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    Turning Tides

    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
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    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Turning Tides Empty Turning Tides

    Post by Hana Kaguya Thu Oct 24, 2019 3:24 am

    The ship had returned to the Land of Water with the cargo intact. Hana was surprised everything went better than expected. And by better she really meant for her own well-being. Kirigakure lost twenty-four Jounin level Shinobi over the course of a week raid in the Land of Iron. But as a result they managed to completely suppress their forces and make off with a handful of loot. The money was secondary to a slew of sacred valuables the Samurai had to offer. The master Kenjutsu art form known as Iaido and a very impressive sword to say the least. The Kenjutsu learned by the Samurai surpassed the Kaguya and Kumogakure by any ordinary means, both factions known for their impressive focus on Taijutsu and Kenjutsu.

    A pair of heavy-duty black combat boots covered both feet made with exceptional craftsmanship and reinforced with steel toe caps and soles embedded in the leather. A set of heavy black pants were worn over her lower body. These were equipped with iron shin guards which were fashioned as bands going across her shins lined up next to each other leaving no gaps for weak points. The knees had hard plastic and cushioning backing it to allow ease of comfort when crawling through tight spaces. Hardened plastic was also sown into the upper legs and hips of the pants as well. Like all Shinobi she wore a utility belt to hold her pants against her body and carry her essential supplies.

    A single blue holster was on the right side of the belt and a hip pouch around her back side just above her rear. Both were filled to capacity with ninja tools. A short sleeved undershirt was worn as her first layer. This shirt was one fitted with riveted steel mail designed to be flexible and lightweight providing protection and encumbering her minimally. Her second layer was a long sleeve black shirt similar in craftsmanship of the leggings. It was a heavy and durable top with steel rings sewn at the elbows in a cuff providing maximum protection at the joints. Rings of steels were sewn in at the upper portion of the torso as well providing protection at her upper chest and back and around her shoulders. This top was secured with the final piece of body armor being the Kirigakure standard flak jackets, this one made especially for Hana being much more superior in craftsmanship compared to the regular stock option. Black leather gloves covered both hands being basic in design providing warmth and protection. These came with small steel plates on the backs to provide protection against blades.

    Hana wore a baldric over her gear to support a tanto she had horizontally on her back just above her hip pouch. This was sheathed in a blue scabbard which matched her Shinobigatana which was sheathed vertically on her back on her right side with the handle sticking up over her right shoulder. The entire affair was shrouded by a heavy black cloak, hood raised providing the most concealment and defense it could offer. Hana opted to equip her rebreather mask as well which provided facial protection and safety knowing what she breathed would be pure oxygen. Like most Kaguya her skin was deathly pale. This was coupled with long white hair which was relatively thick compared to the long, silky strands a lot of the more feminine clan females had, which required day-to-day dedication to maintain. Hers was a bit untamed and high in both length and volume extending as far as her lower back. Her eyes were the only true difference in her appearance compared to the rest of her clan having an alluring golden hue to them.

    Hana removed her rebreather wearing it around her neck and wore her forehead protector around her forehead now that she was back in familiar territory. It was good to be easily identified when wanted to be. She managed to squeeze by a quick bath after the raid, now having her streak being reset to two days before hitting the port town known as Ota. All that remained on the ship were the crew members, Kyoji, Hana, and six Jounin. As the ship neared shore they dropped a few anchors to slow its progression before the rest bringing the ship to an abrupt stop within the docking bay. A gangplank would be drawn out from the ship as dock workers secured it on the boardwalk. Hana sat at one of the deck tables enjoying a cup of hot tea during the last bit of their voyage. She was frankly exhausted, sleeping in unfamiliar grounds and constantly under the threat of death. These sort of missions were something she was not quite used to yet. She wondered if she would ever get used to them. Some people were bred for war. Hana was not one of those.

    When the ship stopped and the plank was revealed she waited for Kyoji and the others to regroup at the deck before she joined them. When he did make an appearance Hana would down the rest of her cup before rejoining. "We're back at last. We should make sure the path is clear before we move our oh-so-valuable and newly acquainted cargo from the ship. Perhaps send a cell of three out ahead and have them return to us when it's clear?" The village had been on lock down since their departure and she didn't doubt some people would find it suspicious. If any enemies or criminals caught wind of it they most likely infested the jungles surrounding the village to stir up trouble and find opportunities where they could. Whether Kyoji followed through with her suggestion was up to him. But Hana rarely had a chance to speak with Kyoji and she was intent to learn more about his motives.

    "While we are here I have to ask: Why did we go after Iron in the first place? I mean, we just looted the place. It seems like any other neutral minor nation would do. Or better put, any other minor nation not the polar opposite end of Kishin. Also, do you think we 'got away with it' per se? We concealed ourselves quite well, traveled by sea, and left no real trace of ourselves."

    Strength: B
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    Age : 32

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    Skills & Elements: Suiton/ Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Ya boy is ballin

    Turning Tides Empty Re: Turning Tides

    Post by Kyoji Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:56 pm

    The Kiba blades jingled as they moved against each other perched on the back of the Mizukage. They had tasted their fair share of blood in this war. The ship had docked and they were making their way off. Ota was the first stop on the way back to Kirigakure. The Blood Mist Empire would make its name in waves around the world. The Mizukage was already well known for his other excursions of nations. He wasn't known as the Blue Emperor for nothing. Walking off the ship they gazed on upon their path. Hana joined after a short time, and asked should they send a squad ahead to scout. "Our scouts should be nearby, but it wouldn't hurt to double-check. You three." Kyoji pointed too two of the ANBU next to him, they nodded and disappeared in a flash as they ran ahead.

    Hana was also questionable for the reason of their pillaging of Iron. "The Samurai are some of the most deadliest swordsman in the world. They have in their possession, abilities that would make the basis of ninjutsu useless. We simply outnumbered them with sheer forces. As you could see, they were more than formidable." Kyoji said pointing to their remaining forces.

    "A technique so fast, that ninjutsu would be useless against them. Your skill with a blade or martial arts skill would be your only weapon." Kyoji began walking forward, towards a lone tree off the beaten path. Kurosawa was sheathed on his sash. He was about ten meters away from the tree before he began to set a hand on the hilt. He had studied the scrolls on their way back. He was aware of their ancient techniques and was ready to put it into practice.

    Kyoji dashed forward with blinding speed, his hands could flashing forward turning into a blur. The cut was so quick, the tree did react at first. As even matter could not process the cut so fast. But then gravity took control, and the tree fell backwards to the ground away from them. Kyoji had moved several meters, but he had down so quickly. "Iaido. The Samurais coveted weapon against the Shinobi. In our possession and with our swordsman, the Samurai and the Shinobi will be nothing against us."

    There was another technique he would like to try. Chakra blades that extended ones reach to long rage. Making swordsman effective against long range fighters as well.

    [Learned Iaido]

    Strength: B > S (EGF)
    Constitution: B > A (Kaguya)
    Stamina: A++ (Senju)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B > S (EGF)
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

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    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Turning Tides Empty Re: Turning Tides

    Post by Hana Kaguya Mon Oct 28, 2019 12:49 am

    Hana nodded her head after hearing the reasoning behind the attack. It was a mere quest for power. Hana remained indifferent after hearing the selfish motivation for slaughtering a nation's military and destroying the homes in the process. The way she saw it, they were just opportunist like the rest of the people in the world. Other nations exploited their people through religion. Some through censorship. She admired the blunt honesty Kyoji had. There was no deception. They fought for what they wanted and succeeded. "Uh huh. Say, you think I could learn some of Kirigakure's exclusive technique? I haven't invested much into Kenjutsu, so I doubt these sword technique have much use to me." It was a humble request, but Hana thought she could make use of Kirigakure's legendary water technique. It all sounded terrifying, but to her a technique was just a technique. She didn't consider the Samurai so tough considering they just creamed their asses, but that could be her own short-sighted outlook. Regardless, the two of them had some time to kill before their scouts made it back from their brief journey. It may be in her best interest to utilize the time instead of enjoying another cup of tea.

    "What's your next plan when we get back, though? Kirigakure should be relatively fine as long as we're lowkey about it. Is there another quest in mind or are we just going to sit back and recover?"

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
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    Perception: A

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    Age : 32

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    Skills & Elements: Suiton/ Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Ya boy is ballin

    Turning Tides Empty Re: Turning Tides

    Post by Kyoji Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:37 pm

    Hana began to express a request to learn one of the villages exclusive technique. Her help in taking Iron was impactful among many things. Helping the ANBU fight the Samurai forces was indeed a worthy task. "Yes. Your help in taking Iron was much appreciated. What technique would you like to learn?" Kyoji began to shine the Kurosawa blade, it was made from an amazing alloy. Unknown to the shinobi of this land. Admiring the craftsman ship, Hana continued on to their next course of plans.

    "We will be lying low. No need to conquer more than we can fill. We will see who comes to challenge us or not. I fear the Land of Fire will be the ones to sooner or later." Alkaids betrayal of the village and Nozomi's crime spree painted the Mist's missing ninja in a negative light. However it was there expansion which brought this into question. The Leafs recent acquisitions of lands made a reminder that they to were an Empire expanding. Now they must keep a watchful eye.

    Strength: B > S (EGF)
    Constitution: B > A (Kaguya)
    Stamina: A++ (Senju)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B > S (EGF)
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Turning Tides Empty Re: Turning Tides

    Post by Hana Kaguya Wed Oct 30, 2019 6:23 am

    Hana was somewhat familiar with the exclusives Kirigakure had to offer considering she already knew Water Prison, Hidden Mist, and Silent Killing. There was one technique that she felt would certain cover a large weakness of hers being a Taijutsu fighter. "The Mist Rain technique, Kirisame. If you didn't already know I'm a Taijutsu specialist as is my student, Katsumi. Kirisame would be the best technique to have in my arsenal allowing me to counter my opponent's weakness and force them into my strength." But with her selfish desire to learn a village exclusive aside, she shifted her focus to Kirigakure's next plan. She hoped it wasn't too obvious that they were responsible for the attack. The last thing the village needed was more negative light. It had suffered from a lot of negative convictions as of late, with Konoha assuming Kirigakure was responsible for their Hokage's death to Kirigakure's violent takeover of the Land of Demons. Careful planning wasn't the village's strong suit, but at least with this raid things went relatively well.

    "I'm not too worried about the Land of Fire. If Konoha really had ill-intent they would've attacked Kirigakure the moment we had our backs turned and/or stopped participating in our trade agreement. Oh well. The scouts should be almost back by now. I want real food." Hana had only been away for a week and a half and already missed the basic pleasures she had when she left, like fast food and a warm bed in her apartment. It was amazing how the little things taken for granted are the first to hit home.

    Strength: B
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    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
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    Posts : 396
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    Age : 32

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    Skills & Elements: Suiton/ Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu
    Class: A
    Ryo: Ya boy is ballin

    Turning Tides Empty Re: Turning Tides

    Post by Kyoji Wed Oct 30, 2019 12:26 pm

    Kyoji listened to Hana's request. She wanted to learn the Kirisame technique. One of Kiri's most powerful techniques. It wasn't one that boasted of terrible strength to destroy a canyon. But it was more of a craft, limiting the most used tool of a ninja. Their skills with ninjutsu. Her being a Kaguya played the enemy into dangerous territory as not many wanted to be up close and personal with a taijutsu specialist like them. A fair tactic, as it was one of his own as well. "A difficult jutsu to master. However it would go great with your skillset. You have my approval."

    While the two were talking. The ANBU Hunter-nin who had went ahead to scan the area for any potential hazards, two had returned to them. They found tracks belonging to multiple people. The village was on lockdown so these were not footprints of travelers and merchants. They came upon a mark placed on a tree. It was a strange mark but they made no other mention of it as the progressed. The three were able to get in range to see people at the gates. They weren't Kiri nin which was all they needed to know. One of them nodded to the other two, they both ran back to the Mizukages group.

    Kyoji eyed the two ninja as they appeared before them, bowing to their Emperor. "Report."

    "There seems to be some type of confrontation at the gates. They were far away, so their identity has yet to be seen. The guards at the Eastern gate would have a better view."

    Kyoji frowned. "I didn't invite anyone. We will see to them. For the meantime, we have things to do. We're going through to Fort Yuki. Lets move it."

    [Exit to Fort Yuki]

    Strength: B > S (EGF)
    Constitution: B > A (Kaguya)
    Stamina: A++ (Senju)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: B > S (EGF)
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A
    Hana Kaguya
    Hana Kaguya

    Posts : 870
    Join date : 2017-09-13

    Character File
    Skills & Elements: Taijutsu | Sensory | Ninjutsu| Kenjutsu | Water | Lightning
    Class: X
    Ryo: 10,000

    Turning Tides Empty Re: Turning Tides

    Post by Hana Kaguya Thu Oct 31, 2019 5:33 am

    There was a bit of excitement for Hana when she was given permission to learn Kirisame. It was meaning for her to learn to not have to worry about getting burned or shocked when dealing with close quarters encounters. But the happiness would die out shortly after they were given the news of some uninvited company at the Eastern Gate. Looks like Hana's burger would have to wait. "Ugh. What now? I'll see what the problem is after I freshen up a bit. You go on ahead, Lord Kyoji." With that in mind, Hana traveled with Kyoji off to Fort Yuki where she planned to tidy up her appearance before making her way to the apparent traffic jam at the Eastern Gate. God knows what's in store for her.

    [Exit -> Fort Yuki]

    Strength: B
    Constitution: A (A++ Physical)
    Stamina: A (S w/Demon Bell)
    Speed: B
    Coordination: A+
    Intelligence: D
    Perception: A

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