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    The field hospital (Kirigakure)


    The field hospital (Kirigakure) Empty The field hospital (Kirigakure)

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:29 am

    Nurse! I need this patient restrained!” It was unsurprising that Fujikawa would eventually be assigned to a field hospital. The war was still dragging on and while yes, it may have currently been a definite stalemate both sides were obviously going to be taking casualties. One of these casualties was lying upon the stretcher before Fujikawa, thrashing widely as the venom tearing through their body was taking a toll. It was fortunate they had only been exposed to a venom and were able to be shipped back to the hospital so quickly.

    NURSE. I NEED THIS PATIENT RESTRAINED!” Fujikawa barked orders as, finally, a nurse ran over with a series of leather straps that they used to bind the thrashing patient to the stretcher. It may have seemed cruel and more than a little unethical but the only jutsu Fujikawa had to treat this patient was a highly painful one and a last resort one at that. This would also be the first time Fujikawa HAD actually employed the Delicate Illness Extraction Technique. Studying the theory was one thing but the practice was another.

    With the thrashing patient restrained, a young shinobi only seventeen years old, the medical ninja got to work. From behind her face mask she scanned his body for any external signs of injury yet there were none and so, it was time for things to get painful. She held her hands against the patient’s body, the limbs appendages glowing green as they scanned over his body. Fujikawa stopped when she detected the presence of toxin before pulling her hands back.

    This will not be pleasant. Nurse. Keep him restrained. Do not let those straps come loose.” Tiger, horse, rabbit, rat, dog. Fujikawa’s fingers danced through the hand signs, five seconds passing during which the nurse tightened all the straps holding the moaning patient down. The medical ninja then made a cut, her normally free flowing red hair tied up in a bun beneath a hair net. Now the real pain would come. The medical ninja released the energy of the chakra scalpel, instantly reforming it back into the Illness Extraction.

    She thrusted her gloved hands into a nearby bowl of medical liquid, chakra manipulating the liquid and bringing it out with her. By pressing her hands against the incision, the liquid was forced into the body of the young Shinobi who began to scream, shout and kick his legs. The noise had, at first, been something that Fujikawa had not felt comfortable around but she soon got used to it. Slowly but surely, she extracted the toxin from her thrashing patient’s body.


    The field hospital (Kirigakure) Empty Re: The field hospital (Kirigakure)

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:30 am

    As much as she wished to let this young man rest and recover, she knew he was needed back at the front. It was a harsh reality really, to be sent to recover, to get your wounds healed and then being sent back to the frontlines the moment you were physically able. The chemist would have pushed for a period of recovery time to be assigned, at least a week, but Fujikawa had no authority on that front.

    I’m finished with you nurse. Go assist another station.” The nurse nodded, their white medical wear obscuring the majority of their features but it was still easy to tell his gender. The broad shoulders and general well built nature of his body made that perfectly clear. He retreated away to assist another one of the medical personnel while the red head’s hands danced through the Ox and Tiger hand signs. The Mystical Palm technique was something she gone through a rough introduction to, having to go from theory to practice in a span of a few days.

    At first Fujikawa’s orders had been to simply keep producing the necessary medical supplies to keep the war engine going. Healing salves, serums, anti-venoms, antitoxins, serums to fight off infection and anything else that was in demand. However, that had changed as attrition began to set in and the mounting casualties began to outstrip the medical corps capacity and so a medical draft had been sent out, gathering up as many people capable of treating casualties as possible.

    Just hold on. The toxin has been removed from your system but I need to heal the cut.” With the green aura of the mystical palms surrounding her hands, and with her patient nodding now that the pain had ended, Fujikawa held her hands above his wounds. The chakra of her palms hastened the healing of the incision she had met, the cut knitting back together as the bleeding stemmed.

    You should be good. Report to the commander outside for your assignment. Oh and...take this.” She held the patient up, brushing his shoulders down quickly hoping to at least show him some kindness before he left before sliding a small bar of chocolate into his hands. It was the last of the supply she had managed to sneak to the front line.

    Oh okay. Thanks miss.” And just like that the youth was gone, leaving Fujikawa alone with her thoughts. It may have seemed out of character for someone as cynical and nihilistic to care about offering such a kindness but Fujikawa was still a medical ninja at her heart and as such, she was well aware of the values in maintaining high morale among the forces.

    Fujikawa watched the young man take his leave before following him out, watching as he was shipped back to the front. She pulled her mask down to take a deep breath, only as a messanger charged up to her and announced her presence had been requested at a nearby trench. There was apparantly an emergency and the injured could not get back to the field hospital. The medical ninja left immediately, departing to the front.

    [exited thread]

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