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    Team K Meetup


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    Team K Meetup Empty Team K Meetup

    Post by DamienDarhk Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:18 pm

    Zen hardly slept the night before the second round of the exams were to take place, spending the night going over the information in the packet he had attained in the first round. It wasn't a lot of information, mostly rules about what was allowed and what wasn't. Looking out the window of his room Zen would see the sky begin to lighten, signalling the coming of dawn. Zen would stand from his desk and begin to get ready, the gear he had bought from the marketplace would help him in the coming challenge or at least he hoped it would. Once he was sure he had everything he would need for the next five days the boy would head for the village gates, he needed to arrive at the exam area and find Gate K according to his packet. The half hour trek to his destination was more or less uneventful, it wasn't until he drew closer to his destination that he could see all the activity surrounding the area as he looked for location K. The sun was now over the horizon, though the light from it was not my h with the gathering of storm clouds in the sky over the exam area. It was clear that the sky would soon open up to release the storm, for now it was just a matter of time before it happened.

    Zen arrived at gate K, to find that his would-be partner for this exam had not yet arrived. Zen figured this would be the case considering how early it was when he left out this morning, he was hoping to be the first one there so that he could ensure that he had all his gear ready before his partner actually arrived. The downside to this was that he was going to be working with someone who he had no information on, the packet gave no details as to the name or skills of his partner. Zen did not like the idea of being thrusted into a situation where he would be forced to rely on someone he did not know, how on Earth was he supposed to trust someone he knew nothing about or ever met. Of course this was a similar situation he faced during the written exam, though this situation was more so in the fact that his life would actually be in the hands of his partner.

    After speaking to the official at the tent outside gate K, Zen would post himself up on a nearby boulder. Being so early he would have a good wait ahead of himself, but that was what he wanted. Pulling a few of his arrows from the quiver, Zen would begin to attach explosive tags near the head of the arrows. Though he had no intention of using these on other participants, Zen was not one that took chances. The boy had no way of knowing what he would face inside this gate nor was he sure what he might have to do in order to survive and reach his goal of passing, Zen would rather be prepared and not need these explosive arrows than need them and not have them.

    Chakra: 49/50
    -1 for Chakra Sense (always on)
    Sensing Range: 250m

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    Post by Emiki-Chan Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:04 pm

    Emiki knew that she was in for a week of boredom, not being allowed to do her twice a day lap around the Land of Water. Heck being stuck with a teammate meant she would probably have to move slow. Emiki hated slow. Slow was the opposite of speed, and was like a wound upon her soul. So she was enjoying the nice run around the Land of Water while she could.

    At the North-Western part of the continent she ran into a massive deluge of rain that followed her for 10 minutes of her run, or about 93 miles, The fast drops leaving thousands of welts all over her body by the time she exited it, and her running speed slowing significantly. Turning what would have been only 15 minutes to get back to Kiri, into two hours as she needed to stop and recuperate from the pain her body was experiencing from being shot with thousands of tiny, stinging bullets of water.

    Eventually she made it to Gate K. Still soaking wet, where she saw Zen. walking on the air she made her way towards the shinobi from her first exams. "Hi Zen! Emiki graces you with her presence today. I take it you are Emiki's partner? Team K?" Emiki crowed in lieu of a greeting.


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    Team K Meetup Empty Re: Team K Meetup

    Post by DamienDarhk Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:27 am

    Zen could sense the approach of the girls chakra long before he could see her, sensing the approaching chakra drew his attention slightly from what he was doing to the direction the source was coming from. Something about it seemed familiar to him though he couldn't put his finger on it, until she came into view walking upon the air. The sight of the girl caused the boy to chuckle, "well look who it is, it must be a small world." Zen would say as Emiki reached him still standing in the air above him, "yeah this is gate K." He answered as he stored the last of the explosive arrows into his quiver before replacing the quiver to it's spot on the back of his right shoulder as he stood. "Listen Emiki, I know we did not get off to the best start back in the written exams, but I look forward to working with you through this so that I can face you in the finals. I will do everything I can to ensure that we both make it through this, together." Zen stated as he extended his hand out to shake hers.

    "I may not be the smartest in the class, but out here," Zen would motion around him, "out here is my playground. I have survived in these types situations for most of my life, I am a hell of a tracker and not that bad of a hunter either. So you don't have to worry about going hungry, if there are animals in there we will have food."

    Chakra: 48/50
    -1 Sensing Tech (250m)

    Posts : 87
    Join date : 2019-09-03

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    Post by Emiki-Chan Sat Feb 01, 2020 1:36 pm

    Emiki would accept the olive branch given and would give a cheerful nod,"And you don't have to worry about Emiki leaving tracks, Emiki is the best at arial based stealth. Oh! Oh! Oh! Emiki should warn you, on the opposite side of the continent Emiki ran into a nasty rainstorm, we might need to be careful if it comes this way. Emiki does poorly against rain."

    Emiki grinned at her partner's promise for food, and that he knew what he was doing. Emiki rarely knew what she was doing, focusing mostly on running and/or crashing based solutions to her problems. In an exam that would require experience, fortitude, and living in the woods far away from any restaurants. Emiki would need all the help she could get, and who knew she could possibly learn some interesting things from this fellow Genin that could inspire her to hit the next level.

    "Before we go in, Emiki can send us into the air safely for periods of time, no tracks to follow, we can get an aerial view of the test grounds, see if you can spot anything of interest to help us win. After all, when you're on the grounds in the woods, you have lots of ways to leave a trail, even fast people like Emiki. In the air? No resistance, no foot prints, and best of all, we can quickly get from one point to another with limited effort ... of course Emiki's rival Yoshi will most likely be doing the same thing. And Emiki does not want to lose to her."



    Posts : 292
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    Location : Kumogakure

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    Ryo: A Lot

    Team K Meetup Empty Re: Team K Meetup

    Post by DamienDarhk Sat Feb 01, 2020 2:17 pm

    Zen nodded at Emiki's mention of the rain, he could see the storm clouds and they were definitely moving their way. Though her idea of being in the air might seem like a good idea to her, but to Zen it was absurd. He could not imagine not having his feet on the ground or something solid, just the thought of looking down and not seeing what he was standing on sent a shiver down his spine. Zen would do his best to hide this fear of heights from his partner, as there was no sense in lowering her confidence in him.

    "Well unfortunately that storm is coming our way, it will most likely be here within the next day or two. Now as far as your offer I am going to have to decline, while you make a good point about the tracks you don't have to worry about that with me. Like I said this is my thing, I have spent enough time in the wild to know how to cover my tracks and I got a light enough step that I don't leave much of one anyways." Zen would pause for a second in case the girl wished to argue her side further, though she would have a hard time converting him. Along with his fear, Zen was as stubborn as a mule and once his mind was made up it rarely got changed.

    "We need to focus on reaching the center of this place, and finding a second relic. Now you are right you in the air will give you a better view of things, see things we might miss. I can follow from the trees branches or the ground, I know you're fast but it is going to take us several days reach the center. You spoke of a rival, so you know there are others that will be out there. We have to be careful and not draw attention to ourselves and pay attention to our surroundings, so it is definitely going to take time."

    Posts : 87
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    Post by Emiki-Chan Sat Feb 01, 2020 4:44 pm

    Emiki nodded, "It's going to be a lot worse in a few days. It was really mean rain. As for the whole ... thing 'Emki can spot things' thing, Emiki has an attention problem, and isn't the most perceptive person on the planet. If you have good eyes we will definitely spot everything we need, but Emiki can try, but if there's a bird, or pretty butterfly, or something shiny all bets are off. Emiki knows that going a straight like will prevent us from having to go around trees or obstacles the evil ground has to offer. It'll be like a very high, very far jump, with a very soft landing. It'll be no problem at all, barely an inconvenience before we spot all the relics before Yoshi and can move towards at least one of them."

    Emiki would then give a toothy grin. She'd in the end leave the plans and thinking to Zen, Emiki would simply do what Emiki did best. Run.


    Posts : 292
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    Location : Kumogakure

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    Ryo: A Lot

    Team K Meetup Empty Re: Team K Meetup

    Post by DamienDarhk Sat Feb 01, 2020 9:49 pm

    Zen could tell that the girl wanted nothing more than to stay off the ground, just as much as he wanted to stay on the ground. Her mention of getting distracted however worried the boy, what good is a partner if they cannot stay focused on the task at hand. "Well then I hope that the relic is shiny then," Zen said with a slight chuckle as he tried to hide the fact how uncomfortable he was working with someone who can't pay attention. "Let's just try to get through this now, they should be ready for us to start any time now. We need a plan, first things first we stick together. No running off on your own, I can sense chakra so we have that on our side. I'll be able to sense nearby threats from other competitors, but we can't know what else they are going to have in there. Make sure you stay alert, and above all else don't die."

    Just as Zen finished speaking the attendant at the tent motioned them forward, handing Zen a relic and walkie-talkie before giving Emiki a walkie-talkie as well and motioning for them to enter. Zen would look to Emiki and give her a nod of confidence before entering the exam area.

    Exiting into the exams.

    Posts : 87
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    Post by Emiki-Chan Sun Feb 02, 2020 11:43 am

    From the sounds of things. Emiki was going to have to pay more attention to everything than she had done in her entire life. Emiki felt a shudder go throughout her body at the very idea. But it was a necessary super evil, Zen was counting on her areal abilities so she had to step up her A Game to help out anyway she could. Rubbing her mass amount of welts she gave a nod and stretched her limbs as they started towards the gates.

    I can't wait to get through this so I can play with more ninja is something more fun than Hide and Seek. I'm good not good at that game. It requires too much silence and silence makes me uneasy.

    // exit thread.

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