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    Jutsu training


    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    Jutsu training Empty Jutsu training

    Post by Shinoskay Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:08 pm


    Shinoskay arrived at the training grounds to find other Genin already practicing jutsu, many where off throwing shurikens at wooden dummies for what was probably the 1000th time and the boy knew this means their would be a lot of broken wood and metal bits as well as discarded dull and broken throwing tools. As he looked across the field he wondered how many people made their own tools or just purchased them in bulk before using them here to hone throwing skill. For now, the boy decided to wait, and train as well, untill the field was clear so that he could go clean up without risk of any stray or erroneous throws putting his life at risk. To start, he would look over the other genin's throwing form, watching and feeling out the chakra of each person as they threw their tools to gauge if chakra is used and to observe how each throw is made.

    150/150 Ninja Art: Shuriken Giant Body Technique

    15 xp

    Last edited by Shinoskay on Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:50 am; edited 7 times in total

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit

    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    Jutsu training Empty Re: Jutsu training

    Post by Shinoskay Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:26 am

    Shinoskay would arrive at the training grounds sometime early in the morning, naturally
    most people who go to train will show up early so that they can get as much energy and exuberance into it as possible. The boy had practiced with chakra control so the jutsu he aimed for would be fairly simple. once he arrived in training grounds two, he would take a meditative position with him sitting and his legs crossed. Once comfortable, he would then take his hand and move it to out in front of him before directing his palm upwards... First, he would concentrate on moving chakra into the secondary tenketsu point in the center of the palm before then directing the chakra into a sphere using the many tertiary tenketsu points across the palm and fingers. It was a simple move, the chakra formed and quickly condensed as intended, and as he directed it, he would try to envision the design of a light bulb and in no time he had the sphere fully formed and glowing, the chakra concentrated in holding this light as well as producing it. The concept was simple enough that he realized it could easily be applied to Raiton to create a signal flare.

    learned: fusee
    186 wc - 50 wc= 136 wc

    This small circuit of light, one almost difficult to look at would then be moved to direct it forwards, away from himself, before he then infused even more chakra to it and finally had his chakra rebuke, while simultaneously releasing, the nearest points of it to send it outward where the unstable infusion would then burst and become a strong, glowing, orb of light.

    learned: Flare gun technique

    136 - 100 + 64 = 100 wc

    Learned Signal Flare

    30 exp

    Last edited by Shinoskay on Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:42 am; edited 1 time in total

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit

    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    Jutsu training Empty Re: Jutsu training

    Post by Shinoskay Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:37 am

    Having finished that Jutsu, he would then move on. drawing a kunai from his pouch, he would first focus chakra into it, the act was simple enough and something he was familiar with since he used puppetry. Thin chakra strands would extend out from his fingertips to be anchored on to the copper kunai. With a little self humor, he wiggled his fingers a little while feeling the chakra flow into grasping the tool. From their, he would then from their he would will the threads to vibrate, much like the vocal cords, and he would push this across the threads to the kunai and sound would sound out from the tip. With some variation it was a pretty simple task and concept to make discernible sound begin to form.

    Already pushing and manipulating the Thread with sound, the idea occured to manipulate it even further by concentrating on the thought of feeling through the thread. Shinoskay closed his eyes and slowly he felt out the chakra that passed through him, through the thread... and then through the kunai. He could feel it enter, circulate, vibrate, and then he could draw that chakra back through from the kunai. He could feel and sense the sound he was passing into the kunai and even could sense the wind moving around the kunai as it vibrated. With this sensation grasped, The boy then focused on limiting the chakra moving into it, he would limit it bit by bit while continuing to sense the chakra, the vibrations, and the kunai itself. Eventually, he felt like the chakra was about to be too week to hold place anymore... for a moment he maintained that level before finally drawing the chakra back until it broke down and the thread itself collapsed. Once more he would bring the chakra thread back into place by tapping a fingertip to the ring of the kunai before drawing it back again and once more he would bring the thread's chakra down to limit it passing through.


    Ventriloquism 100/100

    Puppet Vision 100/100

    45 xp

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit

    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    Jutsu training Empty Re: Jutsu training

    Post by Shinoskay Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:53 am

    Having an idea of its limits before it collapses, he was able to focus the level of chakra till it was just about before that point, the process took a moment since he had to slowly limit it to make sure he didnt accidentally overshoot the point but when he got to it he could almost easily hold it there. He sensed that with such a minute level of chakra passing through to the kunai he couldnt sense it quite anymore. He could feel it passing from him to the kunai still but it was so feint that it seemed like it was just more environmental chakra. The ability to disguise and use low level chakra thread techniques would be a great boon to infiltration missions were he needs to be invisible or difficult to find, the act of moving


    Nimble Fingers 100/100

    Chakra Thread Suppression 100/100

    40/50 chakra remaining

    60 xp

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit

    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    Jutsu training Empty Re: Jutsu training

    Post by Shinoskay Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:05 am

    Since he had already been infusing chakra into the kunai, he would now draw his chakra to just his hand... ceasing to flow it past his hand into the kunai, where he would then focus on manipulating it into raiton while visualizing the coursing electricity of lightning as well as electricity surging through a cable. It was fast, charged with activity, and moved through a rapid circuit. With this visualization in mind, he imagined his fingers where the circuit and that the electricity was fueled into the jutsu from the palm secondary tenketsu point. As the chakra picked up speed it would also quickly push itself through the path of least resistance through the palm, across to the first line of knuckle joints, while the hand was opened and while closed it would be from the palm, through the thumb into the second row of knuckles before passing through the pinky and then back into the palm.

    Simple in concept and design.

    Jutsu learned

    Lightning Release: Young Lightning 150/150

    75 xp

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit

    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    Jutsu training Empty Re: Jutsu training

    Post by Shinoskay Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:39 am

    Now that he held raiton moulded chakra, and he had practiced flowing chakra through an object, he now wanted to try and mould the chakra INTO an object. He could create bee's by moulding chakra and he knew how to form wax'en constructs and permenant bindings using his chakra, those were easy, however, given that they involve other mediums for moulding such as bodily fluid or the predesignated concept of a bee. Moulding raw chakra into a volatile jutsu that would do damage, like more damage then his bee's, would be both good practice as well as good for his arsenal. He was skilled in Archery, and so that was the first thought that came to mind. Taking the Raiton moulded chakra, he would then concentrate it through his hand and into the form of an arrow.

    Learned Lightning Release: Thunderclap Arrow

    earned 90 xp

    Last edited by Shinoskay on Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:43 am; edited 1 time in total

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit

    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    Jutsu training Empty Re: Jutsu training

    Post by Shinoskay Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:39 am

    Shinoskay was starting to feel his chakra reserves feel more depleted, but his body was stubborn and while he himself did not feel a particular propensity to drive on he was always pushed by his father to be the best or else he was garbage and being the best meant accomplishing both more then others and longer then others. With the arrow in hand he would then throw it at a dummy target to watch it burst on impact as the charged electricity surged out and around into the surrounding area. Raiton element was almost more volatile then Katon, while Katon was gaseous raiton was always in motion. If he moulded lightning release and surged it out into the area around him, or even charged himself with the chakra, it would easy harm any who dared try to come close or even tried to strike him.

    He wasnt fast, nor was he particularly durable, he often relied on the mass numbers of his bee's as well as tactical maneuvering to achieve his objectives and so the idea of having a quick defense against those meaning to move in to harm him just made sense. They could move in as fast as they wanted but if he was charged with Raiton then the moment they tried to hit him, or if he surged it into the surrounding area, they would find a shocking surprise. Raiton was further useful because it would surge through anything conductive and from what he has seen most of the most durable elements are highly conductive, meaning while they would offer the ideal defense against the same for those who preferred close combat... they would actually make his means of defense more effective. Having a close combat partner like Akari also meant that an opponent would need to choose between managing the threat of electricity being conducted or managing another close combat threat... the perfect compliment.


    Lightning Release: Lightning Rod

    Lightning Release: Spider Web

    earned 105 exp

    Last edited by Shinoskay on Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:54 am; edited 2 times in total

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit

    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    Jutsu training Empty Re: Jutsu training

    Post by Shinoskay Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:39 am

    Having realized the use and utility of raiton, and contemplated the theory of raiton, the next step would be to pushing the boundaries of it to better understand its functionality. Shinoskay still remembered the jutsu his cousin used and how it created 4 pillars that charged and would release an intense burst of lightning to harm all withing a great and wide radius. The part that interested Shinoskay was that the jutsu was used by sending lightning a decent distance before it would discharge its effects. Something like his cousins jutsu would be too slow, the concept of just sending Raiton out to immediately harm was much more effective and had the added benefit of not being at risk of getting destroyed before it could perform its function. Sure, his cousins jutsu was a good staged trap jutsu that if you timed it right then it would probably mess someone up pretty bad but you need straight attack jutsu too... Like surging Raiton through the ground to immediately burst out on an unsuspecting target

    Learned Telegram Flash

    Earned 120 xp

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit

    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    Jutsu training Empty Re: Jutsu training

    Post by Shinoskay Sun Oct 28, 2018 4:08 am

    Shinoskay had chakra in him for one more jutsu.

    He would clap his hands together, charging both Lightning release as he had done with young lightning, surging it through both hands before then turning his arms and body into a circuit rather then just his hands. It felt intense, it seemed more intense then young lightning, but yet it wasnt any more of a draw on his chakra system and this felt like it would be more useful. Who knows, maybe he will find a reason to use young lightning more.

    Once he had a decent circuit of Raiton chakra going, he would then form the monkey seal to mould the lightning release chakra as it passed through his hands and it would then begin to surge out to the rest of his body much light lightning rod. He could feel the Raiton charging his system and coursing through him, ready to be release upon any who dared try to harm him.

    Finally, once again, he focused all of the moulded Raiton into his hand, externalizing it again but instead of arrow he would form it into pure, raw, chakra. The great circuit and surge would all be drawn from him to this one point before he then would throw his hand out, casting the chakra out at a dummy target where it would strike and make a small charged mark. It didnt burst out like the arrow but he could see the intense surge did some significant damage... this jutsu was a lot more versatile in that it could be used for defense or offense as needed and options are always important.

    Lightning Release: Snake Thunder

    Lightning Release: Lightning Ball (123/150)
    Earned 135 experience

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit

    Posts : 183
    Join date : 2018-10-06

    Jutsu training Empty Re: Jutsu training

    Post by Shinoskay Sun Oct 28, 2018 4:17 am

    Now somewhat exhausted, having push himself till his unyielding will would allow no more, he would cough as he felt like his body was burning from all the electrical charges and how hard he pushed his body, he could almost feel smoke coming out with cough and so he would use what little energy he had left to go out and collect the litter from snacks, broken tools, and lost wood bits of the dummy's.

    The last jutsu stuck on his mind, it was curious to him how he could make a defensive jutsu into so offensive and the idea of launching pure raiton out seemed like a good weapon as he had speculated on earlier. A few good bursts was all well and good but he knew he would need to be able to send out waves of Raiton, rapid shots, and more then just AOE's. He needed to be able to pepper an area just as readily as he would need to blanket it because some foes could deflect or avoid a shot or two but it barraged they would find it difficult to manage or keep up even if they are fast.

    learned Lightning Release: Lightning Ball

    The training grounds wasnt terrible, and this particular part of the training grounds wasnt the most active or used. After about two or three bags of trashing he was able to haul off the rubbish, take in the dummy's so the cold and condensation wouldnt water log them, before double checking the area with his bee's before going home.

    150 exp
    10k ryo

    The ooc wrote:That ooc Shit

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