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    Yurei, Azrael


    Village : N/A
    Posts : 177
    Join date : 2020-07-26

    Yurei, Azrael Empty Yurei, Azrael

    Post by Azrael Sun Jul 26, 2020 2:32 am

    Name: Yurei, Azrael
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: D -Rank | Genin
    Title: The Angel of Death

    Clan: Yurei
    Bloodline: Akayurei (-1000 exp Stage 2)
    Element(s): -
    Skill(s): Sensory | Genjutsu
    1 Skill Trade (500exp)
    Starting Exp 1650exp
    Kiri Special Bonus 300exp


    • Strength: E
    • Constitution: E
    • Stamina: D -150
    • Speed: E
    • Coordination: D -150
    • Intelligence: B -950
    • Perception: D -150

    50 spendable exp remaining

    Unique Abilities: True Phantom ~ Characters trying to track or find Azrael suffer from a -1 to perception when trying to locate him in the wilderness, however when in a village he sticks out like a sore thumb granting those trying to locate him a +1 to Intelligence.

    Appearance: Yurei, Azrael 187135
    Azrael possesses a scrawny build, with no athletic features causing most to not think twice about him. He has all white hair and pale skin almost the same color as his hair, when his akayurei is not active his eyes are a deep blue so dark that they are almost black. He wears a plain black t-shirt and pants with a black zip up jacket at all times, his Kirigakure Hitai-ate fashioned into a belt as he doesn't like the idea of it on his forehead.

    History: Azrael should have never  been born, at least that is what his mother told him. Azrael was the product of Reo Yurei, a psychopath that had raped his mother and several other women as well as terrorized the land of Sea for several years before finally being put down. Azrael's mother Kiyo was young and didn't want her family to know what happened, and so she left the land of sea shortly after the rape and moved in secret to the land of water before finally settling in at Kirigakure. She didn't know she was pregnant when she left, and by the time she discovered she was it was too late to do anything about it. She gave birth to the babe in her own home rather than a hospital and forced her servant to care for the thing because she couldn't take it. After months Kiyo would finally name the boy Azrael because it caused her nothing but pain, and when she looked into it's eyes all she saw was death. Kiyo never would take the child out of the house, and acted as though she didn't have a son. Forcing the boy to stay in the basement for most of his life, she would occasionally get drunk and beat him or tell him how much she hated him and when she looked at him all she could see was the monster that stole her innocence. For 17 years all the boy knew was the abuse and hatred of his mother, then one night while his mother slept the boy snuck out of the house and never returned

    Personality: Azrael has a stotic introversion personality, he rarely speaks and when he does it is soft and barely above a whisper. He enjoys reading books and spending his time outdoors, yet he hates the sun as much as he hates having to talk. He enjoys quietly observing others and analyzing every detail in the world around him, holding a curious mind and a childlike wonder when he sees something new. His lack of contact with the world has left him distant from interactions, however those that get close to him find a different side of him. A soft kind innocent loving heart, hidden beneath the mask of emotionlessness he wears while keeping others at a distance to protect himself.
    Rewarded to those who actively fought and subdued Matatabi during the Bijuu Rampage Event in 2024

    Posts : 2179
    Join date : 2017-09-29

    Yurei, Azrael Empty Re: Yurei, Azrael

    Post by Ryuko Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:18 am

    Azrael wrote:Name: Yurei, Azrael
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: D -Rank | Genin
    Title: The Angel of Death

    Clan: Yurei
    Bloodline: Akayurei (-1000 exp Stage 2)
    Element(s): -
    Skill(s): Sensory | Genjutsu
    1 Skill Trade (500exp)
    Starting Exp 1650exp
    Kiri Special Bonus 300exp


    • Strength: E
    • Constitution: E
    • Stamina: D -150
    • Speed: E
    • Coordination: D -150
    • Intelligence: B -950
    • Perception: D -150

    50 spendable exp remaining

    Unique Abilities: True Phantom ~ Characters trying to track or find Azrael suffer from a -1 to perception when trying to locate him in the wilderness, however when in a village he sticks out like a sore thumb granting those trying to locate him a +1 to Intelligence.

    Appearance: Yurei, Azrael 187135
    Azrael possesses a scrawny build, with no athletic features causing most to not think twice about him. He has all white hair and pale skin almost the same color as his hair, when his akayurei is not active his eyes are a deep blue so dark that they are almost black. He wears a plain black t-shirt and pants with a black zip up jacket at all times, his Kirigakure Hitai-ate fashioned into a belt as he doesn't like the idea of it on his forehead.

    History: Azrael should have never  been born, at least that is what his mother told him. Azrael was the product of Reo Yurei, a psychopath that had raped his mother and several other women as well as terrorized the land of Sea for several years before finally being put down. Azrael's mother Kiyo was young and didn't want her family to know what happened, and so she left the land of sea shortly after the rape and moved in secret to the land of water before finally settling in at Kirigakure. She didn't know she was pregnant when she left, and by the time she discovered she was it was too late to do anything about it. She gave birth to the babe in her own home rather than a hospital and forced her servant to care for the thing because she couldn't take it. After months Kiyo would finally name the boy Azrael because it caused her nothing but pain, and when she looked into it's eyes all she saw was death. Kiyo never would take the child out of the house, and acted as though she didn't have a son. Forcing the boy to stay in the basement for most of his life, she would occasionally get drunk and beat him or tell him how much she hated him and when she looked at him all she could see was the monster that stole her innocence. For 17 years all the boy knew was the abuse and hatred of his mother, then one night while his mother slept the boy snuck out of the house and never returned

    Personality: Azrael has a stotic introversion personality, he rarely speaks and when he does it is soft and barely above a whisper. He enjoys reading books and spending his time outdoors, yet he hates the sun as much as he hates having to talk. He enjoys quietly observing others and analyzing every detail in the world around him, holding a curious mind and a childlike wonder when he sees something new. His lack of contact with the world has left him distant from interactions, however those that get close to him find a different side of him. A soft kind innocent loving heart, hidden beneath the mask of emotionlessness he wears while keeping others at a distance to protect himself.


    Ryuko's Ninja Card

    Strength: B
    Constitution: B
    Stamina: A-> A++ (Arch Angel's Tiara)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: A
    Perception: B

      Current date/time is Sun Jul 07, 2024 5:33 am