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    Turning in Some bandits (Invit only/Noro)


    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    Turning in Some bandits (Invit only/Noro) Empty Turning in Some bandits (Invit only/Noro)

    Post by Shinoskay Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:25 pm

    Shinoskay had walked from the rendezvous point, as the bandits were encountered shortly after there and that thread ended for the boy when he got back to and just past that point. His 5 captives moved ahead of him as he directed them along to into the village and on the way to the administration building. There shirts had been pulled back over there arms, bound, and then a sticky honey like substance had been plastered over that and long since dried to further reinforce the bindings.

    The torso's of each bandit was easily covered in bee's, so if any tried to run they would find themselves stung repeatedly. In addition to the bee's already present on the bandits, more, around 100 more, easily buzzed around a 200 meter radius with the boy walking at the center. They moved to and fro, scouting the areas around to make sure no one was trying to ambush him and to trail blaze his way into the administrative center.

    The journey was nearly complete, the bandits had long since resigned to their fate and accepted that they had been beaten, their final destination would be the barracks were they would be handed over to the guards for processing and jailing. His mission was long over, he had broken up the bandit toll gate, but he wanted to make sure it didnt form again and the best method for that was to see the bandits delivered to jail or whatever justice the village deemed their actions worthy of.

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit

    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    Turning in Some bandits (Invit only/Noro) Empty Re: Turning in Some bandits (Invit only/Noro)

    Post by Shinoskay Sun Oct 21, 2018 2:33 am

    Shinoskay eventually managed to find the right place to turn in the bandits, did say, was informed his mission was accomplished and the bandits being brought all the way back to kumo successfully was clear evidence of this and so he was congratulated and sent on his way. The idea occured to him that he could probably accomplish this same objective with a clone if one could be made and sent autonomously, his skill with his kamizuru clan blood line was growing and his ability to use honey sticker river as well as his bee's suggested to him that there was likely a method to use the clans seal to form chakra into a clone using the same chakra construct concept he did for his bee's. It wasnt that hard to accomplish, instead of formulating the same bee template over and over he could form a template of himself, to feel himself out and embody that into chakra much the same way clone jutsu works except to use the clan seal to aid in moulding the chakra kamizuru style.

    Learned wax clone.


    claiming 10 xp

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit

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