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    Twins making friends[Open]

    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Twins making friends[Open] Empty Twins making friends[Open]

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:36 pm

    The pair would begin to walk around the village with their guards, it certainly drew a lot of attention the pair were quite flashy looking and rather cute. They would walk into the market area and begin to look at the many wears, they were unsure if they were allowed to buy good but they imagined they could. This village is known for some amazing things to buy that the twin's village lacked.

    "This stuff is all so amazing, we love the culture of this village and we hope to become good friends"

    The pair would walk to those that appeared possibly sick and do a prayer over them wishing them well. They would only explain lord Jashin had forgiven them and helped saved them from terrible fates and had saved their lives. They hoped more people would ask them questions as a small group began to form around the pair many interested in the positive messages the twins gave and the fact they were cute helped a lot.

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

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    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Twins making friends[Open] Empty Re: Twins making friends[Open]

    Post by Short_Stack Tue Apr 30, 2019 3:12 pm

    Miyu had finally finished Kitchen-Kun, a years worth of tinkering to make her mobile Puppet Kitchen. Miyu had set up a short way outside the official market place giving free samples as she worked on fine turning her meals.

    Using it's multiple arms to gather and prep food in a Live Cooking fashion. Had in a pot, human thigh, marrinaded in wine and spices till melt till tender. Set in a pot with vegetable broth, sangria, and diced seafood. All slow boiled till everything was melt in the mouth tender.

    The human flesh would have a slightly sweet flavor accentuated by the Sangria. With it's natural flavor of strong pork mixed with poultry, would be elevated by the strew.

    It was not long after setting bowls when she saw two girls in interesting clothes, a red coat and hat, with a black underpart walking over, < Remember, Big Brother wants me to learn empathy with non-Ryuutei ... So remember to treat them as I would a clanmate and learn from them. Might be surprised, and Big Brother will be proud of me! > She would think to herself before waving them over. Hopefully the rich, multi-layered aroma would draw them over.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)

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    Twins making friends[Open] Empty Re: Twins making friends[Open]

    Post by Riku Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:07 pm

    Riku had accompanied Miyu to the market. The blue haired genin found her friend's inventions fascinating and had been eager to see how this new puppet worked. To sweeten the deal, Miyu was cooking. The human thigh already smelled mouthwatering, which made the blue haired teen contemplate trying cannibalism. While Riku took little issue with the Ryuutei eating people (as long as they didn't eat her or her family, it wasn't a problem), she'd had little desire to join in.

    Miyu's plan to sell cannibal provisions had made Rikyu skeptical for this reason, but now the blue haired teen could see the logic to it. As long as no one knew it was human flesh, they would likely eat it. Some citizens might eat it even if they knew what kind of meat it was because it smelled so good.

    "I can taste test it for you," Riku offered sweetly, smiling at Miyu.

    She glanced over at the two oddly dressed women that Miyu was waving over. Who were these people? Riku was certain they weren't from Kiri (no one around here dressed like that. They seemed to be trying there best to capture the attention of as many passers-by as they could. Riku's nose twitched at this. What a pain.

    The female genin turned back to trying to schmooze her way into a few bites of food.




    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Twins making friends[Open] Empty Re: Twins making friends[Open]

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Thu May 02, 2019 11:05 am

    The twins had enjoyed the meeting before a sniff in the air got their attention, they looked directly toward the girls stall and smiled. That smell and aroma in the air that was human flesh being cooked, and it smelled quite delicious actually. The pair would walk away from the crowd and make their way toward the woman and now the guest standing with her. They would take a polite coursey before lifting their heads and smiling.

    "Your food smells delicious and by the judge of the smell, I can guess it is quite a forbidden meat. We also enjoy ingesting such delights the name is Yui and Yua and it is our pleasure to meet you. Can we try some of your food I am sure it will help quench our deep hunger from the trip?"

    The pair would wait to see if they were allowed to eat it. if they were given permission, of course, they would indulge, now that they appeared closer for little girls they had a huge weapon. So clearly they were physically strong or had some ability to lift heavy things. The pair would turn and smile at the other woman as well showing their cute and kind smile, little did they know underneath that cute look was a monster.

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Twins making friends[Open] Empty Re: Twins making friends[Open]

    Post by Short_Stack Thu May 02, 2019 3:18 pm

    Miyu heard Riku ask to taste test and the puppet arms that weren't busy with prepping and stirring the stew went into a cupboard under the stove and got a small bread bowl and pulled out Ornate bone ceramic silverware, "Of course Riku-chan I'd love to know what you think of the stew, and you can keep the silverware, it's a special commemorative item I made for today."

    When the twins, Yui and Yua curtsied Miyu would throw a million watt "I'm made of Rainbows" smile and a slight curtsy of her own, but would tilt her head at the mention of forbidden meat.

    As the puppet arms of Kitchen-Kun went through the movements of getting their bread bowls and ornate bone ceramic silverware ready and fill up their bowls. Miyu would comment with sincere innocence, "How is human meat a forbidden meat? The Ryuutei customs spiritually and ritualistically prepare it and eat it just like any other. Not honoring the dead for their sacrifice and wasting the gift they offer would be wrong wouldn't it?"

    The puppet hands would carry gracefully the bowls to them and let them savor the melt in your mouth goodness of the meat as she started her spiritual and ethical inquiry adding, "by the way in case it matters, we Ryuutei, or like myself adopted into the clan, don't kill the innocent, or defenseless. So no needing to worry about eating some poor soul, or random traveler. And also you can keep the silverware, it's a gift."

    Miyu would lean forward to listen to the twins and smile endearingly, not out of falsehood or verbal dominance. But out of an honest love of learning and kindness for someone giving her insight into other ways of thinking.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
    Perc: C (450)

    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)

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    Twins making friends[Open] Empty Re: Twins making friends[Open]

    Post by Riku Mon May 06, 2019 11:41 am

    Riku accepted he bread bowl, and sniffed it before plucking off a piece from the edge and dipping it in the stew. Despite being closely affiliated with the Ryuutei clan for quite some time, she had yet to eat human flesh. Nervousness and curiousity tingled along her spine until she bit the bullet, or, in this case, the bread.

    The stew wasn't unlike some of the things Satori had made using game birds, the only difference being the sweetness and the spices Miyu used to complement the flavor. Riku continued to eat, taking experimental bites of the various ingredients of Miyu's stew.

    She listened to the exchange between Miyu and the twins, but didn't look at them much. Their comment confirmed that these two were probably from out of town. Many villagers wouldn't show such open interest in Ryuutei cooking, especially if they knew it contained human flesh. Their eagerness to try it caught the blue haired girl's interest. She looked up, to examine the two outsiders, scrutinizing their faces and body language.

    Riku continued to eat, but said nothing, content to let Miyu handle the speaking.




    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Twins making friends[Open] Empty Re: Twins making friends[Open]

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Tue May 07, 2019 10:36 am

    The twins would listen to the girl tell them they only kill the evil and wicked bringing a smile to their face. They were very much like her they only killed those that deserved to die, those that did terrible things to people and were evil to the core. Often killing those in the prison in Kumo sentenced to execution.

    "We also only kill and sacrifice those that are evil and wicked to our Lord Jashin, to offer our worship and praise to him as he saved our lives. We had been in a very bad place, we likely would be dead or a sex slave had it not been meeting Shimiko and being shown the true path and faith Jashin. We could discuss details further but it could make people sick hearing the stories we have to tell about our past. We accept our past as simply a means to meeting our Lord."

    They would take a bite of the stew as they both would have a wave of happiness wash over their faces, the taste was certainly human flesh and they could not believe how good the flavor was. They would take a small notebook out taking small bites and sipping the broth as they seemed to be writing what they guessed were the ingredients, the pair were quite good at cooking as they had developed the skill over time.

    "This is quite amazing we will have to make a note and figure out everything ourselves, we hope you would not mind a discussion with us about our Lord. He is a merciful and great man he even saved people like us thought to be trash and monsters. We could not thank our lord enough for all the blessings he has given us."

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

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    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Twins making friends[Open] Empty Re: Twins making friends[Open]

    Post by Short_Stack Tue May 07, 2019 12:25 pm

    Hearing about the hardships they went through, and how someone named Shimiko saved them and showed them a path of salvation reminded her of Midori, and hearing of their past would use her puppets arms as they were eating to lift her up and bring her close so she could wrap both of them in a heartfelt hug, and would say softly and full of compassion, "I'm glad someone could save you, and show you a path for peace and salvation. If you have time later or if fate brings our paths together someday and you want to talk. I'll listen to your stories and the lives you've led since. You won't find prejudice or hate in my heart, for life's too short to waste on such things before we die and our death's are fuel for the living in the world."

    She'd go back to her space, and after the took their notes, as they talked about hearing more about Jashin, "I can already tell you aren't trash or monsters, you have good souls. Something that good can't be evil, and if you follow him he must be good ... I will admit I have heard somethings, but I choose not to judge things by the limited, and flawed misconceptions of man. I trust my own senses and morals to make my decisions, especially if such things will add to my knowledge.

    "Oh! And before you head off let me give you a sealed scroll full of goodies. I have blood, muscle, edible organs, and milk ducts from forty humans. Me and my brother ending a bandit ring gave the clan a massive surplus, and I don't want any going to waste. Consider it a gift of friendship."

    She'd look at Riku and give her a hug while say, "Sorry for coming across as ignoring you. You have the freedom to speak your mind. Just because I am interested doesn't mean you have to force yourself into something that makes you uncomfortable."

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
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    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)

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    Twins making friends[Open] Empty Re: Twins making friends[Open]

    Post by Riku Tue May 07, 2019 1:36 pm

    Riku seemed more and more focused on her breadbowl once the twins started to talk about their religion. Jashinism, if the blue-haired genin recalled correctly, was illegal in Kiri. Other than that, Riku knew little about it. The twins seemed almost fanatical about it, which gave Riku a strange feeling, one that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand straighter. Still, she said nothing. These two weren't citizens here and if they weren't doing any rituals, there was little for Riku to do. She would warn Miyu about it later. The shorter teen might not know.

    Her bowl was half gone from her eating on autopilot when Miyu squeezed Riku.

    Riku leaned into the hug, expression softening a little. While not enthused by these strangers, Riku had a soft spot for the pink-and-red-haired girl. Miyu had an innocence about her that made Riku feel protective. Briefly, she leaned her head stop of the shorter teen's before Miyu pulled away to show she wasn't upset.

    "I'm good. I'm eating," was all the blue-haired genin said in response, going back to her food. She would keep an eye on the twins while they were here and study them. They were suspicious, but also interesting.




    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Chinoike Yui and Yua
    Leaf Jounin
    Leaf Jounin

    Posts : 250
    Join date : 2017-11-14

    Twins making friends[Open] Empty Re: Twins making friends[Open]

    Post by Chinoike Yui and Yua Sat May 11, 2019 10:51 am

    The twins listened to her and it seemed she was willing to listen to their gospel which made them very happy, they would love to share their tale along with the beliefs. Often times Jashinism was misunderstood but its true goal was to save people and the world. It wanted to bring faith and hope to those lost in the darkness and despair of this cruel world. The twins realized they had been rude and had not really spoken to the other girl bowing their heads in an apologetic way, they, of course, would love to talk to her as well.

    "We are sorry we did not mean to ignore you, we, of course, would love to talk to you more as well, it was very rude of us not to speak much to you and interrupt your conversation with your friend, or maybe lover. Either way, we will gladly speak and tell you stories of our lands, our people and of course our beliefs in life if you wish to hear them."

    It would seem quite odd as they both would say the exact words even when separate, they could feel and know what the other was thinking and even have a sort of mental conversation with each other without speaking a word to anyone else. They would pull out an extra copy of their book and pass it over to Miyu.

    "This is a gift for you for your generous and delicious gift you offered us, we hope you can see we are not bad people just misunderstood due to of course some bad apples being involved in the religion. Most of us are good people trying to help the world become a better place, we shall take our leave but if you have any further questions before we are set to leave simply look for Shimiko you will find us close by her."

    The pair would finish the meal and stand taking a light bow before the two and smiling as they did, they would head off lifting the heavy ax sitting next to them and head out. The fact they could lift such a weapon would be impressive to just about anyone as they seemed so small, but clearly, they had an unnatural strength. They would leave and begin speaking to crowds some more getting a lot of people interest in theb worlds they spoke, the world felt so lost and dark seeing such a bright light shined into their dark world plus the worlds they said made people happy to learn more.


    -Exit Thread-

    Character Name: Shinda Yui and Yua
    Spendable Experience: 1,215
    Total Experience: 3,580/6000

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2019-04-05
    Age : 39

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: BL, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Ijutsu
    Class: B

    Twins making friends[Open] Empty Re: Twins making friends[Open]

    Post by Short_Stack Sat May 11, 2019 7:54 pm

    Miyu would smile kindly at her two new friends, and would greatfully place it into the bag she kept her various knick knacks and her scroll for Kitchen-Kun. Turning to Riku, she'd nuzzle up next to her and give a happy little sigh, "It always makes me happy to know I cooked something good that others can like. Something beautiful to bring people together ... and thank you for hanging out for me. Living almost 6 yrs now before you knew I existed was almost 6 years too long. Especially all the time Midiori leaves to hang out, and the times you spend with Big Brother."

    She'd then spend some time working through her surplus and hanging out with Riku.

    //Thread Exit.

    Miyu Ryuutei

    Bloodline, Sensory, Chemistry, Engineering, Taijutsu, Puppetry, Fuuin, Ijutsu

    Strength: C (450) : C+ (Comfortable Living)
    Con: C (450)
    Stam: C (450) : B+ (Uzumaki Female) :
    Speed: D (150)
    Coord: C (450)
    Int: A (950)
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    T: (15/ 18)


    205 CP / -1 CP per Post (Long Sighted UA.)

    Precog: 7 (tied to Empathy UA.)

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    Twins making friends[Open] Empty Re: Twins making friends[Open]

    Post by Riku Tue May 14, 2019 12:44 pm

    "No offense taken," Riku replied a bit flatly, eyebrow twitching upwards a bit. Quietly, she wondered how the two women managed to speak in unison all the time. Did they share some sort of mental link or was it merely the product of being so close for a long time?

    The implication that Miyu might be her lover did bring a slight hint of pink to her face. Riku had only befriended the short and cheery ninja recently, even worse, she was Satori's sister. They'd likely be sisters-in-law one day.

    Unable to come up with a reply that captured all of her suspicion, confusion, and embarrassment, she simply nodded. "Perhaps some other time we'll talk."

    Hopefully there wouldn't be another time. Foreign ninja made her nervous and their interest in recruiting Miyu to their religion was worrying. They left Riku and Miyu to go do whatever it was two Kumo nin were doing in Kiri and the blue haired teen stared after them.

    Should she poison them to make sure they knew not to hurt or manipulate Miyu? Would she have to tell Satori that someone had tried to recruit one of his clan members into an illegal religion?

    Quietly, Riku kept eating her bread bowl, barely tasting it now.

    "Do be careful Miyu-chan," she said once the food was gone. "They're not from here and..." and what? Jashinism was illegal? Would legality even mean anything to the pink and red haired girl? "Make sure you know them well before you trust," Riku finished lamely.


    [//Thread exit]




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