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    Sword of the Sky


    Posts : 284
    Join date : 2020-02-26
    Age : 26

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: None
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0

    Sword of the Sky Empty Sword of the Sky

    Post by Mort Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:18 pm

    Mort made his way into the Raikage building, this time on his own accord and not that of a higher power. Ever since Ryuko had went missing, things were a mess, and he figured that as the Sword of the Sky, it was his job to try and prepare for things in case shit hit the fan. As such, he had set up a meeting to learn the other half of his Psuedo-title, the disturbance taijutsu.

    Going up to the clerk, she'd nod and bring him out to where he had once duel against Ryuko with Tamwyn by his side and lost. It was a good time despite them loosing, as they had nearly won the challenge all things considered. The woman came back, handing him a scroll and he'd open it up. Reading the Exclusive carefully, he'd then nod as she'd back off and let him have the floor; drawing the twin swords and taking the stated pose.

    He started off simple, the Warrior's Dance starting with a spark, a prelude to the coming storm. he'd make graceful movements, letting his ingrained training begin with the movements. Then Id would also join in, understanding the importance of such a technique for the coming battles ahead and pitched in their unique brand of fighting; the instinctual movements of a fighter complimenting and contradicting the Ego's movements. The two would use their natural abilities of a Kurama to create a push and pull of movement, their differing styles causing their body to move erratically while still preforming what the scroll had stated. It was as if the Will of Lightning itself had inhabited their body and guided them, each movement like that of a lightning bolt; quick; precise, and unpredictable to those who watched.

    Eventually though, he'd have to stop, as he had other duties to attend to. It almost brought a tear to his eye, but as he sheathed the swords he'd hold it in. There would be time for grieving for his missing mentor later, right now, he had to become the Mighty Warrior he oh so desired and claimed to be.


    Claiming and learning Disturbance Taijutsu (the remixed version) 250/250

    The Mighty Warrior of Epicness:

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 05, 2024 1:41 am