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2 posters

    Haruko Fujiko

    Haruko Fujiko
    Haruko Fujiko

    Posts : 10
    Join date : 2018-08-12

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Kenjutsu
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0

    Haruko Fujiko Empty Haruko Fujiko

    Post by Haruko Fujiko Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:41 am

    Name: Haruko Fujiko
    Age: 13
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Title: N/A

    Clan: N/A
    Bloodline: N/A
    Element(s): N/A
    Skill(s): Kenjutsu


    • Strength: C (450)
    • Constitution: D (150)
    • Stamina: D (150)
    • Speed: C (450)
    • Coordination: C (450)
    • Intelligence: D (150)
    • Perception: D (150)

    1050 (Starter)
    1000 (Traded two Skill Points)

    Unique Abilities: Go With the Flow: Big Boost to raise Coordination by a tier

    Appearance: Haruko is a rather short girl with not much going on in the ways of being busty. She wears her hitai-ate as a black ribbon worn off-center in her hair. She possesses dark blue eyes and silver hair and carries a katana and wakizashi with a cherry blossom insignia and a wisteria flower attached to their sheathes. Common wears a green and white dress with several insignias along the edges and breastpocket. Adorned in typical shin-high shinobi sandals with accompanying bandages that reach up to mid-thigh.

    History: Haruko was born to a rather middle-class family with no real stake in shinobi affairs or otherwise. Her childhood was filled with trips outside of the village to visit vast fields of flowers during the Spring, her paretns explaining to her the meaning behind her name. It was during this time that she also began to notice an affinity for the basics of ninjutsu. Her parents were by no means prominent members of Kirigakure's military but they had once been Chuunin before her birth. Passing down simple things such as Water Walking and Tree Climbing, she showed a natural grace that quickly convinced her parents that enrollment in the Academy would be the proper choice.

    To say that her time in the Academy went smoothly would be somewhat incorrect. While she did get along well with other children her age and wasn't necessarily poor in her studies, her lacksadasical attitude toward most things began to get her into trouble. It wasn't until, during a certain weapons training class that she was introduced to the sword, that things began to turn around for the young girl. Like a fish to water she took to the blade and her thirst to learn was just as prominent. Her natural grace helped her excel in that field but more importantly, the things she learned on what it meant to be a swordsman, those excelled her into being a shinobi proper. Through training she learned not only the art of swordplay but also the respect one gives an elder. She learned not only how to cut down the foes that stand before her, but how to honor those enemies that proved themselves.

    It is now, a recent graduate from the Academy, that Haruko finds herself. A balance between contradicting personality traits and ideals, the future is as bright as she could ever dream it to be. If only she would go out and grab it for herself.

    Personality: Haruko is a rather laid-back person unless it comes to combat. She's very duty bound and honor driven when under orders while when allowed to her own devices she is rather lazy. She tends to be quite confident when she knows something and very withdrawn when dealing with things which she lacks knowledge of. A rather spunky girl when she wants to be, she also has a knack for never keeping grudges. Lives by the motto "Do good and die great."

    Roleplay Sample: As it came to be time and time again, the day was fading slowly to night. The swordswoman sat, her back against the bark of a tree, watching this constant flow of time pass by. The horizon set aflame in hues of pink and orange by the sun's slow and unceasing descent. Another day of training and another well-deserved rest. As she watched that blazing scene in front of her she couldn't help but feel the flame in her heart strike a similar simmer. Her hair, matted to her head after a long day of training, shook as she laughed softly. Despite the ache in her limbs, despite the soreness she could feel seeping through her muscles to her bone, despite all of that she felt the sudden need to stand. She felt the need to continue her routine. As it came to be time and time again the sun would set and just as consistently she would rise to whatever challenge came her way. As reliable as the changing of days the swordswoman pushed herself up and off of the tree. A small clattering of steel resounded as her sword moved in it's sheathe. Placing a hand onto the hilt she drew the blade out slowly. Her eyes reflected in the steel before moving her weapon to face the horizon. Steel glinting against the dying light, a smile faintly played on her lips as she moved to cut the air in front of her. The fire in her chest reminded her that she was truly alive, as much as the air she sucked into her lungs as she pushed her body forward. With a passion rivaling the rising moon she felt already that she would see that sun again before heading home. It wasn't the first all nighter she had pulled and it would certainly not be the last.
    Kim Chang-Min
    Kim Chang-Min

    Posts : 1141
    Join date : 2016-12-07

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Earth Release, Steel Release, Fuuninjutsu, Misc. Crafting, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu, Sensory, Kugutsu
    Class: X
    Ryo: 750,000 Ryo

    Haruko Fujiko Empty Re: Haruko Fujiko

    Post by Kim Chang-Min Sun Aug 12, 2018 11:22 am

    Haruko Fujiko wrote:Name: Haruko Fujiko
    Age: 13
    Gender: Female
    Village: Kirigakure
    Rank: Genin
    Title: N/A

    Clan: N/A
    Bloodline: N/A
    Element(s): N/A
    Skill(s): Kenjutsu


    • Strength: C (450)
    • Constitution: D (150)
    • Stamina: D (150)
    • Speed: C (450)
    • Coordination: C (450)
    • Intelligence: D (150)
    • Perception: D (150)

    1050 (Starter)
    1000 (Traded two Skill Points)

    Unique Abilities: Go With the Flow: Big Boost to raise Coordination by a tier

    Appearance: Haruko is a rather short girl with not much going on in the ways of being busty. She wears her hitai-ate as a black ribbon worn off-center in her hair. She possesses dark blue eyes and silver hair and carries a katana and wakizashi with a cherry blossom insignia and a wisteria flower attached to their sheathes. Common wears a green and white dress with several insignias along the edges and breastpocket. Adorned in typical shin-high shinobi sandals with accompanying bandages that reach up to mid-thigh.

    History: Haruko was born to a rather middle-class family with no real stake in shinobi affairs or otherwise. Her childhood was filled with trips outside of the village to visit vast fields of flowers during the Spring, her paretns explaining to her the meaning behind her name. It was during this time that she also began to notice an affinity for the basics of ninjutsu. Her parents were by no means prominent members of Kirigakure's military but they had once been Chuunin before her birth. Passing down simple things such as Water Walking and Tree Climbing, she showed a natural grace that quickly convinced her parents that enrollment in the Academy would be the proper choice.

    To say that her time in the Academy went smoothly would be somewhat incorrect. While she did get along well with other children her age and wasn't necessarily poor in her studies, her lacksadasical attitude toward most things began to get her into trouble. It wasn't until, during a certain weapons training class that she was introduced to the sword, that things began to turn around for the young girl. Like a fish to water she took to the blade and her thirst to learn was just as prominent. Her natural grace helped her excel in that field but more importantly, the things she learned on what it meant to be a swordsman, those excelled her into being a shinobi proper. Through training she learned not only the art of swordplay but also the respect one gives an elder. She learned not only how to cut down the foes that stand before her, but how to honor those enemies that proved themselves.

    It is now, a recent graduate from the Academy, that Haruko finds herself. A balance between contradicting personality traits and ideals, the future is as bright as she could ever dream it to be. If only she would go out and grab it for herself.

    Personality: Haruko is a rather laid-back person unless it comes to combat. She's very duty bound and honor driven when under orders while when allowed to her own devices she is rather lazy. She tends to be quite confident when she knows something and very withdrawn when dealing with things which she lacks knowledge of. A rather spunky girl when she wants to be, she also has a knack for never keeping grudges. Lives by the motto "Do good and die great."

    Roleplay Sample: As it came to be time and time again, the day was fading slowly to night. The swordswoman sat, her back against the bark of a tree, watching this constant flow of time pass by. The horizon set aflame in hues of pink and orange by the sun's slow and unceasing descent. Another day of training and another well-deserved rest. As she watched that blazing scene in front of her she couldn't help but feel the flame in her heart strike a similar simmer. Her hair, matted to her head after a long day of training, shook as she laughed softly. Despite the ache in her limbs, despite the soreness she could feel seeping through her muscles to her bone, despite all of that she felt the sudden need to stand. She felt the need to continue her routine. As it came to be time and time again the sun would set and just as consistently she would rise to whatever challenge came her way. As reliable as the changing of days the swordswoman pushed herself up and off of the tree. A small clattering of steel resounded as her sword moved in it's sheathe. Placing a hand onto the hilt she drew the blade out slowly. Her eyes reflected in the steel before moving her weapon to face the horizon. Steel glinting against the dying light, a smile faintly played on her lips as she moved to cut the air in front of her. The fire in her chest reminded her that she was truly alive, as much as the air she sucked into her lungs as she pushed her body forward. With a passion rivaling the rising moon she felt already that she would see that sun again before heading home. It wasn't the first all nighter she had pulled and it would certainly not be the last.


      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 2:32 pm