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    Ultimatum [Open]


    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2017-12-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tatsuya Sat Nov 28, 2020 4:32 am

    It had been some time since the fateful meeting with the Uchiha. The type of meeting that altered the proceedings, and yet ultimately the end goal was still obtainable. Rin Tohsaka, stripped of his achievements and rank, had basically been placed under house arrest to never leave from Konohagakure grounds. Most people anticipated that Rin would hate anyone and everyone within the village. Despise them even, and yet Rin does not. Originally, Rin was going to try to negotiate with the Kage in Iwagakure and ultimately push for a treaty, an alliance however temporary to root out the main problem that had eluded the great leaders for many years.

    The Society, while an instrument originally for destruction and hoarding any exclusive technique and artifacts they could find. Even to go as far as wiping out an entire village to do so. Some were seduced by the demonstration of power, while many turned their swords and bared their fangs at the General of the Society of Rebirth. Yet little did everyone knew at the time that several Kage had been aligned with said Society, and plenty more made deals of power with them. All of this chaos, all of the destruction that the Society wrecked both publicly and in the shadows did not come out of thin air as Rin deduced as such. The one time Rin stole a glance at Honiko told him what he needed to know in the future. That she served someone else. At first, Rin had thought it was by the name of C that was the culprit, but C was the boss Dragon of Watashi Wasteland. Which meant, as Rin had connected the dots in the past, that Honiko served someone who had remained hidden. Someone that Rin theorized he had met in person before in disguise.

    Whoever the person was, Rin knew he'd need to gather his strength, and to win over Kyuubi's favor. However the bijuu detested such a route, Kurama couldn't deny that the end goal behind Rin's ultimatum was to put down whoever was behind these schemes. In the end, it would not only save thousands of lives, including his beloved family, but it would also break the chains that had been stringing Nozomi for so long. To break the puppet strings, so that she can be truly free. In order to achieve that, Rin knew he must be prepared to hit that target with everything he has.

    "So do I hold it like this?" A child-like voice spoke that disturbed Rin's absent-minded and brought him back to reality. Together, Rin stood with Tsuna, a little girl with solid black scales and a pair of small horns dressed in a blue shirt and black pants. Her raven colored hair pulled into a ponytail with a blue ribbon. In her hand was a single kunai, but her tensed demeanor left little room for flexibility. They were located within the Grand Konoha Training Facility as they faced a lone training dummy. The Outcast only offered a smile before he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

    "Take a deep breath and relax your shoulder Tsuna. When you hold a weapon of any caliber, you want to hold it with a balance of control and strength." Rin instructed her as they were going over the basics of how to use a kunai. As part of her studies of course as Rin wasn't going to drill advanced techniques on the spot. He understood that these things took time. Tsuna took a deep breath, but while her shoulders felt relaxed there was still tension in her. Rin could've gone through it again, but he figured they could smooth that out as they move along.

    Tsuna does her best to heed his instructions whether it was to simply stab the dummy or to accurately throw the kunai at said dummy. For the first time in what felt like forever to her, Tsuna threw the kunai dead center into the dummy's heart. Relief had washed over her face, but she immediately tensed up from what Rin could figure out was fear.

    "That's good Tsuna, if you keep aiming for the vitals then you'll be quite the sharpshooter." Rin encouraged her with a dose of praise as he moved over to retrieve the kunai from the dummy. Then, out of the blue, Tsuna popped the million ryo question.

    "Why did you do it?" The girl inquired that made Rin silently question her intention. Tsuna fidgeted with her hands as she asked with clear nervousness.

    "When you came to my village I mean, you were hired to look after me. But when those… those horrific people came… I thought they were going to take everything away from me again." Tsuna stammered over some of her words. Yet Rin listened all the same as the kunai slowly twirled around his fingers.

    "There was a lot of them, and you had your chance to run… you could've taken the money and ran. Yet you stayed and fought. Why?" Rin didn't answer the girl's question right away as he sighed. He chose his words with care, as she was now old enough to understand the real weight behind Rin's actions.

    "It was never about the money Tsuna… I stayed, because I wasn't just going to rescue one person and leave the rest to perish. I simply had the power to protect, and protect I have done." Rin stated in hopes that the answer was what she sought after. In truth it has been nearly two years since that incident. He doesn't know the really reason behind Tsuna's question, but something tells him that she's searching from within. Not too long ago, Rin had been on the road for self discovery.

    "Yet at the end of it, you brought me with you despite the dangers you've faced. Even when I thought you were dead, you endured that pain alone never extending a hand for help. I don't know what you heroes have in your heads that you need to shoulder everything by yourself, but if you had reached out sooner then maybe not everyone would say nasty things about you." In truth Rin cannot argue with those statements. She had the right of it, but at the time Rin had to play it carefully to not let Menza catch wind of any betrayal. As they looked back at it, Rin probably could've gone after Akihiro or Kimiko for assistance. Yet he had the distinct feeling that should that happen, Menza probably would suspect betrayal and given that Rin had no idea of where Yui was. He had to go by with it.

    "Well, I do make mistakes, and I'm no hero. I'm just a shinobi who was given a bad hand by fate." Rin admitted as he made a relation to a game of poker where the dealer of fate gave him cards with no matches. No pairs, straights, or flushes. Rin approached Tsuna before he hands her the kunai back.

    "But make no mistake. Bringing you with me was not a mistake. I brought you with me because I wanted to give you a life that's not governed by fear of whether you live to see the next sunrise or not." Strangely, those words brought Tsuna's smile of pearly whites teeth. Almost like he answered just like she expected him to.

    "Sounds like a hero to me just like from the stories. I wanna grow up and protect people like you do." The unfortunate part was that he hoped that Tsuna didn't have to protect people like he did. Granted the only person he's gotten killed was Satomi Uchiha, and although the intentions behind the assassination was unknown to this day and Rin had no direct hand in it. He was the assassin's way in. Some protector he was.

    "Well you better keep practicing that throwing arm of yours." Rin gestured to her kunai and Tsuna got back to practicing her aim at the dummy. While she practiced the kunai throw, Rin took some steps back away to give them some space. Tsuna's expression shifted to being concerned once she noticed that he was stepping away, but Rin gestured for her to wait. In a blur of motions, Rin strung together handseals that ended with tiger. With a deep breath as the chakra kneaded in his body flowed up into his throat. Rin exhaled a jet of flames from his opened mouth that was directed away from anyone.

    [Learning Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique - C rank]

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tengoku Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:04 pm

    Tengoku had been summoned for a rather specific purpose to the training grounds that day. There happened to be a task that he was uniquely suited for and so they had asked him to oversee someone on a sort of probation. A man named Rin who was considered a rather powerful member of the Uchiha clan. Normally they kept their issues in house but Rin, well Rin was famous to begin with. Perhaps they wished to see if Tengoku would loyally follow his task or if he would take the opportunity to spot a weakness in the Uchiha ranks. He pondered this as he walked. After all Tengoku was clanless and yet considered powerful by most. The paladin of Konoha he was called. Rumored to be an honest man but savage when it came to fighting. Personally he didn't like that last bit. If he had to kill he always tried to do so cleanly and mercifully. No pain if possible. He just had a bad habit of losing his temper whenever someone landed a hit or threatened his sister. That last one was not a bridge one crossed more than once. He loved her dearly so no threat was taken lightly.

    Still he had to do as asked. All of his superiors were of the Uchiha clan after all. So watching one of their own for him was just another day. He hoped he wouldn't have to fight but one usually didn't end up under surveillance for nothing. Not round the clock anyway. They said that he was training with weapons and it was making the usual team nervous. They were built to observe. Not fight someone like that. Still, while they seemed to think they had some sort of hidden watch over the man Tengoku assumed differently. One didn't hide easily from the sharingan. He had learned that over the years. If they were watching Rin with the assumption he wasn't aware of them it was because the man wished them to. Of course Tengoku wasn't one for hiding outside of official missions such as infiltration and intel gathering. He wasn't about to waste his time pretending to be hidden from the man. Instead he had one of the staff at wolf manor prepare a nice spread. Three bento boxes of rice balls and teriyaki sushi with three juices all put into a larger four corner box. Pink in color.

    Tengoku would approach in the open. He was wearing grey under robes with white socks under shinobi sandals. A yellow half kimono was vibrant leaving his right shoulder uncovered. Save for a black collared cloak that hung over his right shoulder and wrapped around his neck. On his left hip was a black Tetsudashi steel katana with red veins and the mark of Ashitaka's crafting symbol on the hilt. It's quality seemed to range upon the word perfection even though it was sheathed. Black beads wrapped around the guard and sheath in a peace tie for the time being. He carried the box in both hands in front of him. Gloves on each hand black in nature but leaving the bottom two fingers exposed. Perhaps a part of his sword style? White hair spilled down to around chest level loosely while white wolf like ears twitched with life. Amber eyes would settle on the little girl and the man named Rin before glancing to the side. Noting the 'hidden' team easily without even using his sensory. They spotted him and seemed rather relieved to have back up. However he would pay them no more mind. A man and a little girl training was hardly a threat to Konoha.

    However what was most noticeable about Tengoku besides his ears were the three Dire wolves. All white in color and following behind him quietly and obediently. Each as tall as a man on all four but there didn't seem to be any threat from them. Instead Tengoku would click his tongue twice against his teeth and all three would stop thirty meters away and sit. Watching around them but not approaching any closer. Tengoku on the other hand would walk up to a comfortable five meters away before stopping and smiling. Speaking with a warmth that met his eyes.

    "Pardon the interruption. My name is Shinku Tengoku. A jounin of Konoha. I have been assigned to observe you during any training you may wish to do here. They thought it best to have someone on hand more your speed. However I figure if you were going to lash out you would have done so already. Instead I bring an offering of lunch prepared just today. After all training such expert Kunai skills builds up an appetite wouldn't you say? Unlike the others I don't see the point in trying to hide from those eyes. I would much rather simply speak over a meal."

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2017-12-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tatsuya Sun Nov 29, 2020 10:46 pm

    It wasn’t that Rin hadn’t known about the observation from the would-be hidden spies, but he simply let them have their fun so long as they had not resorted to assaulting him. Of course, Rin reckoned that if he dropped some powerful techniques, then he wouldn’t have blamed them for stepping in. Perhaps given his current circumstances it would be extremely odd that Rin doesn’t hold some sort of grudge against the village, yet he doesn’t see any point in holding a grudge when the punishment was valid. Frankly, if he was an ordinary shinobi, he would’ve been executed instead. Of course as Rin had made it clear before that he has a job to do, a job that most would call him insane or naive even.

    Stepping out into the open was a tall man with strangely animalistic features. It reminded Rin of a canine of some sort. The guy certainly stood over Rin for 5 inches, and what drew Rin’s attention the most wasn’t the dire wolves or the sword that Tengoku held. It was that demeanor, the persona of confidence with grace. Perhaps Tengoku was a fighter himself, but Rin didn’t feel threatened by him. More so out of curiosity as to who the man really was. The dire wolves certainly made Tsuna anxious as she retreated behind Rin. It was almost like a standard procedure when someone or something came for Tsuna to get behind him.

    Tengoku started off with introductions, and while most people preferred to stick with hiding. This one chose not to, and perhaps Rin found that with mutual respect a bit different from the rest. He even brought lunch with him as an offering. Rin’s expression was one of warmth, a sense of friendliness despite the blood red eyes of his that’s unnervingly similar to Kurama’s own. Of course, Kurama had disappeared for centuries until the fateful day roughly three years ago when Rin himself fought the bijuu. His right hand, where flesh once existed, is a wrapped sealing cloth covered in fuuinjutsu seals as it resembles a humanoid hand. Yet those keen or able to view chakra would see the truth of bijuu chakra contained by the wraps.

    Rin's form of armor is relatively scarce save for the steel armguards. Otherwise he’s wearing a standard short sleeved grey shirt with a mesh shirt underneath it. Around his waist is a belt that held his chokuto, while it perhaps wasn’t as grand as Tengoku’s sword, the handle at least was well crafted. Other than the hip pouch that contained his tools, hooked onto the left side of his belt is a folded fuuma shuriken. His dark brown cargo pants suit Rin just fine as his feet are protected by the elements with a pair of brown sandals. If anyone hadn’t seen his face before, Rin probably could pass off as a regular guy.

    ”Rin Tohsaka, a pleasure to meet my supervisor. It’s not often that those who watch me come out in the open, but I’m not going to complain.” Frankly it had been some time since Rin actually got to talk with anyone that wasn’t weighed with heavy consequences or just business. Rin tapped against his leg once before Tsuna peeked over Rin. She couldn’t be any older than eleven, maybe ten years old.

    ”Although I won’t lie that I was just thinking about training for some techniques that might make some people jumpy. But hold on that thought.” Rin formed the single handseal to conjure a shadow clone of himself. The shadow clone put about twenty meters away from them before the clone sat down in a meditative state.

    ”My apologies, I assume that you’ve been busy with the war going on?” Rin inquired as they could move over to the side if they wish and basically have themselves a small picnic. What can be seen of skin along his arms are heavily scarred in intricate patterns. Like someone or something carved into his flesh before and left gashes along both of his arms.

    [Used Shadow Clone]
    [Shadow Clone Gathering Senjutsu +10]

    Last edited by RinUchiha on Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:38 am; edited 1 time in total

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tengoku Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:17 am

    Tengoku would smile as the little girl hid from the wolves and him. Adorable little one. He hoped that this training they were doing wouldn't be relevant for a few more years yet. After all the paladin was not one to appreciate child soldiers. Still he saw the sealed wraps and wondered idly what was sealed there. He wasn't one of those with that talent himself but he had watched his sister study and practice enough, sometimes on him, to know what a seal looked like. Idly he almost released his hold of the food with one hand to touch the back of his neck. How long had it been since they were last connected? He wished he knew how her mind connect seal worked so that maybe, just maybe, he could get into her mind and pull her back. To awaken her for the first time in so long. However he would quickly choose not to dwell on such depressing matters. Instead he would focus at the situation at hand. The man mentioned wishing to train some higher tier jutsu and Tengoku would chuckle. Those amber eyes though would glow with energy for a moment as the man formed a hand seal. Sensory field expanding instantly to detect what was being done.

    The shadow clone being formed caught his attention as his amber eyes would follow the being as it moved away to meditate. Gathering energy for the time being. But not an energy that Tengoku was accustomed to. Most had a bit of a chakra taint that colored their chakra differently. It was referred to often as a chakra signature and as a tracker he had become very accustomed to pulling one chakra signature out of hundreds. Rin however was different. Their chakra system to put it simply had another attached to it. Blending with it and fighting it at the same time. Mostly confined to the one sealed arm. Like another being of immense power was barely caged within it. Tengoku would feel suddenly he was holding his breath. What an immense pressure. Still he would force himself to drop the sensory for now as he let out that bated breath. So much chakra was capable of a great deal. No wonder he was being monitored and at the same time allowed some freedom. Even Tengoku had a small doubt eating away at him of if he could put Rin down if he had to.

    However Tengoku wasn't the kind to be held by fear. Just because it was unknown did not make it wicked. Power itself was not an evil thing. What people did with it was what created that evil. A sword was a tool for killing but it could be used to protect. It was all based on who held it and the choices they made. Instead he would follow them to the side and kneel down. Setting the box down and untying the cloth around it before revealing the three boxes and three apple juices. He would open his for the sushi rolls and rice balls before smiling at the question. Letting that fear die for the time being. This was simply lunch with new company. No need to draw his sword here.

    "Unfortunately I am not a fan of war. Especially not with Iwagakure. I have a friend there who, despite his harsh actions towards his enemies, is an important person to me. If it were up to me Konoha would be peace keepers. Not conquerors. I have heard so many say it is best to destroy your enemies before they flourish. However to destroy someone out of fear only breeds more fear. Eventually even the children are drawn into our fight. This I can not accept. So I remain in Konoha despite the war. I guard its people innocent in all this because that is my way. I wish I could change things. I wish I could end this fighting. The person who made me this blade told me it was a pipe dream. That only a god could change things. Can you believe in that moment I told him I would become a god then?" Tengoku would chuckle before picking up a rice ball and biting into it with a happy sigh.

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2017-12-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tatsuya Wed Dec 02, 2020 1:40 am

    It was just for a moment Rin felt tension had grown with their acquaintance, and for a moment there Rin thought that perhaps the mention of war was a touchy subject. A diseased comrade in the line of duty? Lone survivor of a wiped out squad? Rin understood that these were common cases for psychological trauma to take its toll. Even he has nightmares that he must fight through, although Rin’s nightmare is a bit more literal.

    As they walked to a better location to eat, Tengoku’s spirit relaxed so Rin chose not to inquire about it. In a professional point of view, they weren’t friends. Rin was the prisoner, and Tengoku was the assigned guard to watch over him. The Outcast understood that, but that didn’t necessarily mean that Rin can disrespect Tengoku or basically act like an asshole. Tengoku answered his take of the war, and the mention of having a friend in Iwagakure was interesting. Yet that was the price of war where no one was the true good guy. Friends and lovers would be forced to fight if their nations commanded them to. Blood would be spilled both ally and foe. That was the real war, the disconnected truth as no matter how the war goes. Blood would always spill, and more lives would be lost in the process.

    ”It’s the cycle of hatred that remains difficult to break I’m afraid. There’s always a time for peace, and then comes war knocking at our doorsteps. A vicious cycle if you ask me, but in truth the war between the nations was unavoidable. Too many leaders are either filled with arrogance or drunk in their power clashing with each other to pull ahead from the rest. Whether it is for fame, glory, wealth, or even chivalrous intentions. There’s always a provocation for war if you look hard enough for one.” Rin replied, and near the end of it he sounded tired. His ruby eyes rested upon the rice balls, and it was mostly out of habit that Rin scanned with his eyes for use of poison. Rin took a rice ball before he split the ball open to reveal the inside contents. Where Rin could actually catch a scent, but fortunately there was on scent, texture, or visual indications of the food being tampered. Of course Tengoku took a bite as well, but to Rin that didn’t rule out the possibility for poison. At the end of it, Rin took a bite of his rice ball and Tsuna then grabbed her rice ball. She ate almost like a bird as her ruby red eyes almost glittered with delight. Rin’s eyes silently shifted over to the little girl for a moment before he turned his eyes over to Tengoku.

    ”I wouldn’t say that you’d need to become a god to achieve that goal. It’s more about the community and the effort of their leader and their followers that can live through your legacy. Frankly I’m in agreement that children shouldn’t be soldiers. Although I’m not certain how much weight my word has anymore, even without war there’s still risks that can traumatize even grown men and women. I’d rather spare the children from that pain until they’re old enough to make their own decision of what path they should take.” The dark haired man took another bite out of his rice ball, and unfortunately Tsuna happened to have listened to the conversation and even following it.

    "Are you saying I can never be a protector?" Tsuna threw the question at Rin, but the young man shook his head before he answered.

    "I didn't say that. I meant that you shouldn't worry about such things until you're older."

    [Shadow Clone Gathering Senjutsu +10 | 20/90]

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tengoku Wed Dec 02, 2020 12:48 pm

    Tengoku would set down his food on a piece of paper meant to wrap leftovers in and pick one of the three juices. He would unscrew the bottle cap with a click as he broke the seal and a fine mist smelling of apples came out to show how crisp and cool the apple juice was. He would take a good couple of swallows before setting it down beside him. He would rummage around the box pulling it up before pulling a large metal bow from underneath and a two liter bottle of water. To which he would set next to him and pour the contents of the bottle into it as he listened. So many people were lost in the sadness of the world. Still the jug would make glugging noises until every last drop was finished and he would cap the bottle and set it to the side. He would smile as the little girl spoke before letting the man answer her. In the distance at the sound of water pouring into their bowl the wolves would rise to their feet eagerly but not move from their spot, They seemed well trained or at least they saw Tengoku as their alpha.

    "I am going to invite my friends over to join us now. They aren't actually trained for combat mind. They just help me with tracking and I tend to their needs. Don't be frightened. it's common for wolves to look after the young. Even of other species."

    Given that they didn't tell him no, although Rin really wasn't in a position to deny much, he would let out a light whistle. To which the wolves would perk up and come trotting over. Each one as big as a full grown bear. However they would happily gather around the bowl and drink. They didn't seem to pay the other two any mind. However Tengoku would pick up his rice ball again and take another bite. He seemed peaceful for someone trained to take people like Rin down. He was a tracker nin after all. Perhaps one of the best given his reputation. Chances were if Rin ever did flee they would send Tengoku after him. And likely both Rin and Tengoku understood that. But for now it was a time of peace. He would chew and swallow with a hum of satisfaction before speaking in return to the both of them as if the wolves weren't there.

    "It is not the burden for children to protect. It is the task adults must succeed at. Our burden to carry and one I do gladly. I would sooner lay down my life than force a child to fight for theirs. It is also not in my heart to be capable of putting down a child should they grow wicked in their own hearts." His thoughts drifted to Ashitaka for a moment. He worried for the young man. Too much happening to him too early. Still he would continue as he shifted that amber Gaze back to Rin." However I do agree. No one person can stop a tide of evil. I also am aware evil hides in the hearts of all men. I would use an analogy I read once fitting to me. When we are born there are two wolves within us. One is the good wolf. You feed them by acts of kindness and love. The second is the evil wolf. You feed them with acts of anger and greed. Which ever one you feed more of becomes stronger and eventually dominates the other. Deciding which type of person you grow up to be. But having said that. A lone wolf is not very strong. It is the pack of wolves that can dominate over any other species. Friends to keep leaders in check. So as for people following and fighting on behalf of good. It would take a heroic figure to lead them no?"

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2017-12-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tatsuya Thu Dec 03, 2020 6:44 am

    Tsuna was a bit nervous, and rightfully so when Tengoku informed them that the wolves would be coming over. They were each bigger than Tsuna was, and frankly she never did have good experience with animals larger than her. Either they were just mean such as the bulls or they try to eat her. The only ones she had met so far were the horses, and so the girl looked over to her protector for guidance. Rin non-verbally nods his head, and it wasn’t like Rin could protest against it anyways. Despite the given freedom, Rin was still a prisoner here in Konohagakure. Tsuna turned her head back over to the wolves as they approached and she found herself beginning to stretch her hand out to them before Tsuna pulled her hand back upon her realization.

    ”Excuse me, but is it alright if I can pet them?” Tsuna asked Tengoku as despite how the wolves’ presence were making her anxious. The girl still would rather give them attention as her way of caring, and frankly overcoming her anxiety as well. Granted she doesn’t understand the philosophy of alpha and packs. To her, they’re family and he’s the head of the family. Or at least that’s how she was raised.

    Other than that, Rin listened to what Tengoku had to say without interruption. Although the mere mention of putting down a child for the wicked intentions, or perhaps even actions that they bear. Sure Rin has killed before as being in the shinobi workforce long enough causes Rin to kill. Whether it is violent beasts or bandits. Yet in his experience Rin has never done and never thought about killing a child. Sure his morals and sense of judgement might be jaded than they once were. But killing children was never something Rin would be able to bring himself to do. Tsuna above all was proof of that as originally Rin was supposed to leave the child to be sacrificed to some stupid dragon who pride himself to be a god. Yet Rin went against those wishes, those orders rather and went up against a small army for the kid.

    ”That’s one way to look at it. But yes that is indeed a good start of leading the pack. So long as everyone is on the same page in their beliefs and faith, they’ll give it 100% effort in whatever you wish to achieve.” Rin takes another bite from his rice ball as it was almost eaten up by this point.

    ”However, that kind of path cannot be led by the impatient. Patience and diligence is a virtue in everything you do towards that path.” Perhaps Tengoku could achieve that peace so that someone like Rin himself wouldn’t have a repeat. Frankly the young man hoped that such a thing doesn’t happen to someone else, but there’s always a traitor in every story. Whether it was for vile reasons, selfish, or even to protect someone they care about. Some people sympathize with Rin’s side as who in their right mind would sacrifice their loved one just for the sake of their nation’s secrets? Rin had already lost his team once, and he didn’t plan to lose his team for the second time. Rin didn’t want to fail Taichi in protecting his younger sister. And Rin wasn’t going to abandon his best friend to some sadistic criminal. Granted Rin had a distinct feeling that Menza’s story might have turned out to be different if he wasn’t treated so harshly.

    ”I assume you know how to use that sword of yours?” Rin asked the man, and frankly there was a reason behind it. The Outcast planned to brush off the dust from an old fighting style that he had used when he was younger. It was a gift from his ancestors, his real ancestors in the Land of Tea. And Rin would need to refine it into becoming a better instrument. Where not just his blade would be a weapon, but his entire body would be a single fluid weapon.

    [Shadow Clone Gathering Senjutsu +10 | 30/90]

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tengoku Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:03 pm

    The little girl would quietly ask if she could pet them and Tengoku would smile and nod. The wolves had been trained not to be a danger to humans unless the humans became a threat to them or whatever ward Tengoku had placed with them. Typically they were actually very protective of children. Still one of them would turn to look at the girl with its eyes studying her before it would lower its head and nudge her hand. There was a sort of peace to these creatures that before Tengoku had followed an alpha driven mad. Wolves that had hunted men at their alphas bidding had become calm creatures and grown since following their new alpha. They were still highly capable but of no significant danger to those who were not a danger themselves. For now though only the one sought out attention as the other two continued to lap water. They were about as big as bears so it was careful not to push the girl over. Aware of its size in comparison to her. It was almost like an overly friendly dog in nature for the moment. No hunting needed as their bellies were full and their water provided.

    The man seemed to have some value for Tengoku's ideals. Tengoku would listen to the mans opinion despite their stations in comparison to each other. The man a prisoner and Tengoku his warden. He had valuable insight or at least so Tengoku thought. Casually picking up a sushi roll and popping it into his mouth before biting down and letting the juices flood his senses for a moment. It was delightful. Still the mention of patience would bring a slow nod from Tengoku. He still had some anger issues to work through so remaining patient would be a new task for him to accomplish. He would need to stop before acting and focus on what was best for those around him instead of being selfish and attacking others in anger. Violence had a tendency to lead to more violence. He would need to prepare a defense but not readily savage any enemies that came his way. Killing others was...unfortunate. He had seen Masaru as he burned men alive and tortured them and knew he didn't agree with those tactics. Ruling through fear was not his goal. If anything he wanted people to know peace and simply be happy.

    The man would suddenly inquire if Tengoku knew how to use the sword on his hip and Tengoku would pause his eating long enough to swallow. Given their current social positions that was a dangerous question to ask. Imagine a prisoner asking a prison guard if he knew how to use the tonfa on his belt. It usually led to fighting. Tengoku would clear his throat as he kept his hand from moving to rest on the hilt. An instinct he had to avoid. There was a little girl here so any movements to a weapon might be taken highly offensively. Instead he would rest his now restless hands on his knee's as amber eyes regarded the man across from him calmly.

    "When it comes to close combat it's my secondary field of study. My primary being sensory. I train my body extensively in order to be a good tracker nin so I would assume my sword skill are adequate for most situations. I do not simply sport a sword for decoration after all. You certainly know how to make a man nervous though. With your clone gathering chakra over there and you inquiring about my skills, one may read into this a bit too much."

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2017-12-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tatsuya Fri Dec 04, 2020 8:38 pm

    Tsuna petted the wolf that wanted attention, and she smiled with her pearly whites teeth showing. She found it oddly soothing to pet a companion as her anxiety was beginning to be replaced with genuine joy. Frankly it reminded Rin of a husky that he used to raise when he was around Tsuna's age. Frankly Rin found it hard to believe that time had flown by for so long. Since his absence, since the start of this whole unfortunate ordeal, a friend of Rin's who is actually an Uchiha volunteered to look after the husky.

    Rin silently admitted to himself that asking about a weapon or even motioning to a weapon was a sign of hostility. That was perhaps a bit careless of him, but Rin was just curious as to what skill the man in front of him held. Rin made no motion to his own chokuto or any of his weapons, but then again his entire body is just as dangerous as the weapons he held on his person. Rin chuckled as he raised his bandage hand, the one that was free of anything, as a sign of no harm.

    "My apologies, I just appreciate quality when I see it. As for that…" Tohsaka gestured with his thumb over to the shadow clone that has not moved from his spot at all. In fact there was even a bird dark as the night perched on the clone's shoulder. That sight is what made Rin stop in mid sentence as he was more wondering how did the raven get in the facility. Although with how big the facility really was, Rin assumed that he shouldn't let it get to him.

    "That's in preparation for the upcoming storm. I suppose everyone that's of high rank would be knowing of this as I'll be speaking with the Hokage about it soon. But I will be fighting a bijuu very soon. I didn't mean to make you nervous, but perhaps under normal circumstances that would be a tensed moment." Rin honestly had no intention of fighting, as Rin was a fighter in respect to another of the arts. The art of the sword was one that only a few trained with diligence. Rin himself used to practice that art, but survival made him focus on other weapons and his whole body. Perhaps, it was about time that Rin picked up on the art once more.

    After that Rin ate and drank his share while Tsuna eventually finished hers last since she was fascinated by the wolf. To which Rin would get up on his feet and after dusting himself off Rin would properly bow in respect to Tengoku.

    "Thank you for the meal. If you would excuse me, I'll be doing a bit of training of my own." At the mention of training, Tsuna jumped up to her feet with excitement. Eager for more training as she had a single piece of rice stuck on the left side of her face.

    "Oh! Can I join you?! Pretty please?" Rin couldn't but admire her enthusiasm. It reminded him of when he was her age, always eager to learn something new and striving to improve at any chance he could get. Instead he placed a hand on her shoulder with the smile still present on his face.

    "Not this time little one. Stay here for now, okay?” The child pouted as she made the noises of defiance, yet she stayed where she was anyways. Granted in the time when Rin first rescued her, Tsuna learned quickly to listen to what Rin told her to keep her safe. Even when Rin left her in Konohagakure to deal with Menza.

    Rin approached the center of the open fields next to a duo of wooden dummies, and it was there that Rin drew out his chokuto to reveal the jade green edge. The handle fit in his hand like a glove, and the quality of it was extraordinary. Perhaps not as much as the sword that Tengoku kept at his side, but it was definitely well made. Fuuton chakra flows from Rin’s hand into the chokuto as it enhances the sword’s durability, fuuton blades dancing across the chokuto’s surface before the chakra extends past the chokuto for three feet. Rin then proceeded to slash at dummy number one and intentionally missed the target. Just so that the extended blade of wind itself would cut into the dummy. There wasn’t much resistance behind it and the fuuton cut deep into the dummy. This caused him to glance at his chokuto once more as thoughts crossed through his mind.

    ”I wonder…” He muttered to himself before Rin buried the chokuto into the ground momentarily. The fuuton chakra dissipated as the source of chakra had removed itself. Instead Rin focused on refining that chakra to become condensed, focused into a smaller yet effective blade. To help him focus, Rin weaved a combination of Bird, Tiger, Ox, and ended the combination with the Bird seal. Each handseal molded the fuuton chakra within to be refined and focused. As the chakra flowed to his left hand, Rin reached over to his chokuto once more and upon touching the chokuto. Fuuton chakra flowed along the blade once more. Except this time the chakra is heavily condensed as multiple, tiny wind blades dance along the edge of the chokuto. Essentially giving the chokuto a vibrating serrated edge that’s constantly in motion. With a practice swing of his chokuto at the dummy number two, Rin wasn’t surprised by the fact that the sword cleaved through the dummy in half. The thing he was more surprised about was how if he didn’t see it Rin wouldn’t have known it had cut anything because there was no resistance. What’s more remnants of fuuton chakra lingered on the dummy number two continued to cut deep into the dummy.

    ”Well that’s a bit more than I expected, but that’s fine with me. Now let’s see if I can do it with Katon.” Rin muttered to himself once more before he disconnected his chakra from the chokuto and buried it into the ground once more. From there the process was quite similar as Rin took hold of his newfound katon chakra. The handseals was a bit different as the process was Ram, Ox, Bird, and ended with Dragon. The burning passion within the chakra eager to be unleashed in whatever Rin desired. Such a destructive force, yet Rin chose to refine it and become a focused flame. The process was a bit difficult for Rin as he was still new to this element, but considering the normal shinobi he actually grasped it quickly. As the katon flowed into his left hand once more, Rin reached for the hilt of his chokuto again.

    This time a fiery blaze erupts along the length that was so intense it already scorched the earth around the weapon. Rin’s left eye winced from the intensity of the heat, yet he remained focused and kept control over the flame as he drew out the chokuto from the ground. With a swing of his chokuto at the dummy number one, The Ironblood cleaved through the wood as it became engulfed in flames from the inside. It wasn’t because the sword actually inflicted damage, it was because the flames had already burnt away the wood along the path that there were only embers for the chokuto itself to cut.

    After that, Rin disconnected himself from the chokuto once more to extinguish the raging fire, but the blade still emitted heat waves that became visible along the length. Having the element was fine to Rin, and frankly he could empower them with senjutsu and even cut the cost in half through senjutsu. However, Rin knew that with his current chakra pool he wouldn’t be able to keep that up for very long in addition to the other techniques he might need to employ.

    ”Seems like I need to get in contact with an enchanter to reduce the amount of chakra Katon takes out of me. Problem is that I don’t want my chokuto to be enchanted with that, so maybe I can get something made? Armor maybe?” Looking down at himself, Rin knew he was lacking in armor. Perhaps that would be his next investment, but he can’t leave the village as that would be against the agreement. Which meant he was back to doing chores. Of course, he still has quite a bit of money on him, but the combination of both items and enchantments cost a small fortune to make by itself.

    [Shadow Clone gathering Senjutsu +10 | 40/90]
    Learning Custom Techniques 1831/700 WC:

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tengoku Sat Dec 05, 2020 12:58 pm

    Tengoku would listen and raise an eyebrow at the mention that his ward was preparing to fight a bijuu of all things soon. He would stop chewing for a moment as he would glance to the clone and then back to the man a moment. Contemplating just what kind of hidden power this man held. Well he supposed most of his kind held a hidden power. The Uchiha always reached for such things. Perhaps more so than the shinku twins ever had. And they held it too. Despite all the competition they held more influence and power as a clan than their competitors combined. Truthfully most of Konoha thought the Uchiha ran things with an iron fist. They suspected if someone not Uchiha made a grab for power the clan would likely put them down. However despite a couple of them Tengoku was learning not to fear the Uchiha. They were powerful but mostly kept to themselves. They ran things in a way he didn't like but seemed to know he would not fight against Iwa so had made no demands of him. In truth they held power because they were cautious with it. Yet the idea of fighting a bijuu....could end in catastrophe.

    Still the little girl would ask to train as well and Tengoku would smile when the man would direct her to remain where she was. She pouted but the three wolves would lay down. Another child to keep safe while their alpha tended to business. They circled her and laid down. Virtually ignoring her except to provide warmth and protection. Tengoku would rise as he popped the last bit of rice ball into his mouth before walking with Rin a few meters behind. He was tasked with keeping track of the man after all. Though if this guy was planning to fight a bijuu Tengoku doubted he would do more than delay the man long enough for the troops to arrive. Still he was calm. He didn't think this prisoner intended him harm. Still he would stop and let the man approach the training dolls as Tengoku stayed about twenty meters away now. Not reaching for his weapon or anything. Instead he would simply observe. Sadly neither of the impressive techniques the man displayed would do him any good. Though clearly it was an enhanced version of the chakra flow technique on each of them. Perhaps he could do something similar with raiton.

    With that said his thought drifted to the Raiton ninjutsu he had been practicing. He had all the B rank stuff and under down but he was yet to attempt an A rank. This one was casually using up his chakra experimenting with stronger techniques. Even if Tengoku could feel the clone gathering chakra it was at a far slower rate than the amount Rin was expending. He had about the same amount of chakra without the clone as Tengoku did from the start. So it was reasonable that Tengoku take the chance to train as well. He would move forward to stand about five meters to Rins right as he nodded to the weapon. "An impressive couple of techniques. I hadn't thought to expand further on the chakra flow technique before now. Perhaps it's time I do. Tell me do you really think you can handle a bijuu on your own? I haven't heard a call to arms to prepare for a chance of it going wrong. I'm sure all jounin would be on alert in that case. Unless....you haven't prepared those around you yet. I doubt the Hokage would be so negligent." With that said Tengoku would focus on his own training. Forming hand seals quickly. Boar → Ram → Snake. Once it was done he would pull his hands to his side as yellow energy started crackling between his hands with power before he thrust forward. However he had only been ten meters from his own training dummy. Raiton burst out of his hands in a surge of energy as it tore through the dummy and left a trench of crackling burnt earth behind it. "Well I'll be damned. So that is the power of an A rank? Not too shabby."

    Training an A rank jutsu:

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2017-12-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tatsuya Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:29 pm

    "Chakra Flow has some interesting effects based on the elements. Katon burns things, and so I amplified the chakra to provide the highest caliber of Katon into a compressed space. Frankly it extending like it does would be great to catch somebody off guard, and the fuuton cuts as it does. Only I made it to where it lingers on whatever I struck to keep cutting deeper for a moment." In Rin's opinion, the fuuton version of chakra flow that he concocted is probably the nastiest compared to Katon. A dark thought crossed his mind as Rin imagined a scenario of what would happen if both Sylph and Pyro interacted with each other. However in his past experience both Katon and Fuuton interacting is both chaotic and dangerous if not handled correctly.

    "If it was just a fight then I have faith to win, but unfortunately it's not that simple. The process involve in grabbing one of nine tails of Kyuubi's and extract the chakra. Then repeat the same process with the rest of the tails, and at the same time I have to hold him back somehow." Rin explained the basics of what he has to do in the fight against Kurama. It was largely the same as when Rin sealed the bijuu into himself. Only this time he needs to take them tails instead, but Rin couldn't help except to wonder if he could repeat in severing Kurama's tails again. Granted the Outcast was doubtful as Kurama was smart and more than likely developed a strategy to not let it lose the tails again. However he doesn't think that would work in terms of extracting the chakra like that since the tails would have to be attached to Kurama.

    "Speaking of which, I really only have a single technique that can even withstand Kyuubi's strongest attack. I wonder if I can copy that…" Rin's mind trailed off to the concept of Rasengan, mixed with Fuuton chakra that would be quite devastating. He wondered about mixing both concepts of Rasengan with bijuu doma. The amount of concentration it would take would surely be intense, or so Rin had thought. Rin stowed his chokuto into the scabbard before he began the process of molding an immense amount of Fuuton chakra within his body.

    Bringing his hands up, Rin swiftly weaved a series of handseals that consisted of Bird, Horse, Tiger, Dragon, Rat, Dragon, Horse, and Bird. At the end of it, Rin extended his left hand out in front of him and his right hand grasps the bicep of his left arm. He focused the chakra into a single point which was at his left Palm, and from it is a ball of condensed Fuuton chakra spiraling within itself almost like a Rasengan. As he charges up the technique, the ball increases in size up to 30 meters in diameter. Of course he aimed this technique skyward so it would avoid collateral damage and accidentally injuring someone. Unless for some reason someone happened to be flying in their vicinity, but frankly Rin has never seen anyone fly aside from dragons.

    [Learning Fuuton Release: Wind Dragon Cannon - S rank Custom 745/350]


    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tengoku Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:52 pm

    Tengoku would settle after his raiton beam and turn to see what the man was doing now. Mostly to get an explanation he didn't really understand. Bijuu and their names were never something he had paid attention to or even in the academy memorized. Even during training he had done so with the idea that it would be people he was fighting. Not giant beasts. He supposed some people just had it rougher than he did. Something or another about ripping off tails sounded like the fox was going to put up a hell of a fight though. Likely getting angry while doing so. Did that mean this guy had access to it then? The village sure was expecting a lot from Tengoku if the guy he was watching could summon forth a bijuu. Beyond that though Rin seemed rather docile despite his capabilities. The explanation about how he had improved the chakra flow technique however did not go over Tengoku's head. Perhaps he could replicate it for raiton. Leave a lasting shock against someone that lowered their hand eye coordination significantly. A residual continuous shock tightening the muscles would do that. Still he wasn't about to experiment with that while on the job.

    Still when the guy formed a giant orb of wind energy and fired it straight up he would split the sky just from the residual of the beam he produced. A circle of broken fake sky from the dome above them that would need to be repaired later. It was easy to forget that they were inside of a building and even the sky was artificial. Either way Tengoku would shield his eyes as he looked up to the sparking hole that almost poked through to the next floor up and whistle. The sheer destructive force of it was impressive. To be perfectly honest Tengoku didn't have anything on that level. Not to mention the elemental differences. His focus was on raiton and if his sensory wasn't faulty that was purely a wind technique. Man did the higher ups even consider who they sent when dealing with someone this potent or did they just hope for Tengoku to hold him in one spot long enough for back up to arrive. He really didn't like feeling like a sacrificial pawn but not much he could do about it. Instead he would speak up a little as the roof sparked and the sky flickered out for the most part. Flood lights coming on to light it up for people still there.

    "Well I'll be a dog without a bone. That's some serious damage. But It has a bit of charge up time. Have you considered a way to bind down the bijuu you're preparing to fight?"

    There was another technique that Tengoku was going to practice while he was here. But he would step forward in front of three dummies clumped within three meters. Talking as he did. "I wouldn't worry about it though. The facility gets repaired daily from powerful techniques being practiced here. And considering you didn't punch all the way through with that I would say it's meant to take a beating. Wouldn't you?" With That Tengoku would take a breath and shift his stance into a light step. With a sudden move his fist shot out into the diaphragm of the dummy in the center. A loud crack echoing as a hole appeared in it's chest. But Tengoku was already a blur of movement. Suddenly he was moving at A++++ speed. Almost breaking through to the next level. In a split second he had hit all three and put perfect holes through the center of them about the size of his fist before stopping behind them. The puppets however didn't budge. His attacks more precision than sheer force. He would let out a breath before blowing some straw off his knuckles.
    250/250 A rank trained :

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2017-12-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tatsuya Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:04 pm

    The process of the chakra build did take up longer than Rin would have liked, and while it might contest against the bijuu doma in terms of raw power. Rin has seen Kurama used a quicker version of it that exchanged power for speed. He doesn't know if he could copy that move, and frankly he'd need to evaluate how to do something like that. Rin knew of some Fuuton and Katon techniques that followed a similar concept. With techniques like Air Bullets and Phoenix Sage Fire only Kurama packed heavy firepower behind his blasts. Perhaps it was a bit too much to try to match a bijuu.

    "In technical speaking, I already have. I would rather not discuss that too much however for he's listening to what's being said." Rin answered Tengoku's question and frankly Rin would rather not perform such a thing with Tsuna being so close. Rin glanced over at Tengoku who seemed to be training some techniques of his own. There really wasn't never a time where they can't train in something. However he understood the frustration of being trapped in not gaining enough power as quickly as possible. Especially when it seemed everyone around him was clearly gaining power and continued to stay ahead of him. Rin remembered how there were times that it felt like no matter how hard he worked himself it was never enough.

    "Raiton is your element then? Fuuton had always been my ace in a whole, but have you ever thought about using Raiton to electrify metal projectiles and manipulate them? Like this for example." With a single hand, Rin brought a shuriken standard as can be. He'd purposely drops the shuriken and in the same motion formed half of a Dog seal. Before the shuriken landed, Fuuton chakra began to cloak around the shuriken, and while slow to the trained eyes Rin continued to manipulate the shuriken to rotate around Rin's body.

    "Or if manipulating tools is not your thing, then simply coat the projectiles with Raiton and then use that energy to propel the projectiles into greater velocity. Fuuton has a similar, more powerful version than this, but I think you get the idea no?" With a casual raise of his hand that once held the Dog seal, Rin catches the shuriken like he was grasping a still flower.

    Afterwards, Rin would stow away the shuriken and make sure that some distance was between Tengoku and himself. Rin then proceeded to mold more Fuuton chakra. He shaped the molded chakra by forming the Bird and Dog handseal before he crossed his arms. A bubble of howling wind surrounds Rin's body that seems to be focused in stopping foreign objects from reaching Rin. Then an extension of his arms, the aura rapidly expands in a 10 meter diameter as the strong gusts of wind sought to push back anything and anyone within the vicinity.

    [Shadow Clone Gathering Senjutsu +10 | 50/90]


    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tengoku Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:41 pm

    Tengoku would brush off his hands as the man would speak of the Bijuu listening and Tengoku would let his amber eyes shift to the sealed arm. So they were not left unaware of the outside world? He wondered if they retained that knowledge if their host perished. At least now he understood why Rin was being closely monitored instead of executed or banished. Most others would have died but the village didn't want the nine tails out on a rampage. It was a wise decision and besides that he decided he rather liked this man. Still the idea that the nine tails was watching or listening to him was unnerving. He had never met one in person before as far as he knew but the idea that they were real had never really settled in his mind until now. Not just monstrous creatures of legend. Imagine discovering that minotaurs and hydra were all too real. Such a thing could shake the foundation of most. Still he would let his left wrist rest lazily on the hilt of his sword as he took a breath to steady himself. Rin had control for the moment and if he lost it...the two of them would deal with that bridge as it burned.

    Tengoku would listen and nod as the man explained using his element to create faster projectiles. He had never been one for throwing anything but the truth was it never hurt to expand on ones skills. Not in this world anyway. Of course the barrier the man put up next looked equally impressive. Chances were Tengoku wouldn't be able to easily push through something so strong. But again it was a man training to take on legendary creatures. Still he would smile and then his amber eyes would turn to the girl petting his wolves in the distance as he would sigh a little. Crossing his arms as a tinge of sadness painted his face. He felt a flood of melancholy wash over him as he watched for a moment before shaking his head and turning his attention back to Rin. Perhaps he was speaking out of turn as he spoke quietly. Amber eyes watching with a deep sadness in them.

    "As impressive as your other techniques no doubt. I doubt I could easily push through something like that. Do you mind if we speak further? Not many I know are as calm as you. Driven by war. By battle or by the quest for more power. Or all of the above. For people like us at times it feels like the weight of the world is upon us. So often I see a mother or a wife leaving the light on night after night for their loved ones to return home. I have seen the shattered hearts of parents who learn their child is never coming home. I do not wish this future for our youth. You seek to gain strength to bind the beast within and protect the girl.....Honorable. But I would wish she never had to fight until she was an adult who could make that choice. It's silly since it's likely impossible....but one day I could become Hokage...and child soldiers would no longer be something Konoha allows....what are your thoughts on this?"

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

    Posts : 576
    Join date : 2017-12-06

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu. Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Doton, Katon, Lava,
    Class: S
    Ryo: 100,000

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tatsuya Tue Dec 22, 2020 6:51 pm

    In terms of elements, Rin was like the polar opposite of Tengoku. Yet they share a similar mentality than they anticipated. Tengoku brought up a second speech regarding the child soldiers, but this time bluntly asking that child soldiers shouldn’t be a thing. Rin’s red eyes shifted over to Tsuna who kept herself preoccupied with the wolves around her. She wasn’t born and raised to be a shinobi like Rin was, or rather most people in this village. Tsuna was raised to be sacrificed to a dragon who prided himself to be a god, and Rin saw to it that Tsuna was not sacrificed and disgraced the dragon and his army. Rin hoped that Tsuna would pick up another line of work, yet she seems all the more determined to be a shinobi like Rin was.

    ”I suppose you could say that I am calm, but honestly it is the opposite. I worry whether I fail or neglect to give it my all. Then countless lives would be lost. However the answer to that is simple. Just don’t lose, and those worries won’t become a reality.” It was quite as simple as that as Rin cut down the drama and clouded emotions. The second part of the speech, should the jounin become a Hokage at some point then Rin would honestly be a bit relieved that Tengoku was willing to go that route. A ghost of a smile crossed his lips before he responded.

    ”If you ask me, the time for child soldiers should be abolished. I believe you and I can agree that no child has a place in the battlefield. I don’t just speak from personal experience either, but if you ask me until they’re of appropriate age they could occupy their time by taking other jobs.”

    [Shadow Clone Gathering Senjutsu +10 | 60/90]

    Character Name: Tatsuya Tatsuda
    Spendable Experience: 2,910
    Total Experience: 7,660
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 100,000

    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: A
    • Perception: B

    Limit Break Points:

    • Physical: 0
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 0

    Link to Character Updates: Updated Sheet
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t5187-tatsuya-tatsuda?nid=648#40721
    Link to Known Techniques:
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tengoku Sat Dec 26, 2020 12:19 pm

    Tengoku would follow the mans red eyes to the wolves and the girl with his own amber glow. A smile on his face as he watched a moment. The girl was being treated kindly. The wolves had laid down to appear smaller and if she gave one a push it would playfully topple over as if she were strong enough to do so. The wolves only cared for establishing dominance in their own pack and their own territory. Other more wild wolves would attack given the chance to eat something easy but these ones preferred tengoku as their alpha over their last one. The beast that had attacked humans in it's madness over other prey. Tengoku had taken him down in one on one combat and gained the right to lead these ones. They no longer knew fear beyond comfort. They followed him and enjoyed the peace he provided. Still he would listen to the man as he spoke of his worries and his overly simplified solution. His amber eyes glancing to him before looking back to the wolves. There was an awful lot at stake for such a simple solution as just not failing. No real fall back plan to speak of.

    "If you are certain of yourself than that will have to do. The weight of responsibility set upon our shoulders often has that exact same solution. We do not fail because we can not fail. What fate awaits warriors but to be buried under their own sword."

    Tengoku would rest his palm over the hilt of his sword as he took a breath and relaxed himself. There was a great deal to consider now. The effort it would take for child soldiers to be abolished. What age was appropriate to allow people the burden of protecting others? Beyond that Rin had revealed plans to take on a huge risk that could put the entire village in danger. But it seemed like one that had to be done or the seals would eventually not hold. The world was turning into such a cold place and Tengoku wondered how mighty he would need to become to handle it. Still he sensory told him the observation team was still nearby. Likely listening in for any signs of treason. Like little blimps on a radar in the distance about a hundred meters away. If nothing else the village already knew of these plans or soon would.

    "I will urge you to over prepare as much as you can for what you are setting out to do. I am not certain I understand the reasoning behind it but if it must be done then so be it. This task you have set for yourself...failure is not an option. There is simply too much at stake. Should you fail....you will lose everything...as I'm sure you know. However the issue lays beyond you. Many people will suffer if you do not succeed. Put your very life...your soul on the line and do not lose heart. Is there anything I can do to assist?"

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin
    Bug Zapper
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Chomei during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 594
    Join date : 2020-02-06

    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

    Post by Tengoku Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:04 pm

    However as it stood Tengoku watched as a messenger arrived to the other scouts. They were reassured that Rin would not be an issue and that their jounin assistance was required elsewhere. Of course even from there Tengoku's ear would twitch as he listened to every word. The team looked concerned but would follow orders. The messenger then turned to look Tengoku in the eye and nod. Understanding that Tengoku was known for his perceptive skills and heard his recall order well enough. Still Tengoku would turn to Rin before smiling broadly.

    "It appears I am needed elsewhere after all. No rest for the wicked aye? Do be careful in your training please. The wolves will continue to keep the little one happy while you practice. For now I must be off. Excuse me."

    With that Tengoku would wink before in a burst of speed he was gone. Having learned how to be light enough on his feet not to leave craters in his wake. He was off to report what he learned to the administration building just to be sure the village was aware o the ordeal Rin was preparing for. Once that was done he would be preparing for his next mission.

    Exit thread
    9 posts x 15 exp (10 for social and 5 for training area) = 135 exp
    Jutsu Trained :

    Name: Shinku, Tengoku
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Rank: Hokage
    Village: Konoha
    Titles: The Paladin of Konoha

    Chakra - 185 (Base) + 25 (Lifestyle) + 100 (Kata) + 100 (Roen Boost) + 385 (Roen CA)

    Strength: B (A with Vambraces of Justice active)
    Constitution: C (B with Pauldrons of courage active )
    Stamina: B (B + From housing)
    Speed: B (A with  Greaves of Tenacity active)
    Coordination: S (X with  Tengoku Kaeri no Ken active)
    Intelligence: C
    Perception:  A (A++ from Hankōgan III)

    Current attunement -
    Tengoku Kaeri no Ken - active
    Greaves of Tenacity  - active
    Kuroikiba Alpha - Inactive
    Vambraces of Justice - inactive
    Pauldrons of Courage - inactive
    Plated gloves of Temperance - Active

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3136-tengoku-shinku-update-page#24365
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t3127-tengoku-shinku

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    Ultimatum [Open] Empty Re: Ultimatum [Open]

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