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    Cleansing Chakra


    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Cleansing Chakra Empty Cleansing Chakra

    Post by Katsumi Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:23 am

    His hands felt the dirt shifting around him, molding the chakra before he would quickly snap up and let his hands weave their signs as quickly as he could muster while keeping his form. An exercise in both his own coordination, accuracy, and speed while trying to muster the energy together to weave the raiton chakra out of his body. Crudely, the chakra amassed at his hands and discharged outwards, the tinging of electricity scarred the air and left a metallic taste on his lips.

    A slight grimace, it was his third time getting the reckless chakra out of his body. All at once, he could feel the edges of exhaustion begin to creep in but he had to control the form now. His first test on this day was a crude jutsu meant more as a distraction, simplistic and direct as well. It didn't require much concentration or effort to utilize this jutsu and was a perfect starting point while he went through the motions.

    Lightning Signal Fire.

    He would mutter aimlessly while slamming his hands together quickly in the seal of the Dragon and forcing the changed chakra to his hands before pointing his hands outwards to the stone wall, hoping it would be a good enough insulator and far enough away. The bolt struck out, moving quickly and slammed into the wall before spreading, Katsumi holding the energy from his hands for a moment as his teeth clenched and the white hot plasma began to scorch its impact upon the stone.

    An instant later and things seemed to calm down, the static in the air dissipated, the crinkling sound of lightning in the air had faded back to silence and Katsumi was left alone in this gymnasium like room made of stone to assess his situation. The jutsu seemed to work, though, maybe not perfectly. The blackened marks against the stone where it had struck and then seemed to explode in its kinetic energy made him wonder if it would be good to also use as a bit of non-lethal force for some... weaker enemies. It didn't matter much to him though as he sighed in relief and began to take a short breathe before he would continue trying again.

    This time he would add in even more jutsu to the mix, forcing himself to the upper limit of his chakra control and shape change. The scroll of lightning jutsu and how to perform them gave him an excellent place to start. Slowly, he would master a series of Raiton techniques beginning with Lightning Rod and Young Lightning to continue. It wouldn't be long before he would have to move on to bigger and more complicated jutsu, his hands began to weave more signs anyways.

    [458 words, 10 XP]
    [Training Lightning Signal Fire, Lightning Rod, Young Lightning, and Unsealing Technique w/ 450 words]

    Cleansing Chakra 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2

    Village : N/A
    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2020-10-03

    Cleansing Chakra Empty Re: Cleansing Chakra

    Post by Katsumi Tue Nov 10, 2020 4:36 am

    Next, Katsumi would return to the basics, a short break to replenish a bit of chakra and at the same time, let the soreness and static that had built up in his body dissipate. The water bottle next to the towel called at his person, sitting on a bench to the side for a moment, he took it and squeezing with force emptied nearly a quarter of its volume into his mouth and on his head in one movement. His eyes closed, he shook his head, the mixture of sweat and water pouring out but feeling... cooler, for just an instant.

    Standing back up he would leap into the center of the gym-like room before taking a deep and consolidated breath. He'd consulted the scroll and been practicing his Raiton techniques and simple unsealing all morning. Now, he'd spend a little time going through all the simple and essential jutsu that every shinobi should know.

    First, he'd start with the Body Replacement Technique, focusing his energy again and keeping his backpack stuffed with various tools and equipment. Weaving the signs quickly and reaching out to grab his bag, he would transform the pack into a perfect image of himself, stuck in motion as he quickly reached out to kick it. Staggering back, his fake self imaged the impact of the kick to the stomach before popping into a puff of white smoke and revealing it nothing more than a bag as it went and slide across the ground. Giving Katsumi an instant that he would be able to trade himself out and attack or flee in that moment.

    A sigh fell, it didn't take much effort and was a fairly simple jutsu all the same. Perhaps it would be a bit tougher to utilize in combat but all the same, without really putting himself out there, there'd be little to no chance of really improving his use of the technique.

    The next two jutsu were easy enough to utilize, he'd create a simple clone by weaving together Ram → Snake → Tiger and then molding his chakra. He'd take a step towards the clone and inspect every inch of it that he could, making sure his technique was as flawless as it could be. A few more iterations of it, more afterimages and more complex movements as he would track himself around the room. Following on top of it, he would take it one step further and attempt the more advanced Haze Clone jutsu. Several iterations followed and he created all 10 clones as the scroll instructed. Maybe, once his chakra control and stamina were increased, he would be able to push himself to a higher level and create more clones or expand their capability but for now, he was satisfied with their appearance and his own efforts.

    The next jutsu he tested was transformation, just aiming to turn into various people he'd seen in the street, a small handheld mirror was all he had to check the details but convincing himself he had done well and practicing various voices to match and perfect the technique wasn't very difficult.

    The following jutsu he worked on included the Invisibility Technique, using a cloak to blend himself in the environment, but without someone to criticize, he wouldn't know how well his jutsu had truly gotten. The same went for the Rope Binding Escape, a simple jutsu he would test out but mostly just struggled tying himself in various knots to break out of. It really wasn't a pretty system and nor did he get very far very fast in this manner. This also counted for practicing his Genjutsu Kai technique, doing nothing more than stirring up his chakra and releasing it all in one go a few times over.

    After spending a bit of time trying out the paralysis technique, the last one he would spend the afternoon on would be the essential Body Flicker technique. Starting himself at one end of the room and flickering across to the other end in a series of what were essentially sprinting exercises to test the jutsu and give himself a bit of a cardio workout. It seemed like good progress on the day in the end and it was time for another break, at least for the time being. Maybe longer.

    [716 words, 10 XP]
    [Training Body Flicker, Haze Clone, and Temporary Paralysis Technique for 300 words. Training Body Replacement, Cloak of Invisibility, Clone Technique, Rope Escape, and Transformation for 250 words. Training Genjutsu Kai for 150 words. Total 700 words.]

    Cleansing Chakra 4a7aa410b9ab973b984f750474a38bd2

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