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    Kimiko's Techniques

    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

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    Kimiko's Techniques Empty Kimiko's Techniques

    Post by Kimiko Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:40 pm

    Name: Heavenly Prison Fire Sword
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0-5 meters
    Speed: S
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Land of Tea Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: N/a
    Hand Seals: N/a
    The user brings up a large flame in his right hand, which soon after takes the form of a sword. If someone is hit by the sword, they will be engulfed in flames. The sword can also easily pierce flesh. The strikes deal A rank damage from the sword, with the engulfing of flames dealing B rank damage for 2 posts.
    Weaknesses: The flame engulfing can be negated by being submerged in water.


    Name: Heavenly Prison Blazing Sword
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0-5 meters
    Speed: S
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret -Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: Heavenly Prison Fire Sword
    Hand Seals: N/a
    The same as Heavenly Prison Fire Sword, but stronger. The flame is so hot it glows white. The strikes deal S rank damage from the sword, while the engulfing flame deals A rank damage for 2 posts.
    Weaknesses: The flame engulfing can be negated by being submerged in water.

    Nyguyen Uchiha
    Nyguyen Uchiha

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    Kimiko's Techniques Empty Re: Kimiko's Techniques

    Post by Nyguyen Uchiha Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:55 pm

    Kimiko wrote:Name: Heavenly Prison Fire Sword
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0-5 meters
    Speed: S
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Land of Tea Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: N/a
    Hand Seals: N/a
    The user brings up a large flame in his right hand, which soon after takes the form of a sword. If someone is hit by the sword, they will be engulfed in flames. The sword can also easily pierce flesh. The strikes deal A rank damage from the sword, with the engulfing of flames dealing B rank damage for 2 posts.
    Weaknesses: The flame engulfing can be negated by being submerged in water.


    Name: Heavenly Prison Blazing Sword
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: 5
    Range: 0-5 meters
    Speed: S
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Ninjutsu
    Classification: Secret -Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: Heavenly Prison Fire Sword
    Hand Seals: N/a
    The same as Heavenly Prison Fire Sword, but stronger. The flame is so hot it glows white. The strikes deal S rank damage from the sword, while the engulfing flame deals A rank damage for 2 posts.
    Weaknesses: The flame engulfing can be negated by being submerged in water.

    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

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    Kimiko's Techniques Empty Re: Kimiko's Techniques

    Post by Kimiko Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:53 pm

    Name: Fire Release: Heavenly Prison
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: N/a or 10
    Range: Melee for Application, 500 meters
    Speed: N/a
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Land of Tea Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: N/a
    Hand Seals: N/a
    Description:The ones who are subjected to this technique have a formula applied to them, which will prevent them from moulding chakra and from using techniques. This seal debuffs the target's Stamina by a tier, and will also drain them of their chakra at a slow but steady rate of 5 chakra per post until they hit the Exhaustion threshhold. If the ones who have the seal on them leaves a certain radius from the applier, then it would cause the victims to burst into flames from the inside, burning them to ashes. These flames burn at a continuous B power, using the continuous chakra drain to sustain the flames, until put out or reducing the target to ash. The user can also ignite the seal at their own free will, although this will cause the user to pay the upkeep per post to do so. Alternatively, they can choose to suppress its abilities from activating.

    However, for people with stamina of A and higher after the drop, they can still mould chakra and use techniques to a certain extent. The techniques used, however, will be severely hampered, at 2 tiers less effective power and the seal will cause the user in question intense pain, as though their bodies were on fire, and if an S rank amount of chakra is forced out, the formula will set the victim ablaze at B power until put out or burned to ash. This does not count for purely physical styles such as Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, which can be used to their full normal extent at any time without triggering a burn, and regardless of stamina, so long as they can afford it.

    Weaknesses: Being a fire technique, it cannot work in water, and the victim simply has to submerge themselves in a body of water to use chakra with ease; anyone set aflame by this technique can be saved if water is poured over them. Also, this technique only suppresses normal chakra from within one's body; when enhanced with natural energy gathered externally, one is still able to use chakra without restrictions. Someone with this seal applied to them can still utilize purely physical skills without setting off the continuous burning. If anyone with the seal applied were able to create a shadow clone, the clone will not bear the seal. If the target can be put out while outside of the range of the user, the seal will no longer burn them for not being within the range of the user until they enter the range once again. The seal will disappear if the user dies. Only works on human sized opponents and creatures with a chakra system.


    Name: Fire Release: Great Fire Heavenly Prison
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: N/a or 20
    Range: Melee range for application, 500 meters
    Speed: N/a
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Land of Tea Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: Fire Release: Heavenly Prison
    Hand Seals: N/a
    A stronger version of the Fire Release: Heavenly Prison that can be used on larger targets such as summons and Bijuu. Unlike with the parent technique, when this is used the person's entire body is engulfed in flames as the cursed seal is branded on them. The power of the flames is increased to A, and the chakra drain is increased to 10 chakra per post. Otherwise the same.
    Weaknesses: Same as the parent technique, although there is no longer a size restriction.


    Name: Fire Release: Heavenly Prison Key [Kimiko's]
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/a
    Range: N/a
    Speed: N/a
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Secret -Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: Fire Release: Heavenly Prison
    Hand Seals: N/a
    Description: A simple fuuinjutsu that when applied to someone will allow them to act as the user of the applicator's Fire Release: Heavenly Prison seal. They may pay the chakra costs in order to catch someone on fire, and act as another point of contact for 500 meters of extended range that someone marked with the original
    Weaknesses: This seal extends the range that someone can exist, allowing them to theoretically be farther away from the original applicator. Additionally, this places trust in another person, as they are able to turn on and off someone's seal at their will, so long as they are within range of someone marked by the person who's key they have.


    Name: Fire Release: Heavenly Prison Tether [Kimiko's]
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: N/a
    Range: Varies on size of Base or Building tethered to.
    Speed: N/a
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Secret -Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: Fire Release: Heavenly Prison
    Hand Seals: N/a
    Description: A simple enough fuuinjutsu that allows the user to mark a "Safe Space" that anyone marked with Fire Release: Heavenly Prison can exist in. No matter where they are in this area, they'll be able to move freely without worrying about being set on fire from distance to the applicator of the seal. This doesn't anything else from the jutsu however. Additionally, if someone leaves the bounds of the tethered area without either a Key Holder or the original User, they will immediately be set on fire as per their seal.
    Weaknesses: The user does have to go around and mark the boundaries of this fuuinjutsu manually. Additionally, the entire jutsu can be unstabilized if someone gets to the area where the tether is locked in place and destroys the seal from there. If no Key Holder or the User isn't in contact with anyone marked by a Fire Prison Seal, they'll be free to leave without catching on fire from a lack of distance. This forces the Tether Seal to be monitored or risk destruction.


    Name: Disruption Seal
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/a
    Range: Touch
    Speed: N/a
    Element: N/a
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: Contract Seal
    Hand Seals: N/a
    Description: This technique can be applied to an item or to a person or animal or a physical jutsu (such as a Rock Wall) that has a maintenance. This technique when applied to something will disrupt them from receiving or attracting a supply of chakra from any outside source until the seal is removed, or 15 chakra is sent through the seal via maintenance or outside chakra, at which point the seal auto unravels after eating up the chakra. This is primarily used to disrupt a summons by directly cutting off the steady supply of chakra maintaining their connection, but is also used to end any physical based external jutsu. When applied to a weapon, tag, or armor, this technique affects someone as long as the medium is making physical contact with them. This doesn't count with the weapon in a "stored" position, such as in a pouch, but does count while being pierced by the weapon or holding the weapon, for example.
    Weaknesses: This technique doesn't immediately dismiss a summons, so if someone removes the seal before upkeep on the summons is required, then the summons can continue. Due to the nature of this technique, if a weapon or armor is tagged with this, chakra flow and any abilities that require someone activate chakra to use it cannot operate on the weapon whether friend or foe. This technique can disrupt maintenance costs on a jutsu, but a physical based external technique will still have any momentum it had already, so it's situational at best. Additionally, it just stops something from receiving chakra from a foreign source, it does not stop someone from using jutsu or maintaining jutsu not affected by this technique directly. Once the seal is removed, maintenance can be re-established on physical jutsu without reactivating the technique, with the exception of dismissed Summons. This seal wears off of an enemy and their items at the end of the thread, but is permanent for User owned items until removed.

    Last edited by Kimiko on Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:25 am; edited 2 times in total

    Chen Kimyōnakama
    Chen Kimyōnakama

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    Kimiko's Techniques Empty Re: Kimiko's Techniques

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:57 am

    Heavenly Prison: "This does not count for purely physical styles such as Taijutsu and Kenjutsu." <- Does this not count for purely physical styles period or only for those with A-Rank Stamina or higher after the drop?

    Great Fire Heavenly Prison: Same

    Key & Tether: Both look good, will approve when heavenly prison is.

    Disruption: "This technique when applied to something will disrupt them from receiving or attracting a supply of chakra from any outside source until the seal is removed. " <- Does this instantly cancel out summons? If I understand correctly then this jutsu makes it impossible to upkeep techs that require maintenance. Does it then require another activation once the seal is removed?

    Strength: C
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    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

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    Kimiko's Techniques Empty Re: Kimiko's Techniques

    Post by Kimiko Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:01 am

    Heavenly Prison: Physical styles are just unhampered by this technique. Edited that in.

    Great Prison: Covered by above.

    Disruption: Those were already addressed in the weakness. Summons only cancel out when maintenance is once again required since you pay upkeep every few posts or so, and for other techniques as soon as the seal is disrupted or removed, maintenance can be reestablished without reactivation. Some people might find it easier to just cancel and reactivate, but that's their choice.
    This was so I can't just place it on a weapon and slash a tech, and immediately cancel it. It requires consistent contact to disrupt.

    Chen Kimyōnakama
    Chen Kimyōnakama

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    Kimiko's Techniques Empty Re: Kimiko's Techniques

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:06 am

    Kimiko wrote:Heavenly Prison: Physical styles are just unhampered by this technique. Edited that in.

    Great Prison: Covered by above.

    Disruption: Those were already addressed in the weakness. Summons only cancel out when maintenance is once again required since you pay upkeep every few posts or so, and for other techniques as soon as the seal is disrupted or removed, maintenance can be reestablished without reactivation. Some people might find it easier to just cancel and reactivate, but that's their choice.
    This was so I can't just place it on a weapon and slash a tech, and immediately cancel it. It requires consistent contact to disrupt.

    Okay give Disruption a 3 post limit. After 3 post the seal disappears and must be re-applied.

    Strength: C
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    Chen Kimyōnakama
    Chen Kimyōnakama

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    Kimiko's Techniques Empty Re: Kimiko's Techniques

    Post by Chen Kimyōnakama Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:31 am

    Kimiko wrote:Name: Fire Release: Heavenly Prison
    Rank: A
    Power: A
    Activation Cost: 20
    Upkeep Cost: N/a or 10
    Range: Melee for Application, 500 meters
    Speed: N/a
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Land of Tea Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: N/a
    Hand Seals: N/a
    Description:The ones who are subjected to this technique have a formula applied to them, which will prevent them from moulding chakra and from using techniques. This seal debuffs the target's Stamina by a tier, and will also drain them of their chakra at a slow but steady rate of 5 chakra per post until they hit the Exhaustion threshhold. If the ones who have the seal on them leaves a certain radius from the applier, then it would cause the victims to burst into flames from the inside, burning them to ashes. These flames burn at a continuous B power, using the continuous chakra drain to sustain the flames, until put out or reducing the target to ash. The user can also ignite the seal at their own free will, although this will cause the user to pay the upkeep per post to do so. Alternatively, they can choose to suppress its abilities from activating.

    However, for people with stamina of A and higher after the drop, they can still mould chakra and use techniques to a certain extent. The techniques used, however, will be severely hampered, at 2 tiers less effective power and the seal will cause the user in question intense pain, as though their bodies were on fire, and if an S rank amount of chakra is forced out, the formula will set the victim ablaze at B power until put out or burned to ash. This does not count for purely physical styles such as Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, which can be used to their full normal extent at any time without triggering a burn, and regardless of stamina, so long as they can afford it.

    Weaknesses: Being a fire technique, it cannot work in water, and the victim simply has to submerge themselves in a body of water to use chakra with ease; anyone set aflame by this technique can be saved if water is poured over them. Also, this technique only suppresses normal chakra from within one's body; when enhanced with natural energy gathered externally, one is still able to use chakra without restrictions. Someone with this seal applied to them can still utilize purely physical skills without setting off the continuous burning. If anyone with the seal applied were able to create a shadow clone, the clone will not bear the seal. If the target can be put out while outside of the range of the user, the seal will no longer burn them for not being within the range of the user until they enter the range once again. The seal will disappear if the user dies. Only works on human sized opponents and creatures with a chakra system.


    Name: Fire Release: Great Fire Heavenly Prison
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: N/a or 20
    Range: Melee range for application, 500 meters
    Speed: N/a
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Land of Tea Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: Fire Release: Heavenly Prison
    Hand Seals: N/a
    A stronger version of the Fire Release: Heavenly Prison that can be used on larger targets such as summons and Bijuu. Unlike with the parent technique, when this is used the person's entire body is engulfed in flames as the cursed seal is branded on them. The power of the flames is increased to A, and the chakra drain is increased to 10 chakra per post. Otherwise the same.
    Weaknesses: Same as the parent technique, although there is no longer a size restriction.


    Name: Fire Release: Heavenly Prison Key [Kimiko's]
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/a
    Range: N/a
    Speed: N/a
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Secret -Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: Fire Release: Heavenly Prison
    Hand Seals: N/a
    Description: A simple fuuinjutsu that when applied to someone will allow them to act as the user of the applicator's Fire Release: Heavenly Prison seal. They may pay the chakra costs in order to catch someone on fire, and act as another point of contact for 500 meters of extended range that someone marked with the original
    Weaknesses: This seal extends the range that someone can exist, allowing them to theoretically be farther away from the original applicator. Additionally, this places trust in another person, as they are able to turn on and off someone's seal at their will, so long as they are within range of someone marked by the person who's key they have.


    Name: Fire Release: Heavenly Prison Tether [Kimiko's]
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost: 30
    Upkeep Cost: N/a
    Range: Varies on size of Base or Building tethered to.
    Speed: N/a
    Element: Katon
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Secret -Exclusive
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: Fire Release: Heavenly Prison
    Hand Seals: N/a
    Description: A simple enough fuuinjutsu that allows the user to mark a "Safe Space" that anyone marked with Fire Release: Heavenly Prison can exist in. No matter where they are in this area, they'll be able to move freely without worrying about being set on fire from distance to the applicator of the seal. This doesn't anything else from the jutsu however. Additionally, if someone leaves the bounds of the tethered area without either a Key Holder or the original User, they will immediately be set on fire as per their seal.
    Weaknesses: The user does have to go around and mark the boundaries of this fuuinjutsu manually. Additionally, the entire jutsu can be unstabilized if someone gets to the area where the tether is locked in place and destroys the seal from there. If no Key Holder or the User isn't in contact with anyone marked by a Fire Prison Seal, they'll be free to leave without catching on fire from a lack of distance. This forces the Tether Seal to be monitored or risk destruction.


    Name: Disruption Seal
    Rank: B
    Power: B
    Activation Cost: 10
    Upkeep Cost: N/a
    Range: Touch
    Speed: N/a
    Element: N/a
    Skill: Fuuinjutsu
    Classification: Secret
    Requirements: N/a
    Parent Technique: Contract Seal
    Hand Seals: N/a
    Description: This technique can be applied to an item or to a person or animal or a physical jutsu (such as a Rock Wall) that has a maintenance. This technique when applied to something will disrupt them from receiving or attracting a supply of chakra from any outside source until the seal is removed, or 15 chakra is sent through the seal via maintenance or outside chakra, at which point the seal auto unravels after eating up the chakra. This is primarily used to disrupt a summons by directly cutting off the steady supply of chakra maintaining their connection, but is also used to end any physical based external jutsu. When applied to a weapon, tag, or armor, this technique affects someone as long as the medium is making physical contact with them. This doesn't count with the weapon in a "stored" position, such as in a pouch, but does count while being pierced by the weapon or holding the weapon, for example.
    Weaknesses: This technique doesn't immediately dismiss a summons, so if someone removes the seal before upkeep on the summons is required, then the summons can continue. Due to the nature of this technique, if a weapon or armor is tagged with this, chakra flow and any abilities that require someone activate chakra to use it cannot operate on the weapon whether friend or foe. This technique can disrupt maintenance costs on a jutsu, but a physical based external technique will still have any momentum it had already, so it's situational at best. Additionally, it just stops something from receiving chakra from a foreign source, it does not stop someone from using jutsu or maintaining jutsu not affected by this technique directly. Once the seal is removed, maintenance can be re-established on physical jutsu without reactivating the technique, with the exception of dismissed Summons. This seal wears off of an enemy and their items at the end of the thread, but is permanent for User owned items until removed.


    Strength: C
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    Speed: A
    Coordination: A
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: S
    Leaf Jounin Commander
    Leaf Jounin Commander

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    Kimiko's Techniques Empty Re: Kimiko's Techniques

    Post by Kimiko Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:24 pm

    Name: Uchiha Return, but not that one
    Rank: S
    Power: S
    Activation Cost:
    Upkeep Cost: N/a
    Range: somewhere
    Speed: fast af
    Element: boi
    Skill: Uchiha swag
    Classification: Restricted
    Requirements: EMS
    Parent Technique: Izanagi
    Hand Seals: are for suckers


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