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    Brightsteel Training Session


    Posts : 111
    Join date : 2017-11-16

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0000

    Brightsteel Training Session Empty Brightsteel Training Session

    Post by Kohana Mon Dec 09, 2019 1:33 pm

    The slums of good ol' Hana Island Capital has some nasty activities. People getting mugged and no one will bat an eye at them. Law enforcement will show up, but they're so corrupted that they'll accept bribe money to let the criminal go. In this city, no one was innocent. For everyone has blood stained their hands one way or another.

    Kohana, a silver haired kid, has spent her time with the Iron Wolves. A local gang that keeps to themselves so long as no one messes with their territory. Unfortunately this means that Kohana can't keep her skills from being rusty. At least, that's what she felt like. Sylpher has been keeping Kohana away from taking further missions on their behalf, and whenever Kohana demanded answers for that Sylpher always comes up with some excuse as to why.

    Now Kohana finds herself at one of the backyards of a vacant apartment of said slums. The building was in bad shape that Kohana was surprised that it is still standing somehow. On one hand she holds her baton, while on the other spinning from her finger is a ten foot steel wire with a shuriken attached to it. The way the steel sings in the air, it was surprisingly soothing to her. With a swipe of her left hand, the shuriken curved with the motion and knocked over an empty beer bottle from a wooden table of splinters and holes.

    There was a long line of bottles set up on the table as she was surrounded by a makeshift fence of chicken wire. It was supposed to blow off a 5 foot square, but Kohana easily jumped over it so it proved to be of no obstacle to her. With a twist of her finger, the shuriken makes a sharp 180 degree to wrap the wire around the bottle. A pull of her hand, the bottle flies off from the table. Before it could hit the ground, Kohana seemingly flew over to the falling bottle in very little time at all before she swings her baton at the bottle. The glass bottle cracked upon impact before it was sent flying until it shattered against the brick wall. During this motion, the wire grew lax and so Kohana deftly manipulated by her fingers to lift itself from the falling bottle and swipe the shuriken at another bottle. Causing to knock over as Kohana knocked away the first bottle. Seeing the second bottle falling from the table, Kohana quickly swings her trusty baton upward to knock the bottle away for a good ten meters past the fence.

    Truthfully she expected to hear either a clatter or glass shattering noise. Instead it sounded hollow as the bottle flew into a row of bushes. Following up with a masculine yelp of pain that was trying to be quiet. Yet Kohana could still hear it as her senses were sharp and the surrounding area wasn't really loud. Just some crickets occasionally making their buzzing sounds. Pointing at that direction with her baton and keeping the shuriken spinning around her finger behind her. She speaks in a firm tone that was devoid of emotion.

    "Show yourself stalker. Before you get a shuriken between your eyes." A threat to get the person in hiding to come out. It was relatively dark so there were shadows everywhere. Her spot included. Stepping out of the bushes with one open hand raised while the other seems to be rubbing a spot on their head. Probably where the bottle smacked the guy. However what lighting there is, the guy seems to be a young adult with shaggy blonde hair. Even has a stubble for a beard. Kohana immediately recognized him as Ted who tested Kohana's initiation into the Iron Wolves. He's also bigger and broad than she is, yet she still put him into a hospital.

    "Don't throw that please. I'll take a beer being thrown at me than something sharp." Which is funny since he is no slouch when it comes to weaponry. Weaponry and traps to be exact as Ted used several traps against Kohana. Nicked her a couple of times because of her reflexes barely evading them. Kohana lowers her baton albeit that shuriken is still spinning behind her.

    Character Name: Kohana Brightsteel
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 405
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 14, 425
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Limit Break Points:
    • Physical: 2
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 1

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2391-nightbane-s-updates?nid=291#21620
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2380-kohana-brightsteel-missing-nin
    Link to Known Techniques:

    Posts : 111
    Join date : 2017-11-16

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0000

    Brightsteel Training Session Empty Re: Brightsteel Training Session

    Post by Kohana Sun Dec 15, 2019 3:40 am

    "I hear you've been training on your own lately. Figured I could show you a trick or three given you seem to focus on weaponry like me." Ted admitted as he approached the makeshift fence of chicken wire. Kohana doesn't blink as her eyes were set on Ted. Kind of unsettling especially the only sound coming from her is the metal singing in the air behind her. The shuriken was basically a blur right now.

    "So uh… ever thought of developing your own style? Ya know, like finding your own technique and such. You're light and quick on your feet so maybe something the uses finesse…" Ted chuckled nervously as Kohana interrupts him with a blink of her eyes.

    "I already know that stalker. Finding a fighting style isn't going to be achieved in an hour by myself out here." With a swipe of her hand the shuriken whips over at Ted. The man flinched as he rears back. Little did he realizes that she purposely had the arc just too short for it to even nick his nose. A hint of a smile pressed on her lips as his reaction amused Kohana. She was just playing with him on that trick as Kohana spun the shuriken on a wire around her finger until it stopped. It took the man a second to regain his composure, and he was quite twitchy too. Probably on those drugs again.

    "Yes, yes! Exactly so. Which is why I'm offering… a way to better yourself. You see, there's an underground tournament that's soon to start. Just a few days actually." Ted spoke as his eyes grew sheepish by the second. At this point, Kohana grew wary of him. Something wasn't right with him.

    "Ted, I already know about the Iron Tournament. That's why I'm training for this now." Kohana explained as she unraveled the wire around her finger and the shuriken basically spiralled around her body. Until she flicked her bird finger that Kohana whipped the shuriken to smack against the bottles. Ted of course picks up the bottle from his side and sets up a little test. He placed a bottle cap on one of the bottles and the bottle was sandwiched by two other bottles in close proximity.

    "Try to pop the cap off this bottle without knocking off the bottles." Ted stated as he took a couple of steps back from the fence. Kohana raised a brow for a moment, but her sharp eyes focused on the cap. Calculating on how she was going to execute this, Kohana steadily spun the shuriken by her bird finger beside her. Carefully considering how she was going to accomplish this. Kohana swipes the shuriken in a skyward arc. Extending the shuriken just enough to pop the cap off from the bottle as it harmlessly falls on the table. Her reflexes reacted faster than she could think as in that moment Kohana sees a silhouette much like a Kunai coming for her. Eyes widen in surprise, Kohana stepped to the side while also turning her head towards the Kunai. Where she'll bite down onto the handle of the Kunai. The force almost made her head jerk back, but she kept it from going any further. Based on the light stinging sensation, that act nicked her. Again no less.

    "Your main thing I noticed is that you're too focused. Makes you predictable no matter how fast you are. Try to make your movements more fluid. More natural even." Ted suggested from the dark shadows that makes it difficult even for Kohana to see. Her eyes grew with annoyance, although there was merit to his words. Still, Kohana ran towards Ted by leaping up on the fence and then like a speeding bullet Kohana soar for the thrower. Even throwing the shuriken around to catch him at his left side. Yet little did she realize that this silhouette was no more than a dummy as Kohana swiped her baton. Only to be met with a metallic clang as she really just struck against a trash can. That was impossible though, for she was certain this was him. His voice came from here even.

    Yet from the shadows close to her on both sides a Kunai from each moved towards her. Kohana simply leapt up to let the Kunai collide underneath her.

    "Predictable." The voice this time was disoriented. It echoed around the area even with Kohana's height advantage. Yet she sees a wheel, or rather hears metal spinning in the wind as it moves from maybe five meters to her left. It was a shuriken no doubt, and give her being in mid air Kohana couldn't dodge this one. So Kohana flipped her body to literally snatch the shuriken from the air. Albeit the blades grazed her fingers leaving red lines on the shuriken. Another shuriken coming at her from 10 meters now, but Kohana this time threw her shuriken at the incoming projectile to deflect it. Finally as she descends. Kohana lands on the trash can with her feet followed by a metallic screech. Screech of wires being taught in tension which triggered the second she landed.

    Before she knew it multiple thin wires flew out of the bush and wrapped around Kohana's arms and strategically placed around her legs Lim her movement. Teeth baring on the kunai, she struggled to break free to no avail.

    "I underestimated you before Nightbane. I won't be making that mistake a second time. Now, if I can do this then imagine what training the other participants have to go through." This time Ted was alleviated from the ground as Kohana can see him back at the enclosed fence. Sitting on the bench with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. Kohana was trying to wrap her head around when he set up all of this, as this took careful planning and anticipation on her actions. It frustrated her. It heavily annoyed her as it felt like she was being strung along like some puppet. A faint growl escapes from her lips as she lowered her head. Finding a wire, Kohana jerks her head to the side and slices the wire with her Kunai. It was slight, but Kohana felt some of the wires grew lax. Some of the wires dug into her skin as Kohana dropped the Kunai I her bloodied hand and with a twirl around the ring she cuts more of the wires open.

    Eventually Kohana gets enough room to where she can leap up above the trap before landing on the wires like some kind of acrobat. Red lines can be seen along her arms and calves. So let to say she was getting angry at the guy training or not.

    [Learning Aernai (1167/200) Custom C Rank]

    Character Name: Kohana Brightsteel
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 405
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 14, 425
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Limit Break Points:
    • Physical: 2
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 1

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2391-nightbane-s-updates?nid=291#21620
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2380-kohana-brightsteel-missing-nin
    Link to Known Techniques:

    Posts : 111
    Join date : 2017-11-16

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0000

    Brightsteel Training Session Empty Re: Brightsteel Training Session

    Post by Kohana Mon Dec 16, 2019 2:17 pm

    Kohana flew once again from the wires she was on for Ted. With a flick of his wrist, Ted threw a bottle at her and this one had alcohol in it. So when Kohana moved her baton to smack it away. Some of the glass cracked enough to splatter alcohol on her face. The smell took her aback as she wasn't used to the smell to be strong. She stopped in her tracks as she scrunch her face. Trying to wipe off the liquid with her shirt sleeve, Kohana discovered that she can't get rid of the smell. Ted bellowed a laugh as he was having the time of his life.

    "C'mon Nightbane! I know you do better than that!" Ted taunted Kohana, and it just pissed her off at this point. Flipping the Kunai in her hand, Kohana gives it a mighty throw at Ted with more force than she normally does. The sudden increase in velocity caught Ted off guard as he helped and falls off the table. A desperate act to avoid the kunai for sure as it whistles over him. However he ended up landing on his back to which he groaned and tenderly reached over at the spot where he landed.

    Utilizing her enhanced speed, Kohana dropped to a low crouch as she brings out her own Kunai with her free hand. As Ted was getting up, Kohana pounced on him by leaping in a arc to go over the fence. Using the momentum to her advantage, Kohana slams into Ted with a strong force. She stabbed her Kunai into the man's left arm while also pinning his other hand to the ground with her baton. The sheer strength behind her pounce caught the man off guard once again. Ted really didn't anticipate that she could hold so much strength in that tiny body of hers. She was practically a kid still, yet here she was pinning down a grown man.

    "Praise Leviathan girl! You don't hold back even for your own friend." Ted spoke through gritted teeth as he wasn't trying to cry out. Instead air hissed from his teeth while struggling against her. Hard to do that when she has a Kunai in his arm though so struggling just make that wound worse. Her eyes squint as she really looked like a tiger catching her prey. Ted squirmed underneath her still.

    "Oh c'mon Nightbane! You know I wouldn't hurt you… right?" Kohana's brow raised up as she silently questioned him. Considering how bloodied she is deep the shallow wounds. Kohana begged to differ on that. Still, Kohana had to hand it to him. This time he came at her better prepared and frankly he would've caught her in his web. It gives Kohana an idea to be honest, but that was a thought for another time.

    "Who put you up to this? Sylpher?" She question him as Kohana suspected that there was something wrong with how Ted is acting. The man quickly shook his head leaving no room to doubt him.

    "No no! Of course not. He would've warned you no matter how subtle if he did." Ted answered, but that leaves the question still on who hired Ted. To make the interrogation a bit faster, Kohana slightly twist the Kunai in his arm. Painfully reminding him to answer the question. Ted looked like he didn't want to answer honestly, but eventually he gave in.

    "Okay, fine. The Irisa Yamaji, one of ringleaders from Coral Orcas, set up a deal with me to put you in your place. Said to not mess with the Coral Orcas." Kohana felt betrayed to say the least, as this man struck a deal with a rival gang to injure one of their own. That wasn't loyalty in Kohana's opinion. That was treason. Anger swelled within her as Kohana pulls the Kunai out before smacking her baton across his face. Leaving a red mark on his cheek as he cries out this time.

    "You targeted me? For what? Money? Drugs?" Kohana quickly questioned as she really wanted to beat this man repeatedly with her baton. However she needs him to speak first, and then take him to the Boss. Ted mumbled something unintelligent that Kohana couldn't make out what he was saying. So she smacks him on the shoulder with her baton.

    "Speak louder!" She commanded as he helped from the sharp pain. Before Kohana was being equal, now she held this situation as personal. The Iron Wolves were supposed to protect each other and be loyal to each other. Like a family.

    "I said… Irisa promised to marry me… we were going to sail away and…" Kohana can't believe this, she was targeted because the man was seduced by some vixen. A woman who no doubt is just using this poor sod to bring down the opposing gangs. To be honest, Kohana is a bit surprised that somebody else from another gang wants to target Kohana. Kohana wasn't that famous afterall. Or really anyone of importance at the moment. Perhaps that was why Kohana was targeted since it'll create discord and chaos among the Iron Wolves. Destroying itself from the inside.

    [Learning Feather Bolt - C rank (200/200)]
    [Learning Lynx Pounce - C rank (200/200)]

    908 WC

    Character Name: Kohana Brightsteel
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 405
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 14, 425
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Limit Break Points:
    • Physical: 2
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 1

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2391-nightbane-s-updates?nid=291#21620
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2380-kohana-brightsteel-missing-nin
    Link to Known Techniques:

    Posts : 111
    Join date : 2017-11-16

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0000

    Brightsteel Training Session Empty Re: Brightsteel Training Session

    Post by Kohana Mon Dec 16, 2019 4:24 pm

    Kohana was a mixture of emotions, but this was the right of being in the underworld. There's nobody she can truly trust out here, but Kohana can't believe that she was sold out because of someone's hormones and loneliness. It was straight up manipulation in Kohana's eyes, and so Kohana took the crying Ted back to the Wolves' Den. Where she explained the situation to Boss, and let's him take care of it from there. Kohana finds a more secluded area. Stone jungle as it were since it was an abandoned building. Used to be a furniture store once upon a time, so it was spacious to say the least.

    Kohana found that it was really dark in here, and not a lot of places to light a fire. Or really have anything on hand to start a fire. Maybe there was a jutsu that can create light? She doesn't have an element, and so she is limited on what she can do. After taking some time to think about it, Kohana begins dabbling into the Ninjutsu. Back in the academy, Kohana grasped the fundamentals of just about everything relatively quick for such a young age. Aside from her strength, she was good at anything she was tested on in the Academy. Practicing the fundamentals, trying different hand seals to see if it felt right in molding the chakra. Until finally, Kohana got the hang of it and settled for the Dragon. Concentrating the chakra into the center of her palm. Willing it to gather into one sphere, a sphere of light. As it materialized over her hand, it held a soft green light. Least to say, it lit up the building.

    Then Kohana let's it float in place as she formed the Dragon seal before aiming roughly at the center of the ceiling. With an overcharge in chakra, Kohana launched the orb at the ceiling, but what she didn't anticipated was the audible loud bang in the process. It made her ears ring as the deafening sound made Kohana flinch. Placing her hands over her ears in the reaction phase. Her wounds were sealed from the time that passed. Yet her clothes held more tears than necessary. It was going to take a while before Kohana can patch them up, but that was for another time.

    After the ringing subsided and the flare was stuck into the ceiling. It cast the green light everywhere. Enough for Kohana to practice by running laps from one side of the building and back. As she was trying to improve her already impressive speed, but it was hard to compare her time when she can run back and forth in half a second. Eventually, she learned how to properly lunge with her step to move faster and stronger. Combine that with her pounce, it was reasonable to believe that she could tackle people that's twice her size. Noticing the stress it was having on her body, Kohana pondered on the events where she got cut up so badly. Perhaps if she braced herself more, then maybe she wouldn't be so hurt. Although without an opponent to tell the difference, she begins utilizing the Body of the Bear as it toughens her body to endure the speed she was moving in.

    [Learning Flash Step - D rank (150/150)]
    [Learning Body of the Bear - D rank (150/150]
    [Learning Fusee - E rank (100/100)]
    [Learning Flare Gun - D rank (150/150)]

    586 WC

    Character Name: Kohana Brightsteel
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 405
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 14, 425
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Limit Break Points:
    • Physical: 2
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 1

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2391-nightbane-s-updates?nid=291#21620
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2380-kohana-brightsteel-missing-nin
    Link to Known Techniques:

    Posts : 111
    Join date : 2017-11-16

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Bukijutsu
    Class: E
    Ryo: 0000

    Brightsteel Training Session Empty Re: Brightsteel Training Session

    Post by Kohana Mon Dec 16, 2019 5:34 pm

    After some time of practicing certain techniques and combining them. Trying them out to get a feel for them so that Kohana can get a rough idea of how to execute them properly. It was nice to know that despite her lack in strength she can make up for it in terms of speed and agility. Practicing to be durable held merit as well, but eventually in the future Kohana will work on this strength. For now Kohana is going to practice something that she knows is good at doing.

    Kohana sets down her tools, collapsing her baton and clipping it onto her belt. If she was to be disarmed then Kohana will have to learn how to defend herself. Before she always got creative with using her small body to move around her opponent's and stay out of their reach. Basically the typical hit and run tactic. Kohana pondered on this, and ran a scenario if she couldn't move yet doesn't have her weapons. Then what option would she have? Kohana paced around the building trying to come up with ideas of how to get out of it. Yet no matter what she came up with her immediate thought goes to 'what if I had a weapon.'

    Kohana looked down at her nails when she came under a realization. Ninjutsu, even the most basic form, is known to enhance properties of the body. Whether it is body flicker or extension of the hair. Kohana also remembers that the nails can be enhanced too, but how would they do that? Kohana pictured how she can coat her weapons in chakra to enhance their durability. Perhaps that was the same concept? Kohana honestly wasn't sure, but she gives it a shot anyways. Focusing the chakra into her fingernails. She refines the chakra to engrave itself into her nails. It was a bit difficult trying to cause her nails to enhance itself. Yet if she can do this then Kohana can concentrate the chakra into a single point on her finger. Several attempts went into this and for some reason Kohana felt like it just wasn't working. Eventually, Kohana managed to get her claws to extend a couple of inches past her fingertips and they appear to be incredibly sharp.

    Satisfied with her accomplishment, Kohana brings out her Shurikens with steel wire. She has these tools, and she can use them pretty well. Yet Kohana isn't sure if she could use all of it. Given that she is training to be a weapons expert however, it wouldn't hurt to pick up some tricks. So as when Ted kept throwing those traps down. The thought of traps however, sparked an idea. Such as what if she could do that too? With the tools she has in her hand, Kohana could do more than what Ted performed. So Kohana got to work on looping the Shurikens in steel wire. Just six Shurikens total though as this was a test, and Kohana throws them at the open area in front of her. Of course with it being a flat area, it just looks like a zigzag pattern of wire on the ground. However Kohana can see how it'll be useful even on the flat surface. Granted Kohana doubts anyone is foolish enough to step on it since it would yank the Shurikens free and wrap them up from toe to arms. That remains to be seen however.

    Kohana takes one of her Shurikens from the pouch as she wondered if she will need to use a bigger shuriken to deal with the problem. Especially of those with high strength or durability. So what if she throws them something that even they will have a hard time lifting? Kohana throws the one shuriken with extra force across the room as she quickly follows up with forming the Tiger seal. Chakra spreads out from her to the flying shuriken, and what was just a normal sized shuriken quickly expanded into a giant shuriken. With the velocity still maintained, the giant shuriken buries itself deep into the stone as concrete dust fills up the area. Deep rumbling sounds can be heard from the walls around the shuriken. Indicating that it was time to go now. Taking some extra steel wire with a shuriken attached to it, Kohana sends the wired shuriken through the loop of the giant shuriken just before it dispersed into the smaller form. Allowing Kohana to safely yank it back without having to move towards the possibly dangerous area. After she grabbed her things, Kohana makes a break for it outside in fear that the building was going to collapse on her.

    [Learning Claw Creation Technique - C rank (200/200)]
    [Learning Manipulated Shuriken Wire Binding - B rank (200/200)]
    [Learning Ninja Art: Giant Shuriken Technique - C rank (150/150)]

    813 WC


    Character Name: Kohana Brightsteel
    Spendable Experience: 0
    Total Experience: 405
    Renown: 0
    Ryo: 14, 425
    • Strength: D
    • Constitution: C
    • Stamina: C
    • Speed: C
    • Coordination: C
    • Intelligence: C
    • Perception: C

    Limit Break Points:
    • Physical: 2
    • Technique: 0
    • Destiny: 1

    Link to Character Updates: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2391-nightbane-s-updates?nid=291#21620
    Link to Character Application: https://gladiusnarutorp.forumotion.com/t2380-kohana-brightsteel-missing-nin
    Link to Known Techniques:

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