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    Team B Meetup.


    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Team B Meetup. Empty Team B Meetup.

    Post by Short_Stack Tue Jan 28, 2020 6:42 pm

    Miyu had Kitchen-Kun out and was preparing a nice Ryuutei Stew with delectably seasoned, and tenderized human. It was the first meal, although now substantially improved, that she had ever served Yua and Yui all those months ago in the Kiri Marketplace. The place she had first heard about the glories of Jashin, and had led to her following her current path, alongside the second Bestest Big Sis in the history of ever, Shimi-Nee.

    While the Stew was cooking, Miyu had some of Kitchen-Kun's many arms prepare a side order of Ground Human Wanton, with a savory dipping sauce. A bright, dazzling smile lighting up her face as she cooked, immersing herself in the joys of making something delicious and beautiful for others.

    When the twins came one of Kitchen-Kun's arms would wave at them, before beconning them to sit at the Hibachi / Open Kitchen set up. Miyu's voice would be a near yell of joy as she greeted them, "BJFFs! Come on over, I made some yummy Ryuutei Stew and a side order of Human Wanton! We can talk plans, and can catch up ... I know that I haven't been the bestest BJFF, what with me being super busy making transcripts of Library's sacred texts, and receiving Divine Fuuin from Jashin, but that's not really a good excuse not to learn how to be amazing Jashinists like you two ... I want to be as amazing as you two and maybe someday, I can be a saint too. Not just a librarian Jashin sometimes sends knowledge too."

    It was several minutes for the food to finish, Miyu would catch up with them, learning what they had been up to the last few months. Letting them settle on what conversation topic they'd like rather than Miyu rambling on in her excitement.


    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Wed Jan 29, 2020 10:08 am

    The twins had learned Miyu was their partner for the exams second stage, this was good as she was a fellow Jashinist and would understand needing to take time to read to scriptures. They entered her place and saw all the delicious food, as they both were excited and could smell the food cooking. Before they took a seat they would move around the counter and offer a big hug to Miyu she was now a sister in the faith with them and they had not seen her for some time. She mentioned being a saint as well but the twins were no saints and simply giggled. They were idolized in the church but by far held no little power. They had influence at most still her saying she thought of them as a saint made them happy.

    "We are glad to see you again sister Miyu it has been far too long, we are glad Jashin blessed you with more abilities it is his wish for his flock to become stronger after all. We have got stronger ourselves let us just say we have a beast inside of us now. We are still trying to figure out how to coexist well but so far things are not terrible."

    Their eyes would flash red for a moment and the demonic energy would briefly flash in the air, it was a simple show of the power they had inside of them. They could even use Fuuinjutsu now as well as magnet release, these new skills certainly were helpful, to say the least. They were not strong like Miyu but they were very versatile and a good ally to have on a team.

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Short_Stack Wed Jan 29, 2020 10:30 am

    Miyu squeed with glee at the hug, and warmly returned it, feeling their essences flow among each other as her empathic ability sought to sink with the Twins. At seeing the flash of red in their eyes Miyu would look as if she were to explode with excitement, but the flair of malice from the aura confused her and that abrupt change in expression would be obvious. Not just because emotionally Miyu was an open book written in large print, but rather how fast the expression changed, it wasn't one of fear, but rather one of confused curiosity.

    Miyu would show off a Valknut that upon closer inspection would show Jashinist script hidden in Fuuin code, "Jashin showed me this divine text that allows me to mentally speak with others, or with their permission, enter their mindscape. If Mr. Beasty is okay with it, may I share this Suuin with you and speak with all 3 of you within yourself? Mr. Beasty confuses me a little and now I'm curious, and best of all! No matter where we go, or how far apart we are. Those who hold this Suuin can talk to one another."

    Miyu's body trembled with excitement at sharing this gift with the twins, and was something that definitely could be useful in the coming days. If the twin's accepted it, Miyu would place her hands upon them, letting the Suuin imprint itself upon their bodies, and would enter their mindscape to be greeted by them.


    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Wed Jan 29, 2020 10:57 am

    They listened to her words about being able to enter the mindscape, they had put on a persona of being kind and loving but they knew if she went inside she would see their true sides a very frightening thing indeed. The reason the twins got along so well with the tailed beast was that they were quite like-minded, they loved destruction, they loved to cause suffering and pain and they also hated humanity as a whole. The twins would close their eyes for a second and enter their mind, inside the beast stared back at them, he knew why they were here and he really didn't like talking to humans.

    "We were wondering if you would not mind meeting Miyu, do not worry she won't hold any content or ill feelings about you. She is a Jashinist like ourselves and if she annoys you we will simply throw her out of our mind."

    He would stand and take a deep breath, he knew they would keep bugging him if he did not agree and he was trapped in this body for the foreseeable future. He would simply glare at the pair before speaking his words, they did promise to get rid of the intruder if she annoyed him so why not get some entertainment from her. Would she piss her pants at his demonic aura, well besides that would she be able to handle what she will see inside the twin's mind. He knew just how messed up they were and he loved every bit of it, but a human may not feel very comfortable.

    "Very well if she annoys me you will throw her out of our minds, I do hope she knows what shes stepping inside of when she comes inside your mind shes in for a shocker."

    They both giggled and opened their eyes and smiled at Miyu he had accepted, they only hoped all the memories and thoughts of the twins would not shatter her mind. They had done a lot of things people would never want to see the murders, the skinning of people alive the thoughts as they made people suffer at their hands.

    "He agreed but said if you annoy him we have to throw you out, just remember we put on a front so we hope you are ready to see our true selves. You don't know us like you think you do and entering such a place will show you our deepest and darkest memories, so keep your sanity alright."

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Short_Stack Wed Jan 29, 2020 12:03 pm

    At the warning Miyu hesitated for only a second then nodded, "Okay, I trust you two, you're both mine ... I mean one of the people who are my friends, but I have a question. Do you really think I'm sane?" Miyu would ask innocently with a sparkle in her eyes. She was called many things in her life, but sane was something she didn't think anyone would have ever attributed to her. Kind, compassionate, a sweetheart, innocent, adorable? Yes, but sane, stable, or well balanced was something no one had ever called her in person.

    Taking a deep breath she placed her hands upon them, and let the chakra ink flow from her into them, writing the sacred fuuin upon their arms, and with it in place she closed her eyes and slipped into them. As she did she noticed the destruction and desolation of their mindscape. Buildings lay in ruins, affects from those who's lives were lost in the apocalypse of their soul littering the streets, and in the distance a windchime from one of the buildings making an eerie melody in the wind that blowed through the wasteland.

    But more than that was the emotions of their true selves. A pure, raw hate for humanity; the sadistic love for the suffering and pain of others; the love of destruction. A raw, directionless malevolence that filled the air. When they saw her, at first they'd see the glow of raw unbridaled light, innocence, warmth, and love she clung to as a shield, but they'd see it not as much a shield from others. Rather a shield for others.

    Slowly the glow would fray, and shrink until only a tiny spark was held in her fist, and the thing the shield was protecting others from would flow out of Miyu like an endless emotional ocean of darkness. Her infinite loneliness, self loathing, and fear of loss. Her fanatical, predatory protection of things that she saw as her's. And a psychotic, murderous wrath that cut the world between food and friends. A lethal, ashy warmth that would gladly reduce all life to ash if it got in the way of her and the things she wanted to protect. Flashes of memories would flicker out of all the times she had poisoned entire clans, even her own, for minor infractions up those who made up her world; countless deaths and skinnings of the living only to seal them and their meat, organs, and bones in their own flayed skin.

    And a love, that would kill anything that threatened her momentary happiness.

    Her eyes would hold a mixture of that fear and anger as she looked upon the twins. Their emotions flowing more keenly around one anothers in this world made of nothing but thought and emotion.

    "Can I have a hug?" Miyu would ask, her emotions clinging around them like fine silk as she sought "physical" contact with the two twins whom she was surprised was more alike to her than she had ever imagined.

    Like her they held a darkness within them. But unlike her, they didn't clean to fragments of goodness both from herself and stolen from others to preserve a long lost innocence. But fully embraced their darkness.


    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:54 pm

    The twins were inside their minds as Miyu also entered, they could tell by the look on her face she did not expect what she saw. Their true selves and the pure hared the felt toward humanity, it became clear they hated it with every fiber of their being. As Miyu dropped her front hey could only smile, they knew she was using a front but she was deliciously evil, not quite as bad as this pair but certainly not an ally to humanity. She asked for a hug as the pair would wrap their arms around embracing her with an image of Shimiko offering her hand to the pair while they were eating a raw pig, the light of the sun shining on them.

    "We are glad to see you also are a wolf in sheep's clothing, still he might not be so nice and don't expect any hugs from him."

    Suddenly a large head would appear before the girl as his deep breath would blow on her, he liked what he felt from her as he would chuckle.

    "You two have interesting friends, I like your friend she can ask me a question is she wishes if she hasn't gone mad from entering your mind she can talk to myself."

    He would wait for her questions and he hoped she would ask him ones he could answer with delight like why he hated humans, they enslaved him being the obvious answers, but this body was not so bad they also seemed to have regenerative powers meaning he was more likely to survive.

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Short_Stack Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:53 pm

    At the memory of Shimiko reaching down to the twins eating their raw pig, the sun shining down. Where Miyu responded with her memory of feeling Jashin's grace and a feeling of safety fill her as Shimiko held her as Miyu excepted Jashin into her heart. She'd try to send that same grace and feeling of love into the Twins, "Shimi-nee is truly one of the best things to happen to us isn't it? I'm happy that Jashin led you two and Shimi-nee to me so I may know him." A small smile forming on her face, "No lies between us. Jashin, you three, and Midori-nee, make up my little world. Thank you, when I usher Jashin into this world, I'll be sure to give you four a front row seat."

    A flash of a place of pure white light; a feeling like ice being poured into the soul within it's cold light; an all encompassing, cold comforting presence; a force where life and death were as one, where death begat life, only to take it back as it slowly drew back the life of the world; a grim promise that one day all would join the eternal fairness of death. A promise that all that lived would one day die, and know eternal peace in it's embrace. A sacred vow, that life was a temporary gift, that soon would end so the turmoil of that life would no longer plague them, an aide to appreciate the peace and beauty of death.

    "One of these days, if I'm given the honor of visiting here again. Can I show you how Jashin has had a hand in all of our lives to come to this moment? At least on my end? It's a story that shows just how power, wise, and gracious our Dark Father is." Miyu would ask softly. While her backstory, it was one that was filled with events that on the outside looked like random chance, an endless string of coincidences, but with intellect like theirs would see that an outside force had guided events to where they were now.

    But all hugs must end eventually, and as they parted they warned that the beast within them would not be the one to give hugs, but would be willing to meet her, she squeed in joy. A sound both familiar, yet coming from not an innocent joy, but a need to consume knowledge and satiate the appetite of her curiosity.

    As the head appeared before her and blew on her, her eyes went wide and sparkled, the malevolence she could feel was geared towards humans in general, and she let her empathy feel him, [color:5681=ff66cc]"You're so cool and pretty! Sorry I mean handsome!" Miyu would say in shocked awe, her face flush with emotions she didn't know the name for, "I bet you're the coolest and most handsome of all Biju! I'm right aren't I?" Miyu asked with childlike earnestness.

    She'd send a mental request to project food upon their territory, and if allowed would bring to mind the first human she killed and cooked herself, and would offer the warm, fresh flesh to the Biju, "What's your name? I feel rude calling you Biju, or Mr. Beasty. You're a bazillion times too cool for that ... um ... can you tell me your story? I'd really love to know about such an awesomazing entity like you ... if that's okay?" Miyu would ask demurely. As an electric tingle raced through her body at the prospect of gaining more knowledge and learning from the entity before her.


    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Thu Jan 30, 2020 6:51 am

    They listened to her speech as she seemed to enjoy the hug and they nodded in agreement Shimiko was everything to them she was the only light in their darkness. If it was not for her they would be dead and if she ever left this world for any reason they were sure they would spiral out of control. he mentioned wanting to come here again and maybe if they ever lost control of Shukaku she may be able to help them recover.

    "Yes, Jashin has blessed us with being part of the plan, us meeting Shimiko was no accident it was fate that leads her to us. Jashin wanted her to meet us and have us join him, so I am very glad Shimiko entered our lives."

    The twins listened to her fawn over Shukaku and could not help but chuckle, he was clearly thrown off by the sudden praise she had given him. If he could blush he likely would be blushing as he simply cleared his throat and looked away for a moment. He would tell her his name as this human wasn't bad for a stupid human, it seemed he had taken a soft spot liking to the girl.

    "My name is Shukaku call me that, and don't let my cute looks fool you if I had a chance I would rip you to shreds, but... I don't feel like it today."

    He was clearly lying trying to act tough and could only make the twins giggle even more, still someone calling him cute really shocked them as well. They certainly did not think he was cute, it was powerful and he had similar goals to what they wanted but he was not a cute pet for sure.

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Short_Stack Thu Jan 30, 2020 7:57 am

    Miyu couldn't help but agree for the blessing that was Shimi-Nee, she knew that if something were to happen to her, she'd kill everyone responsible, their families, their village, then the same for anyone in Kumo that had sent her out to her death. When it came to people she cared about, that made up her little world, Miyu was a "kill the bloodline and everyone in the way" type of person when it came to vengeance.

    She had already had plans up for Kiri and Kumo should her sisters ever meet their ends. She hoped that it never came to that, and they died peacefully in their sleep, but Miuyu's mind was always active, and apocalyptic-case scenarios were ones that the little Ninja needed to plan for as well.

    "Mhmm, and if she ever get's killed. I promise to bring you with me so you can get some vengeance as well, but the village responsible, any bloodline members in the village, their friends and friends family as well, and the same for the one's in Kumo who sent her to her death will die. Anyone who kills Shimi-Nee or Midori-Nee will feel me destroy their entire world before I take their lives ... but for Shimi-Nee, I'd let you have your vengeance as well."

    It was only fair after all. Sharing was caring.

    At hearing Shukaku's name and how easy he could tear her apart, Miyu let out an excited squee, "Sugoi! I knew you were the coolest, but your name even has cool inside it! And I definitely know you could I bet you have the most buffest, coolest muscles ever! Shukaku, you're the bestest! I'm deeply honored to be in your presence." Miyu would cheer enthusiastically, "I'm going to make you some Chakra Sake, and bring some for you someday. You look like you only enjoy the most awesome things."

    Nodding sagely to herself, she made a point to when she left to make some Spirit Sake that could get a Biju wasted. He deserved it.

    Looking at the twins she'd give a wide, dark grin, "Thank you both, I'm used to feeling ugly and scorned by humans for my more innocently darker sides. My cannibal clan, my cursed sister, the fact that most of my missions I take revolve around murder and cannibalism, even those where it's stated that murder isn't necessary. But you two? You're a lot like me ... thank you." She'd give them a warm, joyous smile, "Now how are we going to do these exams? We don't need to worry about weapons, I've developed Jutsu to murder people without need of my claws ... if they take my claw weapons. And we need to ensure we destroy the competition within the bounds of the rules. We need to crush the strong, and foster the weak, so when the final battle comes, we are left with only those that would feed our victory ... or who look tasty."


    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Fri Jan 31, 2020 6:36 pm

    The twins were glad to hear her say she would help with revenge, this made them happy and they would take up her offer if it ever happened. As for what she said next it caused Shukaku to turn his head away, she was such a strange human complimenting him so much, the twins did not do these things they had the same goals and treated him as a partner but nothing more. This girl treated him as an individual which made him feel uneasy, he knew he could not be around the world totally free as he would likely be forced into a host not as suitable as this one.

    "I would like some but remember I am not an individual if you give me chakra sake you are also giving it to the young woman here, so this means they will get just as drunk as I am. We are one together we share out chakra our bodies so if anything happens to them I suffer the same fate."

    She then mentioned the twins being like her and they were in a way, maybe with a much darker other side, however. They would smile at the girl she was a good sister in the church like themselves and someday they would change how the church worked. right now it's run by the old guard who are set in their ways if they fail to adapt however, the twins would cull the old guard in order to bring about the needed change.

    "Sadly we cannot use our ax, we will certainly miss this, however, we have many other tricks we can use and medical jutsu to help us as well. We do have another plan we are not the strongest team so I think we have a good idea. We can convince other teams that are not the strongest to assist us in taking out the stronger teams, this will make the next phase of the exams easier. Plus it makes the weaker teams able to move on so they will agree to help, we will play off that we are weak and will not show any of our power unless needed."

    They would wait for her answer to this as they continued to smile, what they lacked in power they more than made up in cleverness. Someday they would be an offensive force but for now, they were fine with playing the weak card and making others underestimate them.

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Short_Stack Fri Jan 31, 2020 8:22 pm

    When Shukaku said he wasn't an individual, Miyu opened her mouth for a moment as if she were about to speak up, before he finished by stating their symbiotic relationship, Miyu closed her mouth and tilted her head as she scrunched her eyebrows for a moment. As she pondered something, a few seconds later her eyebrows rose and she let out a gasp of understanding, "Oh! I got that now, sorry, I forgot for a second some evil human must have placed you in Yui. But um ..." Miyu let out a bright blush, as that strange sensation warmed her even further, she'd bat her eyelashes at Shukaku before continuing, "Shukaku, one of these days, when I make you a yummy meal just for you with the best sake I can make. Can you tell me all about you? I ... I ... um ..."

    Miyu would hide her face in her hands as a sudden wave of shyness filled her, the words that while innocent and would be something she'd ask normally, now filled her with embarrassment for a reason she didn't understand, "I would really love to learn all about how such a cool being like you came to be ... and I'm sorry I'm being all weird around your awesomazingness. I've no idea why my body's all tingly, and fluttery, and why my face feels hot. I think it must be the weather. "

    Miyu would listen to the twins plan, but as exciting as it was, she felt her eyes take furtive glances at Shukaku, Miyu thought to herself before speaking up, forgetting in the moment that her thoughts and image of her muscular Shukaku Statute was projected to everyone, "Okay ... sorry, had a brainfart for a moment. I agree, although everyone underestimates me outside of a kitchen for some reason. I mean, I'm a skilled chemist who's made many S rank materials; I have made many potent poisons; I'm a Ryuutei trained Med-Nin; and was trained in combat tactics and Tai skills by the Demon of the Mist and the Beast of Kiri; But because I'm smol, people underestimate me easily.

    "I agree, let them see us as weak. Hide our strength. Then use them as fodder to feed our victory, devouring the weak so that we may rise ... but to be fair Yui, Yua. If we do have to fight, I will give you my everything. I have to prove my worth to Shimi-nee and Midori-nee, so they don't think I'm unworthy of being their little sister. And even more now, so that Shukaku and you two doesn't think I'm lame and unworthy of your presence."

    Miyu would blush harder at that, and with the strange cocktail of sensations that had been growing for some time now would impulsively pop over to Yui and Yua giving them a peck of a kiss on their cheeks before popping over to Shukaku where she laid a kiss on his as well, at that her blush would grow to making her look more like a ripe, red tomato.

    She blipped out of their mind retreating in embarrassment leaving behind one last word after her departure, "Thank you."

    In the outside world she'd open her eyes, letting the greying sky and surroundings fill her before what had transpired hit her and she covered her face with her hands as all the jumbled emotions slammed back into her.  She had no clue why she'd give her first kiss to those three, or why her body had such a strange and weird cocktail of emotions, nor the various weird things her physical body was doing as it processed all of them.

    All she knew was that it was super weird, and she had no idea what was going on.


    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Mon Feb 03, 2020 5:00 am

    They listened to her words and since she was inside their mind they knew what she was feeling and thinking as the pair would giggle. She had feelings for Shukaku, this was quite an odd development and certainly wondered how he felt about that. They would tease him later for sure about it, for now, they listened to what she thought about their plans and promised she could fight. She also seemed to agree with the plan to play off being weak, as the pair would smile before she would give many more glances at Shukaku before saying thank you and leaving.

    "So Shukaku stealing the heart of a maiden, you woman slayer."

    They would giggle once more as he simply sighed and they exited their own mind and back into reality. So they would be moving out right now and it was time for the exams. They heard the sound of the whistle it was time to make their move as the motioned for Miyu to follow.

    "We think we will simply head toward the northwest, its the most out of the way location and we can likely find one artifact on the way, once we have it we can simply take a very out of the way path back. Though I think we can easily make it back to the gates let us make our search if we find one before that point we can head back here."

    They would begin rushing toward the desired area, being in the middle is the worst idea, the best idea is following as close to the edge as possible being as far out of the line of others path as possible. This would make it less likely they had to deal with any other teams but if they did come across one they would make the proposal they mentioned to Miyu.

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Short_Stack Mon Feb 03, 2020 5:12 am

    Miyu was jolted out of her embarrassment and cocktail of weird emotions by the whistle. Using her chakra strings she'd place and seal the prepped food, freezing it in space and time, and would seal up her puppet.

    Running with the twins, she'd add, "My ability to sense Chakra is always on, so we have a good hundred or so meters in all directions we can sense. So leave guarding us and locating weaklings to me, still I agree with your plan. Let's head north-west, and see what we can find ... hopefully they don't ask questions about a sealed puppet, or my claws."

    With that Miyu would excitedly follow them to her old Ryuutei haunt. This was going to be a fun 5 days.

    //Exit Thread.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Team B Meetup. Empty Re: Team B Meetup.

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:04 pm

    The twins would nod, they would make it past this part of the exams and hope this proved enough despite their lack in combat prowess. If they could prove they were smart and reliable this alone could make them a Chuunin, it also could show they had potential even if they failed. They would head off with Miyu as they would pass the checkpoint and enter the field, they had their destination set and were now ready to roll.

    They would prove Shimiko was right about them, she put faith in them and in return they would make her proud and happy. Jashin had made them stronger and they had so much more to learn, and prove to the world. Jashin would become a worldwide religion and with their planned changes in the church, they would make it a religion the world would accept, the old guard had to be removed and they would soon begin to think of a plan for that.

    -Exit Thread-


    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

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