s body with speed kicking up dust as the wind remains disturbed in his wake. So Rin began striking Yui’s pressure points and her torso as he worked to whittle her down. She could regenerate abnormally fast, but Rin was hoping to disable her rather than hurting her. The second purpose behind Rin’s increased movement speed was because he starts to generate a cyclone with Yui directly at the center. As Rin sought to make it difficult for her to breathe in addition to being struck by blows quick as lightning so to speak.


    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
    Join date : 2017-11-08

    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons] Empty Re: Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:31 am

    She clenched her teeth as his blade aimed for her gauntlet, while this was smart to lower her control all this did was make her even more dangerous. Due to having the gauntlets, it made her Blast more controlled without them they just became massively wide and destructive, so it really just made the fight even more dangerous. She watched as he kept speeding around her, the issue was she was not going to stand still as she put her feet and pushed into the ground she at insense speed rocketed into the air, while in the air she could be seen taking speeds or it appeared so in the air. as she would throw one punch toward him, while she wasn't next to him she didn't need to be as a massive explosion went off from her left hand. The shockwaves would vibrate the ground and shake the entire arena. She really did not want to bring the beast out but she had to get serious as her time was counting down, this was when she would clinch her chest with her right hand, it appeared her heart still had issues even after all this time when using gates. The pain she was showing would certainly remind Rin she nearly died in the tailed beast fight, her heart had been damaged so using them was a dangerous game for her.

    She would continue to move and dash around before diving and once again starting a series of punches and kicks with her impressive speed, she was clearly breathing heavy and her heart was already affecting her in this battle. He likely was trying to make her unable to breathe but she was more than capable of handling his attacks before she would suddenly fall to one knee, she realized what was happening letting out a laugh so he was hitting her pressure points it's just her body takes a while to feel anything.

    "That could work if my body didn't heal so fast, I admit you are being quite the pest but I really hope you don't force me to get much more serious, why fight for them, they tried to destroy us. They choose to ignore what really happened and live a life of fairytales, a life where they refuse to accept such a threat as those disciples come back, why fight so hard for that nation that spits on Iwas rights. We were given freedom yet Nyg ignored it and refused to accept what the former Kage had given us, this isn't right Rin."

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    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons] Empty Re: Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons]

    Post by Tatsuya Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:15 pm

    Yui at least regained her senses enough to have gone for the jump, or so she had planned. Rin’s lightning-like reflexes caused him to instinctively grab ahold of Yui’s left ankle, and while he couldn’t stop her from jumping both of them would ascend together. In the air they had risen according to Yui’s speed, and during the whole time Rin proceeded to initiate the chakra drain technique through the sustained contact on her ankle. The grab would hopefully make Yui look down at him and from there Rin’s crimson eyes would attempt to make eye contact with Yui. Frankly since she’s focused on him, Rin wagered it’ll be simple to do.

    Just like that, a powerful surge of chakra flowed from his body as he exercised immense control over his chakra. Rin’s chakra proceeds to restrain Yui’s body, preventing her to execute the punch or retaliating against his drain of chakra onto her. They were so high up in the air, and yet Rin continued to sap her strength. This doesn’t prevent her from speaking however, and Yui questioned his reasoning behind the decision of staying. It was true that Rin could run wherever he wanted to, but for one Akihiro would just find him and most definitely try to behead him. Yet at the end of it all, Rin could only respond.

    ”It’s because they choose to live that life that I intend to shatter it. Either they continue to pretend to live in peace, or watch their country burn to ash. I intend to prevent such catastrophe happening on a global scale, but I need everyone’s support in order to succeed. If I had just came to Iwagakure with you, the Land of Fire would never assist so long as I have breath. So instead I chose to stay and reveal to them of the looming threat. Gain their support, gain Kirigakure’s support, gain Kumogakure’s support, gain Iwagakure’s support, and most of all gain your support as well.” Rin answered as really he could only tell her the truth. The absolute truth for that matter, since frankly the whole world could condemn him, but all he needed was to win Yui’s support who has stood by him for many years. That alone was enough to keep pushing Rin forward and do what he must to ensure everyone’s survival. Even her own and their child.

    ”I’m doing all of this for all of us, Yui. Against the Disciples, we need every nation and shinobi available to ensure we have the best chance of winning against them.”

    Rin’s stuff:

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
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    Kotoshura Yui
    Kotoshura Yui

    Posts : 328
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    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons] Empty Re: Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons]

    Post by Kotoshura Yui Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:34 am

    Yui was impressed by Rin's action as his charka restrained her, so he had learned many new things, which made her want to laugh a bit. Even though she had to fight him she still loved him as she looked into his eyes tears would fill hers, she really missed up and just being this close to him made her heartache. They held her loved one from not only herself but his daughter, it was a cruel and evil thing and they had promised he could come to visit yet they had not done what they promised.

    "It is unfair Rin, I went through so much to be with you and Konoha does everything in their power to not let us be together, our daughter is already one year old and yet you have not seen her since her birth.  They promised you could visit yet make no effort to keep their word, I had your Kage dead to rights and yet I let him go with the promise we could still see each other. Rin the entire world could burn down but if that's what it took to be with you Id do it. I love my nation but my love for you is higher than anything else. I miss you so much my heart could break, then cruelly sent you out here knowing you would have to fight me, it makes me hate Konoha that much more."

    As she prepared to try to break free she suddenly clutched her chest as let out a scream of pain, her gates suddenly turning off as she clenched her chest tightly, it seemed her heart was indeed unable to handle gates anymore.

    "Guess... my heart really did get... ruined... pretty sure I... need medical attention...Rin I love you...I just want to let you know this."

    She would begin to breathe heavily as he held her still draining her chakra for now, with her gates off it was clear she was out of the fight, but now she was in another battle, one for her life, her heart was failing her. Ws it heartbreak, maybe but it was likely due to the amount of strain and damage her heart had taken during her battle with the nine tails.

    -Exit thread due to injury-

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    Last edited by Kotoshura Yui on Sun Dec 27, 2020 7:57 am; edited 1 time in total


    Posts : 576
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    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons] Empty Re: Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons]

    Post by Tatsuya Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:50 am

    Fate itself wasn't really fair to Rin. He wasn't lying when he spoke of fate having a horrible sense of humor based on the irony of this whole situation. Here Rin was, spouting about his plan to protect everyone, yet in order to do so he has been tasked in fighting his beloved. As his intentions were from the beginning of the match Rin didn't actually want to hurt her. Just to incapacitate her before things got out of hand. Truly, Rin was being strung along. In truth, Rin was a sage himself, and perhaps he could still win over the Disciples' favor in exchange of protecting his family. There were pieces still in motion, and even more that need to be pushed in the right direction. Granted if certain people continued to not listen to Rin, then he'd need to start thinking of an alternative.

    "Yui…" Rin spoke as he listened to what she had to say. Emotions were building up within her of both grief and anger. If he had requested, then perhaps he could get a visit. However that meant he'd be supervised and there's little that he'd be able to do. In this case, Rin figured that it was about time for him to visit at least once before the final battle. In his pursuit for more power to ensure his chances of success in protecting them, Rin had neglected not just Yui, but their child as well. For that, Rin felt guilty and shame for he became something he honestly hated. On the same token, Rin was reminded of his mother, Maiori. Though they're not blood related, Rin remembered how much Maiori was gone in her busy schedule, and yet despite that she always made time for him. Perhaps it was about time that he'd follow that example and make time for the family that's in front of him.

    All of that immediately went to the back of his mind as Yui strained against the binds that held her body in place. Yet just before she could do so, her skin returned to normal color and she screamed in pain as she immediately grabbed her chest. Rin didn't know if this was truly a real situation or a rouse to get him to drop his guard. For an instant, an image of Alkaid's face flashed in his mind as he subconsciously fears of being betrayed once more. Even so, he pushed those doubts away as he pulled her down to cradle Yui into his arms. Even as they began to descend, Rin used the fuuton chakra as he formed the Bird seal with one hand. A burst of wind flowed from the bottom of his feet that slowed the speed of their descent.

    "It's okay Yui, calm down and breathe." Rin coaxed in a more calming voice yet in truth he had truly never been scared in his life. Sure he's seen his friends hurt, and other people die around him. Heck he's ever faced off against a bijuu, yet all of that seems mediocre compared to what was happening before him. Their feet touched the ground without harm as Rin lowered himself to sit down. Mainly to allow Yui to sit down and try to calm down so that Rin doesn't apply unnecessary pressure on her. Rin looked up to the stadium, or rather this grand shrine before he called out.

    "Can we get a doctor in here?!" Clear urgency in his voice rang throughout the stadium. Then his attention went back to Yui as he didn't move away from her.

    "I love you too, but you gotta stay with me okay? Stay awake." That was one of the things that could make the situation worse. Being unconscious while having a heart attack was one of the things that makes the situation critical.


    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
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    Posts : 576
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    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons] Empty Re: Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons]

    Post by Tatsuya Tue Dec 22, 2020 2:36 pm

    Yui became unresponsive as she fell unconscious despite Rin's attempts to keep her awake. For a moment, Rin felt his heart sink before he properly carried Yui as he stood up. Making haste outside of the arena as Rin rushed to get his beloved medical aid as swiftly as possible. This wasn’t what Rin signed up for, and it wasn’t his intention to cause Yui to have a heart attack of all things. Yet here they were with Yui in his arms as Rin ran for the exit.

    [Exit with Yui as winner of the match]

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
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    Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons] Empty Re: Rin v. Yui [Battle of the Icons]

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