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    Day 372 of the Hot Dog Ban and I Feel Fine

    Jess the Plague
    Jess the Plague

    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2020-03-11
    Age : 32

    Day 372 of the Hot Dog Ban and I Feel Fine Empty Day 372 of the Hot Dog Ban and I Feel Fine

    Post by Jess the Plague Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:42 pm

    It was a perfectly generic day in a perfectly generic park with a perfectly generic hamburger stand and some odd looking ducks. Nevertheless Jess persisted on her day on this wonderful period of time upon the planet. I mean who could think of it, a burger stand in a park? The genin simply had to consume one with gusto and for that she would need some of her funds. Black fingerless gloves with purple painted nails would dive into one of the many pockets that the trip pants she wore afforded. Faint music could be heard drifting from aforementioned pockets, something about someone asking a certain Kenith about the frequency though this was neither here nor there. The green haired genin with her crop top band shift displaying a nearly illegible band name would find success pulling some ryo from it's natural home. This would spark much joy and allow her some much needed food.

    The exchange of purchase was mundane and simple like usual allowing for a quick flow to the product being cooked. It was a simple ordeal unlike some of the dishes of her restaurants but simple did not mean bad. Like most establishments in Kiri it seemed to use locally sourced beef from the islands and mainland. The produce accompanying seemed fresh as well and Jess confirmed that upon eating it. The burger now rested on a plate upon a park bench, the one with the two benches and the table, you know the one. The plates on the table. It rested there halfway finished as Jess began to peer at the sky with the sun behind her casting a shadow across the green grass and onto the crisp clear water that looked blue because reality is an illusion processed by your eyes and your eyes like to fuck with you cause they're assholes. The shadow did not stretch onto the ducks who had odd but natural colors and moved about the pond in a v formation.

    That reminded Jess of something but she did not remember what exactly as the rough cut of the pinewood rubbed beneath her body and the sizzling pop of grease on a flattop accompanied the annoyed sounding honks of the ducks swimming in front of her. The pond itself was a perfectly generic size as was the park bench, the hamburger stand and the burger itself.

    Perfectly generic.

    Strength: D
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    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: D

    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
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    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Day 372 of the Hot Dog Ban and I Feel Fine Empty Re: Day 372 of the Hot Dog Ban and I Feel Fine

    Post by Hana Kaguya Mon Mar 23, 2020 4:29 pm

    Things were indeed generic, as all things should be.

    Hana, with enough luck and dedication, earned herself an off day. Not like she was on any strict scheduling, but she liked to manage her own time and get ahead to take extra days off when needed. And boy, she was overdo for some rest. After spending most of her morning sprawling in bed and playing games she eventually built up enough starvation to find something to eat. She'd swap out her t-shirt for some casual clothes. She wore her usual get-up, being a pair of black sandals and long black stockings which stretched just above her knees. She wore a black miniskirt with a white sports bra up top, both being fastened with a set of suspenders made of nylon. Around her skirt was her utility belt hosting a blue holster on the right and a beige pouch around her rear, both filled with a variety of tools for combat and utility. Her hands were covered with fingerless long gloves in matching color to the rest of her outfit.

    Like most Kaguya her skin was deathly pale, as plenty of it was seen with her lightweight outfit alone. This was coupled with long white hair which was relatively thick compared to the long, silky strands a lot of the more feminine clan females had, which required day-to-day dedication to maintain. Hers was a bit untamed and high in both length and volume extending as far as her lower back. Her eyes were the only true difference in her appearance compared to the rest of her clan having an alluring golden hue to them.

    Feeling like her old self again she rushed out the door from her apartment in the Kaguya District and into the city. She had every burger cart and joint memorized, where they moved to on what day, and when they were stocked. She figured instead of carrying out she would be apart of society for an hour or so and enjoy a burger in the park. It was nice to get some sunshine, after all. Some sunshine. As it was spring time the air was warming up and the skies being clearer. Although she didn't have to worry about sunburning she just really wasn't a fan of the outdoors. After an hour walk she found the nearest park outside of the district, one that already had quite a line. She'd line up just before the green hair mall rat, not really paying any mind to the other people around her and remained nonchalant until she finally made it to the front.

    "Good morning, Miss. Hana. The usual for you?" The man said, Hana silently nodding with determination on her face. But just before he could punch in her order on the register a staff member within the stand passed by and whispered something in the cashier's ear. With her flawless perception she was able to pick what he was saying. "Hey bud, we're out of pickles."

    Hana was furious. She remained calm on the outside. Composure was important for being a public figure after all, and it wasn't their fault. It was a busy spring day and people loved burgers. Hana did Kirigakure a great service by banning hotdog carts and making room for more burger carts. But even this act was not enough to feed Kirigakure's hungry customers. Her eyes shifted to the green haired girl, walking away with a burger that had the last of the pickles. Her eyes narrowed down. "You have enough pickles on there, Hamwhoreglar?" This nickname, being a combination of Hamburglar and Whore. A burger was not the same without the gherkins. But she had to make do and order without pickles.

    Her order was fixed in a jiffy: a tray with onion rings, fries, a large orange soda, and two burgers. One was a double cheeseburger deluxe with bacon and no pickles while the other was a double chili cheese burger, diced onion, yellow mustard, and no pickles. She'd carry her bounty to a park table bench. One just behind where Jess sat, where she could set down her goods and seat, watching her spitefully from behind. She didn't touch her own food at all. Just watched. Waiting for Jess to take her first bite.

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Jess the Plague
    Jess the Plague

    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2020-03-11
    Age : 32

    Day 372 of the Hot Dog Ban and I Feel Fine Empty Re: Day 372 of the Hot Dog Ban and I Feel Fine

    Post by Jess the Plague Mon Mar 23, 2020 5:48 pm

    Before a chance to enjoy the fresh sizzled beef graciously rendered upon a bun with yellow cheese and fried onions, lettuce, pickles and tomato on the side, a problem would arise. While it was extremely clever Jess was extremely confused about the insult, she was not soliciting sex from hamburgers for cheap or free at a high amount nor at all for one. The second thing was she had purchased a cheeseburger so even if her carnal desire for the thing was sexual it would still be slightly confusing to the chemist. Pickles though, pickles was a problem her brain could assess and solve.

    Scanning her plate with an analyzing nature the genin would spot four pickles upon her plate, success! The restaurants had been generous so this problem could be solved with generosity, after all the fried onions did pair well with pickles but Jess was not picky as long as those were not messed with. So it was that the orphan would formulate a plan nigh instantaneously of a sharing approach, a true strike of luck on her part allowing this to function.

    Turning around before they got to the bench Jess would recognize from sight what she had not realized before from voice. This was the Mizukage, the plan switched from communism to feudalism, all four pickles now would go to her Kage. But hark! Upon the plate! Two dishes that required pickles, the problem now became worse. How could only four pickles be efficient for two whole burgers? Nevertheless the genin simply had to continue on with her plan regardless of the inefficiencies.

    "Mizukage please take the pickles I did not know they lacked more or I would not have had them. I know personally the hardships of going without food, though now it is not a problem for me and my palate is admittedly unsophisticated so please take these four slices of crinkle cut cucumbers soaked in vinegar and other spices. My name is Jess though, and I'm not really a whore...so can you call me that instead please?" Jess fell to one knee Bowing her head and raising the plate she held in both hands above her for the Mizukage to take the green circular delicacies from. The tone of her words alluded to their genuine nature, the genin was honored to be in her prescence but past experiences meant the title of whore stung more than was no doubt meant.

    After this action was performed or after about five seconds Jess would stand back up and gesture towards the bench. "Lets eat and then I must thank you for bankrolling me and we should discuss anything you would like me to produce in specific, anywho, food time" her tone was polite and soft but the speed of her words betrayed her lack of patience as at the end she would slide the remaining ingredients onto her burger and eat a quarter of it rapidly before pausing to allow it time to go down her throat before eating the next quarter. The flow of this would continue onward as the chemist continued eating with as much gusto as her smaller stomach allowed. She was still used to having small meals and those being few and far between which explained the need to pause in between certain amounts of food.

    No doubt the Mizukage would finish before her and maybe she would continue the conversation in which case Jess would answer after finishing her food. Thanks in part to aforementioned eating habits, it was very hard to get Jess to allow food to cool. Not to mention it would not give the burger the justice it deserved.

    The burger itself was rather fantastic truth be told, though it would feel far too synchronistic to repeat. The labyrinth of a box filled with green code should not be opened at this time, thos was the time of onions cooked to perfection placed under steam melted cheese brought from the juicy party underneath and captured by a metal lid that was shaped like a dome.

    Regarding the Mizukage herself, she was just as impressive as Jess was lead to believe and this left her anxious yet excited in the more skilled ninja's presence. She owed the Kage quite a bit so if the Kaguya did not speak before Jess was done digesting then she would say "Thank you for all the opportunities you have afforded me, you have really helped me improve my life and I will try my best not to let you down. Please let me know how and if I can ever repay you Mizukage-sama." Her words genuine again started off soft but finished with confidence and determination in them allowing her voice to solidify instead of breaking along with her nerves. Instead Jess' excitement would win over her anxiety.

    Strength: D
    Constitution: D
    Stamina: D
    Speed: C
    Coordination: C
    Intelligence: B
    Perception: D


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