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    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)


    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:52 am

    Tamwyn’s strong grip around her throat was maddeningly arousing and she held on with all her might as she hung suspended by her neck. Her body weight paired with Tamwyn’s hand was slowing the available oxygen and her breathing was shallow as she tried to hold herself up. The minor dizziness only added to her enjoyment as she felt her dress torn away and the snow begin to fall on her naked body. With the fabric from her dress now a discarded rag on the ground, there was no barrier between her back on the stones of the wall, every breath and twitch causing the jagged surface to etch deeper into her skin. Breathless and soft moans would escape her lips at every abrasion, punctuated by the sharp pain in her right shoulder as she grasped at Tamwyn’s wrist. She would bite her lip as she felt, more than saw, the lust crazed blonde man removed his combat pants. From how she was being held she couldn’t move much more than her eyes to look at her surroundings which turned out to be entirely unnecessary as his lips would meet hers and she returned his kiss passionately.

    She instinctively followed his silent commands, wrapping her legs around his waist and hips, supporting herself between him and the wall. She would remove her hands from his wrist as her legs found purchase against him, sliding her palms up his arms and onto his shoulders, her right hand intentionally brushing against the stab wound on his right shoulder to see how he would react. She would groan as she heard more footsteps approaching them, while she wanted to torment more music boxes she was busy, and malice hardened her gaze as she saw Tamwyn’s vicious grin and heard his order. Outstretching her arm she would turn it palm to the sky and raise it twice as columns of ice encased the ill timed guests. The ice was clear and would provide them with front row seats to the most nightmarish show on earth. Sayuri would throw her head back and laugh as she saw the looks of horror on their faces, a fierce blush spreading across her cheeks as she felt their eyes unable to look away from what they were witnessing. Two monsters entwined and possessed by the frenzy of their bloodlust, covered in blood and gore. She kept her eyes on her captives for a moment longer, moaning as she returned to kissing Tamwyn with renewed vigor, putting on a show for her audience both in her mind and in her columns of ice.

    Technique Trained:

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:05 am

    She would follow his guiding hands without a word, moving exactly as he wanted her to. Her slender legs wrapping around his waist and hips. Her hands would slide up his arms and onto his shoulders as they continued their lust filled endeavor. When one palm moved over his shoulder wound he momentarily winced but didn't otherwise stop. He simply wasn't into pain done to him like she was. When the sound of more footfalls came however she would groan in frustration. Apparently, she wanted this even more than she wanted to torture and murder. She would follow his orders and the two bandits who came around the corner would find themselves frozen in an ice prison that stretched from floor to ceiling. They would be forced to watch as Tamwyn and Sayuri continued to express their physical desires upon each other. The pillars would be situated in the hallway just perfectly enough that the spaces between would be too small for any to get through. Since the ice was clear though, they could see through the pillars of frost and watch the show as well. More did just that, arriving around the corner to find their comrades unwillingly blocking their way. They saw the two naked shinobi in their presence and stopped to gawk. Tamwyn ignored them, barely keeping enough senses to know of incoming weapons as he moved his hands to her back.

    He ran his hands down her pale back, gently scratching it before settling them upon her hips as he leaned her against the rock wall. His lips would leave hers and he'd lean his forehead upon hers. His brilliant yellow eyes locking onto her crystalline blue. Taking a hold of himself in one hand, he would guide himself towards her entrance. He would take a moment to rub himself along the outside, particularly targeting his companions clit for a few moments before moving to slowly slide himself inside of her. His breathing would hitch as he entered her, his breath still coming out in visible puffs due to the cold that was inherently around her. He'd never heard a woman taking the term 'hot and cold' quite so literally before until now. At this moment though he paused. She almost a foot shorter than him and even in his current lust filled state inherent instincts took over for a moment. Provided some sign to continue came he would begin to thrust himself into her, pinning her body to the wall and against his. He wouldn't move to kiss her again, muting her sounds would take away from the show after all.

    Instead he'd move his head to her left and begin to kiss up and down her collar bone, before biting a bit to cause minor pain. If she enjoyed it so much, then she'd have it. At the same time he'd take his left hand and run it up her right side, taking it's time before reaching the still bleeding stab wound in her shoulder and running his hand over it to stimulate the nervous system into sending more shocks of pain through it. Alternating pleasure and pain was the plan for this. She drove him over an edge today and he intended to drive her over one as well before this mission was done.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Outdated at this point

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:15 pm

    Sayuri was mildly disappointed that Tamwyn’s reaction to her hand grazing his wound was not one of pleasure. She had hoped that he would react more like she had and be invigorated by the delicious contrast of pain layered with pleasure. Her thoughts on the matter were short lived, her attention drawn to the men in the pillars she had created. There were more bandits trapped behind the icy prisons, helpless to do anything but watch. And watch they did. Their expressions were looks of horror and arousal, they physically could have averted their eyes if it weren’t for the dark and secret longing that hid in the hearts of all men. A captive audience indeed.

    Her gaze would return to Tamwyn as she felt his nails gently scratching down her back, sending shivers down her spine. Letting out a small whimper as her lips felt the absence of his, their foreheads touching; she would glare into his yellow eyes with a look of frustrated lust. Her carnal need was overwhelming and every pause caused her exquisite torturous bliss, her heart beating wildly in her chest. She would gasp as she felt him against her entrance, his massaging bringing sparks of pleasure that caused her to moan and clutch at him more eagerly. She groaned as she felt him enter her, and she would struggle to maintain eye contact as her body tried to accommodate him. Another pause and she would growl low and dangerously, her eyes filled with desire and her breath coming in shallow pants. Lowering her hands to the man’s hips she would curl her fingers into his flesh and whisper to him as her piercing gaze held his. “Just let it go.”

    Her soft growling would turn to satisfied wailing as he would thrust into her, her legs tightening against him as she tried to pull him further into her. She could feel her body building towards another climax with each thrust and touch he gave her, her senses heightened by her fury and bloodlust. As if on cue Tamwyn’s head would move to kiss and bite along her collarbone, evoking shrieks and moans of delight from the small woman as she writhed against him. To her pain and pleasure were the same, each delectable with their own flavour. His shaft within her, her core replete with a deeply pleasurable ache was a perfect compliment to the sharp burn as his fingers ran along the open and still bleeding wound on her right shoulder. She would scream with ecstasy as the pain shot straight from her shoulder to her center, her inner walls spasming and gripping tighter to the blonde man’s erection as her second orgasm shook her. She would gulp and pant as she tried to catch her breath, another soft growl coming from her blood stained lips and a hungry look in her eyes. “More” she would say as she moved her right hand to his left arm and tried to press it towards her wound to indicate she was pleased with the pain he had just inflicted.

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Tue Sep 15, 2020 8:24 pm

    Her eyes as their foreheads touches would be filled with nothing but carnal desire and lust and his would mirror the very same sentiment. The sound of her gasp, her clutching against him, her growls and panting, and finally her acts to hold him at the hips and tell to 'let it go' would drive him over an edge he hadn't realized was still there. Her reactions to his ministrations would drive him to want more, a frenzied need to drive her insane with lust and satisfied pleasure as she had nearly done to him with killing and torture. As he kissed and bit at her collarbone, eliciting shrieks of pleasure from her his hand would brush her wound on the shoulder and drive her insane. Her inner walls gripping tightly against him as she found her release a second time. She would fight to keep her breath and a soft growl and bloodstained lips would compliment the hungry look in her eyes as demanded more of the pain he had caused at her shoulder.

    Somewhere in his mind he would note that it seemed that pain and pleasure really were just one and the same for her. A low, almost feral growl would escape his lips as he readjusted his posture, setting her shoulder against the wall. He would pause his thrusting long enough to do this, prompting him to finish doing so quickly. When he was done he'd place his hand against the shoulder wound and press his weight against it. Pushing her shoulder against the wall to cause a constant and, for weaker constitutions, mind numbing pain. As he did would begin his thrusting into her again before finally deciding to claim her bloodied lips in another deep and passionate kiss. His right hand, his free hand, would sink it's nails into her back as her slowly dragged them across her lower back. They weren't long so he doubted they would draw blood but it didn't matter to him at that moment. Her pain was also pleasure for the woman and so he'd use it, like any other tool in a task, he'd use it.

    Minutes went by like this, him leaning against her wound to cause her maximum pain to the location, kissing her passionately, clawing her back, and thrusting as deep into her as he could. The knowledge that their captive audience could only look on in unwanted arousal and horror only spurned him on more and more. Every thrust, every moan, shirk, or gasp from her lips, every shuddering moment for her as she had found her release, was building up against him until finally he felt his coming. He'd break the kiss, and look into her eyes, his yellow eyes brilliantly bright as they met them before he held her fast against him, his member wrapped tightly in her inner walls as he felt his release take him. In a grown of pleasure he'd feel he'd instinctively lean harder against her wound and pull her tightly against him at the waist as wave after wave of pleasure rolled over him. Eight, nine second later, he'd pant against her, pinning her to the wall before moving to claim her lips in another passionate kiss for a few moments before setting her. The snowfall around them had continued and he could feel the chill in the air.

    This did nothing to effect him as he slowly regained his breathing, his lust and desire sated for now. He would look toward her, a small grin of pleasure yet to come on his features as he took a moment after finishing to regain his bearings on all else around him. Then he'd jerk his head toward their audience without his eyes leaving her features and spoke, his voice in a low, almost feral tone. "Shall we?" He would ask, his eyes alight with interest at the fun they would continue to have in the fort with the rest of the bandits.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Outdated at this point

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Fri Sep 18, 2020 12:26 am

    Sayuri could barely control herself at the best of times, her need for blood and pain was overwhelming and the slight brush of Tamwyn’s hand against her wound had utterly obliterated any sense of control she had left. Her wild and uncontained side would surface, the one no longer beholden to the laws and strictures of what was proper. Her world became a dripping red miasma of agony and rage and joy. As he shifted their position she would growl back at him, more dangerously than she had before. The moment was brief where he paused his thrusts into her but in her frenzy it was too long for her to take and she could feel her fury building. Just as her eyes would flick to the man’s exposed neck with deadly intent, Tamwyn’s hand pressed hard against her wounded shoulder and she would scream with lust and madness.

    Her whole body shook as waves of pleasure crashed through her again, this time though without relief as he didn’t release the pressure against her shoulder. The pain coursed through her whole form, a continuous undulating wave of ecstasy, keeping her falling off the edge over and over again. As his lips met hers again she would kiss him frantically, his nails digging into her back inspiring her to clutch at him harder as he drove himself deeply into her. She howled with pleasure a wild and menacing look in her eyes as they darted between Tamwyn’s and their victims held hostage in the hallway. Her noises were muffled by the passionate kiss the two monsters shared, but her screams still echoed throughout the ravine. She was near delirium as he broke their kiss and looked into her eyes. As he groaned and pulled her tightly against him by her waist a terrible smile would form on her red lips, until her own climax matched his with the increased pressure on her shoulder. Her muscles twitched and contracted as he held her there impaled, her inner walls tightening around him while she felt him pour into her deepest reaches.

    After what felt like an eternity he would press her into the wall and kiss her again, setting her down in the snow. Her pale face was flushed crimson as she slid to her knees, panting and trembling as pleasure continued to pulse through her. Taking one trembling hand she would reach to her hair and release it from its braid, letting her long blonde and blood stained locks fall around her shoulders. Raising her head towards Tamwyn she would smile wickedly again, and slowly push herself to her feet again using the wall to steady herself. As Tamwyn invited her to continue with their fun she would glance down at the discarded mass of fabric that was once her dress, and with a noncommittal shrug would ignore it and walk towards her pillars. Placing a bloody palm onto the rightmost pillar she would press her body against it and gently stroke her hand as though on the frozen bandit’s face. “Did you enjoy that? You should feel honoured to have borne witness before you die.” Leaning her cheek against the icy prison she would look towards Tamwyn with a satisfied smile, knocking her tiny hand on the thick ice. “Help me?”

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Fri Sep 18, 2020 1:24 am

    He would stand there in the corridor, naked, his member still erect and his breath fogging noticeably in the air at each breath. She would untie her braid and let her long blonde hair flow freely down into a mass of hair and blood. The sight still enticed him, he admittedly wanted to take her again. However they still had work to do. She would smile wickedly at him and he would return it, his grin feral and seemingly hungry. She would raise herself, using the wall as support. When he invited her to continue their hunt of their prey she would look toward her destroyed dress and shrug before walking forward and pressing her body against one of the pillars. The man frozen inside looked with what seemed like apprehension and fear.  Her hand would stroke the pillar as if she was stroking the man's face and her words sent a shiver down the yellow eyes Chunin's spine. Then she would proceed to rest her cheek against the prison and knock on it twice while looking toward him. Her request for help would be met with a nod. "Of course, I'll tear down both. Step aside." He would say politely.

    Cracking his knuckles, and assuming she moved aside, he would raise out both arms and simply dash at the pillars of the ice. The waiting bandits inside looked at him with horror as well as the ones behind the pillars who hadn't been able to get between the spaces in between them and the wall. He would impact both pillars with a resounding 'crash' and the prisons of ice would shatter and both men inside would fall to the ground, wet, shivering, and desperately afraid. Without a word Tamwyn picked one up, holding him by the back of the neck. The other one he would leave for Sayuri. He held is in the air before moving him over to the wall and pushing him against it hard. Then he turned his finger nails into claws with a low level ninjutsu and made an incision at the spine. He opened it wide enough to get his hand into. Then retracted the nails and proceeded to dig his hand into the man.

    The screaming began immediately. Tamwyn gripped the man's spine and with a short burst of movement used his other hand to crack it at the base, at the lower back. Then he began to pull, hard. The screaming continued and continued and got higher and higher until finally his screams peaked and with an absolutely bone chilling crack, and an almost 'slurping' sound Tamwyn would tear the man's spine out of his body. Of course, with it came ligaments, the skull, the ribs pierced the skin in multiple places trying to escape too. Needless to say the man died horribly and well before he'd actually gotten any more than the spine out. Holding onto the bone structure he'd toss at another of the bandits and walk toward him with a purpose. Blood and brain matter covered and leaked from the mass of bone and ligaments he tossed the man and the poor fool dropped his weapon and tried to catch it. The screams of madness began at about that moment and Tamwyn took a few moments to enjoy that.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Outdated at this point

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:08 am

    Sayuri would grin at Tamwyn’s polite reply to her request. Stepping to the side she would lean her back against the stone wall and laugh with glee as he charged forward and smashed both pillars, the ice shattering and falling to the ground around the two soaking wet and terrified men. She would move immediately to the man Tamwyn had left for her, standing behind him and curling her hand around the front of the man’s neck. “Sssssh, I want you to see.” She would whisper in his ear as she channeled hyoton into her hand and used the threat of her icy talons to guide his face towards the blonde man’s elaborate display. She kept the man’s eyes facing forward, using her other hand to prod his face back as he tried to turn away. As Tamwyn slowly pulled out the other man’s spine she found her own excitement rising beyond what she could control, and it was a few moments before she realized that her hand had been slowly squeezing the neck under her grip, her talons digging into soft flesh.

    She felt the hot blood across the back of her hand and would peer with confusion at it, not quite recognizing that she had caused it. Her first thought was that the man had somehow defied her, bled before she had allowed it, and in her rage she would curl her fingers inwards taking hold of his throat and using her claws would rip down and forward. For a brief moment there was a gurgling scream until there was silence and she would stand and drop the remains of his throat onto the ground beside his limp body. Extending her arm she would slowly drag her claws across the stone of the wall beside her as she moved forward, the eerie high pitched squeak of the sharp ice against stone echoing through the hallway until it was drowned out by the screams of horror from the onlookers.

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Fri Sep 25, 2020 4:26 am

    He would hear Sayuri's words to the man, telling him that she wanted him to look, to watch what Tamwyn did to his comrade and for some unseen reason she would kill the man suddenly by tearing out his throat, dropping it to the ground. It didn't matter in the end, they had plenty more to play with if they really wanted to. The pale haired, yellow eyed, Chunin stalked toward the man that had caught what was left of his comrade. The man had dropped it instantly, falling to his knees as Tamwyn moved up to him with a slow, measured step. They were sent here to exterminate them. They meant that no matter how much they begged, no matter how much they screamed, no one would be spared. No one could be, that was how the mission was given, and as a shinobi of Kumogakure, Tamwyn would have no choice but to show a good example to the Heavenly Emporium when it came to how willing his nation was in fulfilling their part of the shared duty toward the neutral zone.

    A part of Tamwyn retched at what he was doing. This was a part of the pale haired man that he had never let out. He knew he had the capability to become incredibly dark when it came to killing. To enjoy bringing death to his enemies was proof of that, however to take enjoyment out of causing those same enemies pain and suffering before doing so. Or to take pleasure in removing them in brutal ways was not a step he had ever foreseen him taking. He felt shaky internally, unstable. About the only reason he kept himself upright despite his desire to throw up was the knowledge that if he did, his mission partner would surely take advantage of it somehow. He doubted she could, or would kill him. But he didn't doubt she could make him wish she could or would without causing a single bit of harm to him.

    There was also the fact that since they were assigned this mission together and their villages were at war outside the emporium, snapping her neck like a toothpick and claiming she died during the mission would be met with suspicion at best. So while she couldn't risk harming or killing him. He couldn't do the same to her either. How much of this situation however, was due to the political ramifications if something happened? How much of that was justification for his actions? How much of him really enjoyed this? Had loved every moment of taking the blonde woman against the wall. How much of him had relished the visceral feel of exterminating these swine? Far too much of it for his taste. He found that he didn't like this aspect of himself. That he didn't want to be this individual. For now though, he needed to be it. For while he didn't think Sayuri would go insane on him and try to kill him. He also knew by now that she simply wasn't sane. It would be quite foolish to assume he could anticipate her probable actions in that light.

    So he would do this mission. He would eradicate these vermin in the most brutal and bloody ways he could think of. He would make this little psycho blonde girl happy to prevent a potential incident. Lord have mercy if that meant taking her again then he would do that too. However he knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that this mission, these actions, this day in general, would haunt him. He knew he would see pale hair, and sapphire blue eyes when he shouldn't be. He knew when he fought in the future he would have much more difficulty repressing his desires to kill. He knew, but in this light, with the potential political ramifications if the mission wasn't done, and one or both of them didn't come back safely, he didn't feel like he had an option anymore.

    Moving up to the man who was begging for his life. Tamwyn would stop before him, his brilliantly glowing yellow eyes looking down upon him. Then Tamwyn would reach out and grab the man's jaw. Then force his hands into the man's mouth, backs of his fingers touching each other while the fronts of them were against the man's teeth, and pulled, hard. The screaming would heighten in pitch again before a sickening crack would resound through the corridor and Tamwyn would toss the now viciously removed lower jaw of the man he'd just killed at his next comrade. This one wouldn't actually catch it, wouldn't even try. He wasn't quite that foolish, although he would be about to die regardless. Should Sayuri be watching, he was constantly leaving a pattern. He always tossed what he removed from his victims to his next target. Beyond that, all others could be hers to enjoy as she pleased.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Outdated at this point

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:29 pm

    Sayuri’s rage was momentary, it was quickly dissipated by the feeling of fresh blood on her skin and the confusion that she felt as she tried to figure out why it was there. Sayuri had killed before, but not like this, not for this long. What had started as simple bloodlust had swiftly progressed to all consuming madness. In her mind she spoke to Azrael, sending a flood of emotions and images. “My Angel, look what I have made.” She would gesture to the bandits that were trying to stand their ground amidst the chaos and horror. “This is for you, my love.” Being able to communicate with someone in her mind was still a relatively new skill for her and given her current frenzy she was unaware that her words were also spoken aloud.

    As she approached the waiting group, stark naked and covered in blood with her long blonde hair stained red she would laugh with delight. Her voice was high and sweet creating a discordant harmony with the spine chilling squeal of her claws against stone. “I will deliver their souls to you my Angel, punish them for their sins.” She would laugh again as her eyes frosted further making them appear white and crystalline as she outstretched her talonless hand and pointed to the remaining bandits in the room. “Go my children, tear them to pieces.” On command her remaining guardians who had been waiting for her to direct them would begin lumbering towards the huddled mass of terror.

    It would take some time before the ice forged guardians would make their way towards the group, owing to their size they needed to walk single file down the hallway. Sayuri would walk fearlessly towards the group, removing her claws from the wall and moving to circle behind the group. She grinned as she saw Tamwyn continue his pattern of tossing a body part from his latest victim to his next one. It was like the world's deadliest game of hot potato. She would raise her voice to the one with the now severed jaw at his feet, trying to catch his eye as she spoke to him. “You’re next little plaything. Or are you? You could save yourself, pass the turn to your friend. Just pick it up and give it to someone else.” She would point at the fallen lower jaw, a mock sympathetic smile on her angelic face. She had seen how Tamwyn had toyed with the woman outside, letting her believe she was free and might live. She fully expected something like that to happen again and she revelled in the torment that hope would cause.

    She didn’t make it behind the bandits. Her words had the desired effect, no one in their right mind would want to die as the jawless man had. As soon as she had given them a way to live, chaos broke loose. The man with the severed jaw at his feet would pick it up and toss it at the man beside him, who immediately caught it and threw it away from himself in disgust and panic. The next few moments were fascinating to the Ice Queen as she watched the men try to not be the first one to die horribly, all thoughts of standing together to defeat the two blood crazed shinobi gone in favour of self preservation. Her attention was focused on the evil game she had created and so she didn’t notice the closest bandit lunge for her knife in hand, putting himself behind the small woman and her between himself and Tamwyn. She didn’t fight back, she was not overly concerned with the small things threats, even if those threats were currently a knife aimed at her neck as he nearly screamed his demand at the tall blonde man. “You let us go! Or I’ll. . . I’ll kill her!” Sayuri would just look towards Tamwyn with eyes still filled with lust and a wicked smile on her lips. “Are you going to let him kill me?” She would ask seductively as she slowly snaked her ice clawed hand up her body towards her throat.

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Fri Oct 02, 2020 11:58 am

    Had she referred to him as her 'angel'? Her 'love'? A sudden chill went down his spine at the concept before he managed to reign in his sudden fear at the idea of her stalking him due to some love for him or something. She seemed to be talking to someone. Someone who wasn't here at that. Had she gone truly mad? Did she have an imaginary friend that she sacrificed people to as she took in the euphoric bliss of their torturous cries? He did not know and frankly it did not matter. Her ice golems tromped down the hallway toward the group of people she was going to slaughter and her voice rang out, taunting at the man whom he had thrown the torn out jaw to. Her voice carried throughout the corridors, echoing off of the walls as she spoke. Telling the man that if he passed the macabre game piece to another he might live a little longer. Of course Tamwyn and Sayuri both knew that none of them would leave alive. However these bandits didn't know that. They began a frantic game of hot potato, causing a massive scene and Tamwyn would pause to watch it happen for a time.

    Then one of those very same bandits would reach her, and put a knife to her throat. He was desperate, his eyes wild and crazed as he told the pale haired man to let them go or he'd kill her. Sayuri however would just look at Tamwyn with eyes of lust and insanity, a wicked smile on her features as she asked him if he was going to let him kill her. As she spoke she would slowly trail an ice claw up toward her throat. Her voice was a promise of more pleasure if he answered correctly. She seemed to be looking forward to the idea of being taken once more and he felt his chest heave with a deep breath and a sigh. Upon the exhalation he would move, and activate his lightning release armor at the same instant. To Sayuri's and the bandits eyes he would simply disappear. His blonde teammate would be staring at him with eyes full of carnal desire one moment, and then he would be gone.

    In the same instant a geyser of blood would explode next to her head. The bandit was tall enough that Sayuri's head was chest level with the man and he had held her near his right pectoral muscle. That made his heart an easy target for Tamwyn and when he appeared behind the man he plunged his arm through the man's chest. He grabbed the beating organ and continued the plunge and his arm ended up through and through the man. A massive fountain of blood exploding from his chest. The heart within Tamwyn's hands would still beat a few more times before it finally stopped. He felt the organ there, it's last few rhythmic beats would probably be akin to a bass drum next to Sayuri's ear. With a contemptuous motion he would throw the body aside, keeping hold of the heart with his left hand as he placed his right upon Sayuri's shoulder.

    He would throw the heart at one of the frenzied men and he'd catch it with a similarly wild eyed look before adding it to the hot potato game. Tamwyn however would be paying attention to something else. It had become quite clear before that Sayuri had an intense love of feeling and causing pain. It seemed to cause a reaction akin to a euphoric high regardless of if she dealt or received that pain. Tamwyn, with his unique talents in lightning, was therefore in an interesting situation with an experiment to try. So, while he had his right hand upon her shoulder, he would first speak, his words almost calm. "No, I'm not going to let him kill you.." He would say before he would activate a low level raiton technique. Nothing that would kill her or cause actual damage. However lightning would course through her body and as a result set off every, single nerve ending at the exact same time. If he could give her this, make her want it more, need it more, perhaps he could gain a semblance of control over her.

    As he held the technique he would speak, his mouth right next to her ear as he spoke to her, letting his hot breath trail down her ear canal to cause a teasing, tickling sensation. "This sensation is yours, and I can add it to the pleasure of our intimacy if you want..However I don't want an audience this time..So in order for us to enjoy ourselves.." He would pause there, ending the technique and suddenly stopping the pain Sayuri would've been feeling. "We have to finish exterminating the vermin.." He would say, trailing off and dangling the carrot in front of her. He was effectively winding her up, pointing her, and letting go. He wanted this killing, this slaughter to end already. Wanted to kill them and their leader. However a savage, primal part of him wanted her again, more than anything else and he had to fight himself to keep from laying claim upon her then and there. Now though, he wanted to see if his attempt at manipulation of the woman would work.

    A thought occurred to him however. If she knew she could get that sensation from him, provided it was indeed as intense and enjoyable for her as he thought. What would she do then? Would she take him then and there regardless of his stipulations? Would she want to take him home with her? Would she want to keep enjoying each other until she passed out cold, unable to continue? He honestly didn't know, and yet he knew he was about to find out and the very idea of it was mildly terrifying. However he kept his composure and watched her silently. Watched her naked, lithe, nubile form for any movements. Watched her facial expressions, especially during the use of the lightning technique and when he took it away. Watched her unbraided hair, now tangled and blood soaked. He felt the surge of desire to grip that hair, pull her backwards and kiss her, before letting it escalate further. He felt his blood pumping from the excitement of both the killing and the sex afterwards. All he would wait on was for her to give a sign that the games were over. Once she gave it, he would hit it like a wrecking ball.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
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    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
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    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

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    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Thu Oct 08, 2020 4:42 am

    Sayuri was not the least bit concerned that the bandit who held a knife to her throat was going to kill her. She was completely ignorant of the concept of her own mortality. She didn’t even have the discomfort of pain to remind her that she was not eternal. Pain was not a punishment for her, if anything it was her reward and as such she never shied away from it. She embraced it as another form of enjoying the world. The only thing that had ever caused the woman discomfort was being neglected. And somewhere throughout the last year or so she had begun making it impossible to ignore her, thereby negating the only unpleasant aspect of her existence.

    As before she blinked and Tamwyn was gone from her line of sight and just as quickly she felt a fresh warm spray of blood cover her naked form. She would turn her ear towards the pleasant last few beats of the bandit’s heart as Tamwyn plunged his hand through the man’s chest. It was one of the sweetest sounds she had ever heard and she would smile peacefully and close her eyes for a moment as she committed the song to memory. She would begin to hum a melody to compliment the reverberating bass tone of the slowly dying organ, her smile widening as she felt a hand on her right shoulder. The stab wound tingled with pleasure as she felt the pressure of his palm and she would shiver with delight, her eyes suddenly opening as she felt every single nerve in her body light up with electricity. The sudden onset of all encompassing pain made her groan loudly as her knees buckled and she sank to the ground.

    His hand would stay on her shoulder as she sat on the floor, his breath tickling her ear as he spoke his terms of their continued activities. The words echoed in her mind, punctuated by the pulsing agony of the raiton that flowed through her. If he had allowed it she would have sat that way forever, writhing in ecstasy under his hand as his commands caressed her ear. That was not to be though and as suddenly as her enjoyment had begun it would abruptly cease. She would fall forward, bracing herself with her palms on the ground and whip her head around with a look of absolute fury in her white frosted eyes. Her ruby red lips would curl into an enraged snarl and bared her teeth as he cut her off from the source of her pleasure.  She hadn’t considered until that moment that she might actually want to kill Tamwyn, but as she stared into his glowing yellow eyes she felt it with every fiber of her being. The only thing that stopped her was the promise he had given her. That he would continue as long as they killed everyone else.

    Sayuri was very good at taking direction, it was arguably her greatest skill, following commands without a second thought. With a bestial howl and in a single graceful movement she would rise and out stretch her claws towards Tamwyn’s throat as deadly spikes of ice formed all around her. The spikes that formed filled the room instantly, impaling the remaining bandits that were cowering in fear still trying to figure out if the game for the jaw might still let them live. She wanted to rip the blonde man's throat out, to feel his life expire beneath her grip as he choked on his own blood. But she also desperately wanted him to touch her again, to fill her with that same exquisite torment and she was horrifically torn between both desires. In the blink of an eye she saw that Tamwyn was no longer in the room with her and she would rush in the direction he’d gone and sink to her knees again as she realized she was blocked by her own ice, her hands gripping her temples underneath his hat that she still wore. Her breathing was labored as she fought to keep her self control, something she had long abandoned, her whimpers the only noises that came from the room after the last of the bandits expired around her.

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:27 am

    He gave his directions, his requirements for the pain and pleasure she had felt just now to continue. As the frost queen looked toward him, her eyes filled with rage and a bestial howl escaped her lips. He would smirk in an absolutely insufferable manner. Her arm outstretched toward him, but he was already long gone, down the hall and into the next room over as the spikes of ice ran rampant through the chamber. He would leave the vermin to her, and it appeared she had taken care of them with great haste. He had his own task to complete, those in the corridor with her were probably the last of the riffraff and now there was simply the leader himself. Or at least there should be. Either way Tamwyn moved from the corridor into the next room and found himself inside of a large underground hall, complete with torches, a long feasting table, and men sitting around it eating with a man sitting at the end in a large thrown like chair.

    Their arms and armor were rust spotted and poorly kept up with. Their demeanor were those of people who took what they wanted and damn the consequences. They turned toward him, their eyes taking in his naked lightning sheathed appearance. He was covered in blood, his eyes were alight with yellow light and his features sported a small smirk as he began to work on finishing the mission on hand. He moved like lightning, dashing between targets as he tore off their heads, ripped out their hearts, and electrocuted them savagely. The screams could be heard throughout the fort and as Tamwyn turn toward the final man, the leader of this ragtag group of miscreants, he would simply step up to him, poke him lightly in the forehead, and send enough lightning coursing through him to short his brain out completely. Not only that, but bolts of arcing lightning went through his brain, followed neural pathways and eradicated the man's eyes, leaving only fried out husks in their place. Death was quick, and Tamwyn threw the body across the hall where it landed against the wall with a sickening crack.

    Afterwards the pale haired man would sit in the throne, as if he owned it. His mission partner at this moment was quite erratic and would want him to return what he had taken away. Despite the fact that he was the one who had given it to her in the first place. He would have to project an air of confidence in order to keep her from expressing the desire to kill him immediately. He simply wasn't certain how such a confrontation would go for him. However either way with the state of war in the world such an act would not go over well with either village. They had to end this mission peacefully, or at least return to the Emporium together and with both of them unharmed beyond what might reasonable for the mission. So far, that hadn't been an issue, but if Sayuri didn't obtain what she wanted she probably try to kill him for keeping it from her. He realized he painted himself into a corner when he had sent the electrical pulse through her entire body, lighting off every nerve at once. Now he would have to deliver more of the sensation to her until he could safely disengage from her and disappear.

    So with an air of arrogant confidence, the Seraph of Lightning leaned back in the throne he had appropriated and took stock of what he saw. Corpses now riddled the halls and the corridor beyond was riddled with ice spears that seemed to tear deeply through the forts walls and into the surrounding earth. He doubted Sayuri was stupid or weak enough to be killed by her own technique so she was out there somewhere, either waiting for him to clear a path for her. As he had done before with the ice prisons, or simply biding her time before coming to him. He would await her patiently, hands steepled before him with his elbows on the arms of the throne like seat. It was really just a single carved piece of stone, but that didn't matter much. Now it would be a carved piece of stone that would be forgotten of in time.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
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    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:51 am

    Sayuri was beside herself, consumed with rage and desire and hatred. The smirk on Tamwyn’s face just before he had disappeared had fully ignited her anger and as she stood now in a room filled with ice spikes and impaled bodies she panted and growled her displeasure at the gore filled scene. She had also impaled her ice forged guardians, they hadn’t been fast enough to avoid the spikes, and while it didn’t hurt them she did feel bad and so dismissed them with a wave of her hand and watched as they burst into a flurry of snow and ice and fell in piles on the floor. She now had another predicament; she was now trapped inside the room with ice of her own making.

    Screaming bloody murder she clawed at the ice, trying to dig her way through the icy cage she had unwittingly crafted for herself. She was not nearly strong enough to force her way through the thick spikes and as small as she was there was no space big enough for her to climb her way through into the next room. Which she absolutely needed to get into. She couldn’t be sure which she wanted more once she found Tamwyn again, whether she wanted to kill him or fuck him. Or both. While she stood frantically trying to get out inspiration hit her as she looked at the body of an impaled and slowly bleeding out man. The ice went straight through him, but she was ice. At least in her twisted and broken mind. Standing nearest the large ice spike that fully blocked her from the hallway she would form a series of hand seals; Dog, Boar, Hare, Dragon and Ox, then place her palm against the spike and willed herself into it. Slowly she merged with the hyoton of her creation and pushed her way through the pillar. For a few moments all the world was ice, and the veil of the mundane fell away as she travelled. A strange peace enveloped her as she moved, the distorted view from inside the ice shielding her from her own distorted thoughts and desires.

    Taking a deep gasping breath she would push her way through to the other side, her lungs burning with the efforts of becoming one with the ice. It was easy to see where Tamwyn had gone, bodies were left in a haphazard trail all the way up the corridor and into a large room. She walked slowly, the peace she had felt while in the ice long since gone. Entering the large feasting hall she could see Tamwyn sitting on a throne, looking as arrogant as he had when she’d seen him last. There were bodies strewn everywhere and the sight and smell of such beauty made the blood rush to her cheeks. She would smile sweetly at the naked seraph and walk towards him as a predator would stalk his prey. “You left me.” It wasn’t a question, the tone of her voice made it sound as though she was admonishing him. “And you took something from me.” The same sweet smile still played on her red blood stained lips as she spoke and continued moving closer. She wanted him, badly. Her eyes were filled with lust and madness and as soon as she was within arms reach of him she would lunge at him, fully intent on making him suffer for what he had taken from her.

    [Trained: White Walker - B-Rank Custom 250/250]


    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

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    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Tue Oct 20, 2020 7:08 am

    As he waited patiently he would decide his next move. The best chance to diffuse this situation was to give her what she wanted. Without dying, that probably meant taking her physically again which to be fair, was certainly not the most unpleasant thing he had ever experienced. He would have to play things confidently though when she first arrived. Because based on how she had killed all of those men and women, she was going to be extremely angry when she got to him. Sure enough, when she entered, coming into the hall with her cheeks flushed she would smile at him sweetly. Yup, that was going to be anger alright. As she did she would begin to stalk forward like a predator on the hunt, speaking as she did. "I did, I took out the rest of the vermin too. Did you expect me not to do my part in giving you that intense feeling again?" He would ask, his head tilting to the side as if in curiosity. The question was designed to catch her off guard, to give her pause and hopefully cause her to think it through. Provided it did he would give her a small smile, almost coy in nature. "You can have it back now, my condition was met. The only question now is, where? Here?" He would ask, waving a hand encompassing the throne he sat upon. It was easily big enough for her to climb onto him in the seat and them to enjoy themselves there until she was passed out. "Or over there?" He would ask, pointing toward the edge of the table, where she could lay as he stood.

    Either or worked for him but giving her the option would get her mind off the thought of trying to kill him. Making her make a decision would cause her to consider, even if for only a moment. "Do take the claws off though my dear, I so enjoyed the warmth of your hands on me while we played before." He would say, his smile becoming into a small smirk. That would take away her most easily accessed weapons, at least temporarily. If he did what he did before, which was channel raiton chakra directly into her and lighting off every pain receptor at once she would soon black out from it all. The woman was crazy, and a sadomasochist. He could work with the latter part of that word and use it to his advantage to get both of them out of this situation alive. He didn't even think she realized the danger they were still in from her own personal madness. If she attacked him, he would have to defend himself and that could very well cause her death. If she was weaker than him than it could very easily lead to hers.

    This had to end well, with both of them returning to the Emporium alive and healthy. He could take her to a medical facility there if she was blacked out from what was hopefully going to come next. That would get her taken care of and more importantly put her in a situation where she couldn't risk killing anyone without raining hell down upon herself. More importantly, it would wash his hands clean of the entire matter and what she did for herself would remain upon her shoulders, not him. He honestly never thought he'd be in this situation. He needed to ensure that neither he nor Sayuri were killed, and get both of them back safely. Otherwise questions would be asked and the village that was found to have caused the problem would be ostracized by all others. Targeted directly even, not just because they were at war. But because whoever was discovered to be cause would be the cause of breaking the tenuous peace set up at the Heavenly Emporium. The only way he could guarantee that both of them got back safely? By taking her himself. The only way he could do that safely? With her not trying to kill him. The best way to ensure that didn't happen? By either assaulting her, which he would rather not do, lest he leave a mark and get some embarrassing questions asked. Or by going another 'round' with her and ensuring she didn't stay conscious through the experience. 'How in the hell did I get myself into this mess?' He would think to himself petulantly as he held his small smirk for her openly.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
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    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

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    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:03 am

    Sayuri was fully intent on ripping the man’s throat out, not that she was trying to hide it, but she would have been surprised if Tamwyn didn’t notice the murder in her eyes. As she spoke he replied to her and she would pause her forward advance, her resolve to remove his trachea briefly shaken. It hadn’t occurred to her that he had been telling her the truth earlier, that he had every intention of fulfilling his promise to her. She was so used to lies and excuses that she didn’t immediately accept the truth when it was presented to her. She continued to move forward, though this time with less homicidal intent, her curiosity piqued and even in her near feral state she was aware that if she killed him, he would never be able to follow through on his promise.

    “I was going to kill you.” She said it plainly as though she was also telling him the sky was blue. He had presented her with options, and that took a small amount of her focus away from him as she glanced at both proposed locations. She would growl quietly as she continued to approach, close enough to touch him, but instead she would lean her hands delicately on the arms of the throne a sinister look on her angelic face as he asked her to remove her claws. Climbing onto the throne with him with one leg on either side of his if he let her, she would balance on her knees and bring her clawed hand between them, rhythmically curling the claws so that they created a high pitched squeaking noise as they hit each other. “I was going to use these to rip your throat out. But that wouldn’t make very much sense. I definitely thought about it, though I suppose you are more fun to play with when you’re alive.  Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, so they say.” She would dismiss the claws and the ice would quickly dissipate from the tips of her fingers. Taking that same hand she would lean in and go to thread her fingers through his blonde and blood soaked hair. There was hunger in her icy eyes as she stared into his electric yellow ones.

    Her cheeks reddened more as she felt his skin against hers again, and she would lean in close to his ear and whisper her plea. “Here.” Her earlier fleeting desire to see him suffer was gone in the face of his arrogant smirk. Something about the man’s attitude had struck a chord with her nature and she found it nearly as appealing as the lightning he had coursed through her body. For her all pain was the same and it was deliciously pleasurable, even the mental anguish that came with the denial of it.

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

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    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Sat Oct 31, 2020 4:34 am

    As he spoke she would pause, considering his words. Her next statement would send a metaphorical shiver down his spine but it wouldn't show on his physical form. He would simply keep his infuriating little smirk as he spoke his next statement. "I know, but that's so much less fun, isn't it?" He would ask as she continued her approach. As she reached him, she would set her still clawed hands lightly on the throne, growling lightly as his request to remove the weapons and she would climb onto him, settling down on her knees. She hadn't guided him into her yet, simply positioned herself for either of them to be able to do so. Once she was settled she would begin to rhythmically close the hand, holding it between them and letting the high pitch screech of ice scraping against ice as the claws moved against each other fill the room. Her next words would fill him with relief as she told him that while she had intended to use those claws to tear his trachea out doing so would be a waste and he agreed, in more ways than one.

    Of course, while he was afraid of this woman, a strong part of him also looked forward to what was next. She was incredibly attractive and both their naked forms this close together caused him to certainly be 'ready' for what was to come, physically as of course and his desire was rising too. He wanted this woman, and that terrified him personally as much as the political ramifications of one of them dying would. Did this make him a monster? He didn't know. When she dismissed her claws, giving the hand a simple wave and making the ice dissipate from her fingers she would thread her fingers through his hair. Her cheeks reddened with desire as she leaned against him, their bodies touching and his breath hitching at the feel and at her plea of 'here' he would feel something in him break, not physically, no nothing like that. He would pay it no mind as he place his hands upon her hips and moved to guide himself into her. Once that was done he would press her down, slowly, until he was deep inside of her as he could possibly be and his light groan of desire would echo in the room before he sent the lightning chakra into her again, lighting off every nerve at once once more, just as he had before. His eyes would meet hers, electric yellow meeting and ice blue.

    The sensation would only last for a single moment before he took it away again and he would move to lift her up, almost completely exiting her. Then he would press her down again, and then he would light her nerves off with lightning chakra again. Then he would stop, with himself buried deep inside of her. His eyes would never break from hers as he spoke. "See the 'game'? Every time I enter I do it again for a moment, the faster we go, the more continued the sensation, the longer we take, the more prolonged the entire experience is." He would say before moving to take her hands in his and setting them aside, their fingers entwined. "You decide how you get it.." He would say, that infernal smirk on his features again as he told her that now she was the architect of just how much of the sensation of him lighting off ever pain receptor at once with lightning chakra she got.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
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    Village : Kirigakure
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    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

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    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:45 am

    Whether or not ripping out Tamwyn’s throat would be more or less fun was an interesting thought. On the one hand she would get to rip out his throat and feel his life ebb as his warm blood spilled over her clawed hand and down her arm, even the thought of it was enough to light her eyes with more desire and passion. On the other though, it was probably going to be more difficult to have him use lightning on her again if he was dead. So once she had stated her desire she eagerly allowed him to guide her back onto his shaft and groaned as she felt him slide inside of her. In the end her carnal desires won out over her homicidal ones and she threw her head back and screamed as the lightning coursed through her once more, her nerves lighting up with intense pain in tandem with extreme pleasure. It was only a moment and her head would snap up and she glowered at him as she breathed heavily. Her icy blue eyes met his electric yellow ones and any anger she felt dissipated as he moved her hips again, off of him until he nearly exited her, and then back down to the base as another charge of lightning went through her and she clutched at his shoulders and screamed again.

    Again, only a moment. Her frustration was palpable and she whimpered unintelligibly as he spoke of the ‘game’. She could appreciate his tormenting of her, she enjoyed it. She needed it. Now that she knew she could control when she received her ‘reward’ she grinned and tested his promise, rising up with her legs and slowly lowering herself back down. Should he follow through she would scream again and continue in her efforts, each rise and fall becoming faster and faster as she sought to prolong the sensation. Her screams of pleasure filled the room as she rode him, her fingers gripping his tightly as he drove her closer to the edge.

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

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    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Thu Nov 05, 2020 1:32 am

    Her screams of mingled pleasure and pain almost made him snap and give up the very game he created. However at her grin and test he would indeed give her the promised reaction. Lightning would course through her. Not enough to knock her out or kill her by any means but it was enough to light every single pain receptor at the same time within her body. His hands felt her grip tighten against his and as her pace quickened her reward would begin to continuously come. The draw on chakra was almost negligible so he wasn't worried about running out by any means. His own breathing quickened in pace and he began to match her hips with his own, quickening it further and further continuing the constant stream of energy. Once the pace had reached a point where he never stopped then it no longer mattered what he did anymore. His breathing pace increased as they continued upon the throne and as they gripped each others hands tighter and tighter he would eventually tear his free of hers and find purchase for them on her hips.

    He would move to pull her into a deep kiss as they continued. One might assume he would be electrocuted too but all he did was change the point of beginning for the energy to her lips as they kissed. After a time his hands would move up her back and pull her against him. Her screaming, if it had continued, muffled by their kiss. What nails he had dug into the skin of her back but he didn't even think she would notice and as his own pleasure increased he felt himself slowly lose his grip. Instinctively he would bite her lip and soon after would move to kiss his way down her neck as they continued, leaving her mouth and voice free to continue it's screaming, and all the while he would never stop electrocution the woman.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
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    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Thu Nov 12, 2020 6:37 pm

    Sayuri was overjoyed to receive her promised ‘reward’. And as long as she had the capacity to do so, her screams of pleasure continued. Eventually what was intermittent electricity became continuous and she felt herself overcome with ecstasy and was barely cognisant of Tamwyn’s change of hand position. She would lean eagerly into his kiss, her screams and moans muffled by the pressing of their lips together.

    With her hands free she would clutch at Tamwyn’s shoulders, digging her nails into his flesh as he dug his nails into hers. She would groan as he bit her lip, trying to pull him closer as she felt herself being driven closer and closer to the edge. His lips against her neck was the final nudge that she needed and her entire body would spasm as she climaxed forcefully, her vision filling with sparks as electricity continued to course through her.

    The Ice Princess was nearing delirium as she was rewarded with continued pain and pleasure. The events of that day were becoming a blur of blood red and her eyes would snap open to look into Tamwyn’s, an aroused growl forming on her lips as she looked at him from under the brim of his blood soaked hat.

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Sun Nov 15, 2020 10:04 am

    Her screams of pleasure, the eager return of the kiss, her nails in his shoulders. It wall all becoming too much as he continued his thrusting and as she groaned and tried to pull him even closer he would feel his own release begin to build up. As he kissed her neck her body would spasm and he'd feel her tighten around him as she reached her peak. As her eyes snapped open and looked back into his a growl would escape her lips. A sound of want, of desire and need, and at that sound he would reach his peak as well, releasing himself inside of her. He instinctively held her tight against him as he did and unconsciously he would increase the amount of electricity he was discharging into her to a much more dangerous level. Easily enough to cause someone to pass out. He held fast as he was drained and when he was finally finished two things happened at once.

    First, he leaned back in the chair, his back and head resting against the stone as he breathed heavily. The second was he would stop channeling lightning into the woman both because the game was over, and because he needed to save his chakra for the flight back. He was mildly delirious himself from the force of release, spots swimming in his vision and he took a moment to orientate himself before looking to the ice wielding woman. With luck, that last overdone dose of electricity, as unconscious as it might have been. Would have caused her to black out for a while. Should that be the case he would gently lift her off of him and set her gently upon the throne while he moved back through the fort for a minute, breaking a path out through her ice and more importantly, finding where he had discard his ruined and bloodied pants. He removed a scroll from the belt clip and unsealed it, revealing, thank the lords, a back up set of clothes for him. He dressed, quickly, donning the shirt, pants, and boots. It was all the back up set consisted of and was only meant to make him decent in case his clothing had been destroyed by a jutsu or something.

    With the clothing on he would return to Sayuri and, hoping she stayed unconscious, would lift her carefully before activating his Seraph's Brilliance technique and flying them out of the fort through the path he had cleared and back toward the Heavenly Emporium. It would take some time to get there, but for gods sake he hoped she stayed asleep for the entire trip. He didn't want to think of her actually waking up to see him leave. He wasn't certain she wouldn't take offense.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Outdated at this point

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:54 pm

    Sayuri was in absolute bliss, though she did not yet know her limits. As Tamwyn increased the power of the raiton that coursed through her as he climaxed two things happened. An appreciative moan would escape her lips and the sparks she had seen during her own climax would expand to overtake her entire field of vision, rendering her unconscious.


    The world was quiet as Sayuri walked slowly through the field of wildflowers, it was quiet but not silent. The snowdrops whispered to her as her gown gently brushed against them, the thin dusting of snow beneath her feet providing the percussion to the symphony of cicadas that could be heard all around her. It was the type of resounding silence that Sayuri could appreciate. No other people, no deafening sound of electric light or the creaking and settling of manmade structures. Just the sweet serenity of nature as the deep indigo of the sky filtered star and moonlight onto her small form.  

    As she moved through the field towards its center she noticed a pile of ice forming, the closer she drew to it that faster it formed and she quickly saw that it was turning into a throne made of remarkably clear and pure ice. Tentatively she would reach a pale and small hand towards the throne and as her fingers touched the seat small tendrils of black smoke seemed to form inside the structure, emanating from the tips of her fingers and gradually spreading throughout the crystalline structure. As the ice transformed from brilliant clarity to murky shadow she felt a pang of pain and tightness in her chest. “Something is wrong” was all she could utter as she recoiled and pulled her hand back as though she had burned herself.

    In answer to her statement a low melodic male voice came from behind her. “I’ve brought you a gift, Sayuri.” Turning on her bare heel she found herself face to face with a tall beautiful man. His hair was as pale as his skin, shot throughout with strands of silver and gold that shone in the moonlight. His features were sharp, with high cheekbones, pointed nose and a prominent jawline, giving him a distinctly avian appearance. This theme was found in his clothing as well, diaphanous fabrics that hung from his shoulders in pale neutral tones that gave the impression of wings. Her initial start from hearing the man’s voice was quickly overshadowed by her curiosity. She had assumed she was alone in this peaceful clearing, but now that she knew she wasn’t her mind easily conformed to the new narrative.

    “What is it?” she asked as she took a step closer to the mysterious bird man. She had to know, she was so rarely paid attention to, it was like a compulsion that she was drawn to those that focused on her. Holding out his hand he would gesture to the darkened ice throne. “It’s just a seat. Nothing more. But if you sit upon it and gaze outwards it will show you your dreams. But this is not a gift for an ordinary woman.” He would move up to her as he spoke, gently placing his hands on her shoulders, standing close enough for her to feel his breath intimately against her skin as he leaned down and whispered in her ear. “This is a gift for a Queen.”

    She would shudder as his words touched her ear, there was power in them and she felt it course through her as she raised her own hand to his face and caressed his cheek softly. “No one gives anything away for nothing. What would you have of me?” She could still feel something was wrong, somewhere in the back of her mind a long forgotten voice called out in alarm. She silenced the voice as she took a step closer, pressing against his lithe form and feeling the heat in her core rise. She was curious to a fault, feeling the lure of temptation and power stronger than most, and now was no exception. The future she imagined of sitting on a throne and ruling as she pleased, wielding great and terrible power, the thought of that promise was all consuming. All she wanted, all she had ever wanted was to be noticed, to matter. It was an addiction she could not escape.

    The ghostly pale and icy cold man pressed his forehead to hers, staring deeply into her sapphire blue eyes and speaking words that her heart longed to hear.

    “Just fear me. Love me. Do as I ask, and I shall be your slave.”

    Her breath caught in her throat and without thinking she would raise her head to capture his lips in hers, and as they kissed the world transformed around the pair. They lifted from the ground, spinning slowly in each other's arms as the snow fell and the starscape became a prison of ice that held her within its sphere.

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:54 am

    Tamwyn was flying back to the Heavenly Emporium with Sayuri in his arms as fast as his wings would allow him to fly. However given that the Heavenly Emporium was a moving city it would take longer than it took for them to arrive. He could see the city of course, out in the distance, however one could also see mountains from hundred of miles off. So it took quite a while for them to arrive and the whole while Tamwyn was lost in thought of what in the fuck to do about the very naked woman he held in his arms. He couldn't just drop her in the street. He couldn't lay her on some random park bench or something. But he had to come up with something that sounded believable. He also had to be gone when she awoke, preferably as far away as possible.

    He began to run through scenarios in his mind and eventually came to one that seemed fitting. He would take her to the hospital, and inform them that during their mission they got separated. When he found her the bandits had knocked her out, and destroyed her clothing. He arrived soon after and took care of them and rushed her to them. The imaginations of the staff and other individuals would do the rest. Then he would leave her to get any medical care necessary while he got the hell out of dodge. Instinctively, he held her tight though, wanting to make sure he didn't drop her and part of him wanting her to be as close as possible. He knew after this day he would be haunted by her striking blue eyes, lithe form, and sheer unrestrained insanity. Just as part of him would be haunted by the deep and unending desire to kill any who stood in his path.

    They flew and finally returned to the Emporium. The white haired man flew over the city, eschewing walking even now until he reached the hospital and when he arrived he landed out front and quickly moved inside. "I need help here!" He would call out and orderlies and nurses would come with a gurney. He laid her upon it and pulled up the covers before turning to the nurse and explaining the earlier fabrication neatly. She needed, writing it all down before nodding at him and stepping further into the hospital with the orderlies and a doctor moving with the gurney.

    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
    Link to Character Application: Outdated at this point

    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:39 pm

    As they spun slowly in the air and kissed, Sayuri closed her eyes and let herself feel peace. It was a feeling she hadn’t had in a very long time, and it felt strange to have nothing to fight or destroy. The owl man’s hand came to rest against her cheek as he broke their kiss and held her gaze in his. Her heart pounded in her chest as that moment stretched out into eternity and she barely noticed her bare feet touching down on the icy surface of an elaborate palace ballroom that had formed around them. “Who are you?” Her curiosity was piqued and more than that she felt somehow that she already knew the answer.

    Jareth smiled as he stroked her cheek gently. “You know me little one. I’ve always been in here.” He would take his index finger and press it to the center of her forehead as he spoke the word ‘here’. As soon as he made contact she instantly knew who he was, and who he had always been. “Jareth.” The name flowed off her tongue as though she had spoken it a thousand times before. In her darkness he had always been with her, guiding her and nudging her towards greatness. The king of lies with a soothing voice, the peace that she felt now came from him.

    “I ask for so little. Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want.” His words were sweet and honeyed, promises of power and acceptance. Promises of acknowledgement. Sayuri could feel the darkness creeping further in before she saw it. The ice palace morphing around her to glistening blocks of dark ice. The more rational and sane part of her mind was well aware of the danger behind a promise like that. Having someone offer you the world always came with a price, and a more reasonable person would have asked what that price would eventually be.

    Sayuri was not a reasonable person. She had not been for some time, years in fact. She had started out early in life as a normal child, like any other in her clan. But over time the darkness had crept into her mind and heart. Sero’s aura of fear, Azrael’s tampering with her mind. The consistent assault on her sanity had led to what one might expect of such, a total obliteration of what could be considered her mind. She was now fractured and broken, not in a way that had incapacited her, if anything it had made her more capable. But she was certainly less ‘good’, whatever that meant, but no less capable. So it was without any hesitation that she would acquiesce to Jareth’s request to allow him to rule her.

    Kneeling before him she would bow her head and speak softly. “Anything you ask of me is yours.” An icy cold hand would settle on the top of her bowed head as Jareth’s voice rang out in the translucent dome that held them. “How you’ve turned my world, you precious thing. Soon you will know the true power that belongs to you. But for now you must wake.”


    Sayuri’s head rose with a confused look on her face and in an instant all that was before her vanished and turned to bright light and loud noises. The endless stars and swirling snow were replaced with stark white walls and bustling hospital staff. A concerned voice spoke but she didn’t understand why she was lying down, or where she was. “There, there sweetheart. Just lay still, we’ll have you patched up in no time.” Without much physical strength left to fight back after her adventures she put her head back down on the pillow of the hospital bed she lay on, raising one bloody hand to the hat that was still on her head, a reminder that at least parts of what had just occurred were no dream.

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 TjQ3hVh

    The Ice Queen:
    Valen Minamoto
    Valen Minamoto

    Posts : 878
    Join date : 2018-10-18
    Age : 31

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Fire, Water, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
    Class: A

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Valen Minamoto Thu Nov 26, 2020 1:13 pm

    Tamwyn would already be gone by the time the girl had awoken, having delivered her safely to the hospital and informing the woman at the front desk of the girls name and village affiliation. He wasn't applicable as a contact source for obvious reasons due to his own personal village affiliation but they would be able to take care of her and ensure that she was safely taken back to Kirigakure. Which was exactly what he needed for them to do as it ensured that no fall out could fall on him and Kumogakure over this entire situation. Since neither he, nor her, were killed during the mission and he had rushed her to the hospital personally it appeared for all intents and purposes that Kumogakure not only held the literal peace of the Heavenly Emporium in high regard, but also the spirit of it. Moving through the Emporium at a quick pace as he moved, having removed another cloak from the scroll and applying it, he would curiously feel atop his head as he finally took notice of the amount of wind he felt before groaning. He had forgotten to reclaim his hat from the girl.

    He contemplated going back for it. He really did, but at the end of the day being there when the little psycho awoke was not worth the risk. He could always just get home and get a new hat from his apartment. He had a couple of back ups given the fact that it could always be destroyed in training or on a mission. He just didn't like the fact that the girl would always have something to remember him by. He wanted her to forget about him more than anything else. Lord knew he wouldn't be able to forget her if that feeling of a girl with sapphire eyes and blonde hair watching him was any indication. Reaching the outer edge of the Emporium, he would activate his flight jutsu and fly off toward Kumogakure, it was high time he went home. As he flew he took a flask from his belt and uncorked it, taking a long pull from the container. Lord knew he needed the drink.


    Character Name: Valen Minamoto
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 6,160
    Renown: 9,250
    Ryo: 8,750,000
    • Strength: C
    • Constitution: B
    • Stamina: A+
    • Speed: A
    • Coordination: A
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: A

    Link to Character Updates: Here
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    Village : Kirigakure
    Posts : 979
    Join date : 2020-06-24
    Age : 24
    Location : The Bloody Mist

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Hyoton, Fuuton, Suiton, Ninjutsu, Iryojutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Kanchijutsu
    Class: S
    Ryo: I take payment in blood

    How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated) - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Train Your Yandere (Sayuri) (M Rated)

    Post by Sayuri Thu Nov 26, 2020 2:03 pm

    True to the nurse’s word, Sayuri felt better in no time. Not that she had felt particularly bad, just tired. She kept getting asked if she was in pain and every time Sayuri would just shake her head ‘no’ with a confused look on her face. Technically she was in pain, but it wasn’t something she was interested in ceasing. So when medical chakra flowed over her and healed all of her injuries Sayuri was, in a word, disappointed. If no one had bothered to tell her that she was ‘safe and sound in the Heavenly Emporium’ she likely would have stopped them all from helping her. Violently.

    But despite her masochistic nature, she was not a complete idiot and did still have the tiniest sense of survival instinct, as well as the voice of Jareth telling her to calm herself and bide her time. “It’s only forever, that’s not long at all. . .” His voice rang out in her mind and she would smile sweetly at the surrounding hospital staff, waiting patiently until they made the mistake of leaving her alone. With a graceful flick of her wrist she would create new clothing for herself and wander out of the hospital and into the streets of the Heavenly Emporium.

    She still had Tamwyn’s hat on her head, and she would reach up and pull on the brim with a wicked smile on her face. Looking around she saw no sign of the white haired man, and she knew she had been abandoned. Rage flared again in her heart, but she also knew that her work was done, he would never forget her. And one day she would see him again and exact her revenge for being left behind. The thought of bloody vengeance was enough to sate her bloodlust in that moment and after reporting in to the mission desk and collecting her pay she would head off towards her home a song on her lips and hunger in her heart.

    [Exit Thread]

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