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    Darhk Enlightenment


    Village : Kumogakure
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    Class: S
    Ryo: More than I need, less than I'd like

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Kara Sat Oct 31, 2020 1:23 pm

    Kara was a wreck as she moved with haste to the Raikage building. She’d barely slept or ate as she had rushed to Kumogakure from Suna. It was quite unlike her to spend more time moving than taking care of herself, but after the news given to her by Seigi that Moonspire had fallen and that her love, Damien Darhk, had gone missing. . . it was all she could do to hold herself together. She knew better, had known better, than to allow herself to feel. To become attached was weakness, she’d always said it and yet here she was a haunted shadow of her former self as that attachment which she had allowed was but a wispy thread pulling her ever forward by her heart. She knew there was more at stake, even had been warned that she may very well be a target, but she didn’t care about anything but Damien’s safety.

    As she moved through the streets she silently cursed herself for taking her time, for waiting and assuming that there would always be more days and nights. That she could afford to wait and take for granted that Damien would always be safe. For all of her intelligence she had discovered a flaw in herself, her insufferable arrogance in thinking that somehow everything would work the way it was meant to. That no one would dare harm her or her interests. She hadn’t been able to envision a world where anyone would try to hurt her, much less Damien. It was something that had taken many days of exhausting travel to come to terms with. And of course the notion had been pushed aside at first, but her missing forearm made it difficult to ignore the harsh reality. The reality being that there would always be someone who just wanted to hurt others, herself included. That reason and logic did not matter to those that did not possess them. She had relied so heavily on the idea that people were either able to be reasoned with or purchased should that fail, that to come across someone that responded to neither was troubling.

    She had taken a small amount of time to change her clothing when Seigi and herself had travelled, while she didn’t much care about her appearance at the present time, she knew it would at least raise more questions than she necessarily wanted to answer before she found Damien. So she had opted for a black satin sleeveless gown, the tiniest bit of pride still making itself known in her clothing choices. Her right forearm was healed thanks to Seigi, but she made no effort to cover it, practically inviting anyone who looked at it to question her. Despite her newfound taste of mortality she still hadn’t quite internalized the idea that she could die. And so she walked with all the authority of someone who firmly believed they were as close to immortal as a human could get, however misguided, her stilettos making a sharp clacking noise as she made her way into the tower that she deduced to house the main administration office. Her ordinarily flawless visage was marred by dark circles under her eyes and a touch of sun on her face. While still pinned into a bun on her head, there were wisps of long blonde hair out of place, as though hurriedly put together. Her golden eyes were slightly bloodshot from lack of sleep and though she tried to remain impassive her voice cracked as she called out as soon as she crossed the threshold. “Where is Damien Darhk?”

    Darhk Enlightenment 4J1yre2

    Mistress Kara:
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:48 pm

    Shimiko had been working out of the Raikage's office for the past few days. There was a certain familiarity that came with it since she had taken on the role of acting Raikage in the aftermath of the Kumogakure Civil War. Just like then, her role was to shepherd the nation through tough times until the vacancy was filled permanently. She had intended for Seid to be acting Raikage until the current war with Konohagakure and Kirigakure was over. He still had some business to wrap up in the Ōtsutsuki Clan District, but once he was done she expected him to step up and take the mantle temporarily. That would leave her free to prosecute an aggressive war against the belligerents who had started the Gurētodaiingu.

    The Chinoike was making some adjustments to troop deployments for the trench front when someone barged into the office. She looked up and saw a haggard looking young woman staring at her. The woman demanded to know where Damien was and Shimiko's expression indicated that she would do well to mind her manners. Shimiko had not been expecting any visitors and for someone to come barging in while she was still dealing with the loss of her friend was a stupid thing to do. She opened her mouth to give a life-or-death warning when suddenly she recognized the individual.

    As Captain of the ANBU, Shimiko had been tasked with gathering all of the relevant information pertaining to Darkh Industries. Kumo knew the who but the why wasn't entirely clear. They could surmise Akihiro and Hana's motivations but any thread that could confirm their suspicions was valuable. Shimiko had thus poured over countless documents and files looking for hidden connections. She could have had Rini do all of it but she needed something besides training to occupy her mind. She had planned for the redhead to check up on her work, but it was important that she do the initial deep dive. Nothing of import had come up but she did get a keen sense of who the man kept in his employ. One of his chief business partners was a woman by the name of Kara Kazehana. The person standing before her matched the physical descriptions and photographs that had been compiled for her.

    When she noticed just how emotionally distraught Kara was, she immediately put two and two together.

    They were lovers....

    Shimiko's expression softened and she stood up straight and approached the woman. She noticed that Kara was badly injured but she didn't draw too much attention to that at the moment. She was aware that Seigi had brought in a woman from Suna, and come to think of it the gate report did mention a name, but she hadn't expected to hear from Kara directly so soon. She hoped to get a briefing from Seigi within the week but given Kara and Damien's close relationship, it made sense that the Mistress could not and would not wait. Shimiko sighed and put a hand on Kara's shoulder. The deep breath served as close to an apology as she would get. She hadn't verbally snapped at her but it was clear from her body language that she originally was angry. Now that she knew that Kara was going through the same thing that she was with Ryuko, she knew that she had to take a gentler tone.

    "You must be Kara Kazehana....know that it pains me to say this but...." as a Captain she was used to delivering bad news. She was good at it even. Death was her specialty as a matter of religion and profession. But this was different. How do you tell someone that their loved one not only died, but sparked the greatest war known to shinobi-kind? "...Damien Darkh was killed in a terrorist attack on Moonspire. The perpetuators were Akihiro Uchiha, Ikomiki Ōtsutsuki, and Hana Kaguya. You have my word that they will be brought to justice...but unfortunately that's all I can offer you. I-I'm sorry but he's gone."

    Shimiko didn't deign to hug the one-armed woman. It was too familiar, too close. She wasn't sure how his business partner and apparent lover would react to the news. Some despised open shows of sympathy while others craved it. Shimiko would make a point to read Kara before reacting. She couldn't bring Damien back, but the least she could do was let his loved ones grieve on their own terms.


    Village : Kumogakure
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    Age : 32

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    Class: S
    Ryo: More than I need, less than I'd like

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Kara Tue Nov 03, 2020 3:59 am


    The Raikage’s office was eclectically decorated, as though everyone that had ever claimed it as their workspace had forgotten to add more than a single personal touch to its decor. Even though she was well aware of who all the various Raikage’s had been, she doubted that even she could pick out pieces of them from the gathered bits of furniture and various accoutrements. There was a balcony off to one side of the room and two leather chairs in front of a large desk, a bookshelf and some filing cabinets. All the usual furnishings of a place of business. Not at all like the sleek and modern looking offices she’d had in Sunagakure, but this was at least apparently functional if not fashionable. There was a small cabinet off to one side that looked like it was rarely used but possibly contained a few bottles of alcohol, probably gifts given to the various owners of this office.

    Kara felt the soft weight of Shimiko’s hand on her shoulder, a metaphorical anchor to reality as she allowed her mind to wander where it would. She was barely cognizant of the fact that Shimiko had been angry when she’d first barged in, and she knew from her sudden change in demeanour that whatever she had to say would not be good. As a medical doctor she had adopted a similar temperament, bedside manner, in matters that needed a more delicate touch.  She heard the names of those responsible for. . . she couldn’t even think of it. Not yet. Akihiro Uchiha, Ikomiki Ōtsutsuki, and Hana Kaguya. She knew those names, and she would focus her golden eyes on Shimiko as she spoke them, a brief moment of hatred flashing through them as she burned those names into her memory. It was backwards, time was. Her usually linear thinking was compromised by the shattering of her heart, the shards of which pushed themselves in between rational thought. Each time she tried to make sense of what was happening a memory would make itself known; a smile or a touch, a gentle laugh or devilish smirk.

    She could feel a flush of anguish spread over her as she fought to stay calm, to stay composed and dignified. All she had, all she’d ever had was her cool and composed exterior and her sharp wit. And right now she was struggling to hold on to either. The stinging in her eyes and the lump of grief in her throat didn’t feel like enough, the small physical reactions her body was displaying in response to Shimiko’s words were inadequate to match the spiralling feeling of having her world swept away in two simple sentences.

    ...Damien Darkh was killed in a terrorist attack on Moonspire. . . I-I'm sorry but he's gone.

    She couldn’t believe it, didn’t want to. She’d known since the moment Seigi had told her, somewhere in the back of mind she had known. She had tried to rationalize events, to find logical reasons to ignore what she knew in her heart to be true. She’d managed to do it reasonably successfully up until now. Seigi hadn’t been certain and without anyone else to confirm her suspicions aloud she had been granted the power of hope. It almost made her sick to think of the word ‘hope’. Hope was a lie given to those without power to sedate them into thinking they could gain power, to quiet their complaints, to patronize them. She had never before had it and had known better than to allow herself to feel it, but knowing something did not wisdom make. With Damien she had allowed herself to feel and she had never anticipated that she would also be opening herself up to feeling grief alongside love.

    “Please, no. . .”

    The words were softly spoken, as though Kara was pleading for this to be a lie. Silent tears began to fall from her eyes, the physical act of speaking seemingly the catalyst for her sorrow to manifest itself. She trembled as she continued the charade of composure, her remaining hand coming up and gripping the blonde ANBU Captain’s arm. Her grip was tight, though for her that would feel less than impressive, Kara was physically quite weak. Kara would take a few deep breaths as she looked at Shimiko, exhaling intentionally through mostly closed lips and focusing on the woman’s features. “Please tell me you’re joking. Or lying. I can’t. . . please not yet.” She barely had any control over her voice and it cracked again as she spoke, she knew she should stop talking until she could form full sentences. But the dam that held back her heartache burst as she said ‘not yet’. “He can’t be dead, he just can’t be. I’m here and he’s supposed to be here, alive and well. This wasn’t what was supposed to happen. Why would they do this? WHY?!

    Her last word was spoken with fury, she couldn’t understand it and the fact that someone had murdered Damien filled her with rage. She didn’t expect an answer, she wasn’t asking Shimiko for the rationale behind the attack, it was simply all she could think to say to an uncaring and unforgiving universe. A cruel and spiteful place that cared not at all for those it housed. Kara stood still gripping onto the arm of the woman unfortunately forced to deliver the news of Damien’s untimely death. Anger and sorrow in equal parts twisted Kara’s features as she trembled with rage. She wanted to scream, she wanted to punish those responsible in a million horrible ways. To make them suffer as long as she had the will to keep them alive, which with her medical knowledge would be indefinitely. “I want them to suffer for this. I want them to know my pain. Intimately.” She hadn’t been able to defend herself from a single shinobi who had just woken up from a coma, so in the back of her mind she knew that she didn’t have the strength to exact revenge on the three monsters responsible. But at that moment she didn’t care, all she wanted was for the world to know the agony of her heart and to endure her misery. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here, my love. . .” Her eyes would close as she quietly spoke to him, foolishly hoping yet again. Hoping that somehow he would be able to hear her.

    Darhk Enlightenment 4J1yre2

    Mistress Kara:
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:32 pm

    There was no question. The two had been an item. Shimiko remained silent as Kara processed the brutal reality of Damien's passing. She did not drown out the woman's sorrows with platitudes and niceties. The raw emotion of loss was something that she deserved to express on her own accord. At first there was the denial, the refusal to accept what was factually true. When Kara gripped Shimiko's arm, the ANBU Captain did not shy away from her. She kept her hand and arm right where it was. Ordinarily, she would never let someone touch her in such a manner but she could tell that Kara posed no threat to her and most importantly, this was a critical means of coping with the trauma. When the Mistress asked, no pleaded, that this be a ruse Shimiko only gave a single shake of the head. There was nothing more that needed to be said or explained. It was a rhetorical question borne of grief. Shimiko had known that emotion had known it rather recently but Kara had was more fortunate than she realized. Kara's anger was directed towards identifiable targets. Shimiko could only blame Hakkin a celestial being and force of power against whom she could take little or no direct revenge. It was like being angry againast a force of nature. He had called Ryuko away from here and there was nothing she could do. Kara had the luxury of being able to exact revenge against flesh and blood and Shimiko had every intention of assisting her in doing so.

    When Kara said she wanted the exact same thing. Shimiko gave the slightest of grins. She shifted her eyes into that of the Ketsuyrgan and spoke to Kara with a level of sincerity that only her true family would know.

    "I can't bring him back....but as Jashin as my witness I can give you that satisfaction. I can make them hurt in ways they can only imagine"


    Village : Kumogakure
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    Class: S
    Ryo: More than I need, less than I'd like

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Kara Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:34 am

    Kara was experiencing another emotion that she was unfamiliar with, and it was nearly as disturbing as the sorrow and grief that was overwhelming her; gratitude. The strong and silent presence of Shimiko while she floundered through her rage was oddly comforting. Kara was weak and not a threat to anyone, but intellectually she had yet to find her equal. Her willpower was without question and she could count on the fingers of her one remaining hand the number of times she had allowed her emotions to overtake her reasoning. Three times. This being the third, and she was reminded once again why she had intentionally closed herself off from attachments.

    She would open her eyes as Shimiko spoke and took in the sight of eyes as red as blood and a slight grin. Kara didn’t turn away from the obvious dojutsu, she knew the risks even without understanding the specific ones associated with Shimiko’s power. This woman had just sworn to aid her in her desire for retribution, and the sincerity with which she spoke left no room for doubt in Kara’s mind. The comment about Jashin gave her pause, she was not a religious or spiritual person, in fact she usually disregarded talk of gods and spirits as utter nonsense fueled by the hopeless and downtrodden. She had always imagined that it would be easy to latch onto the idea of some mystical higher power if you had nothing else to give you strength. But standing before her was one of the strongest people she’d personally met, most likely only rivaled by Nozomi. And Shimiko spoke of gods. It made her eyebrow raise ever so slightly in curiosity. A subject for a less tumultuous time.

    Her curiosity was swept aside by the promise of pain for those responsible for Damien’s murder, and Kara would grin wickedly in return. “Anything of mine is yours if it will aid you in ensuring those barbarians reap what they have sown. With the notable exception of my right arm, that has already been claimed.” She laughed darkly as she spoke, her anger and bitterness temporarily squashing the grief and providing an outlet for her emotions that wasn’t quite as painful as tears. “How do we start?” Kara was eager to begin, to focus all of her energy into something that was external, that drew her focus away from the morbid ruminations of ‘what ifs’.

    Darhk Enlightenment 4J1yre2

    Mistress Kara:
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Mon Nov 23, 2020 9:17 pm

    Shimiko could see the hesitation in her eyes when she mentioned Jashin. Most people were adverse to the death God and she wouldn't have been surprised if Kara recoiled in horror. But she trusted that Kara's appetite for revenge was greater than her fear of the unknown. When Shimiko saw the wicked grin that made its way across Kara's face, she knew that they were on the same page. Whether or not she shared Shimiko's faith was irrelevant. The most important thing right now was holding those who had murdered her love to account. Kara agreed to offer whatever services she could to assist Shimiko. She made a dark joke about her missing arm which caused the Jashinist to smile but behind it there was concern.

    She gestured to a nearby office couch and walked Kara over to it so they could sit down. Once settled in, Shimiko would address the elephant in the room.

    "Before we get into next steps...I'm sorry but I have to ask. What exactly happened to your arm? Who claimed it?" It couldn't have been the Moonspire Three, or at least that was fairly unlikely. Whoever was responsible for such mutilation might soon find themselves on her kill list. A documentation that was growing longer which each passing day of the war.


    Village : Kumogakure
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    Class: S
    Ryo: More than I need, less than I'd like

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Kara Fri Nov 27, 2020 6:49 pm

    Kara walked with Shimiko over to the couch and sat down, the act of sitting surprisingly more difficult than she remembered it being when she had two arms. It made her wonder about the limbs of humans and how necessary they were for balance, and in the back of her mind she filed away a future study idea on the subject. She made to smooth the wrinkles out of her skirt as she sat and grunted quietly in annoyance as her right hand did nothing. Of course it didn’t do anything, it was rotting somewhere in the desert, but she had felt it as she tried to move it.

    Kara would look up at Shimiko as she spoke, having been glaring angrily at the spot her right hand should have been. A dark look crossed her face before she burst out in laughter. “My arm, yes. As irritating as it is, it’s hardly been a thought since I arrived in Kumogakure. Who claimed it? Well that’s complicated. Technically no one since I’m fairly certain it was just an unfortunate casualty in a poorly executed wind jutsu.” She really did feel that it was an accident more than anything, she was very angry about losing the arm of course, but she could hardly fault Ei for not aiming. It was the only way Kara made it through every day, deciding not to blame the incompetent for their incompetence. And compared to her, most people were incompetent.

    “Ei Kanagawa took it. There was a bit of a. . . disagreement over a hat. I had intended to make it civil though some people jump to violence at the slightest provocation. Being told said hat didn’t match her outfit was apparently enough to provoke her. In actuality I may not have been sitting here at all were it not for the timely intervention of Nozomi Himitsu and her entourage and one of your Jounin. Never got the man’s name actually, but he was the one who allowed me entry to the village. Tall fellow, white hair, one dead eye, wears a fox mask. True heroes in my eyes, between the both of them I arrived here in mostly one piece.” Kara was speaking of Seigi, though the man had been quite careful to hide his identity from her. Were she less distracted she might have been able to put that together in a short span of time, but as it was she considered it a success to have remembered to wear clothing.

    Darhk Enlightenment 4J1yre2

    Mistress Kara:
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Nov 27, 2020 7:46 pm

    When Kara answered her question by blaming the maiming on a "poorly executed wind jutsu", Shimiko had to keep from glaring at her angrily. Now wasn't the time to lie. She was taking time out of her busy day to help Kara and in order to do that she needed a complete understanding of the girl's situation. If she wasn't forthcoming then Shimiko was risking her reputation going in halfcocked. Fortunately, the bitter truth spilled forth before she had a chance to give a reaction.

    Ei Kanagawa?

    The name rang a bell. She had heard about a new Kazekage but had dismissed it as unimportant to the current war. Suna could barely stand on its hindlegs and so any leader that they had was probably inconsequential. As Kara began to speak though, Shimiko found herself re-evaluating that assumption. The two had fought over the Kazekage position but it was Ei who had first resorted to violence. Shimiko scoffed. A short tempered woman who didn't like to be slighted when it came to power. It sounded familiar enough to make her uncomfortable. Any amusement she felt evaporated when Kara named her arch-enemy as her savior. This meant that Seigi had been in contact with Nozomi. She'd need to speak with him right away.

    Within the week won't do....I need him here now!

    Shimiko despised Nozomi and she had made it her personal mission to eliminate the Nuke-Nin.

    "Nozomi?" Shimiko growled. A sound that came off more like a Honey Badger's hiss than a menacing utterance. Shimiko looked Kara in the eye with her Dojutsu and gave a specific order:

    "I need you to tell me as much as you can about this encounter. From start to finish. Leave nothing out. You're smart, I don't want to have to ask follow-up questions. Go."

    Shimiko's entire demeanor had shifted. She had been concerned and sympathetic moments prior, but now there was nothing but hatred in her eyes. Nozomi's decision to save Kara was objectively an act of good but the Jashinist could not see past her own enmity. If Nozomi was skulking around the Wind Country she needed to know with who and why. The conversation was no longer about how to help Kara, it was about how to hurt Nozomi.


    Village : Kumogakure
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    Skills & Elements: Fuuton, Doton, Jiton, Chemistry, Iryojutsu, Engineering, Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Fuuinjutsu, Ninjutsu, Kugutsu, Genjutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: More than I need, less than I'd like

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Kara Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:44 am

    The drastic change in Shimiko’s mood was noted and Kara would react accordingly. She had become more cavalier over the last few days about her own physical safety, but she was still more than smart enough to hold on to her survival instinct. Even if it was unconscious. Losing her arm had been incredibly unpleasant and she was in no hurry to experience any more injuries. From the hatred plainly evident in Shimiko’s eyes Kara eschewed her usual arrogance and deep loathing of being ordered around by anyone and sat up a bit straighter, adopting a serious tone in her voice. She refused to lower her gaze however, even as Shimiko activated her dojutsu. Kara was intelligent enough to understand the danger that holding eye contact presented, though her ego wouldn’t allow her to back down. It was probably that same ego that cost her an arm in Sunagakure.

    She could see that mentioning Nozomi had been a mistake, she couldn’t have known of course, but she was now trying to find the least offensive way of having to speak of the woman while the blonde in front of her was most likely plotting some sort of murder. “Ei Kanagawa was attempting to assume leadership of Sunagakure and I happened upon her in the act. I was the advisor to the previous Kazekage until his disappearance, so being in that office was a habit and quite usual. I had no intention of actually stopping her, though despite my words and actions to ensure that was understood she reacted violently and with little apparent provocation. I would most assuredly have been killed through the use of her Scorch release if Nozomi had not arrived at that moment. What she was doing in the area I do not know, though her timing was impeccable. From Ei’s words though it may not be a stretch to infer that she was expected.

    Kara recalled exactly what Ei had said when Nozomi first arrived. “On first seeing Nozomi Ei said, “I was hoping to have a bit of time to prepare before speaking with you.” So either Ei had requested her presence, or word had been sent at some point that indicated Nozomi would arrive. Friendly or not, I could not say for certain. Honestly Ei seemed less stable in that moment than reports of her work suggested she was normally. Though the last words I heard Ei speak implied perhaps some sort of partnership or arrangement? “There’s a lot that needs to be said now, from a position of equals, between Sunagakure no Sato and the The Enlightened Society of Rebirth and Reordering ”

    Nozomi had with her three well armed companions who were directly responsible for safely removing me from the immediate area after Temporary Paralysis was used on me by Ei. They also took orders to do so directly from Nozomi and without question or hesitation. I’m afraid that I did not personally view much of the following exchange as I was removed from sight, though before I left I did see something quite astounding. It appears that Nozomi is a Jinchuuriki, of which Bijuu I have no way of knowing. The ‘poorly executed wind jutsu’ was Beast Tearing Gale Palm, activated by Ei. I only barely had enough time to get two words out before it destroyed the hallway where myself and Nozomi’s three companions stood, and fortunately avoid any of us dying. My arm was not so fortunate and was severed as I fled the building. I’m a doctor not a combatant, and so leaving the area seemed the safest for everyone involved.”
    The part she left out was anything to do with Shiro. She was rather fond of him, and while she worried about his well being, she also knew him to be resourceful and impressively hard to get rid of. What she didn’t want was any undue attention being drawn to him that may place him in further dangerous situations. It also seemed unlikely that Shimiko was the least bit interested in the bid for power by a preteen in the Land of Wind.

    She would pause briefly as the memory of that day came rushing back. This was not something that had happened in the far distant past. It was mere days ago, and her tolerance for physical trauma had fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you looked at it, never been developed. “It was upon my attempt to exit the village that I met the Kumo-nin I spoke of. He had been sent to retrieve me by none other than Damien Darhk, who I learned at the time was unaccounted for due to the attack on Moonspire. While he healed my arm I was also informed that I may be targeted next, and having no reason to doubt Damien’s word I have been careful since. As careful as one can be when so little was known of what the attack was for or who had carried it out. I fear now that my efforts at subtlety were sorely lacking given the identities of the terrorists. We made haste to gather my belongings and came directly here, spending little time resting on our journey. As I’m sure you could see, returning here expeditiously was my main concern. I had held onto the foolish hope that he was missing and not. . .”

    She let her sentence die. She was too raw to say the words aloud still, and she knew that it did not bear repeating. Clearing her throat briefly she would summarize her thoughts on the happenings in Sunagakure, hoping that it would be enough to calm the woman who sat beside her. “After leaving the Wind Dome I did not see Ei or Nozomi again. My instincts tell me that they both must still be alive, I have heard nothing to the contrary and I hear many things. Given the power that was displayed with what little I observed, they would have likely killed each other, or come to some other arrangement, though that is merely conjecture on my part. I made it safely out of that cursed village obviously, though I did lie about where I was going and why when speaking with the guards. I indicated that I was headed to Kirigakure for medical treatment. I suppose it wouldn’t take a genius to put all the pieces together eventually about my destination, though that is only relevant if I am indeed being targeted as was suspected.”

    Having given all of the information that she assumed was relevant, Kara would sit quietly while still holding Shimiko’s gaze. She had divulged a good deal more information than she was entirely comfortable with, though normally she didn’t have people insist on quite so much. Kara was undoubtedly arrogant, but she was not yet suicidal, and if giving up intel would keep her out of harm's way then it was an acceptable price to be allowed to live out one more miserable day.

    Darhk Enlightenment 4J1yre2

    Mistress Kara:
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

    Posts : 2318
    Join date : 2017-09-21

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:04 pm

    The shift in Shimiko's personality had triggered a mirror reaction in Kara's. As Shimiko's aggression towards the blonde became obvious Kara was suddenly on guard. The woman didn't look away which showed strength but she did comply with Shimiko's request and give a full accounting of what had transpired. Shimiko listened quietly as Kara gave the full story of the battle for Sunagakure. Apparently this Ei Kanagawa woman had tried to take the proverbial throne and wasn't keen on any backchat. Shimiko didn't know who the previous Kazekage was or who this Scorch woman was but she planned on finding out. Shimiko squinted when Kara further elaborated that the two shinobi knew each other. The bit about Nozomi being a jinchurikki wasn't surprising as she had witnessed her power first-hand, however, if she was using it against Ei then it must mean that the Fuji was strong.

    Shimiko had had her doubts about the Sand Village. The nation had been fraught with chaos for years and now suddenly was semi-functional. Ordinarily a stabilizing force like that would be the work of an external third-party. Shimiko had speculated that it was Okane but now she could plainly see that that was now the case. The Society was either bankrolling Suna or they were in talks to begin such an arrangement. That didn't explain why Nozomi had saved Kara. Shimiko knew that the girl was fond of dramatic displays of self-professed altruism and so she surmised that it was probably some ego-stroking move. It didn't explain why these two partners or would-be partners were at odds over Kara living or dying. Maybe Ei was crazy but Shimiko had a different theory.

    Okane was by far the biggest arms dealer on the planet but prior to his death Damien threatened to overtake him. Shimiko's working theory was that Okane wanted Damien's lover out of Suna as she was potentially a threat to his base of operations there. He had partnered with Ei to execute this plan and the Scorch Witch had opted to use the squabble as an excuse to get rid of her. It was a rough theory but it was the best she had for the moment. Given the timing of the attempt on Kara's life, it was also possible that Ei was working for Mockingbird or even more disturbing, Okane had hired Mockingbird to attempt a pincer takeout of his commercial rivals. The conspiracy was wild but possible. The alternative was that Ei was simply insane.

    Shimiko listened as Kara then explained that she had then gotten into contact with Seigi who informed her of the assault on Moonspire and then escorted her to Kumo. The Chinoike's expression softened as the subject of Damien's untimely demise was brought back up. She knew that it wasn't easy to talk about but she did need to find out as much as she could about this event. She was amazed at how Kara had never broken eye contact. She had to know that eye contact with a Dojutsu was risky so that meant either she was stupidly stubborn, had a counter, or wanted Shimiko to mind read her so that she could confirm that she was being told the truth. Given the twists and turns of her story, it could have been any of the three. Shimiko didn't activate any Genjutsu though. Instead, she blinked once and processed the information. She then asked:

    "Okane's Stag Emporium was based in Sunagakure. Was there any rivalry between you and Damien and his operation? Do you have any reason to suspect that he was behind Ei's sudden rise to power? What was Ei's background in the village? How close was she to the center of power prior to her claim of Kazekage? What you've said so far is extraordinarily helpful and I'm sure you'd want to give me a complete and accurate picture of the situation so I can best help you...."

    Shimiko needed Kara to understand that leaving things out would be bad for her desire for revenge and her long-term health.

    "Is there any reason why Okane or Ei would want to target you?"


    Village : Kumogakure
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    Age : 32

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    Class: S
    Ryo: More than I need, less than I'd like

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Kara Fri Dec 18, 2020 1:16 pm

    Kara found herself slightly more relaxed as Shimiko’s demeanour softened once more. For a few minutes the tension had been palpable and she had wondered whether she had placed herself in yet another dangerous situation thoughtlessly. She had kept her eyes locked on Shimiko’s the whole time, and even now would only shift her gaze briefly to glance at the liquor cabinet across the room. She desperately needed a drink, which intellectually she knew was a weakness that she would have to address at some point in the future, for now though it was simply an easy way out of her ruminations.

    Her train of thought was halted as Shimiko began questioning her relationship with Okane Tomi. Until that precise moment Kara had not considered any ulterior motives for the dealings he had with him outside of the obvious; money. She now had to do the responsible thing and actually consider whether or not there was any merit to the ANBU Captain’s theories. With a sigh of resignation she would lower her gaze to her knees and lift herself off the couch, making her way to the bottles of alcohol. Picking up a bottle at random she would uncork it and pour a full glass of amber liquid, taking a healthy swallow and feeling her body relax as the liquid burned its way down her throat. If Shimiko stopped her before she moved she would instead answer the woman’s questions.

    “To be truthful Shimiko, I had not considered the possibility that anyone might actually plot against me. While I consider myself to be an indispensable member of the academic community, most I interact with are simply not aware enough to value what I have to offer.” Taking another long drink she would pause and refill her glass before making her way back to the couch to sit. “In Sunagakure I was originally part of Okane’s organization, The Stag Emporium. His second in command if you will. We liked each other about as much as you would expect for two competing business people. We liked each other’s money, but as far as I was aware there was no underlying animosity. We were polite and civil, friends even, in as much as that was possible. As for Ei’s sudden rise to power. . . I feel that may have been more happenstance than anything. Her position in the village was, to my knowledge, jounin. She had been part of establishing an alliance with Kirigakure, but I had never met her in person before the day I lost my arm. Although. . .”

    The wheels were turning in Kara’s head as she took another drink, not bothering to actually enjoy the taste of the alcohol. She wasn’t drinking it to enjoy it. The connections were there, and she should have been giving it more thought ever since Seigi told her that she was likely the next target, but she had been otherwise occupied. If there was a conspiracy, she would discover it and make those responsible pay dearly for their impudence. “Azuma Asakaze was the Kazekage during a good portion of my stay in Suna. Before that it was. . . Yami? I never met the man, and I suppose it’s not entirely relevant. Though just like every Kazekage before him, Azuma abandoned his post and his people. Not before entering into what I believe to have been a sincere romantic relationship with Ei Kanagawa. What I find interesting about this is that Azuma’s rise to power was after the ‘mysterious’ disappearance of the Kage, and then Ei’s seizure of that same power came after Azuma’s equally mysterious disappearance. It does make one wonder about the relationship the three of them may have had. It’s all too convenient. And on the subject of Okane, when he first arrived in Sunagakure he held a meeting with this ‘Yami’ who loaned him a not small amount of ryo to establish himself in the desert city. I pored over those books myself, and Sunagakure was not solvent enough to afford that kind of. . . generosity.”

    This was a lot, too much in fact for it to be mere coincidence. She didn’t like the idea that Okane may have betrayed her or Damien, and that Azuma and Ei might have done the same. But there were too many connecting events for her to ignore. Anger flared in her once more as the possibilities flowed through her mind in rapid succession, her rage fueled by the alcohol she consumed. Her cold and calculating demeanour had returned in the face of a mystery to be solved, and in a way Kara found it comforting. “I was warned that I may be targeted next. I ignored that warning as perhaps emotionally charged overprotectiveness. However you have raised several disturbing points. Before Damien’s untimely dea. . . before he passed, I was undoubtedly the most powerful businesswoman on the planet. That is not ego, merely a verifiable fact. My influence is subtle, however it was undeniable. I held full control of both my own company Lunari Enterprises, and also of Damien’s. As I’m sure you are aware, power is not always held by those with the strongest hands.” She smirked as she finished her drink, holding the empty glass on her lap and spinning it idly in her hand. “Now though, I must merge the two companies and unfortunately take a loss as a result, effectively putting me on par with Okane once more. I suppose it is believable that he may have sought to ensure his own position through some sort of deal. Though I find it odd that he wouldn’t have simply tried to form an alliance, since ultimately that would have been more profitable. No, I think it doesn’t make enough sense for Okane to have played a part in Damien’s demise. In mine though, perhaps. As you can see I wasn’t killed, however what I assumed to be a lack of skill on the part of Ei, may have been a targeted attempt to hinder my own skill and potential.”

    She did not trust Shimiko. Not in the way that people usually used that word. When people spoke of ‘trust’ what they actually meant was that they believed the person wouldn’t do anything to harm them and also had their best interests at heart. Kara did trust Shimiko, in the way the word was meant to be used. She had an idea based on observable and provable facts, of how Shimiko would behave towards her. Shimiko was the ANBU Captain of Kumogakure, arguably one of the most accomplished shinobi in the known world, and was a Jashinist zealot. As much as Kara did not approve of religious or spiritual endeavours, she did recognize how dangerous the belief in a higher power could make a person. Kara absolutely believed that Shimiko was capable of and willing to harm her. She had no illusions about being somehow immune from anyone’s wrath or violence, not since Sunagakure. And with that in mind her next comments were spoken with care and her gaze returned to match Shimiko’s out of respect.

    “There are two other reasons I could imagine that Ei specifically may have targeted me. Both are unlikely in my opinion, however in the interest of transparency in the hopes that I may stay alive a while longer through your benevolence I feel I should divulge them. As I mentioned, Ei and Azuma were, to my knowledge, in some sort of romantic relationship. With the disappearance of Ei, Azuma was understandably heartbroken. So I stepped in to offer. . . ‘comfort’. A dalliance and nothing more, though if she were the jealous type it may have caused her some offence, as ridiculous as that is. That seems unlikely however she was unbalanced, so it’s possible. The second reason, and this is pure conjecture based on a few things she said, is that she may have believed that I was a criminal. She mentioned the word at least once in reference to the ‘current leadership’ which I suppose would have been me. And at risk of being branded such in the village I hope to make my home now, she was not wrong. She couldn’t have known, there’s simply no way she could have. However my skills lend themselves to less savory endeavours and as such I grew to a fairly reputable standing within Sunagakure.” Kara would not go into further detail about her criminal dealings unless requested to, and she hoped she wasn’t about to be arrested. It wouldn’t surprise her, but it would be inconvenient. Her black market dealings had been what had kept her alive in the desert village and even if it had only been for pure profit, she wouldn’t have had any moral compunctions. She had always been a chemist and chemistry was something that unsavory people were willing to go to great lengths and pay ridiculous sums of money to acquire. To her it was the same as crafting blades, once any of her creations left her hands, she didn’t bother to consider what someone might do with them.

    Darhk Enlightenment 4J1yre2

    Mistress Kara:
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Sat Dec 26, 2020 8:57 pm

    Shimiko could tell from Kara's expression that her theory was both an unconsidered and unwelcome idea. It was her job as ANBU Captain to explore all the angles no matter how unpleasant or unlikely. It had less to do with intelligence and more to do with her trade at that point. When Kara got off the couch and made a beeline for the liquor cabinet, Shimiko furrowed her brow in annoyance. Does this girl not have any manners? The truth, however, was not that Shimiko was mad that Kara was going for a drink. It was understandable given the fact that she had just learned of her lover's death not mere minutes ago. The real reason that Shimiko was agitated was that she was impatient to learn more about what was going on in Suna. She couldn't plan an effective attack against Nozomi if she didn't have a clear understanding of the political state of play in that part of the world. Every second that Kara waited to tell her what she wanted to know was like an angonizing splinter in her mind, such was the depth of Shimiko's obsession with Nozomi. She needed to best the blonde at every corner and Kara had just provided a new path to finally confronting her long time enemy.

    Shimiko tried to suppress her annoyance but it was clear from her body language she was eager for Kara to continue. After what felt like an eternity, Kara downed the drink and kept talking. Apparently Kara used to work for Okane and the two were close business associates. Kara did not seem to suspect ill will from him and even more puzzling was that Ei really did seem to come out of nowhere. The woman had been a random Jounin before ascending to the highest office in the land. Shimiko was about to drop that theory when Kara pressed on. Apparently the last Kazekage had entered into a romantic relationship with Ei. Even more curious was Azuma's predecessor Yami. This Yami individual had provided the seed money for the Stag Emporium which led Shimiko to beleive that they were the stabilizing force that had allowed the Sand village to rise again after several years of chaos. She wanted to find out who this Yami was but given the way Kazekage tended to disappear, she doubted she'd ever be able to track him down. She did have a couple of leads though so Kara was proving to be quite the valuable informant. Shimiko cursed herself for not pressing one of Okane's agents when they had brought her the Badger's Claws. For a crafter of his caliber to make Suna his home meant that Yami's organization had to be quite powerful.

    The Society? Mockingbird? Someone else?

    Kara mused that given how things have turned out it was possible that Okane had a hand in her maiming although she ruled out him wanting her dead. Shimiko found herself agreeing with the one-armed mistress. Okane's reputation was stellar. He was a fair dealer, an honest tradesman, and he had provided a space for neutrality during the war. It was hard for her to imagine him jeopardizing his hard earned reputation for a half-baked maim job. If he wanted her dead, he'd have tried harder and if he wanted to make serious money he'd just have teamed up with her. Shimiko wasn't prepared to let him off the hook but she was willing to keep him off her hit-list....for now. Kara gave her own opinion as to why she had been targeted. She did so in the interest of not provoking Shimiko which showed that she was an intelligent and prudent woman. The first reason was a matter of romantic rivalry. Apparently Ei had dropped off the radar for some period of time and in that interval Kara had "comforted" Azuma. Shimiko did not know if she was with with Damien at that time although ultimately it wouldn't have mattered. Jashinism was a permissive religion and Shimiko was a beleiver in free love. Besides, Kara didn't seem to think jealousy was at play here. The second reason was that Kara had contacts with the criminal underworld, a fact that might have pissed the already unstable Ei off. Shimiko tilted her head to the side as she parsed the hidden meaning behind the crafter's words.

    The underworld hmmmm?

    Shimiko wasn't sure what to make of this. She wasn't a fan of criminality and here Kara was admitting that she had ties to the black market. As ANBU she wasn't naive enough to believe that there weren't Kumo ninja with the same connections but there was something off-putting about a foreign immigrant admitting such ties. Shimiko decided to let it go. What Kara brought to the village was far more valuable than whatever dabblings she may have been guilty of. So long as she toed the line and didn't take things too far, Shimiko was willing to overlook that aspect of her history.

    "I see...either way.....she was stupid to chase you out of Sunagakure. As far as I can tell you are an intelligent woman whose skills in business and industry are only rivaled by Damien, Jashin rest his soul, and Okane. Suna is in desperate need of stabilizing forces and I imagine a mega-corporation would have been quite valuable to her. I don't care if its both of those reasons or neither. Ei is every bit as mad as the Kazekage that preceded her and if she's working with Nozomi then that makes her my enemy. Thank you for the information Kara...its been very helpful. And I just want to let you know...."

    Shimiko turned to the sitting mistress and embraced her. The tension and anger that she had expressed moments before were now gone. It was as if she was back to the warm nature she had first shown when trying to comfort Kara for her loss. You'd have thought she wasn't ready to torture the poor woman if she did not get the intelligence that she desired. Shimiko broke the hug and gave Kara a pleasant smile.

    "This is your home now. I wanted to know about your past in Suna so that I can help you secure your revenge....and mine. But ultimately, none of that matters. You are free to stay in Kumo as long as you like. I'll send someone over to explain to you the nation's laws and the duties of citizenship. If you feel comfortable staying here I will arrange permanent accommodations. The situation in Suna and with Damien's killers will be handled in due time. I'll be sure to provide you regular updates"

    The switch from killer Shimiko to mommy Shimiko was accentuated by the blinking away of the Ketsurygan. Kara would now be staring at a pair of inviting blue-green eyes.


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    Class: S
    Ryo: More than I need, less than I'd like

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Kara Mon Jan 11, 2021 2:46 pm

    A simple ‘I see’ was the only acknowledgement of Kara’s admittance to her criminal past. It was a relief and a surprise, and as Shimiko continued to speak Kara was equally surprised to learn that the copious amounts of alcohol she had consumed had dulled the pain associated with hearing Damien spoken of. That fact did not bode well for the future of her liver, but she was a brilliant doctor after all, surely there was no medical problem she couldn’t solve.

    Shimiko’s assessment of what was and what could have been in Sunagakure was fair. It wouldn’t have been surprising if the three greatest craftsmen in the world had formed a mega-corporation, it would have been incredibly profitable for all three of them. Now it was impossible though, thanks to the actions of a small group of mindless, stupid thugs. She sincerely doubted that the three imbeciles who had destroyed Moonspire, without a touch of strategy or class, would have thought of that as a potential outcome. No, Kara was convinced that while those three were malicious, they weren’t in any way possessing what she would consider the capacity for intelligent thought. She could feel her blood boiling once more as she thought of all the things she wanted to make them suffer through. She knew exactly how much pain a human body could withstand before it expired, and it was more than people thought. Everyone, especially those that resorted to violence to assert their will in a childish manner, thought they would somehow be immune to pain. They never were. No matter how tough they thought they were, no matter how decorated a Shinobi they may be, pain always won out. The art of it was not killing. And it just so happened that keeping people alive was Kara’s speciality. Keeping those three alive would be her life’s work.

    When Shimiko embraced her it was a shock, not only was Kara unused to physical intimacy with most people, she had been lost in thoughts of torture and retribution. At first touch Kara stiffened from the surprise of it, but quickly melted into the comforting embrace, her left arm allowing the empty glass in her lap to fall as she brought her arm up to hold the woman close. She could have stayed that way forever, eyes pressed shut as she struggled to control new tears that threatened to fall, lost in the safety of an embrace given by one of the most dangerous people she had ever met. All for the sake of sharing the burden of their respective losses.

    It would not last forever though, and as Shimiko released her Kara would sit back and daintily wipe at her eyes with her hand, returning the woman’s pleasant smile with a practiced one of her own. She felt no joy or happiness, it was simply muscle memory that allowed a warm and grateful smile to cross her features. She was moderately concerned about the intense switch in Shimiko’s demeanour. It meant to Kara that the blonde woman was far more dangerous than even she had assessed thus far. It also deepened her respect of the ANBU Captain, that type of emotional control was hard earned and something Kara practiced herself, something she could appreciate and understand.

    “Thank you Shimiko. I can understand your reasons for questioning me, and I’m not offended. I suspect I will be staying here for some time, for now I’ll find myself a nice hotel or the like. The offer of sending someone to help with understanding the nation’s laws is most appreciated, I’m sure they are at least partially different from what I was used to in Sunagakure. I might even remember some of them, I was born here.” With a chuckle she would lean forward and retrieve the empty glass that had fallen to her feet, the warmth of the alcohol continuing it’s magic as she spoke candidly. “Shimiko, please take this as a compliment, you are a frightening woman. And one that I very much admire having now met you in person.”

    Darhk Enlightenment 4J1yre2

    Mistress Kara:
    Shimiko Chinoike
    Shimiko Chinoike

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    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Shimiko Chinoike Fri Jan 15, 2021 8:14 pm

    Shimiko could sense the bloodlust and hatred emanating from Kara. It only served to further the bond between them. Shimiko's closest relationships had often (but not always) been forged between likeminded persons of carnage. Miyu, the Twins, even Seigi the elder brother who had originally been more bloodusted than she. They were all part of her family and they all knew how to make the wicked suffer. If Kara had the same spirit about her, then Shimiko knew she could trust this woman as more than just a comrade, but as a true friend.

    When the hug broke, Kara expressed genuine gratitude. Letting a foreigner stay in Kumo was an act of mercy and respect, the fact that Kara recognized this boded well for their relationship. When Kara mentioned "a hotel" twin pigtails shook vigorously in opposition to the idea.

    "A hotel? Absolutely not!" Shimiko said with a coy smile. "Please be my honored guest at Shimiko Tower. I have a vacancy as one of my old tenants recently left. I could have it tailored to your liking and you can live with me and my family. You'd have you're own floor of course. I think this is the best arrangement...grieving alone is dangerous...and I don't want you fighting this pain by yourself. Me, my Twins, and Seigi will be one floor above you if you need us."

    Shimiko's eyed the bottle of whiskey that Kara had drank from. It was an understandable act. She was in pain and she wanted to dull it. The blonde knew that feeling well and while her vice didn't involve substances, it was just as destructive if not exponentially more so. Ryuko had taught her that only love and understanding could heal wounds like that. She had also phrased her words like a command. If Kara fell deep into alcoholism and depression then she'd be useless to Kumogakure. Worse yet, she would not even be able to enjoy her vengeance. Can't have all my good work go to waste....  Shimiko helped Kara to her feet.

    "I'll take you over there myself. Let me just finish up some paperwork and we'll head out."

    Shimiko spent a few more hours cleaning out Ryuko's desk, ordering men to take sensitive intelligence out of the office in boxes to be stored in the Defense Coordination Center, and drawing up strategic plans for the war. Kara would be left to her own devices. She could explore the building or hang out in the office. However, if she drank too much then the bottle would be forcibly confiscated. Once this was done, she'd lock up the office and take Kara to her penthouse.

    "One rule though: No raiding my liquor cabinet. Some of that stuff is expensive and for special occasions.....oh and do you like shopping? I'm not sure what you were able to take with you but you deserve a complete wardrobe. Oh! Or maybe we can go to Ayano's? Their burgers are to die for!"

    Whatever the answer may be, the two would waltz out of the office and leave the cares of the military behind them. They had a city to enjoy.



    Village : Kumogakure
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    Skills & Elements: Fuuton, Doton, Jiton, Chemistry, Iryojutsu, Engineering, Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Fuuinjutsu, Ninjutsu, Kugutsu, Genjutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: More than I need, less than I'd like

    Darhk Enlightenment Empty Re: Darhk Enlightenment

    Post by Kara Sat Jan 23, 2021 1:49 pm

    Kara was surprised at the offer of a place to stay with Shimiko, though she did her best to conceal that surprise. Being the subject of charity was a strange concept for her, and she wasn’t sure yet how to process this new aspect of the ANBU Captain. With a gracious smile she would thank the blonde woman. “It is most appreciated, and I am more than willing to offer my services in return for your generosity.” She pointedly declined to comment on the reasoning behind the offer, that grief was best shared with others. She was still as yet unwilling to acknowledge anything other than her rage and hatred. Pain and sadness were easy to ignore given the appropriate outside stimuli, and that was what she intended to do.

    As Shimiko spent the next several hours going through the office and cleaning it out, Kara kept herself occupied with continuing to drink and playing the game ‘how much sensitive information can Kara garner without getting caught’. She didn’t much care what it was she was looking at, she doubted that the former Raikage had any secrets that she would find appalling. But focusing on that was easier than having to hear her own thoughts.

    Once Shimiko was done and posed her ‘one rule’, Kara was polite as always. Part of her bucked at the idea of someone telling her what to do, it was not something she had ever taken well. But she knew that fighting with what may be the only friend she had in all of Kumo now was not in her better interest. So she nodded in acquiescence, eager to move on from the subject and already making plans to drink elsewhere if need be. Her suggestion of shopping for a new wardrobe was a welcome one, she had barely had time to pack things when she had left Suna, and she’d just as soon burn the entirety of her desert wardrobe than be reminded of that place. “A new wardrobe sounds perfect Shimiko, my dear. I have little of my old one left.” She didn’t bother to explain that she didn’t eat meat - Shimiko would discover that eventually on her own.

    It was a grim day, and one that would forever be etched in Kara’s mind. Her mask was the only thing stopping her from falling apart. The mask of social niceties, of perfection in the face of tragedy. Ironically, being able to appear gracious and friendly while in such extreme distress was exactly what she had trained her whole life for. She had had a moment of weakness, but the alcohol had assisted with that. Now she followed Shimiko out into the city, a smile on her face and the echoes of vengeance left in her honey coloured eyes.  

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    Darhk Enlightenment 4J1yre2

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